
スペイン電動二輪車市場:車両タイプ別(電動スクーター/モペッド、電動バイク)/電池容量別(<25Ah and >25Ah) 電池タイプ(鉛、リチウムイオン)別、企業別、地域別、予測・機会、2027年

スペイン電動二輪車市場:車両タイプ別(電動スクーター/モペッド、電動バイク)/電池容量別(<25Ah and >25Ah) 電池タイプ(鉛、リチウムイオン)別、企業別、地域別、予測・機会、2027年

Spain Electric Two-Wheeler Market, By Vehicle Type (Electric Scooter/Moped and Electric Motorcycle) By Battery Capacity (<25Ah and >25Ah) By Battery Type (Lead and Li-ion) By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2027

スペインの電動二輪車市場は、予測期間である2023年から2027年にかけて、安定したCAGRで成長すると予測されています。市場を牽引する要因としては、二輪車自動車を運転することによる経済的・環境的メリットに対... もっと見る



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TechSci Research
2022年8月1日 US$3,500
PDF:2営業日程度 77 英語



スペインの電動二輪車市場は、予測期間である2023年から2027年にかけて、安定したCAGRで成長すると予測されています。市場を牽引する要因としては、二輪車自動車を運転することによる経済的・環境的メリットに対する消費者の意識の高まりや、商業スペース全体に電気充電ステーションの設置を促進する政府の好意的な取り組みなどが挙げられます。また、電子商取引や物流業界からの二輪車に対する高い需要や、高い性能と燃料容量を持つ最新型の二輪車の導入により、今後数年間、スペインの電動二輪車市場の需要が高まると予想されています。スペインの電動二輪車市場は、車両タイプ、バッテリー容量、バッテリータイプ、地域分布、競争環境に基づいてセグメント化されています。バッテリーの種類に基づき、市場は鉛とリチウムイオンに分けられます。リチウムイオンセグメントは、予測期間である2023年から2027年の間、市場を支配すると予想されます。リチウムイオン電池が提供する、環境に優しい、高エネルギー密度、軽量コンパクト、低メンテナンスなどの利点が、このセグメントの需要を促進しています。スペイン電動二輪車市場の主要企業には、AIMA Technology Co., Ltd.、江蘇新理電子車両有限公司、浙江陸源電気車両、東莞泰陵電気車両有限公司、山東Incalu、Hero Electric Vehicles Pvt Ltd. 、沖縄オートテック株式会社、株式会社ゴゴロ、Zero Motorcycles, Inc. など調査の目的:。- 2017年から2021年までのスペイン電動二輪車市場規模の歴史的成長を分析すること●2023年から2027年までのスペイン電動二輪車市場規模および2027年までの成長率を予測・予想すること。- スペインの電動二輪車市場を車両タイプ、バッテリー容量、バッテリータイプ、地域、企業に基づいて分類、予測する。- スペインの電動二輪車における支配的な地域やセグメントを特定すること - スペインの電動二輪車の促進要因と課題を特定すること - スペインの電動二輪車における拡張、新製品発表、合併・買収などの競争開発を検証すること - スペインの電動二輪車で活動する主要企業のプロファイルを特定・分析すること - スペインの電動二輪車の市場企業が採用する主要持続的戦略を特定すること TechSci Researchはこの調査のために一次調査と徹底した二次調査の両方を実施しました。当初、TechSci Researchは世界中のメーカーのリストを入手した。その後、TechSci Researchは特定された企業に対して一次調査アンケートを実施した。インタビューしながら、回答者には競合他社についても質問しました。この手法により、TechSci Research は、二次調査の制限により特定できなかったメーカーを含めることができました。TechSci Research社は、世界中のすべての主要企業のメーカー、流通チャネル、存在を分析しています。TechSci Research社は、ボトムアップアプローチを用いてスペインの電動二輪車市場規模を算出し、さまざまなエンドユーザーセグメントのデータを記録して将来年の予測を行っています。TechSci Researchは、これらの値を業界の専門家や企業の代表者から入手し、適切で全体的な市場規模を得るためにこれらの製品タイプやアプリケーションの履歴データの分析を通じて外部で検証した。TechSci Researchでは、企業のウェブサイト、ニュース記事、プレスリリース、企業の年次報告書、投資家向けプレゼンテーション、財務報告書などの様々な二次資料も調査しました。主要対象者:-電動二輪車製造企業-市場調査およびコンサルティング企業-規制当局や政策立案者などの政府機関-電動二輪車市場関連の組織、フォーラム、提携この調査は、メーカー、サプライヤーおよびパートナー、エンドユーザなどの業界関係者にとって重要で、投資の戦略化や市場機会を生かす上でそれらを可能にする以外にいくつかの重要な質問に対する答えを提供する上で有用であると言えます。レポート範囲:本レポートでは、スペインの電動二輪車市場を、以下に詳述する業界動向に加えて、以下のカテゴリーに分類しています:- スペインの電動二輪車市場、車種別:電動スクーター/モペド 電動バイク- スペインの電動二輪車市場、バッテリー容量別:O<25Aho >25Ah- スペイン電動二輪車市場、電池タイプ別:o 鉛リチウムイオン- スペイン電動二輪車市場、地域別:o 中央地域北スペインマドリッド、エクストレマドゥーラ&カスティージャオ アラゴン&カタロニアオ アンダルシア、ムルシア&バレンシア競合状況企業プロファイル。カスタマイズ:TechSci Researchは与えられた市場データをもとに、企業特有のニーズに応じたカスタマイズを提供します。レポートでは以下のカスタマイズが可能です:企業情報-追加的な市場プレイヤーの詳細分析およびプロファイリング(最大5社)。



1. Product Overview 2. Research Methodology 3. Impact of COVID -19 on Spain Electric Two-Wheeler Market 4. Executive Summary 5. Voice of Customer 5.1. Brand Recall 5.2. Factors Influencing Purchase Decision 5.3. Influencer of Purchase 5.4. Brand Satisfaction Level 5.5. Challenges/Unmet Needs 6. Government Initiatives 7. Spain Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 7.1. Market Size & Forecast 7.1.1. By Value & Volume 7.2. Market Share & Forecast 7.2.1. By Vehicle Type (Electric Scooter/Moped and Electric Motorcycle) 7.2.2. By Battery Capacity (<25Ah and >25Ah) 7.2.3. By Battery Type (Lead and Li-ion) 7.2.4. By Region 7.2.5. By Company (2021) 7.3. Product Market Map (By Battery Type) 8. Spain Electric Scooter/Moped Market Outlook 8.1. Market Size & Forecast 8.1.1. By Value & Volume 8.2. Market Share & Forecast 8.2.1. By Battery Capacity 8.2.2. By Battery Type 8.3. Product Market Map (By Battery Type) 9. Spain Electric Motorcycle Market Outlook 9.1. Market Size & Forecast 9.1.1. By Value & Volume 9.2. Market Share & Forecast 9.2.1. By Battery Capacity 9.2.2. By Battery Type 9.3. Product Market Map (By Battery Type) 10. Market Dynamics 10.1. Drivers 10.2. Challenges 11. Policy & Regulatory Landscape 12. Market Trends & Developments 13. Charging Infrastructure 14. Spain Economic Profile 15. Product Benchmarking & Pricing Analysis 16. Qualitative Insights 17. Competitive Landscape 17.1. Company Profiles 17.1.1. Company Details Yadea Group Holdings Ltd. Products & Services Financials (As Reported) Key Market Focus & Geographical Presence Recent Developments Key Management Personnel AIMA Technology Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Xinri E-Vehicle Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Luyuan Electric Vehicle Dongguan Tailing Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. Shandong Incalcu Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. Hero Electric Vehicles Pvt Ltd. Okinawa Autotech Pvt. Ltd. Gogoro, Inc. Zero Motorcycles, Inc. 18. Strategic Recommendations





The Spain electric two-wheeler market is expected to witness growth at a steady CAGR during the forecast period, 2023-2027. The market is driven by factors such as the rise in consumer awareness of the economic and ecological benefits of driving a two-wheeler automobile and favorable government initiatives promoting the installation of electric charging stations across commercial spaces. Also, the high demand for two-wheelers from the e-commerce and logistics industry and the introduction of modern variants having high performance and fuel capacity are expected to boost the demand for the Spain electric two-wheeler market in the coming years. The Spain electric two-wheeler market is segmented on the basis of vehicle type, battery capacity, battery type, regional distribution, and competitive landscape. Based on battery type, the market is divided into lead and Li-ion. The lithium-ion segment is expected to dominate the market during the forecast period, 2023-2027. The advantages offered by lithium-ion batteries such as their eco-friendly nature, high energy density, lightweight and compactness, and low maintenance are driving the segment demand. Some of the key players in the Spain electric two-wheeler market are AIMA Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Xinri E-Vehicle Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Luyuan Electric Vehicle, Dongguan Tailing Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd., Shandong Incalcu, Hero Electric Vehicles Pvt Ltd., Okinawa Autotech Pvt. Ltd., Gogoro, Inc., Zero Motorcycles, Inc., and others. Objective of the Study: • To analyze the historical growth of the market size of Spain electric two-wheeler from 2017 to 2021. • To estimate and forecast the market size of Spain electric two-wheeler market from 2023 to 2027 and growth rate until 2027. • To classify and forecast Spain electric two-wheeler market based on vehicle type, battery capacity, battery type, region, and company. • To identify dominant region or segment in the Spain electric two-wheeler. • To identify drivers and challenges for Spain electric two-wheeler. • To examine competitive developments such as expansions, new product launches, mergers & acquisitions, etc., in Spain electric two-wheeler. • To identify and analyze the profile of leading players operating in Spain electric two-wheeler. • To identify key sustainable strategies adopted by market players in Spain electric two-wheeler market. TechSci Research performed both primary as well as exhaustive secondary research for this study. Initially, TechSci Research sourced a list of manufacturers across the globe. Subsequently, TechSci Research conducted primary research surveys with the identified companies. While interviewing, the respondents were also enquired about their competitors. Through this technique, TechSci Research could include the manufacturers which could not be identified due to the limitations of secondary research. TechSci Research analyzed the manufacturers, distribution channels and presence of all major players across the globe. TechSci Research calculated the market size of Spain electric two-wheeler market using a bottom-up approach, wherein data for various end-user segments was recorded and forecast for the future years. TechSci Research sourced these values from the industry experts and company representatives and externally validated through analyzing historical data of these product types and applications for getting an appropriate, overall market size. Various secondary sources such as company websites, news articles, press releases, company annual reports, investor presentations and financial reports were also studied by TechSci Research. Key Target Audience: • Electric two-wheeler manufacturing companies • Market research and consulting firms • Government bodies such as regulating authorities and policy makers • Organizations, forums and alliances related to electric two-wheeler market The study is useful in providing answers to several critical questions that are important for the industry stakeholders such as manufacturers, suppliers and partners, end users, etc., besides allowing them in strategizing investments and capitalizing on market opportunities. Report Scope: In this report, Spain electric two-wheeler market has been segmented into following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: • Spain Electric Two-Wheeler Market, By Vehicle Type: o Electric Scooter/Moped o Electric Motorcycle • Spain Electric Two-Wheeler Market, By Battery Capacity: o <25Ah o >25Ah • Spain Electric Two-Wheeler Market, By Battery Type: o Lead o Li-ion • Spain Electric Two-Wheeler Market, By Region: o Central Region North Spain o Madrid, Extremadura & Castilla o Aragon & Catalonia o Andalusia, Murcia & Valencia Competitive Landscape Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in Spain electric two-wheeler market. Available Customizations: With the given market data, TechSci Research offers customizations according to a company’s specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report: Company Information • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).


Table of Contents

1. Product Overview 2. Research Methodology 3. Impact of COVID -19 on Spain Electric Two-Wheeler Market 4. Executive Summary 5. Voice of Customer 5.1. Brand Recall 5.2. Factors Influencing Purchase Decision 5.3. Influencer of Purchase 5.4. Brand Satisfaction Level 5.5. Challenges/Unmet Needs 6. Government Initiatives 7. Spain Electric Two-Wheeler Market Outlook 7.1. Market Size & Forecast 7.1.1. By Value & Volume 7.2. Market Share & Forecast 7.2.1. By Vehicle Type (Electric Scooter/Moped and Electric Motorcycle) 7.2.2. By Battery Capacity (<25Ah and >25Ah) 7.2.3. By Battery Type (Lead and Li-ion) 7.2.4. By Region 7.2.5. By Company (2021) 7.3. Product Market Map (By Battery Type) 8. Spain Electric Scooter/Moped Market Outlook 8.1. Market Size & Forecast 8.1.1. By Value & Volume 8.2. Market Share & Forecast 8.2.1. By Battery Capacity 8.2.2. By Battery Type 8.3. Product Market Map (By Battery Type) 9. Spain Electric Motorcycle Market Outlook 9.1. Market Size & Forecast 9.1.1. By Value & Volume 9.2. Market Share & Forecast 9.2.1. By Battery Capacity 9.2.2. By Battery Type 9.3. Product Market Map (By Battery Type) 10. Market Dynamics 10.1. Drivers 10.2. Challenges 11. Policy & Regulatory Landscape 12. Market Trends & Developments 13. Charging Infrastructure 14. Spain Economic Profile 15. Product Benchmarking & Pricing Analysis 16. Qualitative Insights 17. Competitive Landscape 17.1. Company Profiles 17.1.1. Company Details Yadea Group Holdings Ltd. Products & Services Financials (As Reported) Key Market Focus & Geographical Presence Recent Developments Key Management Personnel AIMA Technology Co., Ltd. Jiangsu Xinri E-Vehicle Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Luyuan Electric Vehicle Dongguan Tailing Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. Shandong Incalcu Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. Hero Electric Vehicles Pvt Ltd. Okinawa Autotech Pvt. Ltd. Gogoro, Inc. Zero Motorcycles, Inc. 18. Strategic Recommendations





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