
衛星コマンド&コントロールシステム - 2032年までの市場・技術予測

衛星コマンド&コントロールシステム - 2032年までの市場・技術予測

Satellite Command and Control Systems - Market and Technology Forecast to 2032

小型衛星やコンステレーションのコマンド&コントロール(C2)システムの必要性が、衛星C2システムの新たな開発の引き金となった。先進的な衛星C2システムは、小型衛星やコンステレーションの運用を管理・最適化... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 図表数 言語
Market Forecast
2023年12月31日 Eur3,995
3営業日程度 119 83 英語






地上局はデータ受信とテレメトリーにおいて基本的な役割を果たし、衛星から送られてくるテレメトリーデータを捕捉し解釈する。地上局は、世界中に戦略的に配置されたネットワークを形成し、衛星を継続的にカバーします。地上局の設置には多額の費用がかかる。地上局と関連インフラに関連するコストを決定する上で、事業規模が極めて重要な役割を果たす。そのため、サービス・プロバイダーからGSAaS(Ground Station as a Service)を利用することが、最近では賢明なビジネス提案になりつつある。このGSaaSへのシフトは、コストを最適化するだけでなく、運用の柔軟性を高め、世界規模でのシームレスな衛星運用を可能にする。













1 はじめに
1.1 範囲
1.2 定義
1.3 方法論
1.4 この調査から恩恵を受けるのは誰か?

2 エグゼクティブ・サマリー
2.1 傾向と洞察
2.2 主な調査結果
2.3 主要な結論

3 テクノロジーと開発
3.1 概要
3.2 技術と開発
3.2.1 衛星C2ソフトウェア
3.2.2 衛星C2ソフトウェアの要素
3.2.3 高度遠隔測定・追跡・制御(ATTC)システム
3.3 地上局
3.3.1 ソフトウェア定義の地上局
3.3.2 オープンスペース地上局
3.3.3 エンタープライズ地上システム

4 市場概要
4.1 はじめに
4.2 衛星コマンド&コントロールシステム市場の地域別予測期間数量分布
4.3 市場活動
4.3.1 SDAが地上C2ネットワークのセキュリティ研究にSpiderOakソフトウェアを採用
4.3.2 宇宙軍はC2ソフトウェア取得計画を最終調整中
4.3.3 ロッキード・マーチンがHorizonとCompassを発表:衛星コンステレーション用商用地上制御ソフトウェアの先駆け
4.3.4 ノースロップ・グラマンが多国籍NATO演習でC2の成功を実証
4.3.5 NRL の Blossom Point Tracking Facility が宇宙開発事業団の Tranche 0 ミッション打上げ 2 のコマンド・コントロールを提供

5 市場分析と予測要因
5.1 市場セグメント
5.2 宇宙セグメント
5.2.1 中継衛星
5.2.2 ミッション衛星
5.2.3 衛星コンステレーション
5.2.4 政府衛星の種類
5.2.5 民間衛星の種類
5.3 地上セグメント
5.3.1 地上局(衛星管制・追跡センター)
5.3.2 サービスとしての地上局(GsaaS)
5.4 コマンド&コントロール・ソフトウェア
5.5 ドライバ
5.6 トレンド
5.7 機会
5.8 課題

6 国別分析
6.1 米国
6.1.1 宇宙C2計画
6.1.2 R2C2プログラム
6.1.3 USSFのエンタープライズ地上システム
6.2 英国
6.3 ドイツ
6.4 フランス

7 2032年までの世界・地域市場予測
7.1 はじめに
7.2 衛星C2システム地域別市場概況
7.3 衛星C2システムの用途別地域市場
7.3.1 北米衛星C2システムの用途別市場
7.3.2 欧州衛星C2システム市場:用途別
7.3.3 APAC衛星C2システムの用途別市場
7.3.4 MEA衛星C2システムの市場:用途別
7.3.5 RoW衛星C2システムの市場:用途別
7.4 衛星C2システムの用途別市場地域
7.4.1 北米衛星C2システム市場:エンドユーザー別
7.4.2 欧州の衛星C2システム市場:エンドユーザー別
7.4.3 APAC衛星C2システム市場:エンドユーザー別
7.4.4 MEAの衛星C2システム分析市場:エンドユーザー別
7.4.5 RoWの衛星C2システム市場:エンドユーザー別
7.5 機会分析

8 2032年までの用途別市場予測
8.1 はじめに
8.2 地域別衛星指揮制御システム技術市場
8.2.1 通信衛星C2システム地域別市場
8.2.2 地球観測衛星C2システム地域別市場
8.2.3 航法衛星C2システムの地域別市場
8.2.4 宇宙科学衛星C2システムの地域別市場
8.2.5 偵察衛星C2システムの地域別市場
8.3 世界の衛星C2システムの用途別市場
8.3.1 通信衛星C2システム市場:用途別
8.3.2 地球観測衛星コマンド&コントロールシステム市場:用途別
8.3.3 航法衛星コマンド&コントロールシステム市場:エンドユーザー別
8.3.4 宇宙科学衛星コマンド&コントロールシステム市場:エンドユーザー別
8.3.5 エンドユーザー別監視衛星コマンド・コントロールシステム市場
8.4 機会分析

9 2032年までのエンドユーザー別市場予測
9.1 はじめに
9.2 エンドユーザー別衛星コマンド・コントロールシステム市場概要
9.3 衛星コマンド&コントロールシステムの地域別エンドユーザー市場
9.3.1 地域別民間衛星コマンド・コントロール・システム市場
9.3.2 商業衛星コマンド・コントロールシステム地域別市場
9.3.3 政府衛星コマンド・コントロールシステム地域別市場
9.3.4 軍用衛星コマンド・コントロールシステム地域別市場
9.4 衛星コマンド&コントロールシステムのエンドユーザー市場:用途別
9.4.1 民間衛星コマンド・コントロールシステム用途別市場
9.4.2 民間衛星コマンド・コントロールシステム用途別市場
9.4.3 政府衛星コマンド・コントロールシステム用途別市場
9.4.4 軍事衛星コマンド・コントロールシステム用途別市場
9.5 機会分析

10 影響分析
10.1 はじめに
10.2 予測要因と市場への影響

11 主要企業
11.1 クレイトス
11.1.1 はじめに
11.1.2 衛星C2システムとサービス
11.1.3 最近の開発と契約
11.1.4 SWOT分析
11.2 L3Harris
11.2.1 概要
11.2.2 衛星C2システムとサービス
11.2.3 最近の動向と契約
11.2.4 SWOT分析
11.3 ロッキード・マーチン
11.3.1 概要
11.3.2 衛星C2システムとサービス
11.3.3 最近の動向と契約
11.3.4 SWOT分析
11.4 パーソンズ
11.4.1 はじめに
11.4.2 衛星C2システムとサービス
11.4.3 SWOT分析
11.5 レイセオンテクノロジーズ
11.5.1 はじめに
11.5.2 衛星C2システムとサービス
11.5.3 SWOT分析
11.6 サフラン
11.6.1 概要
11.6.2 衛星C2システムとサービス
11.6.3 SWOT分析
11.7 テルマ
11.7.1 概要
11.7.2 衛星C2システムとサービス
11.7.3 SWOT分析
11.8 地上局
11.8.1 Amazon Ground Station as a Service
11.8.2 Azure Orbital地上局
11.8.3 Kongsberg Satellite Services AS (KSAT)
11.8.4 Viasat RTE GSaaS
11.8.5 スペースリンク
11.8.6 リーフスペース

12 結果と結論

13 市場予測について
13.1 概要
13.2 お問い合わせ
13.3 免責事項
13.4 ライセンス

付録A: 言及される企業



図5:アクティブプロテクションシステムの2031年までの世界地域別市場予測[%] (%)
図9:MEAの衛星C2システム市場 2032年までの予測:用途別 [百万米ドル]
図11:北米の衛星C2システムの2032年までの市場予測:用途別 [百万米ドル]
図12:ヨーロッパの衛星C2システム市場 2032年までの予測:用途別 [百万米ドル]
図15:RoWの衛星C2システム市場 2032年までの予測:最終用途別 [百万米ドル]
図 25:航法衛星C2システムの2032年までの用途別市場予測[百万米ドル]
図 26:宇宙科学衛星C2システムの2032年までの市場予測:用途別[百万ドル]
図 27:監視衛星C2システムの2032年までの市場規模予測(用途別)[百万ドル
図 28:衛星C2システムの地域別市場規模、2024~2032年(百万米ドル)
図 31:民間衛星C2システムの2032年までの地域別市場予測[百万米ドル]
図 32:商業衛星C2システムの2032年までの地域別市場予測[百万米ドル]
図 33:政府衛星C2システムの2032年までの地域別市場予測[百万米ドル]
図 34:軍事衛星C2システムの2032年までの地域別市場予測[百万米ドル]
図 35:民間衛星C2システムの2032年までの市場予測:用途別[百万米ドル]
図 36:商業衛星C2システムの2032年までの市場予測:用途別[百万米ドル]
図 37:政府衛星C2システムの2032年までの市場予測(用途別)[百万米ドル
図 38:軍事衛星C2システムの2032年までの市場予測(用途別)[百万米ドル
図 39:衛星C2システムの地域別市場規模、2024~2032年(百万米ドル)
図40: 軍用衛星C2システム市場衛星C2システム市場のCAGR、2024~2032年:地域別
図41:2032 年までの衛星 C2 システム市場予測 シナリオ I 対 シナリオ II

表6:北米の衛星C2ソフトウェアの2032年までの市場予測:用途別 [百万米ドル]
表9:MEAの衛星C2ソフトウェア市場の2032年までの予測:用途別 [百万米ドル]
表10:RoWの衛星C2ソフトウェア市場の2032年までの予測:用途別 [百万米ドル]
表11:北米の衛星C2ソフトウェア市場の2032年までの予測:用途別 [百万米ドル]
表12:ヨーロッパの衛星C2ソフトウェア市場の2032年までの予測:用途別 [百万米ドル]
表13:APACの衛星C2ソフトウェア市場の2032年までの予測:最終用途別 [百万米ドル]
表14:MEAの衛星C2ソフトウェア市場の2032年までの予測:最終用途別 [百万米ドル]
表15:RoWの衛星C2ソフトウェア市場の2032年までの予測:最終用途別 [百万米ドル]
表 25:監視衛星C2ソフトウェアの2032年までの市場予測:最終用途別 [百万米ドル]
表 26:衛星C2ソフトウェアの2032年までの市場予測:最終用途別 [百万米ドル]
表 27:民間衛星C2ソフトウェアの2032年までの地域別市場予測【百万米ドル
表 28:商業衛星用C2ソフトウェアの2032年までの地域別市場予測【百万米ドル
表 29:政府衛星C2ソフトウェアの2032年までの地域別市場予測【百万米ドル
表 30:軍事衛星用C2ソフトウェアの2032年までの地域別市場予測【百万米ドル
表 31:民間衛星用C2ソフトウェアの2032年までの市場予測:用途別 [百万米ドル]
表 32:商業衛星用C2ソフトウェアの2032年までの市場予測:用途別 [百万米ドル]
表 33:政府衛星C2ソフトウェアの2032年までの市場予測:用途別 [百万米ドル]
表 34:軍事衛星用C2ソフトウェアの2032年までの市場予測:用途別 [百万米ドル]
表 35:衛星C2ソフトウェアの2032年までの市場予測(シナリオI対シナリオII) [百万米ドル
表 36:クレイトス社のSWOT分析
表 37:L3ハリス社SWOT分析
表 38:L3Harris 社ロッキード・マーチン社 SWOT分析
表 39:パーソンズ社SWOT分析
表 40:レイセオン社SWOT分析
表 41:サフラン社SWOT分析





The need for Command and Control (C2) systems for small satellites and constellations has triggered new developments for satellite C2 systems. The advanced satellite c2 systems are essential components in managing and optimizing the operations of small satellites and constellations. As the space industry embraces the deployment of small satellites and constellations for various purposes, including Earth observation, communication, and scientific research, the demand for efficient and adaptable C2 systems has grown exponentially.

Modern satellite C2 systems play a crucial role in orchestrating the activities of individual small satellites and coordinating the complex operations of satellite constellations. These systems are designed to provide real-time command capabilities, telemetry analysis, and autonomous operations to ensure the optimal functioning of satellites in orbit.

Addressing the challenges posed by stove-piped satellite C2 systems involves a strategic shift towards more standardized, modular, and scalable approaches. By embracing industry collaboration, open standards, and agile development practices, stakeholders can navigate the intricacies of customization while optimizing operational effectiveness and cost efficiency.

Ground Stations play a fundamental role in data reception and telemetry, capturing and interpreting the telemetry data beamed down by satellites. They form a network strategically scattered across the world, providing continuous satellite coverage. Establishing a ground station is a costly affair. The scale of operations plays a pivotal role in determining the costs associated with ground stations and related infrastructure. Thus, availing ground station as a service (GsaaS) from the service providers is becoming a wise business proposition these days. This shift towards GSaaS not only optimizes costs but also enhances operational flexibility, enabling seamless satellite operations on a global scale.

Three developments that will be changing the future course of satellite C2 business;

OpenSpace is a groundbreaking advancement in the satellite industry, offering a fully digital, virtualized, and software-defined platform.
The Ops Center of the Future is characterized by the integration of cutting-edge technologies, including advanced telemetry, tracking, and control (ATTC) systems.
Enterprise-grade ground stations signify a shift toward sophisticated and scalable ground infrastructure. These ground stations are designed to meet the requirements of large constellations, offering robust command and control capabilities, data processing, and communication interfaces.
The modern C2 software for satellites stands out for its exceptional robustness, encompassing key attributes such as security, agility, performance, and scalability. Performance will be a key consideration in modern C2 software. The software equipped with advanced telemetry capabilities, providing real-time data insights into satellite health and performance will grab the demand. Commitment to operational efficiency, designed to be lighter in operations, and streamlining processes without compromising functionality will be the key elements of modern satellite C2 systems.

Covered in this study
Overview: Snapshot of the satellite command and control system market during 2024-2032, including highlights of the demand drivers, trends, and challenges. It also provides a snapshot of the spending with respect to regions as well as segments and sheds light on the emergence of new technologies.
Market Dynamics: Insights into the technological developments in the satellite command and control system market and a detailed analysis of the changing preferences of governments around the world. It also analyses changing industry structure trends and the challenges faced by the industry participants.
Segment Analysis: Insights into the satellite command and control system market from a segmental perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each segment.
Regional Review: Insights into modernization patterns and budgetary allocation for top countries within a region.
Regional Analysis: Insights into the satellite command and control system market from a regional perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each region.
Impact Analysis: Analysis of how certain events will impact the satellite command and control system market. This will give you an indication of which factors are important for the forecast.
Key Program Analysis: Details of the top programs in each segment expected to be executed during the forecast period.
Competitive landscape Analysis: Analysis of the competitive landscape of this industry. It provides an overview of key companies, together with insights such as key alliances, strategic initiatives, and a SWOT analysis.

We have segmented the Satellite Command and Control Systems market in four major groups. We've researched these major segments and provide forecast figures for 2024 - 2032. The segments are:

North America
Middle East & Africa

Space Segment
Ground Segment

Relay Satellites
Satellite Constellation
Mission Satellites

Ground Station (Satellite Control and Tracking Centre)

End User

Reasons to buy
Determine prospective procurement areas based on a detailed procurement plan analysis of the protection system for the satellite C2 system market over the next eight years.
Gain an in-depth understanding of the underlying factors driving demand for satellite C2 systems for small commercial satellites and constellations as well as mission satellites of the leading countries. It covers emerging potential markets across the world and identifies the opportunities offered by each of them.
Strengthen your understanding of the market in terms of demand drivers, industry trends, and the latest technological developments, among others.
Identify the major business advancements such as GsaaS, enterprise-grade ground stations and no-code, protocol-agnostic C2 software developments that are driving the global low-cost satellite C2 system markets, providing a clear picture of future opportunities that can be tapped, resulting in revenue expansion.
Make correct business decisions based on a thorough analysis of the total competitive landscape of the sector with detailed profiles of the providers of satellite C2 systems for various types of satellite projects around the world.


Table of Contents

1 Introduction
1.1 Scope
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Methodology
1.4 Who will benefit from this study?

2 Executive Summary
2.1 Trends and Insights
2.2 Main Findings
2.3 Key Conclusions

3 Technologies and Developments
3.1 Overview
3.2 Technology and Developments
3.2.1 Satellite C2 Software
3.2.2 Elements of Satellite C2 Software
3.2.3 Advanced Telemetry, Tracking, and Control (ATTC) Systems
3.3 Ground Station
3.3.1 Software-defined Ground Stations
3.3.2 OpenSpace Ground Stations
3.3.3 Enterprise Ground System

4 Market Overview
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Satellite Command and Control System market volume distribution over the forecast period by Region
4.3 Market Activity
4.3.1 SDA Selects SpiderOak Software for Ground C2 Network Security Research
4.3.2 Space Force is Finalising a Plan to acquire C2 Software
4.3.3 Lockheed Martin Unveils Horizon and Compass: Pioneering Commercial Ground Control Software for Satellite Constellations
4.3.4 Northrop Grumman Demonstrates C2 Success in Multinational NATO Exercise
4.3.5 NRL’s Blossom Point Tracking Facility Provides Command and Control for Space Development Agency Tranche 0 Mission Launch 2

5 Market Analysis and Forecast Factors
5.1 Market Segmentation
5.2 Space Segment
5.2.1 Relay Satellites
5.2.2 Mission Satellites
5.2.3 Satellite Constellations
5.2.4 Government Satellites Types
5.2.5 Commercial Satellite Types
5.3 Ground Segment
5.3.1 Ground Station (Satellite Control and Tracking Centre)
5.3.2 Ground Station as a Service (GsaaS)
5.4 Command and Control Software
5.5 Drivers
5.6 Trends
5.7 Opportunities
5.8 Challenges

6 Country Analysis
6.1 The US
6.1.1 Space C2 program
6.1.2 R2C2 program
6.1.3 USSF’s Enterprise Ground System
6.2 UK
6.3 Germany
6.4 France

7 Global and Regional Market Forecast to 2032
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Satellite Command and Control System market by Region overview
7.3 Satellite C2 System Market Regions by Application
7.3.1 North America Satellite C2 System Market by Application
7.3.2 Europe Satellite C2 System Market by Application
7.3.3 APAC Satellite C2 System Market by Application
7.3.4 MEA Satellite C2 System Market by Application
7.3.5 RoW Satellite C2 System Market by Application
7.4 Satellite C2 System Market Regions by End-Use
7.4.1 North America Satellite C2 System Market by End-Use
7.4.2 Europe Satellite C2 System Market by End-Use
7.4.3 APAC Satellite C2 System Market by End-Use
7.4.4 MEA Satellite C2 System Analytics Market by End-Use
7.4.5 RoW Satellite C2 System Market by End-Use
7.5 Opportunity Analysis

8 Market Forecast to 2032 by Application
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Satellite Command and Control System Technologies Market by Region
8.2.1 Communication Satellite C2 System Market by Region
8.2.2 Earth Observation Satellite C2 System Market by Region
8.2.3 Navigation Satellite C2 System Market by Region
8.2.4 Space Science Satellite C2 System Market by Region
8.2.5 Surveillance Satellite C2 System Market by Region
8.3 Global Satellite C2 System Application Market by End-Use
8.3.1 Communication Satellite Command and Control System Market by End-Use
8.3.2 Earth Observation Satellite Command and Control System Market by End-Use
8.3.3 Navigation Satellite Command and Control System Market by End-Use
8.3.4 Space Science Satellite Command and Control System Market by End-Use
8.3.5 Surveillance Satellite Command and Control System Market by End-Use
8.4 Opportunity Analysis

9 Market Forecast to 2032 by End-User
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Satellite Command and Control System market by End-User overview
9.3 Satellite Command and Control System End-Users Market by Region
9.3.1 Civil Satellite Command and Control System Market by Region
9.3.2 Commercial Satellite Command and Control System Market by Region
9.3.3 Government Satellite Command and Control System Market by Region
9.3.4 Military Satellite Command and Control System Market by Region
9.4 Satellite Command and Control System End-users Market by Application
9.4.1 Civil Satellite Command and Control System Market by Application
9.4.2 Commercial Satellite Command and Control System Market by Application
9.4.3 Government Satellite Command and Control System Market by Application
9.4.4 Military Satellite Command and Control System Market by Application
9.5 Opportunity Analysis

10 Impact Analysis
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Forecast Factors and Market Impact

11 Leading Companies
11.1 Kratos
11.1.1 Introduction
11.1.2 Satellite C2 Systems and Services
11.1.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.1.4 SWOT Analysis
11.2 L3Harris
11.2.1 Introduction
11.2.2 Satellite C2 Systems and Services
11.2.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.2.4 SWOT Analysis
11.3 Lockheed Martin
11.3.1 Introduction
11.3.2 Satellite C2 Systems and Services
11.3.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.3.4 SWOT Analysis
11.4 Parsons
11.4.1 Introduction
11.4.2 Satellite C2 Systems and Services
11.4.3 SWOT Analysis
11.5 Raytheon technologies
11.5.1 Introduction
11.5.2 Satellite C2 Systems and Services
11.5.3 SWOT Analysis
11.6 Safran
11.6.1 Introduction
11.6.2 Satellite C2 Systems and Services
11.6.3 SWOT Analysis
11.7 Terma
11.7.1 Introduction
11.7.2 Satellite C2 Systems and Services
11.7.3 SWOT Analysis
11.8 Ground Stations
11.8.1 Amazon Ground Station as a Service
11.8.2 Azure Orbital Ground Station
11.8.3 Kongsberg Satellite Services AS (KSAT)
11.8.4 Viasat RTE GSaaS
11.8.5 Spacelink
11.8.6 Leaf Space

12 Results and Conclusions

13 About Market Forecast
13.1 General
13.2 Contact us
13.3 Disclaimer
13.4 License

Appendix A: Companies Mentioned
Appendix B: Abbreviations


List of Tables/Graphs

List of figures
Figure 1: Satellite Command and Control Market Summary by Region
Figure 2: Market volumes over the forecast period per region
Figure 3: Market Segmentation and Sub-Segmentation Satellite C2 Market
Figure 4: Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Regions [US$ million]
Figure 5: Global Market Forecast for Active Protection Systems to 2031 by Region [%]
Figure 6: North America Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Figure 7: Europe Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Figure 8: APAC Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Figure 9: MEA Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Figure 10: RoW Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Figure 11: North America Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Figure 12: Europe Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Figure 13: APAC Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Figure 14: MEA Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Figure 15: RoW Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Figure 16: Satellite C2 market size, 2024-2032 (US$ million) by region
Figure 17: Satellite C2 System market CAGR, 2024-2032 by region
Figure 18: Communication Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Regions [US$ million]
Figure 19: Earth Observation Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Regions [US$ million]
Figure 20: Navigation Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Regions [US$ million]
Figure 21: Space Science Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Regions [US$ million]
Figure 22: Surveillance Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Regions [US$ million]
Figure 23: Communication Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Figure 24: Earth Observation Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Figure 25: Navigation Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Figure 26: Space Science Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Figure 27: Surveillance Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Figure 28: Satellite C2 market size, 2024-2032 (US$ million) by region
Figure 29: Satellite C2 System market CAGR, 2024-2032 by region
Figure 30: Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Figure 31: Civil Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Regions [US$ million]
Figure 32: Commercial Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Regions [US$ million]
Figure 33: Government Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Regions [US$ million]
Figure 34: Military Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Regions [US$ million]
Figure 35: Civil Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Figure 36: Commercial Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Figure 37: Government Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Figure 38: Military Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Figure 39: Satellite C2 market size, 2024-2032 (US$ million) by region
Figure 40: Satellite C2 System market CAGR, 2024-2032 by region
Figure 41: Satellite C2 System Market Forecast to 2032 Scenario I Vs. Scenario II

List of tables
Table 1: Satellite Command and Control System market summary by Region [US$ billion]
Table 2: Count of Satellites by Countries
Table 3: Count of Satellites by Application
Table 4: Count of Satellites by End-use
Table 5: Global Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ million]
Table 6: North America Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Table 7: Europe Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Table 8: APAC Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Table 9: MEA Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Table 10: RoW Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Table 11: North America Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Table 12: Europe Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Table 13: APAC Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Table 14: MEA Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Table 15: RoW Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Table 16: Communication Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ million]
Table 17: Earth Observation Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ million]
Table 18: Navigation Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ million]
Table 19: Space Science Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ million]
Table 20: Surveillance Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ million]
Table 21: Communication Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Table 22: Earth Observation Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Table 23: Navigation Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Table 24: Space Science Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Table 25: Surveillance Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Table 26: Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by End-use [US$ million]
Table 27: Civil Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ million]
Table 28: Commercial Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ million]
Table 29: Government Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ million]
Table 30: Military Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Region [US$ million]
Table 31: Civil Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Table 32: Commercial Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Table 33: Government Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Table 34: Military Satellite C2 Software Market Forecast to 2032 by Application [US$ million]
Table 35: Satellite c2 Market Forecast to 2032 Scenario I Vs. Scenario II [US$ million]
Table 36: Kratos Company SWOT Analysis
Table 37: L3Harris Company SWOT Analysis
Table 38: Lockheed Martin Company SWOT Analysis
Table 39: Parsons Company SWOT Analysis
Table 40: Raytheon Company SWOT Analysis
Table 41: Safran Company SWOT Analysis
Table 42: Terma Company SWOT Analysis






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2025/02/21 10:27

150.86 円

158.69 円

193.74 円
