
世界の衛星通信(SATCOM)市場 - 成長、トレンド、予測(2021-2026年

世界の衛星通信(SATCOM)市場 - 成長、トレンド、予測(2021-2026年

Global Satellite Communication (SATCOM) Market - Growth, Trends, Forecasts (2021-2026)

世界の衛星通信(SATCOM)市場は、2021年から2026年の間に6.9%のCAGRで成長すると予想されています。パンデミックは、衛星通信業界に大きな影響を与えることが予想されます。この業界は、衛星通信サービスの高い... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Mordor Intelligence
2021年8月1日 US$4,250
3営業日以内 170 英語





- 衛星通信は、メディア放送、ブロードバンドエリアの拡大、5G通信システムの構築、多様な有線・無線技術の統合・融合、地球観測、防衛・セキュリティ、監視アプリケーションなど、業界を超えた様々な用途に利用されています。固定された場所や移動中に活動する航空機、船舶、車両などのユーザーに対する接続性の要求が高まっています。このようなユーザーは、大都市や人口密度の低い地域のサービスが行き届いていない部分を通過することが多いため、移動ルートに沿った継続的な接続が必要となります。このような事例が、予測期間における市場の成長を支えていると考えられます。
- モバイルブロードバンド需要の高まり、スマートフォンやスマートウェアラブル端末の利用拡大、モバイルビデオ導入需要の急増などの要因が、予測期間における5Gの成長を促進し、市場調査にさらなる成長機会を与えることが予想されます。また、小型化、コネクテッドテクノロジー、堅牢なネットワーク環境、低消費電力コンピューティング、無線周波数識別、M2M通信などの進歩が、衛星通信市場を牽引すると予想されます。
- 商業航空および商業衛星画像ベースのサービスにおける衛星通信の使用は、衛星ベースのナビゲーションの増強や高スループットの衛星通信サービスなどの様々な活動をサポートする衛星地上局の数の増加により、地上装置の成長を促進すると予想される重要な要因の一つです。
- さらに、応用範囲の広さから、超小型衛星が人気を集めています。超小型衛星とは、質量が10kg以下の衛星のこと。近年の光学技術や通信技術の進歩により、リモートセンシングやイメージングのための小型衛星の能力が向上しています。また、政府の関心の高まりと技術の成熟度の向上も相まって、今後数年間、企業が衛星通信技術に投資するきっかけになると予想されます。
- コヴィド19のパンデミックの際、衛星は国土安全保障省(DHS)や国防総省(DoD)などの防衛機関に、重要な通信やリモートセンシングなど、さまざまな重要なサービスを世界中に提供しました。また、DHSは、公衆衛生、安全、地域社会の福祉のためのCOVID-19緊急事態への対応において、重要なインフラを機能させるために、衛星の運用が不可欠であると発表しました。






さらに、衛星通信エコシステムの新たな発展は、新世代の低軌道(LEO)衛星や静止(GEO)衛星の技術的進歩など、これまでの限界を引き継いで、高いスループットと改善を実現しています。衛星ネットワークの利点に着目し、衛星ネットワークを効率的かつ迅速にシステムに導入することで、ネットワーク事業者とエンドユーザーの双方にメリットがあることを実証し、さまざまな企業が5Gの市場を切り開いています。Union of Concerned Scientistsによると、2021年1月1日現在、地球を周回するアクティブな人工衛星は3,372基。

2021年7月、タレス社とレオナルド社の合弁会社であるタレス・アレニア・スペース社は、ヘラス・サット社と提携し、デジタルガバナンス省の立会いのもと、ギリシャで5Gの実証実験を行いました。Hellas Sat社は、ギリシャとキプロスの遠隔地に5Gネットワークを提供することを目指しています。そのために、Hellas Sat 3/Inmarsat S EAN衛星(静止通信衛星)を使って、5Gコアネットワークと5G gNBの間の接続をバックホールしています。今回のデモに使用されたHellas Sat 3ペイロードは、ヨーロッパ、中東、アフリカ南部でDTH(Direct To Home)や通信サービスを提供しています。










世界の衛星通信(SATCOM)市場には、Thales Group、Inmarsat Communications、Iridium Communications Inc.、Gilat Satellite Networks、Orbcommなどの大手企業が存在します。これらの大手企業は、市場シェアと収益性を向上させるために、戦略的な協力体制を活用して顧客基盤の拡大に注力しています。中堅・中小企業も、技術の進歩や製品の革新に伴い、新規契約の獲得や新規市場の開拓により、市場での存在感を高めています。

- 2021年6月-レオナルド社とタレス社の合弁会社であるタレス・アレーニア・スペース社とテレスパジオ社は、イタリア国防省との間で、地上セグメントを含むセキュア衛星通信システム「SICRAL 3」の開発契約を締結しました。TELEDIFE / Secretariat General of Defenseが代理店となり、総額約1億5900万ユーロの契約を締結しました。
- 2021年6月-イリジウム・コミュニケーションズ社は、米国陸軍(Army)から、全地球測位システム(GPS)およびGPSを使わない精密システムのためのナビゲーションシステム、誘導、制御をサポートする小型衛星に搭載するペイロードを開発するための、最大3,000万米ドル相当の研究開発契約を受注しました。ペイロードは、センサーから兵士へのデータ伝送を向上させるために、迅速に展開可能な小型衛星コンステレーションのコンセプトをサポートすることを目的としています。ペイロードはイリジウム・バースト技術に基づいており、宇宙から何百万もの対応デバイスにデータを送信することができる。
- 2021年5月 - インマルサットは、将来の月面ミッションをサポートする衛星ナビゲーションおよび通信ネットワークの開発を研究する、Telespazio社が率いる新しいコンソーシアムの主要メンバーに選ばれました。このプロジェクトは、欧州宇宙機関(ESA)が資金提供しており、すべての月面ミッションに対応する単一のシステムを構築し、独自のインフラを開発する必要がなくなることで、各ミッションのコストを大幅に削減することを検討しています。


- 市場推定(ME)シート(Excel形式
- 3ヶ月間のアナリストサポート



1 はじめに
1.1 調査の前提条件と市場の定義
1.2 調査の範囲

2 調査方法

3 エグゼクティブサマリー

4 市場力学
4.1 市場の概要
4.2 市場のドライバー
4.2.1 モノのインターネット(IoT)と自律システムの増加
4.2.2 軍事・防衛用衛星通信ソリューションの需要増
4.3 市場の抑制要因
4.3.1 衛星通信に対するサイバーセキュリティ上の脅威
4.3.2 データ伝送の妨害
4.4 バリューチェーン分析
4.5 ポーターズ・ファイブフォース分析
4.5.1 新規参入者の脅威
4.5.2 バイヤーのバーゲニング・パワー
4.5.3 供給者の交渉力(バーゲニングパワー
4.5.4 競合他社の脅威
4.5.5 競合他社との競争の強さ
4.6 Covid-19の市場への影響の評価

5 市場のセグメンテーション
5.1 タイプ
5.1.1 地上設備(ゲートウェイ、VSAT(Very Small Aperture Terminal)設備、NOC(Network Operation Center)設備、SNG(Satellite News Gathering)設備)
5.1.2 サービス(移動体衛星サービス(MSS)、固定衛星サービス、地球観測サービス)
5.2 エンドユーザー層
5.2.1 海事
5.2.2 防衛・政府機関
5.2.3 企業
5.2.4 その他のエンドユーザー層
5.3 地理的条件
5.3.1 北アメリカ
5.3.2 欧州
5.3.3 アジア太平洋地域
5.3.4 ラテンアメリカ
5.3.5 中近東・アフリカ

6 競争環境
6.1 企業の概要
6.1.1 タレスグループ
6.1.2 インマルサットコミュニケーションズ
6.1.3 イリジウム・コミュニケーションズ社
6.1.4 ジラートサテライトネットワークス
6.1.5 Orbcomm Inc.
6.1.6 Cobham PLC
6.1.7 スラヤ・テレコミュニケーション・カンパニー
6.1.8 ViaSat Inc.
6.1.9 VT iDirect Inc.
6.1.10 L3Harris Technologies Inc.
6.1.11 アドバンテック・ワイヤレス
6.1.12 KVH Industries Inc.

7 投資分析

8 市場の将来性





Global Satellite Communication (SATCOM) Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.9% during the period 2021-2026. The pandemic is expected to have a significant impact on the satellite communication industry. The industry is dependent on government contracts in various areas, such as Earth Observation, including the highly reliable and survivable nature of satellite communications services. These are essential services for disaster communications and backup services, which protected the industry from some of the more severe impacts of the global pandemic.

- Satellite communication is being used for various applications across industries, such as media broadcasting, the extension of broadband coverage, the setting up of 5G communications systems, integration and convergence of diverse wired and wireless technologies, earth observation, defense, and security, and surveillance applications. There has been an increasing demand for connectivity requirements for users on aircraft, ships, and vehicles that operate at fixed locations and while in motion. They need continuous connectivity along their travel routes, which often take them through unserved parts of major metropolitan and less densely populated areas. Such instances are expected to support the growth of the market in the forecasted period.
- Factors like the rising demand for mobile broadband, the growing use of smartphones and smart wearable devices, and the surging demand for mobile video adoption are expected to drive the growth of 5G over the forecast period, which is anticipated to give further growth opportunities to the market studied. Also, advancements in miniaturization, connected technologies, robust network environment, low power computing, radio frequency identification, and M2M communication are anticipated to drive the satellite communication market.
- The use of satellite communications in commercial aviation and commercial satellite imagery-based services is one of the key factors expected to drive the growth of the ground equipment due to the increased number of satellite ground stations supporting various activities, such as augmented satellite-based navigation and high-throughput satellite communication services.
- Moreover, nanosatellites are gaining popularity, owing to their wide range of applicability. These are satellites with a mass less than or equal to 10 kg. The recent advancements in optics and communication technologies have been improving the capabilities of smaller spacecraft for remote sensing and imaging. The rising government interest, coupled with the increasing maturity of the technology, is also expected to attract companies to invest in satellite communication technologies in the coming years.
- During the Covid-19 pandemic, satellites provided defense agencies, like the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Defense (DoD), with various crucial services, such as critical communication, remote sensing, and other services, across the world. The DHS also announced the satellite operations as an essential part of the functioning of crucial infrastructures during the response to the COVID-19 emergency for public health, safety, and community well-being.

Key Market Trends

Integration of satellite and 5G networks for connected environments

Satellite communication has continued to be a unique technology, independent of mobile networking. With the next generation of satellites built from the 5G architecture, they will be integrating with networks to manage connectivity to cars, vessels, airplanes, and other IoT devices in remote and rural areas. Satellite communications play an essential role in the extension of 5G cellular networks to hard-to-reach and rural areas, especially in regions of the planet traditionally beyond the reach of cellular companies.

SATCOM is an integral enabler of the 5G connectivity concept and can facilitate universal connectivity while driving network efficiencies forward. Companies such as Gilat have been a member of the SaT5G European project, which contributed satellite communication-related aspects into future releases of 5G standards.

Combining satellites with 5G infrastructure enhances the Quality of Experience (QoE) of high-capacity applications. Satellites can save valuable spectrum and improve the resilience of each network by intelligently routing and offloading traffic. Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellites will play a crucial part in extending cellular 5G networks to sea, air, and other remote areas that small cell networks cannot cover. They can extend 5G services from the city to airplanes, cruise liners, and other vehicles in remote locations. IoT sensors and M2M connections on farms and remote worksites like mines can also benefit from the broad coverage areas offered by 5G satellites.

Further, new developments in the satellite communications eco-system have succeeded previous limitations, such as the new generation of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites and technical advances in Geostationary (GEO) satellite that provide high throughput and improvements. By focusing on the benefits of satellite networks, various companies have been opening up the market for 5G by demonstrating that satellite networks can be brought into the system efficiently and quickly to benefit both network operators and end-users. According to Union of Concerned Scientists, there are 3,372 active artificial satellites orbiting the Earth as of January 1, 2021.

In July 2021, Thales Alenia Space, a joint venture between Thales and Leonardo, partnered with Hellas Sat to perform a 5G demonstration in Greece in the presence of the Ministry of Digital Governance. Hellas Sat aims to provide a 5G network to remote areas in Greece and Cyprus. For this, it is backhauling the connection between a 5G Core Network and a 5G gNB through Hellas Sat 3 / Inmarsat S EAN satellite (a geostationary telecommunication satellite). The Hellas Sat 3 payload used for this demo delivers DTH (Direct To Home) and Telecom services in Europe, Middle East, and Southern Africa.

Various companies recognized the potential of private satellite constellations to provide Internet connectivity to rural areas and satisfy the global networking services of tomorrow. For instance, London-based OneWeb recently launched 34 OneWeb satellites into orbit, the first of 10 launches in 2020. OneWeb plans to officially open for business in 2021 and begin by selling services to governments and corporate customers that provide internet service to airplanes, boats, and other vessels.

North America is Expected to Hold a Significant Market Share

North America dominated the market, especially due to the rising demand for continuous communication by the defense industry and increased demand for SATCOM equipment by the U.S. defense department. Satellite communication services are also increasingly being used by the military and defense forces to establish or increase connectivity across various assets of the forces, such as fighter planes. Moreover, the increased need for high-throughput satellite services and the increasing adoption of cloud-based services for ground mobility platforms are some other factors supporting the growth of the segment in the region.

The government agencies in North America have also been making significant efforts to introduce new satellite and navigation systems that are expected to boost the growth of the satellite communication industry. North America has a large coastal area that requires continuous monitoring. The increasing commercial activities and trade in the region are propelling the need for maritime safety and surveillance, driving the growth of the market in the region.

Unites States also launched its fifth Advanced Extremely High-Frequency spacecraft (AEHF-5), a secure military communications satellite that will provide jam-proof communications, including real-time video, between U.S. national leadership and deployed military forces. The region also has the highest number of satellites, thereby creating many opportunities for the North American satellite communications providers.

To deliver innovative SATCOM solutions to the U.S. Government, various vendors in the region have been partnering to develop better satellite communications solutions. For instance, in April 2021, Honeywell and Inmarsat made an agreement to develop and deliver innovative commercial satellite communications (COMSATCOM) solutions to the U.S. government. These solutions will be focused on fixed-wing and non-fixed-wing aeronautical platforms operating worldwide, including in Arctic regions.

Some vendors in the region have also been focusing on designing satellite communications solutions to meet the needs of the Canadian Armed Forces. In May 2021, Inmarsat built CAD 1 million facility in Ottawa, Canada, which is a fully managed services facility that provides training, tech development, and secure facilities for government departments. Such instances are expected to bring further growth opportunities to the market in the region.

The U.S. coastal waters are most vulnerable due to their open borders. This nature of the vast maritime domain of the U.S. faces critical threats from terrorism, criminal activities, and natural disasters. The underlying threat poses unique and critical challenges in enforcing maritime safety, as illegal activities can happen from all directions across the country's maritime borders if there is no proper system for detection and identification. The factors mentioned above are anticipated to influence the market studied in the region during the forecast period.

Competitive Landscape

Global Satellite Communication (SATCOM) Market has few significant players like Thales Group, Inmarsat Communications, Iridium Communications Inc., Gilat Satellite Networks, and Orbcomm. These major players have been primarily focusing on expanding their customer base by leveraging strategic collaborative initiatives to increase their market share and profitability. With better technological advancements and product innovations, mid-size to smaller companies are also growing their market presence by securing new contracts and by tapping new markets.

- June 2021 - Thales Alenia Space and Telespazio, the joint ventures between Leonardo and Thales, have signed a contract with the Italian Ministry of Defense to develop the SICRAL 3 secure satellite communications system, including its ground segment. TELEDIFE / Secretariat General of Defense represented this contract, which is worth a total of approximately EUR 159 million.
- June 2021 - Iridium Communications Inc. has been awarded a research and development contract worth up to USD 30 million by the United States Army (Army) to develop a payload to be hosted on small satellites that supports navigation systems, guidance, and control for the global positioning system (GPS) and GPS-denied precision systems. Payload is intended to support the concept of a rapidly deployable smallsat constellation, to provide better sensor-to-soldier data transmission. The payload is based on Iridium Burst technology, which can transmit data to millions of enabled devices from space.
- May 2021 - Inmarsat was selected to be a key member of a new consortium led by Telespazio to study the development of a satellite navigation and communications network that supports future missions to the Moon. The project is funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), to explore creating a single system that would serve all lunar missions, drastically reducing the cost of each trip that would no longer need its own infrastructure to be developed.

Reasons to Purchase this report:

- The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
- 3 months of analyst support


Table of Contents

1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
1.2 Scope of the Study



4.1 Market Overview
4.2 Market Drivers
4.2.1 Increase in Internet of Things (IoT) and Autonomous systems
4.2.2 Rise in demand for military and defense satellite communication solutions
4.3 Market Restraints
4.3.1 Cybersecurity threats to satellite communication
4.3.2 Interference in Transmission of Data
4.4 Value Chain Analysis
4.5 Porter's Five Forces Analysis
4.5.1 Threat of New Entrants
4.5.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
4.5.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
4.5.4 Threat of Substitutes
4.5.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
4.6 Assessment of Impact of Covid-19 on the Market

5.1 Type
5.1.1 Ground Equipment (Gateway, Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) Equipment, Network Operation Center (NOC), and Satellite News Gathering (SNG) Equipment)
5.1.2 Service (Mobile Satellite Services (MSS), Fixed Satellite Services, and Earth Observation Services)
5.2 End-user Vertical
5.2.1 Maritime
5.2.2 Defense and Government
5.2.3 Enterprises
5.2.4 Other End-user Verticals
5.3 Geography
5.3.1 North America
5.3.2 Europe
5.3.3 Asia-Pacific
5.3.4 Latin America
5.3.5 Middle East & Africa

6.1 Company Profiles
6.1.1 Thales Group
6.1.2 Inmarsat Communications
6.1.3 Iridium Communications Inc.
6.1.4 Gilat Satellite Networks
6.1.5 Orbcomm Inc.
6.1.6 Cobham PLC
6.1.7 Thuraya Telecommunications Company
6.1.8 ViaSat Inc.
6.1.9 VT iDirect Inc.
6.1.10 L3Harris Technologies Inc.
6.1.11 Advantech Wireless
6.1.12 KVH Industries Inc.








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