![]() Retail Store Sizing by Region – SMB地域毎の中小規模の小売店 米国調査会社IHLグループ (IHL Group) の調査レポート 「地域毎の中小規模の小売店」 は、小売業のエコシステム全体を俯瞰し、店舗数や店舗の規模、使用されている店舗技術のタイプなどについて記載している... もっと見る
Report Details
Date of Publication March 7, 2019
Format Microsoft Excel
License This is an enterprise level subscription meaning everyone in the company can use it. It is not a per-user price.
Geography Worldwide or by Region
Author(s) Greg Buzek, Jerry Sheldon, Lee Holman
Product Overview There is no one size fits all for retail and for solutions. The needs differ by retailers size, by subsegment, and even by region. This research allows you to size and target the largest specific market opportunities, finding those most ripe for growth opportunities. The information starts by looking at the entire ecosystem, the number of stores, the size of stores and then the type of store technology used. This product is ideal for vendors or private equity that are looking to understand if a market is large enough and what the indirect channel opportunities provide. This is quantitative analysis and is best used in conjunction with the regional POS Terminal Studies. And we have this information available by region (North America, Europe/Middle East/Africa, Latin/South America, and Asia/Pacific). Highlights Each regional SMB study breaks out the market in great detail so that you can specifically target growing niche’s in the retail and hospitality market. It provides POS and POS Software sizing along with optional EFT/POS sizing options (how many use signature capture versus PIN/Debit versus embedded payment software). The data is broken down into the following segments:
Food/Grocery In addition, the data is broken out by the following size of retailers:
1 Store Companies For each of the segments and sizes we have the following information:
# stores The information includes the installed base as well as the shipments for the last two years and a forecast for the year forward. Preview Below are some examples of some screen shots. But they do not do the product justice. We welcome you to contact us for a demo of the product so you can see the level of data and detail you would be provided.
Pricing Pricing is dependent on whether the POS Terminal Study for that region is purchased. If it is purchased, the price for each region is $2,000 for the SMB cut out. If not, then the price is $4,000 for the information without EFT and $4,800 with the EFT installed information. Licenses AvailableEnterprise License – a license that allows for the research to be accessed and shared internally with anyone else within the organization and wholly owned subsidiaries. IHL Group License and Fair Use Agreement All of IHL Group’s generally available research are electronic licenses and can be shared freely within the purchasing organization and wholly owned subsidiaries. We only ask that this information not be shared with partners or others outside the purchasing company without authorization from IHL Group. The license does not extend to joint ventures or other partnerships. If the relationship is not a wholly-owned subsidiary, then both parties would need a license. Practically, this implies the following:
IHL Group社のその他分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD(retail)の最新刊レポートよくあるご質問IHL Group社はどのような調査会社ですか?IHLグループ (IHL Group) は、米国テネシー州に本社をおき、世界の小売業とサービス業向けのIT技術を専門に調査しています。 もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。