
Additive Manufacturing with Nickel Alloys 2019

Additive Manufacturing with Nickel Alloys 2019

ニッケル合金による付加製造 2019年

米国調査会社スマーテックマーケッツパブリッシング(SmarTech Markets Publishing)の調査レポート 「ニッケル合金による付加製造 2019年」 は、ニッケルによる付加製造産業の粉末材料の出荷数と収益、材料... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
Additive Manufacturing Research(旧SmarTech Analysis)
2019年4月29日 US$3,495
2営業日程度 英語



米国調査会社スマーテックマーケッツパブリッシング(SmarTech Markets Publishing)の調査レポート「ニッケル合金による付加製造 2019年」は、ニッケルによる付加製造産業の粉末材料の出荷数と収益、材料価格予測、地域毎の需要データ、アトマイズド金属粉末、ニッケル印刷のハードウェアのビジネスチャンスなどの詳細なデータセットをエンドユーザ産業毎、地域毎、特定の金属付加製造印刷技術グループ毎に提供している。このデータベースは、ニッケル付加製造企業に詳細な情報を提供し、既存のモデルや社内の開発トラッキングプログラムへのカスタム統合を可能にする。

Nickel alloys are some of the most widely used materials for applications with an extreme operating environment, making them commonly found in industries and applications in which metal additive manufacturing techniques are already being explored and applied. This is a net advantage for the development of the nickel-AM market, because the historical use of metal AM techniques like laser powder bed fusion have been, for the most part, relegated to high performance, high value components due to the cost structure of the technologies. Unsurprisingly, this has made additively manufactured nickel alloys a staple in the aerospace industry, where they are used for a multitude of potential use cases related to high temperature, corrosive environments in aircraft engines.

The early research and developments for nickel superalloys for aerospace engine components was also successfully ported to other industries where similar turbomachinery applications require performance similar to jet engines, especially in power generation for oil and gas and general energy markets, making materials like Hastelloy some of the most widely printed materials today.

This market outlook database is part of a new resource series from SmarTech, the leading provider of industry data and market analysis services to the additive manufacturing industry. Purchasers receive a detailed dataset that comprises all of SmarTech’s key nickel additive manufacturing metrics, including powder material shipments and revenues, material pricing estimates, geographic demand data, powder atomization metrics, and hardware opportunities associated with nickel printing, all cut by end user industries, geographies, and specific metal AM print technology group. The database provides nickel AM companies the most diverse resource of market data available specific to their needs, allowing for custom integration into existing models or internal business development tracking programs.

In addition, an accompanying document is also provided to give purchasers context and assumptions behind the data, and the latest trends which are influencing and shaping the associated market forecasts provided in the dataset.


Table of Contents

Chapter One: About this Report

1.1 Methodology
1.2 Introduction to Nickel Additive Manufacturing

Chapter Two: Market Opportunity Summary and Nickel Additive Manufacturing Outlook

2.1 Nickel Additive Manufacturing in Context with Overall Metal AM
2.1.1 Competitive Structuring of Nickel AM Powder and Technology Market
2.2 Nickel Additive Manufacturing Trends by Print Technology Family

Chapter Three: Market Data for Additively Manufactured Nickel Powders

3.1 Shipments of AM Nickel Powders and Forecast
3.1.1 By Consuming Print Technology in Primary Geographic Regions
3.1.2 By End-user Market in Primary Geographic Regions
3.1.3 Forecasted Global Shipments of Nickel Alloys by Specific Alloy Category in Key End-user Markets
3.2 Resulting Revenue Opportunities for Nickel AM Powders
3.2.1 Pricing Trends and Outlook for AM Nickel Powders
3.2.2 Revenues by Consuming Print Technologies in Primary Geographic Regions
3.2.3 Revenues by End User Market and Key Geographic Region

Chapter Four: Specialty Market Data Related to Nickel AM

4.1 Nickel Powder Shipments and Forecasted Powder Demand by Production Type and Powder Characteristics
4.1.1 Shipments by Particle Size Distribution Group
4.2 Analysis of Metal AM Hardware Opportunities Resulting from Demand for Steel Printing

Figures Provided in Accompanying Database

Printed Cubic Inch Output Comparison - All Metal AM Materials 2014-2027(e)
Total Shipments Comparison - All Metal AM Materials 2014-2027(e)
Shipments of Nickel Alloys by Market Global 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Shipments by Technology - Global 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Shipments by Region & Technology - North America 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Shipments by Region & Technology - Europe 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Shipments by Region & Technology - Asia Pacific 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Shipments by Region & Technology - Greater China 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Shipments by Region & Technology - Rest of World 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Shipments by Region & Market - North America 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Shipments by Region & Market - Europe 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Shipments by Region & Market - Asia Pacific 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Shipments by Region & Market - Greater China 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Shipments by Region & Market - Rest of World 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Shipments by Primary Atomization Source 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Plasma Atomization Shipments by Particle Size Distribution 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Gas Atomization Shipments by Particle Size Distribution 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Other Atomization Method Shipments by Particle Size Distribution 2014-2027(e)
Total Revenues Comparison - All Metal AM Materials 2014-2027(e)
Revenues of Nickel Alloys by Market Global 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Revenues by Technology - Global 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Revenues by Region & Technology - North America 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Revenues by Region & Technology - Europe 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Revenues by Region & Technology - Asia Pacific 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Revenues by Region & Technology - Greater China 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Revenues by Region & Technology - Rest of World 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Revenues by Region & Market - North America 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Revenues by Region & Market - Europe 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Revenues by Region & Market - Asia Pacific 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Revenues by Region & Market - Greater China 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Revenues by Region & Market - Rest of World 2014-2027(e)
Nickel Alloys Average Powder Price by Print Technology 2014-2027(e)
Metal AM Powder Price Comparison - Global 2014-2027(e)
Total Nickel Alloys Shipments by Nickel Alloys Subcategory - Aerospace 2014-2027(e)
Total Nickel Alloys Shipments by Nickel Alloys Subcategory - Automotive 2014-2027(e)
Total Nickel Alloys Shipments by Nickel Alloys Subcategory - Medical 2014-2027(e)
Total Nickel Alloys Shipments by Nickel Alloys Subcategory - Dental 2014-2027(e)
Total Nickel Alloys Shipments by Nickel Alloys Subcategory - Service Bureaus 2014-2027(e)
Total Nickel Alloys Shipments by Nickel Alloys Subcategory - Jewelry 2014-2027(e)
Total Nickel Alloys Shipments by Nickel Alloys Subcategory - Oil & Gas 2014-2027(e)
Total Nickel Alloys Shipments by Nickel Alloys Subcategory - Energy 2014-2027(e)
Total Nickel Alloys Shipments by Nickel Alloys Subcategory - Other Industries 2014-2027(e)
Total Addressable Market Nickel Alloys AM Hardware Market by Print Technology 2014-2027(e)
Total Annual Equipment Sales Nickel Alloys AM Hardware Market by Print Technology 2014-2027(e)





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