![]() ギリシャのコンシューマーフーズサービスConsumer Foodservice in Greece 2022年、ギリシャではインフレ圧力が消費者向けフードサービスの業績に大きく影響しました。動きの速い消費財の価格が上昇し、消費者の購買力が低下したため、多くの人が支出に慎重さを示すようになった。このよ... もっと見る
サマリー2022年、ギリシャではインフレ圧力が消費者向けフードサービスの業績に大きく影響しました。動きの速い消費財の価格が上昇し、消費者の購買力が低下したため、多くの人が支出に慎重さを示すようになった。このような状況にもかかわらず、消費者向け外食産業は売上高と取引件数で堅調な伸びを示しました。これは、2 年間も鎖国していた地元の消費者が、失われた時間を取り戻し、再び外食をしようと躍起になったためです。また、観光業が回復したことも追い風となり、...ユーロモニター・インターナショナルの『ギリシャの消費者向けフードサービス』レポートは、国レベルの市場規模と形状に関する包括的なガイドを提供します。セクター別の食品サービス売上高、店舗数、取引件数を掲載しており、成長を牽引する食品サービスセクターを特定することができます。主要企業、主要ブランドを特定し、食習慣、ライフスタイルの変化、観光消費、法律問題など、市場に影響を与える主要要因の戦略的分析を提供します。2027年までの予測では、市場がどのように変化していくかを説明しています。 製品のカバー率。場所別コンシューマーフーズサービス、タイプ別コンシューマーフーズサービス。 データ範囲:市場規模(過去および予測)、企業シェア、ブランドシェア、流通データ。 本レポートを購入する理由 * 消費者向けフードサービス市場の詳細な情報を得ることができます。 * 成長分野を特定し、変化を促す要因を特定する。 * 競争環境、市場の主要プレーヤー、主要ブランドを理解する。 * 5年間の予測を用いて、市場がどのように発展していくかを評価することができます。 ユーロモニター・インターナショナルは、市場調査レポート、ビジネス参考書、オンライン情報システムの出版において、40年以上の経験を有しています。ロンドン、シカゴ、シンガポール、上海、ビリニュス、ドバイ、ケープタウン、サンティアゴ、シドニー、東京、バンガロールにオフィスを構え、世界中に800人以上のアナリストのネットワークを持つユーロモニター・インターナショナルは、情報に基づいた戦略立案を推進するための信頼できる情報資源を開発する独自の能力をもっています。 目次Consumer Foodservice in GreeceEuromonitor International February 2023 List Of Contents And Tables CONSUMER FOODSERVICE IN GREECE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Consumer foodservice in 2022: The big picture 2022 key trends Competitive landscape Independent foodservice developments What next for consumer foodservice? MARKET DATA Table 1 Units, Transactions and Value Sales in Consumer Foodservice 2017-2022 Table 2 Units, Transactions and Value Sales in Consumer Foodservice: % Growth 2017-2022 Table 3 Consumer Foodservice by Independent vs Chained by Type: Units/Outlets 2022 Table 4 Consumer Foodservice by Independent vs Chained: % Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 5 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Eat-In vs Delivery and To-Go: % Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 6 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Food vs Drink Split: % Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 7 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Food vs Drink Split by Type: % Foodservice Value 2022 Table 8 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Online/Offline Ordering: % Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 9 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: % Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 10 GBO Company Shares in Chained Consumer Foodservice: % Foodservice Value 2018-2022 Table 11 GBN Brand Shares in Chained Consumer Foodservice: % Foodservice Value 2019-2022 Table 12 GBN Brand Shares in Chained Consumer Foodservice: Units/Outlets 2022 Table 13 Forecast Units, Transactions and Value Sales in Consumer Foodservice 2022-2027 Table 14 Forecast Units, Transactions and Value Sales in Consumer Foodservice: % Growth 2022-2027 DISCLAIMER SOURCES Summary 1 Research Sources LIMITED-SERVICE RESTAURANTS IN GREECE KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Decline in home delivery and takeaway as locals return to dining out Decline in disposable incomes has a positive impact on channel performance Pasta limited-service restaurants is the new trend PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES World cuisines and healthy options to drive growth Branding to gain importance Low operating costs render limited-service restaurants attractive to potential investors CATEGORY DATA Table 15 Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 16 Sales in Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 17 Sales in Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 18 Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 19 Sales in Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 20 Sales in Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 21 GBO Company Shares in Chained Limited-Service Restaurants: % Foodservice Value 2018-2022 Table 22 GBN Brand Shares in Chained Limited-Service Restaurants: % Foodservice Value 2019-2022 Table 23 Forecast Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 24 Forecast Sales in Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 25 Forecast Sales in Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 26 Forecast Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 27 Forecast Sales in Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 28 Forecast Sales in Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 CAFÉS/BARS IN GREECE KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Specialist coffee shops remain a key growth driver Juice bars benefit from the healthy living trend Inflation and hikes in operating costs are squeezing profit margins PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Rising inflation and decline in disposable incomes to hinder performance In a recessionary environment, larger cafés/bars likely to suffer the most Home delivery remains high, yet growth slows down CATEGORY DATA Table 29 Cafés/Bars by Category: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 30 Sales in Cafés/Bars by Category: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 31 Sales in Cafés/Bars by Category: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 32 Cafés/Bars by Category: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 33 Sales in Cafés/Bars by Category: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 34 Sales in Cafés/Bars by Category: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 35 GBO Company Shares in Chained Cafés/Bars: % Foodservice Value 2018-2022 Table 36 GBN Brand Shares in Chained Cafés/Bars: % Foodservice Value 2019-2022 Table 37 Forecast Cafés/Bars by Category: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 38 Forecast Sales in Cafés/Bars by Category: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 39 Forecast Sales in Cafés/Bars by Category: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 40 Forecast Cafés/Bars by Category: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 41 Forecast Sales in Cafés/Bars by Category: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 42 Forecast Sales in Cafés/Bars by Category: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 FULL-SERVICE RESTAURANTS IN GREECE KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Reopening of country supports growth Profit margins decline amidst inflationary pressures Home delivery and takeaway do not lose momentum PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES More business closures likely to follow World cuisines set to drive growth Burger trend will drive growth for North American full-service restaurants CATEGORY DATA Table 43 Full-Service Restaurants by Category: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 44 Sales in Full-Service Restaurants by Category: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 45 Sales in Full-Service Restaurants by Category: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 46 Full-Service Restaurants by Category: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 47 Sales in Full-Service Restaurants by Category: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 48 Sales in Full-Service Restaurants by Category: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 49 GBO Company Shares in Chained Full-Service Restaurants: % Foodservice Value 2018-2022 Table 50 GBN Brand Shares in Chained Full-Service Restaurants: % Foodservice Value 2019-2022 Table 51 Forecast Full-Service Restaurants by Category: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 52 Forecast Sales in Full-Service Restaurants by Category: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 53 Forecast Sales in Full-Service Restaurants by Category: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 54 Forecast Full-Service Restaurants by Category: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 55 Forecast Sales in Full-Service Restaurants by Category: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 56 Forecast Sales in Full-Service Restaurants by Category: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 SELF-SERVICE CAFETERIAS IN GREECE KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Recovery of tourism supports growth Chains outperformed by independents Lack of investment negatively affects performance PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES The Bread Factory – an emerging new player Limited-service restaurants will continue to pose a threat to self-service cafeterias The return of tourists will be key to recovery CATEGORY DATA Table 57 Self-Service Cafeterias: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 58 Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 59 Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 60 Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 61 Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 62 Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 63 GBO Company Shares in Chained Self-Service Cafeterias: % Foodservice Value 2018-2022 Table 64 GBN Brand Shares in Chained Self-Service Cafeterias: % Foodservice Value 2019-2022 Table 65 Forecast Self-Service Cafeterias: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 66 Forecast Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 67 Forecast Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 68 Forecast Self-Service Cafeterias: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 69 Forecast Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 70 Forecast Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 STREET STALLS/KIOSKS IN GREECE KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Resumption of events and increased footfall boost performance of street stalls/kiosks The on-the-go trend is favourable for street stalls/kiosks Competition with limited-service restaurants the key obstacle to growth PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES An emerging new trend is pop-up bars and street food canteens Food markets – could there be an opportunity? CATEGORY DATA Table 71 Street Stalls/Kiosks: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 72 Sales in Street Stalls/Kiosks: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 73 Sales in Street Stalls/Kiosks: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 74 Street Stalls/Kiosks: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 75 Sales in Street Stalls/Kiosks: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 76 Sales in Street Stalls/Kiosks: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 77 Forecast Street Stalls/Kiosks: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 78 Forecast Sales in Street Stalls/Kiosks: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 79 Forecast Sales in Street Stalls/Kiosks: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 80 Forecast Street Stalls/Kiosks: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 81 Forecast Sales in Street Stalls/Kiosks: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 82 Forecast Sales in Street Stalls/Kiosks: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 CONSUMER FOODSERVICE BY LOCATION IN GREECE KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Consumer foodservice through travel and lodging benefit from increase in tourism Lifting of pandemic-related restrictions supports recovery of foodservice sales in retail and leisure locations Non-standalone locations attract more investment PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Travel and lodging set to benefit from recovery of tourism Declining consumer purchasing power will negatively affect retail and leisure CATEGORY DATA Table 83 Consumer Foodservice by Location: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 84 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 85 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 86 Consumer Foodservice by Location: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 87 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 88 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 89 Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 90 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 91 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 92 Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 93 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 94 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 95 Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 96 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 97 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 98 Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 99 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 100 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 101 Consumer Foodservice through Retail: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 102 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Retail: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 103 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Retail: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 104 Consumer Foodservice through Retail: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 105 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Retail: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 106 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Retail: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 107 Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 108 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 109 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 110 Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 111 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 112 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 113 Consumer Foodservice through Travel: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 114 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Travel: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 115 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Travel: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 116 Consumer Foodservice through Travel: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 117 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Travel: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 118 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Travel: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 119 Forecast Consumer Foodservice by Location: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 120 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 121 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 122 Forecast Consumer Foodservice by Location: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 123 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 124 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 Table 125 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 126 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 127 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 128 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 129 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 130 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 Table 131 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 132 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 133 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 134 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 135 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 136 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 Table 137 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Retail: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 138 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Retail: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 139 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Retail: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 140 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Retail: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 141 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Retail: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 142 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Retail: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 Table 143 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 144 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 145 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 146 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 147 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 148 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 Table 149 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Travel: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 150 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Travel: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 151 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Travel: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 152 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Travel: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 153 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Travel: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 154 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Travel: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027
SummaryIn 2022, inflationary pressures significantly impacted the performance of consumer foodservice in Greece. As the prices of fast-moving consumer goods rose and consumer purchasing power declined, many people began to exert more caution in their spending. Despite this, consumer foodservice recorded solid growth in value sales and in the number of transactions as local consumers, after two years of lockdown, were eager to make up for lost time and eat out again. The recovery of tourism also benefit... Table of ContentsConsumer Foodservice in GreeceEuromonitor International February 2023 List Of Contents And Tables CONSUMER FOODSERVICE IN GREECE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Consumer foodservice in 2022: The big picture 2022 key trends Competitive landscape Independent foodservice developments What next for consumer foodservice? MARKET DATA Table 1 Units, Transactions and Value Sales in Consumer Foodservice 2017-2022 Table 2 Units, Transactions and Value Sales in Consumer Foodservice: % Growth 2017-2022 Table 3 Consumer Foodservice by Independent vs Chained by Type: Units/Outlets 2022 Table 4 Consumer Foodservice by Independent vs Chained: % Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 5 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Eat-In vs Delivery and To-Go: % Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 6 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Food vs Drink Split: % Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 7 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Food vs Drink Split by Type: % Foodservice Value 2022 Table 8 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Online/Offline Ordering: % Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 9 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: % Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 10 GBO Company Shares in Chained Consumer Foodservice: % Foodservice Value 2018-2022 Table 11 GBN Brand Shares in Chained Consumer Foodservice: % Foodservice Value 2019-2022 Table 12 GBN Brand Shares in Chained Consumer Foodservice: Units/Outlets 2022 Table 13 Forecast Units, Transactions and Value Sales in Consumer Foodservice 2022-2027 Table 14 Forecast Units, Transactions and Value Sales in Consumer Foodservice: % Growth 2022-2027 DISCLAIMER SOURCES Summary 1 Research Sources LIMITED-SERVICE RESTAURANTS IN GREECE KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Decline in home delivery and takeaway as locals return to dining out Decline in disposable incomes has a positive impact on channel performance Pasta limited-service restaurants is the new trend PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES World cuisines and healthy options to drive growth Branding to gain importance Low operating costs render limited-service restaurants attractive to potential investors CATEGORY DATA Table 15 Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 16 Sales in Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 17 Sales in Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 18 Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 19 Sales in Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 20 Sales in Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 21 GBO Company Shares in Chained Limited-Service Restaurants: % Foodservice Value 2018-2022 Table 22 GBN Brand Shares in Chained Limited-Service Restaurants: % Foodservice Value 2019-2022 Table 23 Forecast Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 24 Forecast Sales in Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 25 Forecast Sales in Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 26 Forecast Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 27 Forecast Sales in Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 28 Forecast Sales in Limited-Service Restaurants by Category: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 CAFÉS/BARS IN GREECE KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Specialist coffee shops remain a key growth driver Juice bars benefit from the healthy living trend Inflation and hikes in operating costs are squeezing profit margins PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Rising inflation and decline in disposable incomes to hinder performance In a recessionary environment, larger cafés/bars likely to suffer the most Home delivery remains high, yet growth slows down CATEGORY DATA Table 29 Cafés/Bars by Category: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 30 Sales in Cafés/Bars by Category: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 31 Sales in Cafés/Bars by Category: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 32 Cafés/Bars by Category: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 33 Sales in Cafés/Bars by Category: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 34 Sales in Cafés/Bars by Category: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 35 GBO Company Shares in Chained Cafés/Bars: % Foodservice Value 2018-2022 Table 36 GBN Brand Shares in Chained Cafés/Bars: % Foodservice Value 2019-2022 Table 37 Forecast Cafés/Bars by Category: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 38 Forecast Sales in Cafés/Bars by Category: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 39 Forecast Sales in Cafés/Bars by Category: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 40 Forecast Cafés/Bars by Category: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 41 Forecast Sales in Cafés/Bars by Category: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 42 Forecast Sales in Cafés/Bars by Category: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 FULL-SERVICE RESTAURANTS IN GREECE KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Reopening of country supports growth Profit margins decline amidst inflationary pressures Home delivery and takeaway do not lose momentum PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES More business closures likely to follow World cuisines set to drive growth Burger trend will drive growth for North American full-service restaurants CATEGORY DATA Table 43 Full-Service Restaurants by Category: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 44 Sales in Full-Service Restaurants by Category: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 45 Sales in Full-Service Restaurants by Category: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 46 Full-Service Restaurants by Category: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 47 Sales in Full-Service Restaurants by Category: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 48 Sales in Full-Service Restaurants by Category: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 49 GBO Company Shares in Chained Full-Service Restaurants: % Foodservice Value 2018-2022 Table 50 GBN Brand Shares in Chained Full-Service Restaurants: % Foodservice Value 2019-2022 Table 51 Forecast Full-Service Restaurants by Category: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 52 Forecast Sales in Full-Service Restaurants by Category: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 53 Forecast Sales in Full-Service Restaurants by Category: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 54 Forecast Full-Service Restaurants by Category: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 55 Forecast Sales in Full-Service Restaurants by Category: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 56 Forecast Sales in Full-Service Restaurants by Category: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 SELF-SERVICE CAFETERIAS IN GREECE KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Recovery of tourism supports growth Chains outperformed by independents Lack of investment negatively affects performance PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES The Bread Factory – an emerging new player Limited-service restaurants will continue to pose a threat to self-service cafeterias The return of tourists will be key to recovery CATEGORY DATA Table 57 Self-Service Cafeterias: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 58 Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 59 Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 60 Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 61 Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 62 Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 63 GBO Company Shares in Chained Self-Service Cafeterias: % Foodservice Value 2018-2022 Table 64 GBN Brand Shares in Chained Self-Service Cafeterias: % Foodservice Value 2019-2022 Table 65 Forecast Self-Service Cafeterias: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 66 Forecast Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 67 Forecast Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 68 Forecast Self-Service Cafeterias: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 69 Forecast Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 70 Forecast Sales in Self-Service Cafeterias: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 STREET STALLS/KIOSKS IN GREECE KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Resumption of events and increased footfall boost performance of street stalls/kiosks The on-the-go trend is favourable for street stalls/kiosks Competition with limited-service restaurants the key obstacle to growth PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES An emerging new trend is pop-up bars and street food canteens Food markets – could there be an opportunity? CATEGORY DATA Table 71 Street Stalls/Kiosks: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 72 Sales in Street Stalls/Kiosks: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 73 Sales in Street Stalls/Kiosks: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 74 Street Stalls/Kiosks: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 75 Sales in Street Stalls/Kiosks: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 76 Sales in Street Stalls/Kiosks: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 77 Forecast Street Stalls/Kiosks: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 78 Forecast Sales in Street Stalls/Kiosks: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 79 Forecast Sales in Street Stalls/Kiosks: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 80 Forecast Street Stalls/Kiosks: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 81 Forecast Sales in Street Stalls/Kiosks: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 82 Forecast Sales in Street Stalls/Kiosks: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 CONSUMER FOODSERVICE BY LOCATION IN GREECE KEY DATA FINDINGS 2022 DEVELOPMENTS Consumer foodservice through travel and lodging benefit from increase in tourism Lifting of pandemic-related restrictions supports recovery of foodservice sales in retail and leisure locations Non-standalone locations attract more investment PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Travel and lodging set to benefit from recovery of tourism Declining consumer purchasing power will negatively affect retail and leisure CATEGORY DATA Table 83 Consumer Foodservice by Location: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 84 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 85 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 86 Consumer Foodservice by Location: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 87 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 88 Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 89 Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 90 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 91 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 92 Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 93 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 94 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 95 Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 96 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 97 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 98 Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 99 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 100 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 101 Consumer Foodservice through Retail: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 102 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Retail: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 103 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Retail: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 104 Consumer Foodservice through Retail: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 105 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Retail: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 106 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Retail: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 107 Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 108 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 109 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 110 Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 111 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 112 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 113 Consumer Foodservice through Travel: Units/Outlets 2017-2022 Table 114 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Travel: Number of Transactions 2017-2022 Table 115 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Travel: Foodservice Value 2017-2022 Table 116 Consumer Foodservice through Travel: % Units/Outlets Growth 2017-2022 Table 117 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Travel: % Transaction Growth 2017-2022 Table 118 Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Travel: % Foodservice Value Growth 2017-2022 Table 119 Forecast Consumer Foodservice by Location: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 120 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 121 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 122 Forecast Consumer Foodservice by Location: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 123 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 124 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice by Location: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 Table 125 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 126 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 127 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 128 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 129 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 130 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Standalone: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 Table 131 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 132 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 133 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 134 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 135 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 136 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Leisure: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 Table 137 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Retail: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 138 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Retail: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 139 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Retail: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 140 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Retail: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 141 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Retail: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 142 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Retail: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 Table 143 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 144 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 145 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 146 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 147 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 148 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Lodging: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027 Table 149 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Travel: Units/Outlets 2022-2027 Table 150 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Travel: Number of Transactions 2022-2027 Table 151 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Travel: Foodservice Value 2022-2027 Table 152 Forecast Consumer Foodservice through Travel: % Units/Outlets Growth 2022-2027 Table 153 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Travel: % Transaction Growth 2022-2027 Table 154 Forecast Sales in Consumer Foodservice through Travel: % Foodservice Value Growth 2022-2027
ご注文は、お電話またはWEBから承ります。お見積もりの作成もお気軽にご相談ください。本レポートと同分野(食品)の最新刊レポートEuromonitor International社の消費者向け食品サービス分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD(consumer)の最新刊レポート
よくあるご質問Euromonitor International社はどのような調査会社ですか?Euromonitor International(ユーロモニターインターナショナル)は年17,000以上の市場調査レポートを発行しています。あらゆる国や産業のトレンド、消費者動向を分析し、詳細カテゴ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。