


Global Breakfast Cereals Market: Analysis By Product (Ready-to-eat, Hot Cereals and Congee), By Ingredient Type (Wheat, Rice, Oats, Barley and Others), By Distribution Channel (Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, E-retailers and Others), By Region Size and Trends with Impact of COVID-19 and Forecast up to 2029

ブレックファスト・シリアルは、穀物食品の一種であり、通常、調理済みまたはそのまま食べることができ、朝食に牛乳やクリームと一緒に食べるのが一般的である。通常、小麦、トウモロコシ、オート麦、米、大麦な... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Daedal Research
2024年5月31日 US$2,350
2-3営業日程度 173 英語




朝食用シリアルの消費が増加している主な要因の一つは、その利便性と汎用性である。朝食用シリアル市場はまた、ライフスタイルの変化、西洋食文化の採用の増加、より健康的な朝食の選択への朝食習慣のシフト、多様なフレーバーの入手可能性といった要因の影響も受けている。さらに、経済が発展しインフラが整備されるにつれて、スーパーマーケット、ハイパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストア、オンラインプラットフォームなどの小売チャネルも拡大し、世界中の消費者が朝食用シリアルにアクセスしやすくなり、市場の成長にさらに貢献している。さらに、朝食用シリアル市場は、植物由来のシリアルの開発、持続可能な包装と調達、電子商取引の成長、発展途上国の開拓、健康とウェルネスへの関心の高まり、ギフト商品としてのシリアル需要の増加などにより成長すると予測される。世界の朝食用シリアル市場価値は、2024~2029年の予測期間中にCAGR 5.62%で成長すると予測される。











トレンド:世界の朝食用シリアル市場の主なトレンドは、植物由来の代替原料の台頭である。消費者は、より健康的で持続可能な、環境に優しい選択肢を求めるようになっており、動物由来原料を使用しない全粒穀物、豆類、でんぷんから作られたビーガン用シリアルへの需要を牽引している。こうしたシリアルには、ビタミンやミネラルが強化されていることが多く、低糖質、高繊維質、高タンパク質の選択肢がある。KashiやNature's Pathのような人気ブランドがこのトレンドをリードしており、植物ベースの食事や倫理的消費への嗜好の高まりに対応している。予測期間中に朝食用シリアル市場の成長を増大させると思われるその他のトレンドには、持続可能性と環境に優しい実践、間食に使用されるシリアル、ギフト用スナックアイテムの販売増加、健康とウェルネスのトレンド、発展途上地域の開拓などが含まれる。





シリアル・パートナーズ・ワールドワイド(Cpw S.A.)
Bagrry India Pvt.

主要企業は、この市場での競争力を維持するため、新技術の採用や新興市場への製品投入など、戦略的な取り組みに絶えず投資している。例えば、2024年2月、MaricoはSaffola Oatsシリーズに4種類のグルメスタイルのフレーバーを導入し、2023年10月、PepsiCo, Inc.の子会社であるThe Quaker Oats Co.はQuaker Chewyブランドで初の朝食用シリアルを発売した:クエーカー・チューウィー・グラノーラ」である。さらに、2024年2月、ネスレ・シリアルは、シリアルの提供を強化するため、初のネスクイック・メディアキャンペーンを開始した。このキャンペーンは、ネスクイックチョコレート、ネスクイックミックス、ネスクイックチョコウェーブを含むネスクイック非HFSSシリアルシリーズを宣伝するものである。全粒穀物、ビタミンB群、カルシウム、鉄分を含むネスクイックシリアルのおいしさと栄養面でのメリットを強調している。





2.1 朝食用シリアル:概要
2.1.1 朝食用シリアルの定義
2.1.2 朝食用シリアルの生産と加工

2.2 朝食用シリアルのセグメンテーション:概要
2.2.1 朝食用穀物のセグメンテーション


3.1 朝食用シリアルの世界市場分析

3.1.1 朝食用シリアルの世界市場:概要
3.1.2 朝食用シリアルの世界市場:金額別
3.1.3 朝食用シリアルの世界市場:製品別(調理済みシリアル、ホットシリアル、粥)
3.1.4 朝食用シリアルの世界市場:原料タイプ別(小麦、米、オーツ麦、大麦、その他)
3.1.5 朝食用シリアルの世界市場:流通チャネル別(ハイパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストア、電子小売店、その他)
3.1.6 朝食用シリアルの世界市場:地域別(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、中南米、中東・アフリカ)

3.2 朝食用シリアルの世界市場製品分析

3.2.1 朝食用シリアルの世界市場製品概要
3.2.2 すぐに食べられる朝食用シリアルの世界市場:金額別
3.2.3 ホットブレックファーストシーリアルの世界市場:金額別
3.2.4 粥状朝食用シリアルの世界市場:金額別

3.3 朝食用シリアルの世界市場成分タイプ別分析

3.3.1 朝食用シリアルの世界市場:原料タイプの概要
3.3.2 朝食用シリアルの世界市場:金額別
3.3.3 米朝食用シリアルの世界市場:金額別
3.3.4 オーツ麦の朝食用シリアルの世界市場:金額別
3.3.5 大麦ブレックファースト・シリアルの世界市場:金額別
3.3.6 その他の朝食用シリアルの世界市場:金額別

3.4 朝食用シリアルの世界市場流通チャネル分析

3.4.1 朝食用シリアルの世界市場流通チャネルの概要
3.4.2 ハイパーマーケットの朝食用シリアルの世界市場:金額別
3.4.3 コンビニエンスストアの朝食用シリアルの世界市場:金額別
3.4.4 Eリテーラーの朝食用シリアルの世界市場:金額ベース
3.4.5 その他の朝食用シリアルの世界市場:金額別


4.1 北米の朝食用シリアル市場分析

4.1.1 北米の朝食用シリアル市場概要
4.1.2 北米の朝食用シリアル市場:金額別
4.1.3 北米の朝食用シリアル市場:製品別(調理済みシリアル、ホットシリアル)
4.1.4 北米の朝食用シリアル市場:金額別
4.1.5 北米の朝食用シリアル市場:流通チャネル別(ハイパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストア、E小売店、その他)
4.1.6 北米朝食用シリアル市場流通チャネル別金額推移
4.1.7 北米地域別朝食用シリアル市場(アメリカ、カナダ、メキシコ)
4.1.8 米国の朝食用シリアル市場(金額ベース
4.1.9 カナダの朝食用シリアル市場(金額別
4.1.10 メキシコの朝食用シリアル市場:金額別

4.2 ヨーロッパの朝食用シリアル市場分析

4.2.1 ヨーロッパの朝食用シリアル市場概要
4.2.2 欧州の朝食用シリアル市場:金額別
4.2.3 欧州の朝食用シリアル市場:製品別(調理済みシリアル、ホットシリアル)
4.2.4 欧州の朝食用シリアル市場:金額別
4.2.5 欧州の朝食用シリアル市場:流通チャネル別(ハイパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストア、Eリテーラー、その他)
4.2.6 欧州の朝食用シリアル市場流通チャネル(金額ベース
4.2.7 欧州の朝食用シリアル市場:地域別(イギリス、ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、その他欧州)
4.2.8 イギリスの朝食用シリアル市場(金額ベース
4.2.9 ドイツの朝食用シリアル市場(金額ベース
4.2.10 フランスの朝食用シリアル市場(金額別
4.2.11 イタリアの朝食用シリアル市場:金額別
4.2.12 スペインの朝食用シリアル市場:金額別
4.2.13 その他のヨーロッパの朝食用シリアル市場:金額別

4.3 アジア太平洋地域の朝食用シリアル市場分析

4.3.1 アジア太平洋地域の朝食用シリアル市場:概要
4.3.2 アジア太平洋地域の朝食用シリアル市場:金額別
4.3.3 アジア太平洋地域の朝食用シリアル市場:製品別(調理済みシリアル、ホットシリアル、粥)
4.3.4 アジア太平洋地域の調理済みシリアル、ホットシリアル、粥の金額別市場
4.3.5 アジア太平洋地域の朝食用シリアル市場:流通チャネル別(ハイパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストア、E小売店、その他)
4.3.6 アジア太平洋地域の朝食用シリアル市場流通チャネル別金額構成比
4.3.7 アジア太平洋地域の朝食用シリアル市場:地域別(中国、日本、インド、韓国、その他のアジア太平洋地域)
4.3.8 中国の朝食用シリアル市場(金額ベース
4.3.9 日本の朝食用シリアル市場(金額ベース
4.3.10 インドの朝食用シリアル市場(金額別
4.3.11 韓国の朝食用シリアル市場:金額別
4.3.12 その他のアジア太平洋地域の朝食用シリアル市場:金額別

4.4 ラテンアメリカの朝食用シリアル市場分析

4.4.1 ラテンアメリカの朝食用シリアル市場概要
4.4.2 ラテンアメリカの朝食用シリアル市場:金額別

4.5 中東・アフリカの朝食用シリアル市場分析

4.5.1 中東・アフリカの朝食用シリアル市場概要
4.5.2 中東・アフリカの朝食用シリアル市場:金額別


5.1 朝食用シリアルの世界市場に対するCOVID-19の影響
5.2 朝食用シリアルの世界市場におけるCOVID-19後の影響


6.1 成長促進要因
6.1.1 急速な都市化
6.1.2 可処分所得の増加
6.1.3 簡単に調理でき、すぐに食べられる食事への需要の高まり
6.1.4 西洋的な食事パターンの採用増加
6.1.5 コンビニエンスストアの増加
6.1.6 多様な製品提供

6.2 課題
6.2.1 加工食品に対する認識の変化
6.2.2 より安価な朝食オプションの存在

6.3 市場動向
6.3.1 オンライン・ショッピングと電子商取引
6.3.2 植物ベースと代替原料
6.3.3 持続可能で環境に優しい実践
6.3.4 間食と外出先での朝食ソリューション
6.3.5 ギフト用スナック菓子の販売増加
6.3.6 健康とウェルネスのトレンド
6.3.7 世界展開と市場浸透/発展途上地域の開拓


7.1 朝食用シリアルの世界市場競争環境
7.2 朝食用シリアルの世界市場プレイヤー最近の動向


8.1 General Mills Inc.
8.1.1 事業概要
8.1.2 事業セグメント
8.1.3 事業戦略

8.2 ペプシコ(ザ・クエーカー・オーツ・カンパニー)
8.2.1 事業概要
8.2.2 事業セグメント
8.2.3 事業戦略

8.3 カルビー
8.3.1 事業概要
8.3.2 事業セグメント
8.3.3 事業戦略

8.4 ポスト・ホールディングス
8.4.1 事業概要
8.4.2 事業セグメント
8.4.3 事業戦略

8.5 Marico Ltd.
8.5.1 事業概要
8.5.2 事業セグメント
8.5.3 事業戦略

8.6 WKケロッグ
8.6.1 事業概要
8.6.2 事業戦略

8.7 シリアルパートナーズ・ワールドワイド(Cpw S.A.)
8.7.1 事業概要
8.7.2 事業戦略

8.8 ネイチャーズ・パスフーズ
8.8.1 事業概要
8.8.2 事業戦略

8.9 Bagrry India Pvt.
8.9.1 事業概要
8.9.2 事業戦略

8.10 ピュアリー・エリザベス
8.10.1 事業概要
8.10.2 事業戦略

8.11 ボブズ・レッドミル・ナチュラルフーズ
8.11.1 事業概要

8.12 バーバラズ・ベーカリー社
8.12.1 事業概要

8.13 ヴィズ・ブランツ
8.13.1 事業概要


図5:朝食用シリアルの世界市場:製品別; 2023年 (割合, %)
図6:朝食用シリアルの世界市場:成分タイプ別; 2023 (割合, %)
図7:朝食用シリアルの世界市場:流通チャネル別;2023年(割合, %)
図8:朝食用シリアルの地域別世界市場;2023年 (割合, %)
図11:ホットブレックファースト用シリアルの世界市場:金額;2019-2023年(US$ Billion)
図25:ハイパーマーケットの朝食用シリアルの世界市場:金額; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
図35:北米の朝食用シリアル市場北米の朝食用シリアル市場:製品別; 2023 (割合, %)
図36:北米の調理済み・ホット朝食用シリアル市場:金額; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
図38:北米の朝食用シリアル市場北米の朝食用シリアル市場:流通チャネル別; 2023 (割合, %)
図39:北米の朝食用シリアル市場北米の朝食用シリアル市場流通チャネル別金額; 2019-2023 (億米ドル)
図41:北米の朝食用シリアル市場北米の朝食用シリアル市場地域別; 2023 (割合, %)
図42:米国の朝食用シリアル市場:金額ベース; 2019-2023 (10億米ドル)
図43:米国の朝食用シリアル市場米国の朝食用シリアル市場:金額; 2024-2029 (億米ドル)
図48:ヨーロッパの朝食用シリアル市場ヨーロッパの朝食用シリアル市場:金額; 2019-2023 (US $ Billion)
図50:欧州の朝食用シリアル市場:製品別; 2023年 (割合, %)
図53:欧州の朝食用シリアル市場:流通チャネル別; 2023 (割合, %)
図54:欧州の朝食用シリアル市場流通チャネル別金額; 2019-2023 (億米ドル)
図55:ヨーロッパの朝食用シリアル市場欧州の朝食用シリアル市場流通チャネル別金額; 2024-2029 (億米ドル)
図56:ヨーロッパの朝食用シリアル市場欧州の朝食用シリアル市場地域別; 2023年 (割合, %)
図57:イギリスの朝食用シリアル市場:金額; 2019-2023 (億米ドル)
図71:アジア太平洋地域の朝食用シリアル市場アジア太平洋地域の朝食用シリアル製品別市場; 2023 (割合, %)
図74:アジア太平洋地域の朝食用シリアル市場:流通チャネル別; 2023 (割合, %)
図77:アジア太平洋地域の朝食用シリアル市場アジア太平洋地域の朝食用シリアル市場地域別; 2023 (割合, %)
図78:中国の朝食用シリアル市場中国の朝食用シリアル市場:金額; 2019-2023 (10億米ドル)
図79:中国の朝食用シリアル市場中国の朝食用シリアル市場:金額; 2024-2029 (億米ドル)
図82:インドの朝食用シリアル市場:金額; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
図94: 世界の小売Eコマース売上高世界の小売Eコマース売上高;2021年~2027年(1兆米ドル)
図95:ゼネラル・ミルズ社セグメント別売上高;2023年 (比率, %)
図 96:ペプシコInc.セグメント別売上高; 2023年 (パーセンテージ, %)
図 97:ペプシコInc.セグメント別売上高; 2023年 (パーセンテージ, %)
図98:ポストホールディングスセグメント別売上高; 2023年 (パーセンテージ, %)
図 99:Marico Ltd.セグメント別売上高; 2023 (パーセンテージ, %)





Breakfast cereals are a type of grain food that is typically precooked or ready-to-eat, commonly consumed with milk or cream for breakfast. They are typically made from processed grains, such as wheat, corn, oats, rice, or barley, and are available in various forms, including flakes, puffs, granola, and muesli. These cereals are processed with added flavors and are often fortified with essential nutrients. Breakfast cereals serve as a convenient option for breakfast as compared to traditional home cooked breakfast; and it is also being consumed as snacks and fillers between meals. The global breakfast cereals market value in 2023 stood at US$48.15 billion, and is likely to reach US$ 66.65 billion by 2029.

One of the key drivers behind the increasing consumption of breakfast cereals is their convenience and versatility. The breakfast cereals market is also influenced by factors such as changing lifestyles, rising adoption of western food culture, shifting breakfast habits towards a healthier breakfast choices and availability of variety of flavors. Additionally, as economies develop and infrastructure improves, retail channels, including supermarkets, hypermarkets, convenience stores, and online platforms, also expand and so does the accessibility of breakfast cereals to consumers worldwide, further contributing to market growth. Furthermore, the breakfast cereals market is predicted to grow due to development of plant-based cereals, sustainable packing and sourcing, growth of e-commerce, tapping developing economies, increasing focus towards health and wellness, increasing demand for cereals as gift items etc. The global breakfast cereals market value is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.62%, during the forecast period of 2024-2029.

Market Segmentation Analysis:

By Product: According to the report, the global breakfast cereals market is bifurcated into three segments based on the product: ready-to-eat, hot cereals and congee. Ready-to-eat segment acquired majority of share in the market in 2023 due to several factors. Ready-to-eat cereals are popular among consumers for their convenience and quick preparation, making them a preferred choice for busy lifestyles. Additionally, the ready-to-eat segment often offers a wide variety of flavors and options, catering to diverse consumer preferences and tastes. This variety and convenience have contributed to the dominance of the ready-to-eat segment in the global breakfast cereals market. While, hot cereals segment has been experiencing rapid growth in the global breakfast cereals market because of the growing awareness of the health benefits of whole grains and fiber-rich foods. Additionally, the versatility of hot cereals allows for customization with various toppings and flavorings, catering to diverse consumer preferences.

By Ingredient Type: According to the report, the global breakfast cereals market is bifurcated into five types of ingredients: wheat, rice, oats, barley and others. Wheat acquired majority of share in the market in 2023 due to the widespread availability and affordability of wheat grains, consumer preference for the familiar taste and texture of wheat-based products, and the perception of wheat as a wholesome and nutritious ingredient. While, Oats segment has been experiencing rapid growth in the global breakfast cereals market due to the increasing health consciousness among consumers as oats are considered superfood, rich in beta-glucan fiber, which can help lower cholesterol levels and promote heart health. Moreover, oats are versatile and can be consumed in various forms, such as hot cereals, granola, and muesli, further contributing to their popularity.

By Distribution Channel: According to the report, the global breakfast cereals market is bifurcated into four distribution channels: hypermarkets and supermarkets, convenience stores, e-retailers and others. Hypermarkets and supermarkets acquired majority of share in the market in 2023 as they offer a wide variety of breakfast cereal products from various brands, making them a one-stop shop for consumers. Additionally, hypermarkets and supermarkets often have a large customer base and are strategically located, making them easily accessible to a wide range of consumers. While, e-retailers segment has been experiencing rapid growth in the global breakfast cereals market due to the increasing adoption of smartphones and the internet, the comfort of home delivery, and the vast product variety available online. Also, e-commerce platforms offer lucrative discounts, and hassle-free shopping experiences, catering to the convenience-seeking behavior of modern consumers.

By Region: The report provides insight into the breakfast cereals market based on the geographical operations, namely, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East and Africa. The North America breakfast cereals market enjoyed the highest market share in 2023 due to several factors. Firstly, breakfast cereals have a long-standing tradition in North America, with high consumption rates and a wide variety of products available to consumers. Additionally, strong brand presence and marketing efforts by key players contribute to the market's dominance in the region. Furthermore, the convenience and versatility of breakfast cereals align well with the fast-paced lifestyles of North American consumers, making them a popular choice for breakfast.

While, Asia Pacific region has been experiencing rapid growth in the global breakfast cereals market. Changing dietary habits and lifestyles, driven by increasing disposable income particularly in urban areas, is driving the adoption of Western-style breakfast habits, including the consumption of ready-to-eat cereals. Additionally, the increasing awareness of health and wellness among consumers and the expanding retail landscape, including the growth of organized retail chains and e-commerce platforms, is making breakfast cereals more accessible to consumers across the region, further fueling market growth.

India is expected to register the fastest growth in the Asia Pacific's breakfast cereals market. India has a rapidly growing population, including a significant portion of young consumers who are increasingly embracing convenience foods like breakfast cereals. Secondly, urbanization and changing lifestyles, coupled with a shift towards more Westernized dietary patterns, are driving the demand for ready-to-eat breakfast options. Furthermore, increasing health awareness, the expanding retail landscape, including the growth of organized retail and e-commerce platforms, is making breakfast cereals more accessible to consumers across India.

Global Breakfast cereals Market Dynamics:

Growth Drivers: Increasing consumer demand for convenience serves as a significant growth driver for the breakfast cereals market due to several key factors outlined in the research. In today's fast-paced world, many consumers seek quick and easy breakfast options that fit into their busy lifestyles. Breakfast cereals offer a highly convenient solution, requiring minimal preparation time, which makes them an attractive choice for individuals and families looking for a nutritious and time-saving meal in the morning. This demand for convenience has been further amplified by the growing number of working professionals, dual-income households, and urbanization, all of which contribute to the preference for ready-to-eat breakfast solutions. Other factors driving the growth of global breakfast cereals market include rising disposable income, adoption of western dietary patterns, diverse product offering, increasing number of retail channel, increasing focus on health, etc.

Challenges: The global breakfast cereals market faces a major challenge due to shifting consumer preferences towards fresh, whole foods and alternative breakfast options like smoothies, yogurt, and protein-rich meals. This change is driven by increased health and nutrition awareness, leading people to seek more natural and wholesome breakfasts. Concerns over the high sugar content, artificial additives, and overall nutritional profiles of many traditional cereals are prompting consumers to scrutinize food labels and choose healthier options.

Trends: A key trend in the global breakfast cereals market is the rise of plant-based and alternative ingredients. Consumers are increasingly seeking healthier, sustainable, and environmentally friendly options, driving demand for vegan cereals made from whole grains, legumes, and starches, free from animal-derived ingredients. These cereals are often fortified with vitamins and minerals, and offer low-sugar, high-fiber, and high-protein options. Popular brands like Kashi and Nature's Path are leading this trend, catering to the growing preference for plant-based diets and ethical consumption. More trends are believed to augment the growth of breakfast cereals market during the forecasted period include, sustainability and eco-friendly practices, cereals used for snacking, rising sale of gift snack items, health and wellness trend, tapping developing regions etc.

Impact Analysis of COVID-19 and Way Forward:

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the breakfast cereals market, with increased demand for at-home consumption leading to a surge in sales initially. This shift in consumption patterns favored convenient options like breakfast cereals, with a focus on health-conscious choices. Manufacturers adapted by introducing new products and emphasizing nutritional benefits. However, supply chain disruptions posed challenges, affecting production and distribution. Overall, changing consumer behaviors and health concerns influenced market dynamics, shaping the industry's response to the pandemic.

Competitive Landscape and Recent Developments:

Breakfast cereals industry exhibits high fragmentation, with numerous players contributing to a diverse landscape. The market is characterized by many companies offering a wide range of quality products, creating a competitive environment. Key players of global breakfast cereals market are:

Kellogg's Company
General Mills Inc.
Cereal Partners Worldwide (Cpw S.A.)
PepsiCo, Inc.
Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods
Marico Ltd.
Post Holdings Inc.
Bagrry India Pvt. Ltd.
Nature's Path Foods
Viz Branz Limited

The key players are constantly investing in strategic initiatives, such as adoption of new technologies, introducing their products to emerging markets and more, to maintain a competitive edge in this market. For instance, in February 2024, Marico introduced four gourmet-style flavors in Saffola Oats range and in October 2023, The Quaker Oats Co., a subsidiary of PepsiCo, Inc., launched first breakfast cereal under the Quaker Chewy brand: Quaker Chewy Granola. Additionally, in February 2024, Nestlé Cereals launched its first Nesquik media campaign to enhance its cereal offerings. The campaign promotes the Nesquik non-HFSS cereal range, which includes Nesquik Chocolate, Nesquik Mix, and Nesquik Choco Waves. It highlights the delicious taste and nutritional benefits of Nesquik cereals, which contain whole grains, B vitamins, calcium, and iron.


Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

2.1 Breakfast Cereals: An Overview
2.1.1 Definition of Breakfast Cereals
2.1.2 Production and Processing of Breakfast Cereals

2.2 Breakfast Cereals Segmentation: An Overview
2.2.1 Breakfast Cereals Segmentation

3. Global Market Analysis

3.1 Global Breakfast Cereals Market: An Analysis

3.1.1 Global Breakfast Cereals Market: An Overview
3.1.2 Global Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
3.1.3 Global Breakfast Cereals Market by Product (Ready-to-eat, Hot Cereals and Congee)
3.1.4 Global Breakfast Cereals Market by Ingredient Type (Wheat, Rice, Oats, Barley and Others)
3.1.5 Global Breakfast Cereals Market by Distribution Channel (Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, E-retailers and Others)
3.1.6 Global Breakfast Cereals Market by Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East and Africa)

3.2 Global Breakfast Cereals Market: Product Analysis

3.2.1 Global Breakfast Cereals Market: Product Overview
3.2.2 Global Ready-to-eat Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
3.2.3 Global Hot Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
3.2.4 Global Congee Breakfast Cereals Market by Value

3.3 Global Breakfast Cereals Market: Ingredient Type Analysis

3.3.1 Global Breakfast Cereals Market: Ingredient Type Overview
3.3.2 Global Wheat Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
3.3.3 Global Rice Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
3.3.4 Global Oats Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
3.3.5 Global Barley Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
3.3.6 Global Others Breakfast Cereals Market by Value

3.4 Global Breakfast Cereals Market: Distribution Channel Analysis

3.4.1 Global Breakfast Cereals Market: Distribution Channel Overview
3.4.2 Global Hypermarkets Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
3.4.3 Global Convenience Stores Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
3.4.4 Global E-retailers Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
3.4.5 Global Others Breakfast Cereals Market by Value

4. Regional Market Analysis

4.1 North America Breakfast Cereals Market: An Analysis

4.1.1 North America Breakfast Cereals Market: An Overview
4.1.2 North America Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
4.1.3 North America Breakfast Cereals Market by Product (Ready-to-eat and Hot Cereals)
4.1.4 North America Ready-to-eat and Hot Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
4.1.5 North America Breakfast Cereals Market by Distribution Channel (Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, E-retailers and Others)
4.1.6 North America Breakfast Cereals Market Distribution Channel by Value
4.1.7 North America Breakfast Cereals Market by Region (The US, Canada and Mexico)
4.1.8 The US Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
4.1.9 Canada Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
4.1.10 Mexico Breakfast Cereals Market by Value

4.2 Europe Breakfast Cereals Market: An Analysis

4.2.1 Europe Breakfast Cereals Market: An Overview
4.2.2 Europe Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
4.2.3 Europe Breakfast Cereals Market by Product (Ready-to-eat and Hot Cereals)
4.2.4 Europe Ready-to-eat and Hot Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
4.2.5 Europe Breakfast Cereals Market by Distribution Channel (Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, E-retailers and Others)
4.2.6 Europe Breakfast Cereals Market Distribution Channel by Value
4.2.7 Europe Breakfast Cereals Market by Region (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Rest of Europe)
4.2.8 UK Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
4.2.9 Germany Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
4.2.10 France Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
4.2.11 Italy Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
4.2.12 Spain Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
4.2.13 Rest of Europe Breakfast Cereals Market by Value

4.3 Asia Pacific Breakfast Cereals Market: An Analysis

4.3.1 Asia Pacific Breakfast Cereals Market: An Overview
4.3.2 Asia Pacific Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
4.3.3 Asia Pacific Breakfast Cereals Market by Product (Ready-to-eat, Hot Cereals and Congee)
4.3.4 Asia Pacific Ready-to-eat, Hot Breakfast Cereals and Congee Market by Value
4.3.5 Asia Pacific Breakfast Cereals Market by Distribution Channel (Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, E-retailers and Others)
4.3.6 Asia Pacific Breakfast Cereals Market Distribution Channel by Value
4.3.7 Asia Pacific Breakfast Cereals Market by Region (China, Japan, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia Pacific)
4.3.8 China Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
4.3.9 Japan Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
4.3.10 India Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
4.3.11 South Korea Breakfast Cereals Market by Value
4.3.12 Rest of Asia Pacific Breakfast Cereals Market by Value

4.4 Latin America Breakfast Cereals Market: An Analysis

4.4.1 Latin America Breakfast Cereals Market: An Overview
4.4.2 Latin America Breakfast Cereals Market by Value

4.5 Middle East and Africa Breakfast Cereals Market: An Analysis

4.5.1 Middle East and Africa Breakfast Cereals Market: An Overview
4.5.2 Middle East and Africa Breakfast Cereals Market by Value

5. Impact of COVID-19

5.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Global Breakfast Cereals Market
5.2 Post COVID-19 Impact on Global Breakfast Cereals Market

6. Market Dynamics

6.1 Growth Drivers
6.1.1 Rapid Urbanization
6.1.2 Increasing Disposable Income
6.1.3 Growing Demand for an Easy-to-prepare and Ready-to-eat Meal
6.1.4 Increasing Adoption of Western Dietary Patterns
6.1.5 Increasing Number of Convenience Stores
6.1.6 Diverse Product Offerings

6.2 Challenges
6.2.1 Changing Perception towards Processed Foods
6.2.2 Presence of Cheaper Breakfast Options

6.3 Market Trends
6.3.1 Online Shopping and E-commerce
6.3.2 Plant-Based and Alternative Ingredients
6.3.3 Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices
6.3.4 Snacking and On-the-Go Breakfast Solutions
6.3.5 Rising Sale of Gift Snack Items
6.3.6 Health and Wellness Trends
6.3.7 Global Expansion and Market Penetration/ Tapping Developing Regions

7. Competitive Landscape

7.1 Global Breakfast Cereals Market: Competitive Landscape
7.2 Global Breakfast Cereals Market Players: Recent Developments

8. Company Profiles

8.1 General Mills Inc.
8.1.1 Business Overview
8.1.2 Operating Segments
8.1.3 Business Strategy

8.2 PepsiCo, Inc. (The Quaker Oats Company)
8.2.1 Business Overview
8.2.2 Operating Segments
8.2.3 Business Strategy

8.3 Calbee, Inc.
8.3.1 Business Overview
8.3.2 Operating Segments
8.3.3 Business Strategy

8.4 Post Holdings Inc.
8.4.1 Business Overview
8.4.2 Operating Segments
8.4.3 Business Strategy

8.5 Marico Ltd.
8.5.1 Business Overview
8.5.2 Operating Segments
8.5.3 Business Strategy

8.6 WK Kellogg Co
8.6.1 Business Overview
8.6.2 Business Strategy

8.7 Cereal Partners Worldwide (Cpw S.A.)
8.7.1 Business Overview
8.7.2 Business Strategy

8.8 Nature’s Path Foods
8.8.1 Business Overview
8.8.2 Business Strategy

8.9 Bagrry India Pvt. Ltd.
8.9.1 Business Overview
8.9.2 Business Strategy

8.10 Purely Elizabeth
8.10.1 Business Overview
8.10.2 Business Strategy

8.11 Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods
8.11.1 Business Overview

8.12 Barbara’s Bakery, Inc.
8.12.1 Business Overview

8.13 Viz Branz
8.13.1 Business Overview

List of Figures

Figure 1: Production and Processing of Breakfast Cereals
Figure 2: Breakfast Cereals Segmentation
Figure 3: Global Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 4: Global Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 5: Global Breakfast Cereals Market by Product; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 6: Global Breakfast Cereals Market by Ingredient Type; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 7: Global Breakfast Cereals Market by Distribution Channel; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 8: Global Breakfast Cereals Market by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 9: Global Ready-to-eat Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 10: Global Ready-to-eat Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 11: Global Hot Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 12: Global Hot Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 13: Global Congee Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 14: Global Congee Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 15: Global Wheat Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 16: Global Wheat Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 17: Global Rice Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 18: Global Rice Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 19: Global Oats Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 20: Global Oats Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 21: Global Barley Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 22: Global Barley Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 23: Global Others Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 24: Global Others Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 25: Global Hypermarkets Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 26: Global Hypermarkets Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 27: Global Convenience Stores Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 28: Global Convenience Stores Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 29: Global E-retailers Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 30: Global E-retailers Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 31: Global Others Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 32: Global Others Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 33: North America Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 34: North America Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 35: North America Breakfast Cereals Market by Product; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 36: North America Ready-to-eat and Hot Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 37: North America Ready-to-eat and Hot Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 38: North America Breakfast Cereals Market by Distribution Channel; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 39: North America Breakfast Cereals Market Distribution Channel by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 40: North America Breakfast Cereals Market Distribution Channel by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 41: North America Breakfast Cereals Market by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 42: The US Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 43: The US Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 44: Canada Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 45: Canada Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 46: Mexico Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 47: Mexico Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 48: Europe Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 49: Europe Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 50: Europe Breakfast Cereals Market by Product; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 51: Europe Ready-to-eat and Hot Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 52: Europe Ready-to-eat and Hot Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 53: Europe Breakfast Cereals Market by Distribution Channel; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 54: Europe Breakfast Cereals Market Distribution Channel by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 55: Europe Breakfast Cereals Market Distribution Channel by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 56: Europe Breakfast Cereals Market by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 57: UK Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 58: UK Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 59: Germany Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 60: Germany Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 61: France Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 62: France Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 63: Italy Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Million)
Figure 64: Italy Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 65: Spain Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Million)
Figure 66: Spain Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Million)
Figure 67: Rest of Europe Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 68: Rest of Europe Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 69: Asia Pacific Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 70: Asia Pacific Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 71: Asia Pacific Breakfast Cereals Market by Product; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 72: Asia Pacific Ready-to-eat, Hot Breakfast Cereals and Congee Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 73: Asia Pacific Ready-to-eat, Hot Breakfast Cereals and Congee Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 74: Asia Pacific Breakfast Cereals Market by Distribution Channel; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 75: Asia Pacific Breakfast Cereals Market Distribution Channel by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 76: Asia Pacific Breakfast Cereals Market Distribution Channel by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 77: Asia Pacific Breakfast Cereals Market by Region; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 78: China Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 79: China Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 80: Japan Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 81: Japan Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 82: India Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 83: India Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 84: South Korea Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Million)
Figure 85: South Korea Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Million)
Figure 86: Rest of Asia Pacific Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 87: Rest of Asia Pacific Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 88: Latin America Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 89: Latin America Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 90: Middle East and Africa Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 91: Middle East and Africa Breakfast Cereals Market by Value; 2024-2029 (US$ Billion)
Figure 92: Global Urban Population; 2017, 2022 & 2050 (Million)
Figure 93: Household Disposable Income by Region; 2018-2022 (US$ per capita)
Figure 94: Global Retail Ecommerce Sales; 2021-2027 (US$ Trillion)
Figure 95: General Mills Inc. Revenue by Segment; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 96: PepsiCo, Inc. Revenue by Segment; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 97: PepsiCo, Inc. Sales by Segment; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 98: Post Holdings Inc. Revenue by Segment; 2023 (Percentage, %)
Figure 99: Marico Ltd. Revenue by Segment; 2023 (Percentage, %)





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