
Market Data: EV Geographic Forecasts – Europe

Market Data: EV Geographic Forecasts – Europe


米国調査会社ナビガントリサーチ(Navigant Research)の調査レポート 「欧州の電気自動車の地域別市場予測:国毎と地域毎のプラグインハイブリッド電気自動車予測のマーケットデータ」 は、欧州の プラグイ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 図表数 言語
Guidehouse (旧Navigant Research)
2019年5月6日 US$3,950
3営業日程度 26 34 英語



米国調査会社ナビガントリサーチ(Navigant Research)の調査レポート「欧州の電気自動車の地域別市場予測:国毎と地域毎のプラグインハイブリッド電気自動車予測のマーケットデータ」は、欧州のプラグイン電気自動車の市場状況と国毎の法規制を分析している。今後10年間の欧州のPEV市場を、PEV普及台数と配売成長に影響を与える政府の法規制、自動車とエネルギーのエコノミクス、インフラストラクチャといった観点から査定している。2030年までの欧州主要国と地域の販売数と台数をPEVパワートレインタイプ毎に予測している。バッテリー電気自動車、プラグインハイブリッド電気自動車、軽量自動車全体の販売数と普及台数を慎重、標準、積極的なシナリオ毎に予測している。

With plug-in EV (PEV) sales on track for another record year in Europe and worldwide, understanding the geographic distribution and policies that influence PEV adoption is more important than ever for stakeholders. PEVs are increasingly being considered by more consumers as a top choice for their next vehicle purchase, more countries are implementing purchase incentives, and the price of PEV technologies continues to decline.

Model availability, consumer awareness, and infrastructure all pose challenges to PEV adoption in Europe, and globally. The number of models available in Europe is expected to increase in the next 3-5 years, especially with European automakers committing to transition to only hybrid and PEV models over the next several years. Challenges to adoption include lack of consumer awareness and charging infrastructure. However, charging technologies continue to advance, and Europe continues to see the development of public charging networks such as E.ON.

This Navigant Research report analyzes the European market conditions and country-level policies for PEVs. The study examines the next decade of the European PEV market with a specific focus on how government policies, vehicle and energy economics, and infrastructure will affect PEV population and sales growth. Sales and population forecasts of major European countries and regions by PEV powertrain type extend to 2030. Forecasts are provided by segment under conservative, base, and aggressive scenarios alongside historical data on battery EV (BEV), plug-in hybrid EV (PHEV), and overall light duty vehicle (LDV) sales and population.

Key Questions Addressed
  • How will the growth rates of plug-in EVs (PHEVs) and battery EVs (BEVs) vary by country and region across Europe?
  • How many light duty PHEVs and BEVs will be on the roads through 2030?
  • What are the implications of country-level policies on PEV adoption?
  • What key factors are driving growth in the light duty PEV market across Europe?
  • What challenges remain for the PEV market in Europe?
Who Needs This Report
  • Automotive OEMs
  • Plug-in EV (PEV) component manufacturers and suppliers
  • PEV charging equipment manufacturers
  • Energy service companies (ESCOs)
  • Utilities
  • Government agencies
  • Industry associations
  • Investor community



Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

1.1   Introduction

1.2   Scope

1.3   Market Forecasts

2. Market Issues

2.1   Introduction

2.2   Drivers

2.2.1   Battery Innovations

2.2.2   Government Policies

2.2.3   Energy Economics

2.3   Challenges

2.3.1   Availability

2.3.2   Awareness

2.3.3   Infrastructure

3. Market Forecasts

3.1   Scope

3.2   Methodology

3.3   Overall Market and Population

3.4   Base Scenario

3.4.1   Western Europe

3.4.2   Northern Europe

3.4.3   Russia & Rest of Europe

3.5   Scenarios

3.6   Conclusions and Recommendations

4. Acronym and Abbreviation List

5. Table of Contents

6. Table of Charts and Figures

7. Scope of Study, Sources and Methodology, Notes


List of Charts and Figures

  • LD PEV Population by Powertrain, Base Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD PEV Sales by Major Country Market, Base Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD BEV Battery Pack Price Actual and Projection Range: 2010-2030
  • LDV Sales by Region, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD PEV Sales by Country, Western Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD PEV Sales by Country, Northern Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD PEV Sales by Specific Region, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD PEV Sales by Scenario, Europe: 2019-2030
  • Model Methodology to Evaluate PFCs in LDV Segments


List of Tables

  • European Regions for Forecasts
  • BEV Li-Ion Battery Pack Prices by Scenario, World Markets
  • Retail Fuel Prices by Country, Base Scenario: 2018
  • LDV Population by Country, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LDV Sales by Country, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD PEV Sales by Powertrain and Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD BEV Sales by Country, Conservative Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD BEV Sales by Country, Base Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD BEV Sales by Country, Aggressive Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD PHEV Sales by Country, Conservative Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD PHEV Sales by Country, Base Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD PHEV Sales by Country, Aggressive Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD PEV Population by Powertrain and Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD BEV Population by Country, Conservative Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD BEV Population by Country, Base Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD BEV Population by Country, Aggressive Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD PHEV Population by Country, Conservative Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD PHEV Population by Country, Base Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD PHEV Population by Country, Aggressive Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD PEV Population by Region, Base Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • LD PEV Sales by Region, Base Scenario, Europe: 2015-2030
  • Government Policies Benefiting PEVs in European Markets
  • Sampling of Near-Term LD PEV Deployments, Europe: 2019-2022
  • Geographic Dimensions
  • Major Assumptions







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