軍事用GNSSアンチジャミングシステム - 2031年までの市場と技術予測Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems - Market and Technology Forecast to 2031 GNSSに依存する軍事プラットフォームの増加に伴い、そのようなプラットフォームの効率に対抗するための妨害や干渉装置が増加している。ジャマーは急速に発展しており、特に電子戦を行っている国々は、増大するジ... もっと見る
サマリーGNSSに依存する軍事プラットフォームの増加に伴い、そのようなプラットフォームの効率に対抗するための妨害や干渉装置が増加している。ジャマーは急速に発展しており、特に電子戦を行っている国々は、増大するジャミング問題に対処するために、既存のGNSSシステムを修正し近代化するか、新しいものを開発する必要に迫られています。この研究は、軍事アプリケーションのためのGNSSアンチジャミングソリューションの変化する産業を提供します。アンチジャミングアンテナとレシーバーの新技術改革の背後にある戦略を明らかにし、最新技術開発に隠された市場機会を提供する。 この調査では、世界中の様々な軍事組織における新しいアンチジャミング技術の技術採用パターンについて論じています。本レポートは、様々な国が電子戦の新しい規範と電子軍需品、航空機、戦艦の妨害の問題にどのように備えているかに光を投げかけている。 従来のアンチジャミング手法やアルゴリズムを使用している多くのプラットフォームは、古い技術を置き換える必要があるだろう。変化は始まっており、2024年からは加速するだろう。その前に、多くのプラットフォームがテストやパイロット・プロジェクトを実施するだろう。すでにテストを開始したプラットフォームが、新しい電子戦の権威を支配することになる。 米国と欧州では、アシュアードPNTソリューションの開発によってPNTデータの精度を高めることに重点を置いており、この分野は技術戦略と運用戦略の成長分野となっている。米国はAPNTソリューションの開発に力を入れており、2021年から欧州の同盟国に実験室と実地試験のために技術を供給する予定である。南シナ海で緊張が高まることを見越して、米国は地上、空中、海上プラットフォーム用の衛星、地上セグメント、アンチジャミング、APNTソリューションの新しいセットを準備している。アンチジャミングと精密PNT能力を備えた新しいソリューションは、700以上のプラットフォームに統合される予定である。 この調査レポート「軍用GNSSアンチジャミングシステム - 2031年までの市場と技術予測」は、今後8年間の世界の軍用GNSSアンチジャミング市場を詳細に分析し、市場規模の予測を提供しています。さらに、業界の主要な技術動向と市場動向を網羅し、軍用GNSSアンチジャミングシステムの需要に影響を与える要因を分析しています。 GNSSアンチジャミング市場は、2023年の7億7,500万米ドルから2031年には29億6,070万米ドルに成長する。新しいGNSSアンチジャミング技術開発の大半がGPS運用制御システム(OCX)、アシュアードPNT、Mコード対応アンテナおよびレシーバーで展開される2027年以降に、市場の大きな成長が予測されます。レポートでは、これらの開発について詳しく説明しています。 特に、以下の詳細な分析を提供しています。 概要:2021年~2029年の軍用GNSSアンチジャミング市場のスナップショット(需要促進要因、動向、課題のハイライトを含む)。また、用途別、タイプ別、プラットフォーム別だけでなく、地域に関する支出のスナップショットも提供しています。APNTデバイスやCRPA、Mコード対応受信機などの新しいプラットフォームの出現にも光を当てている。 市場ダイナミクス:宇宙開発計画、アンチジャムアンテナとレシーバーの技術開発に関する洞察と、世界中の防衛機関の戦争嗜好の変化に関する詳細な分析。また、業界構造の変化傾向や業界参加者が直面する課題についても分析している。 セグメント分析:軍用GNSSアンチジャミング市場をセグメント別の視点から洞察し、各セグメントについて市場に影響を与える要因を詳細に分析します。 地域別レビュー:軍用GNSSアンチジャミング市場の現在の強さと地域内の上位国における将来の需要についての洞察。 地域分析:軍事用GNSSアンチジャミング市場を地域の視点から洞察し、各地域の市場に影響を与える要因を詳細に分析します。 動向分析 - 主要防衛市場:各地域の主要市場を分析し、各地域で需要が見込まれる軍事用GNSS電波妨害対策市場プラットフォームの分析を提供します。 主要プログラム分析:軍事用GNSSアンチジャミング市場で予測期間中に実行が期待される上位プログラムの詳細。 競争環境分析:世界の軍用GNSSアンチジャミング市場産業の競争状況の分析。主要提携、戦略的イニシアティブ、簡単な財務分析などの洞察とともに、主要防衛企業の概要を提供します。 本レポートの対象セグメント 市場は地域、プラットフォーム、システムに基づいて区分されます: 地域 北米 南米 ヨーロッパ 中東・アフリカ アジア太平洋 プラットフォーム(タイプ別、システム要素別) 航空機 海上 陸軍車両 ハンドヘルド機器 軍需品 システム アンテナ レシーバー ソフトウェア 国別分析 米国 欧州 英国 ドイツ ロシア 中国 日本 インド 購入の理由 今後8年間のミリタリーGNSSアンチジャミング市場の詳細な動向分析に基づき、有望な投資分野を決定します。 支出上位国およびその他の潜在的な非米国市場におけるさまざまな軍事用GNSSアンチジャミングプラットフォームの需要を促進する根本的要因について深く理解し、各市場が提供する機会を特定します。 需要促進要因、業界動向、最新技術開発などの観点から市場の理解を深める。 世界の軍事用GNSSアンチジャミング市場を牽引している主要チャネルを特定し、活用できる将来の機会を明確に示すことで、収益拡大につなげる。 世界の軍用GNSSアンチジャミング市場において、各国の防衛省が取り組んでいる進行中のプログラムに焦点を当てることで、リソースを活用する。 世界の軍事用GNSS妨害電波防止システムプロバイダーの詳細なプロフィール(製品、提携、最近の契約獲得状況、財務分析などの情報を含む)により、この分野の全体的な競争状況の徹底的な分析に基づいて正しいビジネス上の意思決定を行う。 関連研究 軍事用レーダーシステム - 2030年までの市場と技術予測 ハイパースペクトル画像 - 2030年までの市場と技術予測 ミサイル - 2029年までの市場と技術予測 電子戦(EW)の世界市場・技術:2030年までの予測 商用・軍事衛星通信(SatCom)の世界市場・技術予測(2028年まで 空中ISRプラットフォームとペイロード - 2029年までの市場と技術予測 C4ISRの世界市場・技術予測:2027年まで 軍事通信の世界市場・技術 2027年までの予測 監視レーダーの世界市場・技術 2028年までの予測 目次1 Introduction1.1 Scope 1.2 Methodology 1.3 Who will benefit from this study? 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Trends and Insights 2.2 Main Findings 2.3 Key Conclusions 3 Technologies and Developments 3.1 Overview 3.1.1 Digital Anti-jamming System 3.1.2 Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM) 3.1.3 HGPST-T Receiver 3.2 Advanced GNSS Anti-jamming Receivers 3.2.1 M-Code Receivers 3.3 GNSS Anti-Jamming Antennas 3.3.1 Fixed reception pattern antennas (FRPA) 3.3.2 Controlled Reception-Pattern Antennas (CRPA) 3.4 Recent Considerable Developments 3.4.1 Multichannel Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna 3.4.2 Ground-Based Mounted Assured PNT (MAPS) for Army Vehicles 3.4.3 Dismounted Assured PNT (DAPS) in Handheld Devices for Foot Soldiers 3.4.4 Platform-Dedicated Anti-Jam Electronics 3.4.5 Immune Satellite Navigation System (iSNS) 3.4.6 Anti-Jamming GNSS System for Unmanned Vehicles 4 Market Overview 4.1 Introduction 4.2 GNSS Anti-jamming market volume distribution over the forecast period by Region 4.3 Approaches to Military GNSS Anti-Jamming 4.4 Competitive Landscape 4.5 Digital Antijamming: Future of Anti-jamming Systems 5 Market Analysis and Forecast Factors 5.1 Market Segmentation 5.2 Drivers 5.3 Trends 5.4 Opportunities 5.5 Challenges 6 Country Analysis 6.1 The US 6.1.1 New GPS Satellites 6.1.2 Next-Generation Operational Control System (OCX) 6.1.3 Military GPS User Equipment (MGUE) programs 6.1.4 Protected Anti-Jam Tactical SATCOM (PATS) 6.2 Europe 6.3 UK 6.3.1 GAARDIAN 6.3.2 Chelton CPRA Antenna System 6.3.3 Cobham Anti-jam System 6.3.4 Landshield 6.4 Germany 6.4.1 GALANT 6.5 Russia 6.6 China 6.7 Japan 6.8 India 7 Global and Regional Market Forecast to 2031 7.1 Introduction 7.2 GNSS Anti-jamming Systems market by Region overview 7.3 Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform 7.3.1 North America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform 7.3.2 Europe Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform 7.3.3 APAC Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform 7.3.4 MEA Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform 7.3.5 South America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform 7.4 Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Market Regions by System Element 7.4.1 North America Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems Market by System Element 7.4.2 Europe Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems Market by System Element 7.4.3 APAC Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems Market by System Element 7.4.4 MEA Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems Market by System Element 7.4.5 South America Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems Market by System Element 7.5 Opportunity Analysis 7.5.1 By Region 8 Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Overview 8.3 Military GNSS Anti-jamming Platforms Market by Region 8.3.1 GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Army Vehicles Market by Region 8.3.2 GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Handheld Devices Market by Region 8.3.3 GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Military Aircraft Market by Region 8.3.4 GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Marine Platforms Market by Region 8.3.5 GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Munitions Market by Region 8.4 Opportunity Analysis 8.4.1 By Platform 9 Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Overview 9.3 Military GNSS Anti-jamming System Element Market by Region 9.3.1 GNSS Anti-jamming Antenna Market by Region 9.3.2 GNSS Anti-jamming Receiver Market by Region 9.3.3 GNSS Anti-jamming System Supporting Software Market by Region 9.4 Opportunity Analysis 9.4.1 By System Element 10 Impact Analysis 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Forecast Factors and Market Impact 11 Leading Companies 11.1 Antcom Corporation 11.1.1 Introduction 11.1.2 GNSS Anti-jam - Products and Services 11.1.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.1.4 SWOT Analysis 11.2 BAE Systems 11.2.1 Introduction 11.2.2 GNSS Anti-jam - Products and Services 11.2.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.2.4 SWOT Analysis 11.3 Chelton (Cobham) Limited 11.3.1 GNSS Anti-jam- Products & Services 11.3.2 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.3.3 SWOT Analysis 11.4 Elbit Systems 11.4.1 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.4.2 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.4.3 SWOT Analysis 11.5 General Dynamics 11.5.1 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.5.2 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.5.3 SWOT Analysis 11.6 Hertz Systems 11.6.1 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.6.2 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.6.3 SWOT Analysis 11.7 Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) 11.7.1 Introduction 11.7.2 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.7.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.7.4 SWOT Analysis 11.8 Lockheed Martin 11.8.1 Introduction 11.8.2 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.8.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.8.4 SWOT Analysis 11.9 Mayflower Communications Company Inc. 11.9.1 Introduction 11.9.2 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.9.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.9.4 SWOT Analysis 11.10 NovAtel Inc. (Hexagon) 11.10.1 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.10.2 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.10.3 SWOT Analysis 11.11 Orolia (Acquired by Safran) 11.11.1 Introduction 11.11.2 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.11.3 SWOT Analysis 11.12 Raytheon 11.12.1 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.12.2 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.12.3 SWOT Analysis 11.13 Thales 11.13.1 Introduction 11.13.2 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.13.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.13.4 SWOT Analysis 12 Results and Conclusions 13 About Market Forecast 13.1 General 13.2 Contact us 13.3 Disclaimer 13.4 License Appendix A: Companies Mentioned Appendix B: Abbreviations 図表リストList of figuresFigure 1: Military GNSS Anti-jamm Systems market summary by Region [US$ million] Figure 2: Market volume growth over the forecast period per region Figure 3: Market Segmentation and Sub-Segmentation Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems Figure 4: The US GPS Modernization Plan Figure 5: OCX Delays to Cause Cost and Schedule Baseline Growth Figure 6: Depiction of GPS user equipment integration Figure 7: Global Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 8: Global Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [%] Figure 9: North America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million] Figure 10: Europe Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million] Figure 11: APAC Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million] Figure 12: MEA Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million] Figure 13: South America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million] Figure 14: North America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Figure 15: Europe Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Figure 16: APAC Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Figure 17: MEA Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Figure 18: South America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Figure 19: Military GNSS Anti-Jamming market size, 2023-2031 (US$ Million) by Region Figure 20: Military GNSS Anti-jamming market CAGR, 2023-2031 by Region Figure 21: Global Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million] Figure 22: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Army Vehicles Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 23: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Handheld Devices Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 24: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Aircraft Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 25: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Marine Platforms Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 26: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Munitions Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 27: Military GNSS Anti-Jamming market size, 2023-2031 (US$ Million) by Platform Figure 28: Military GNSS Anti-jamming market CAGR, 2023-2031 by Platform Figure 29: Global Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Figure 30: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Antenna Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 31: Military GNSS Receiver Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 32: Military GNSS Anti-jamming System Supporting Software Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 33: Military GNSS Anti-Jamming market size, 2023-2031 (US$ Million) by System Element Figure 34: Military GNSS Anti-jamming market CAGR, 2023-2031 by System Element Figure 35: GNSS Anti-Jamming market forecast to 2031 Scenario I Vs. Scenario II List of tables Table 1: Military GNSS Anti-jamm Systems market summary by Region [US$ million] Table 2: GPS Modernization Investment Breakout Table 3: GPS III Satellite Launch Program Table 4: MGUE Increment 1 and 2 Program Table 5: GLONASS Satellite Constellations Table 6: BeiDou Satellite Generations Table 7: Global Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 8: North America Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 9: Europe Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 10: APAC Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 11: MEA Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 12: South America Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 13: North America Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Table 14: Europe Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Table 15: APAC Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Table 16: MEA Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Table 17: South America Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Table 18: Global Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 19: Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems for Army Vehicles Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 20: Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems for Handheld Devices Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 21: Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems for Aircraft Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 22: Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems for Marine Platforms Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 23: Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems for Munitions Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 24: Global Military GNSS Anti-jam Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Table 25: Military GNSS Anti-jam Antenna Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 26: Military GNSS Receiver Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 27: Military GNSS Anti-jam System Supporting Software Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 28: GNSS Anti-Jamming market forecast to 2031 RDT&E Scenario I Vs. Scenario II [US$ million] Table 29: Antcom Company SWOT Analysis Table 30: BAE System plc Company SWOT Analysis Table 31: Chelton Company SWOT Analysis Table 32: Elbit Company SWOT Analysis Table 33: General Dynamics Company SWOT Analysis Table 34: Hertz Systems Company SWOT Analysis Table 35: IAI Company SWOT Analysis Table 36: Lockheed Martin Company SWOT Analysis Table 37: Mayflower Communications Company SWOT Analysis Table 38: Novatel Company SWOT Analysis Table 39: Safran (Orolia) Company SWOT Analysis Table 40: Raytheon Company SWOT Analysis Table 41: Thales Company SWOT Analysis
SummaryWith the increase of GNSS-dependent military platforms, there is an increase in jamming and interference devices to counter the efficiency of such platforms. There is rapid development in jammers and that forces countries especially those with electronic warfare to either modify and modernize existing GNSS systems or develop new ones to tackle growing jamming issues. Table of Contents1 Introduction1.1 Scope 1.2 Methodology 1.3 Who will benefit from this study? 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Trends and Insights 2.2 Main Findings 2.3 Key Conclusions 3 Technologies and Developments 3.1 Overview 3.1.1 Digital Anti-jamming System 3.1.2 Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM) 3.1.3 HGPST-T Receiver 3.2 Advanced GNSS Anti-jamming Receivers 3.2.1 M-Code Receivers 3.3 GNSS Anti-Jamming Antennas 3.3.1 Fixed reception pattern antennas (FRPA) 3.3.2 Controlled Reception-Pattern Antennas (CRPA) 3.4 Recent Considerable Developments 3.4.1 Multichannel Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna 3.4.2 Ground-Based Mounted Assured PNT (MAPS) for Army Vehicles 3.4.3 Dismounted Assured PNT (DAPS) in Handheld Devices for Foot Soldiers 3.4.4 Platform-Dedicated Anti-Jam Electronics 3.4.5 Immune Satellite Navigation System (iSNS) 3.4.6 Anti-Jamming GNSS System for Unmanned Vehicles 4 Market Overview 4.1 Introduction 4.2 GNSS Anti-jamming market volume distribution over the forecast period by Region 4.3 Approaches to Military GNSS Anti-Jamming 4.4 Competitive Landscape 4.5 Digital Antijamming: Future of Anti-jamming Systems 5 Market Analysis and Forecast Factors 5.1 Market Segmentation 5.2 Drivers 5.3 Trends 5.4 Opportunities 5.5 Challenges 6 Country Analysis 6.1 The US 6.1.1 New GPS Satellites 6.1.2 Next-Generation Operational Control System (OCX) 6.1.3 Military GPS User Equipment (MGUE) programs 6.1.4 Protected Anti-Jam Tactical SATCOM (PATS) 6.2 Europe 6.3 UK 6.3.1 GAARDIAN 6.3.2 Chelton CPRA Antenna System 6.3.3 Cobham Anti-jam System 6.3.4 Landshield 6.4 Germany 6.4.1 GALANT 6.5 Russia 6.6 China 6.7 Japan 6.8 India 7 Global and Regional Market Forecast to 2031 7.1 Introduction 7.2 GNSS Anti-jamming Systems market by Region overview 7.3 Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform 7.3.1 North America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform 7.3.2 Europe Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform 7.3.3 APAC Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform 7.3.4 MEA Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform 7.3.5 South America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform 7.4 Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Market Regions by System Element 7.4.1 North America Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems Market by System Element 7.4.2 Europe Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems Market by System Element 7.4.3 APAC Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems Market by System Element 7.4.4 MEA Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems Market by System Element 7.4.5 South America Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems Market by System Element 7.5 Opportunity Analysis 7.5.1 By Region 8 Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Overview 8.3 Military GNSS Anti-jamming Platforms Market by Region 8.3.1 GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Army Vehicles Market by Region 8.3.2 GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Handheld Devices Market by Region 8.3.3 GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Military Aircraft Market by Region 8.3.4 GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Marine Platforms Market by Region 8.3.5 GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Munitions Market by Region 8.4 Opportunity Analysis 8.4.1 By Platform 9 Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Overview 9.3 Military GNSS Anti-jamming System Element Market by Region 9.3.1 GNSS Anti-jamming Antenna Market by Region 9.3.2 GNSS Anti-jamming Receiver Market by Region 9.3.3 GNSS Anti-jamming System Supporting Software Market by Region 9.4 Opportunity Analysis 9.4.1 By System Element 10 Impact Analysis 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Forecast Factors and Market Impact 11 Leading Companies 11.1 Antcom Corporation 11.1.1 Introduction 11.1.2 GNSS Anti-jam - Products and Services 11.1.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.1.4 SWOT Analysis 11.2 BAE Systems 11.2.1 Introduction 11.2.2 GNSS Anti-jam - Products and Services 11.2.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.2.4 SWOT Analysis 11.3 Chelton (Cobham) Limited 11.3.1 GNSS Anti-jam- Products & Services 11.3.2 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.3.3 SWOT Analysis 11.4 Elbit Systems 11.4.1 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.4.2 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.4.3 SWOT Analysis 11.5 General Dynamics 11.5.1 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.5.2 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.5.3 SWOT Analysis 11.6 Hertz Systems 11.6.1 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.6.2 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.6.3 SWOT Analysis 11.7 Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) 11.7.1 Introduction 11.7.2 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.7.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.7.4 SWOT Analysis 11.8 Lockheed Martin 11.8.1 Introduction 11.8.2 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.8.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.8.4 SWOT Analysis 11.9 Mayflower Communications Company Inc. 11.9.1 Introduction 11.9.2 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.9.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.9.4 SWOT Analysis 11.10 NovAtel Inc. (Hexagon) 11.10.1 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.10.2 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.10.3 SWOT Analysis 11.11 Orolia (Acquired by Safran) 11.11.1 Introduction 11.11.2 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.11.3 SWOT Analysis 11.12 Raytheon 11.12.1 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.12.2 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.12.3 SWOT Analysis 11.13 Thales 11.13.1 Introduction 11.13.2 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services 11.13.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.13.4 SWOT Analysis 12 Results and Conclusions 13 About Market Forecast 13.1 General 13.2 Contact us 13.3 Disclaimer 13.4 License Appendix A: Companies Mentioned Appendix B: Abbreviations List of Tables/GraphsList of figuresFigure 1: Military GNSS Anti-jamm Systems market summary by Region [US$ million] Figure 2: Market volume growth over the forecast period per region Figure 3: Market Segmentation and Sub-Segmentation Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems Figure 4: The US GPS Modernization Plan Figure 5: OCX Delays to Cause Cost and Schedule Baseline Growth Figure 6: Depiction of GPS user equipment integration Figure 7: Global Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 8: Global Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [%] Figure 9: North America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million] Figure 10: Europe Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million] Figure 11: APAC Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million] Figure 12: MEA Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million] Figure 13: South America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million] Figure 14: North America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Figure 15: Europe Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Figure 16: APAC Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Figure 17: MEA Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Figure 18: South America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Figure 19: Military GNSS Anti-Jamming market size, 2023-2031 (US$ Million) by Region Figure 20: Military GNSS Anti-jamming market CAGR, 2023-2031 by Region Figure 21: Global Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million] Figure 22: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Army Vehicles Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 23: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Handheld Devices Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 24: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Aircraft Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 25: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Marine Platforms Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 26: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Munitions Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 27: Military GNSS Anti-Jamming market size, 2023-2031 (US$ Million) by Platform Figure 28: Military GNSS Anti-jamming market CAGR, 2023-2031 by Platform Figure 29: Global Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Figure 30: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Antenna Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 31: Military GNSS Receiver Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 32: Military GNSS Anti-jamming System Supporting Software Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Figure 33: Military GNSS Anti-Jamming market size, 2023-2031 (US$ Million) by System Element Figure 34: Military GNSS Anti-jamming market CAGR, 2023-2031 by System Element Figure 35: GNSS Anti-Jamming market forecast to 2031 Scenario I Vs. Scenario II List of tables Table 1: Military GNSS Anti-jamm Systems market summary by Region [US$ million] Table 2: GPS Modernization Investment Breakout Table 3: GPS III Satellite Launch Program Table 4: MGUE Increment 1 and 2 Program Table 5: GLONASS Satellite Constellations Table 6: BeiDou Satellite Generations Table 7: Global Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 8: North America Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 9: Europe Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 10: APAC Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 11: MEA Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 12: South America Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 13: North America Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Table 14: Europe Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Table 15: APAC Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Table 16: MEA Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Table 17: South America Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Table 18: Global Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 19: Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems for Army Vehicles Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 20: Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems for Handheld Devices Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 21: Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems for Aircraft Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 22: Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems for Marine Platforms Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 23: Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems for Munitions Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 24: Global Military GNSS Anti-jam Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million] Table 25: Military GNSS Anti-jam Antenna Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 26: Military GNSS Receiver Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 27: Military GNSS Anti-jam System Supporting Software Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million] Table 28: GNSS Anti-Jamming market forecast to 2031 RDT&E Scenario I Vs. Scenario II [US$ million] Table 29: Antcom Company SWOT Analysis Table 30: BAE System plc Company SWOT Analysis Table 31: Chelton Company SWOT Analysis Table 32: Elbit Company SWOT Analysis Table 33: General Dynamics Company SWOT Analysis Table 34: Hertz Systems Company SWOT Analysis Table 35: IAI Company SWOT Analysis Table 36: Lockheed Martin Company SWOT Analysis Table 37: Mayflower Communications Company SWOT Analysis Table 38: Novatel Company SWOT Analysis Table 39: Safran (Orolia) Company SWOT Analysis Table 40: Raytheon Company SWOT Analysis Table 41: Thales Company SWOT Analysis
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