
電気自動車市場:車種、用途、電池タイプ(鉛蓄電池、リチウムイオン電池)、駆動方式(2WD、4WD、AWD)、推進方式(純電気、ハイブリッド電気)、乗車定員(1シーター、2シーター、>2シーター)地域別 - 2027年までの世界予測

電気自動車市場:車種、用途、電池タイプ(鉛蓄電池、リチウムイオン電池)、駆動方式(2WD、4WD、AWD)、推進方式(純電気、ハイブリッド電気)、乗車定員(1シーター、2シーター、>2シーター)地域別 - 2027年までの世界予測

Electric Utility Vehicle Market by Vehicle Type, Application, Battery Type (Lead Acid, Lithium-Ion), Drive Type (2WD, 4WD, AWD), Propulsion (Pure Electric, Hybrid Electric), Seating Capacity (1-Seater, 2-Seater, >2-Seater) Region - Global Forecast to 2027

電動ユーティリティビークルの市場は、2022年の189億米ドルから2027年には239億米ドルに成長し、CAGR4.8%を記録すると予測されています。電動式全地形対応車(ATV)、多目的作業車(UTV)、ユーティリティカート... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 図表数 言語
2022年10月19日 US$4,950
通常2営業日以内 286 361 英語




過去10年間、工業化の進展に伴い、産業用電気自動車の使用は増加しています。アジア太平洋地域、ヨーロッパ、北米などの地域では、ほとんどの産業用車両が電気自動車です。例えば、北米ではフォークリフトの約64%が電動式です。現在、産業用電動車両は、荷物の運搬や牽引、引っ張りなど、物流や倉庫産業で大規模に活用されています。世界中のほとんどの物流事業者は、二酸化炭素排出量の削減に注力しています。CO2排出量やその他の排ガスを削減するため、産業車両メーカーはバッテリー駆動の車両に注目しています。BYD、豊田自動織機、WAEV、Kion Groupなど、多くの電気産業車両製造会社が、産業車両の生産ラインを繁栄させるために、技術的進歩、買収、提携を行いました。例えば、2022年7月、豊田自動織機の子会社であるトヨタマテリアルハンドリングは、マウントプレザント、ピッツバーグ、エリー、ペンシルバニアのフォークリフトディーラーであるペンウエストトヨタリフトの買収を発表した。

電気自動車にリチウムイオン電池を搭載することで、重量性能比を大幅に向上させることが可能になります。2019年、E-Z-GOはサムスンSDIリチウムテクノロジーを搭載した「E-Z-GO Elite Lithium Vehicle」を開発。同社は、E-Z-GO RXV Elite Lithium Vehicleの年間運用コストは3,000米ドル相当、使用エネルギーは2.98kWh、バッテリー重量は46LBと、328LBの鉛バッテリーに比べて約8倍軽くなったと宣言している。他の OEM メーカーとしては,Club Car 社が Onward Series と Tempo Lithium-ion Series を,ヤマハ発動機株式会社が AC2 Series を有している.インドのスピードウェイズ・エレクトリック社は、タタ、アディティヤ・ビルラ・グループ、ゴドレー、ウェスティン・ホテル・アンド・リゾートなどの顧客向けに商用電気自動車、カスタム電気自動車、飲食用ユーティリティカート、ゴルフカート - SGCシリーズ、高級ゴルフカート - ロイヤルシリーズなどを開発しており、電気自動車市場の多くの国内プレイヤーがリチウムイオン電池駆動車の生産に力を注いでいます。


- 企業タイプ別ティア1:67%、ティア2およびティア3:9%、OEM:24
- 役職別CXO:33%、マネージャー:52%、エグゼクティブ:15
- 地域別北米 - 20%、欧州 - 34%、アジア太平洋 - 38%、その他の地域 - 8

- 本レポートは、電気自動車エコシステム全体とそのサブセグメントに関する収益数の最も近い概算に関する情報を提供し、この市場の市場リーダー/新規参入者を支援します。
- 本レポートは、利害関係者が競争環境を理解し、より良いビジネスの位置づけと適切な市場参入戦略を計画するためのより多くの洞察を得るのに役立ちます。
- また、本レポートは、利害関係者が市場の脈動を理解し、主要な市場促進要因、阻害要因、課題、機会に関する情報を提供するのに役立つものと思われます。





The electric utility vehicle market is projected to grow from USD 18.9 billion in 2022 to USD 23.9 billion by 2027, registering a CAGR of 4.8%. Electric all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), utility task vehicles (UTVs), utility carts, shuttle carts, and industrial utility vehicles were mapped as part of this research. The growth of e-commerce and logistics industries has increased the demand for electric industrial utility vehicles (used for in-house operations) over the years. With the rapid setup of charging stations worldwide, demand for low-speed vehicles such as electric utility and shuttle carts has also increased. Technological breakthroughs in EV batteries and other EV technologies have made it possible to have high-power engines in electric ATVs and UTVs for off-roading (comparable to their ICE counterparts). This will create a shift in demand for electric ATVs and UTVs in the coming years. The electric utility vehicle market is dominated by established players such as Polaris (US), Club Car (US), Toyota Industries Corporation (Japan), John Deere (US), and Textron (US), among others. These players have worked on providing offerings for the electric utility vehicle ecosystem. They have initiated partnerships to develop their technology and provide best-in-class products to their customers.

“Electric industrial utility vehicles to be the largest segment in market during the forecast period”
Electric industrial utility vehicles are used for material handling operations across various industries. Battery-operated industrial vehicles use rechargeable batteries to power respective vehicles. These vehicles have been gaining significant traction in recent years. They have the advantage of being eco-friendly. These engines generate fewer emissions, making electric industrial vehicles an ideal green machine for warehouse and industrial projects.
The process of industrialization has picked up pace in the last decade, increasing the use of electric industrial vehicles. In regions such as Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America, most industrial vehicles are electric. For instance, around 64% of the forklifts in North America are electric. Nowadays, electric industrial vehicles are leveraged on a large scale in logistic and warehouse industries for carrying and towing loads, pulling, and other uses. Most logistics providers across the globe are focusing on reducing their carbon footprint. To reduce CO2 emissions and other exhaust gases, industrial vehicle manufacturers have been focusing on battery-operated vehicles. Many electric industrial vehicle manufacturing companies such as BYD, Toyota Industries Corporation, WAEV, and Kion Group have made technological advancements, acquisitions, and partnerships to flourish their production line of industrial vehicles. For instance, in July 2022, Toyota Material Handling, a subsidiary of Toyota Industries Corporation, announced the acquisition of Penn West Toyota Lift, a forklift dealership in Mount Pleasant, Pittsburgh, Erie, and Pennsylvania.

“Li-ion batteries to lead demand for electric utility vehicles in forecast period”
According to the Alternate Fuel Data Center (AFDC), most all-electric vehicles and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) use lithium-ion batteries. R&D is ongoing to reduce their relatively high cost, extend their shelf life, and address safety concerns regarding overheating. Electric utility vehicles have become popular with the increased demand for city cars, golf carts, industrial vehicles, and utility vehicles. Traditionally, these vehicles were powered by lead-acid batteries that were bulky and heavy. Lithium-ion batteries, one-third the weight of lead-acid batteries, offer nearly 100% efficiency in charge and discharge.
Equipping a lithium-ion battery into an electric utility vehicle enables it to increase its weight-to-performance ratio significantly. In 2019, E-Z-GO developed the E-Z-GO Elite Lithium Vehicle powered by Samsung SDI Lithium technology. The company declared that the E-Z-GO RXV Elite Lithium vehicle had an annual cost of operation worth USD 3,000, used 2.98 kWh energy, and the battery weighed 46 LB, which is nearly eight times lighter than a lead-acid battery of 328 LB. Other OEMs such as Club Car have Onward Series and Tempo Lithium-ion series, and Yamaha Motor Co Ltd. has the AC2 series. Many domestic players in the electric utility vehicle market are focusing on producing lithium-ion battery-operated vehicles, such as Speedways Electric from India, which develops commercial electric vehicles, custom electric utility vehicle, food & beverage utility carts, Golf Cart - SGC Series, and Luxury Golf Cart - Royale Series for its clients from Tata, Aditya Birla Group, Godrej, Westin Hotels and Resorts, and other industries.

“North America to lead electric utility vehicle market in coming years by value”
North America constitutes the largest share in electric ATV, UTV, utility cart, and shuttle cart sales. The US is the primary contributor, followed by Canada and Mexico. The US has a high demand for these electric utility vehicles, owing to their use in recreational activities, agriculture, and commercial goods transport. Further, the popularity of mountain biking, trailing, off-road championships/events, and favorable terrain/weather also fuel the demand for these vehicles. The region is home to top players in the electric utility vehicles market. Canada is an emerging market and is likely to grow faster than US and Mexico in the coming years.

In-depth interviews were conducted with CEOs, marketing directors, other innovation and technology directors, and executives from various key organizations operating in this market.
• By Company Type: Tier I – 67%, Tier II and Tier III – 9%, and OEMs – 24%
• By Designation: CXOs – 33%, Managers – 52%, Executives – 15%
• By Region: North America – 20%, Europe – 34%, Asia Pacific – 38%, Rest of the World – 8%
The electric utility vehicle market is dominated by established players such as Polaris (US), Club Car (US), Toyota Industries Corporation (Japan), John Deere (US), and Textron (US), among others. They have worked on providing offerings for the electric utility vehicle ecosystem. They have initiated partnerships to develop their electric utility vehicle technology and offer best-in-class products to their customers.
Research Coverage:
The report covers the electric utility vehicle market based on vehicle type, battery type, drive type, propulsion, seating capacity, application, and region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Rest of the World). It covers the competitive landscape and company profiles of the major players in the electric utility vehicle ecosystem.
The study also includes an in-depth competitive analysis of the key market players, their company profiles, key observations related to product and business offerings, recent developments, and key market strategies.

Key Benefits of Buying the Report:
• This report will help market leaders/new entrants in this market with information on the closest approximations of revenue numbers for the overall electric utility vehicle ecosystem and its subsegments.
• This report will help stakeholders understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights to better position their businesses and plan suitable go-to-market strategies.
• This report will also help stakeholders understand the market’s pulse and provide information on key market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities.








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