![]() 商業衛星画像市場:用途別(地理空間データ取得・マッピング、都市計画・開発、災害管理、エネルギー・天然資源管理、監視・セキュリティ、防衛・情報、その他)、エンドユーザー別(政府、軍事・防衛、林業・農業、エネルギー、土木・考古学、輸送・物流、その他)。世界の機会分析および産業予測、2021-2031年Commercial Satellite Imaging Market By Application (Geospatial data acquisition and mapping, Urban planning and development, Disaster Management, Energy and natural resource management, Surveillance & Security, Defense & Intelligence, Others), By End User (Government, Military & defense, Forestry & Agriculture, Energy, Civil Engineering and Archaeology, Transportation and Logistics, Others): Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2021-2031 商業衛星画像は、主に衛星を通して地球の画像を撮影すること、また地球観測として知られ、これらの画像を様々な商業目的に利用することを商業衛星画像として知っていることを扱っています。商業衛星の主な用途と... もっと見る
サマリー商業衛星画像は、主に衛星を通して地球の画像を撮影すること、また地球観測として知られ、これらの画像を様々な商業目的に利用することを商業衛星画像として知っていることを扱っています。商業衛星の主な用途としては、撮影・地図作成、災害管理、エネルギー・天然資源管理、都市計画・開発、セキュリティ・監視などが挙げられます。環境予測、安全保障や自然災害などの緊急事態への迅速な対応など、衛星画像の重要性はますます高まっています。商業衛星画像市場は、アプリケーション、エンドユーザー、地域によって区分される。アプリケーション別では、地理空間データ取得・マッピング、都市計画・開発、災害管理、エネルギー・天然資源管理、監視・セキュリティ、防衛・情報、その他に分類されます。エンドユーザー別では、政府、軍事・防衛、林業・農業、エネルギー、土木・考古学、交通・物流、その他に分類されます。地域別では、北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、LAMEAで分析されています。 ロケーションベースサービスへの依存の高まり、政府や防衛サービスでの用途の拡大、スマートシティやコネクテッドカーの開発における衛星データの利用増加などの要因が、商業衛星画像市場の成長を後押しすると予想されている。しかし、衛星の導入と使用に関する政府の規制が厳しいことが、市場の成長を抑制しています。 さらに、新技術の導入により、商業衛星イメージング市場は新たな成長次元を模索している。次世代GPS衛星、高解像度カメラ、高度なリモートセンシングなどの技術的進歩は、商業衛星イメージングの利用を強化している。 商業衛星イメージングの世界市場で分析された主要なプレーヤーは、BlackSky、European Space Imaging、Galileo Group、Inc、ImageSat、L3Harris Technologies、Inc、Maxar Technologies Inc、Planet Labs Inc、Airbus S.A.S., SpaceKnow Inc.、SpaceKnow Inc.、Telespazio France、Maxar Technologies Inc.、Maxar Technologies Inc.の各社。テレスパジオ・フランス ステークホルダーにとっての主なメリット 本調査では、商業衛星画像市場の分析に加え、現在のトレンドと将来予測を提示し、差し迫った投資ポケットを描きます。 市場全体のポテンシャルを把握し、より強固な足がかりを得るための収益性の高いトレンドを把握することができます。 ●市場の主要な促進要因、阻害要因、機会に関する情報を詳細なインパクト分析とともに提示します。 ●現在の商業用衛星画像市場の規模を2021年から2031年まで定量的に分析し、財務的な能力をベンチマークしています。 ●ポーターのファイブフォース分析により、商業衛星画像産業における買い手と供給者の力関係を図解しています。 主な市場セグメント アプリケーション別 防衛インテリジェンス その他 地理空間データ取得・地図作成 都市計画・開発 災害管理 エネルギー・天然資源管理 監視セキュリティ エンドユーザー別 政府 軍事防衛 林業・農業 エネルギー 土木・建築 運輸・物流 その他 地域別 北米 米国 カナダ メキシコ 欧州 スペイン ロシア イギリス その他の欧州 ドイツ フランス アジア・パシフィック 中国 日本 インド 韓国 オーストラリア その他のアジア太平洋地域 LAMEA ブラジル サウジアラビア UAE イスラエル LAMEAの他の地域 主な市場関係者 ブラックスカイ・グローバルLLC 欧州スペースイメージング ガリレオグループ ハリス・コーポレーション イメージサット・インターナショナル N.V. マキサーテクノロジー プラネットラボ株式会社 スペースクナウ テレスパジオフランス ウルトヘキスト株式会社 目次CHAPTER 1:INTRODUCTION1.1.Report description 1.2.Key market segments 1.3.Key benefits to the stakeholders 1.4.Research Methodology 1.4.1.Secondary research 1.4.2.Primary research 1.4.3.Analyst tools and models CHAPTER 2:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1.Key findings of the study 2.2.CXO Perspective CHAPTER 3:MARKET OVERVIEW 3.1.Market definition and scope 3.2.Key findings 3.2.1.Top investment pockets 3.3.Porter’s five forces analysis 3.4.Top player positioning 3.5.Market dynamics 3.5.1.Drivers 3.5.2.Restraints 3.5.3.Opportunities 3.6.COVID-19 Impact Analysis on the market CHAPTER 4: COMMERCIAL SATELLITE IMAGING MARKET, BY APPLICATION 4.1 Overview 4.1.1 Market size and forecast 4.2 Geospatial data acquisition and mapping 4.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.2.3 Market analysis by country 4.3 Urban planning and development 4.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.3.3 Market analysis by country 4.4 Disaster Management 4.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.4.3 Market analysis by country 4.5 Energy and natural resource management 4.5.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.5.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.5.3 Market analysis by country 4.6 Surveillance & Security 4.6.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.6.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.6.3 Market analysis by country 4.7 Defense & Intelligence 4.7.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.7.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.7.3 Market analysis by country 4.8 Others 4.8.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.8.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.8.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 5: COMMERCIAL SATELLITE IMAGING MARKET, BY END USER 5.1 Overview 5.1.1 Market size and forecast 5.2 Government 5.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.2.3 Market analysis by country 5.3 Military & defense 5.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.3.3 Market analysis by country 5.4 Forestry & Agriculture 5.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.4.3 Market analysis by country 5.5 Energy 5.5.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.5.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.5.3 Market analysis by country 5.6 Civil Engineering and Archaeology 5.6.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.6.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.6.3 Market analysis by country 5.7 Transportation and Logistics 5.7.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.7.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.7.3 Market analysis by country 5.8 Others 5.8.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.8.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.8.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 6: COMMERCIAL SATELLITE IMAGING MARKET, BY REGION 6.1 Overview 6.1.1 Market size and forecast 6.2 North America 6.2.1 Key trends and opportunities 6.2.2 North America Market size and forecast, by Application 6.2.3 North America Market size and forecast, by End User 6.2.4 North America Market size and forecast, by country U.S. Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Canada Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Mexico Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User 6.3 Europe 6.3.1 Key trends and opportunities 6.3.2 Europe Market size and forecast, by Application 6.3.3 Europe Market size and forecast, by End User 6.3.4 Europe Market size and forecast, by country Germany Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User France Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Spain Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Russia Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User U.K. Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Rest of Europe Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User 6.4 Asia-Pacific 6.4.1 Key trends and opportunities 6.4.2 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Application 6.4.3 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by End User 6.4.4 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by country China Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Japan Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User India Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User South Korea Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Australia Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Rest Of Asia Pacific Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User 6.5 LAMEA 6.5.1 Key trends and opportunities 6.5.2 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Application 6.5.3 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by End User 6.5.4 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by country Brazil Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Saudi Arabia Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User UAE Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Israel Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Rest of LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User CHAPTER 7: COMPANY LANDSCAPE 7.1. Introduction 7.2. Top winning strategies 7.3. Product Mapping of Top 10 Player 7.4. Competitive Dashboard 7.5. Competitive Heatmap 7.6. Key developments CHAPTER 8: COMPANY PROFILES 8.1 BLACKSKY GLOBAL LLC 8.1.1 Company overview 8.1.2 Company snapshot 8.1.3 Operating business segments 8.1.4 Product portfolio 8.1.5 Business performance 8.1.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.2 EUROPEAN SPACE IMAGING 8.2.1 Company overview 8.2.2 Company snapshot 8.2.3 Operating business segments 8.2.4 Product portfolio 8.2.5 Business performance 8.2.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.3 GALILEO GROUP, INC 8.3.1 Company overview 8.3.2 Company snapshot 8.3.3 Operating business segments 8.3.4 Product portfolio 8.3.5 Business performance 8.3.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.4 HARRIS CORPORATION 8.4.1 Company overview 8.4.2 Company snapshot 8.4.3 Operating business segments 8.4.4 Product portfolio 8.4.5 Business performance 8.4.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.5 IMAGESAT INTERNATIONAL N.V 8.5.1 Company overview 8.5.2 Company snapshot 8.5.3 Operating business segments 8.5.4 Product portfolio 8.5.5 Business performance 8.5.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.6 MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES INC 8.6.1 Company overview 8.6.2 Company snapshot 8.6.3 Operating business segments 8.6.4 Product portfolio 8.6.5 Business performance 8.6.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.7 PLANET LABS INC 8.7.1 Company overview 8.7.2 Company snapshot 8.7.3 Operating business segments 8.7.4 Product portfolio 8.7.5 Business performance 8.7.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.8 SPACEKNOW 8.8.1 Company overview 8.8.2 Company snapshot 8.8.3 Operating business segments 8.8.4 Product portfolio 8.8.5 Business performance 8.8.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.9 TELESPAZIO FRANCE 8.9.1 Company overview 8.9.2 Company snapshot 8.9.3 Operating business segments 8.9.4 Product portfolio 8.9.5 Business performance 8.9.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.10 URTHECAST CORP 8.10.1 Company overview 8.10.2 Company snapshot 8.10.3 Operating business segments 8.10.4 Product portfolio 8.10.5 Business performance 8.10.6 Key strategic moves and developments
SummaryCommercial satellite imaging mainly deals with capturing the images of earth through satellite also knowns as earth observation and utilizing these images for various commercial purposes is knows as commercial satellite imaging. Some of the foremost applications of commercial satellite include acquisition & mapping, disaster management, energy & natural resource management, urban planning & development, and security & surveillance. The importance of images captured through satellite is increasing due to rise in use of these images in environmental forecasting and responding quickly in emergency such as defense security events and natural calamities Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1:INTRODUCTION1.1.Report description 1.2.Key market segments 1.3.Key benefits to the stakeholders 1.4.Research Methodology 1.4.1.Secondary research 1.4.2.Primary research 1.4.3.Analyst tools and models CHAPTER 2:EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1.Key findings of the study 2.2.CXO Perspective CHAPTER 3:MARKET OVERVIEW 3.1.Market definition and scope 3.2.Key findings 3.2.1.Top investment pockets 3.3.Porter’s five forces analysis 3.4.Top player positioning 3.5.Market dynamics 3.5.1.Drivers 3.5.2.Restraints 3.5.3.Opportunities 3.6.COVID-19 Impact Analysis on the market CHAPTER 4: COMMERCIAL SATELLITE IMAGING MARKET, BY APPLICATION 4.1 Overview 4.1.1 Market size and forecast 4.2 Geospatial data acquisition and mapping 4.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.2.3 Market analysis by country 4.3 Urban planning and development 4.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.3.3 Market analysis by country 4.4 Disaster Management 4.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.4.3 Market analysis by country 4.5 Energy and natural resource management 4.5.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.5.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.5.3 Market analysis by country 4.6 Surveillance & Security 4.6.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.6.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.6.3 Market analysis by country 4.7 Defense & Intelligence 4.7.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.7.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.7.3 Market analysis by country 4.8 Others 4.8.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 4.8.2 Market size and forecast, by region 4.8.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 5: COMMERCIAL SATELLITE IMAGING MARKET, BY END USER 5.1 Overview 5.1.1 Market size and forecast 5.2 Government 5.2.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.2.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.2.3 Market analysis by country 5.3 Military & defense 5.3.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.3.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.3.3 Market analysis by country 5.4 Forestry & Agriculture 5.4.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.4.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.4.3 Market analysis by country 5.5 Energy 5.5.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.5.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.5.3 Market analysis by country 5.6 Civil Engineering and Archaeology 5.6.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.6.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.6.3 Market analysis by country 5.7 Transportation and Logistics 5.7.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.7.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.7.3 Market analysis by country 5.8 Others 5.8.1 Key market trends, growth factors and opportunities 5.8.2 Market size and forecast, by region 5.8.3 Market analysis by country CHAPTER 6: COMMERCIAL SATELLITE IMAGING MARKET, BY REGION 6.1 Overview 6.1.1 Market size and forecast 6.2 North America 6.2.1 Key trends and opportunities 6.2.2 North America Market size and forecast, by Application 6.2.3 North America Market size and forecast, by End User 6.2.4 North America Market size and forecast, by country U.S. Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Canada Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Mexico Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User 6.3 Europe 6.3.1 Key trends and opportunities 6.3.2 Europe Market size and forecast, by Application 6.3.3 Europe Market size and forecast, by End User 6.3.4 Europe Market size and forecast, by country Germany Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User France Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Spain Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Russia Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User U.K. Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Rest of Europe Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User 6.4 Asia-Pacific 6.4.1 Key trends and opportunities 6.4.2 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by Application 6.4.3 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by End User 6.4.4 Asia-Pacific Market size and forecast, by country China Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Japan Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User India Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User South Korea Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Australia Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Rest Of Asia Pacific Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User 6.5 LAMEA 6.5.1 Key trends and opportunities 6.5.2 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Application 6.5.3 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by End User 6.5.4 LAMEA Market size and forecast, by country Brazil Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Saudi Arabia Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User UAE Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Israel Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User Rest of LAMEA Market size and forecast, by Application Market size and forecast, by End User CHAPTER 7: COMPANY LANDSCAPE 7.1. Introduction 7.2. Top winning strategies 7.3. Product Mapping of Top 10 Player 7.4. Competitive Dashboard 7.5. Competitive Heatmap 7.6. Key developments CHAPTER 8: COMPANY PROFILES 8.1 BLACKSKY GLOBAL LLC 8.1.1 Company overview 8.1.2 Company snapshot 8.1.3 Operating business segments 8.1.4 Product portfolio 8.1.5 Business performance 8.1.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.2 EUROPEAN SPACE IMAGING 8.2.1 Company overview 8.2.2 Company snapshot 8.2.3 Operating business segments 8.2.4 Product portfolio 8.2.5 Business performance 8.2.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.3 GALILEO GROUP, INC 8.3.1 Company overview 8.3.2 Company snapshot 8.3.3 Operating business segments 8.3.4 Product portfolio 8.3.5 Business performance 8.3.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.4 HARRIS CORPORATION 8.4.1 Company overview 8.4.2 Company snapshot 8.4.3 Operating business segments 8.4.4 Product portfolio 8.4.5 Business performance 8.4.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.5 IMAGESAT INTERNATIONAL N.V 8.5.1 Company overview 8.5.2 Company snapshot 8.5.3 Operating business segments 8.5.4 Product portfolio 8.5.5 Business performance 8.5.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.6 MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES INC 8.6.1 Company overview 8.6.2 Company snapshot 8.6.3 Operating business segments 8.6.4 Product portfolio 8.6.5 Business performance 8.6.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.7 PLANET LABS INC 8.7.1 Company overview 8.7.2 Company snapshot 8.7.3 Operating business segments 8.7.4 Product portfolio 8.7.5 Business performance 8.7.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.8 SPACEKNOW 8.8.1 Company overview 8.8.2 Company snapshot 8.8.3 Operating business segments 8.8.4 Product portfolio 8.8.5 Business performance 8.8.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.9 TELESPAZIO FRANCE 8.9.1 Company overview 8.9.2 Company snapshot 8.9.3 Operating business segments 8.9.4 Product portfolio 8.9.5 Business performance 8.9.6 Key strategic moves and developments 8.10 URTHECAST CORP 8.10.1 Company overview 8.10.2 Company snapshot 8.10.3 Operating business segments 8.10.4 Product portfolio 8.10.5 Business performance 8.10.6 Key strategic moves and developments
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