


Electric and Fuel Cell Trucks 2025-2045: Technologies, Markets, Forecasts

本レポートは、バッテリー電気トラック、プラグインハイブリッドトラック、燃料電池トラックを含む電気トラック市場の分析を提供します。さらに、セル、モジュール、パックレベルのバッテリー(LFPとNMC)、充... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 価格 納期 ページ数 言語
2024年12月3日 お問い合わせください
お問合わせください 508 英語

※ 調査会社の事情により、予告なしに価格が変更になる場合がございます。




燃料電池トラックの導入は、TCOへの配慮と水素インフラがまばらであることから制限されるだろう。さらに、現在のところ、ほとんどの水素は灰色水素であり、排出量が非常に多く、バッテリー電気よりもディーゼル・トラックに匹敵する。理想的なのはグリーン水素だが、供給はまだ極めて限られている。世界的なエネルギー網の自然エネルギーへのシフトが進む中、生産されたエネルギーの75%が車輪に到達するグリーン水素製造よりも、この電力をバッテリー式電気トラックに使うべきだという議論が起こる。H2ICEの場合、これはわずか15%である。しかし、従来のディーゼルエンジンに対して90%以上の部品汎用性があり、より低純度の水素を使用できることから、H2ICEトラックには短期的な市場機会がある。しかし、2025年に200台のH2ICEトラックを生産しようとしているMAN Truck & Bus社を筆頭に、市場はまだ初期段階にある。IDTechExは、バッテリー電気トラック、プラグインハイブリッドトラック、燃料電池トラックの年間販売台数と市場規模を予測するために、プラグインハイブリッドトラックとともに、これらすべての技術の可能性を考慮している。
IDTechExによる、水素の色、EUの送電網構成、EUの2030年送電網目標に基づく、さまざまなパワートレインの排出量の分析。出典 電気・燃料電池トラック 2025-2045
  • 現在の市場展望
  • 電気トラックの対応可能市場
  • 地域の規制と促進要因
  • 電気トラックの主要プレーヤーの分析
  • 燃料電池トラックの魅力分析
  • 燃料電池トラックの主要プレーヤーの分析
  • 電気トラックのバッテリー動向
  • トラック用LFPとNMCの正極化学比較
  • ベンチマーキングとTCO分析
  • 導電充電と誘導充電を含む充電インフラ
  • 電気トラック用モーターの動向
  • 水素内燃機関トラックの可能性
  • 地域別、ドライブトレイン別、バッテリー需要別、燃料電池出力別、年間市場規模別の20年詳細予測






  • ゼロ・エミッションの推進者
  • TCOに関する考察
  • 欧州、米国、中国トラック市場
  • 欧米OEMのベンチマーク
  • バッテリー技術
  • ヘビーデューティー充電
  • 電気モーター
  • 燃料電池電気トラック
  • H₂燃焼エンジン
Report Summary
This report provides an analysis of the electric truck market, including battery electric trucks, plug-in hybrid trucks, and fuel cell trucks. Furthermore, coverage on batteries (LFP and NMC) at the cell, module, and pack level, as well as charging infrastructure, electric motors, and hydrogen internal combustion engines, is provided. IDTechEx provides 20-year forecast lines on trucks split by powertrain, region, battery demand, in units, and market size US$.
The market for electric trucks is transitioning into the mainstream at different rates, whether that be battery-electric trucks, fuel-cell trucks, hydrogen internal combustion engines (which can be considered zero-emissions) or plug-in hybrids. Adoption varies between the key regions Europe, China, and the US, and additionally in the rest of the world, fueled by the large addressable markets in India and Brazil.
IDTechEx's report "Electric and Fuel Cell Trucks 2025-2045: Markets, Forecasts, Technologies", analyzes the medium and heavy-duty electric truck market, segmented by powertrain technology and region, as well as accompanying battery demand. This includes analysis of battery technologies, charging infrastructure, and the effect of other solutions, such as natural gas and hydrogen internal combustion engines. Medium and heavy-duty trucks were responsible for 1.8 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions in 2022, which is approximately 25% of the emissions of the transport sector globally. Despite their relatively low number compared to the global vehicle fleet, the overwhelming majority of trucks use heavy-duty diesel engines, with most (85% in the US) driving over 100 miles/160km a day, significantly more than a passenger vehicle.
As a result, governments have introduced and updated emissions standards specifically for truck manufacturers, as part of the broader target to hit net-zero emissions. For example, the EU has recently updated its target for emissions of trucks, extending the scope of vehicles covered, and increasing the emissions reduction from the 2019 baseline to 45% by 2030, when it was originally 30%. The US has specific targets for emission reductions of trucks also, which could result in up to 60% zero-emissions vehicle sales share by 2032 for certain vehicle segments. The US lags behind the EU and China in zero-emission truck sales, so it remains to be seen whether these targets will require further incentives nationally, to accompany regulations by local governments, such as the Advanced Clean Trucks regulation originally adopted by California, now including Oregon, Colorado, and New Jersey among others.
The current landscape of the electric truck market
Chinese OEMs continue to dominate the global electric truck market, with offerings in all vehicle segments, as well as the continued success of battery-swappable models in the domestic market. Sales are dominated by the likes of SANY, Dongfeng, SCMG, Sinotruk, and many others in a competitive market, with over 34,000 heavy-duty electric truck sales in 2023. This is likely to be surpassed by the end of 2024. While all three major markets saw significant growth, only 0.1% of new truck sales in the US were electric. In Europe, Volvo Group (including Volvo Trucks and Renault Trucks) claimed approximately 70% of the heavy-duty battery electric truck market share, while MAN Truck and Bus, Mercedes, and Scania have all announced new models to enter series production in 2024.
Challenges remain due to the long duty cycles and high payload requirements of trucks (and commercial vehicles generally) compared to passenger vehicles: battery electric trucks average 80-90% the payload of diesel equivalents, and longer charging times and shorter ranges compared to diesel trucks continue to be a concern for fleet operators, which will be remedied by the introduction of more charging stations and MW charging standards. On the other hand, although electric trucks can cost up to double the amount of a diesel truck, they continue to gain ground from a total cost of ownership (TCO) standpoint, especially with voucher initiatives such as those provided by the California Hybrid and Zero Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP), and emissions-based tolling, which yields a penalty for operating a diesel truck in multiple EU states.
Fuel Cell Trucks and H2ICE remain relatively unclear
Fuel cell trucks solve some of the issues that battery-electric trucks continue to struggle with. Hydrogen tanks weigh much less than the battery packs required for electric trucks, which are hundreds of kg, and refueling a fuel cell truck should take less than ten minutes. Generally, fuel cell trucks possess a range approximately 150km greater than a battery electric truck (although this varies greatly by individual model and application). Nikola made its first deliveries of its TRE fuel cell truck, with 88 being taken by customers in Q3 2024.
The Hyundai Xcient has also seen a limited number of deployments, mostly in South Korea and Switzerland. Other OEMs such as Toyota, Mercedes, and Volvo all have running trials or prototypes.
Fuel cell truck uptake will be limited by TCO considerations and sparse hydrogen infrastructure. Furthermore, currently most hydrogen is grey hydrogen, which is very emissions heavy, and more comparable to diesel trucks than battery-electric. Ideally, green hydrogen is used, but supply is still extremely limited. With the global energy grid shifting more to renewables, the argument arises that this electricity should be used for battery-electric trucks over green hydrogen production, where 75% of the energy produced reaches the wheels, compared to just 25% in fuel-cell trucks. For H2ICE, this is only 15%. However, with over 90% universality in parts to a traditional diesel engine, and the ability to use lower-purity hydrogen, there is a short-term market opportunity for H2ICE trucks. However, the market is still in its nascent stages, led by MAN Truck & Bus, which is looking to produce 200 H2ICE trucks in 2025. IDTechEx considers the potential of all these technologies, along with plug-in hybrid trucks, to forecast yearly unit sales and market size of battery-electric, plug-in hybrid, and fuel cell trucks.
IDTechEx analysis of emissions of different powertrains, sourced by hydrogen color, EU grid mix, and EU 2030 grid target. Source: Electric and Fuel Cell Trucks 2025-2045
IDTechEx's report, "Electric and Fuel Cell Trucks 2025-2045: Markets, Forecasts, Technologies", provides additional coverage on emissions, batteries, motors, and charging, providing a holistic insight into the electric truck landscape for any business across the truck sector. This is combined with 80 forecast lines, giving a twenty-year outlook for truck sales, battery demand, fuel cell demand, and market value, with separate forecasts for both the medium and heavy-duty truck markets.
Key Aspects
This report provides technical and commercial analysis on medium and heavy-duty electric trucks, including:
  • Current market landscape
  • Addressable market of electric trucks
  • Regional regulations and drivers
  • Analysis of key players for electric trucks
  • Analysis of the appeal of fuel cell trucks
  • Analysis of key players for fuel cell trucks
  • Battery trends in electric trucks
  • LFP vs NMC cathode chemistries for trucks
  • Benchmarking and TCO analysis
  • Charging infrastructure, including conductive and inductive charging
  • Trends in electric truck motors
  • The potential of hydrogen internal combustion engine trucks
  • 20 year granular forecasts, by region, drivetrain, battery demand, fuel cell power, yearly market size


Table of Contents

1.1. Report Overview
1.2. The Rise of Zero Emission Trucks
1.3. Trucks are Capital Goods
1.4. Zero Emission Trucks: Drivers and Barriers
1.5. Fuel Consumption, CO₂ and GHG standards
1.6. EU Timeline for Heavy Duty Truck Electrification
1.7. US Truck Emissions Standards
1.8. Range of Zero Emission M&HD Trucks: Vehicle Weight vs Range
1.9. Regional Model Availability 2021-2024
1.10. BEV and FCEV M&HD Trucks: Weight vs Battery Capacity
1.11. Heavy Duty Truck Models Motor Power
1.12. What do Electric Trucks Need to Deliver
1.13. Duty Cycle Energy Considerations
1.14. Addressable US Market of BEV Trucks
1.15. Fuel Cell Power vs Vehicle Weight - OEM Benchmarking
1.16. Must be Green H₂ for FCEV to be 'Green'
1.17. System Efficiency Between BEVs and FCEVs
1.18. 5-year TCO ICE, BEV, FCEV, H₂-ICE
1.19. Charging Solutions for Heavy Duty Fleet: High Level Findings
1.20. Why Megawatt Charging is Important
1.21. Medium & Heavy-Duty Truck Global Sales 2019-2045
1.22. Electric Medium and Heavy-Duty Truck Sales 2020-2045
1.23. eM&HDT Battery Demand (GWh) 2020-2045
1.24. eM&HDT Sales by Region 2019-2045
1.25. eM&HDT Market Value Forecast (US$ billion) 2020-2045
1.26. Forecast Commentary
2.1. Electric Vehicle Definitions
2.2. Truck Weight Definitions
2.3. Truck Type
2.4. Truck Axle Layout Descriptions
3.1. Main Driver for Sector Decarbonisation
3.2. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission
3.3. GHG Emission: China, US & Europe
3.4. CO₂ Emission: Medium & Heavy-Duty Trucks 2022
3.5. EU27+UK GHG Emission by Sector
3.6. Europe Road Transport GHG Emission
3.7. US Transport Related GHG Emission
3.8. US Transport Related GHG Emissions (1)
3.9. US Transport Related GHG Emissions (2)
3.10. US Road Transport GHG Emission
3.11. GHG Emission From The Truck Sector
3.12. CO₂ Emission from Electricity Generation
3.13. Urban Air Quality
3.14. Fossil Fuel Bans in Cities
3.15. Emission Regulation for New Trucks
3.16. Heavy-Duty Emission Standards
3.17. Fuel/CO₂ Regulation for New Trucks
3.18. EU Emissions Targets in Detail
3.19. Ways OEMs can Balance Out Emissions
3.20. Ways OEMs can Balance Out Emissions (2)
3.21. EU Timeline for Heavy Duty Truck Electrification
3.22. How Achievable are the EU Heavy Duty Trucks Emissions Targets?
3.23. How Achievable are the EU Heavy Duty Trucks Emissions Targets? (2)
3.24. US Truck Emissions Standards
3.25. US Credit System
3.26. Fuel Saving Technology Areas
3.27. Fossil Fuel Bans
3.28. OEMs Endorse Transition to Zero-Emission
3.29. OEM Statements
3.30. What do Electric Trucks Need to Deliver
3.31. Zero Emission Truck Considerations
4.1. Total Cost of Ownership
4.2. TCO Considerations: Zero Emission Trucks
4.3. TCO Considerations: Battery Pack Cost
4.4. Zero Emission Tractor Truck Cost Breakdown
4.5. Truck Price Forecast by Powertrain
4.6. BEV Truck Fuel Cost Savings
4.7. Electric Trucks Reduced Operating Costs
4.8. Overcoming Barriers for Zero Emission Trucks
4.9. More Carrot, More Stick
4.10. Powertrain CAPEX Costs
4.11. 5-year TCO ICE, BEV, FCEV, H₂-ICE
4.12. TCO for Alternative Powertrains vs Diesel
4.13. TCO FCEV Trucks vs Battery Electric
4.14. External Cost of Heavy-Duty Trucks
5.1. Europe: Addressable Truck Market 2023
5.2. Europe: Addressable Truck Market 2022
5.3. Europe: Addressable Truck Market 2021
5.4. Medium and Heavy-Duty Truck Sales in Europe Up to H1 2024
5.5. Average European Diesel Price 2024
5.6. EU 2030: 45% Cut in Truck CO₂ Emissions
5.7. Financial Driver: Legislation in Europe
5.8. EU Truck Tolls and Infrastructure Requirements
5.9. EU Truck Tolls and Infrastructure Requirements (2)
5.10. Powertrain and Range
5.11. OEMs Combine on Charging Infrastructure
5.12. Milence: Public Truck Charging Network
5.13. European eTruck Players
5.13.1. European Electric Truck Sales 2017-2024
5.13.2. Europe BEV Truck Sales by Country
5.13.3. Volvo Trucks FE and FL Electric
5.13.4. Volvo Trucks Vera
5.13.5. Volvo FM, FMX and FH Electric
5.13.6. New Trucks 2024: Volvo FH Aero Electric and Volvo FM Low Entry
5.13.7. Volvo European BEV Truck Manufacturing Facilities
5.13.8. Volvo Trucks Battery
5.13.9. Volvo Group Electric Truck Sales Progress 2020-2024 Q2
5.13.10. Renault Heavy Duty Electric Trucks (Volvo Group)
5.13.11. Renault Medium Duty Electric Trucks and Other Projects (Volvo Group)
5.13.12. Renault Trucks D Wide Z.E.
5.13.13. Renault BEV Refuse Truck at EVS 32
5.13.14. Renault Trucks Orders, Emissions Goals, and Prototypes
5.13.15. Mercedes-Benz (Daimler) eMobility
5.13.16. Mercedes-Benz (Daimler) eActros
5.13.17. Mercedes-Benz eActros 600
5.13.18. Daimler eActros "Innovation Fleet"
5.13.19. FUSO eCanter (Daimler/Mitsubishi)
5.13.20. DAF (PACCAR) CF
5.13.21. DAF (PACCAR) LF
5.13.22. DAF (PACCAR) XB Electric
5.13.23. DAF (PACCAR) CF Hybrid
5.13.24. DAF (PACCAR) XD and XF
5.13.25. Traton Group Electric Truck Sales Progress 2023
5.13.26. Scania (Traton) BEV Urban Truck
5.13.27. Scania (Traton) BEV Long-Haul Truck
5.13.28. Scania (Traton) PHEV Truck
5.13.29. Scania (Traton)
5.13.30. MAN (Traton) eTGM
5.13.31. MAN (Traton) eTruck
5.13.32. MAN (Traton) eTGS/eTGX
5.13.33. Futuricum Electric Concrete Mixer Truck
5.13.34. Other European Electric Trucks
5.13.35. Other European Trucks (2)
6.1. US Addressable Truck Market
6.1.1. US: Addressable Truck Market 2023
6.1.2. Main Truck Brands in the US 2023
6.1.3. US: Addressable Truck Market 2022
6.1.4. US: Addressable Truck Market 2021
6.1.5. US New Truck Sales by Class 2019-2023
6.1.6. US Truck Sales by OEM Brand 2023
6.1.7. Medium and Heavy-Duty Truck Sales in the US 2015-2024 H1
6.1.8. US Annual Truck Market Sales
6.1.9. US Average Truck Replacement Age 2017-2024
6.1.10. US Truck Fleet Statistics 2007-2022
6.1.11. Average US On-Highway Diesel Price 2000-2023
6.1.12. Operational Costs for US Truckers 2010-2023
6.1.13. Rising Truck Fuel Costs 2015-2023
6.1.14. US Uptake of Alternative Fuel Trucks
6.1.15. The Future: Electric, Autonomous Trucks?
6.1.16. US GHG Emission Policy
6.1.17. California's Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) Regulation
6.1.18. California's Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) Regulation
6.1.19. CARB Voucher Incentive Project
6.1.20. California's Advanced Clean Fleet (ACF) Regulation
6.1.21. State Support for Electric Truck Deployment
6.1.22. US Companies Urge Faster Adoption
6.2. US eTruck Players
6.2.1. US Electric Truck Sales 2016-2023
6.2.2. US Zero Emission Truck Deployments by Segment
6.2.3. Significant Market for BEV Trucks
6.2.4. Addressable US Market of BEV Trucks
6.2.5. US Electric Truck Major OEMs
6.2.6. Freightliner (DAIMLER) eM2
6.2.7. Freightliner (DAIMLER) eCascadia
6.2.8. Freightliner (DAIMLER) Battery Packs
6.2.9. Freightliner Custom Chassis
6.2.10. Daimler Invest in Charging Infrastructure
6.2.11. Peterbilt (PACCAR) 220EV
6.2.12. Peterbilt (PACCAR) 579EV
6.2.13. Peterbilt (PACCAR) 520EV
6.2.14. Kenworth (PACCAR) T680E
6.2.15. Kenworth (PACCAR) K270E / K370E
6.2.16. Volvo Trucks North America VNR Electric
6.2.17. Mack Trucks (Volvo) LRe
6.2.18. Mack Trucks (Volvo) MD Electric
6.2.19. Volvo, Mack Electric Truck Recalls 2023 and 2024
6.2.20. International Motors (VW Group) eMV
6.2.21. BYD 8TT Electric Tractor
6.2.22. Tesla Semi
6.2.23. Isuzu / Cummins F-Series
6.2.24. Isuzu N-Series
6.2.25. Small OEMs / Component Integrators
6.2.26. Xos Trucks
6.2.27. Nikola
6.2.28. Motiv Power Systems
6.2.29. Motiv Power Systems Trucks
6.2.30. Lightning eMotors
6.2.31. SEA Electric and Exro
6.2.32. Lion Electric
6.2.33. Other US Class 4 Electric Trucks
6.2.34. Other US Class 5 Electric Trucks
6.2.35. Other US Class 6 Electric Trucks
6.2.36. Other US Class 7 / 8 Electric Trucks
6.2.37. Hyliion Natural Gas Electric PHEV
6.2.38. Electric Terminal Tractors
7.1. China Addressable Truck Market
7.1.1. China: Addressable Truck Market 2023
7.1.2. China: Addressable Truck Market 2022
7.1.3. China: Addressable Truck Market 2021
7.1.4. Addressable M&HD Truck Sales in China 2007-2023
7.1.5. Road Freight Demand in China 2007-2023
7.1.6. China's Truck Market Segments
7.1.7. Example Chinese Truck Joint Ventures
7.1.8. China Phasing Out EV Subsidies
7.1.9. Local Incentives and Policies in China
7.2. Chinese eTruck Players
7.2.1. China Heavy-Duty Electric Truck Sales 2020-2024
7.2.2. Electric Heavy-Duty Truck Market in China
7.2.3. Electric Heavy-Duty Truck Sales in China H1 2024
7.2.4. Battery Swapping in the Chinese Electric Truck Market
7.2.5. Chinese Battery Swapping Dump Trucks
7.2.6. SANY Electric Dump Trucks
7.2.7. SANY Electric Tractors
7.2.8. Chinese Battery Swapping Dump Trucks
7.2.9. Chinese OEMs Electric Mixer Trucks
7.2.10. Geely
7.2.11. Sinotruk
7.2.12. China's Heavy-Duty Swapping Industry 2024
8.1. Benchmarking Methodology
8.2. Volvo Trucks
8.3. Daimler Trucks & Buses
8.4. BYD
8.6. Traton Group
8.7. Tesla
8.8. CNH Industrial/Iveco/Nikola
8.9. European Truck OEMs Electrification Readiness in 2024
9.1. Overview
9.1.1. Electrochemistry Definitions
9.1.2. Cell Types
9.1.3. Cell Format Market Share
9.1.4. Energy Density by Cathode
9.1.5. Comparing Commercial Cell Chemistries
9.1.6. Li-ion performance and technology timeline
9.1.7. Li-ion Timeline Commentary
9.1.8. Li-ion batteries: from cell to pack
9.1.9. Role of battery pack manufacturers
9.2. Battery Pack Players
9.2.1. Developments in Pack Manufacturers
9.2.2. Acquisitions of Pack Manufacturers
9.2.3. Module and pack manufacturing process
9.2.4. List of Battery Pack Manufacturers - Europe
9.2.5. Europe Battery Pack Manufacturers and Target Sectors
9.2.6. List of Battery Pack Manufacturers - North America
9.2.7. North American Battery Pack Manufacturers and Target Sectors
9.2.8. Asian Module and Pack Manufacturers
9.2.9. Battery Pack/Module Comparison
9.2.10. Battery Pack Benchmarking: Specific Energy vs Energy Density
9.2.11. BorgWarner (Akasol) Battery Packs
9.2.12. Akasol AKASYSTEM
9.2.13. Proterra
9.2.14. Webasto
9.2.15. Cummins (Accelera)
9.2.16. Microvast
9.2.17. Microvast Technology
9.2.18. American Battery Solutions
9.2.19. Leclanche
9.2.20. Northvolt Voltpack Core
9.2.21. Forsee Power
9.2.22. Deutz AG
10.1. LFP or High-Nickel Cathodes for eTrucks?
10.2. eTruck OEM Battery Chemistry Choice
10.3. Heavy-Duty Battery Choice: Range & Payload
10.4. Heavy-Duty Battery Choice: Charging
10.5. Heavy-Duty Battery Choice: Cost
10.6. Heavy-Duty Battery Choice: Reliability
10.7. Supply Chain: In-House Pack Assembly
10.8. Supply Chain: In-House Pack & Cell Assembly
10.9. Supply Chain: External Pack Assembly
10.10. Chemistry Choices in Turnkey EV Packs
10.11. Supply Chain: External Pack Assembly
10.12. Battery Chemistry Tailored to Duty Requirement
10.13. Timeline and Outlook For Li-ion Energy Densities
11.1. Overview
11.1.1. Charging Infrastructure Critical to Deployment
11.1.2. Summary of charging levels
11.1.3. Charging electric buses: depot versus opportunity charging
11.1.4. Charging Infrastructure For Heavy-Duty Vehicles
11.1.5. Cost per kW of Installing Chargers
11.1.6. Fleet Charging Dependent on Use Case and Vehicle Class
11.2. Conductive Charging
11.2.1. Megawatt Charging
11.2.2. Why Megawatt Charging is Important
11.2.3. MCS Specifications and Comparison
11.2.4. MCS Power Levels
11.2.5. MCS Charging Connector
11.2.6. Challenges in Implementing MCS
11.2.7. MCS Player Landscape
11.2.8. List of MW charging projects
11.2.9. Megawatt Charging in China
11.2.10. Grid impacts of MW charging
11.2.11. MW charging market rollout is around the corner
11.2.12. Megawatt class chargers forecast
11.2.13. Daimler Truck Commercial EV Charging Park
11.2.14. Tesla Debut Megacharger
11.2.15. Tesla High Power Charging Solutions
11.2.16. Detroit eFill Chargers
11.2.17. Heliox: Public Transport & Heavy-Duty Vehicle Charging
11.2.18. SprintCharge: Battery-Buffered Charging
11.2.19. ABB's smart depot charging solution for large fleets
11.2.20. Siemens: Truck Charging Infrastructure
11.2.21. Siemens Autonomous Charging System
11.2.22. Summary of Commercial Electric Fleet Wired DC Charging Options
11.3. Inductive Charging
11.3.1. Resonant inductive coupling - the principle behind wireless EV charging
11.3.2. Wireless charging overview
11.3.3. Inductive Charging for Heavy-Duty Applications
11.3.4. InductEV (Formerly Momentum Dynamics)High-Power Wireless Charging
11.3.5. WAVE Charging and Cummins Wireless Charging
11.3.6. WAVE Wireless Charging Impact on Vehicle Cost
11.3.7. Dynamic Wireless Charging Remains Experimental
11.4. Battery Swapping
11.4.1. The Rise of Battery Swapping in China
11.4.2. Battery-Swapping Truck Market Share In China 2024
11.4.3. Mounting Swappable Batteries in Trucks
11.4.4. Heavy Duty Battery Swapping Players
11.4.5. TU Berlin Test Robotic Battery Swapping
11.4.6. Sany Debut Battery Swapping Station
11.5. Electric Road Systems (ERS)
11.5.1. Types of electric road systems
11.5.2. Configuration of ERS infrastructure
11.5.3. Benefits of ERS
11.5.4. Electric Road Systems: Sweden
11.5.5. Californian Electric Highway
11.5.6. Real World Testing
11.5.7. Electric Road Systems: Market and Challenges
11.5.8. Summary of Electric Road Systems
11.5.9. Charging Solutions for Heavy Duty Fleet: High Level Findings
12.1. Summary of Traction Motor Types
12.2. Comparison of Traction Motor Construction and Merits
12.3. Medium Duty Truck Models Motor Power
12.4. Heavy Duty Truck Models Motor Power
12.5. Truck Motor Type Market Share and Power Output Requirements
12.6. Integrated e-Axle Space Advantage
12.7. Dana E-Axles
12.8. Dana TM4
12.9. Volvo Driveline
12.10. Meritor 14Xe Electric Drivetrain
12.11. Danfoss Editron
12.12. Detroit eAxles
12.13. Allison Transmission eGen Power e-Axles
12.14. ZF
12.15. BorgWarner
13.1. Overview
13.1.1. Introduction to Fuel Cells
13.1.2. Fuel Cells Trucks Outlook
13.1.3. System Efficiency Between BEVs and FCEVs
13.1.4. Up Front Costs of BEV and FCEV Trucks Progression
13.1.5. Attraction of Fuel Cell Vehicles
13.1.6. Deployment Barriers for Fuel Cell Vehicles
13.1.7. Sources of Hydrogen
13.1.8. Comparison of Fuel Cell Technologies
13.1.9. Fuel Cells Company Landscape
13.1.10. Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
13.1.11. What is a Fuel Cell Vehicle?
13.1.12. Installed Battery Capacity by Truck Weight
13.1.13. Fuel Cell Power vs Vehicle Weight - OEM Benchmarking
13.1.14. Fuel Cell Energy Density Advantage
13.1.15. Batteries vs. Fuel Cells: Driving Range
13.1.16. Daily Duty Cycle Demand
13.1.17. Heavy Duty Vehicle Fuel Cell System Costs
13.1.18. The Challenge: Green H₂ Cost Reduction
13.1.19. Must be Green H₂ for FCEV to be 'Green'
13.1.20. Green Hydrogen Price Development Forecasts
13.1.21. Green Hydrogen Production Costs US/EU
13.1.22. Green H₂ Cost by Electricity Source US/EU
13.1.23. Electrolyzer Powered by Curtailed Electricity
13.1.24. Comparison Hydrogen Fuel Cost vs Diesel Cost
13.1.25. FCEV Truck Hydrogen Consumption - OEM Benchmarking
13.1.26. Renewable Hydrogen Cost Prediction in Europe
13.1.27. Subsidies Available to Fuel Cell Trucks
13.1.28. Potential Impact of Inflation Reduction Act on FCEV Trucks
13.1.29. Fuel Cell Manufacturers Collaboration on FC-Trucks
13.1.30. Fuel Cell Company Acquisitions Related to Trucks
13.2. Fuel Cell Truck Players
13.2.1. Fuel Cell Truck Example Specifications
13.2.2. Fuel Cell Trucks: Hyundai
13.2.3. US XCIENT Longer Range
13.2.4. Commercially Available Hyundai Fuel Cell Trucks
13.2.5. Hyundai Hydrogen Mobility
13.2.6. Hyundai XCIENT China Order
13.2.7. Fuel Cell Trucks: Daimler/Volvo
13.2.8. Mercedes-Benz (Daimler) Trucks Trial Operations 2024
13.2.9. Volvo Group: Toward Fossil Free Transport
13.2.10. Scania Still Developing Fuel Cell Trucks
13.2.11. Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies
13.2.12. Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies
13.2.13. HYZON Motors
13.2.14. HYZON Motors Heavy-Duty Truck Schematic
13.2.15. Nikola Corporation
13.2.16. Nikola Motor: BEV and FCEV
13.2.17. Fuel Cell Trucks: Kenworth (PACCAR)
13.2.18. Example Fuel Cell Manufacturers US FC-Trucks
13.2.19. Fuel Cell Trucks: Toyota/Hino
13.2.20. VDL and Toyota Present First FCEV Truck
13.2.21. Fuel Cell Trucks: Dongfeng
13.2.22. Isuzu and Honda Fuel Cell Truck
13.2.23. BOSAL/Ceres Power - SOFC Range Extender
13.2.24. Ballard Motive Solutions
13.2.25. Ballard Truck Partnerships
13.2.26. Fuel Cell Truck Sales in China 2018-2024
13.2.27. Chinese FCEV Support
13.2.28. China Hydrogen Refuelling Stations
13.2.29. China's FCEV Deployment will it be Green?
13.2.30. Chinese Fuel Cell Dump Trucks
13.2.31. SANY Fuel Cell Trucks
13.2.32. China Fuel Cell Installed Capacity 2023
13.2.33. Other Chinese Fuel Cell Players
13.2.34. United Fuel Cell System R&D (Beijing) Co.
13.2.35. Guide to Hydrogen Truck Refuelling
13.2.36. Developing Hydrogen Refuelling Infrastructure
13.2.37. Fuel Cell Truck Refuelling Advantage
13.2.38. Long-Haul Trucking Opportunity?
13.2.39. Fuel Cell Trucks Facilitate Wider FCEV Deployment
13.2.40. The Fundamental Issue of Efficiency
14.1. Introduction - H₂ Combustion Engines
14.2. Commercial Segments with H2ICE Draw - Trucking
14.3. Long Haul Trucking - H2ICE Solves Many Pain Points
14.4. Energy Density of Hydrogen
14.5. KEYOU
14.6. DAF BEV, H2ICE, and FCEV
14.7. MAN - Limited H2ICE Production Run
14.8. Mercedes Truck - H₂ Powered Unimog
14.9. Tata Motors H2ICE Truck
14.10. Hydrogen Combustion Engine, ZEV (Zero-emission Vehicle) or Not?
14.11. Hydrogen Combustion is Not Zero Emissions
14.12. Real World H2ICE NOx Performance
14.13. Cummins H2ICE Approach
14.14. H2ICE CO₂ Emission Reduction
14.15. Well-to-Wheel Consumption
14.16. H2ICE Efficiency vs FCEV
14.17. Is there a TCO case for H2ICE? - (1)
14.18. Is there a TCO case for H2ICE - (2)
14.19. Is H2ICE a Fast-to-Market Solution?
14.20. H2ICE CAPEX Advantage - Industry Figures
14.21. Required Hydrogen Price for Gasoline Parity
14.22. Hydrogen refueling stations (HRS)
14.23. On-site H₂ Production in Europe
14.24. Cost of Hydrogen at the Pump
14.25. Costs at the Pump - Hydrogen Has a Premium
15.1. Overview
15.1.1. Forecast Methodology (1)
15.1.2. Forecast Methodology (2)
15.1.3. Forecast Methodology (3)
15.1.4. Forecast Assumptions
15.1.5. Fuel Cells in Trucks Commentary
15.1.6. Other Alternative Powertrains
15.1.7. Forecast: Battery Size Assumptions MDT 2022-2045
15.1.8. Forecast: Battery Size Assumptions HDT 2022-2045
15.1.9. Forecast: Battery Size Assumptions FCEV 2022-2045
15.1.10. Forecast: Battery Size Assumptions PHEV 2021-2045
15.1.11. Medium and Heavy-Duty Truck Market Forecasts 2024-2045
15.1.12. Medium & Heavy-Duty Truck Global Sales
15.1.13. Electric Medium and Heavy-Duty Truck Sales
15.1.14. eM&HDT Sales by Region
15.1.15. Global M&HDT Market Share for eM&HDT
15.1.16. eM&HDT Battery Demand (GWh)
15.1.17. eM&HDT Battery Demand Forecast by Region
15.1.18. eM&HDT Market Value Forecast (US$ billion)
15.1.19. eM&HDT Market Value Forecast by Region
15.1.20. FCEV M&HDT Fuel Cell Demand Forecast (MW)
15.2. Medium-Duty Truck Market Forecasts 2024-2045
15.2.1. Medium-Duty Truck (MDT) Global Sales
15.2.2. MDT Global Sales: BEV, PHEV and FCEV
15.2.3. eMDT Sales by Region
15.2.4. Global MDT Market Share for eMDT
15.2.5. eMDT Market Forecast (US$ billion)
15.2.6. eMDT Market Forecast by Region
15.3. Heavy-Duty Truck Market Forecasts 2024-2045
15.3.1. Heavy-Duty Truck (HDT) Global Sales
15.3.2. HDT Global Sales: BEV, PHEV and FCEV
15.3.3. eHDT Sales by Region
15.3.4. Global HDT Market Share for eHDT
15.3.5. eHDT Battery Demand Forecast (GWh)
15.3.6. eHDT Market Forecast (US$ billion)
15.3.7. eHDT Market Forecast by Region
15.4. Regional Sales Forecast 2024-2045
15.4.1. Europe (EU27+UK+EFTA) MDT Sales by Powertrain
15.4.2. Europe (EU27+UK+EFTA) HDT Sales by Powertrain
15.4.3. US MDT Sales by Powertrain
15.4.4. US HDT Sales by Powertrain
15.4.5. China MDT Sales by Powertrain
15.4.6. China HDT Sales by Powertrain
15.4.7. RoW MDT Sales by Powertrain
15.4.8. RoW HDT Sales by Powertrain
16.1. Truck OEMs Europe
16.1.1. Leyland Trucks
16.1.2. TEVVA
16.1.3. Volvo Trucks
16.1.4. Renault Trucks
16.1.5. Mercedes-Benz Trucks
16.1.6. DAF
16.1.7. Scania
16.1.8. MAN
16.1.9. Futuricum
16.2. Truck OEM U.S.
16.2.1. Lion Electric
16.2.2. Motiv Power Systems
16.2.3. XOS Trucks
16.2.4. Freightliner
16.2.5. FCCC
16.2.6. Peterbilt
16.2.7. Kenworth
16.2.8. VTNA
16.2.9. BYD
16.2.10. Tesla
16.2.11. Nikola
16.2.12. Lightning eMotors
16.2.13. SEA Electric
16.2.14. Hyliion
16.2.15. Mack Trucks
16.3. Battery Manufacturers
16.3.1. Akasol
16.3.2. American Battery Solutions
16.3.3. Forsee Power
16.3.4. Leclanché
16.3.5. Microvast
16.3.6. Northvolt
16.3.7. Romeo Power






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