
榴弾砲システム - 2032年までの市場と技術予測

榴弾砲システム - 2032年までの市場と技術予測

Howitzer Systems - Market and Technology Forecast to 2032

世界の榴弾砲システム市場は、予測期間を通じて年平均成長率10.1%で成長し、721億米ドルの規模に達すると予測されている。この大きな増加は、主に北米と欧州という2つの大きな市場に影響を与えたウクライナの戦... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 図表数 言語
Market Forecast
2023年12月29日 Eur3,995
3営業日程度 133 131 英語



















1 はじめに
1.1 範囲
1.2 定義
1.3 方法論
1.4 この調査から恩恵を受けるのは誰か?

2 エグゼクティブ・サマリー
2.1 傾向と洞察
2.2 主な調査結果
2.3 主要な結論

3 技術と開発
3.1 技術概要
3.2 砲兵の運用コンセプト
3.2.1 砲兵部隊の組織
3.2.2 師団砲兵(DIVARTY)
3.2.3 火器指揮センター(FDC)
3.2.4 弾道
3.3 牽引式と装輪式と追尾式
3.4 ウクライナからの教訓
3.5 市場に影響を与える技術と設計コンセプト
3.5.1 先進素材
3.5.2 C4I - ネットワーキング
3.5.3 ガイダンス
3.5.4 オートメーション
3.5.5 オートノミー
3.5.6 署名管理

4 市場概要
4.1 はじめに
4.2 地域別榴弾砲市場予測期間の数量分布
4.3 ウクライナ戦争とその影響
4.4 北米
4.5 欧州

5 市場分析と予測要因
5.1 市場セグメンテーション
5.2 推進要因
5.3 トレンド
5.4 チャンス
5.5 課題

6 国別分析
6.1 ヨーロッパ
6.2 北米

7 2032年までの世界・地域市場予測
7.1 はじめに
7.2 榴弾砲市場の地域別概要
7.3 移動性別榴弾砲市場地域
7.3.1 北米の榴弾砲市場(機動性別
7.3.2 欧州榴弾砲市場:移動性別
7.3.3 APAC榴弾砲市場:移動性別
7.3.4 ME&A榴弾砲市場:移動性別
7.3.5 LATAM榴弾砲市場:移動性別
7.4 榴弾砲の口径別地域市場
7.4.1 北米榴弾砲口径別市場
7.4.2 欧州榴弾砲口径別市場
7.4.3 APAC榴弾砲口径別市場
7.4.4 ME&A榴弾砲口径別市場
7.4.5 ラタム榴弾砲市場:口径別
7.5 機会分析
7.5.1 地域別

8 2032年までのモビリティ別市場予測
8.1 はじめに
8.2 榴弾砲システムの移動性別市場概要
8.3 地域別曳航式榴弾砲システム市場
8.3.1 牽引榴弾砲システム地域別市場
8.3.2 牽引榴弾砲システム地域別市場
8.3.3 車輪付き榴弾砲システム地域別市場
8.4 榴弾砲システム市場 キャリバー別機動性
8.4.1 牽引榴弾砲システム口径別市場
8.4.2 牽引榴弾砲システム口径別市場
8.4.3 砲口径別装輪榴弾砲システム市場
8.5 機会分析

9 2032年までの榴弾砲システム市場予測(口径別
9.1 はじめに
9.2 榴弾砲システムの口径別市場概要
9.3 榴弾砲システム市場の地域別口径
9.3.1 北米の榴弾砲システム市場:口径別
9.3.2 欧州榴弾砲システム市場:口径別
9.3.3 APAC榴弾砲システム口径別市場
9.3.4 ME&A榴弾砲システム市場:口径別
9.3.5 LATAM榴弾砲システム市場:口径別
9.4 榴弾砲システム市場 キャリバー別機動性
9.4.1 2032年までの105mm-149mm榴弾砲市場(機動性別
9.4.2 2032年までの150mm-200mm榴弾砲市場:機動性別
9.5 機会分析

10 インパクト分析
10.1 はじめに
10.2 予測要因と市場への影響
10.3 世界の榴弾砲システム市場シナリオ1対シナリオ2
10.4 地域別榴弾砲システム市場シナリオ1とシナリオ2の比較
10.4.1 北米榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ1 vs シナリオ2
10.4.2 欧州榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ1 vs シナリオ2
10.4.3 APAC榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ1 vs シナリオ2
10.4.4 ME&A榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ1 vs シナリオ2
10.4.5 LATAM榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ1とシナリオ2の比較
10.5 榴弾砲システム市場 モビリティ別シナリオ1とシナリオ2の比較
10.5.1 牽引榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ1 vs シナリオ2
10.5.2 牽引榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ1 vs シナリオ2
10.5.3 装輪榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ1 vs シナリオ2
10.6 榴弾砲システム市場のシナリオ1とシナリオ2の比較(口径別
10.6.1 105mm-149mm榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ1とシナリオ2の比較
10.6.2 150mm-199mm榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ1 vs シナリオ2

11 主要企業
11.1 BAEシステムズ
11.1.1 はじめに
11.1.2 榴弾砲 - 製品とサービス
11.1.3 最近の開発と契約
11.1.4 SWOT分析
11.2 エルビット・システムズ
11.2.1 はじめに
11.2.2 榴弾砲 - 製品とサービス
11.2.3 最近の開発と契約
11.2.4 SWOT分析
11.3 ハンファ防衛
11.3.1 はじめに
11.3.2 榴弾砲 - 製品およびサービス
11.3.3 最近の動向と契約
11.3.4 SWOT分析
11.4 PGZグループ - フタ・スタロワ・ウォラ(HSW)
11.4.1 はじめに
11.4.2 榴弾砲 - 製品およびサービス
11.4.3 最近の動向と契約
11.4.4 SWOT分析
11.5 KMW (KNDS)
11.5.1 はじめに
11.5.2 榴弾砲 - 製品・サービス
11.5.3 最近の開発と契約
11.5.4 SWOT分析
11.6 MKEK
11.6.1 概要
11.6.2 榴弾砲 - 製品・サービス
11.6.3 最近の開発と契約
11.6.4 SWOT分析
11.7 ネクスター(KNDS)
11.7.1 はじめに
11.7.2 榴弾砲 - 製品・サービス
11.7.3 最近の開発と契約
11.7.4 SWOT分析

12 結果と結論

13 市場予測について
13.1 概要
13.2 お問い合わせ
13.3 免責事項
13.4 ライセンス

付録A: 言及される企業



図 5:Dynamic Front '23 演習のために列車で配備されたフランス陸軍 SPH Caesar。列車は重量のある榴弾砲を迅速に輸送する手段である。しかし、平均速度が速く、燃料消費量が少なく、メンテナンスが容易な車輪付きSPHは、必要に応じて長距離を陸路で移動することができる。
図7:米陸軍BAEシステムズ社製M777 155mm榴弾砲
図 8: イタリア陸軍 Oto Melara Mod 56 Pack 105mm 榴弾砲
図 10: ヘレニック陸軍の M-109
図 11:夜間演習中のノルウェー陸軍 K9
図 12: リトアニア陸軍 PzH 2000
図 13: アメリカ陸軍 M-109A6 パラディン
図 14: 2032 年までの地域別榴弾砲システム世界市場予測[百万米ドル]
図 15: 2032 年までの榴弾砲システムの世界地域別市場予測[%] (%)
図22: ME&A榴弾砲市場:機動性(百万ドル)
図23: ME&A榴弾砲市場:機動性(%)
図 24: LATAM 榴弾砲市場:機動性[百万ドル]
図 25:ラタム地域の榴弾砲市場:機動性[百万ドル]
図 26:北米榴弾砲市場:口径別[百万ドル]
図 27:北米の榴弾砲市場:口径別[%](百万ドル
図 28:口径別欧州榴弾砲市場[百万ドル]
図 29:口径別欧州榴弾砲市場 [%] (%)
図 30:APAC榴弾砲口径別市場[百万ドル]
図 31:APAC榴弾砲市場:口径別[%](百万ドル
図 32:ME&A 口径別榴弾砲市場[百万ドル]
図 33:ME&A 榴弾砲の口径別市場 [%] (%)
図 34:ラタム地域の榴弾砲市場:口径別[百万ドル]
図 35:ラタム地域の榴弾砲市場:口径別[%](百万ドル
図 36:地域別榴弾砲システム市場[百万ドル]
図 37:地域別榴弾砲システム市場 CAGR、2024年~2032年
図 38:2032年までの榴弾砲システム市場:移動度別 [百万米ドル]
図 39:2032年までの榴弾砲システム市場:機動性[%]別
図 40:2032年までの曳航式榴弾砲システム市場:地域別[百万ドル]
図 41:2032年までの曳航式榴弾砲システム市場:地域別[%] (単位:百万ドル
図 42:2032年までの牽引榴弾砲システム地域別市場[百万ドル]
図 43:2032年までの追跡榴弾砲システム地域別市場[%](単位:百万ドル
図 45:2032年までの装輪榴弾砲システム地域別市場 [%構成]
図 46:2032年までの曳航式榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[百万ドル]
図 47:2032年までの曳航式榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[%](日本
図 48:2032 年までの牽引榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[百万ドル]
図 49:2032 年までの追跡榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[%] (200 万ドル
図 50:2032 年までの装輪榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[百万ドル]
図 51:2032年までの装輪榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[%] (単位:百万ドル
図 52:榴弾砲システムの世界市場:移動度別[百万ドル]
図 53:榴弾砲システムの世界市場:移動度別CAGR[%] (単位:百万ドル)
図 54:2032年までの榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[百万ドル]
図 55:2032年までの榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[%] (%)
図 56:2032年までの北米榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[%] (%)
図 57:2032年までの欧州榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[百万ドル]
図 58:2032 年までの欧州の榴弾砲システム市場:口径別 [百万ドル]
図 59:2032 年までの欧州の榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[%](百万ドル
図 60:APAC の 2032 年までの榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[百万ドル]
図 61:2032年までのAPAC榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[%] (億ドル
図 62:2032年までのME&A榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[百万ドル]
図 63:2032年までの中東・アフリカ榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[%](単位:百万ドル
図 64:ラタムの 2032 年までの榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[百万ドル]
図 65:ラタムの 2032 年までの榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[百万ドル]
図 66:ラタムの 2032 年までの榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[%](百万ドル
図 67:2032 年までの 105mm-149mm 榴弾砲システム市場:機動性[百万ドル]
図 68:2032 年までの 105mm-149mm 榴弾砲市場:機動性 [%(%表示]
図 69:2032年までの150mm~200mm榴弾砲市場:機動性[百万米ドル]
図 71:榴弾砲システムの世界市場:口径範囲別[百万ドル]
図 72:榴弾砲システムの世界市場:口径範囲別CAGR成長率[%] (%)
図 73:シナリオ1とシナリオ2の比較:2032年までの榴弾砲システム世界市場[百万米ドル]
図 74:北米の榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ 1 対 シナリオ 2 [US$ mil.]
図 75:欧州の榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ 1 対 シナリオ 2 [US$ mil.]
図 76:APAC 榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ 1 対 シナリオ 2 [US$ mil.]
図 77:ME&A 榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ 1 対 シナリオ 2 [US$ mil.]
図 78:LATAM 榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ 1 対 シナリオ 2 [US$ mil.]
図 79:図 79:LATAM 榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ 1 対 シナリオ 2 [US$ mil.]
図 80: 装輪榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ 1 対 シナリオ 2 [US$ mil.]
図 81:105mm-149mm 榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ 1 対 シナリオ 2 [US$ mil.]
図 82: 150mm-199mm 榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ 1 対 シナリオ 2 [US$ mil.]
図 83:Elbit Systems 社の SWOT 分析
図 84:ハンファ・ディフェンス社 SWOT 分析
図 86: HSW 社 SWOT 分析
図 87: KMW (KNDS) 企業 SWOT 分析
図 88: MKEK 企業 SWOT 分析
図 89: Nexter (KNDS) 企業 SWOT 分析

表 25:2032年までの北米榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[百万ドル]
表 26:2032年までの北米榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[百万ドル]
表 27:2032年までのAPAC榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[百万ドル]
表 28:2032年までのME&A榴弾砲システム市場:口径別[百万ドル]
表 29:105mm~149mm榴弾砲の2032年までの市場:機動性[百万米ドル]
表 31:2032年までの世界の榴弾砲システム市場:シナリオ1とシナリオ2の比較[百万米ドル]
表 32:北米の榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ1とシナリオ2の比較[百万米ドル]
表 33:欧州の榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ1とシナリオ2の比較 [百万米ドル]
表 34:APAC 榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ 1 対 シナリオ 2 [US$ mil.]
表 35:ME&A 榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ 1 対 シナリオ 2 [US$ mil.]
表 36:LATAM 榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ 1 対 シナリオ 2 [US$ mil.]
表 37:曳航榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ 1 対 シナリオ 2 [US$ mil.]
表 38:追跡榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ 1 対 シナリオ 2 [US$ mil.]
表 39:曳航榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ 1 対 シナリオ 2 [US$ mil.]
表 40:105mm-149mm 榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ 1 対 シナリオ 2 [US$ mil.]
表 41:150mm-199mm 榴弾砲システム市場 シナリオ 1 対 シナリオ 2 [US$ mil.]
表 42:BAE System plc 社の SWOT 分析





The global howitzer systems market is projected to grow with a 10.1% CAGR throughout the forecasted period, to reach a volume of US$72.1 billion. This big increase is partially explained by the war in Ukraine which has mainly impacted two of the largest markets, namely the North American and European. Europe is expected to account for 38.8% of the total market in the 2024-2032 period, with a volume of US$28.01 billion, marking a 9.3% CAGR.

The war in Ukraine has highlighted some of the key characteristics of the modern battlefield against a peer enemy. Long-range fires have always been in the plans of all armies, but there an inherent conception that these would be better served with missile systems, which among other characteristics provide accuracy. While this is true the war in Ukraine has also highlighted the importance of volume of fire, which cannot be adequately served by missile systems.

The importance of volume in fires has remained at the centrepiece of Russian (and Chinese) tactical planning. These ground forces can deploy thousands of howitzers to dominate the battlefield and open the way for troops to seize their targets. Although that issue could be tackled by the acquisition of a proportionally if not equally large number of howitzers from the western countries and their allies, the costs are prohibiting.

Joint procurement from security or political organizations’ member-states (e.g. the EU and NATO) could provide the organisational, legal and financial framework to form economies of scale and reduce the impact of independent procurement and future support.

Nevertheless, the market is not only determined by pricing, but political factors too. As in every major platform procurement political support is important to successfully close an agreement. Howitzer systems do not escape from that realm.

What is currently important also is the ability of industries to manufacture howitzer systems. The war in Ukraine has overstretched the industrial capacity. Despite the collective actions on behalf of the EU countries and the US, it is a challenging task that will require every production facility available to join the effort. Looking into that from a different angle, it can be said that opportunities are not only found in sales of the systems, but also in the form of M&A throughout the supply chain, with possible further consolidation opportunities being ahead.

Covered in this study
Overview: Snapshot of the Howitzer Systems technology in the military market during 2024-2032, including highlights of the demand drivers, trends, and challenges. It also provides a snapshot of the spending with respect to regions as well as segments and sheds light on the emergence of new technologies.
Market Dynamics: Insights into the technological developments in the Howitzer Systems market and a detailed analysis of the changing preferences of governments around the world. It also analyses changing industry structure trends and the challenges faced by the industry participants.
Segment Analysis: Insights into the various systems market from a segmental perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each segment.
Regional Review: Insights into modernization patterns and budgetary allocation for top countries within a region.
Regional Analysis: Insights into the systems market from a regional perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each region.
Impact Analysis: Analysis on how certain events will impact the missiles market. This will give you an indication on which factors are important for the forecast.
Key Program Analysis: Details of the top programs in each segment expected to be executed during the forecast period.
Competitive landscape Analysis: Analysis of competitive landscape of this industry. It provides an overview of key companies, together with insights such as key alliances, strategic initiatives, and a SWOT analysis.

We have segmented the Howitzer Systems market in three major groups. We've researched these major segments and provide forecast figures for 2024 - 2032. The segments are:


North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
Latin America




Reasons to buy
Insight on the howitzer systems technologies, their organization in units and employment in the battlefield.
Understanding of the market in terms of demand drivers, industry trends, and the latest technological developments, which shape the market.
Comparison of the advantages of howitzer systems based on their mobility (towed, tracked or wheeled) which will provide the necessary arguments to manufacturers and business developers, when interacting with other stakeholders.
In-depth understanding of other factors affecting the market such as defence spending, operational requirements and challenges faced by manufacturers, among several others.
Outlining of the disruptions and the technology enablers impacting the market and how these could become an opportunity in this quick changing domain.
Identify opportunities available in the market.


Table of Contents

1 Introduction
1.1 Scope
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Methodology
1.4 Who will benefit from this study?

2 Executive Summary
2.1 Trends and Insights
2.2 Main Findings
2.3 Key Conclusions

3 Technologies and Developments
3.1 Technology overview
3.2 Artillery Operational Concepts
3.2.1 Artillery Units’ Organization
3.2.2 Divisional Artillery (DIVARTY)
3.2.3 Fire Direction Centre (FDC)
3.2.4 Ballistics
3.3 Towed vs Wheeled vs Tracked Systems
3.4 Lessons Learned from Ukraine
3.5 Technologies and design concepts that will impact the market
3.5.1 Advanced materials
3.5.2 C4I - Networking
3.5.3 Guidance
3.5.4 Automation
3.5.5 Autonomy
3.5.6 Signature management

4 Market Overview
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Howitzer market volumes distribution over forecast period by Region
4.3 The war in Ukraine and its impact
4.4 North America
4.5 Europe

5 Market Analysis and Forecast Factors
5.1 Market Segmentation
5.2 Drivers
5.3 Trends
5.4 Opportunities
5.5 Challenges

6 Country Analysis
6.1 Europe
6.2 North America

7 Global and Regional Market Forecast to 2032
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Howitzer market by region overview
7.3 Howitzer market Regions by Mobility
7.3.1 North American howitzer market by mobility
7.3.2 European howitzer market by mobility
7.3.3 APAC howitzer market by mobility
7.3.4 ME&A howitzer market by mobility
7.3.5 LATAM howitzer market by mobility
7.4 Howitzer market Regions by Calibre
7.4.1 North American howitzer market by calibre
7.4.2 European howitzer market by calibre
7.4.3 APAC howitzer market by calibre
7.4.4 ME&A howitzer market by calibre
7.4.5 LATAM howitzer market by calibre
7.5 Opportunity Analysis
7.5.1 By Region

8 Market Forecast to 2032 by Mobility
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Howitzer systems market by Mobility overview
8.3 Howitzer Systems Mobility Market by Region
8.3.1 Towed howitzer systems market by Region
8.3.2 Tracked howitzer systems market by Region
8.3.3 Wheeled howitzer systems market by Region
8.4 Howitzer systems market Mobility by Calibre
8.4.1 Towed howitzer systems market by calibre
8.4.2 Tracked howitzer systems market by calibre
8.4.3 Wheeled howitzer systems market by calibre
8.5 Opportunity Analysis

9 Howitzer Systems Market Forecast to 2032 by Calibre
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Howitzer systems market by Calibre overview
9.3 Howitzer Systems market Calibre by Region
9.3.1 North American howitzer systems market by calibre
9.3.2 European howitzer systems market by calibre
9.3.3 APAC howitzer systems market by calibre
9.3.4 ME&A howitzer systems market by calibre
9.3.5 LATAM howitzer systems market by calibre
9.4 Howitzer Systems market Calibre by Mobility
9.4.1 105mm-149mm howitzer market to 2032 by mobility
9.4.2 150mm-200mm howitzer market to 2032 by mobility
9.5 Opportunity Analysis

10 Impact Analysis
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Forecast factors and Market Impact
10.3 Global Howitzer Systems Market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2
10.4 Howitzer Systems Market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 by Region
10.4.1 N. American howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2
10.4.2 European howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2
10.4.3 APAC howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2
10.4.4 ME&A howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2
10.4.5 LATAM howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2
10.5 Howitzer Systems Market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 by Mobility
10.5.1 Towed howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2
10.5.2 Tracked howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2
10.5.3 Wheeled howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2
10.6 Howitzer Systems Market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 by Calibre
10.6.1 105mm-149mm howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2
10.6.2 150mm-199mm howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2

11 Leading Companies
11.1 BAE Systems
11.1.1 Introduction
11.1.2 Howitzers - Products and Services
11.1.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.1.4 SWOT Analysis
11.2 Elbit Systems
11.2.1 Introduction
11.2.2 Howitzers - Products and Services
11.2.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.2.4 SWOT Analysis
11.3 Hanwha Defense
11.3.1 Introduction
11.3.2 Howitzers - Products and Services
11.3.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.3.4 SWOT Analysis
11.4 PGZ Group - Huta Stalowa Wola (HSW)
11.4.1 Introduction
11.4.2 Howitzers - Products and Services
11.4.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.4.4 SWOT Analysis
11.5 KMW (KNDS)
11.5.1 Introduction
11.5.2 Howitzers - Products and Services
11.5.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.5.4 SWOT Analysis
11.6 MKEK
11.6.1 Introduction
11.6.2 Howitzers - Products and Services
11.6.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.6.4 SWOT Analysis
11.7 Nexter (KNDS)
11.7.1 Introduction
11.7.2 Howitzers - Products and Services
11.7.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.7.4 SWOT Analysis

12 Results and Conclusions

13 About Market Forecast
13.1 General
13.2 Contact us
13.3 Disclaimer
13.4 License

Appendix A: Companies Mentioned
Appendix B: Abbreviations


List of Tables/Graphs

List of figures
Figure 1: Howitzer systems market summary by region
Figure 2: Howitzer systems market summary by mobility
Figure 3: Howitzer systems market by calibre range
Figure 4: US soldiers at an L119 battery fire direction centre
Figure 5: French Army SPH Caesar deployed by train for the Dynamic Front ’23 exercise. Trains provide a fast way of transporting heavy howitzers. However, if necessary wheeled SPH can travel long distances by road thanks tot heir higher average speed, low fuel consumption and maintenance.
Figure 6: Market volumes over the forecast period per region
Figure 7: A US Army BAE Systems M777 155mm howitzer
Figure 8: An Italian Army Oto Melara Mod 56 Pack 105mm howitzer
Figure 9: Market Segmentation and Sub Segmentation Howitzer Systems Market
Figure 10: An M-109 of the Hellenic Army
Figure 11: Norwegian Army K9 during a night exercise
Figure 12: Lithuanian Army PzH 2000
Figure 13: A US Army M-109A6 Paladin
Figure 14: Global Howitzer Systems Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ million]
Figure 15: Global Howitzer Systems Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [%]
Figure 16: North American howitzer market by mobility [US$ million]
Figure 17: North American howitzer market by mobility [%]
Figure 18: European howitzer market by mobility [US$ million]
Figure 19: European howitzer market by mobility [%]
Figure 20: APAC howitzer market by mobility [US$ million]
Figure 21: APAC howitzer market by mobility [%]
Figure 22: ME&A howitzer market by mobility [US$ million]
Figure 23: ME&A howitzer market by mobility [%]
Figure 24: LATAM howitzer market by mobility [US$ million]
Figure 25: LATAM howitzer market by mobility [US$ million]
Figure 26: N. American howitzer market by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 27: N. American howitzer market by calibre [%]
Figure 28: European howitzer market by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 29: European howitzer market by calibre [%]
Figure 30: APAC howitzer market by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 31: APAC howitzer market by calibre [%]
Figure 32: ME&A howitzer market by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 33: ME&A howitzer market by calibre [%]
Figure 34: LATAM howitzer market by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 35: LATAM howitzer market by calibre [%]
Figure 36: Howitzer Systems Market by region [US$ million]
Figure 37: Howitzer systems market CAGR, 2024-2032 by region
Figure 38: Howitzer systems market to 2032 by mobility [US$ million]
Figure 39: Howitzer systems market to 2032 by mobility [%]
Figure 40: Towed howitzer systems market to 2032 by region [US$ million]
Figure 41: Towed howitzer systems market to 2032 by region [%]
Figure 42: Tracked howitzer systems market to 2032 by region [US$ million]
Figure 43: Tracked howitzer systems market to 2032 by region [%]
Figure 44: Wheeled howitzer systems market to 2032 by region [US$ million]
Figure 45: Wheeled howitzer systems market to 2032 by region [%]
Figure 46: Towed howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 47: Towed howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 48: Tracked howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 49: Tracked howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 50: Wheeled howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 51: Wheeled howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 52: Global howitzer systems market by mobility [US$ million]
Figure 53: Global howitzer systems market CAGR by mobility [%]
Figure 54: Howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 55: Howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 56: North American howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 57: European howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 58: European howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 59: European howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 60: APAC howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 61: APAC howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 62: ME&A howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 63: ME&A howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 64: LATAM howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 65: LATAM howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Figure 66: LATAM howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [%]
Figure 67: 105mm-149mm howitzer market to 2032 by mobility [US$ million]
Figure 68: 105mm-149mm howitzer market to 2032 by mobility [%]
Figure 69: 150mm-200mm howitzer market to 2032 by mobility [US$ million]
Figure 70: 150mm-200mm howitzer market to 2032 by mobility [%]
Figure 71: Global howitzer systems market by calibre range [US$ million]
Figure 72: Global howitzer systems market CAGR growth by calibre range [%]
Figure 73: Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 Global Howitzer Systems Market to 2032 [US$ million]
Figure 74: N. American howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Figure 75: European howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Figure 76: APAC howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Figure 77: ME&A howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Figure 78: LATAM howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Figure 79: Tracked howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Figure 80: Wheeled howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Figure 81: 105mm-149mm howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Figure 82: 150mm-199mm howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Figure 83: Elbit Systems Company SWOT Analysis
Figure 84: Hanwha Defense Company SWOT Analysis
Figure 86: HSW Company SWOT Analysis
Figure 87: KMW (KNDS) Company SWOT Analysis
Figure 88: MKEK Company SWOT Analysis
Figure 89: Nexter (KNDS) Company SWOT Analysis

List of tables
Table 1: Howitzer systems market summary by Region [US$ million]
Table 2: Howitzer systems market summary by mobility [US$ million]
Table 3: Howitzer systems market summary by calibre range [US$ million]
Table 4: Field artillery systems’ key characteristics comparison
Table 5: Market activity
Table 6: Global Howitzer Systems Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ million]
Table 7: North American howitzer market by mobility [US$ million]
Table 8: European howitzer market by mobility [US$ million]
Table 9: APAC howitzer market by mobility [US$ million]
Table 10: ME&A howitzer market by mobility [US$ million]
Table 11: LATAM howitzer market by mobility [US$ million]
Table 12: N. American howitzer market by calibre [US$ million]
Table 13: European howitzer market by calibre [US$ million]
Table 14: APAC howitzer market by calibre [US$ million]
Table 15: ME&A howitzer market by calibre [US$ million]
Table 16: LATAM howitzer market by calibre [US$ million]
Table 17: Howitzer systems market to 2032 by mobility [US$ million]
Table 18: Towed howitzer systems market to 2032 by region [US$ million]
Table 19: Tracked howitzer systems market to 2032 by region [US$ million]
Table 20: Wheeled howitzer systems market to 2032 by region [US$ million]
Table 21: Towed howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Table 22: Tracked howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Table 23: Wheeled howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Table 24: Howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Table 25: North American howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Table 26: North American howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Table 27: APAC howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Table 28: ME&A howitzer systems market to 2032 by calibre [US$ million]
Table 29: 105mm-149mm howitzer market to 2032 by mobility [US$ million]
Table 30: 150mm-200mm howitzer market to 2032 by mobility [US$ million]
Table 31: Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 Global Howitzer Systems Market to 2032 [US$ million]
Table 32: N. American howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Table 33: European howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Table 34: APAC howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Table 35: ME&A howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Table 36: LATAM howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Table 37: Towed howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Table 38: Tracked howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Table 39: Wheeled howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Table 40: 105mm-149mm howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Table 41: 150mm-199mm howitzer systems market Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 [US$ mil.]
Table 42: BAE System plc Company SWOT Analysis






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