![]() 軍用機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO) - 2031年までの市場と技術予測Military Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) - Market and Technology Forecast to 2031 軍用機MRO市場は、戦闘機、練習機、輸送機、特殊任務機などの軍用航空機プラットフォームの整備、修理、オーバーホールサービスで構成されている。軍用機のMROプロセスは、Oレベル、Iレベル、Dレベルなどの異なる... もっと見る
サマリー軍用機MRO市場は、戦闘機、練習機、輸送機、特殊任務機などの軍用航空機プラットフォームの整備、修理、オーバーホールサービスで構成されている。軍用機のMROプロセスは、Oレベル、Iレベル、Dレベルなどの異なるレベルによって分類される航空機の寿命の異なる段階で実施される。軍用MRO市場は、正確さと技術的専門知識を必要とする高度に専門化された市場である。航空機の整備は、世界中の軍隊にとって、航空機を効率的に運用し、その寿命の間、航空機を最大限に活用するための必須要件である。従って、この市場は、様々な地域における大規模な航空機の定期的・非定期的なメンテナンスだけでなく、交換が必要な、あるいは中期のアップグレードが必要な、老朽化した航空機群によって大きく牽引されている。 当調査レポート「軍用機の整備・修理・オーバーホール(MRO)-2031年までの市場と技術予測」は、航空宇宙産業における今後8年間(2024-2031年)の軍用MRO技術、市場、支出(経費)の推移を調査、分析、予測しています。また、北米、欧州、アジア太平洋地域、中東・アフリカ、中南米など、世界市場の上位95%に焦点を当て、地域別に市場を調査しています。 本レポートを通して、軍用機のMROが現在どのように実施され、真の付加価値を生み出しているか、また近い将来、遠い将来どのように実施されるかを示す。最も綿密で現実的な予測を提供するために、本レポートはツインシナリオ分析を提供している。 本調査の対象 概要この調査レポートは、2023年から2031年にかけての軍用機MRO市場のスナップショットを掲載し、需要促進要因、動向、課題のハイライトを掲載しています。また、地域やセグメントに関する支出のスナップショットを提供し、新技術の出現に光を当てます。 市場ダイナミクス:市場の技術開発に関する洞察や、世界各国政府の嗜好の変化に関する詳細な分析を掲載しています。また、業界構造の変化傾向や業界参加者が直面する課題についても分析しています。 セグメント分析:様々なタイプやプラットフォーム市場をセグメント別に洞察し、各セグメントの市場に影響を与える要因を詳細に分析。 地域別レビュー:地域内の主要国について、フリート近代化のパターンや技術開発についての洞察。 地域分析:地域別の視点からセグメント市場を洞察し、各地域の市場に影響を与える要因を詳細に分析。 影響分析:特定の事象が軍用機MRO市場にどのような影響を与えるかについての分析。これにより、どの要因が予測にとって重要であるかがわかる。 主要プログラム分析:予測期間中に実行が予想される各セグメントにおけるトッププログラムの詳細。 競合環境分析:この業界の競合状況の分析。主要提携、戦略的イニシアティブ、簡単な財務分析などの洞察とともに、主要企業の概要を提供する。 セグメンテーション 市場はMROタイプ、プラットフォーム、地域別に区分される。 MROタイプ Oレベル Iレベル Dレベル プラットフォーム トレーナー 輸送機 戦闘機 特殊任務 地域 北米 欧州 アジア太平洋 中東・アフリカ 中南米 購入の理由 今後8年間の世界の軍用機MRO産業の詳細な動向分析に基づき、有望な投資分野を決定する。 世界の支出上位国におけるさまざまな用途セグメントの需要を促進する根本的要因について深く理解し、それぞれの用途セグメントが提供する機会を特定する。 需要促進要因、業界動向、最新技術開発などの観点から市場の理解を深める。 世界の軍用機MROビジネスを牽引している主要チャネルを特定し、活用可能な将来の機会について明確なイメージを提供することで、収益拡大につなげる。 市場内の様々な国の省庁が取り組んでいる進行中のプログラムに焦点を当てることで、リソースを活用する。 世界中のトッププラットフォームプロバイダーの詳細なプロフィール(製品、提携、最近の契約獲得状況、財務分析など)。 関連研究 無人貨物航空機-2031年までの市場と技術予測 都市における航空移動とバーティポート - 2031年までの市場と技術予測 軍用UAVの世界市場・技術:2027年までの予測 ビジネスジェットの世界市場・技術 2028年までの予測 防衛と航空宇宙における積層造形の世界市場・技術 2028年までの予測 民間航空機の解体・分解・リサイクルの世界市場:2027年までの予測 航空宇宙・防衛用複合材料の世界市場・技術 2026年までの予測 目次1 Introduction1.1 Scope 1.1.1 Introduction 1.2 Definitions 1.2.1 MRO Type 1.2.2 O-level 1.2.3 I-level 1.2.4 D-level 1.3 Methodology 1.4 Who will benefit from this study? 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Trends and Insights 2.2 Main Findings 2.3 Key Conclusions 3 Technologies and Developments 3.1 Technology overview 3.1.1 Industry 4.0 3.2 Predictive and Prescriptive Maintenance based on Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) 3.3 Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) 3.4 Robots and Drones for MRO 3.5 Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud 3.6 Blockchain 3.7 Additive Manufacturing (AM) 4 Market Overview 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 Market Classification 4.2 Market Structure 4.3 Military Aircraft MRO programmes 4.4 Market Dynamics 5 Market Analysis and Forecast Factors 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Market model 5.3 Drivers 5.4 Trends 5.5 Opportunities 5.6 Challenges 6 Country Analysis 6.1 Australia 6.2 China 6.3 European countries 6.4 India 6.5 Japan 6.6 Turkey 6.7 US 7 Global and Regional Market Forecast to 2031 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Military Aircraft MRO market by Region overview 7.3 Military Aircraft MRO market Regions by MRO Type 7.3.1 North America Military Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type 7.3.2 Europe Military Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type 7.3.3 Asia Pacific Military Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type 7.3.4 Middle East & Africa Military Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type 7.3.5 Latin America Military Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type 7.4 Military Aircraft MRO market Regions by Platform 7.4.1 North America Military Aircraft MRO market by Platform 7.4.2 Europe Military Aircraft MRO market by Platform 7.4.3 Asia Pacific Military Aircraft MRO market by Platform 7.4.4 Middle East & Africa Military Aircraft MRO market by Platform 7.4.5 Latin America Military Aircraft MRO market by Platform 7.5 Opportunity Analysis 8 Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Military Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type overview 8.3 Military Aircraft MRO Type market by Region 8.3.1 O-level Military Aircraft MRO market by Region 8.3.2 I-level Military Aircraft MRO market by Region 8.3.3 D-level Military Aircraft MRO market by Region 8.4 Opportunity Analysis 9 Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Military Aircraft MRO market by Platform overview 9.3 Military Aircraft MRO Platform market by Region 9.3.1 Trainer Military Aircraft MRO market by Region 9.3.2 Transport Military Aircraft MRO market by Region 9.3.3 Fighter Military Aircraft MRO market by Region 9.3.4 Special Mission Military Aircraft MRO market by Region 9.4 Opportunity Analysis 10 Impact Analysis 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Forecast factors and Market Impact 10.2.1 Scenario 1 10.2.2 Scenario 2 10.2.3 Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 11 Leading Companies 11.1 AAR CORP. 11.1.1 Introduction 11.1.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.1.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.1.4 SWOT Analysis 11.2 Airbus SE 11.2.1 Introduction 11.2.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.2.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.2.4 SWOT Analysis 11.3 AMETEK Inc. 11.3.1 Introduction 11.3.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.3.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.3.4 SWOT Analysis 11.4 Amentum Services, Inc. 11.4.1 Introduction 11.4.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.4.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.4.4 SWOT Analysis 11.5 BAE Systems 11.5.1 Introduction 11.5.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.5.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.5.4 SWOT Analysis 11.6 The Boeing Company 11.6.1 Introduction 11.6.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.6.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.6.4 SWOT Analysis 11.7 Raytheon Technologies 11.7.1 Introduction 11.7.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.7.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.7.4 SWOT Analysis 11.8 Saab AB 11.8.1 Introduction 11.8.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.8.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.8.4 SWOT Analysis 11.9 Elbit Systems Ltd. 11.9.1 Introduction 11.9.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.9.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.10 Lockheed Martin Corporation 11.10.1 Introduction 11.10.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.10.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.11 MTU Aero Engines AG 11.11.1 Introduction 11.11.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.11.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.12 Rolls-Royce Holdings plc 11.12.1 Introduction 11.12.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.12.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.13 Other Leading Companies 11.13.1 Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance (AFI KLM E&M) 11.13.2 AMMROC 11.13.3 Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) 11.13.4 L3 Harris Technologies, Inc. 11.13.5 Northrop Grumman Corporation 11.13.6 ST Engineering 11.13.7 StandardAero 11.13.8 TAE Aerospace 12 Results and Conclusions 13 About Market Forecast 13.1 General 13.2 Contact us 13.3 Disclaimer 13.4 License Appendix A: Companies Mentioned Appendix B: Abbreviations 図表リストList of FiguresFigure 1: Military Aircraft MRO’s Regional Market Share 2023 [%] Figure 2: Military Aircraft MRO market size, 2023-2031 (US$ billion) by region Figure 3: Military Aircraft MRO market CAGR, 2023-2031 by region Figure 4: The four industrial revolutions Figure 5: Industry 4.0 Figure 6: Predictive Maintenance Workflow Figure 7: Evolution of MRO Figure 8: Prescriptive Maintenance Workflow Figure 9: 3D model of aircraft engine component in AR Figure 10: VR training at USAF facilities Figure 11: MRO checklist and steps in AR Figure 12: GridRaster AR application Figure 13: Drone aircraft inspections Figure 14: Invert Robotics' inspection robot Figure 15: Boreblender robot Figure 16: INSPECT robotics project Figure 17: FLARE snake-shaped robots Figure 18: SWARM robotics project Figure 19: Prototypes of SWARM beetle-shaped robots Figure 20: Cloud computing modules Figure 21: Blocks in a Blockchain Figure 22: Stratasys F900 3D Printer Figure 23: Maintenance engineers modifying a C-5 fairing using 3D printed parts Figure 24: Military Aircraft MRO Market Classification Figure 25: Market Structure Figure 26: Supply Chain Figure 27: Market Segmentation and Sub Segmentation Military MRO Market Figure 28: Military Aircraft MRO’s Regional Market Share 2023 [%] Figure 29: North American Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Figure 30: North American Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [%] Figure 31: European Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Figure 32: European Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [%] Figure 33: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Figure 34: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [%] Figure 35: Middle Eastern & African Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Figure 36: Middle Eastern & African Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [%] Figure 37: Latin American Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Figure 38: Latin American Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [%] Figure 39: North American Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Figure 40: North American Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [%] Figure 41: European Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Figure 42: European Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [%] Figure 43: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Figure 44: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [%] Figure 45: Middle Eastern & African Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Figure 46: Middle Eastern & African Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [%] Figure 47: Latin American Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Figure 48: Latin American Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [%] Figure 49: Military Aircraft MRO market size, 2023-2031 [US$ billion] by region Figure 50: Military Aircraft MRO market CAGR, 2023-2031 by region Figure 51: Military Aircraft MRO market size, 2023-2031 (US$ billion) by MRO type Figure 52: Military Aircraft MRO market CAGR, 2023-2031 by MRO type Figure 53: Military Aircraft MRO market size, 2023-2031 (US$ billion) by platform Figure 54: Military Aircraft MRO market CAGR, 2023-2031 by platform Figure 55: Scenario 1, Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Figure 56: Scenario 1, Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [%] Figure 57: Scenario 2, Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Figure 58: Scenario 2, Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [%] Figure 59: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, Global Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Figure 60: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, North American Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Figure 61: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, European Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Figure 62: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, Asia Pacific Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Figure 63: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, Middle East & Africa Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Figure 64: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, Latin America Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] List of Tables Table 1: Military Aircraft MRO Programmes Table 2: Military Unmanned Ground Vehicle market summary by Region [US$ billion] Table 3: Military Aircraft MRO Programmes Table 4: Market activity Table 5: Increased lifetime of platform by mid-life upgrades per aircraft Table 6: Global Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ billion] Table 7: North American Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Table 8: European Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Table 9: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Table 10: Middle Eastern & African Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Table 11: Latin American Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Table 12: North American Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Table 13: European Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Table 14: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Table 15: Middle Eastern & African Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Table 16: Latin American Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Table 17: Global Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Table 18: O-level Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ billion] Table 19: I-level Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ billion] Table 20: D-level Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ billion] Table 21: Global Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Table 22: Trainer Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ billion] Table 23: Transport Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ billion] Table 24: Fighter Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ billion] Table 25: Special Mission Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ billion] Table 26: Scenario 1, Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Table 27: Scenario 2, Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Table 28: AAR CORP. Company SWOT Analysis Table 29: Airbus SE Company SWOT Analysis Table 30: AMETEK Inc. Company SWOT Analysis Table 31: Amentum Services, Inc. Company SWOT Analysis Table 32: BAE System plc Company SWOT Analysis Table 33: Boeing Company SWOT Analysis Table 34: Raytheon Technologies Company SWOT Analysis Table 35: Saab AB Company SWOT Analysis
SummaryThe Military aircraft MRO market consists of maintenance, repair, and overhaul services for military aerial platforms such as fighter, trainer, transport and special mission aircraft. The MRO process in military aviation is carried out at different stages of an aircraft’s lifespan which are classified by different levels such as O-level, I-level and D-level. Table of Contents1 Introduction1.1 Scope 1.1.1 Introduction 1.2 Definitions 1.2.1 MRO Type 1.2.2 O-level 1.2.3 I-level 1.2.4 D-level 1.3 Methodology 1.4 Who will benefit from this study? 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Trends and Insights 2.2 Main Findings 2.3 Key Conclusions 3 Technologies and Developments 3.1 Technology overview 3.1.1 Industry 4.0 3.2 Predictive and Prescriptive Maintenance based on Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) 3.3 Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) 3.4 Robots and Drones for MRO 3.5 Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud 3.6 Blockchain 3.7 Additive Manufacturing (AM) 4 Market Overview 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 Market Classification 4.2 Market Structure 4.3 Military Aircraft MRO programmes 4.4 Market Dynamics 5 Market Analysis and Forecast Factors 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Market model 5.3 Drivers 5.4 Trends 5.5 Opportunities 5.6 Challenges 6 Country Analysis 6.1 Australia 6.2 China 6.3 European countries 6.4 India 6.5 Japan 6.6 Turkey 6.7 US 7 Global and Regional Market Forecast to 2031 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Military Aircraft MRO market by Region overview 7.3 Military Aircraft MRO market Regions by MRO Type 7.3.1 North America Military Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type 7.3.2 Europe Military Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type 7.3.3 Asia Pacific Military Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type 7.3.4 Middle East & Africa Military Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type 7.3.5 Latin America Military Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type 7.4 Military Aircraft MRO market Regions by Platform 7.4.1 North America Military Aircraft MRO market by Platform 7.4.2 Europe Military Aircraft MRO market by Platform 7.4.3 Asia Pacific Military Aircraft MRO market by Platform 7.4.4 Middle East & Africa Military Aircraft MRO market by Platform 7.4.5 Latin America Military Aircraft MRO market by Platform 7.5 Opportunity Analysis 8 Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Military Aircraft MRO market by MRO Type overview 8.3 Military Aircraft MRO Type market by Region 8.3.1 O-level Military Aircraft MRO market by Region 8.3.2 I-level Military Aircraft MRO market by Region 8.3.3 D-level Military Aircraft MRO market by Region 8.4 Opportunity Analysis 9 Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Military Aircraft MRO market by Platform overview 9.3 Military Aircraft MRO Platform market by Region 9.3.1 Trainer Military Aircraft MRO market by Region 9.3.2 Transport Military Aircraft MRO market by Region 9.3.3 Fighter Military Aircraft MRO market by Region 9.3.4 Special Mission Military Aircraft MRO market by Region 9.4 Opportunity Analysis 10 Impact Analysis 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Forecast factors and Market Impact 10.2.1 Scenario 1 10.2.2 Scenario 2 10.2.3 Scenario 1 vs Scenario 2 11 Leading Companies 11.1 AAR CORP. 11.1.1 Introduction 11.1.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.1.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.1.4 SWOT Analysis 11.2 Airbus SE 11.2.1 Introduction 11.2.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.2.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.2.4 SWOT Analysis 11.3 AMETEK Inc. 11.3.1 Introduction 11.3.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.3.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.3.4 SWOT Analysis 11.4 Amentum Services, Inc. 11.4.1 Introduction 11.4.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.4.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.4.4 SWOT Analysis 11.5 BAE Systems 11.5.1 Introduction 11.5.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.5.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.5.4 SWOT Analysis 11.6 The Boeing Company 11.6.1 Introduction 11.6.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.6.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.6.4 SWOT Analysis 11.7 Raytheon Technologies 11.7.1 Introduction 11.7.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.7.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.7.4 SWOT Analysis 11.8 Saab AB 11.8.1 Introduction 11.8.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.8.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.8.4 SWOT Analysis 11.9 Elbit Systems Ltd. 11.9.1 Introduction 11.9.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.9.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.10 Lockheed Martin Corporation 11.10.1 Introduction 11.10.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.10.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.11 MTU Aero Engines AG 11.11.1 Introduction 11.11.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.11.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.12 Rolls-Royce Holdings plc 11.12.1 Introduction 11.12.2 Military MRO - Products and Services 11.12.3 Recent Developments and Contracts 11.13 Other Leading Companies 11.13.1 Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance (AFI KLM E&M) 11.13.2 AMMROC 11.13.3 Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) 11.13.4 L3 Harris Technologies, Inc. 11.13.5 Northrop Grumman Corporation 11.13.6 ST Engineering 11.13.7 StandardAero 11.13.8 TAE Aerospace 12 Results and Conclusions 13 About Market Forecast 13.1 General 13.2 Contact us 13.3 Disclaimer 13.4 License Appendix A: Companies Mentioned Appendix B: Abbreviations List of Tables/GraphsList of FiguresFigure 1: Military Aircraft MRO’s Regional Market Share 2023 [%] Figure 2: Military Aircraft MRO market size, 2023-2031 (US$ billion) by region Figure 3: Military Aircraft MRO market CAGR, 2023-2031 by region Figure 4: The four industrial revolutions Figure 5: Industry 4.0 Figure 6: Predictive Maintenance Workflow Figure 7: Evolution of MRO Figure 8: Prescriptive Maintenance Workflow Figure 9: 3D model of aircraft engine component in AR Figure 10: VR training at USAF facilities Figure 11: MRO checklist and steps in AR Figure 12: GridRaster AR application Figure 13: Drone aircraft inspections Figure 14: Invert Robotics' inspection robot Figure 15: Boreblender robot Figure 16: INSPECT robotics project Figure 17: FLARE snake-shaped robots Figure 18: SWARM robotics project Figure 19: Prototypes of SWARM beetle-shaped robots Figure 20: Cloud computing modules Figure 21: Blocks in a Blockchain Figure 22: Stratasys F900 3D Printer Figure 23: Maintenance engineers modifying a C-5 fairing using 3D printed parts Figure 24: Military Aircraft MRO Market Classification Figure 25: Market Structure Figure 26: Supply Chain Figure 27: Market Segmentation and Sub Segmentation Military MRO Market Figure 28: Military Aircraft MRO’s Regional Market Share 2023 [%] Figure 29: North American Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Figure 30: North American Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [%] Figure 31: European Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Figure 32: European Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [%] Figure 33: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Figure 34: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [%] Figure 35: Middle Eastern & African Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Figure 36: Middle Eastern & African Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [%] Figure 37: Latin American Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Figure 38: Latin American Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [%] Figure 39: North American Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Figure 40: North American Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [%] Figure 41: European Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Figure 42: European Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [%] Figure 43: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Figure 44: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [%] Figure 45: Middle Eastern & African Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Figure 46: Middle Eastern & African Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [%] Figure 47: Latin American Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Figure 48: Latin American Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [%] Figure 49: Military Aircraft MRO market size, 2023-2031 [US$ billion] by region Figure 50: Military Aircraft MRO market CAGR, 2023-2031 by region Figure 51: Military Aircraft MRO market size, 2023-2031 (US$ billion) by MRO type Figure 52: Military Aircraft MRO market CAGR, 2023-2031 by MRO type Figure 53: Military Aircraft MRO market size, 2023-2031 (US$ billion) by platform Figure 54: Military Aircraft MRO market CAGR, 2023-2031 by platform Figure 55: Scenario 1, Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Figure 56: Scenario 1, Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [%] Figure 57: Scenario 2, Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Figure 58: Scenario 2, Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [%] Figure 59: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, Global Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Figure 60: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, North American Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Figure 61: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, European Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Figure 62: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, Asia Pacific Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Figure 63: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, Middle East & Africa Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Figure 64: Scenario 1 VS Scenario 2, Latin America Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] List of Tables Table 1: Military Aircraft MRO Programmes Table 2: Military Unmanned Ground Vehicle market summary by Region [US$ billion] Table 3: Military Aircraft MRO Programmes Table 4: Market activity Table 5: Increased lifetime of platform by mid-life upgrades per aircraft Table 6: Global Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ billion] Table 7: North American Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Table 8: European Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Table 9: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Table 10: Middle Eastern & African Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Table 11: Latin American Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Table 12: North American Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Table 13: European Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Table 14: Asia Pacific Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Table 15: Middle Eastern & African Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Table 16: Latin American Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Table 17: Global Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by MRO Type [US$ billion] Table 18: O-level Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ billion] Table 19: I-level Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ billion] Table 20: D-level Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ billion] Table 21: Global Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ billion] Table 22: Trainer Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ billion] Table 23: Transport Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ billion] Table 24: Fighter Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ billion] Table 25: Special Mission Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ billion] Table 26: Scenario 1, Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Table 27: Scenario 2, Military Aircraft MRO Market Forecast to 2031 [US$ billion] Table 28: AAR CORP. Company SWOT Analysis Table 29: Airbus SE Company SWOT Analysis Table 30: AMETEK Inc. Company SWOT Analysis Table 31: Amentum Services, Inc. Company SWOT Analysis Table 32: BAE System plc Company SWOT Analysis Table 33: Boeing Company SWOT Analysis Table 34: Raytheon Technologies Company SWOT Analysis Table 35: Saab AB Company SWOT Analysis
Market Forecast社の宇宙航空の防衛・セキュリティ分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD(military)の最新刊レポート
よくあるご質問Market Forecast社はどのような調査会社ですか?マーケットフォーキャスト(Market Forecast)は防衛、宇宙、航空、航空宇宙を中心をした市場調査・出版を行っているオランダの調査会社ASD Media BVのブランドです。 UAV、ハ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。