
軍事用無人航空機システム(UAS) - 2032年までの市場と技術予測

軍事用無人航空機システム(UAS) - 2032年までの市場と技術予測

Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) - Market and Technology Forecast to 2032

地域別、クラス別、タイプ別、エンドユーザー別の市場予測。国別分析、市場と技術の概要。 ビジネスチャンス分析、主要企業プロフィール 無人航空機システム(UAS)は、軍事作戦に精度、適応性、安全性を提供... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Market Forecast
2024年12月23日 Eur3,995
3営業日程度 235 英語








  • 概要この調査レポートは、2024-2032年の軍事市場における無人航空機(UAV)技術のスナップショットを掲載し、需要促進要因、動向、課題のハイライトを掲載しています。また、地域やセグメントに関する支出のスナップショットを提供し、新技術の出現に光を当てています。
  • 市場のダイナミクス:軍事用無人航空機(UAV)市場の技術開発に関する洞察や、世界各国政府の嗜好の変化に関する詳細な分析を行っています。また、産業構造の変化傾向や業界参加者が直面する課題についても分析しています。
  • セグメント分析:各種システム市場をセグメント別に洞察し、各セグメントごとに市場に影響を与える要因を詳細に分析。
  • 地域別レビュー:地域内の上位国の近代化パターンと予算配分に関する洞察。
  • 地域分析:地域別の視点からシステム市場を洞察し、各地域の市場に影響を与える要因を詳細に分析。
  • 主要プログラムの分析:予測期間中に実施されると予想される各セグメントにおけるトッププログラムの詳細。
  • 競合状況の分析:この業界の競争状況の分析。主要提携、戦略的イニシアティブ、SWOT分析などの洞察とともに、主要企業の概要を提供する。





  • 北米
  • ヨーロッパ
  • アジア太平洋
  • 中東・アフリカ
  • ラテンアメリカ


  • ナノ&マイクロ
  • ミニ
  • 小さい
  • タクティカル
  • コンバット
  • 男性/テール


  • 固定翼
  • ロータリー翼
  • ハイブリッド
  • マルチコプター


  • 陸軍
  • 空軍
  • ネイビー
  • 国土安全保障


  • AIを活用した自律性、群運用、高高度・長時間持続型プラットフォームなど、最先端のUASテクノロジーと、これらのイノベーションが軍事戦略をどのように再構築しつつあるのかについての見識を深める。
  • 世界のUAS市場に影響を与える主要な推進要因、トレンド、課題、機会について学び、急速に進化するこの分野の複雑さを乗り切ることができます。
  • Understand how geopolitical factors, defence budgets, and modernization efforts in key regions such as北米,ヨーロッパ, and Asia-Pacific are shaping the adoption of military UAS.
  • 大手UASメーカーや新興プレーヤーの戦略、製品提供、市場ポジションを評価し、競争力のあるアプローチに磨きをかける。
  • サイバーセキュリティの脅威や規制上の課題など、潜在的なリスクを分析する一方、このダイナミックな市場における革新と投資の機会を見極める。
  • 詳細な予測、セグメンテーション分析、影響評価を用いて、投資決定、技術開発、事業拡大計画に役立てる。
  • デュアルユース技術や新たなアプリケーションに関する洞察力を活用し、国土安全保障や商業用ドローン分野などの隣接市場でのビジネスチャンスを探る。




1 エグゼクティブ・サマリー
1.1 傾向と洞察
1.2 主な調査結果
1.2.1 軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場の地域別概要
1.2.2 軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)市場のクラス別概要
1.2.3 軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)市場のタイプ別概況
1.2.4 軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)市場のエンドユーザー別概況
1.3 主要な結論

2 はじめに
2.1 範囲
2.2 定義
2.3 方法論
2.4 この調査から恩恵を受けるのは誰か?

3 技術と開発
3.1 技術概要
3.2 軍用UAVの種類
3.2.1 ナノUAV
3.2.2 戦闘UAV
3.2.3 監視・偵察UAV
3.3 軍用UAVの新たな用途
3.3.1 電子戦とジャミング
3.3.2 サイバーセキュリティとドローン対策
3.3.3 センサーと画像システム
3.3.4 バッテリーと推進システムの強化
3.4 製造イノベーション
3.4.1 UAV製造における自律性とロボット工学
3.4.2 3Dプリンティング
3.4.3 材料と軽量複合材料

4 市場概要
4.1 はじめに
4.2 軍用UAV市場の地域別予測期間数量分布
4.3 主要地域における軍用UAV
4.3.1 北米
4.3.2 欧州連合
4.3.3 フランス
4.3.4 ポーランド
4.3.5 トルコ
4.3.6 ロシア
4.3.7 ウクライナ
4.3.8 オーストラリア
4.3.9 インド
4.3.10 中国
4.3.11 その他のAPAC地域
4.3.12 イスラエル
4.3.13 アラブ首長国連邦
4.3.14 その他の中東・アフリカ
4.3.15 ブラジル
4.3.16 その他のLA

5 市場ダイナミクスと予測要因
5.1 市場セグメンテーション
5.2 ドライバー
5.3 トレンド
5.4 チャンス
5.5 課題

6 国別分析
6.1 概要
6.2 フランス
6.3 ポーランド
6.4 イタリア
6.5 ロシア
6.6 ウクライナ
6.7 スペイン
6.8 イギリス
6.9 トルコ
6.10 オーストラリア
6.11 中国
6.12 インド
6.13 日本
6.14 韓国
6.15 その他のAPAC地域
6.16 ブラジル
6.17 コロンビア

7 2032年までの地域別市場予測
7.1 軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場の地域別概況
7.2 軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場の地域別クラス別概況
7.2.1 クラス別北米市場概観
7.2.2 クラス別欧州市場概観
7.2.3 アジア太平洋地域のクラス別市場概況
7.2.4 中東・アフリカ市場のクラス別概況
7.2.5 中南米クラス別市場概観
7.3 軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場の地域別タイプ別概況
7.3.1 北米市場のタイプ別概況
7.3.2 欧州市場のタイプ別概況
7.3.3 アジア太平洋地域タイプ別市場概況
7.3.4 中東・アフリカ市場のタイプ別概況
7.3.5 中南米市場のタイプ別概況
7.4 軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場 エンドユーザー別地域概況
7.4.1 北米市場:エンドユーザー別概況
7.4.2 欧州市場:エンドユーザー別概況
7.4.3 アジア太平洋市場:エンドユーザー別概況
7.4.4 中東・アフリカ市場:エンドユーザー別概況
7.4.5 中南米市場:エンドユーザー別概況

8 2032年までのクラス別市場予測
8.1 軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場 クラス別概要
8.2 軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場 地域別クラス概要
8.2.1 地域別ナノ・マイクロ(クラスI)市場概観
8.2.2 地域別ミニ(クラスI)市場概観
8.2.3 小型(クラスI)地域別市場概況
8.2.4 地域別タクティカル(クラスII)市場概観
8.2.5 コンバット(クラスII)地域別市場概観
8.2.6 地域別MALE/HALE(クラスIII)市場概観
8.3 軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場 タイプ別クラス概観
8.3.1 小型(クラスI)市場タイプ別概況
8.3.2 小型(クラスI)タイプ別市場概観
8.3.3 タクティカル(クラスⅡ)タイプ別市場概観
8.3.4 戦闘機(クラスII)タイプ別市場概観
8.3.5 MALE/HALE(クラスIII)タイプ別市場概観
8.4 軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場 エンドユーザー別クラス概観
8.4.1 エンドユーザー別ナノ・マイクロ(クラスI)市場概観
8.4.2 エンドユーザー別ミニ(クラスI)市場概観
8.4.3 エンドユーザー別小型(クラスI)市場概観
8.4.4 タクティカル(クラスII)市場:エンドユーザー別概況
8.4.5 戦闘機(クラスII)市場:エンドユーザー別概況
8.4.6 MALE/HALE(クラスIII)市場:エンドユーザー別概況

9 2032年までのタイプ別市場予測
9.1 軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場 タイプ別概要
9.2 軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場の地域別タイプ概要
9.2.1 地域別固定翼市場概観
9.2.2 地域別回転翼市場概観
9.2.3 地域別ハイブリッド市場概観
9.2.4 マルチコプター地域別市場概観
9.3 軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場のクラス別タイプ概観
9.3.1 クラス別固定翼市場概観
9.3.2 クラス別回転翼市場概観
9.3.3 クラス別ハイブリッド市場概観
9.3.4 クラス別マルチコプター市場概観
9.4 軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場のタイプ:エンドユーザー別概況
9.4.1 固定翼機市場のエンドユーザー別概況
9.4.2 エンドユーザー別回転翼市場概観
9.4.3 ハイブリッド市場:エンドユーザー別概況
9.4.4 マルチコプター市場:エンドユーザー別概況

10 2032年までのエンドユーザー別市場予測
10.1 軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場 エンドユーザー別概況
10.2 軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場 エンドユーザー地域別概況
10.2.1 陸軍の地域別市場概況
10.2.2 空軍地域別市場概況
10.2.3 海軍地域別市場概要
10.2.4 国土安全保障市場の地域別概況
10.3 軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場 エンドユーザー:クラス別概況
10.3.1 クラス別陸軍市場概観
10.3.2 クラス別空軍市場概観
10.3.3 海軍クラス別市場概観
10.3.4 クラス別国土安全保障市場概観
10.4 軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場のタイプ別エンドユーザー別概況
10.4.1 陸軍タイプ別市場概観
10.4.2 空軍市場のタイプ別概況
10.4.3 海軍タイプ別市場概観
10.4.4 国土安全保障市場のタイプ別概況

11.1 ゼネラル・アトミクス
11.1.1 はじめに
11.1.2 軍用UAV - 製品
11.1.3 最近の開発と契約
11.1.4 SWOT分析
11.2 エアロバイロメント
11.2.1 概要
11.2.2 軍用UAV - 製品
11.2.3 最近の開発と契約
11.2.4 SWOT分析
11.3 エルビット・システムズ
11.3.1 はじめに
11.3.2 軍用UAV - 製品
11.3.3 最近の開発と契約
11.3.4 SWOT分析
11.4 ノースロップ・グラマン
11.4.1 はじめに
11.4.2 軍用UAV - 製品
11.4.3 最近の開発と契約
11.4.4 SWOT分析
11.5 イスラエル航空宇宙産業(IAI)
11.5.1 はじめに
11.5.2 軍用UAV - 製品
11.5.3 最近の開発と契約
11.5.4 SWOT分析
11.6 エアバス・ディフェンス・アンド・スペース
11.6.1 はじめに
11.6.2 軍用UAV - 製品
11.6.3 最近の開発と契約
11.6.4 SWOT分析
11.7 ボーイング
11.7.1 はじめに
11.7.2 軍用UAV - 製品
11.7.3 最近の開発と契約
11.7.4 SWOT分析
11.8 ベイカーテック
11.8.1 はじめに
11.8.2 軍用UAV - 製品
11.8.3 最近の開発と契約
11.8.4 SWOT分析
11.9 CASC ?中国航空宇宙科学技術公司
11.9.1 はじめに
11.9.2 軍用UAV - 製品
11.9.3 最近の開発と契約
11.9.4 SWOT分析

12 結果と結論
12.1 概要
12.2 お問い合わせ
12.3 免責事項
12.4 ライセンス

付録A: 言及される企業名




図 13: ニューロン UCAV
図14:Anduril Bolt UAV
図15: ブラックホーネットUAV
図 16: MQ-28A ゴースト BAT
図17: RQ-11 レイヴン
図 20: 地域別予測期間の市場数量
図22: Eurodrone
図24:Bayraktar TB2
図25:Strix UCAVストリックスUCAV
図26:市場区分とサブ区分 軍用アビオニクス市場
図 28:軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の 2032 年までの地域別市場予測% [億米ドル
図 57:中南米の軍事用無人航空機(UAS)市場の2032年までの予測:エンドユーザー別
図 61:ナノ&マイクロ(クラスI)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測
図 63:ミニ(クラスI)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測
図 64:小型(クラスI)-軍用無人航空機(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測
図 65:小型(クラスI)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測
図 66:小型(クラスI)-軍用無人航空機(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測
図 67:2032年までの戦術型(クラスII)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)市場地域別予測
図 68:戦術(クラスII)-軍用無人航空機(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測
図 69:戦闘用(クラスII)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測
図 70:2032年までの戦闘機(クラスII)・軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場地域別予測
図 71:2032年までのMALE/HALE(クラスIII)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)市場地域別予測
図 72:2032年までのMALE/HALE(クラスIII)軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場地域別予測
図 73:ナノ・マイクロ(クラスI)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの市場予測(タイプ別
図 76:タイプ別2032年までの軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場予測:小型(クラスI)
図 77:小型(クラスI)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)のタイプ別2032年までの市場予測
図 78:小型(クラスI)-軍用無人航空機(UAS)のタイプ別2032年までの市場予測
図 79:戦術型(クラスⅡ)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)のタイプ別2032年までの市場予測
図 81:戦闘用(クラスII)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)のタイプ別2032年までの市場予測
図 82:タイプ別 2032 年までの戦闘用(クラス II)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)市場予測
図 83:2032年までのMALE/HALE(クラスIII)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)市場タイプ別予測
図 84:2032年までのMALE/HALE(クラスIII)軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場タイプ別予測
図 85:ナノ&マイクロ(クラスI)軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場の2032年までの予測:エンドユーザー別
図 90:小型(クラスI)-軍用無人航空機(UAS)のエンドユーザー別2032年までの市場予測
図 97:2032年までの軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)市場予測:タイプ別[10億米ドル]
図 98:軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の 2032 年までの市場予測(タイプ別
図 99:固定翼型軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測
図 102:2032年までの軍用無人航空機(UAS)市場の地域別予測(回転翼)
図109:クラス別 2032 年までの軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)市場予測
図117:回転翼軍用無人航空機(UAS)のエンドユーザー別 2032 年までの市場予測
図 124:軍事用無人航空機システム(UAS)の 2032 年までの市場予測:エンドユーザー別 % [億米ドル
図 125:陸軍軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測
図127:空軍 軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測
図140:国土安全保障国土安全保障 - 軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの市場予測(クラス別


表19:北米の軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)市場の2032年までの予測:エンドユーザー別 [10億米ドル]
表 25:ナノ&マイクロ(クラスI)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 26:ミニ(クラスI)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 27:小型(クラスI)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 28:戦術型(クラスII)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 29:戦闘用(クラスII)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 30:MALE/HALE(クラスIII)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 31:ナノ・マイクロ(クラスI)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までのタイプ別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 32:ミニ(クラスI)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)のタイプ別2032年までの市場予測【10億米ドル
表 33:小型(クラスI)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)のタイプ別2032年までの市場予測【10億米ドル
表 34:戦術型(クラスII)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)のタイプ別2032年までの市場予測【10億米ドル
表 35:戦闘用(クラスII)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)のタイプ別2032年までの市場予測【10億米ドル
表 36:MALE/HALE(クラスIII)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)のタイプ別2032年までの市場予測【10億米ドル
表 37:ナノ・マイクロ(クラスI)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの市場予測:エンドユーザー別[10億米ドル]
表 38:ミニ(クラスI)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)のエンドユーザー別2032年までの市場予測【10億米ドル
表 39:小型(クラスI)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)のエンドユーザー別2032年までの市場予測【10億米ドル
表 40:戦術型(クラスII)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)のエンドユーザー別2032年までの市場予測【10億米ドル
表 41:戦闘用(クラスII)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)のエンドユーザー別2032年までの市場予測【10億米ドル
表 42:MALE/HALE(クラスIII)軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)のエンドユーザー別2032年までの市場予測【10億米ドル
表 43:軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)のタイプ別2032年までの市場予測【10億米ドル
表 45:回転翼軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 46:ハイブリッド軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 47:マルチコプター軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 48:固定翼軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までのクラス別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 49:回転翼軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)のクラス別2032年までの市場予測【10億米ドル
表 51:マルチコプター軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までのクラス別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 52:固定翼軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの市場予測(エンドユーザー別)【10億米ドル
表 53:回転翼軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの市場予測:エンドユーザー別[10億米ドル]
表 54:ハイブリッド軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)のエンドユーザー別2032年までの市場予測【10億米ドル
表 55:マルチコプター軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)のエンドユーザー別2032年までの市場予測【10億米ドル
表 56:軍事用無人航空機システム(UAS)のエンドユーザー別2032年までの市場予測【10億米ドル
表 57:陸軍軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 58:空軍軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 59:海軍軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの地域別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 61:陸軍軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までのクラス別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 62:空軍の軍事用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までのクラス別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 63:海軍の軍事用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までのクラス別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 64:国土安全保障省の軍事用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までのクラス別市場予測【10億米ドル
表 65:陸軍軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの市場予測(タイプ別)【10億米ドル
表 66:空軍の軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの市場タイプ別予測【10億米ドル
表 67:海軍の軍用無人航空機システム(UAS)の2032年までの市場タイプ別予測【10億米ドル
表 68:国土安全保障省の軍事用無人航空機システム(UAS)のタイプ別2032年までの市場予測【10億米ドル






Market forecasts by Region, Class, Type, and End-User. Country Analysis, Market and Technology Overview.
Opportunities Analysis, and Leading Company Profiles

Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) are reshaping the battlefield by providing military operations with precision, adaptability, and safety. These systems are critical to intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), electronic warfare, and combat missions, increasing operational efficiency while reducing personnel dangers.

Increased geopolitical tensions and a shift toward advanced defence strategies highlight the growing importance of UAS in global military arsenals. These systems, which range from nano drones for tactical missions to high-altitude, long-endurance platforms for strategic surveillance, are propelling defence technology forward. The market is also seeing rapid improvements in AI-enabled autonomy, swarm technologies, and multi-role capabilities, which are reinforcing the importance of UAS in current military operations.

As demand for UAS rises, the market is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 11.2% between 2024 and 2032, reaching a cumulative value of more than US$65 billion. Advances in artificial intelligence, increased regional military budgets, and the growing necessity of unmanned systems in solving current warfare issues all contribute to growth.
This study provides stakeholders with the necessary knowledge to manage the complicated and dynamic UAS market. From technology insights to geographical trends, this report lays out a strategy for capitalizing on opportunities in this changing sector. Whether you are a decision-maker, manufacturer, or investor, this research will help you understand and thrive in the future of military unmanned aircraft systems.

Covered in this study

  • Overview: Snapshot of the Military Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) technology in the military market during 2024-2032, including highlights of the demand drivers, trends, and challenges. It also provides a snapshot of the spending with respect to regions as well as segments and sheds light on the emergence of new technologies.
  • Market Dynamics: Insights into the technological developments in the Military Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) market and a detailed analysis of the changing preferences of governments around the world. It also analyses changing industry structure trends and the challenges faced by the industry participants.
  • Segment Analysis: Insights into the various systems market from a segmental perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each segment.
  • Regional Review: Insights into modernization patterns and budgetary allocation for top countries within a region.
  • Regional Analysis: Insights into the systems market from a regional perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each region.
  • Key Program Analysis: Details of the top programs in each segment expected to be executed during the forecast period.
  • Competitive landscape Analysis: Analysis of competitive landscape of this industry. It provides an overview of key companies, together with insights such as key alliances, strategic initiatives, and a SWOT analysis.



The market is segmented by Region, Platform, Fitment, and Subsystem.


  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • Middle East & Africa
  • Latin America


  • Nano & Micro
  • Mini
  • Small
  • Tactical
  • Combat


  • Fixed-Wing
  • Rotary Wing
  • Hybrid
  • Multicopter


  • Army
  • Air Force
  • Navy
  • Homeland Security

Reasons to buy

  • Gain insights into cutting-edge UAS technologies, including AI-enabled autonomy, swarm operations, and high-altitude, long-endurance platforms, and how these innovations are reshaping military strategies.
  • Learn about the key drivers, trends, challenges, and opportunities influencing the global UAS market, allowing you to navigate the complexities of this rapidly evolving sector.
  • Understand how geopolitical factors, defence budgets, and modernization efforts in key regions such as North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific are shaping the adoption of military UAS.
  • Evaluate the strategies, product offerings, and market positions of leading UAS manufacturers and emerging players to refine your competitive approach.
  • Analyse potential risks such as cybersecurity threats and regulatory challenges, while identifying opportunities to innovate and invest in this dynamic market.
  • Use detailed forecasts, segmentation analyses, and impact assessments to inform investment decisions, technology development, and business expansion plans.
  • Leverage insights into dual-use technologies and emerging applications to explore opportunities in adjacent markets, such as homeland security and commercial drone sectors.



Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary
1.1 Trends and Insights
1.2 Main Findings
1.2.1 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market summary by Region
1.2.2 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market summary by Class
1.2.3 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market summary by Type
1.2.4 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market summary by End-User
1.3 Key Conclusions

2 Introduction
2.1 Scope
2.2 Definitions
2.3 Methodology
2.4 Who will benefit from this study?

3 Technologies and Developments
3.1 Technology overview
3.2 Types of Military UAVs
3.2.1 Nano UAVs
3.2.2 Combat UAVs
3.2.3 Surveillance & Reconnaissance UAVs
3.3 Emerging Applications in Military UAVs
3.3.1 Electronic Warfare & Jamming
3.3.2 Cybersecurity and Counter-Drone Measures
3.3.3 Sensors and Imaging Systems
3.3.4 Enhanced Battery & Propulsion systems
3.4 Manufacturing Innovations
3.4.1 Autonomous and Robotics in UAV production
3.4.2 3D printing
3.4.3 Materials & Lightweight Composites

4 Market Overview
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Military UAVs market volume distribution over forecast period by Region
4.3 Military UAVs in key regions
4.3.1 North America
4.3.2 European Union
4.3.3 France
4.3.4 Poland
4.3.5 Turkey
4.3.6 Russia
4.3.7 Ukraine
4.3.8 Australia
4.3.9 India
4.3.10 China
4.3.11 Rest of APAC
4.3.12 Israel
4.3.13 United Arab Emirates
4.3.14 Rest of ME & AF
4.3.15 Brazil
4.3.16 Rest of LA

5 Market Dynamics and Forecast Factors
5.1 Market Segmentation
5.2 Drivers
5.3 Trends
5.4 Opportunities
5.5 Challenges

6 Country Analysis
6.1 Overview
6.2 France
6.3 Poland
6.4 Italy
6.5 Russia
6.6 Ukraine
6.7 Spain
6.8 United Kingdom
6.9 Turkey
6.10 Australia
6.11 China
6.12 India
6.13 Japan
6.14 South Korea
6.15 Rest of APAC
6.16 Brazil
6.17 Colombia

7 Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
7.1 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market by Region overview
7.2 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market Region by Class overview
7.2.1 North America market by Class overview
7.2.2 Europe market by Class overview
7.2.3 Asia-Pacific market by Class overview
7.2.4 Middle-East & Africa market by Class overview
7.2.5 Latin America market by Class overview
7.3 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market Region by Type overview
7.3.1 North America market by Type overview
7.3.2 Europe market by Type overview
7.3.3 Asia-Pacific market by Type overview
7.3.4 Middle-East & Africa market by Type overview
7.3.5 Latin America market by Type overview
7.4 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market Region by End-User overview
7.4.1 North America market by End-User overview
7.4.2 Europe market by End-User overview
7.4.3 Asia-Pacific market by End-User overview
7.4.4 Middle-East & Africa market by End-User overview
7.4.5 Latin America market by End-User overview

8 Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
8.1 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market by Class overview
8.2 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market Class by Region overview
8.2.1 Nano & Micro (Class I) market by Region overview
8.2.2 Mini (Class I) market by Region overview
8.2.3 Small (Class I) market by Region overview
8.2.4 Tactical (Class II) market by Region overview
8.2.5 Combat (Class II) market by Region overview
8.2.6 MALE/HALE (Class III) market by Region overview
8.3 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market Class by Type overview
8.3.1 Mini (Class I) market by Type overview
8.3.2 Small (Class I) market by Type overview
8.3.3 Tactical (Class II) market by Type overview
8.3.4 Combat (Class II) market by Type overview
8.3.5 MALE/HALE (Class III) market by Type overview
8.4 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market Class by End-User overview
8.4.1 Nano & Micro (Class I) market by End-User overview
8.4.2 Mini (Class I) market by End-User overview
8.4.3 Small (Class I) market by End-User overview
8.4.4 Tactical (Class II) market by End-User overview
8.4.5 Combat (Class II) market by End-User overview
8.4.6 MALE/HALE (Class III) market by End-User overview

9 Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
9.1 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market by Type overview
9.2 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market Type by Region overview
9.2.1 Fixed-Wing market by Region overview
9.2.2 Rotary Wing market by Region overview
9.2.3 Hybrid market by Region overview
9.2.4 Multicopter market by Region overview
9.3 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market Type by Class overview
9.3.1 Fixed-Wing market by Class overview
9.3.2 Rotary Wing market by Class overview
9.3.3 Hybrid market by Class overview
9.3.4 Multicopter market by Class overview
9.4 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market Type by End-User overview
9.4.1 Fixed-Wing market by End-User overview
9.4.2 Rotary Wing market by End-User overview
9.4.3 Hybrid market by End-User overview
9.4.4 Multicopter market by End-User overview

10 Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
10.1 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market by End-User overview
10.2 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market End-User by Region overview
10.2.1 Army market by Region overview
10.2.2 Air Force market by Region overview
10.2.3 Navy market by Region overview
10.2.4 Homeland Security market by Region overview
10.3 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market End-User by Class overview
10.3.1 Army market by Class overview
10.3.2 Air Force market by Class overview
10.3.3 Navy market by Class overview
10.3.4 Homeland Security market by Class overview
10.4 Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market End-User by Type overview
10.4.1 Army market by Type overview
10.4.2 Air Force market by Type overview
10.4.3 Navy market by Type overview
10.4.4 Homeland Security market by Type overview

11 Leading Companies
11.1 General Atomics
11.1.1 Introduction
11.1.2 Military UAVs - Products
11.1.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.1.4 SWOT Analysis
11.2 AeroVironment
11.2.1 Introduction
11.2.2 Military UAVs - Products
11.2.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.2.4 SWOT Analysis
11.3 Elbit Systems
11.3.1 Introduction
11.3.2 Military UAVs - Products
11.3.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.3.4 SWOT Analysis
11.4 Northrop Grumman Corporation
11.4.1 Introduction
11.4.2 Military UAVs - Products
11.4.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.4.4 SWOT Analysis
11.5 Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)
11.5.1 Introduction
11.5.2 Military UAVs - Products
11.5.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.5.4 SWOT Analysis
11.6 Airbus Defence and Space
11.6.1 Introduction
11.6.2 Military UAVs - Products
11.6.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.6.4 SWOT Analysis
11.7 Boeing
11.7.1 Introduction
11.7.2 Military UAVs - Products
11.7.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.7.4 SWOT Analysis
11.8 Baykar Tech
11.8.1 Introduction
11.8.2 Military UAVs - Products
11.8.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.8.4 SWOT Analysis
11.9 CASC – China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
11.9.1 Introduction
11.9.2 Military UAVs - Products
11.9.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.9.4 SWOT Analysis

12 Results and Conclusions
12.1 General
12.2 Contact us
12.3 Disclaimer
12.4 License

Appendix A: Companies Mentioned
Appendix B: Abbreviations


List of Tables/Graphs

List of figures

Figure 1: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market summary by Region
Figure 2: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Size by Region
Figure 3: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) CAGR by Region in US$ billions
Figure 4: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market summary by Class
Figure 5: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Size by Class
Figure 6: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) CAGR by Class in US$ billions
Figure 7: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market summary by Type
Figure 8: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Size by Type
Figure 9: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) CAGR by Type in US$ billions
Figure 10: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market summary by End-User
Figure 11: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Size by End-User
Figure 12: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) CAGR by End-User in US$ billions
Figure 13: nEURON UCAV
Figure 14: Anduril Bolt UAV
Figure 15: Black Hornet UAV
Figure 16: MQ-28A Ghost BAT
Figure 17: RQ-11 Raven
Figure 18: Solar-powered Zephyr
Figure 19: Small 3D printed UAV
Figure 20: Market volumes over the forecast period per region
Figure 21: MQ-9 Reaper
Figure 22: Eurodrone
Figure 23: FlyEye mini UAS
Figure 24: Bayraktar TB2
Figure 25: Strix UCAV
Figure 26: Market Segmentation and Sub Segmentation Military Avionics Market
Figure 27: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billions]
Figure 28: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region %
Figure 29: North America Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 30: North America - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 31: Europe Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 32: Europe - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 33: Asia-Pacific Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 34: Asia-Pacific - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 35: Middle-East & Africa Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 36: Middle-East & Africa - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 37: Latin America Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 38: Latin America - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 39: North America Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 40: North America - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 41: Europe Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 42: Europe - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 43: Asia-Pacific Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 44: Asia-Pacific - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 45: Middle-East & Africa Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 46: Middle-East & Africa - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 47: Latin America Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 48: Latin America - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 49: North America Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 50: North America - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 51: Europe Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 52: Europe - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 53: Asia-Pacific Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 54: Asia-Pacific - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 55: Middle-East & Africa Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 56: Middle-East & Africa - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 57: Latin America Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 58: Latin America - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 59: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class [US$ billions]
Figure 60: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class %
Figure 61: Nano & Micro (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 62: Nano & Micro (Class I) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 63: Mini (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 64: Mini (Class I) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 65: Small (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 66: Small (Class I) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 67: Tactical (Class II) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 68: Tactical (Class II) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 69: Combat (Class II) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 70: Combat (Class II) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 71: MALE/HALE (Class III) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 72: MALE/HALE (Class III) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 73: Nano & Micro (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 74: Nano & Micro (Class I) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 75: Mini (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 76: Mini (Class I) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 77: Small (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 78: Small (Class I) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 79: Tactical (Class II) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 80: Tactical (Class II) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 81: Combat (Class II) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 82: Combat (Class II) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 83: MALE/HALE (Class III) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 84: MALE/HALE (Class III) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 85: Nano & Micro (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 86: Nano & Micro (Class I) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 87: Mini (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 88: Mini (Class I) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 89: Small (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 90: Small (Class I) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 91: Tactical (Class II) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 92: Tactical (Class II) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 93: Combat (Class II) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 94: Combat (Class II) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 95: MALE/HALE (Class III) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 96: MALE/HALE (Class III) - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 97: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type [US$ billions]
Figure 98: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type %
Figure 99: Fixed-Wing Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 100: Fixed-Wing - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 101: Rotary Wing Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 102: Rotary Wing - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 103: Hybrid Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 104: Hybrid - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 105: Multicopter Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 106: Multicopter - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 107: Fixed-Wing Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 108: Fixed-Wing - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 109: Rotary Wing Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 110: Rotary Wing - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 111: Hybrid Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 112: Hybrid - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 113: Multicopter Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 114: Multicopter - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 115: Fixed-Wing Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 116: Fixed-Wing - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 117: Rotary Wing Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 118: Rotary Wing - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 119: Hybrid Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 120: Hybrid - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 121: Multicopter Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 122: Multicopter - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
Figure 123: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User [US$ billions]
Figure 124: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User %
Figure 125: Army Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 126: Army - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 127: Air Force Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 128: Air Force - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 129: Navy Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 130: Navy - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 131: Homeland Security Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 132: Homeland Security - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region
Figure 133: Army Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 134: Army - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 135: Air Force Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 136: Air Force - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 137: Navy Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 138: Navy - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 139: Homeland Security Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 140: Homeland Security - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class
Figure 141: Army Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 142: Army - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 143: Air Force Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 144: Air Force - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 145: Navy Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 146: Navy - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 147: Homeland Security Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type
Figure 148: Homeland Security - Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type

List of tables

Table 1: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market summary by Region in US$ billions
Table 2: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market summary by Class in US$ billions
Table 3: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market summary by Type in US$ billions
Table 4: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market summary by End-User in US$ billions
Table 5: Russia UAV programmes
Table 6: Market Activity
Table 7: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market share by Country [US$ million]
Table 8: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billions]
Table 9: North America Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class [US$ billions]
Table 10: Europe Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class [US$ billions]
Table 11: Asia-Pacific Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class [US$ billions]
Table 12: Middle-East & Africa Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class [US$ billions]
Table 13: Latin America Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class [US$ billions]
Table 14: North America Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type [US$ billions]
Table 15: Europe Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type [US$ billions]
Table 16: Asia-Pacific Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type [US$ billions]
Table 17: Middle-East & Africa Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type [US$ billions]
Table 18: Latin America Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type [US$ billions]
Table 19: North America Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User [US$ billions]
Table 20: Europe Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User [US$ billions]
Table 21: Asia-Pacific Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User [US$ billions]
Table 22: Middle-East & Africa Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User [US$ billions]
Table 23: Latin America Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User [US$ billions]
Table 24: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class [US$ billions]
Table 25: Nano & Micro (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billions]
Table 26: Mini (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billions]
Table 27: Small (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billions]
Table 28: Tactical (Class II) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billions]
Table 29: Combat (Class II) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billions]
Table 30: MALE/HALE (Class III) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billions]
Table 31: Nano & Micro (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type [US$ billions]
Table 32: Mini (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type [US$ billions]
Table 33: Small (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type [US$ billions]
Table 34: Tactical (Class II) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type [US$ billions]
Table 35: Combat (Class II) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type [US$ billions]
Table 36: MALE/HALE (Class III) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type [US$ billions]
Table 37: Nano & Micro (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User [US$ billions]
Table 38: Mini (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User [US$ billions]
Table 39: Small (Class I) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User [US$ billions]
Table 40: Tactical (Class II) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User [US$ billions]
Table 41: Combat (Class II) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User [US$ billions]
Table 42: MALE/HALE (Class III) Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User [US$ billions]
Table 43: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type [US$ billions]
Table 44: Fixed-Wing Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billions]
Table 45: Rotary Wing Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billions]
Table 46: Hybrid Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billions]
Table 47: Multicopter Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billions]
Table 48: Fixed-Wing Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class [US$ billions]
Table 49: Rotary Wing Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class [US$ billions]
Table 50: Hybrid Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class [US$ billions]
Table 51: Multicopter Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class [US$ billions]
Table 52: Fixed-Wing Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User [US$ billions]
Table 53: Rotary Wing Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User [US$ billions]
Table 54: Hybrid Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User [US$ billions]
Table 55: Multicopter Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User [US$ billions]
Table 56: Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User [US$ billions]
Table 57: Army Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billions]
Table 58: Air Force Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billions]
Table 59: Navy Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billions]
Table 60: Homeland Security Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ billions]
Table 61: Army Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class [US$ billions]
Table 62: Air Force Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class [US$ billions]
Table 63: Navy Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class [US$ billions]
Table 64: Homeland Security Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Class [US$ billions]
Table 65: Army Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type [US$ billions]
Table 66: Air Force Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type [US$ billions]
Table 67: Navy Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type [US$ billions]
Table 68: Homeland Security Military Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Forecast to 2032 by Type [US$ billions]







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2025/03/27 10:26

151.58 円

163.42 円

198.11 円
