
対戦車兵器システム - 2032年までの市場と技術予測

対戦車兵器システム - 2032年までの市場と技術予測

Anti-Tank Weapon Systems - Market and Technology Forecast to 2032

現在進行中のウクライナ戦争は、防衛市場に影響を与え続けており、対戦車兵器分野の重要な推進力となっている。ウクライナ戦争の最初の時期、対戦車兵器は成功を収め、「これで装甲プラットフォームの時代は終わ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 図表数 言語
Market Forecast
2024年3月18日 Eur3,995
3営業日程度 120 108 英語









アジア太平洋 (APAC)

A/T ロケットランチャー





1 はじめに
1.1 範囲
1.2 定義
1.3 方法論
1.4 この調査から恩恵を受けるのは誰か?

2 エグゼクティブ・サマリー
2.1 傾向と洞察
2.2 主な調査結果
2.3 主要な結論

3 技術と開発
3.1 技術概要
3.2 弾頭の種類
3.2.1 高爆発弾
3.2.2 形状装薬
3.3 推進力の種類
3.4 目標捕捉と発射過程
3.4.1 肩部発射対戦車システム
3.4.2 誘導対戦車システム
3.5 A/Tシステムと浮遊弾の比較
3.5.1 機動性
3.5.2 射程距離
3.5.3 ISR
3.5.4 反応時間
3.5.5 妨害
3.5.6 コスト
3.5.7 ロイタリング弾の欠点
3.6 A/T兵器はMBTを時代遅れにするのか?
3.7 将来のプロジェクト
3.7.1 極超音速対戦車ミサイル
3.7.2 SHOLFEA プロジェクト

4 市場の概要
4.1 はじめに
4.2 世界の対戦車兵器システム市場の地域別予測期間数量分布
4.3 オーストラリア市場
4.4 EU市場
4.4.1 欧州の防衛政策と産業イニシアティブ
4.4.2 欧州防衛基金
4.4.3 先端材料と部品
4.4.4 欧州投資銀行
4.5 米国
4.6 ATGM と UxS

5 市場分析と予測要因
5.1 市場セグメンテーション
5.2 ドライバー
5.2.1 装甲保護の発展
5.2.2 アクティブ・プロテクション・システムの使用拡大
5.2.3 分散殺傷コンセプト
5.2.4 最近の戦争からの教訓
5.2.5 高強度戦争
5.2.6 国防予算
5.3 傾向
5.3.1 RWSと組み合わせたATGM
5.3.2 A/T兵器を搭載した無人システム
5.4 機会
5.4.1 産業能力の向上
5.4.2 長期枠組み契約
5.4.3 共同調達と財政支援メカニズム
5.5 課題
5.5.1 経済的リスク
5.5.2 浮遊弾薬
5.5.3 サプライチェーンの障害
5.5.4 エネルギーコスト

6 国別分析
6.1 英国
6.2 米国
6.3 ポーランド

7 2032年までの世界・地域市場予測
7.1 はじめに
7.2 世界の対戦車兵器システム地域別市場概観
7.3 対戦車兵器システムの地域別タイプ別市場
7.3.1 北米対戦車兵器システムタイプ別市場
7.3.2 欧州対戦車兵器システム市場:タイプ別
7.3.3 APAC対戦車兵器システムタイプ別市場
7.3.4 ME&A対戦車兵器システム市場:タイプ別
7.3.5 LATAM対戦車兵器システム市場:タイプ別
7.4 対戦車兵器システム市場地域別発射方式
7.4.1 北米対戦車兵器システム市場:発射方式別
7.4.2 欧州A/T兵器システム市場:発射方式別
7.4.3 APAC A/T兵器システム市場:打上げ方式別
7.4.4 ME&A A/T兵器システム市場:打上げ方式別
7.4.5 LATAM A/T兵器システム市場:打上げ方式別
7.5 機会分析

8 タイプ別2032年までの市場予測
8.1 はじめに
8.2 対戦車兵器システムのタイプ別市場概観
8.3 対戦車兵器システムのタイプ別地域別市場
8.3.1 ATGM ERの地域別市場
8.3.2 ATGM SRの地域別市場
8.3.3 ATGM MRの地域別市場
8.3.4 ATGM NLOSの地域別市場
8.3.5 地域別AT弾薬市場
8.3.6 A/Tロケットランチャー地域別市場
8.4 発射方式別対戦車兵器システムタイプ
8.4.1 ATGM ER発射方式別市場
8.4.2 ATGM SR発射方式別市場
8.4.3 ATGM MR発射方式別市場
8.4.4 ATGM NLOS発射方式別市場
8.4.5 発射方式別A/T弾薬市場
8.4.6 発射方式別A/Tロケットランチャー市場
8.5 機会分析

9 発射方式別2032年までの市場予測
9.1 はじめに
9.2 発射方式別対戦車兵器システム市場概観
9.3 地域別対戦車兵器システムタイプ市場
9.3.1 肩部発射対戦車兵器システム地域別市場
9.3.2 対戦車地上発射兵器システム地域別市場
9.3.3 地域別車両発射対戦車兵器システム市場
9.4 機会分析

10 影響分析
10.1 はじめに
10.2 予測要因と市場への影響

11 主要企業
11.1 MBDA
11.1.1 はじめに
11.1.2 対戦車兵器システム - 製品とサービス
11.1.3 最近の動向と契約
11.1.4 SWOT分析
11.2 レイセオン(RTX Corporation)
11.2.1 はじめに
11.2.2 対戦車兵器システム - 製品・サービス
11.2.3 最近の開発と契約
11.2.4 SWOT分析
11.3 ラファエル・アドバンスト・ディフェンス・システムズ
11.3.1 はじめに
11.3.2 対戦車兵器システム - 製品・サービス
11.3.3 最近の開発と契約
11.3.4 SWOT分析
11.4 ロケッツァン
11.4.1 はじめに
11.4.2 対戦車兵器システム - 製品・サービス
11.4.3 最近の開発と契約
11.4.4 SWOT分析
11.5 サーブAB
11.5.1 はじめに
11.5.2 対戦車兵器システム - 製品・サービス
11.5.3 最近の開発と契約
11.5.4 SWOT分析

12 結果と結論
12.1 概要
12.2 お問い合わせ
12.3 免責事項
12.4 ライセンス

付録A: 言及される企業



図3: 対戦車兵器システムのタイプ別概要
図4: 対戦車兵器システム市場:タイプ別[百万ドル]
図5: 対戦車兵器システムの発射方式別概要
図7:Saab Carl Gustav発射機に搭載されたラインメタル社のVingmate FCS
図8:誘導ケーブルが背面から展開するSpike ATGM発射装置
図9:ロシア陸軍9M133 Kornetレーザービーム搭載ATGMシステム
図12:MBDAのAkeron MPミサイルを発射するAltusのAtlas 8 Heavylifter UAV(想像図)
図13: 軍用アビオニクス市場の市場区分とサブ区分
図14: 英国MoDのMCCOプログラム用にSupacat HMT(上)とRBSL Boxer(下)に搭載されたMBDAのBrimstoneミサイルランチャー。
図20:2032年までの欧州対戦車兵器システム市場:タイプ別[%] (%)
図22: 2032年までのAPAC対戦車兵器システム市場:タイプ別[%] (%)
図24:2032年までのME&A対戦車兵器システム市場:タイプ別[%] (%)
図 25:2032年までのラタム対戦車兵器システム市場:タイプ別[百万ドル]
図 26:2032年までのラタム対戦車兵器システム市場:タイプ別[%] (億ドル)
図27:2032年までの北米対戦車兵器システム市場:発射方式別 [百万米ドル]
図 28:2032年までの北米対戦車兵器システム市場:打上げ方式別 [%推移]
図 29:2032年までの欧州対戦車兵器システム市場:発射方式別[百万米ドル]
図 30:2032年までの欧州対戦車兵器システム市場:発射方式別[百万米ドル]
図 31:2032年までのAPAC対戦車兵器システム市場:発射方式別[百万米ドル]
図 32:2032年までのAPAC対戦車兵器システム市場:発射方式別[%](単位:百万ドル
図 33:2032年までのME&A対戦車兵器システム市場:発射方式別[百万米ドル]
図 34:2032年までのME&A対戦車兵器システム市場:発射方式別[%](日本
図 35:2032 年までのラタム対戦車兵器システム市場:発射方式別 [US$ mil.]
図 36:2032年までのラタム対戦車兵器システム市場:市場投入方式別 [%構成]
図 37:対戦車兵器システム市場のCAGR、2024~2032年:地域別
図 40:2032年までの対戦車兵器システム市場:タイプ別[%](百万ドル
図 41:2032年までのATGM ER地域別市場[百万ドル]
図42:2032年までのATGM ER地域別市場 [%推移]
図43:2032年までのATGM SR地域別市場[百万米ドル]
図44:2032年までの地域別ATGM SR市場 [%(百万ドル]
図45:2032年までのATGM MR地域別市場[百万ドル]
図46:2032年までのATGM MR市場:地域別比率
図47:2032年までのATGM NLOS地域別市場[百万ドル]
図48:2032年までのATGM NLOS市場:地域別[%推移]
図 49:2032年までのA/T弾薬市場:地域別[百万ドル]
図 52:2032年までのA/Tロケットランチャー地域別市場比率
図53:2032年までのATGM ER発射方式別市場[百万ドル]
図 54:2032年までのATGM ER発射方式別市場[%](単位:百万ドル
図55:2032年までのATGM SR市場:発射方式別[百万ドル]
図56:2032年までのATGM SR市場:発射方式別[%](百万ドル
図57:2032年までのATGM MR市場:発射方式別[百万ドル]
図 58:2032年までのATGM MR市場:発射方式別[%](百万ドル
図59:2032年までのATGM NLOS市場:打上げ方式別[百万ドル]
図60:打上げ方法別2032年までのATGM NLOS市場比率
図 61:2032年までのA/T弾薬市場:発射方式別[百万ドル]
図 62:2032年までのA/T弾薬市場:発射方式別[%](百万ドル
図 63:2032年までのA/Tロケットランチャー市場:発射方式別[百万ドル]
図 64:2032年までのA/Tロケットランチャー市場:発射方式別[%](百万ドル
図 65:対戦車兵器システムの世界市場:タイプ別[百万ドル]
図 66:対戦車兵器システムの世界市場:タイプ別[%]推移
図 67:2032年までの対戦車兵器システムの世界市場:発射方式別[百万ドル]
図 68:2032年までの対戦車兵器システムの世界市場:発射方式別[%] (%)
図 69:2032年までの肩部発射型対戦車兵器システム地域別市場[百万ドル]
図 70: 2032 年までの肩部発射 A/T 兵器システム地域別市場[%](百万ドル
図 71:2032年までの対戦車地上発射兵器システム地域別市場[百万ドル]
図 72:2032年までの対戦車地上発射兵器システム地域別市場[%](単位:百万ドル
図 74:2032年までの車両発射対戦車兵器システム地域別市場[%](単位:百万ドル
図 76:対戦車兵器システムの世界市場:発射方式別[%](単位:百万ドル

表11:北米の対戦車兵器システム市場 2032年までの発射方式別 [百万米ドル]
表17:2032年までのATGM ER地域別市場[百万ドル]
表18:2032年までのATGM ER市場:発射方式別[百万ドル]
表19:2032年までのATGM SR市場:発射方式別【百万ドル
表20:2032年までのATGM MR市場:打上げ方式別【百万ドル
表21:2032年までのATGM NLOS発射方式別市場規模(百万ドル]
表 25:2032年までの肩部発射式A/T兵器システム地域別市場[百万ドル]
表 28:MBDA社のSWOT分析
表 29:レイセオン社SWOT分析
表 30:ラファエルADS社SWOT分析
表 31:ロケッツァン社 SWOT分析
表 32:サーブAB社SWOT分析





The ongoing war in Ukraine continues to impact the defence market and be a key driver for the anti-tank weapons segment. The success they had during the first period of the war made them popular to the point that some considered whether that was the end of the armoured platforms era. However, that would only distort the reality. Anti-tank weapons are indeed a powerful weapon system against armoured targets, buildings and other targets.

The extend ground troops’ lethality to long-ranges and with high accuracy, and that is the reason there is an effort to bring such improved capabilities at the squad and platoon levels. That nevertheless comes at the cost of increased weight which hinders mobility. That is something that unmanned ground and air systems address and in conjunction with technological enablers such as AI.

Anti-tank weapon systems, especially ATGMs address some of requirements for long-range fires on the battalion level but they are facing strong competition from the loitering munition, which provide an affordable combination of long-ranges, ISR and advanced engagement tactics.

Due to the war in Ukraine the anti-tank weapon systems industry faces significant challenges, which are only exacerbated if we add anti-tank ammunition and missiles in the equation. Supply chains and production lines are trying to meet the demand for those items, but they have only just started picking up pace. That is, however, one part of the problem, as making this sustainable requires from the industries to make investments and the countries (the buyers) to set up a long-run procurement plan. The anti-tank weapon systems market offers significant opportunities for sales and opportunities for collaborative schemes between the industrial stakeholders, that this report highlights.

Covered in this study
Overview: Snapshot of the anti-tank weapon systems technology in the military market during 2024-2032, including highlights of the demand drivers, trends, and challenges. It also provides a snapshot of the spending with respect to regions as well as segments and sheds light on the emergence of new technologies.
Market Dynamics: Insights into the technological developments in the anti-tank weapons market and a detailed analysis of the changing preferences of governments around the world. It also analyses changing industry structure trends and the challenges faced by the industry participants.
Segment Analysis: Insights into the various systems market from a segmental perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each segment.
Regional Review: Insights into modernization patterns and budgetary allocation for top countries within a region.
Regional Analysis: Insights into the systems market from a regional perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each region.
Impact Analysis: Analysis on how certain events will impact the anti-tank weapon systems market. This will give you an indication on which factors are important for the forecast.
Key Program Analysis: Details of the top programs in each segment expected to be executed during the forecast period.
Competitive landscape Analysis: Analysis of competitive landscape of this industry. It provides an overview of key companies, together with insights such as key alliances, strategic initiatives, and a SWOT analysis.

We have segmented the Anti-Tank Weapon Systems market in three groups:

North America
Asia Pacific (APAC)
Middle East & Africa (ME&A)
Rest of the World

A/T Ammunition
A/T Rocket Launcher

Launch method
Vehicle platform-launched

Reasons to buy
A detailed insight of anti-tank weapon systems technologies.
An insight on the efforts currently undertaken in the US, European and EU-27 regions in terms of funding, regulatory and collaboration opportunities.
Develop an understanding of the market’s demand drivers, industry trends, and the latest technological developments.
Comparison of the anti-tank weapon systems versus loitering munition, what the advantages and disadvantages or limits of each system are.
In-depth understanding of other factors affecting the market such as defence spending, operational requirements and challenges faced by manufacturers, among several others.
Identify opportunities available in the market.


Table of Contents

1 Introduction
1.1 Scope
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Methodology
1.4 Who will benefit from this study?

2 Executive Summary
2.1 Trends and Insights
2.2 Main Findings
2.3 Key Conclusions

3 Technologies and Developments
3.1 Technology overview
3.2 Types of Warheads
3.2.1 High Explosive
3.2.2 Shaped charge
3.3 Types of Propulsion
3.4 Target acquisition and firing process
3.4.1 Shoulder-launched anti-tank systems
3.4.2 Guided anti-tank systems
3.5 Comparing A/T systems and loitering munition
3.5.1 Mobility
3.5.2 Range
3.5.3 ISR
3.5.4 Reaction time
3.5.5 Jamming
3.5.6 Cost
3.5.7 Disadvantages of loitering munition
3.6 Do A/T weapons render MBT obsolete?
3.7 Future projects
3.7.1 Hypersonic anti-tank missile
3.7.2 Project SHOLFEA

4 Market Overview
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Global anti-tank weapon systems market volumes distribution over forecast period by Region
4.3 Australian market
4.4 EU market
4.4.1 European defence policy and industrial initiatives
4.4.2 European Defence Fund
4.4.3 Advanced Materials and components
4.4.4 European Investment Bank
4.5 US
4.6 ATGMs and UxS

5 Market Analysis and Forecast Factors
5.1 Market Segmentation
5.2 Drivers
5.2.1 Developments in armour protection
5.2.2 Expanding use of active protection systems
5.2.3 Distributed lethality concept
5.2.4 Lessons-learned from recent wars
5.2.5 High-intensity warfare
5.2.6 Defence budgets
5.3 Trends
5.3.1 ATGM combined with RWS
5.3.2 Unmanned systems with A/T weapons
5.4 Opportunities
5.4.1 Increasing industrial capacity
5.4.2 Long-term framework contracts
5.4.3 Joint procurement and financial support mechanisms
5.5 Challenges
5.5.1 Economic risks
5.5.2 Loitering munition
5.5.3 Supply chain obstacles
5.5.4 Energy costs

6 Country Analysis
6.1 UK
6.2 USA
6.3 Poland

7 Global and Regional Market Forecast to 2032
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Global Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market by Region Overview
7.3 Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market in Regions by Type
7.3.1 N. American anti-tank weapon systems market by Type
7.3.2 European anti-tank weapon systems market by Type
7.3.3 APAC anti-tank weapon systems market by Type
7.3.4 ME&A anti-tank weapon systems market by Type
7.3.5 LATAM anti-tank weapon systems market by Type
7.4 Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market Regions by Launch Method
7.4.1 N. America A/T weapon systems market by launching method
7.4.2 European A/T weapon systems market by launching method
7.4.3 APAC A/T weapon systems market by launching method
7.4.4 ME&A A/T weapon systems market by launching method
7.4.5 LATAM A/T weapon systems market by launching method
7.5 Opportunity Analysis

8 Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Anti-tank weapon systems market by Type overview
8.3 Anti-tank Weapon Systems’ Types’ Market by Regions
8.3.1 ATGM ER market by regions
8.3.2 ATGM SR market by region
8.3.3 ATGM MR market by regions
8.3.4 ATGM NLOS market by regions
8.3.5 AT Ammunition market by regions
8.3.6 A/T Rocket Launchers market by regions
8.4 Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Type by Launch Method
8.4.1 ATGM ER market by launch method
8.4.2 ATGM SR market by launch method
8.4.3 ATGM MR market by launch method
8.4.4 ATGM NLOS market by launch method
8.4.5 A/T Ammunition market by launch method
8.4.6 A/T rocket launcher market by launch method
8.5 Opportunity Analysis

9 Market Forecast to 2032 by Launching Method
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Anti-Tank Weapon Systems market by Launching Method Overview
9.3 Anti-tank weapon systems type market by regions
9.3.1 Shoulder-launched anti-tank weapon systems market by regions
9.3.2 Ground-launched anti-tank weapon systems market by region
9.3.3 Vehicle-launched anti-tank weapon systems market by region
9.4 Opportunity Analysis

10 Impact Analysis
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Forecast factors and Market Impact

11 Leading Companies
11.1 MBDA
11.1.1 Introduction
11.1.2 Anti-Tank Weapon Systems - Products and Services
11.1.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.1.4 SWOT Analysis
11.2 Raytheon (RTX Corporation)
11.2.1 Introduction
11.2.2 Anti-Tank Weapon Systems - Products and Services
11.2.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.2.4 SWOT Analysis
11.3 Rafael Advanced Defense Systems
11.3.1 Introduction
11.3.2 Anti-Tank Weapon Systems - Products and Services
11.3.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.3.4 SWOT Analysis
11.4 Roketsan
11.4.1 Introduction
11.4.2 Anti-Tank Weapon Systems - Products and Services
11.4.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.4.4 SWOT Analysis
11.5 Saab AB
11.5.1 Introduction
11.5.2 Anti-Tank Weapon Systems - Products and Services
11.5.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.5.4 SWOT Analysis

12 Results and Conclusions
12.1 General
12.2 Contact us
12.3 Disclaimer
12.4 License

Appendix A: Companies Mentioned
Appendix B: Abbreviations


List of Tables/Graphs

List of figures
Figure 1: Anti-tank weapon systems market summary by region [US$ million]
Figure 2: Anti-tank weapon systems market by region [US$ million]
Figure 3: Anti-tank weapon systems summary by type
Figure 4: Anti-tank weapon systems market by type [US$ million]
Figure 5: Anti-tank weapon systems summary by launching method
Figure 6: Anti-tank weapon systems market by launching method [US$ million]
Figure 7: Rheinmetall’s Vingmate FCS on a Saab Carl Gustav launcher
Figure 8: A Spike ATGM launch with the guidance cable unfolding from the back
Figure 9: A Russian Army 9M133 Kornet laser beam riding ATGM system
Figure 10: US Marine firing a Saab AT-4
Figure 11: Market volumes over the forecast period per region
Figure 12: Altus’ Atlas 8 Heavylifter UAV firing MBDA’s Akeron MP missiles (artist’s impression)
Figure 13: Market Segmentation and Sub Segmentation Military Avionics Market
Figure 14: MBDA’s Brimstone missile launchers on a Supacat HMT (top) and an RBSL Boxer (below) for the UK MoD’s MCCO programme.
Figure 15: Global Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ million]
Figure 16: Global Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [%]
Figure 17: N. American Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market to 2032 by Type [US$ million]
Figure 18: N. American Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market to 2032 by Type [%]
Figure 19: European Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market to 2032 by Type [US$ million]
Figure 20: European Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market to 2032 by Type [%]
Figure 21: APAC Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market to 2032 by Type [US$ million]
Figure 22: APAC Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market to 2032 by Type [%]
Figure 23: ME&A Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market to 2032 by Type [US$ million]
Figure 24: ME&A Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market to 2032 by Type [%]
Figure 25: LATAM Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market to 2032 by Type [US$ million]
Figure 26: LATAM Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market to 2032 by Type [%]
Figure 27: N. America anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [US$ mil.]
Figure 28: N. America anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [%]
Figure 29: European anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [US$ mil.]
Figure 30: European anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [US$ mil.]
Figure 31: APAC anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [US$ mil.]
Figure 32: APAC anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [%]
Figure 33: ME&A anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [US$ mil.]
Figure 34: ME&A anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [%]
Figure 35: LATAM anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [US$ mil.]
Figure 36: LATAM anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [%]
Figure 37: Anti-tank weapon systems market CAGR, 2024-2032 by region
Figure 38: Anti-tank weapon systems market by region [US$ million]
Figure 39: Anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by type [US$ million]
Figure 40: Anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by type [%]
Figure 41: ATGM ER market to 2032 by regions [US$ million]
Figure 42: ATGM ER market by regions to 2032 [%]
Figure 43: ATGM SR market by regions to 2032 [US$ million]
Figure 44: ATGM SR market to 2032 by regions [%]
Figure 45: ATGM MR market to 2032 by regions [US$ million]
Figure 46: ATGM MR market to 2032 by regions [%]
Figure 47: ATGM NLOS market to 2032 by regions [US$ million]
Figure 48: ATGM NLOS market to 2032 by regions [%]
Figure 49: A/T Ammunition market to 2032 by regions [US$ million]
Figure 50: A/T Ammunition market to 2032 by regions [%]
Figure 51: A/T Rocket Launchers market to 2032 by regions [US$ million]
Figure 52: A/T Rocket Launchers market to 2032 by regions [%]
Figure 53: ATGM ER market to 2032 by launch method [US$ million]
Figure 54: ATGM ER market to 2032 by launch method [%]
Figure 55: ATGM SR market to 2032 by launch method [US$ million]
Figure 56: ATGM SR market to 2032 by launch method [%]
Figure 57: ATGM MR market to 2032 by launch method [US$ million]
Figure 58: ATGM MR market to 2032 by launch method [%]
Figure 59: ATGM NLOS market to 2032 by launch method [US$ million]
Figure 60: ATGM NLOS market to 2032 by launch method [%]
Figure 61: A/T Ammunition market to 2032 by launch method [US$ million]
Figure 62: A/T Ammunition market to 2032 by launch method [%]
Figure 63: A/T rocket launcher market to 2032 by launch method [US$ million]
Figure 64: A/T rocket launcher market to 2032 by launch method [%]
Figure 65: Global anti-tank weapon systems market by type [US$ million]
Figure 66: Global anti-tank weapon systems market by type [%]
Figure 67: Global anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [US$ million]
Figure 68: Global anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [%]
Figure 69: Shoulder-launched A/T weapon systems market to 2032 by region [US$ million]
Figure 70: Shoulder-launched A/T weapon systems market to 2032 by region [%]
Figure 71: Ground-launched anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by region [US$ million]
Figure 72: Ground-launched anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by region [%]
Figure 73: Vehicle-launched anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by region [US$ million]
Figure 74: Vehicle-launched anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by region [%]
Figure 75: Global anti-tank weapon systems market by launching method [US$ million]
Figure 76: Global anti-tank weapon systems market by launching method [%]

List of Tables
Table 1: Anti-tank weapon systems market summary by region [US$ million]
Table 2: Anti-tank weapon systems market by type [US$ million]
Table 3: Anti-tank weapon systems market by launching method [US$ million]
Table 4: Market activity
Table 5: Global Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ million]
Table 6: N. American Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market to 2032 by Type [US$ million]
Table 7: European Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market to 2032 by Type [US$ million]
Table 8: APAC Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market to 2032 by Type [US$ million]
Table 9: ME&A Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market to 2032 by Type [US$ million]
Table 10: LATAM Anti-Tank Weapon Systems Market to 2032 by Type [US$ million]
Table 11: N. America anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [US$ mil.]
Table 12: European anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [US$ mil.]
Table 13: APAC anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [US$ mil.]
Table 14: ME&A anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [US$ mil.]
Table 15: LATAM anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [US$ mil.]
Table 16: Anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by type [US$ million]
Table 17: ATGM ER market to 2032 by regions [US$ million]
Table 18: ATGM ER market to 2032 by launch method [US$ million]
Table 19: ATGM SR market to 2032 by launch method [US$ million]
Table 20: ATGM MR market to 2032 by launch method [US$ million]
Table 21: ATGM NLOS market to 2032 by launch method [US$ million]
Table 22: A/T Ammunition market to 2032 by launch method [US$ million]
Table 23: A/T rocket launcher market to 2032 by launch method [US$ million]
Table 24: Global anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by launching method [US$ million]
Table 25: Shoulder-launched A/T weapon systems market to 2032 by region [US$ million]
Table 26: Ground-launched anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by region [US$ million]
Table 27: Vehicle-launched anti-tank weapon systems market to 2032 by region [US$ million]
Table 28: MBDA Company SWOT Analysis
Table 29: Raytheon Company SWOT Analysis
Table 30: Rafael ADS Company SWOT Analysis
Table 31: Roketsan Company SWOT Analysis
Table 32: Saab AB Company SWOT Analysis






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