
E-bike市場:クラス(クラスI、II、III)、バッテリー(リチウムイオン、リチウムイオンポリマー、鉛酸)、モーター(ミッド、ハブ)、モード(スロットル、ペダルアシスト)、用途(マウンテン/トレッキング、シティ/アーバン、カーゴ)、速度、バッテリー容量、コンポーネント、地域別 - 2028年までの世界予測

E-bike市場:クラス(クラスI、II、III)、バッテリー(リチウムイオン、リチウムイオンポリマー、鉛酸)、モーター(ミッド、ハブ)、モード(スロットル、ペダルアシスト)、用途(マウンテン/トレッキング、シティ/アーバン、カーゴ)、速度、バッテリー容量、コンポーネント、地域別 - 2028年までの世界予測

E-bike Market by Class (Class I, II, & III), Battery (Li-ion, Li-ion Polymer, Lead Acid), Motor (Mid, Hub), Mode (Throttle, Pedal Assist), Usage (Mountain/Trekking, City/Urban, Cargo), Speed, Battery Capacity, Component, Region - Global Forecast to 2028

e-Bike市場は、2023年の推定515億米ドルから2028年には772億米ドルに達すると予測され、2023年から2028年までの年平均成長率は8.4%となっています。自動車産業の成長に伴い、大気汚染が増加しています。排出量を... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 図表数 言語
2023年4月3日 US$4,950
通常2営業日以内 408 552 英語




e-Bike市場は、2023年の推定515億米ドルから2028年には772億米ドルに達すると予測され、2023年から2028年までの年平均成長率は8.4%となっています。自動車産業の成長に伴い、大気汚染が増加しています。排出量を抑制するために、毎日の通勤をグリーンでクリーンなモビリティソリューションに傾倒する傾向が強まっています。このため、世界的にe-Bikeの需要が高まっています。アジア・オセアニアがe-Bike市場をリードすると予測されています。e-Bikeは、都市部や人口の多い地域で、スペースを最適に利用し、より早く通勤するのに役立ちます。ヨーロッパ、北米、アジア・オセアニアの多くの国の政府は、交通渋滞のストレスを軽減するために、補助金や規制の変更を通じてe-Bikeの使用をサポートし、最終的に排出ガスを減らして空気の質を改善することに取り組んでいます。例えば、イタリアでは、人口5万人以上の自治体に対して、政府が新しい自転車やe-Bikeの購入に最大527米ドルの補助金を提供しています。このような取り組みが、消費者をe-Bikeに引きつけているのです。">650Wのe-Bikeバッテリー容量セグメントは、CAGR 15.0%で最も急速に成長する市場と推定される。">650W以上のバッテリーは、高い性能が要求される場所で主に好まれます。これらのバッテリーは、他のバッテリーよりも高価です。しかし、e-MTBやe-カーゴバイクでは有用である。例えば、QWICは、性能に妥協したくないお客様のために、756Wのバッテリーを搭載したe-bike「Mira Tour」を提供しています。最近のリチウムイオン電池技術の発展により、メーカーは650W以上のセグメントのような高電圧電池の高いエネルギー重量比を解決することができ、電子バイクのエネルギー効率と充電あたりの走行距離をさらに向上させるのに役立ちます。Haibike AdventrモデルにはInTube(720Wh)バッテリーが搭載されています。トレッキング11ハイ、シティE-bike、トレッキングE-bikeは>650Wのバッテリーを搭載しています。アジア・オセアニアは、中国に強い足場を持つことから、>650Wの最大市場であると推定される。また、日本やインドの成長も見込まれるため、急成長が期待される。YadeaやAIMA Technology Group Co.Ltd.などの中国の主要プレーヤーは、YT-500、27.5インチマウンテンEバイク、DYU D1 Smart Electric Bike、700c Trekking Sなど大容量バッテリーを搭載したEバイクモデルを提供しています。Mtb Pedelec E-Bike M4、City Espresso E-Bike Pedelec T5 700c、Airwheel E19B101 などのモデルは、いくつかの人気モデルである。"クラスIセグメントは、e-bikeに課される制約が少ないため、予測期間中にe-bike市場で最大となることが予測されます。"クラスIのe-Bikeは、ペダルアシストe-Bikeとしても知られています。ペダリング時にのみアシストする電気モーターを搭載した自転車は、ペダルアシスト型自転車と呼ばれます。ペダルアシスト/Class-I e-Bikeの駆動システムは、ライダーがペダルを漕ぎ始めて初めて作動します。クラス-IクラスIのe-Bikeは、最高速度が32km/hに制限されています。ただし、地域によって、速度や規制は異なります。これらは規制とその人気から、アジア・オセアニア地域で最も人気があります。これらのe-Bikeは、従来のアシストなしのアナログバイクと共有する自転車道や車線に乗り入れることができます。クラスIカテゴリーは、すべてのe-Bikeの中で最も規制が緩やかなものです。クラスIのe-Bikeは、連邦および州によって規制されたシングルトラックのマウンテンバイク・トレイルや複合用途の自転車道で最も人気があるでしょう。アジア・オセアニアのClass-I e-Bikeの価格帯は500~800米ドル程度、欧州・北米では2,500~3,000米ドル程度。中国では2019年から、制限速度25km/h、400Wモーター、最大重量55kgのClass-I e-Bikeでヘルメットが義務化された。日本では、このClassのe-Bikeの制限速度は24km/h、250Wのモーターを搭載しています。ヨーロッパでは、制限速度は<25 km/h, with ≤250W motor. North America has a maximum speed limit of up to 32 km/h and ≤750 W motor for Class-I e-Bikes, with helmets being mandatory.Some of the examples of Class-I e-Bikes include the Verve+ Series by Trek Bicycle Corporation (Wisconsin, US), S-Works Turbo Kenevo SL by Specialized Bicycle Components Co Ltd (Morgan Hill, US), and Townie Path Go Series by Electra (US), and others.“Europe is anticipated to be the second largest market in 2023 due to the emission standards and raising demand for e-bikes.” The European cycling and electric bike market was worth USD 21.1 billion in 2021, with a rise of 7.5% in 2020, according to the trade body umbrella CONEBI. European consumers prefer greener e-mobility solutions over buying cars or using public transport for the daily commute, which has resulted in a staggering 52% increase in sales in 2021. In the European region, Germany was the largest market for e-Bikes in 2022, followed by the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, and the UK. Due to the pandemic, these countries witnessed a boost in e-Bike sales in 2020. Governments are also providing the highest incentives possible to purchase cargo e-bikes. This would lead to decreased traffic congestion and business operating costs. Therefore, the demand for cargo e-bikes is expected to grow rapidly. According to the European Union, buyers can claim back up to 25% of the purchase price of e-bikes, a maximum of USD 1,100.Europe has stringent emission standards to cope with rising vehicle emissions. Several countries in this region promote the use of e-Bikes by providing incentives. The demand for e-Bikes has increased tremendously due to urbanization and consumer desire to move from cars to alternative mobility. The increasing number of incentives for e-Bikes across Europe is expected to fuel the demand for e-Bikes in the European region.Breakdown of primariesThe study contains various industry experts' insights, from component suppliers to Tier 1 companies and OEMs. The break-up of the primaries is as follows:• By Company Type: OEM - 70%, Tier I - 30% • By Designation: D Level - 30%, C Level - 60%, and Others - 10%• By Region: Asia Oceania - 50%, Europe - 30%, and North America - 20% The key players in the E-Bike market are Accell Group NV (Netherlands), Giant Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Taiwan), Yadea Group Holdings., Ltd. (China), Yamaha Motor Company (Japan) and Pedego (US), etc. Major companies' key strategies to maintain their position in the global e-bike market are strong global networking, mergers and acquisitions, partnerships and technological advancement.Research CoverageThe study segments in the E-Bike market and forecasts the market size based on Battery capacity (< 250W, >250Wと<450W, >450W-<650W, >650W)、バッテリータイプ別(リチウムイオン、リチウムイオンポリマー、ラッドアシッド)、クラス別(クラスI、クラスII、クラスIII)、コンポーネント別(バッテリー、電気モーター、ホイール、フレーム&フォーク、ブレーキシステム、クランクギア、モーターコントローラー)、モード別(ペダルアシスト、スロットル)、モータータイプ別(ハブモーター、ミドルモーター)、モーター重量(>2.4KG、>2KGと<2.4KG, <2KG), by Ownership, by Region (Asia Oceania, Europe, North America), by Speed (25 kmph, 25-25kmph) and by Usage (Mountain/trekking, city/urban, cargo, others).Key Benefits of Buying the Report: The report will help the market leaders/new entrants with information on the closest approximations of the revenue numbers for the overall e-Bike market and the sub-segments. This report will help stakeholders understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights to position their businesses better and plan suitable go-to-market strategies. The report also helps stakeholders understand the market pulse and provides information on key market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities.





The e-Bike market is projected to reach USD 77.2 billion by 2028 from an estimated USD 51.5 billion in 2023, at a CAGR of 8.4% from 2023 to 2028. With the growth in the automotive industry, there has been a rise in air pollution. To control the emission rate, the inclination towards green and clean mobility solutions for daily commutes is growing. This is leading to increased demand for e-Bikes globally. Asia Oceania is forecasted to lead the e-Bike market. E-Bikes assist in optimum space utilization and help in faster commute in urban and highly populated areas. Governments of many countries in Europe, North America, and Asia Oceania are working toward supporting the usage of e-Bikes through subsidies and regulatory changes to reduce traffic congestion stress, ultimately helping to decrease emissions and improve air quality. For instance, in Italy, the government offers a subsidy of up to USD 527 in municipalities with over 50,000 inhabitants to purchase new bicycles and e-Bikes. Therefore, such initiatives are attracting consumers to e-Bikes. “>650W e-bike battery capacity segment estimated to be the fastest growing market at a CAGR of 15.0%.” >650W batteries are mostly preferred where high performance is required. These batteries are more expensive than other batteries. However, they are useful in e-MTB and e-cargo bikes. For instance, QWIC offers its e-bike Mira Tour, with a 756W battery, for customers who do not want to compromise performance. Due to recent developments in lithium-ion battery technology, manufacturers can resolve the high energy-to-weight ratio of high voltage batteries, such as the >650W segment, which further helps increase the energy efficiency and range per charge e-bikes. The Haibike Adventr models come with an InTube (720 Wh) battery. Trekking 11 high, city E-bike and trekking E-bike are equipped with a >650W battery. Asia Oceania is estimated to be the largest market for >650W due to its strong foothold in China. It is also expected to grow rapidly because of the expected growth in Japan and India. Major players in China, such as Yadea and AIMA Technology Group Co., Ltd., offer e-bike models such as YT-500, 27.5" Mountain E-Bike, DYU D1 Smart Electric Bike, and 700c Trekking S that are equipped with large capacity batteries. Models such as Mtb Pedelec E-Bike M4, City Espresso E-Bike Pedelec T5 700c, and Airwheel E19B101 are a few popular models. "Class-I segment is projected to be the largest in the e-bike market during the forecast period due to the least restrictions imposed on the e-bikes. “ The Class-I e-Bike is also known as a pedal assist e-Bike. A bike with an electric motor that assists only during pedaling is called a pedelec bike. The drive system of the pedal-assist/Class-I e-Bike is only activated once the rider starts pedaling. Class-I. Class-I e-Bikes have a maximum speed limit of 32 km/h. However, depending on the region, the speed and regulation vary. These are most popular in the Asia Oceania region due to the regulations and their popularity. These e-Bikes are allowed on bike paths and lanes shared with traditional, non-assisted, analog bikes. The Clas-I category is the least restricted of all the e-Bikes. The Class-I e-Bikes would be the most popular for federal and state-regulated singletrack mountain bike trails and mixed-use bike paths. The price range for Class-I e-bikes in Asia Oceania is around USD 500- USD 800; in Europe and North America, around USD 2,500 – USD 3,000. In China, from 2019, helmets are compulsory in Class-I e-Bikes with a speed limit of 25 km/h, a 400 W motor, and a maximum weight of 55 kg. In Japan, the speed limit for this Class of e-Bikes is 24 km/h, with a 250 W motor. In Europe, the speed limit is <25 km/h, with ≤250W motor. North America has a maximum speed limit of up to 32 km/h and ≤750 W motor for Class-I e-Bikes, with helmets being mandatory. Some of the examples of Class-I e-Bikes include the Verve+ Series by Trek Bicycle Corporation (Wisconsin, US), S-Works Turbo Kenevo SL by Specialized Bicycle Components Co Ltd (Morgan Hill, US), and Townie Path Go Series by Electra (US), and others. “Europe is anticipated to be the second largest market in 2023 due to the emission standards and raising demand for e-bikes.” The European cycling and electric bike market was worth USD 21.1 billion in 2021, with a rise of 7.5% in 2020, according to the trade body umbrella CONEBI. European consumers prefer greener e-mobility solutions over buying cars or using public transport for the daily commute, which has resulted in a staggering 52% increase in sales in 2021. In the European region, Germany was the largest market for e-Bikes in 2022, followed by the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, and the UK. Due to the pandemic, these countries witnessed a boost in e-Bike sales in 2020. Governments are also providing the highest incentives possible to purchase cargo e-bikes. This would lead to decreased traffic congestion and business operating costs. Therefore, the demand for cargo e-bikes is expected to grow rapidly. According to the European Union, buyers can claim back up to 25% of the purchase price of e-bikes, a maximum of USD 1,100. Europe has stringent emission standards to cope with rising vehicle emissions. Several countries in this region promote the use of e-Bikes by providing incentives. The demand for e-Bikes has increased tremendously due to urbanization and consumer desire to move from cars to alternative mobility. The increasing number of incentives for e-Bikes across Europe is expected to fuel the demand for e-Bikes in the European region. Breakdown of primaries The study contains various industry experts' insights, from component suppliers to Tier 1 companies and OEMs. The break-up of the primaries is as follows: • By Company Type: OEM - 70%, Tier I - 30% • By Designation: D Level - 30%, C Level - 60%, and Others - 10% • By Region: Asia Oceania - 50%, Europe - 30%, and North America - 20% The key players in the E-Bike market are Accell Group NV (Netherlands), Giant Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Taiwan), Yadea Group Holdings., Ltd. (China), Yamaha Motor Company (Japan) and Pedego (US), etc. Major companies' key strategies to maintain their position in the global e-bike market are strong global networking, mergers and acquisitions, partnerships and technological advancement. Research Coverage The study segments in the E-Bike market and forecasts the market size based on Battery capacity (< 250W, >250W and <450W, >450W-<650W, >650W), by Battery Type (Li-ion, Li-ion Polymer, Lad acid), by Class (Class-I, Class-II, Class-III), by component (Battery, electric motor, wheels, frames and forks, brake systems, crank gears, motor controllers), by Mode (Pedal Assist, Throttle), by Motor type (Hub Motor, Mid Motor), by Motor weight (>2.4KG, >2KG and <2.4KG, <2KG), by Ownership, by Region (Asia Oceania, Europe, North America), by Speed (25 kmph, 25-25kmph) and by Usage (Mountain/trekking, city/urban, cargo, others). Key Benefits of Buying the Report: The report will help the market leaders/new entrants with information on the closest approximations of the revenue numbers for the overall e-Bike market and the sub-segments. This report will help stakeholders understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights to position their businesses better and plan suitable go-to-market strategies. The report also helps stakeholders understand the market pulse and provides information on key market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities.






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