

APAC Contract Logistics - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts 2020-2029

APACのコントラクト・ロジスティクス市場規模は、2024年に2,596億4,000万米ドルと推定され、2029年には3,353億2,000万米ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間中(2024-2029年)の年平均成長率は5.25%である。 この... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Mordor Intelligence
2024年2月17日 US$4,750
150 英語







  • アジア太平洋地域は、その急速な経済発展と盛んなビジネス環境により、この市場で最も急速に地歩を固めている地域である。コントラクト・ロジスティクスの世界市場では、欧州がアジア太平洋に抜かれて首位に立っている。この地域の成長の原動力となっているのは、堅調な景気拡大、小売業の制定率の上昇、可処分所得の増加である。
  • 2022年、中国は7年連続で世界最大の物流市場の座を占め、同国の物流産業から12兆7000億人民元(約1兆8300億米ドル)の収益を上げた。同国のインフラは、中国政府からの多額の資金援助を受けて開発されている。中国は「一帯一路」構想の実行により、近い将来、物流・輸送分野の世界的リーダーになるだろう。 5.2022年と2023年のアジア新興国のGDP成長率はそれぞれ2%と5.3%。
  • しかし、回復の速度は小地域によって異なる。しかし、特に南アジアでは、パンデミック以前のトレンドにまだ追いついていない経済圏の内需が地域の成長を支えている。南アジアの成長率は2022年も7.0%と堅調で、2023年には7.4%に急上昇する。東アジアの成長率は2022年に4.7%、2023年に4.5%と正常化し、2021年には実質的にパンデミック前のパターンに戻る。






例えば、2023年2月、電子商取引大手アリババ・グループ・ホールディングの物流部門であるCainiao Networkは、ドイツの大手宅配便会社Deutschlandpost DHLグループとポーランド最大の小包ロッカーネットワークを構築する新たな合意を発表した。ドイツポストEコマース・グループの一部門であるドイツポストECソリューションズとの合意は、中国の大手テクノロジー企業にとって、ヨーロッパで最も急成長しているEコマース市場への足がかりとなる。同契約によると、Deutsche Post ECommerce Group(DHL)とCainiao Network(アリババ・グループ・ホールディングのロジスティクス部門)は、ポーランド全土における小包ロッカーの建設に6,000万ユーロ(6,475万米ドル)を共同で投資する。両社は既存のネットワークを組み合わせ、消費者により便利な宅配ロッカーを提供する。宅配ロッカーは主要な場所に設置され、近代的で使いやすいインターフェイスを備えている。ポーランドにおけるDHLの宅配便ショップネットワークはすでに1,200カ所に達しており、DHLの宅配便ロッカーは過去3年間で品質とスピードが3倍に向上しています。








  • エクセル形式の市場推定(ME)シート
  • 3ヶ月のアナリスト・サポート



1 はじめに
1.1 調査の前提条件と市場定義
1.2 調査範囲

2 調査方法
2.1 分析方法
2.2 調査フェーズ

3 要約

4 市場のダイナミクスと洞察
4.1 市場の概要
4.2 市場ダイナミクス
4.2.1 推進要因
4.2.2 抑制要因
4.2.3 機会
4.3 産業の魅力 - ポーターのファイブフォース分析
4.3.1 新規参入の脅威
4.3.2 代替製品の脅威
4.3.3 買い手/消費者の交渉力
4.3.4 サプライヤーの交渉力
4.3.5 競争ライバルの激しさ
4.4 バリューチェーン/サプライチェーン分析
4.5 政府の規制と取り組み
4.6 技術動向
4.7 この地域の電子商取引産業(国内および越境)についての洞察
4.8 アフターセールス/リバースロジスティクスの文脈におけるコントラクトロジスティクスに関する洞察
4.9 ロジスティクス受託事業者が提供する各種サービス(総合倉庫・輸送、サプライチェーン・サービス、その他付加価値サービス)の概要
4.10 主要航路の貨物輸送コスト/運賃に関するスポットライト
4.11 貨物輸送回廊の概要
4.12 主要経済特区(SEZ)と製造拠点に関する洞察
4.13 COVID-19が市場に与える影響

5 市場の区分
5.1 タイプ別
5.1.1 インソーシング
5.1.2 外部委託
5.2 エンドユーザー別
5.2.1 製造業および自動車
5.2.2 消費財・小売
5.2.3 ハイテク
5.2.4 医療・医薬品
5.2.5 その他のエンドユーザー
5.3 国別
5.3.1 中国
5.3.2 インド
5.3.3 日本
5.3.4 韓国
5.3.5 オーストラリア
5.3.6 シンガポール
5.3.7 マレーシア
5.3.8 インドネシア
5.3.9 タイ
5.3.10 その他のアジア太平洋地域

6 競争環境
6.1 概要(市場集中度、主要プレーヤー)
6.2 企業プロフィール
6.2.1 ドイツポストDHLグループ
6.2.2 DBシェンカー
6.2.3 セバ・ロジスティクス
6.2.4 ユナイテッド・パーセル・サービス
6.2.5 ロジスティード
6.2.6 CJロジスティクス
6.2.7 日本通運日本通運
6.2.8 トールグループ
6.2.9 日本通運日本通運
6.2.10 郵船ロジスティクス(株
6.3 その他の会社(主要情報/概要)
6.3.1 ヘルマン ワールドワイド ロジスティクス、エスエフ ホールディング Co.Ltd.、Kerry Logistics Network Limited、Yamato holdings Co.Ltd.、レシャコ・ジャパン(株)、アジリティ・ロジスティクス(株)、レナス・ロジスティクス(株)、GAC、ジオディス(株)、リンク・グループ(株)、BCR Australia Pty Ltd.、シルク・コントラクト・ロジスティクス(株)、DSV A/S

7 市場機会と今後の動向

8 付録
8.1 GDPの活動別、地域別分布
8.2 資本の流れに関する洞察
8.3 対外貿易統計-主要国の輸出入(品目別
8.4 主要国の主要輸出先に関する洞察
8.5 主要国の主要輸入原産地に関する洞察





The APAC Contract Logistics Market size is estimated at USD 259.64 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 335.32 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 5.25% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

The region’s ability to weather the storm of economic instability strengthens its position as a preferred destination for investors and companies looking for more stability. By enhancing regional economic integration and providing access to a larger market, the ASEAN-led Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement, which took effect in January 2022, would help the ASEAN countries recover from the recent epidemic while also spurring economic growth.

Key Highlights

  • Asia-Pacific is the area that is gaining ground the fastest in this market due to its quick economic development and thriving business climate. Europe has been eclipsed by Asia-Pacific to take the top spot in the global market for contract logistics. The region's growth is being fueled by a combination of robust economic expansion, rising retail enactment, and rising disposable income.
  • For the seventh year in a row, China held the title of largest logistics market in the world in 2022 generating a revenue of CNY 12.7 trillion (about USD 1.83 trillion) from the country's logistics industry. The country's infrastructure is being developed with significant funding from the Chinese government. China will soon become the global leader in the logistics and transportation sectors thanks to the Belt and Road Initiative's execution. 5.2% and 5.3%, respectively, of the region's GDP growth in emerging Asia in 2022 and 2023.
  • However, the rate of recovery differs amongst subregions. But, domestic demand in economies that are still catching up to their pre-pandemic trend, particularly in South Asia, supports regional growth. Growth in South Asia remained robust in 2022 at 7.0% before soaring to 7.4% in 2023. The growth rates in East Asia are normalized to 4.7% in 2022 and 4.5% in 2023, practically returning to their pre-pandemic pattern in 2021.

APAC Contract Logistics Market Trends

China is leading the way in the contract logistics market

As customer demand in China continues to grow, companies are being pressed to create more advanced distribution channels. This is due to the increased demand for higher-priced consumer goods and perishable foods that require logistics management that includes better security and handling. This is only one of the deeper changes in these economies that point to a significant growth in the demand for high-end services in both China and developing countries over the next few years.

China is expected to lead the Asia-Pacific contract logistics market. The contract logistics market in China is growing steadily. This has created new challenges for the sector, such as the need to expand product and service offerings, the need for more efficient networks, and the need to control variable costs.

The Chinese contract logistics market is mainly concentrated in consumer retail, automotive, medicine, electronics, and other industries, with the consumer retail industry making up about 50% (compared to the pre-pandemic period of 2019).

For Instance, in Febuary 2023, Cainiao Network, a logistics arm of e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding, announced a new agreement to build the biggest parcel lockers network in Poland with German courier giant Deutschlandpost DHL Group. The agreement, with Deutsche Post ECommerce Solutions, a division of Deutsche Post E-commerce Group, provides a foothold for the Chinese technology giant into one of Europe's fastest-growing e-commerce markets. According to the agreement, Deutsche Post ECommerce Group (DHL) and Cainiao Network (the logistics arm of Alibaba Group Holding) will jointly invest 60 million euro (USD 64,75 million) in the construction of parcel lockers throughout Poland. The two companies will combine their existing networks in order to provide consumers with more convenient access to parcel lockers, which will be installed at key locations with modern, easy-to-use interfaces. DHL's parcel shop network in Poland has already reached 1,200 locations, and DHL's parcel lockers have tripled in quality and speed in the past three years.

Demand from the Manufacturing and Automotive Sector is Driving the Contract Logistics Services

Asia Pacific is one of the world’s manufacturing hubs, accounting for almost 48.5% of global manufacturing output. Today, more countries around the world are building advanced manufacturing capabilities to support Industry 4.0 growth. Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing the way global manufacturers produce and distribute their products. Cloud computing, analytics, AI, and machine learning are just a few of the technologies that leading businesses are looking to incorporate into their operations.

In 2022, China exported around 3.59 trillion USD worth of goods, which represents a growth of around 7 percent compared to 2021. Vietnam has become an increasingly attractive market for manufacturers due to the country's regional centrality, high market integration, and low production costs. Samsung, Apple, Nintendo, LG, Panasonic, and Intel are all based in Vietnam. Vietnam is also making progress in the value chain by positioning itself as a very attractive market for mid-tech due to its electronic sector.

In March 2023, China's industrial output increased by 3.9% YoY in the first quarter of 2023, according to the NBS, indicating a slight improvement in the country's economic recovery in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Value-added industrial output grew by 3 percent YoY, representing a YoY increase of 0.3 percentage points compared to the previous quarter. In 2022, Chinese car manufacturers produced 27.02 m units, an increase of 3.4% YoY, while sales rose 2.1% YoY to 26.86 million. China is consolidating its position as the world's most attractive manufacturing hub, while Thailand is benefitting from cost profile improvements.

APAC Contract Logistics Industry Overview

The Asia-Pacific Contract logistics market is fragmented in nature, with a mix of major international and local companies. Some of the countries in the region, like Indonesia and the Philippines, are moderately growing, with the presence of a large number of local players and some major international players. However, Singapore, Vietnam, and Thailand are highly competitive markets, with the presence of a large number of international players. Companies are constantly under pressure to minimize costs and optimize operational efficiency. ​In the wake of investment shifts and diversification of global supply chains, international investors are increasingly interested in mergers and acquisitions in the APAC logistics market.​

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support


Table of Contents

1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
1.2 Scope of the Study

2.1 Analysis Methodology
2.2 Research Phases


4.1 Market Overview
4.2 Market Dynamics
4.2.1 Drivers
4.2.2 Restraints
4.2.3 Opportunities
4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Force Analysis
4.3.1 Threat of New Entrants
4.3.2 Threat of Substitute Products
4.3.3 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
4.3.4 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
4.4 Value Chain / Supply Chain Analysis
4.5 Government Regulations and Initiatives
4.6 Technological Trends
4.7 Insights into E-Commerce Industry in the Region (Domestic and Cross-Border)
4.8 Insights into Contract Logistics in the Context of After-Sales/Reverse Logistics
4.9 Brief on Different Services Provided by Contract Logistics Players (Integrated Warehousing and Transportation, Supply Chain Services, and Other Value-added Services)
4.10 Spotlight on Freight Transportation Costs/Freight Rates for Key Routes
4.11 Brief on Freight Transport Corridors
4.12 Insights into Key Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and Manufacturing Hubs
4.13 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market

5.1 By Type
5.1.1 Insourced
5.1.2 Outsourced
5.2 By End User
5.2.1 Manufacturing and Automotive
5.2.2 Consumer Goods and Retail
5.2.3 High-Tech
5.2.4 Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
5.2.5 Other End Users
5.3 By Country
5.3.1 China
5.3.2 India
5.3.3 Japan
5.3.4 South Korea
5.3.5 Australia
5.3.6 Singapore
5.3.7 Malaysia
5.3.8 Indonesia
5.3.9 Thailand
5.3.10 Rest of Asia-Pacific

6.1 Overview (Market Concentration, Major Players)
6.2 Company Profiles
6.2.1 Deutsche Post DHL Group
6.2.2 DB Schenker
6.2.3 Ceva Logistics
6.2.4 United Parcel Services Inc.
6.2.5 Logisteed Ltd
6.2.6 CJ Logistics
6.2.7 Nippon Express Co. Ltd
6.2.8 Toll Group
6.2.9 Nippon Express Co. Ltd
6.2.10 Yusen Logistics Co., Ltd.*
6.3 Other companies (Key Information/Overview)
6.3.1 Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, S.F.Holding Co. Ltd, Kerry Logistics Network Limited, Yamato holdings Co. Ltd, Leschaco Japan K.K., Agility Logistics Ltd, Rhenus Logistics, GAC, Geodis, Linc Group, BCR Australia Pty Ltd, Silk Contract Logistics, DSV A/S*


8.1 GDP Distribution, By Activity and By Region
8.2 Insights on Capital Flows
8.3 External Trade Statistics - Export and Import, By Product For Key Countries
8.4 Insights on Key Export Destinations of Key Countries
8.5 Insight on Key Import Origins of Key Countries






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2024/10/04 10:27

147.72 円

163.39 円

196.69 円
