![]() 鉱業における電気自動車 2024-2044年:技術、プレーヤー、予測Electric Vehicles in Mining 2024-2044: Technologies, Players, and Forecasts IDTechEx'のレポート「鉱業における電気自動車 2024-2044年:技術、プレーヤー、予測」は急成長する鉱業用電気自動車産業について深く詳細な分析を提供している。70以上の車両を分析し、バッテリーサイズ... もっと見る
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IDTechEx'のレポート「鉱業における電気自動車 2024-2044年:技術、プレーヤー、予測」は急成長する鉱業用電気自動車産業について深く詳細な分析を提供している。70以上の車両を分析し、バッテリーサイズ、充電、価格設定、その他の実現技術の傾向を明らかにしている。本レポートでは、これらのトレンドとその他のトレンドについて詳細に調査している。
電気運搬トラックに必要な大型バッテリーは、現在、OEMの関与とEVの採用を促進するのに十分なほど進歩し、競争力のある価格になっている。これらのバッテリーは定期的に1 MWhを超え、最大のものは2 MWhに近づいている。本レポートでは、電動運搬トラックのサイズと性能の要求を満たすために、バッテリー・サプライヤーが採用している幅広い設計と化学物質について取り上げる。
坑内採掘用車両(電気式坑内ローダーや電気式坑内トラッ クなど)の電動化には、地上車両が提供する利点に加え、いくつかの利点がある。まず第一に、電動坑内作業車の換気要件が軽減されることで、鉱山にとって莫大なOPEXを節約することができる。ディーゼル燃焼エンジンが出す熱、騒音、振動、排ガスは、地上よりも地下の方が大きな懸念事項であり、坑内機械の電動化によって、鉱山労働者の健康と安全が大幅に改善される。
このような理由から、坑内作業用車両が鉱業電化の主な焦点となっている。これらの車両のバッテリーは最大でも500 kWh以下であるため、運搬トラックよりも電化・製品化が容易である。電動坑内トラックと電動坑内ローダーは、半世紀以上前から市場に出ており、その間にゆっくりとではあるが着実に普及が進んでいる。OEM各社は現在、市場の需要に応えるため、電気自動車製品の拡充に取り組んでいる。これには、より重い坑内作業車の電動化も含まれ、既存の最大モデルは現在、無負荷重量が55トンを超え、最も重いディーゼルモデルの重量に近づいている。IDTechExの分析によると、電動式地下車両の受注は着実に増加しており、今後も同様の傾向が続くと予想されている。
Report Summary
IDTechEx's report 'Electric Vehicles in Mining 2024-2044: Technologies, Players, and Forecasts' provides a deep and detailed analysis of the fast-growing electric mining vehicle industry. Over 70 vehicles have been analyzed to reveal trends in battery sizing, charging, pricing, and other enabling technologies. These trends and more are explored in detail in this report.
The electric mining vehicle market is in its early stages, but more and more major OEMs are increasingly electrifying their products, and mining companies have shown they are willing to adopt EVs. The growth of the industry will also be driven by complementary sectors being at further development stages (e.g., batteries, power electronics, charging), as well as policy drivers, health and safety benefits, and potential savings in total costs of ownership (TCO). This report considers these factors to predict the electric mining vehicle market to grow to over US$23 billion by 2044, representing a 32% CAGR.
Adoption will largely be driven by TCO and not by regulation
The mining industry is responsible for 2-3% of all global CO2 emissions, with 40-50% of this coming from diesel combustion engines of mining vehicles. As mining is a relatively small greenhouse gas contributor - especially compared to on-road vehicles - it is no surprise that it has not seen many policies targeting decarbonization. The limited regulation that has been introduced in regions such as China and Canada does not provide the long-term governmental commitments that would be necessary to encourage an electric transition on its own.
Instead, a more potent incentive for adoption will come from total cost of ownership (TCO) savings. Mining machines have a wide range of possible duty cycles, but the most intense of those can require operating 20-hour days on average or even around the clock. These vehicles consume a lot of diesel in the process, which is both more expensive than electricity and subject to considerable price volatility. IDTechEx analysis highlights that a single 150-tonne haul truck will require over US$850,000 per year in fuel, and electrification could save over US$5.5 million in energy costs alone over the vehicle's lifetime. This, combined with the savings achieved through reduced maintenance, will comfortably exceed the additional costs of batteries and other electrical components. Since volumes of electric mining equipment are currently very small, there is lots of room for the premium associated with early electrification to fall. As it does the advantages of electric mining machines over diesel ones will only become more pronounced.
Electric haul trucks are coming
Haul trucks are amongst the most critical assets on any mine - as one of the most abundant mining vehicles globally as well as by far the largest, most expensive, and most emitting of all mining vehicles. The current global haul truck population emits 174 megatonnes of CO2 annually. The electrification of haul trucks will be key to achieving meaningful emissions reductions in the industry and assisting mining companies to meet their sustainability objectives.
Up to now, much of the effort in haul truck electrification has come from the mining companies themselves as well as independent retrofitters - working together to modify existing diesel machines with battery or fuel cell technology. However, OEMs are increasingly making their way into this space, taking an active part in the production of electric haul trucks by developing EV models of their existing vehicles in-house.
The large batteries needed for electric haul trucks are now sufficiently advanced and competitively priced to encourage OEM involvement and EV adoption. These batteries regularly exceed 1 MWh, with the largest ones approaching 2 MWh. The wide range of designs and chemistries battery suppliers are employing to meet the size and performance demands of electric haul trucks are covered in this report.
The two largest mining OEMs in the world, Caterpillar and Komatsu, both have electric haul trucks in the testing phase with aims for commercialization before 2030 - the technical details of which are available in this report. Recent partnerships and agreements have shown that, when the technology does eventually reach sufficient maturity for commercialization, there will be ample demand from mining companies to warrant mass production on the part of OEMs.
Underground mining EVs are here to stay
The electrification of underground mining vehicles (i.e. electric underground loaders and electric underground trucks) offers a couple of additional benefits on top of those provided by surface vehicles. First and foremost are the reduced ventilation requirements of electric underground vehicles, which can provide massive OPEX savings for mines. Heat, noise, vibrations, and emissions put out by diesel combustion engines are a bigger concern underground than on the surface, and electrification of underground machines can deliver significant improvements to miners' health and safety.
It is for these reasons that underground mining vehicles have been the predominant area of focus for mining electrification. The batteries of these vehicles top out at under 500 kWh, making them easier to electrify and commercialize than haul trucks. Electric underground trucks and electric underground loaders have been on the market for over half a decade now and have seen slow but steady adoption within that time. OEMs are now working on expanding their electric vehicle offerings to meet the market demand. This includes the electrification of heavier underground vehicles, with the largest existing models now weighing upwards of 55 tonnes unloaded - approaching the weight of even the heaviest diesel models. IDTechEx analysis shows that orders for electric underground vehicles have steadily increased, and they are expected to continue similarly moving forward.
This report brings together all these trends and more, highlighting the sea change that is coming to the global mining industry. The 20-year granular forecasts broken down by region and vehicle type provide critical insight into the key technologies fueling this transformation within the industry.
Key aspects
This report provides critical market intelligence about the electric mining vehicle industry in each of the six main vehicle types considered. This includes:
Context and technology fueling electrification of mining vehicles
Detailed analysis of major vehicle types
Market analysis
Table of Contents
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