デジタルリテールテクノロジー :2020-2025年に向けての採用、導入、戦略DIGITAL RETAIL TECHNOLOGIES : ADOPTION, IMPLEMENTATION & STRATEGY 2020-2025 ジュニパーリサーチの新刊「デジタルリテールテクノロジー」は、新しいデジタル戦略の導入によって小売市場がどのように破壊されているかを詳細に検証しています。レポートでは、スマートレジ、RFID、ビーコン... もっと見る
Strategy & Forecasts (PDF)
5-Year Deep Dive Data & Forecasting (PDF/IFxl)
AI 小売業での利用 分析小売市場におけるAIの導入拡大とその見通しについて、3つの主要分野を含めて幅広く分析しています。
ジュニパー・リサーチ AI in Retail Vendor Positioning Index:小売業におけるAIベンダー15社のキープレイヤー能力とキャパシティ評価。
Juniper Research Retailer Technological Innovation Index:大手小売企業15社を対象に、テクノロジーの活用状況を評価しています。
Benchmark Industry Forecasts:以下のセグメントにおける導入数と売上高の予測。
Aeon, Aldi, Amazon, Auchan, Best Buy, Carrefour, Costco, Home Depot, IKEA, JD.com, Lidl, Target, Tesco, Waitrose, Walmart.
Juniper Research AI in Retail Vendor Positioning Indexに含まれるもの。Adobe、Amazon、Cortexica Vision Systems、Evolv、Google、IBM、Intel、Microsoft、Oracle、Relex、Salesforce、SAP、Slyce、ToolsGroup、ViSenze。
言及しています。Alibaba, Alphabet, Amazon Echo, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amplifon, Apple, Aston Martin, Azure, Bed Bath & Beyond, Body Labs, Bossa Nova Robotics, Cash Converters, Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company, CPG, CRX (Collaborative Retail Exchange), eBay, Fabletics, Gap, Headspace, Imperial College London, Information Resources, Inc.(IRI)、Intelligence Retail、Jet、Kroger、Lennox、M&S、Macy's、Natuzzi Italia、O2、On The Spot、One Door、Pentium、Pottery Barn、Pricer、Publix、Sainsbury's、SilverCloud、SoftBank、Symphony Retail AI、Telefonica、Tencent、Tommy Hilfiger
1.デジタルリテールテクノロジーKey Takeaways & Strategic Recommendations
1.1 Key Takeaways .5
1.2 Strategic Recommendations .6
2. Retail Technology Marketplace
2.1 Introduction.8
2.2 Future In-store Retail Technologies .8
2.3 In-store Retailの現状.9
2.3.1 Common Technologies .9
Figure 1.1:店舗内小売技術 .9
i. スマートチェックアウト .9
ii.ビーコン .10
iii.RFID .11
iv.ロボット .12
図 1.2: ソフトバンクロボティクスの Pepper .12
v. スマートミラー .13
2.4 小売企業の技術革新指標 .13
表 2.4: 小売企業の技術革新指標の採点基準の定義 .14
表 2.5: 小売企業の技術革新指標の採点 .14
図 & 表 2.6: 小売企業の技術革新指標 ?Phased Evolution
Model .15
図 1.6: Juniper Research Retailer Technology Innovation Index.16
2.4.1 Retail Positioning Index の解説 .17
i. Walmart .17
ii.カルフール .18
v. JD.com.20
vi.ターゲット・コーポレーション .20
vii.Waitrose (ウェイトローズ) .21
ix.リドル(Lidl) .22
x. テスコ.23
3.1 はじめに.27
3.1.1 定義。小売業におけるAIとは何か .27
図2.1:小売業におけるAIスキル .28
3.2.1 CV.29
i. AR & VR .29
3.2.2 ロボット .30
3.2.3 NLP.30
i. 店頭ロボット .30
ii.店頭バーチャルアシスタント .30
iii.Chatbots .30
3.2.4 Sensors.31
3.3 Status of AI in Retail.31
3.3.1 Personalisation and Marketing.31
i. Personalised Website Content.32
ii.パーソナライズされた製品の推奨 .32
iv.AR .32
3.3.2 顧客サービス .33
3.3.3 需要予測 .33
3.4 小売業におけるAIベンダーのポジショニング・インデックス .34
表 2.4: AI in Retail Vendor Positioning Index Score Criteria Definitions .34
表 2.5: AI in Retail Vendor Positioning Index Scores .35
Figure & Table 2.6: AI in Retail Vendor Positioning Index ?Phased Evolution Model .35
図2.4: Juniper Research AI in Retail Vendor Positioning Index.36
3.4.1 AI in Retail Vendor Positioning Indexの解説.37
i. Adobe .37
ii.アマゾン .37
iii.Cortexica Vision Systems.38
v. Google .39
vi.IBM .39 vi.40
vii.インテル .41
ix.オラクル .42
x. リレックス.43
xi.Salesforce .43
4. 将来の小売技術。Market Forecasts
4.1 Introduction.48
4.1.1 Future In-store Retail Technologies Methodology &
4.1.2 AI in Retail Methodology & Assumptions .48
Figure 3.1:AI小売サービス予測手法 .50
図 3.2: 小売業向け RFID/ビーコン予測手法 .51
図3.3:51 図 3.3: 小売業のデジタルサイネージ予測手法 .52
図3.4:52 図 3.4: 小売業向けスマートチェックアウト予測手法 .53
図3.5:53 図 3.5: 小売業向けロボット予測手法.54
図3.6:54 図 3.6: 小売業のチェックアウト・アプリの予測手法 .55
4.2 小売業におけるAI予測 .56
4.2.1 機械学習サービスを利用している小売業者 .56
図及び表3.7:機械学習 サービスにアクセスしている接続小売業者の総数(m)、
8つの主要地域別に分けた場合、2020-2025年 .56
4.2.2 サプライチェーンの需要予測における機械学習 .57
図 & 表 3.8:需要予測のための機械学習に対する小売企業の総支出額($m)、
2020-2025年に主要8地域で分割 .57
4.2.3 カスタマーサービス&センチメント・アナリティクスにおける機械学習.58
図 & 表 3.9:機械学習による顧客支援
2020-2025年に主要8地域で分割 .58
4.2.4 自動マーケティングソリューションにおける機械学習 .59
4.2.5 小売業の機械学習支出総額 60
図 & 表3 .11:小売業の機械学習支出総額(単位:百万ドル)、主要8地域別、
2020-2025年 .60
4.3 店舗内テクノロジー .61
4.3.1 Bluetoothビーコンの設置台数 .61
図 & 表 3.12:小売業におけるBluetoothビーコンの総使用量(m)、
4.3.2 RFIDの設置ベース .62
図 & 表 3.13:小売業におけるRFIDタグの総使用量(m)、
2020-2025年に主要地域別に分割 .62
4.3.3 小売業におけるロボットの設置ベース .63
図& 表 3.14:小売店舗におけるロボット数、 年あたりの設置台数(千台)、
主要 8 地域別 2020-2025 .63
4.3.4 デジタルサイネージ設置台数.64
4.3.5 スマートレジの設置台数 .65
図 ・
4.3.6 Checkout Apps Transaction Value .66
図& 表 3.17:Total Retail Machine Learning Spend ($m), Split by 8 Key
Regions 2020-2025.66
Report Description
Juniper Research’s new Digital Retail Technologies research report provides a detailed examination on how the retail market is being disrupted by the introduction of new digital strategies. The report focuses on the technologies being used to disrupt the established business models in brick-and-mortar retail, including the use of smart checkouts, RFID, beacons and others. The report also includes an extensive analysis of how AI is being leveraged in the retail market, to enable improved customer experiences and greater retailer efficiency.
The research report also positions AI vendors via a Juniper Research Positioning Index; providing a key resource when considering the AI in retail market. This is complemented by a Juniper Research Positioning Index for retailers; showing the extent to which the world’s largest retailers are embracing new technology. This is accompanied by an extensive forecast suite, which analyses in depth the adoption of technologies across a high number of countries and segments.
This research suite comprises:
Strategy & Forecasts (PDF)
5-Year Deep Dive Data & Forecasting (PDF/IFxl)
12 months' access to harvest online data platform
Future Retail Technologies Market Dynamics: Detailed analysis of the current state of technological adoption in the retail market and future outlook; examining technologies including:
AI Use in Retail Analysis: Extensive analysis of the increasing adoption and prospects for the use of AI in the retail market, including three main areas:
Juniper Research AI in Retail Vendor Positioning Index: Key player capability and capacity assessment for 15 AI in retail vendors:
Juniper Research Retailer Technological Innovation Index: 15 leading retailers positioned on their use of technology.
Benchmark Industry Forecasts: Forecasts for adoption and revenue provided across the following segments:
Included in Juniper Research Retailer Technological Innovation Index: Aeon, Aldi, Amazon, Auchan, Best Buy, Carrefour, Costco, Home Depot, IKEA, JD.com, Lidl, Target, Tesco, Waitrose, Walmart.
Included in Juniper Research AI in Retail Vendor Positioning Index: Adobe, Amazon, Cortexica Vision Systems, Evolv, Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, Relex, Salesforce, SAP, Slyce, ToolsGroup, ViSenze.
Mentioned: Alibaba, Alphabet, Amazon Echo, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amplifon, Apple, Aston Martin, Azure, Bed Bath & Beyond, Body Labs, Bossa Nova Robotics, Cash Converters, Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company, CPG, CRX (Collaborative Retail Exchange), eBay, Fabletics, Gap, Headspace, Imperial College London, Information Resources, Inc. (IRI), Intelligence Retail, Jet, Kroger, Lennox, M&S, Macy’s, Natuzzi Italia, O2, On The Spot, One Door, Pentium, Pottery Barn, Pricer, Publix, Sainsbury’s, SilverCloud, SoftBank, Symphony Retail AI, Telefonica, Tencent, Tommy Hilfiger.
Juniper Research’s Digital Retail Technologies forecast suite includes:
Forecast splits for 8 key regions, as well as 19 country-level data splits for:
Interactive Scenario Tool allowing users to manipulate Juniper Research’s data for 10 different metrics.
Access to the full set of forecast data of 74 tables and more than 15,000 datapoints.
Juniper Research’s highly granular IFxls (interactive Excels) enable clients to manipulate our forecast data and charts to test their own assumptions, by using the Interactive Scenario Tool, and compare select markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase clients’ ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.
Regions:8 Key Regions - includes North America, Latin America, West Europe, Central & East Europe, Far East & China, Indian Subcontinent, Rest of Asia Pacific and Africa & Middle East
Countries:Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA
Table of Contents
1. Digital Retail Technologies: Key Takeaways &
Strategic Recommendations
1.1 Key Takeaways .5
1.2 Strategic Recommendations .6
2. The Retail Technology Marketplace
2.1 Introduction.8
2.2 Future In-store Retail Technologies .8
2.3 Current Status of In-store Retail.9
2.3.1 Common Technologies .9
Figure 1.1: In-store Retail Technologies .9
i. Smart Checkouts .9
ii. Beacons.10
iii. RFID .11
iv. Robotics.12
Figure 1.2: Pepper from SoftBank Robotics.12
v. Smart Mirrors.13
2.4 Retailer Technological Innovation Index.13
Table 2.4: Retailer Technology Innovation Index Scoring Criteria Definitions.14
Table 2.5: Retailer Technology Innovation Index Scoring .14
Figure & Table 2.6: Retailer Technology Innovation Index ? Phased Evolution
Model .15
Figure 1.6: Juniper Research Retailer Technology Innovation Index.16
2.4.1 Retail Positioning Index Commentary .17
i. Walmart . 17
ii. Carrefour. 18
iii. Amazon. 19
iv. Costco. 19
v. JD.com. 20
vi. Target Corporation . 20
vii. Waitrose . 21
viii. Aldi Group. 22
ix. Lidl . 22
x. Tesco. 23
xi. Best Buy. 23
xii. IKEA. 24
xiii. Home Depot . 24
xiv. Aeon. 24
xv. Auchan. 25
3. AI in Retail: Market Disruption
3.1 Introduction.27
3.1.1 Definition: What Is AI in Retail? .27
Figure 2.1: AI Skills in Retail . 28
Figure 2.2: Types of AI. 28
3.2 Different Technologies Used.29
3.2.1 CV.29
i. AR & VR . 29
3.2.2 Robotics .30
3.2.3 NLP.30
i. In-store Robots .30
ii. In-store Virtual Assistants .30
iii. Chatbots .30
3.2.4 Sensors.31
3.3 Status of AI in Retail.31
3.3.1 Personalisation and Marketing.31
i. Personalised Website Content.32
ii. Personalised Product Recommendations.32
iii. Visual Search.32
iv. AR .32
3.3.2 Customer Service .33
Figure 2.3: Number of Retail Messenger App Chatbots Accessed per Annum (m),
Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025.33
3.3.3 Demand Forecasting .33
3.4 AI in Retail Vendor Positioning Index.34
Table 2.4: AI in Retail Vendor Positioning Index Score Criteria Definitions .34
Table 2.5: AI in Retail Vendor Positioning Index Scores .35
Figure & Table 2.6: AI in Retail Vendor Positioning Index ? Phased Evolution
Model .35
Figure 2.4: Juniper Research AI in Retail Vendor Positioning Index.36
3.4.1 AI in Retail Vendor Positioning Index Commentary.37
i. Adobe.37
ii. Amazon .37
iii. Cortexica Vision Systems.38
iv. Evolv.39
v. Google . 39
vi. IBM . 40
vii. Intel . 41
viii. Microsoft. 41
ix. Oracle . 42
x. Relex. 43
xi. Salesforce . 43
xii. SAP. 44
xiii. Slyce. 45
xiv. ToolsGroup. 45
xv. ViSenze. 46
4. Future Retail Technologies: Market Forecasts
4.1 Introduction.48
4.1.1 Future In-store Retail Technologies Methodology &
4.1.2 AI in Retail Methodology & Assumptions .48
Figure 3.1: AI Retail Services Forecast Methodology . 50
Figure 3.2: Retail RFID/Beacons Forecast Methodology . 51
Figure 3.3: Retail Digital Signage Forecast Methodology . 52
Figure 3.4: Retail Smart Checkouts Forecast Methodology. 53
Figure 3.5: Retail Robots Forecast Methodology. 54
Figure 3.6: Retail Checkout Apps Forecast Methodology . 55
4.2 AI in Retail Forecasts .56
4.2.1 Retailers Using Machine Learning Services .56
Figure & Table 3.7: Total Connected Retailers Accessing Machine Learning
Services (m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025 .56
4.2.2 Machine Learning in Supply Chain Demand Forecasting.57
Figure & Table 3.8: Total Retailer Spend on Machine Learning for Demand
Forecasting ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions 2020-2025 .57
4.2.3 Machine Learning in Customer Service & Sentiment Analytics.58
Figure & Table 3.9: Total Retailer Spend on Machine Learning Assisted Customer
Service & Sentiment Analytics ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions 2020-2025.58
4.2.4 Machine Learning in Automated Marketing Solutions.59
Figure & Table 3.10: Total Spend by Retailers Using AI-based Automated
Marketing Services ($m), Split by 8 Key Regions, 2020-2025.59
4.2.5 Total Retail Machine Learning Spend.60
Figure & Table 3.11: Total Retail Machine Learning Spend ($m), Split by 8 Key
Regions 2020-2025 .60
4.3 In-store Retail Technology .61
4.3.1 Bluetooth Beacons Installed Base.61
Figure & Table 3.12: Total Retail Bluetooth Beacons in Service (m),Split by 8 Key
Regions 2020-2025 .61
4.3.2 RFID Installed Base .62
Figure & Table 3.13: Total RFID Tags in Service in Retail (m), Split by 8 Key
Regions 2020-2025 .62
4.3.3 Retail Robots Installed Base.63
Figure & Table 3.14: Number of Robots in Retail Outlets, Installed Base per
annum (,000s), Split by 8 Key Regions 2020-2025 .63
4.3.4 Digital Signage Installed Base.64
Figure & Table 3.15: Global Number of Installed Digital Signs, ESL & Large
Display (m), Split by 8 Key Regions 2020-2025.64
4.3.5 Smart Checkouts Installed Base .65
Figure & Table 3.16: Total Retail Machine Learning Spend ($m), Split by 8 Key
Regions 2020-2025. 65
4.3.6 Checkout Apps Transaction Value .66
Figure & Table 3.17: Total Retail Machine Learning Spend ($m), Split by 8 Key
Regions 2020-2025. 66
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