
サーマルインターフェース材料 2024-2034:技術、市場、予測

Thermal Interface Materials 2024-2034: Technologies, Markets, and Forecasts

本レポートでは、EVバッテリー、EVパワーエレクトロニクス、データセンター、5G、ADAS、コンシューマーエレクトロニクス向けのサーマルインターフェイス材料(上記すべてのTIMと、一部のアプリケーションのダ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2024年5月16日 US$7,000
534 英語




これらすべての新興技術と急成長市場により、TIM市場は2024年から2034年の間に2桁のCAGRが見込まれ、大きなビジネスチャンスとなっている。IDTechExのレポート「サーマルインターフェイス材料: 技術、市場、2024-2034年予測」では、TIMのビジネスチャンスと今後の動向について包括的かつ詳細に分析している。TIMの目的は、2つの表面間の小さな隙間や欠陥を埋めて熱抵抗を減らし、熱伝達効率を高めることである。
TIMは、家電、電気自動車用バッテリー、電気自動車用パワーエレクトロニクス、データセンター、5G、先進運転支援システム(ADAS)など、多くの産業で広く採用されている。しかし、これらの分野の多くが急速に成長し、電力密度が高まるにつれて、TIMはコスト、熱伝導率、粘度、絶縁耐力、その他の物理特性のバランスを取る上で、より大きな課題に直面しています。具体的な要件は業界によって異なる。例えば、EVバッテリーのTIMはコストに非常に敏感であり、mmWaveスペクトルの5G用TIMは、理想的には高い熱伝導性と優れた電磁波吸収特性の両方が必要であり、データセンターのような高性能アプリケーションのTIMはより高い熱伝導性を目指している。一方、EVバッテリーの高集積化、AIによるデータセンターの高出力化傾向、自律走行の普及とADASセンサーの熱管理における課題、5GにおけるmmWave、EVパワーエレクトロニクスのSi IGBTからSiC MOSFETへの移行と接合温度の上昇など、対象アプリケーションにおける重要な設計の変遷がある。これらのようなトレンドは、とりわけTIM市場に革命をもたらすと予想される。
電気自動車(EV)産業は現在、熱インターフェース材料(TIM)の最大のターゲット用途であり、EVバッテリーがTIM採用の大半を占めている。EVの普及に伴い、市場の需要は急速に増加しており、この傾向は今後10年間も続くと予想される。EVの中核技術の一つであるバッテリー技術もまた、急速な変化を遂げている。走行距離の長さへの要求が高まるにつれ、エネルギー密度の向上、軽量化、充電の高速化、火災の安全性などが求められる傾向にあり、これらすべてをサポートするには効果的な熱管理と材料が必要です。EVバッテリーの中で、TIMの特性はセル形式、熱管理戦略、パック設計、TIMのコストに大きく依存する。本レポートでは、モジュール設計からセルからパック設計への移行、セル間液冷チャンバーを使用したCATL Qilinの最新CTP3.0、エネルギー密度とTIM形状への影響を分析するなど、EV電池設計に関する広範な調査を実施した。10年間のTIM面積(m2)、質量(kg)、収益(米ドル)の予測を、複数の車両セグメント(自動車、バス、トラック、バン、二輪車)およびTIM形態(熱伝導性接着剤、ギャップフィラー、ギャップパッド)別に提供している。
EV用パワーエレクトロニクスでは、Si IGBTからSiC MOSFETへの移行が大きなトレンドとなっている。この移行により、接合部温度が高くなる(Si IGBTでは最高150であるのに対し、SiC MOSFETでは175以上、あるいは200以上)。この傾向は、高性能TIMとダイ・アタッチ材料に対する需要の高まりを意味する。2024年初頭の時点で、EVパワーエレクトロニクス用の典型的なTIM2の熱伝導率は約3.5W/mKだが、これは時間の経過とともに上昇すると予想される。同様に、ダイ・アタッチ材料も、より厳しい要件のため、従来のはんだ合金から銀焼結へと移行しつつあり、この傾向は将来、コスト削減のために銅焼結へと拡大する可能性がある。
AI、クラウドコンピューティング、テレコミュニケーション、暗号マイニングに牽引され、データセンターはより強力かつ高密度になり、熱管理の難しさが高まっている。放熱が適切に行われないと、性能低下、寿命短縮、さらにはハードウェアの故障につながり、重大な技術的問題を引き起こす可能性がある。本レポートでは、データセンターコンポーネントの広範な調査を実施し、市販のサーバーボード、ラインカード、スイッチ/スーパーバイザー、電源に使用されているTIMを、Nvidiaの最新AI GPUを含む多くのケーススタディとともに分析している。10年間のTIM面積(m2)、質量(kg)、収益(米ドル)予測は、主要なデータセンターコンポーネント(プロセッサー、チップセット、スイッチ、電源装置)全体にわたって提供され、熱設計電力の増加や、今後予定されている直接チップ冷却、あるいは液浸冷却への移行に伴うデータセンターアプリケーションのTIM要件の分析も含まれています。
データセンター(DC)とADAS向けTIM市場規模。2024年から2025年または2026年まで、DCはAIに大きく牽引される。出典 サーマルインターフェイス材料 2024-2034
EMIシールドは、ADASレーダー、5Gアンテナ、スマートフォンに至るまで、多くの産業で重要な役割を果たしている。エキサイティングな分野のひとつに5Gがある。4Gと比較して、5Gはより高い周波数と短い波長を使用します。mmWaveを採用し、周波数を上げることで、アンテナや関連する電子機器のサイズが縮小し、放熱の課題が大きくなります。さらに、5Gは伝送距離が短いため、多数の基地局をローカルに配置する必要がある。5Gでは、波長が短くなるとシールドの隙間からエネルギーが逃げてしまうため、周波数が高くなるにつれてEMI緩和対策の効果が低下するため、EMIの課題がより大きくなる。この問題を軽減するため、本レポートでは、EMI シールドと高熱伝導率の両方を提供できるいくつかの EMI TIM を分析している。シールドの内側と外側に TIM 層を設けた従来のボードレベルシールド(BLS)とは対照的に、TIM と EMI 吸収体の単層をチップ上に直接使用してヒートシンクと接触させることができるため、全体的な熱性能が向上するだけでなく、製造の複雑さも軽減できる。
集積回路(IC)部品に直接適用されるEMI TIMの概略図。出典:IDTechEx IDTechEx
  • TIMの形状
  • TIMの形状、TIMフィラー材料、TIMマトリックス材料のベンチマーク
  • 形状別の市販製品の概要と比較
  • TIMフィラー:性能とコストの比較
  • TIM配合の進歩:フィラーと形式
  • 一般的なTIM改良の原動力
  • 業界の主な買収
  • 分注装置の概要と要件
  • TIM1: ダイ・アタッチ
o はんだ合金
o 銀焼結
o 銅焼結
  • 主要な新興または発展市場における TIM の現在の利用、要件、推進力:
o 電気自動車パワーエレクトロニクス
o 電気自動車用バッテリー
o EMIシールド
o データセンター
o ADASエレクトロニクス
o 5Gインフラ
o 民生用電子機器
  • 上記カテゴリーにおけるティアダウンとユースケース
  • 主要企業からの一次情報
  • 企業プロフィール






  • ティムフィラーズ
  • EVパワーエレクトロニクスの熱インターフェース材料
  • EVバッテリーのTIM
  • データセンターの熱インターフェース材料
  • アダス用サーマル・マテリアル
  • 5G用サーマル・マテリアル
  • 民生用電子機器における熱インターフェース材料とヒートスプレッダー
  • 電磁波シールドにおけるTIMS
Report Summary
This report offers a detailed technical analysis of thermal interface materials for EV batteries, EV power electronics, data centers, 5G, ADAS, and consumer electronics (TIMs for all mentioned above and die-attach materials for some applications). It provides 10-year forecasts in terms of area, mass, revenue, and unit price of TIMs. The report covers TIM fillers, costs, thermal conductivities, high-performance TIMs, commercial applications, historical acquisitions/partnerships, and emerging trends.
A Thermal Interface Material (TIM) is a material used to improve heat transfer between two surfaces, typically a heat source (such as a computer processor) and a heat sink (such as a metal heatsink or other cooling system). TIMs are used everywhere ranging from batteries in electrical vehicles on the road, data center server boards to your personal smart phones and laptops, 5G base stations and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) electronics.
With all these emerging technologies and fast-growing markets, the TIM market is expecting a double-digit CAGR between 2024 and 2034, representing significant opportunities. IDTechEx's report "Thermal Interface Materials: Technologies, Markets and Forecasts 2024-2034" offers a comprehensive and granular analysis of the opportunities for TIMs and the future trend. The purpose of a TIM is to fill the small gaps and imperfections between the two surfaces, reducing the thermal resistance and increasing the heat transfer efficiency.
TIMs come in various forms, including pastes, pads, liquid metals, films, and many others. A TIM typical consists of a highly conductive filler in a polymer matrix. The properties of TIMs (e.g., thermal conductivity, cost, viscosity, etc) are largely dependent on the filler materials, particle sizes, loading percentage, particle geometries and many others. A few typical filler materials include alumina, alumina hydroxide (ATH), AlN, boron nitrite (BN), ZnO and MgO. However, depending on the costs, regional regulations, difficulty of filler treatment, and abrasiveness and many other factors, the preferred filler varies across industry and application. This TIM report includes a technical and cost analysis of the filler materials, as well as a benchmark comparison of the filler materials by cost (US$/kg), thermal conductivity (W/mK), toxicity, coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), dielectric strength, electric conductivity, density, and a few other factors.
TIMs have been widely adopted in many industries such as consumer electronics, electric vehicle batteries, electric vehicle power electronics, data centers, 5G, and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS). However, with the rapid growth of many of these sectors and increasing power density, TIMs are facing greater challenges in balancing costs, thermal conductivities, viscosities, dielectric strength, and other physical properties. The specific requirements vary across industries. For instance, TIMs in EV batteries are highly cost-sensitive; TIMs for 5G in the mmWave spectrum ideally need to have both high thermal conductivity and excellent electromagnetic absorbent properties; and TIMs in high-performance applications such as data centers are moving towards higher thermal conductivity. Meanwhile, there are key design transitions in the target applications, such as EV batteries becoming more integrated, data centers trending towards higher powers driven by AI, the increasing adoption of autonomous driving and challenges in thermal management for ADAS sensors, mmWave in 5G, as well as the transition from Si IGBT to SiC MOSFET for EV power electronics and the higher junction temperature. Trends like these, among others, are expected to drive a revolution in the TIM market.
This report from IDTechEx considers the forms, filler materials, and matrix materials of TIM2s along with die-attach materials (TIM1s), benchmarks commercial products, details recent high-performance materials and their commercial successes, and identifies the market trends based on the collaboration and acquisitions of leading TIM suppliers. It also analyzes current TIM applications in fast-growing industries, along with the key drivers and requirements in each of these areas such as electric vehicle batteries, electric vehicle power electronics, data centers, 5G infrastructure, consumer electronics (smartphones, tablets, and laptops), EMI shielding, and ADAS sensor components (e.g., LiDAR, cameras, etc). In addition, 10-year granular area (m2), mass (kg), revenue (US$), and TIM unit price (US$) forecasts were given for EV batteries, data centers, consumer electronics, ADAS electronics, and 5G infrastructure.
Electric Vehicle Batteries and Power Electronics
Electric vehicle (EV) industry is currently the largest target application for thermal interface materials (TIMs) with EV batteries dominating the TIM adoption. With the increasing popularity of EVs, the market demand has been increasing rapidly and this trend is expected to continue for the upcoming decade. Battery technology, as one of the core technologies in EVs is also seeing rapid changes. With the increasing demand for long mileage, there is a trend towards higher energy density, reduced weight, faster charging, and fire safety, all of which require effective thermal management and materials to support. Within EV batteries, the property of TIM highly depends on cell formats, thermal management strategies, pack designs, and costs of TIMs. This report conducts extensive research into EV battery designs, covering the transition from modular designs to cell-to-pack designs, CATL Qilin's latest CTP3.0 using inter-cell liquid cooling chambers and analyzes its impacts on energy density and TIM forms. 10-year TIM area (m2), mass (kg), and revenue (US$) forecasts are provided across multiple vehicle segments (cars, buses, trucks, vans, and two-wheelers) and by TIM form (thermally conductive adhesives, gap fillers, and gap pads).
In terms of EV power electronics, the mega trend is the transition from Si IGBT to SiC MOSFETs. This transition leads to a higher junction temperature (175+ or even 200+ for SiC MOSFET compared with up to 150 for Si IGBT). This trend imposes a rising demand for high-performance TIMs and die-attach materials. Typical TIM2s for EV power electronics as of early 2024 have a thermal conductivity around 3.5W/mK, but this is expected to increase over time. Similarly, die-attach materials, due to more stringent requirements, are also seeing transitions from traditional solder alloys to Ag sintering, and this trend will potentially extend to Cu sintering to reduce the cost in the future.
Data Centers and ADAS Electronics
Driven by AI, cloud computing, telecommunication and crypto mining, data centers become more powerful and densely packed, leading to a rising difficulty in thermal management. If the heat is not dissipated properly, it can lead to decreased performance, shortened lifespan, and even hardware failure, thereby causing significant technical issues. This report conducts extensive research into data center components, analyzing TIMs used in commercially available server boards, line cards, switches/supervisors, and power supplies with a number of case studies including the latest AI GPUs from Nvidia. 10-year TIM area (m2), mass (kg), and revenue (US$) forecasts are provided across key data center components (processors, chipsets, switches, and power supplies) with analysis of the TIM requirements for data center applications with the increasing thermal design power and upcoming transition to direct-to-chip or even immersion cooling.
With the greater demand for autonomous driving and smart interiors (e.g., driver monitoring and occupant monitoring, etc), advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are becoming increasingly popular. In ADAS, various electronic components such as sensors, cameras, and processors are used to collect and process data, and make decisions. These components can generate heat during operation, and with the continuous densification of designs, the heat dissipation will become a bigger challenge. If the heat is not properly managed, it can cause damage to the components, thereby affecting sensors' performance. This report provides a detailed analysis of TIM requirements for ADAS LiDAR, cameras, radar, and computers with commercial use-cases and 10-year granular TIM area (m2), mass (kg), and revenue (US$) forecasts.
TIM Market Size For Data Center (DC) and ADAS. DC is largely driven by AI from 2024 to 2025 or 2026. Source: Thermal Interface Materials 2024-2034
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Shielding and 5G
EMI shielding plays a critical role across many industries ranging from ADAS radar, 5G antenna, to smartphones. One of the exciting segments is 5G. Compared with 4G, 5G uses higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths. The adoption of mmWave and increased frequency shrinks the sizes of antenna and associated electronics, leading to greater heat dissipation challenges. Further to this, a large number of 5G base stations need to be deployed locally because of the inherent short transmission lengths. 5G presents more EMI challenges since the effectiveness of EMI mitigation measures declines with higher frequencies because smaller wavelengths allow energy to escape through gaps in shields. To mitigate this issue, this report analyzes several EMI TIMs that can provide both EMI shielding and high thermal conductivities. In contrast to traditional board-level shields (BLSs), with a layer of TIM inside and outside the shield, a single layer of TIM and EMI absorber can be used directly on the chip to make contact with the heat sink, which not only improves overall thermal performance but also reduces manufacturing complexity.
Schematic drawing of an EMI TIM being applied directly on an integrated circuit (IC) component. Source: IDTechEx
The growing density of infrastructure and power demands in 5G, coupled with technological shifts, creates a substantial market for Thermal Interface Materials (TIMs). This report examines thermal and EMI challenges within 5G infrastructure, presenting current design solutions through teardowns or use cases and outlining future design progressions. It includes updated databases and detailed market forecasts for station size and frequency. Despite nearing the end of its hype cycle, 5G continues to offer significant market opportunities and growth prospects for thermal management solutions.
Key Aspects

Thermal Interface Material (TIM) trends and analysis:

  • Forms of TIM
  • Benchmarking of TIM forms, TIM filler materials, and TIM matrix materials
  • Summary and comparison of commercial products by form
  • TIM Filler: performance and cost comparison
  • Advancements in TIM formulation: fillers and format
  • Drivers for TIM improvements in general
  • Key industry acquisitions
  • Overview of dispensing equipment and requirements
  • TIM1: die-attach:
o Solder alloys
o Silver sintering
o Copper sintering
  • Current utilization, requirements, and drivers for TIM in key emerging or evolving markets:
o Electric vehicle power electronics
o Electric vehicle batteries
o EMI shielding
o Data centers
o ADAS electronics
o 5G infrastructure
o Consumer electronics
  • Teardowns and use-cases in the above categories
  • Primary information from key companies
  • Company profiles



Table of Contents

1.1. Introduction to Thermal Interface Materials (TIM)
1.2. Properties of Thermal Interface Materials
1.3. Thermal Conductivity Comparison of TIM Formats
1.4. Differences between thermal pads and grease
1.5. Advanced TIMs and Multi-Functional TIMs
1.6. Metal-Based TIM1 and TIM2
1.7. TIM Area Forecast by Application: 2022-2034 (m2)
1.8. TIM Mass Forecast by Application: 2022-2034 (kg)
1.9. TIM Market Size Forecast by Application: 2022-2034 (US$ Millions)
1.10. TIM Mass Forecast for EV Batteries by TIM Form: 2021-2034 (kg)
1.11. TIM Mass Forecast for Data Centers By Component: 2022-2034 (kg)
1.12. TIM requirements for data center applications
1.13. TIM Market Size Forecast for ADAS by Component: 2020-2034 (US$ Millions)
1.14. Die Attach Area Forecast for Key Components Within ADAS Sensors: 2020-2034 (m2)
1.15. TIM requirements for ADAS components
1.16. TIM & Heat Spreader Market Size Forecast For Consumer Electronics: 2012-2034 (US$ Millions)
1.17. TIM Area Forecast for 5G Stations by Component: 2020-2034 (m2)
1.18. TIM Area Forecast for EV Power Electronics By Technology: 2021-2034 (m2)
1.19. Die-Attach Area Forecast for EV Power Electronics by Technology: 2021-2034 (m2)
1.20. Summary - Pros and Cons of TIM Fillers (1)
1.21. Summary - Pros and Cons of TIM Fillers (2)
1.22. Summary of TIM Fillers
1.23. TIM filler cost comparison
2.1. Overview
2.1.1. Introduction to TIMs - (1)
2.1.2. Introduction to TIMs - (2)
2.1.3. Key Factors in System Level Performance
2.1.4. Thermal Conductivity vs Thermal Resistance
2.2. Comparison of Key Factors by TIM Form
2.2.1. Properties of Thermal Interface Materials
2.2.2. Comparisons of Price and Thermal Conductivity
2.2.3. Thermal Conductivity by TIM Format
2.2.4. Price Comparison of TIM Fillers
2.2.5. TIM Chemistry Comparison
2.2.6. 1. Gap Pads
2.2.7. SWOT - Gap Pads
2.2.8. 2. Thermal Gels/ Gap Fillers
2.2.9. SWOT - Thermal Gels/Gap Fillers
2.2.10. 3. Thermal Greases
2.2.11. SWOT - Thermal Greases
2.2.12. 4. Phase Change Materials (PCMs)
2.2.13. SWOT - Phase Change Materials (PCMs)
2.2.14. 5. Adhesive Tapes
2.2.15. SWOT - Adhesive Tapes and TCA
2.2.16. 6. Potting/Encapsulants
2.2.17. SWOT - Potting/Encapsulants
2.3. Advanced TIMs
2.3.1. Summary of Advanced TIMs
2.3.2. Introduction
2.3.3. Advanced TIMs: Introduction
2.3.4. Carbon-based TIMs Overview
2.3.5. Overview of Thermal Conductivity By Filler
2.3.6. Overview of Thermal Conductivity By Matrix
2.4. Carbon-based TIMs
2.4.1. Overview
2.4.2. Comparison of carbon-based TIMs (1)
2.4.3. Comparison of carbon-based TIMs (2)
2.4.4. 1. Graphite - Introduction
2.4.5. Graphite Sheets: Through-plane Limitations
2.4.6. Vertical Graphite with Additives
2.4.7. Graphite Sheets: Interfacing with Heat Source and Disrupting Alignment
2.4.8. Panasonic: Pyrolytic Graphite Sheet (PGS)
2.4.9. Progressions in Vertical Graphite
2.4.10. Graphite Pastes
2.4.11. Thermal Conductivity Comparison of Graphite TIMs
2.4.12. 2. Carbon Nanotube (CNT) - Introduction
2.4.13. Challenges with CNT-TIMs
2.4.14. Notable CNT TIM Examples from Commercial Players: Carbice
2.4.15. Notable CNT TIM Examples from Commercial Players: Fujitsu
2.4.16. Notable CNT TIM Examples from Commercial Players: Zeon
2.4.17. Notable CNT TIM Examples from Commercial Players: Hitachi Zosen
2.4.18. CNT TIM Fabrication
2.4.19. 3. Graphene - Overview
2.4.20. Achieving through-plane alignment
2.4.21. Graphene in Thermal Management: Application Roadmap
2.4.22. Graphene Heat Spreaders: Commercial Success
2.4.23. Graphene Heat Spreaders: Performance
2.4.24. Graphene Heat Spreaders: Suppliers Multiply
2.4.25. Nanotech Energy: EMI Armour Series - EIM/TIM
2.4.26. Graphene as an Additive to Thermal Interface Pads
2.4.27. Graphene and Graphite - High Performance Applications
2.4.28. T-Global: TG-P10050
2.4.29. Metal Filled Polymer TIMs
2.4.30. Metal-based TIM - Overview
2.4.31. Recent Collaboration - Arieca and Nissan Chemical - Electrical Conductivity (1)
2.4.32. Recent Collaboration - Arieca and Nissan Chemical - Electrical Conductivity (2)
2.4.33. Recent Collaboration - Arieca and Nissan Chemical - Thermal Conductivity
2.4.34. Laminar Metal Form With High Softness (1)
2.4.35. Laminar Metal Form With High Softness (2)
2.4.36. Commercial Success
2.4.37. Indium Corporation - indium/gallium-based liquid metal TIMs (1)
2.4.38. Indium Corporation - indium/gallium-based liquid metal TIMs (2)
2.4.39. Indium Corporation - Full Metal TIMs
2.4.40. Boron Nitride Nanostructures
2.4.41. Introduction to Nano Boron Nitride
2.4.42. BNNT Players and Prices
2.4.43. BNNT Property Variations
2.4.44. BN Nanostructures in TIMs
2.5. TIM1 - Die-Attach and Substate-Attach
2.5.1. Comparison of TIM1 and TIM2
2.5.2. Solder TIM1 and Liquid Metal
2.5.3. Solders as TIM1
2.5.4. Solder TIM1 - Minimize Warpage and Delamination (1)
2.5.5. Solder TIM1 - Minimize Warpage and Delamination (2)
2.5.6. Trend Towards Sintering
2.5.7. Market News and Trends of Sintering
2.5.8. Ag Sintered TIM
2.5.9. Metal Sheet, Graphite Sheet, and Ag Sintered TIM
2.5.10. Process Steps for Applying Ag Sintered Paste
2.5.11. Die-Attach Solution - Summary of Materials (1)
2.5.12. Die-Attach Solution - Summary of Materials
2.5.13. Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) Comparison of Die-Attach and Substrate-Attach
2.5.14. Silver Sintering Paste
2.5.15. Properties and performance of solder alloys and conductive adhesives
2.5.16. Solder Options and Current Die Attach
2.5.17. Why Metal Sintering
2.5.18. Silver-Sintered Paste Performance
2.5.19. Cu Sintered TIM
2.5.20. TIM1 - Sintered Copper
2.5.21. Cu Sinter Materials
2.5.22. Cu Sintering: Characteristics
2.5.23. Reliability of Cu Sintered Joints
2.5.24. Graphene Enhanced Sintered Copper TIMs
2.5.25. Mitsui: Cu Sinter Half the Cost of Ag Sinter
2.5.26. Copper Sintering - Challenges
2.5.27. Porosity (%) of Metal Sinter Paste
2.5.28. Commercial Use Cases
2.5.29. Sintered Copper Die-Bonding Paste
2.5.30. Heraeus: Ag Sintering Pastes
2.5.31. Heraeus: Pressure or Pressure-less Pastes
2.5.32. Ag Sinter Process Conditions Summary
2.6. TIM Dispensing Equipment
2.6.1. Dispensing TIMs Introduction
2.6.2. Challenges for Dispensing TIM
2.6.3. Low-volume Dispensing Methods
2.6.4. High-volume Dispensing Methods
2.6.5. Compatibility of Meter, Mix, Dispense (MMD) System
2.6.6. TIM Dispensing Equipment Suppliers
2.6.7. Use cases - TIM PrintTM - Suzhou Hemi Electronics
2.7. Major TIM Acquisition
2.7.1. Arkema acquired Polytec PT
2.7.2. Henkel Acquires Bergquist
2.7.3. Parker Acquires Lord
2.7.4. DuPont Acquires Laird
2.7.5. Henkel Acquires Thermexit Business From Nanoramic
2.7.6. DuPont Failed to Acquire Rogers
3.1. Key Trends on TIM Fillers for Different Applications
3.2. Summary - Pros and Cons of TIM Fillers (1)
3.3. Summary - Pros and Cons of TIM Fillers (2)
3.4. TIM filler cost comparison
3.5. Overview of Thermal Conductivity by Fillers
3.6. TIM Fillers - Huber Advanced Materials
3.7. Thermal Conductivity Comparison ATH and Al2O3
3.8. Spherical Alumina
3.9. Alumina Fillers
3.10. Emerging Fillers and Adoption Barriers: Boron Nitride (BN)
3.11. Thermal Conductivity by Application
3.12. 3M BN: Thermal Conductivity Comparison
3.13. TIM Fillers - Momentive Technologies
3.14. Sumitomo Chemical
3.15. Filler and Polymer TIM - Overview
3.16. Filler Sizes
3.17. Carbon-based TIMs
3.18. Carbon Nanotube (CNT)
3.19. Challenges with CNT-TIMs
3.20. Notable CNT TIM Examples from Commercial Players: Carbice
3.21. CNT TIM Fabrication
3.22. Pre-Market: Carbon Fiber Based TIM from FujiPoly
4.1. Overview
4.1.1. General Trend of TIMs in Power Electronics (1)
4.1.2. General Trend of TIMs in Power Electronics (2)
4.1.3. Where are TIMs used in EV Power Electronics
4.1.4. Summary of TIM2 Properties
4.1.5. BLT Comparison of TIM2
4.1.6. Thermal Conductivity Comparison of TIM1s
4.2. TIM2
4.2.1. Thermal Interface Material 2 - Summary
4.2.2. TIM2 - IDTechEx's Analysis on Promising TIM2
4.2.3. Where are TIM2 Used in EV IGBTs?
4.2.4. TIMs in Infineon's IGBT
4.2.5. TIMs in onsemi IGBT Modules
4.2.6. Semikron Danfoss - TIM Overview
4.2.7. Semikron Danfoss - Graphite TIM
4.3. TIM2 in SiC MOSFET
4.3.1. TIMs in onsemi SiC MOSFET
4.3.2. Pre-Apped TIM in Infineon's CoolSiC
4.3.3. Infineon's SiC MOSFET Thermal Resistance
4.3.4. Wolfspeed
4.3.5. TIMs in Wolfspeed's SiC Power Modules
4.3.6. Solders as TIM2s - Package-Attach from Indium Corp
4.4. Removing Thermal Interface Material
4.4.1. Why the Drive to Eliminate the TIM
4.4.2. Thermal Grease: Other Shortcomings
4.4.3. EV Inverter Modules Where TIM has Been Eliminated (1)
4.5. Forecast
4.5.1. TIM Area Forecast by Technology: 2024-2034 (m2)
4.5.2. Yearly Market Size of TIMs Forecast: 2024-2034 (US$ Millions)
5.1. Thermal interface materials for EV battery packs
5.1.1. Introduction to thermal interface materials for EVs
5.1.2. TIM pack and module overview
5.1.3. TIM application - pack and modules
5.1.4. TIM application by cell format
5.1.5. Key properties for TIMs in EVs
5.1.6. Gap pads in EV batteries
5.1.7. Switching to gap fillers from pads
5.1.8. Dispensing TIMs Introduction and Challenges
5.1.9. Thermally conductive adhesives in EV batteries
5.1.10. Material options and market comparison
5.1.11. The silicone dilemma for the automotive market
5.1.12. Thermal interface material fillers for EV batteries
5.1.13. TIM filler comparison and adoption
5.1.14. Thermal conductivity comparison of suppliers
5.1.15. Factors impacting TIM pricing
5.1.16. TIM pricing by supplier
5.2. TIM in cell-to-pack designs
5.2.1. What is cell-to-pack?
5.2.2. Drivers and challenges for cell-to-pack
5.2.3. What is cell-to-chassis/body?
5.2.4. Cell-to-pack and Cell-to-body Designs Summary
5.2.5. Gravimetric Energy Density and Cell-to-pack Ratio
5.2.6. Outlook for Cell-to-pack & Cell-to-body Designs
5.2.7. Gap filler to thermally conductive adhesives
5.2.8. Thermal conductivity shift
5.2.9. TCA requirements
5.2.10. Servicing/ Repair and Recyclability
5.2.11. EU Regulations and Recyclability
5.3. TIM players
5.3.1. Bostik
5.3.2. DEMAK
5.3.3. Dow
5.3.4. DuPont
5.3.5. ELANTAS
5.3.6. Elkem
5.3.7. Epoxies Etc.
5.3.8. Evonik
5.3.9. H.B. Fuller
5.3.10. Henkel
5.3.11. Momentive
5.3.12. Parker Lord
5.3.13. Polymer Science
5.3.14. Sekisui
5.3.15. Shin-Etsu
5.3.16. Wacker Chemie
5.3.17. Wevo Chemie
5.4. TIM EV use cases
5.4.1. Audi e-tron
5.4.2. BMW iX3
5.4.3. BYD Blade
5.4.4. Chevrolet Bolt
5.4.5. Fiat 500e
5.4.6. Ford Mustang Mach-E
5.4.7. Hyundai IONIQ 5/Kia EV6
5.4.8. MG ZS EV
5.4.9. Nissan Leaf
5.4.10. Porsche Taycan
5.4.11. Smart Fortwo (Mercedes)
5.4.12. Rivian R1T
5.4.13. Tesla Model 3/Y
5.4.14. Tesla 4680 pack
5.4.15. CATL CTP3.0 Qilin Pack
5.4.16. CATL CTP3.0 Qilin Pack - TIM Estimation
5.4.17. EV use-case summary
5.4.18. TIM use by vehicle and by year
5.5. TIM forecasts
5.5.1. TIM demand per vehicle
5.5.2. TIM Mass Forecast for EV batteries by TIM type: 2021-2034 (kg)
5.5.3. TIM Market Size Forecast for EV Batteries by TIM Type: 2021-2034 (US$)
5.5.4. TIM Forecast for EV Batteries by Vehicle Type: 2021-2034 (kg and US$)
6.1. TIM in data center introduction
6.1.1. Thermal Interface Materials in Data Centers
6.1.2. Common Types of TIMs in Data Centers - Line Card Level
6.1.3. TIMs in Data Centers - Line Card Level - Transceivers
6.1.4. TIMs in Server Boards
6.1.5. Server Board Layout
6.1.6. TIMs for Data Center - Server Boards, Switches and Routers
6.1.7. Data Center Switch Players
6.2. TIM area estimation - use cases
6.2.1. How TIMs are Used in Data Center Switches - FS N8560-32C 32x 100GbE Switch
6.2.2. WS-SUP720 Supervisor 720 Module
6.2.3. Ubiquiti UniFi USW-Leaf Switch
6.2.4. FS S5850-48S6Q 48x 10GbE and 6x 40GbE Switch
6.2.5. Cisco Nexus 7700 Supervisor 2E module
6.2.6. Nvidia - Grace Hopper TIM
6.2.7. Nvidia - Grace Blackwell GPU and Switch Tray
6.2.8. TIM Area: SuperServer SYS-221GE-TNHT-LCC
6.2.9. ARES-WHI0
6.2.10. Estimating the TIM Areas in Server Boards
6.2.11. Area of TIM per Switch
6.2.12. TIM Area for Leaf and Spine Switch
6.2.13. TIM Consumption in Data Center Power Supplies
6.2.14. TIMs for Power Supply Converters (1): AC-DC and DC-DC
6.2.15. Data Center Power Supply System
6.2.16. TIMs for Data Center Power Supplies (2)
6.2.17. TIMs for Data Center Power Supplies (3)
6.2.18. TIMs in Data Center Power Supplies (4)
6.2.19. How TIMs are Used in Data Center Power Supplies (5)
6.2.20. How TIMs are Used in data center power supply (6)
6.2.21. TIMs for Data Centers - Power Supply Converters
6.2.22. Differences Between TIM Forms - (1)
6.2.23. Differences Between TIM Forms - (2)
6.3. Novel TIMs in data centers
6.3.1. Novel material - Laminar Metal Form with High Softness (1)
6.3.2. Novel material - Laminar Metal Form with High Softness (2)
6.3.3. Smart High Tech - Graphite TIMs
6.3.4. TIM Trends in Data Centers
6.3.5. TIMs in immersion cooling
6.4. Forecast
6.4.1. TIM Area Forecast in Server Boards: 2022-2034 (m2)
6.4.2. Data Center Switch Forecast: 2022-2034
6.4.3. Number of Server Forecast: 2022-2034
6.4.4. TIM Area Forecast for Leaf and Spine Switch: 2022-2034 (m2)
6.4.5. TIM Area Forecast by Data Center Components: 2021-2034 (m2)
6.4.6. TIM Mass Forecast by Data Center Components: 2021-2034 (kg)
7.1. Introduction
7.1.1. Typical Sensor Suite for Autonomous Cars
7.1.2. The Sensor Trifactor
7.1.3. Sensors and Their Purpose
7.2. Thermal Management in ADAS Sensors
7.2.1. Locations for Thermal Management Materials
7.2.2. Thermal Interface Materials for ADAS
7.2.3. Thermal Interface Materials for ADAS Sensors
7.2.4. Cameras
7.2.5. Camera Anatomy
7.2.6. Thermal Interface Materials for ADAS Cameras
7.2.7. Bosch ADAS Camera
7.2.8. Tesla's Triple Lens Camera
7.2.9. ZF S-Cam4 Triple and Single Lens Cameras
7.2.10. Radar
7.2.11. Radar Anatomy
7.2.12. Board Trends
7.2.13. Radars are Getting Smaller
7.2.14. Thermal Interface Materials for ADAS Radars
7.2.15. TIM with Radar Board Trends
7.2.16. Bosch 77 GHz Radar
7.2.17. Bosch Mid-Range Radar
7.2.18. MANDO Long-Range Radar
7.2.19. DENSO DNMWR006 Radar
7.2.20. DENSO DNMWR010 Radar
7.2.21. GM Adaptive Cruise Control Radar
7.2.22. LiDAR
7.2.23. LiDAR Thermal Considerations
7.2.24. Thermal for LiDAR
7.2.25. Thermal Interface Materials for ADAS LiDAR
7.2.26. 3irobotics Delta3
7.2.27. Continental Short-Range LiDAR
7.2.28. Ouster OS1-64 LiDAR
7.2.29. Valeo Scala LiDAR
7.2.30. Possible New TIM Locations: Laser Driver Dies
7.2.31. ECUs/Computers
7.2.32. Computers and ECUs in ADAS
7.2.33. Lack of TIMs in Previous ECU Designs
7.2.34. Audi zFAS Computer
7.2.35. Tesla's Computer Generations
7.2.36. Tesla's Liquid-Cooled MCU/ECU
7.2.37. Thermal Interface Materials in the ECU
7.2.38. ADAS Chip Power Progression
7.2.39. 3M — TIM and EMI for ECUs
7.2.40. Henkel — ECU Case Study
7.2.41. Audi zFAS
7.2.42. Tesla HW 2.5
7.2.43. Tesla HW 3.0
7.2.44. TIM Players in ADAS
7.2.45. 3M
7.2.46. Dow
7.2.47. Fujipoly
7.2.48. GLPOLY
7.2.49. Henkel — TIM for Cameras
7.2.50. Henkel — TIM for Radars
7.2.51. Laird — ADAS TIMs
7.2.52. Momentive
7.2.53. Parker — TIMs for Cameras
7.2.54. Sekisui
7.2.55. Shin Etsu
7.2.56. Summary of Performance for TIM Players
7.3. TIM Requirements and Total Forecasts for ADAS Sensors
7.3.1. TIM Requirements for ADAS Components
7.3.2. TIM Properties by Application
7.3.3. TIM Requirements for ADAS Components
7.3.4. TIM Area Forecast for ADAS: 2020-2034 (m2)
7.3.5. TIM: Price Analysis
7.3.6. TIM Revenue Forecast for ADAS: 2020-2034 ($ Millions)
7.3.7. Die Attach for ADAS
7.3.8. Die Attach for Image Sensors
7.3.9. Radar IC Packages
7.3.10. How Important is Die Attach for ADAS Sensors?
7.3.11. ESI Automotive — Die Attach for Radar
7.3.12. Henkel — Die Attach for ADAS
7.3.13. Heraeus — ECU Materials
7.3.14. Summary of Die Attach for ADAS Sensors
7.3.15. Die Attach Area Forecast for Key Components Within ADAS Sensors: 2020-2034 (m2)
8.1. Overview
8.1.1. Anatomy of a Base Station: Summary
8.1.2. Baseband Processing Unit and Remote Radio Head
8.1.3. Path Evolution from Baseband Unit to Antenna
8.1.4. TIM Types in 5G
8.1.5. Value Proposition for Liquid TIMs
8.2. Addressing EMI and Thermal Challenges in 5G
8.2.1. EMI is More Challenging in 5G
8.2.2. Antenna De-sense
8.2.3. Multifunctional TIMs as a Solution
8.2.4. EMI Gaskets
8.2.5. Laird
8.2.6. Schlegel - TIM and EMI
8.2.7. TIM Combined with EMI Shielding Properties
8.3. TIM Suppliers for 5G
8.3.1. 3M - Boron Nitride Fillers
8.3.2. GLPOLY
8.3.3. Henkel - Liquid TIMs for Data & Telecoms
8.3.4. Honeywell
8.3.5. Laird (DuPont)
8.3.6. Momentive
8.3.7. NeoGraf
8.3.8. Parker
8.3.9. TIM Suppliers Targeting 5G Applications
8.3.10. TIM Properties and Players for 5G Infrastructure
8.4. TIMs for Antenna
8.4.1. TIM Example: Samsung 5G Access Point
8.4.2. TIM Example: Samsung Outdoor CPE Unit
8.4.3. TIM Example: Samsung Indoor CPE Unit
8.4.4. TIM Area Forecast for 5G Antenna by Station Size: 2020-2034 (m2)
8.4.5. TIM Area Forecast for 5G Antenna by Station Frequency: 2020-2034 (m2)
8.5. TIMs for BBU
8.5.1. The 6 Components of a Baseband Processing Unit
8.5.2. Thermal Material Opportunities for the BBU
8.5.3. Examples of 5G BBUs
8.5.4. TIM in BBUs
8.5.5. BBU Parts I: Main Control Board
8.5.6. BBU Parts II & III: Baseband Processing Board & Transmission Extension Board
8.5.7. BBU Parts IV & V: Radio Interface Board & Satellite-card Board
8.5.8. BBU parts VI: TIM Area in the Power Supply Board
8.5.9. Summary
8.5.10. TIM Area Forecast for 5G BBU: 2020-2034 (m2)
8.6. TIMs for 5G Power Supplies
8.6.1. Power Consumption in 5G
8.6.2. Challenges to the 5G Power Supply Industry
8.6.3. The Dawn of Smart Power?
8.6.4. GaN Systems - GaN Power Supply and Wireless Power
8.6.5. Power Consumption Forecast for 5G: 2020-2034 (GW)
8.6.6. TIM Area Forecast for Power Supplies: 2020-2034 (m2)
8.7. Total TIM Forecasts for 5G
8.7.1. TIM Area Forecast for 5G Stations by Component: 2020-2034 (m2)
8.7.2. TIM Area Forecast for 5G Stations by Microstation Type: 2020-2034 (m2)
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Thermal Management Differences: 4G vs 5G Smartphones
9.3. Overview of Thermal Management Materials Application Areas
9.4. Use-case: Samsung Galaxy 3
9.5. Use-case: Apple iPhone 5
9.6. Use-case: Samsung Galaxy S6
9.7. Use-case: Samsung Galaxy S7 (1)
9.8. Use-case: Samsung Galaxy S7 (2)
9.9. Use-case: Samsung Galaxy S6 and S7 TIM Area Estimates
9.10. Use-case: Apple iPhone 7
9.11. Use-case: Apple iPhone X
9.12. Use-case: Samsung Galaxy S9 (1)
9.13. Use-case: Samsung Galaxy S9 (2)
9.14. Galaxy Note 9 Carbon Water Cooling System
9.15. Use-case: Oppo R17
9.16. Use-case: Samsung Galaxy S10 and S10e
9.17. Use-case: LG v50 ThinQ 5G
9.18. Use-case: Samsung Galaxy S10 5G
9.19. Use-case: Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ 5G
9.20. Use-case: Apple iPhone 12
9.21. Use-case: LG v60 ThinQ 5G
9.22. Use-case: Nubia Red Magic 5G
9.23. Use-case: Samsung Galaxy S20 5G
9.24. Use-case: Samsung Galaxy S21 5G
9.25. Use-case: Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
9.26. Use-case: Huawei Mate 20 X 5G
9.27. Use-case: Sony Xperia Pro
9.28. Use-case: Apple iPhone 13 Pro
9.29. Use-case: Google Pixel 6 Pro
9.30. Samsung Galaxy S22
9.31. iPhone 14 Pro
9.32. Samsung Galaxy S23
9.33. Use Case: iPhone 15 - reduced heat spreader area
9.34. Smartphone Thermal Material Estimate Summary
9.35. Trends in Smartphone Thermal Material Utilization
9.36. Graphitic Heat Spreaders
9.37. Emerging Advanced Material Solutions
9.38. Insulation Material
9.39. Insulation Material (2)
9.40. Smartphone Unit Forecast: 2012-2034
9.41. TIM and Heat Spreader Market Size Forecast in Smartphones: 2012-2034 (US$)
10.1. Overview
10.1.1. Introduction to EMI shielding
10.1.2. EMI use-cases
10.1.3. Considerations of TIMs in EMI Shielding
10.1.4. EMI Shielding - Dielectric Constant
10.2. EMI and TIMs in ADAS
10.2.1. Applications of TIMs in EMI Shielding for ADAS Radars
10.2.2. Laird's - CoolShield and CoolShield-Flex Series
10.2.3. Density and Thermal Conductivity of TIMs for Radar
10.2.4. 3M — TIM and EMI for ECUs
10.3. EMI and TIMs in 5G
10.3.1. EMI is More Challenging in 5G
10.3.2. EMI Shielding - Next Growth Driver for TIMs
10.3.3. Antenna De-sense
10.3.4. Multifunctional TIMs as a Solution
10.3.5. Dual functionalities - heat dissipation and EMI shielding - Laird's CoolZorb (1)
10.3.6. Dual functionalities - heat dissipation and EMI shielding - Laird's CoolZorb (2)
10.3.7. EMI Gaskets
10.3.8. Laird
10.3.9. Schlegel - TIM and EMI
10.3.10. TIM Combined with EMI Shielding Properties
10.4. EMI and TIMs in other applications
10.4.1. Consumer Electronics - Graphite
10.4.2. Use-Case: Synthetic Graphite Sheet - DSN
10.4.3. Price Comparison of Graphite Sheets
10.4.4. Use Case: Panasonic G-TIM (1)
10.4.5. Use Case: Panasonic G-TIM (2)
10.4.6. Players - EMI TIMs
11.1. TIM Area Forecast by Application: 2022-2034 (m2)
11.2. TIM Mass Forecast by Application: 2022-2034 (kg)
11.3. TIM Revenue Forecast by Application: 2022-2034 (US$ Millions)
12.1. 3M Electronics Materials
12.2. ADA Technologies
12.3. Alpha Assembly
12.4. AluChem
12.5. AOS Thermal Compounds
12.6. Arieca
12.7. Aztrong
12.8. Bando
12.9. bdtronic
12.10. BestGraphene
12.11. BNNT
12.12. BNNT Technology Limited
12.13. Cambridge Nanotherm
12.14. Carbice Corporation
12.15. CondAlign
12.16. Dexerials
12.17. Dow Corning
12.18. Dowa Electronics Materials, Co., Ltd
12.19. DuPont: Thermal Materials for Future Battery Designs
12.20. Dynex Semiconductor (CRRC): EV Power Electronics
12.21. Enerdyne Solutions
12.22. Enerdyne Solutions
12.23. Fujipoly: Fire Protection Materials for Electric Vehicle Batteries
12.24. GCS Thermal
12.25. Henkel: microTIM and data centers
12.26. Heraeus: Solutions for EV Power Electronics
12.27. Hitek Electronic Materials
12.28. Huber Martinswerk: Thermal Additives
12.29. Huber Martinswerk: Thermal Additives
12.30. HyMet Thermal Interfaces
12.31. HyMet Thermal Interfaces
12.32. Indium Corporation
12.33. Inkron
12.34. KB Element
12.35. KULR Technology
12.36. Kyocera: 5G Materials
12.37. Laird
12.38. Laird Performance Materials: Thermal and EMI Materials for Radar
12.39. LiquidCool Solutions — Chassis-Based Immersion Cooling
12.40. LiSAT
12.41. MacDermid Alpha
12.42. Mitsubishi Materials
12.43. Mitsui Mining & Smelting (Advanced Semiconductor Packaging)
12.44. Nanoramic Laboratories
12.45. NeoGraf Solutions
12.46. Nolato Silikonteknik
12.47. NTherma
12.48. Parker Lord: Dispensable Gap Fillers
12.49. Polymatech
12.50. Schlegel Electronic Materials
12.51. Shinko: Carbon Nanotube Thermal Interface Materials
12.52. Smart High Tech
12.53. Stokvis Tapes
12.54. Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd
12.55. The Sixth Element
12.56. Thermexit (Nanoramic Labs): high thermal conductivity materials
12.57. WACKER SILICONES - Thermal Materials for EVs
12.58. WEVO Chemie: Battery Thermal Management Materials
12.59. Wieland Group
12.60. X2F: Technology for Processing Highly Filled Polymers
12.61. Zeon: High-Performance Thermal Interface Material







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