
調理済みミール市場のセグメント化。製品タイプ別(冷凍・冷蔵、缶詰、乾燥)、流通チャネル別(スーパーマーケット・ハイパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストア、オンライン)、地域別 ~2019年~2020年の世界市場規模・シェア・トレンド分析および2030年までの予測

調理済みミール市場のセグメント化。製品タイプ別(冷凍・冷蔵、缶詰、乾燥)、流通チャネル別(スーパーマーケット・ハイパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストア、オンライン)、地域別 ~2019年~2020年の世界市場規模・シェア・トレンド分析および2030年までの予測

Prepared Meals Market Segmented: By Product Type (Frozen & Chilled, Canned and Dried); By Distribution Channel (Supermarket & Hypermarket, Convenience Stores and Online); and Region – Global Analysis of Market Size, Share & Trends for 2019 – 2020 and Forecasts to 2030

[174ページリサーチレポート】調理済みミールの世界市場は、2020年の1億7056万米ドルから2030年には3億7685万米ドルを超え、今後数年間、すなわち2021年から30年には年率6.9%で推移すると予想されています。 ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Fatpos Global
Fatpos グローバル
2022年3月1日 US$5,000
3-5営業日程度 179 英語




調理済み食品は、調理済みであるため準備に時間がかからず、費用対効果の高い代用食である。これらの食事は一年中利用可能で、完全に健康的な食事である。包装された食品は栄養素を減少させるが、Prepared Mealsの調理には様々な方法が用いられるため、ほとんどの場合、栄養素の損失は最小限に抑えられる。調理済み食品や調理済み食品は、調理にかかる時間や手間を省くことができるため、非常に便利な食品です。そのため、特に世界中の労働者や学生の間で、すぐに食べられる食事に対する需要が高まっています。惣菜は調理済みであるため、コスト面でも優れています。さらに、惣菜は年間を通じて供給されるため、需要にプラスの効果をもたらすだろう。さらに、印刷物やラジオ広告が惣菜に対する意識を高めるのに重要な役割を果たし、結果として消費者の増加をもたらしている。


2020年から30年にかけて、Frozen & Chilledセグメントが最も高いCAGRで成長する
世界のPrepared Mealsは、製品タイプ別にFrozen & Chilled、Canned、Driedに分類されます。Frozen & Chilledセグメントは、賞味期限の長いアイテムが多いことから、2020年に最大の市場シェアを獲得した。冷凍レディミールで最も有名なのは冷凍ピザで、世界売上に大きく貢献している。また、缶詰は世界中の若者の間で人気が高まっていることから、急速な成長が期待されています。今後は、乾燥品の分野が大きく伸びることが予想されます。インスタントパスタや麺類などの食品は、乾燥品の一例です。





会社概要, 事業戦略, 主要製品, 財務実績, 主要業績評価指標, リスク分析, 最近の開発状況, 地域的存在感, SWOT分析

Chao Xiang Yuan Food Co.Ltd.

APACのグローバルPrepared Mealsは、収益の面で2020年に最大の市場シェアを保持しました。この増加は、同地域の消費者基盤が財政的に強化されていることに起因すると考えられる。さらに、この地域の市場は、人口の増加、顧客の可処分所得の増加、急速な工業化、および調理済みミールに対する認知度の上昇の結果として成長している。また、欧州は冷凍野菜やサラダなどの革新的な製品の導入により、今後数年間でかなりの成長を遂げると推定されます。さらに、グルテンフリーの肉に対する需要の高まりも、市場の成長を後押しする要因のひとつです。

北米市場規模、シェア、動向、機会、前年比成長率、CAGR - 米国、カナダ
中南米市場規模、シェア、トレンド、機会、前年比成長率、CAGR - メキシコ、アルゼンチン、ブラジル、その他中南米地域
アジア太平洋地域の市場規模、シェア、動向、機会、前年比成長率、CAGR - インド、中国、韓国、日本、マレーシア、インドネシア、ニュージーランド、オーストラリア、APACのその他地域
中東・アフリカ市場規模、シェア、動向、機会、YoY成長率、CAGR - 北アフリカ、イスラエル、GCC、南アフリカ、MENAのその他地域

Prepared Mealsの市場シェアが最も大きいセグメントは?
Prepared Meals市場のキープレイヤーは?
Prepared Meals市場を牽引する要因は何か?



1. Executive Summary
2. Global Prepared Meals Market
2.1. Product Overview
2.2. Market Definition
2.3. Segmentation
2.4. Assumptions and Acronyms
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Research Objectives
3.2. Primary Research
3.3. Secondary Research
3.4. Forecast Model
3.5. Market Size Estimation
4. Average Pricing Analysis
5. Macro-Economic Indicators
6. Market Dynamics
6.1. Growth Drivers
6.2. Restraints
6.3. Opportunity
6.4. Trends
7. Correlation & Regression Analysis
7.1. Correlation Matrix
7.2. Regression Matrix
8. Recent Development, Policies & Regulatory Landscape
9. Risk Analysis
9.1. Demand Risk Analysis
9.2. Supply Risk Analysis
10. Global Prepared Meals Market Analysis
10.1. Porters Five Forces
10.1.1. Threat of New Entrants
10.1.2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
10.1.3. Threat of Substitutes
10.1.4. Rivalry
10.2. PEST Analysis
10.2.1. Political
10.2.2. Economic
10.2.3. Social
10.2.4. Technological
11. Global Prepared Meals Market
11.1. Market Size & forecast, 2020A-2030F
11.1.1. By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
11.1.2. By Volume (Million Units) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12. Global Prepared Meals Market: Market Segmentation
12.1. By Regions
12.1.1. North America:(U.S. and Canada), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.1.2. Latin America: (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.1.3. Europe: (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, BENELUX, NORDIC, Hungary, Poland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.1.4. Asia-Pacific: (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia Pacific), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.1.5. Middle East and Africa: (Israel, GCC, North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.2. By Product Type: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.2.1. Frozen & Chilled, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.2.2. Canned, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.2.3. Dried, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.3. By Distribution Channel: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.3.1. Supermarket & Hypermarket, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.3.2. Convenience stores, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.3.3. Online, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F

1. Company Profile
1. Nestlé S.A
1. Company Overview
2. Company Total Revenue (Financials)
3. Market Potential
4. Global Presence
5. Key Performance Indicators
6. SWOT Analysis
7. Product Launch
2. ConAgra Brands Inc.
3. Kraft Heinz Company
4. Chao Xiang Yuan Food Co. Ltd.
5. Dr. Oetker
6. BRF S.A.
7. Berkshire
8. Green Mill Foods
9. General Mills
10. Other Prominent Players

1. Consultant Recommendation
**The above given segmentations and companies could be subjected to further modification based on in-depth feasibility studies conducted for the final deliverable.





[174+ Pages Research report] Global Prepared Meals Market to surpass USD 376.85 million by 2030 from USD 170.56 million in 2020 at a CAGR of 6.9 % in the coming years, i.e., 2021-30.

Product Overview
Prepared Meals are a cost-effective substitute meal that takes less time to prepare because they are precooked. These meals are available all year and are completely healthy to eat. While packaged foods deplete nutrients, the various methods used to prepare Prepared Meals ensure that nutrients are lost to a minimum in most cases. Precooked or ready-to-eat meals are very convenient since they save time and effort in the kitchen. This has resulted in a rise in the demand for ready-to-eat meals, especially among the working population and students around the world. Since they are precooked, prepared meals are a cost-effective option. Furthermore, the year-round supply of prepared meals would have a positive effect on demand. Furthermore, print and radio advertisements have played an important role in raising consciousness about prepared meals, resulting in increased consumer growth.

Market Highlights
Global Prepared Meals is expected to project a notable CAGR of 6.9% in 2030.
Shifting consumers’ preferences towards ready-to-eat food products due to the busy lifestyle of working individuals as well as hectic work schedules of college grads and students is projected to be a key factor for the market growth in the coming years. Besides, the rising demand for minimally processed and additive-free food products with an extended shelf life is expected to fuel market growth.

Global Prepared Meals: Segments
Frozen & Chilled segment to grow with the highest CAGR during 2020-30
Global Prepared Meals is segmented by product type into Frozen & Chilled, Canned, and Dried. Frozen & Chilled segment held the largest market share in the year 2020 due to a large number of items with a long shelf life. The most famous frozen ready meal is frozen pizza, which contributes significantly to global sales. Canned meals are also expected to grow at a rapid pace, owing to their growing popularity among young people all over the world. In the future, the dried product segment is expected to expand significantly. Foods like instant pasta and noodles are examples of dried goods.

Online segment to grow with the highest CAGR during 2020-30
Global Prepared Meals is segmented by distribution channel into Supermarket & Hypermarket, Convenience Stores, and Online. Over the forecast period, the online distribution channel is projected to expand at the fastest pace. Sales via this channel have been powered by the increasing popularity of e-commerce platforms among manufacturers and high internet penetration.

Market Dynamics
Rising Consumer Disposable Income and Growing Western Culture
Surging demand of Prepared Meals from numerous end-user industries is the key factor contributing in market growth. The market's rapid growth can be attributed to the continuing convenience food trend and rising consumer disposable income per capita. Another factor driving up global prepared meals is the rising working population. Consumers changing lifestyles and the growing presence of western culture in developing countries are catalyzing the growth of the ready-to-eat meals industry. Due to an increase in the number of organic Prepared Meals launches, technological advances, and the development of a strong distribution network in both developing and developed countries, vendors in the global market are expected to see lucrative growth opportunities in the coming years.

Time and effort saving and low-cost alternative to junk food
The increase in the convenience offered in terms of time savings and little effort needed for the preparation of these meals is driving the growth of the Prepared Meals market. Furthermore, the working population and students have become more interested in these meals as a result of the fact that they only require heating before consumption, reducing overall effort. Furthermore, these meals are low-cost alternatives to junk food, which is expected to increase their popularity in the near future.

Health effects and sustainability of product quality
The market's growth is being hampered by ambiguity about the health effects of eating packed and frozen food, as well as market players' failure to sustain product quality and consistency during transportation and storage.

Global Prepared Meals Market: Key Players
Nestlé S.A.
Company Overview, Business Strategy, Key Product Offerings, Financial Performance, Key Performance Indicators, Risk Analysis, Recent Development, Regional Presence, SWOT Analysis

ConAgra Brands Inc.
Kraft Heinz Company
Chao Xiang Yuan Food Co. Ltd.
Dr. Oetker
Green Mill Foods
General Mills
Other Prominent Players
Global Prepared Meals Market: Regions
Global Prepared Meals is segmented based on regional analysis into five major regions. These include North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa.

Global Prepared Meals in APAC held the largest market share in the year 2020 in terms of revenue. This increase can be due to the region's financially strengthening consumer base. Furthermore, the regional market is growing as a result of a growing population, raising customer disposable income, rapid industrialization, and increased awareness of ready-to-eat meals. Europe is also estimated to witness considerable growth in coming years owing to the introduction of innovative products, such as frozen vegetables and salads. Moreover, increased demand for gluten-free meat is another factor fueling the market growth.

Global Prepared Meals Market is further segmented by region into:
North America Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – United States and Canada
Latin America Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of Latin America
Europe Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Hungary, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, NORDIC, Russia, Turkey, and Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – India, China, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Australia, and Rest of APAC
Middle East and Africa Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – North Africa, Israel, GCC, South Africa, and Rest of MENA
Global Prepared Meals Market report also contains analysis on:
Prepared Meals Segments:
By Product Type
Frozen & Chilled
By Distribution Channel
Supermarket & Hypermarket
Convenience Stores
Prepared Meals Market Dynamics
Prepared Meals Market Size
Supply & Demand
Current Trends/Issues/Challenges
Competition & Companies Involved in the Market
Value Chain of the Market
Market Drivers and Restraints
Prepared Meals Market Report Scope and Segmentation

Frequently Asked Questions
How big is the Prepared Meals market?
What is the Prepared Meals market growth?
Which segment accounted for the largest Prepared Meals market share?
Who are the key players in the Prepared Meals market?
What are the factors driving the Prepared Meals market?


Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
2. Global Prepared Meals Market
2.1. Product Overview
2.2. Market Definition
2.3. Segmentation
2.4. Assumptions and Acronyms
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Research Objectives
3.2. Primary Research
3.3. Secondary Research
3.4. Forecast Model
3.5. Market Size Estimation
4. Average Pricing Analysis
5. Macro-Economic Indicators
6. Market Dynamics
6.1. Growth Drivers
6.2. Restraints
6.3. Opportunity
6.4. Trends
7. Correlation & Regression Analysis
7.1. Correlation Matrix
7.2. Regression Matrix
8. Recent Development, Policies & Regulatory Landscape
9. Risk Analysis
9.1. Demand Risk Analysis
9.2. Supply Risk Analysis
10. Global Prepared Meals Market Analysis
10.1. Porters Five Forces
10.1.1. Threat of New Entrants
10.1.2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
10.1.3. Threat of Substitutes
10.1.4. Rivalry
10.2. PEST Analysis
10.2.1. Political
10.2.2. Economic
10.2.3. Social
10.2.4. Technological
11. Global Prepared Meals Market
11.1. Market Size & forecast, 2020A-2030F
11.1.1. By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
11.1.2. By Volume (Million Units) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12. Global Prepared Meals Market: Market Segmentation
12.1. By Regions
12.1.1. North America:(U.S. and Canada), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.1.2. Latin America: (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.1.3. Europe: (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, BENELUX, NORDIC, Hungary, Poland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.1.4. Asia-Pacific: (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia Pacific), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.1.5. Middle East and Africa: (Israel, GCC, North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa), By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.2. By Product Type: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.2.1. Frozen & Chilled, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.2.2. Canned, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.2.3. Dried, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.3. By Distribution Channel: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.3.1. Supermarket & Hypermarket, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.3.2. Convenience stores, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F
12.3.3. Online, By Value (USD Million) 2020-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2021-2030F

1. Company Profile
1. Nestlé S.A
1. Company Overview
2. Company Total Revenue (Financials)
3. Market Potential
4. Global Presence
5. Key Performance Indicators
6. SWOT Analysis
7. Product Launch
2. ConAgra Brands Inc.
3. Kraft Heinz Company
4. Chao Xiang Yuan Food Co. Ltd.
5. Dr. Oetker
6. BRF S.A.
7. Berkshire
8. Green Mill Foods
9. General Mills
10. Other Prominent Players

1. Consultant Recommendation
**The above given segmentations and companies could be subjected to further modification based on in-depth feasibility studies conducted for the final deliverable.





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2025/03/03 10:26

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