
トルコのコールドチェーン物流 - 市場シェア分析、産業動向と統計、2019年~2029年の成長予測

トルコのコールドチェーン物流 - 市場シェア分析、産業動向と統計、2019年~2029年の成長予測

Turkey Cold Chain Logistics - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts 2019 - 2029

トルコのコールドチェーン物流市場規模は2024年に19億4,000万米ドルと推定され、2029年には27億2,000万米ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間中(2024年~2029年)の年平均成長率は7.03%で推移すると予測されてい... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Mordor Intelligence
2024年2月17日 US$4,750
お問合わせください 120 英語






  • COVID-19パンデミックはコールドチェーン物流業界に好影響を与えた。包装された食品や飲料の人気が高まり、温度管理された倉庫の需要が増加したため、コールドチェーンの拡大に貢献した。さらに、全国的なワクチン供給需要も市場を押し上げる上で重要な役割を果たしている。
  • ヨーロッパ、中東、アジアを結ぶトルコの戦略的位置は、理想的な輸送と物流のハブとなっている。トルコの冷蔵倉庫容量は世界第8位である。Global Cold Chain Allianceによると、2021年のトルコの冷蔵倉庫の平均規模は約729立方メートルであった。トルコの冷蔵倉庫市場発展指数(2021年)は0.242であり、中位の指数国の中では高かった。
  • コールドチェーン・ロジスティクスの成長を牽引しているのは、乳製品、魚、肉といった食品の需要であり、食品全体の売上高に占めるこれらの製品の割合は35%に達している。その他の要因としては、コールドチェーンのインフラ整備に向けた政府の取り組みが挙げられる。










この業界はプレーヤーが少なく、他国にも進出している組織化された企業が大部分を占めている。Havi Logistics、Ekol、Polar Logistics、DHL、Emran Logisticsがトルコのコールドチェーン物流市場に足場を築いている。トルコのコールドチェーン物流市場では、国内外市場での需要の高まりから、付加価値サービスを提供する事業者の数が徐々に増加している。このため、コールドチェーン企業は、顧客にエンド・ツー・エンドのサービスを提供することのメリットを実感している。各社はすでに付加価値サービスを顧客に提供し始めており、サービス範囲の拡大を計画している。


  • エクセル形式の市場推定(ME)シート
  • 3ヶ月のアナリスト・サポート



1 はじめに
1.1 調査の前提と市場定義
1.2 市場の範囲

2 調査方法

3 エグゼクティブサマリー

4 市場の洞察
4.1 現在の市場シナリオ
4.2 市場のダイナミクス
4.2.1 推進要因
4.2.2 抑制要因
4.2.3 機会
4.3 産業の魅力 - ポーターのファイブフォース分析
4.4 政府の取り組みと規制
4.5 冷蔵倉庫の技術動向と自動化
4.6 消費者のライフスタイルの変化がコールドチェーン物流に与える影響
4.7 COVID-19 が市場に与える影響

5 市場区分
5.1 サービス別
5.1.1 保管
5.1.2 輸送
5.1.3 付加価値サービス(ブラスト冷凍、ラベリング、在庫管理など)
5.2 温度別
5.2.1 チルド
5.2.2 冷凍
5.3 エンドユーザー別
5.3.1 乳製品(牛乳、バター、チーズ、アイスクリームなど)
5.3.2 製薬・ライフサイエンス
5.3.3 化学製品
5.3.4 農業
5.3.5 魚、肉、シーフード
5.3.6 製パン・製菓
5.3.7 その他のエンドユーザー

6 競争環境
6.1 市場集中の概要
6.2 企業プロフィール
6.2.1 ハヴィ物流
6.2.2 郵船ロジスティクス
6.2.3 PolarXP Logistics
6.2.4 DHLロジスティクス
6.2.5 エコル・トルコ
6.2.6 アジリティ・ロジスティクス
6.2.7 ブーメラン・ロジスティクス
6.2.8 UPSロジスティクス
6.2.9 MAERSK Logistics
6.2.10 Fasdat Gida Dagitm Logistics* (ファスダット・ギダ・ダギトム・ロジスティクス

7 市場の将来性

8 付録
8.1 資本の流れに関する洞察
8.2 対外貿易統計-輸出と輸入(製品別、国別
8.3 輸送・保管部門の経済への貢献





The Turkey Cold Chain Logistics Market size is estimated at USD 1.94 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 2.72 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 7.03% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Key Highlights

  • The COVID-19 pandemic had a positive effect on the cold chain logistics industry. Packaged foods and beverages' growing popularity has helped expand the cold chain as the demand for temperature-controlled warehousing increased. Additionally, the demand for vaccine supply across the country has played a vital role in boosting the market.
  • Turkey's strategic position, which connects Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, makes it an ideal transportation and logistics hub. Turkey ranked 8th globally in terms of cold storage capacity. According to the Global Cold Chain Alliance, the average size of the refrigerated warehouse in Turkey was about 729 cubic meters in 2021. Turkey's Refrigerated Warehouse Market Development Index, was 0.242 in 2021, which was higher in the middle-range index countries.
  • The growth of cold chain logistics is driven by the demand for food products like dairy, fish, and meat, and the share of these products in the total food revenue is 35%. Other factors are government initiatives toward cold chain infrastructure development.

Turkey Cold Chain Logistics Market Trends

Increase in Demand for Fresh and Frozen Foods Driving the Market

Horticultural production, including fruits, vegetables, and flowers, has been emerging as a major economic activity in Turkey. The diverse ecosystems make it economically possible to grow a wide range of horticultural crops. Turkey is one of the largest producers of hazelnuts, cherries, figs, apricots, and pomegranates. The country also produces quinces, watermelons, cucumbers, green peppers, lentils, pistachios, apples, tomatoes, eggplants, olives, tea, chickpeas, sugar beet, almonds, onions, lemons, grapefruit, cotton, and barley.

Turkey has a large domestic market of 85 million people, with more than 15 million living in Istanbul. Therefore, despite Turkey being one of the world's largest exporters of fruits and vegetables, the domestic market is also extremely important.

It is not surprising that recently Turkish farmers have started investing in variety renewal and raising product quality standards to be able to export the maximum outside our region, focusing primarily on India and Southeast Asian countries, the European Union, and rich countries of the Middle East.

An important aspect of state regulation is ensuring temperature regimes by all participants in the fruit and vegetable business when transporting, for example, berries and mushrooms. Although other fruits and vegetables are transported and sold in wholesale markets without refrigeration, the requirement to refrigerate even a limited range is a huge step compared to current practice in the fruit and vegetable markets of the Caucasus and Central Asia, where most retailers violate the temperature regimes.

Government Initiatives Driving the Growth of the Market

The Turkish government has been heavily investing in the cold chain infrastructure of the country, aiding in the increasing warehousing capacity. The government announced it would pour USD 200 billion into infrastructure projects to support its ambitious plan to increase trade levels to USD 1.1 trillion by 2023. Turkey uses the option of fiscal incentives to channel domestic and foreign investments for industrial development and rural-urban integration. These incentives or tax expenditures are usually available to investors to promote private investment activities in selected sectors/regions, depending on the scale of investment. According to the Ministry of Industry and Technology, investment companies can invest in the cold storage sector, which will be considered under the 'Regional Investment Incentive scheme.' Under this scheme, the companies that invest in cold storage may get a tax reduction of up to 50%. The Turkish government also increased spending on infrastructure R&D, while in 2015, the government spent USD 12 billion. In 2020 the spending increased to USD 25 billion.

Turkey Cold Chain Logistics Industry Overview

The industry has a handful of players and is largely dominated by organized companies that have a presence in other countries. Havi Logistics, Ekol, Polar Logistics, DHL, and Emran Logistics have made a foothold in the Turkish cold chain logistics market. The Turkish cold chain logistics market has witnessed a gradual increase in the number of value-added service providers because of heightened demand in the local and international markets. This has led cold chain companies to realize the benefits of providing end-to-end services to their customers. Companies have already started providing value-added services to their customers and are planning to expand their service spectrum.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support


Table of Contents

1 Introduction
1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
1.2 Scope of the Market

2 Research Methodology

3 Executive Summary

4 Market Insights
4.1 Current Market Scenario
4.2 Market Dynamics
4.2.1 Drivers
4.2.2 Restraints
4.2.3 Opportunities
4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
4.4 Government Initiatives and Regulations
4.5 Technology Trends and Automation in Cold Storage Facilities
4.6 Impact of Change in the Consumer Lifestyle on Cold Chain Logistics
4.7 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market

5 Market Segmentation
5.1 By Service
5.1.1 Storage
5.1.2 Transport
5.1.3 Value-added Services (Blast Freezing, Labeling, Inventory Management, etc.)
5.2 By Temparature
5.2.1 Chilled
5.2.2 Frozen
5.3 By End User
5.3.1 Dairy Products (Milk, Butter, Cheese, Ice Cream, etc.)
5.3.2 Pharma and Life Sciences
5.3.3 Chemicals
5.3.4 Agri Industry
5.3.5 Fish, Meat, and Seafood
5.3.6 Baking and Confectionery
5.3.7 Other End Users

6 Competitve Landscape
6.1 Market Concentration Overview
6.2 Company Profiles
6.2.1 Havi Logistics
6.2.2 Yusen Logistics
6.2.3 PolarXP Logistics
6.2.4 DHL Logistics
6.2.5 Ekol Turkey
6.2.6 Agility Logistics
6.2.7 Boomerang Logistics
6.2.8 UPS Logistics
6.2.9 MAERSK Logistics
6.2.10 Fasdat Gida Dagitm Logistics*

7 Future of the Market

8 Appendix
8.1 Insights into Capital Flows
8.2 External Trade Statistics - Export and Import, by Product and Country
8.3 Transport and Storage Sector's Contribution to Economy






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