
2020 Additive Manufacturing Market Outlook and Summary of Opportunities

2020 Additive Manufacturing Market Outlook and Summary of Opportunities

付加製造(積層造形)の市場概観とビジネスチャンスのサマリー 2020年

米国調査会社スマーテックアナリシス(SmarTech Analysis)の調査レポート 「付加製造(積層造形)の市場概観とビジネスチャンスのサマリー 2020年」 は、今後の付加製造(積層造形)の市場分析、... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
Additive Manufacturing Research(旧SmarTech Analysis)
2019年12月16日 US$5,500
2営業日程度 英語



米国調査会社スマーテックアナリシス(SmarTech Analysis)の調査レポート「付加製造(積層造形)の市場概観とビジネスチャンスのサマリー 2020年」は、今後の付加製造(積層造形)の市場分析、予測、概観を記載している。ビジネスチャンスの分析、幅広い産業の戦略的導入、ティア1産業アナリストによる今後の市場の概観などの情報源である。

SmarTech Analysis’ 2020 Additive Manufacturing Market Outlook and Summary of Opportunities is the industry’s premier collection of market analysis, forecasting and outlook for the coming year and beyond.  This report is the foundation for any firm looking for a one stop source of

Analysis of the market opportunities, not just a published record of activity

Strategic implications for the broader industry

Outlook for the coming year provided by Tier 1 industry analysts

Additive manufacturing technologies have continued to be the focus of a growing group of diverse companies, from multinational technology companies, to the global chemical community, to fast growing startups backed by huge investments. Efforts of these companies have seen very different levels of success throughout 2019 as the market of end users is now in an outright technology pull scenario after having buying in to the last several years of messaging from leading solutions providers. Although the gap is closing between the promise of additive manufacturing and the current realities of its implementation for many users, as evidenced by the slew of advanced services and solutions on display at the latest industry formnext conference, manufacturers are still unable to rapidly scale up usage of AM in many industries. Luckily, the sphere of AM solutions providers and researchers has continued to expand, with leading providers now able to market a variety of truly manufacturing-oriented solutions alongside a deep roster of partners to help address key challenges during the processing chain.

This 2020 additive manufacturing market outlook report serves as a singular resource for stakeholders with a broad, multidisciplinary interest in additive manufacturing to get up-to-speed with only the most important market-driving trends, insights, and data for their strategy and operational teams. Not only does this report provide an enormous amount of detailed industry data, it also provides a high value look at what SmarTech analysts expect to potentially move the needle in 2020, along with an insightful report on the current dynamics influencing the industry by sub-segment, giving readers the ultimate market intelligence resource for additive manufacturing available in a single package.
Forecast metrics presented include:
  • printer installations, revenues, and unit sales by print technology in primary tracked industries, as well as geographical metrics
  • hardware vendor shares by print technology worldwide
  • global hardware metrics split by printer classification (low cost/prosumer units used professionally versus high end industrial machines)
  • material shipments and resulting revenues by print technology and material family and geography additive manufacturing software revenues by software type
  • additive manufacturing parts printing services revenues by industry and primary material family

All presented data includes forecast projections on a ten year period.

Printer manufacturers, providers of print solutions and services, and potential print technology and component developers will find this unprecedented access to a wide variety of SmarTech market data and review of key annual findings critical to planning future initiatives in the 3D printing industry for 2020 and beyond.

The Smartech 2020 additive manufacturing market outlook is a must add to any research collection serious AM companies possess.



Table of Contents

Chapter One: Review of Current Market Dynamics Impacting the Additive Manufacturing Market

1.1 Growth Dynamics in AM by Quarter in 2019

1.2 Two Tiered Market Scenario for Additive Manufacturing and It’s Impacts

Chapter Two: State of Additive Manufacturing by Key End User Markets

2.1 Aerospace

2.2 Healthcare Markets – Medical and Dental

2.3 Consumer Goods – Footwear, Eyewear, Jewelry, and More

2.4 Oil and Gas

2.5 Automotive

2.6 State of Additive Manufacturing and its Impacts on Other Industries

2.6.1 Industrial Lasers

2.6.2 Ancillary Industrial Solutions – Post Processing

2.7 Industrial Goods & Tooling

Chapter Three: Review of Key Trends from 2019 – Expected and Unexpected Developments

Chapter Four: 2020 AM Market Predictions and Outlook





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