
地上配備型防空システム - 2032年までの市場と技術予測

地上配備型防空システム - 2032年までの市場と技術予測

Ground Based Air Defence Systems - Market and Technology Forecast to 2032

地域別、コンポーネント別、レンジ別の市場予測。国別分析、サプライチェーンと重要原材料を含む市場と技術の概要、機会とシナリオ分析、主要企業のプロフィール   ウクライナと中東における最近... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Market Forecast
2024年6月14日 Eur3,995
3営業日程度 212 英語






Market Forecastの最新調査レポート「地上配備型防空システム - 2032年までの市場・技術予測」は、今後8年間(2024-2032年)のミサイル技術、市場、支出(経費)の推移を調査・分析・予測しています。 また、米国、欧州、アジアの世界市場の上位95%に焦点を当て、軍事用途のミサイル技術市場を地理的に調査している。




  • 概要この調査レポートは、2024-2032年の軍事市場における地上配備型防空システム技術のスナップショットを掲載し、需要促進要因、動向、課題のハイライトを掲載しています。また、地域やセグメントに関する支出のスナップショットも提供しています。また、新技術の出現にも光を当てています。
  • 市場動向:地上配備型防空システム市場における技術開発の洞察と、世界各国政府の嗜好の変化に関する詳細な分析。また、業界構造の変化傾向や業界参加者が直面する課題についても分析しています。
  • セグメント分析:各種システム市場をセグメント別に洞察し、各セグメントごとに市場に影響を与える要因を詳細に分析。
  • 地域別レビュー:地域内の上位国の近代化パターンと予算配分に関する洞察。
  • 地域別分析:地域別の視点からシステム市場を洞察し、各地域の市場に影響を与える要因を詳細に分析。
  • トレンド分析: 軍用地上配備型防空システムの主要市場各地域の主要市場を分析し、各地域で需要が見込まれる様々なシステムセグメントの分析を提供します。
  • 主要プログラム分析:予測期間中に実施されると予想される各セグメントにおける主要プログラムの詳細。
  • 競争環境分析:この業界の競争状況の分析。主要企業の概要、主要な提携関係、戦略的イニシアティブ、簡単な財務分析などのインサイトを提供しています。





  • 北米
  • ラテンアメリカ
  • ヨーロッパ
  • APAC
  • 中東・アフリカ


  • 兵器システム
  • レーダー監視
  • 指揮統制システム
  • 火器管制システム


  • ミディアムレンジ
  • ショーラード
  • ロングレンジ



  • 今後8年間の世界地上配備型防空システム市場の詳細な動向分析に基づき、有望な投資分野を決定
  • 世界の消費上位国における様々なシステムセグメントの需要を促進する根本的な要因について深く理解し、各セグメントが提供する機会を特定する。
  • 需要促進要因、業界動向、最新技術開発など、市場に関する理解を深める。
  • 世界の小型衛星ビジネスを牽引している主要チャネルを特定し、将来のビジネスチャンスを明確に把握することで、収益拡大につなげる。
  • 地上配備型防空システム市場において、各国の省庁が取り組んでいる進行中のプログラムに焦点を当てることで、リソースを有効活用する。
  • 世界中のトップ・システム・プロバイダの詳細なプロフィール(製品、提携、最近の契約獲得状況、財務分析など)。






1      はじめに
1.1 箒
1.2 方法論
1.3 この研究によって誰が恩恵を受けるのか?

2      エグゼクティブ・サマリー
2.1 トレンドと洞察
2.2 主な調査結果
2.3 主な結論

3      技術と開発
3.1 技術概要
3.2 地上配備型防空システムの種類
3.3 現在の技術、研究プログラム、GBADサブシステムの分解
3.4 重要なGBADシステム
3.4.1     MIM ? 104 パトリオット
3.4.2     終末高高度防衛ミサイル(THAAD)
3.4.3     標準ミサイル6(SM-6)
3.4.4     S-500
3.4.5     HQ-9
3.4.6     IRIS-T SL
3.4.7     スカイレンジャー 30
3.4.8     トーア
3.4.9     FIM 92 スティンガー
3.4.10   ロボットシステム70(RBS 70)
3.5 欧州スカイシールド構想
3.6 将来の技術
3.7 最新動向と発展

4      市場概要
4.1 はじめに
4.2 地上配備型防空システム市場の地域別予測期間数量分布
4.3 競争環境
4.4 主な市場プレーヤーの概要
4.5 最近の製品紹介
4.6 サプライチェーンの概要
4.7 重要な原材料
4.8 クリティカル・テクノロジー
4.9 注目すべき出来事

5      市場分析と予測要因
5.1 市場セグメンテーション
5.2 ドライバー
5.3 トレンド
5.4 機会
5.5 課題
5.6 予想要因

6      国別分析
6.1 米国
6.2 フランス
6.3 イギリス
6.4 ドイツ
6.5 スウェーデン
6.6 ポーランド
6.7 イタリア
6.8 ロシア
6.9  China
6.10    India
6.11    Japan
6.12    Australia
6.13    Saudi Arabia
6.14   Türkiye

7      2032年までの世界および地域市場予測
7.1 はじめに
7.2 地上配備型防空システム市場:地域別概要
7.3 地上配備型防空ミサイル市場のコンポーネント別地域
7.3.1     北米地上配備型防空ミサイル市場:コンポーネント別
7.3.2     欧州地上配備型防空ミサイル市場:コンポーネント別
7.3.3     APAC 地上配備型防空ミサイル市場:コンポーネント別
7.3.4     中東・アフリカ地上配備型防空ミサイル市場:コンポーネント別
7.3.5     ラテンアメリカ地上配備型防空ミサイル市場:コンポーネント別
7.4 機会分析
7.4.1     地域別

8      2032年までの世界および地域市場予測コンポーネント別
8.1 はじめに
8.2  Ground Based Air Defence system marketコンポーネント別 overview
8.3 地上配備型防空システムの地域別部品市場
8.3.1     地域別武器システム市場
8.3.2     監視レーダーの地域別市場
8.3.3     地域別コマンド・コントロール・システム市場
8.3.4     火器管制システム市場:地域別
8.4 地上配備型防空システムコンポーネント市場(レンジ別
8.4.1      Weapon System marketコンポーネント別
8.4.2      Surveillance Radar marketコンポーネント別
8.4.3      Command & Control System marketコンポーネント別
8.4.4      Fire Control System marketコンポーネント別
8.5 機会分析
8.5.1     コンポーネント別

9      2032年までの世界および地域市場予測範囲別
9.1 はじめに
9.2  Ground Based Air Defence System market範囲別 overview
9.3 地上配備型防空システムの地域別レンジ市場
9.3.1     地域別中距離市場
9.3.2     地域別SHORAD市場
9.3.3     地域別長距離市場
9.3.4     地域別VSHORAD市場
9.4  Ground Based Air Defence System Range marketコンポーネント別
9.4.1      Medium-Range marketコンポーネント別
9.4.2      SHORAD marketコンポーネント別
9.4.3      Long-Range marketコンポーネント別
9.4.4      VSHORAD marketコンポーネント別
9.5 機会分析

10   影響分析
10.1   はじめに
10.2    Forecast factors and Market Impact
10.2.1    Scenario I
10.2.2   シナリオII

11   主要企業
11.1    BAE Systems
11.1.1   はじめに
11.1.2   地上配備型防空 - 商品とサービス
11.1.3   最近の動向と契約
11.1.4   SWOT分析
11.2    Boeing Co
11.2.1   はじめに
11.2.2   地上配備型防空 - 商品とサービス
11.2.3   最近の動向と契約
11.2.4   SWOT分析
11.3    Israel Aerospace Industries
11.3.1   はじめに
11.3.2   地上配備型防空 - 商品とサービス
11.3.3   最近の動向と契約
11.3.4   SWOT分析
11.4    Leonardo
11.4.1   はじめに
11.4.2   地上配備型防空 - 商品とサービス
11.4.3   最近の動向と契約
11.4.4   SWOT分析
11.5    Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace
11.5.1   はじめに
11.5.2   地上配備型防空 - 商品とサービス
11.5.3   最近の動向と契約
11.5.4   SWOT分析
11.6    Lockheed Martin
11.6.1   はじめに
11.6.2   地上配備型防空 - 商品とサービス
11.6.3   最近の動向と契約
11.6.4   SWOT分析
11.7    MBDA Holdings
11.7.1   はじめに
11.7.2   地上配備型防空 - 商品とサービス
11.7.3   最近の動向と契約
11.7.4   SWOT分析
11.8    Northrop Grumman Corporation
11.8.1   はじめに
11.8.2   地上配備型防空 - 商品とサービス
11.8.3   最近の動向と契約
11.8.4   SWOT分析
11.9    RTX (formerly Raytheon Technologies Corporation)
11.9.1   はじめに
11.9.2   地上配備型防空 - 商品とサービス
11.9.3   最近の動向と契約
11.9.4    SWOT Analysis
11.10  THALES
11.10.2地上配備型防空 - 商品とサービス
11.10.4 SWOT Analysis
11.11  Other companies of interest
11.11.1 Changchun Institute for Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Changchun, Jilin, China
11.11.2 Denel Dynamics
11.11.3 Diehl Defence
11.11.4 General Atomics
11.11.5 Kratos Defense & Security Solutions
11.11.6 Norinco
11.11.7 Qinetiq Group
11.11.8 Roketsan
11.11.9 Rheinmetall
11.11.10  テキストロン・ディフェンス・システムズ

12   結果と結論

13   市場予測について

13.1   一般
13.2   お問い合わせ
13.3   免責事項
13.4   ライセンス

付録A:        掲載企業
付録B:        略語




図 7:SM 2 に関する DOT&E レポート
図8: ターゲット探知装置
図10: HQ-9
図 11: スカイレンジャー GBAD ファミリー
図12: FIM 92 スティンガー
図 13:RBS 70 NG
図 14: 地域ごとの予測期間における市場数量
図 15: ミサイルの構造材と熱保護材
図 16: 市場区分とサブ区分 地上配備型防空システム市場
図 20:ADM 160B デコイ
図21: 1RL257E クラスハ4 EWコンプレックス
図22: 米海軍のMK 70 Mod 1ペイロード・デリバリー・システムを米陸軍のタイフーン・ランチャーとして改良したもの。
図 32:地上配備型防空システムの地域別市場予測[百万米ドル]
図 33:地上配備型防空システムの2032年までの地域別市場予測[%] (%)
図 34:北米?コンポーネント [百万米ドル]
図 35:欧州?コンポーネント[百万米ドル]
図36:APAC ?コンポーネント[百万米ドル]
図37:中東・アフリカ ?構成比 [百万米ドル]
図38:ラテンアメリカ ?構成比[百万米ドル]
図 39:地上配備型防空ミサイルの地域別市場規模、2024年~2032年(百万米ドル
図43:監視レーダー地域別 [百万米ドル]
図 44:指揮統制システム ?地域別 [百万米ドル]
図45:火器管制システム ?地域別 [百万米ドル]
図 47:監視レーダー?コンポーネント [百万米ドル]
図 48:コマンド&コントロールシステム ?コンポーネント[百万米ドル]
図 49:火器管制システム ?コンポーネント [百万米ドル]
図 50:地上配備型防空システムのコンポーネント別市場規模 2024-2032 (百万米ドル)
図 54:地域別 SHORAD 市場予測[百万米ドル]
図 55:地域別長距離 [百万米ドル]
図 56:地域別VSHORAD [百万米ドル]
図 57:コンポーネント別中距離市場[百万米ドル]
図 58:コンポーネント別SHORAD市場[百万米ドル]
図 59:コンポーネント別ロングレンジ市場[百万ドル]
図 61:地上配備型防空ミサイルの射程距離別市場規模、2024~2032年(百万米ドル
図63:シナリオ II - 地域別 [百万米ドル]
図 64:シナリオ I とシナリオ II の比較 [百万米ドル]
図 65:ボーイング・アベンジャー防空システム
図67:BARAK ERインターセプター
図74:AN/TPY-4 レーダー
図75:ASPIDE 2000
図78:GM 200レーダー
図80: IRIS-T SL
図83:Sungur 短距離防空ミサイルシステム



表7:主要企業の売上高 2019年~2023年 [百万米ドル]
表15:ヨーロッパ ?コンポーネント【百万米ドル
表16:APAC ?コンポーネント [百万米ドル]
表17:中東・アフリカ ?構成比 [百万米ドル]
表18:ラテンアメリカ ?コンポーネント(百万米ドル]
表20:兵器システム?地域別 [百万米ドル]
表21:兵器システム?地域別 [百万米ドル]
表22:監視レーダー?地域別 [百万米ドル]
表23:指揮統制システム ?地域別 [百万米ドル]
表24:火器管制システム ?地域別 [百万米ドル]
表25:兵器システム ?コンポーネント[百万米ドル]
表 26:監視レーダー?コンポーネント [百万米ドル]
表 27:コマンド&コントロールシステム ?コンポーネント[百万米ドル]
表 28:火器管制システム ?コンポーネント[百万米ドル]
表 29:地上配備型防空システムの範囲別市場予測【百万米ドル
表 30:地域別中距離【百万米ドル
表 32:地域別長距離【百万米ドル
表 33:地域別VSHORAD[百万米ドル]
表 34:コンポーネント別中距離市場[百万米ドル]
表 36:コンポーネント別長距離市場[百万ドル]
表 38:シナリオⅡ-地域別市場[百万米ドル]
表 39:シナリオIとシナリオIIの比較【百万米ドル
表 40:BAEシステム社のSWOT分析






Market forecasts by Region, Component, and Range. Country Analysis, Market and Technology Overview including Supply Chains and Critical Raw Materials, Opportunities and Scenario Analysis, and Leading Company Profiles


The recent conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East have served as a stark reminder that the skies are no longer a sanctuary. Sophisticated drones, cruise missiles, and low-flying aircraft are posing a significant threat to ground forces and critical infrastructure. In response, a long-neglected capability is reclaiming its rightful place at the forefront of modern warfare: Ground-Based Air Defense (GBAD) systems. This chapter delves into the renewed importance of GBAD, exploring how these defensive shields are shaping the character of contemporary combat.

Market Forecast’s latest study “Ground Based Air Defence Systems - Market and Technology Forecast to 2032” examines, analyses, and predicts the evolution of missile technologies, markets, and outlays (expenditures) over the next 8 years: 2024-2032.  It also examines the missile technology for military application markets geographically, focusing on the top 95% of global markets, in the United States, Europe, and Asia.

We primarily focus on the key markets – Americas, Europe, Asia, Middle East, and Africa. Throughout the report we show how ground based missile technology is used today to add real value.


Covered in this study

  • Overview: Snapshot of the Ground Based Air Defense System tech in the military market during 2024-2032, including highlights of the demand drivers, trends, and challenges. It also provides a snapshot of the spending with respect to regions as well as segments. It also sheds light on the emergence of new technologies
  • Market Dynamics: Insights into the technological developments in the Ground Based Air Defense System market and a detailed analysis of the changing preferences of governments around the world. It also analyzes changing industry structure trends and the challenges faced by the industry participants.
  • Segment Analysis: Insights into the various systems market from a segmental perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each segment.
  • Regional Review: Insights into modernization patterns and budgetary allocation for top countries within a region.
  • Regional Analysis: Insights into the systems market from a regional perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each region.
  • Trend Analysis:  Key Ground Based Air Defense System for Military Applications markets: Analysis of the key markets in each region, providing an analysis of the various Systems segments expected to be in demand in each region.
  • Key Program Analysis: Details of the top programs in each segment expected to be executed during the forecast period.
  • Competitive landscape Analysis: Analysis of competitive landscape of this industry. It provides an overview of key companies, together with insights such as key alliances, strategic initiatives. and a brief financial analysis.



We have segmented the Ground Based Air Defense System market in four major groups. We will research these 3 major segments and provide forecast figures from 2024 - 2032. These major segments are:


  • North America
  • Latin America
  • Europe
  • APAC
  • Middle East & Africa


  • Weapon System
  • Surveillance Radar
  • Command & Control System
  • Fire Control System


  • Medium Range
  • Long Range


Reasons to buy

  • Determine prospective investment areas based on a detailed trend analysis of the Global Ground Based Air Defense System Market over the next eight years
  • Gain in-depth understanding about the underlying factors driving demand for different systems segments in the top spending countries across the world and identify the opportunities offered by each of them
  • Strengthen your understanding of the market in terms of demand drivers, industry trends, and the latest technological developments, among others
  • Identify the major channels that are driving the global small sat business, providing a clear picture about future opportunities that can be tapped, resulting in revenue expansion
  • Channelize resources by focusing on the ongoing programs that are being undertaken by the ministries of different countries within the Ground Based Air Defense System market
  • Make correct business decisions based on thorough analysis of the total competitive landscape of the sector with detailed profiles of the top systems providers around the world which include information about their products, alliances, recent contract wins and financial analysis wherever available


Company Listed

BAE Systems
Boeing Co
Changchun Institute for Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Changchun, Jilin, China
Denel Dynamics
Diehl Defence
General Atomics
Israel Aerospace Industries
Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions
Lockheed Martin
MBDA Holdings
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Qinetiq Group
RTX (formerly Raytheon Technologies Corporation)
Textron Defense Systems


Table of Contents

1       Introduction
1.1  Scope
1.2  Methodology
1.3  Who will benefit from this study?

2       Executive Summary
2.1  Trends and Insights
2.2  Main Findings
2.3  Key Conclusions

3       Technologies and Developments
3.1  Technology overview
3.2  Types of Ground Based Air Defence System
3.3  Current technologies, research programmes, break-down of the GBAD subsystem
3.4  Important GBAD systems
3.4.1      MIM – 104 Patriot
3.4.2      Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD)
3.4.3      Standard Missile 6 (SM-6)
3.4.4      S-500
3.4.5      HQ-9
3.4.6      IRIS-T SL
3.4.7      Skyranger 30
3.4.8      Tor
3.4.9      FIM 92 Stinger
3.4.10    Robotsystem 70 (RBS 70)
3.5  European Sky Shield Initiative
3.6  Future technologies
3.7  Latest trends and developments

4       Market Overview
4.1  Introduction
4.2  Ground based air defence system market volume distribution over forecast period by Region
4.3  Competitive landscape
4.4  Main market players overview
4.5  Recent product introductions overview
4.6  Supply Chain overview
4.7  Critical Raw Materials
4.8  Critical Technologies
4.9  Notable Events

5       Market Analysis and Forecast Factors
5.1  Market Segmentation
5.2  Drivers
5.3  Trends
5.4  Opportunities
5.5  Challenges
5.6  Forecast Factors

6       Country Analysis
6.1  USA
6.2  France
6.3  United Kingdom
6.4  Germany
6.5  Sweden
6.6  Poland
6.7  Italy
6.8  Russia
6.9  China
6.10    India
6.11    Japan
6.12    Australia
6.13    Saudi Arabia
6.14    Türkiye

7       Global and Regional Market Forecast to 2032
7.1  Introduction
7.2  Ground Based Air Defence System market by Region overview
7.3  Ground Based Air Defence market Regions by Component
7.3.1      North America Ground Based Air Defence market by Component
7.3.2      Europe Ground Based Air Defence market by Component
7.3.3      APAC Ground Based Air Defence market by Component
7.3.4      Middle East & Africa Ground Based Air Defence market by Component
7.3.5      Latin America Ground Based Air Defence market by Component
7.4  Opportunity Analysis
7.4.1      By Region

8       Global and Regional Market Forecast to 2032 by Component
8.1  Introduction
8.2  Ground Based Air Defence system market by Component overview
8.3  Ground Based Air Defence System Component market by Region
8.3.1      Weapon System market by Region
8.3.2      Surveillance Radar market by Region
8.3.3      Command and Control System market by Region
8.3.4      Fire Control System market by Region
8.4  Ground Based Air Defence System Component market by Range
8.4.1      Weapon System market by Component
8.4.2      Surveillance Radar market by Component
8.4.3      Command & Control System market by Component
8.4.4      Fire Control System market by Component
8.5  Opportunity Analysis
8.5.1      By Component

9       Global and Regional Market Forecast to 2032 by Range
9.1  Introduction
9.2  Ground Based Air Defence System market by Range overview
9.3  Ground Based Air Defence System Range market by Region
9.3.1      Medium- Range market by Region
9.3.2      SHORAD market by Region
9.3.3      Long-Range market by Region
9.3.4      VSHORAD market by Region
9.4  Ground Based Air Defence System Range market by Component
9.4.1      Medium-Range market by Component
9.4.2      SHORAD market by Component
9.4.3      Long-Range market by Component
9.4.4      VSHORAD market by Component
9.5  Opportunity Analysis

10    Impact Analysis
10.1    Introduction
10.2    Forecast factors and Market Impact
10.2.1    Scenario I
10.2.2    Scenario II

11    Leading Companies
11.1    BAE Systems
11.1.1    Introduction
11.1.2    Ground Based Air Defence - Products and Services
11.1.3    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.1.4    SWOT Analysis
11.2    Boeing Co
11.2.1    Introduction
11.2.2    Ground Based Air Defence - Products and Services
11.2.3    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.2.4    SWOT Analysis
11.3    Israel Aerospace Industries
11.3.1    Introduction
11.3.2    Ground Based Air Defence - Products and Services
11.3.3    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.3.4    SWOT Analysis
11.4    Leonardo
11.4.1    Introduction
11.4.2    Ground Based Air Defence - Products and Services
11.4.3    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.4.4    SWOT Analysis
11.5    Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace
11.5.1    Introduction
11.5.2    Ground Based Air Defence - Products and Services
11.5.3    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.5.4    SWOT Analysis
11.6    Lockheed Martin
11.6.1    Introduction
11.6.2    Ground Based Air Defence - Products and Services
11.6.3    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.6.4    SWOT Analysis
11.7    MBDA Holdings
11.7.1    Introduction
11.7.2    Ground Based Air Defence - Products and Services
11.7.3    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.7.4    SWOT Analysis
11.8    Northrop Grumman Corporation
11.8.1    Introduction
11.8.2    Ground Based Air Defence - Products and Services
11.8.3    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.8.4    SWOT Analysis
11.9    RTX (formerly Raytheon Technologies Corporation)
11.9.1    Introduction
11.9.2    Ground Based Air Defence - Products and Services
11.9.3    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.9.4    SWOT Analysis
11.10  THALES
11.10.1 Introduction
11.10.2 Ground Based Air Defence - Products and Services
11.10.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.10.4 SWOT Analysis
11.11  Other companies of interest
11.11.1 Changchun Institute for Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Changchun, Jilin, China
11.11.2 Denel Dynamics
11.11.3 Diehl Defence
11.11.4 General Atomics
11.11.5 Kratos Defense & Security Solutions
11.11.6 Norinco
11.11.7 Qinetiq Group
11.11.8 Roketsan
11.11.9 Rheinmetall
11.11.10   Textron Defense Systems

12    Results and Conclusions

13    About Market Forecast

13.1    General
13.2    Contact us
13.3    Disclaimer
13.4    License

Appendix A:         Companies Mentioned
Appendix B:         Abbreviations


List of Tables/Graphs

List of figures

Figure 1: Ground Based Air Defence Market Summary by Region
Figure 2: Ground Based Air Defence Market Summary by Component
Figure 3: Ground Based Air Defence Market Summary by Range
Figure 4: Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor
Figure 5: MIM-104F missile of PAC-3
Figure 6: Minimum energy trajectory of missile
Figure 7: DOT&E Report on SM 2
Figure 8: Target Detecting Device
Figure 9: S-500 Prometheus
Figure 10: HQ-9
Figure 11: Skyranger GBAD family
Figure 12: FIM 92 Stinger
Figure 13: RBS 70 NG
Figure 14: Market volumes over the forecast period per region
Figure 15: Structural and thermal protection material in a missile
Figure 16: Market Segmentation and Sub Segmentation Ground Based Air Defence System Market
Figure 17: Missile defense space assets
Figure 18: Covers for penetration aid tubes
Figure 19: Russian decoys used in tactical ballistic missiles
Figure 20: ADM 160B decoys
Figure 21: 1RL257E Krasukha-4 EW complex
Figure 22: US Navy’s MK 70 Mod 1 Payload Delivery System modified as the US Army’s Typhoon Launcher
Figure 23: US Army Multi Domain Task Force Organization
Figure 24: M-SHORAD
Figure 25: Marine Air Defense Integrated System
Figure 26: Land Ground Based Air Defence
Figure 27: HQ-22
Figure 28: LD-35 mobile air defence system
Figure 29: Type 625 air defence system
Figure 30: Air Defence Tactical Control Radar
Figure 31: Hisar O Air Defence System
Figure 32: Ground Based Air Defence System Market Forecast by Region [US$ million]
Figure 33: Ground Based Air Defence Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [%]
Figure 34: North America – Component [US$ million]
Figure 35: Europe – Component [US$ million]
Figure 36: APAC – Component [US$ million]
Figure 37: Middle East & Africa – Component [US$ million]
Figure 38: Latin America – Component [US$ million]
Figure 39: Ground Based Air Defence market size, 2024-2032 (US$ million) by region
Figure 40: Ground Based Air Defence market CAGR, 2024-2032 by region
Figure 41: Ground Based Air Defence System Market Forecast by Component [US$ million]
Figure 42: Ground Based Air Defence Market Forecast to 2032 by Component [%]
Figure 43: Surveillance Radar – Region [US$ million]
Figure 44: Command & Control System – Region [US$ million]
Figure 45: Fire Control System – Region [US$ million]
Figure 46: Weapon System – Component [US$ million]
Figure 47: Surveillance Radar – Component [US$ million]
Figure 48: Command & Control System – Component [US$ million]
Figure 49: Fire Control System – Component [US$ million]
Figure 50: Ground Based Air Defence market size 2024-2032 (US$ million) by Component
Figure 51: Ground Based Air Defence market CAGR, 2024-2032 by Component
Figure 52: Ground Based Air Defence System Market Forecast by Range [US$ million]
Figure 53: Medium Range by Region [US$ million]
Figure 54: SHORAD by Region [US$ million]
Figure 55: Long Range by Region [US$ million]
Figure 56: VSHORAD by Region [US$ million]
Figure 57: Medium Range market by Component [US$ million]
Figure 58: SHORAD market by Component [US$ million]
Figure 59: Long Range market by Component [US$ million]
Figure 60: VSHORAD market by Component [US$ million]
Figure 61: Ground Based Air Defence market size, 2024-2032 (US$ million) by Range
Figure 62: Ground Based Air Defence market CAGR, 2024-2032 by Range
Figure 63: Scenario II - Regions [US$ Million]
Figure 64: Scenario I vs Scenario II [US$ Million]
Figure 65: Boeing Avenger Air Defense System
Figure 66: Ground Based Midcourse Defence
Figure 67: BARAK ER Interceptor
Figure 68: ARROW 3
Figure 69: RAT-31DL radar
Figure 70: NASAMS
Figure 71: Naval Strike Missile Coastal Defence System
Figure 72: Long Range Discrimination Radar
Figure 73: Next Generation Interceptor
Figure 74: AN/TPY-4  radar
Figure 75: ASPIDE 2000
Figure 76: GMD Boosters
Figure 77: Solid rocket motor cases for next generation interceptor programme
Figure 78: GM 200 radar
Figure 79: Umkhonto Ground-based Launcher
Figure 80: IRIS-T SL
Figure 81: Microwave Solid State Power Amplifier
Figure 82: LD35 air defence system
Figure 83: Sungur short-range air defence missile system
Figure 84: Search Radar


List of tables

Table 1: Ground Based Air Defence Market Summary by Region
Table 2: Ground Based Air Defence Market Summary by Component
Table 3: Ground Based Air Defence Market Summary by Range
Table 4: Ground Based Air Defence Systems: Features, Advantages, Limitations
Table 5: Components of a Ground Based Air Defence system
Table 6: Potential customers of various Ground Based Air Defence Systems
Table 7: Revenue of major companies 2019 – 2023 [US$ millions]
Table 8: Critical Raw Materials for Defence Industry as per European Union
Table 9: Critical Technologies with TRL
Table 10: Market activity
Table 11: Comparative analysis of scenarios
Table 12: Ground Based Air Defence System Market Forecast by Region [US$ million]
Table 13: Ground Based Air Defence market forecast by Country [US$ million]
Table 14: North America – Component [US$ million]
Table 15: Europe – Component [US$ million]
Table 16: APAC – Component [US$ million]
Table 17: Middle East & Africa – Component [US$ million]
Table 18: Latin America – Component [US$ million]
Table 19: Ground Based Air Defence System Market Forecast by Component [US$ million]
Table 20: Weapon System – Region [US$ million]
Table 21: Weapon System – Region [US$ million]
Table 22: Surveillance Radar – Region [US$ million]
Table 23: Command & Control System – Region [US$ million]
Table 24: Fire Control System – Region [US$ million]
Table 25: Weapon System – Component [US$ million]
Table 26: Surveillance Radar – Component [US$ million]
Table 27: Command & Control System – Component [US$ million]
Table 28: Fire Control System – Component [US$ million]
Table 29: Ground Based Air Defence System Market Forecast by Range [US$ million]
Table 30: Medium Range by Region [US$ million]
Table 31: SHORAD by Region [US$ million]
Table 32: Long Range by Region [US$ million]
Table 33: VSHORAD by Region [US$ million]
Table 34: Medium Range market by Component [US$ million]
Table 35: SHORAD market by Component [US$ million]
Table 36: Long-Range market by Component [US$ million]
Table 37: VSHORAD market by Component [US$ million]
Table 38: Scenario II - Regions [US$ Million]
Table 39: Scenario I vs Scenrio II [US$ Million]
Table 40: BAE System plc Company SWOT Analysis







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