
小型電気自動車(LEV)市場:車両カテゴリー、用途(パーソナルモビリティ、シェアモビリティ、レクリエーション&スポーツ、商用)、出力(6kW未満、6~9kW、9~15kW)、コンポーネントタイプ、車両タイプ地域別 - 2027年までの世界予測

小型電気自動車(LEV)市場:車両カテゴリー、用途(パーソナルモビリティ、シェアモビリティ、レクリエーション&スポーツ、商用)、出力(6kW未満、6~9kW、9~15kW)、コンポーネントタイプ、車両タイプ地域別 - 2027年までの世界予測

Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) Market by Vehicle Category, Application (Personal Mobility, Shared Mobility, Recreation & Sports, Commercial), Power Output (Less than 6 kW, 6-9 kW, 9-15 kW), Component Type, Vehicle Type Region - Global Forecast to 2027

小型電気自動車市場は、2022年の785億米ドルから2027年には1227億米ドルに成長し、CAGR9.4%を記録すると予測されます。E-ATV/UTV、e-bike、e-scooter、e-motorcycle、近隣型電気自動車、e-lawn mower(ロボット型... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 図表数 言語
2022年10月24日 US$4,950
通常2営業日以内 410 439 英語



小型電気自動車市場は、2022年の785億米ドルから2027年には1227億米ドルに成長し、CAGR9.4%を記録すると予測されます。E-ATV/UTV、e-bike、e-scooter、e-motorcycle、近隣型電気自動車、e-lawn mower(ロボット型e-lawn mowerと手動型e-lawn mower)、電気産業車、自律型フォークリフト、配送ロボット、自動誘導車などはこの調査の一環としてマッピングされた。バッテリーおよびモーター技術の成長と、都市部における排出ガス削減のための政府の取り組みにより、LEVs車の需要は年々増加しています。また、充電ステーションが世界中で急速に設置され、e-bike、e-scooter、e-motorcycle、近隣型電気自動車(ゴルフカート/その他)などのLEVの需要も増加している。また、EV用バッテリーなどの技術革新により、オフロード走行用の電動ATVやUTVにICE並みのハイパワーエンジンを搭載することが可能になった。これにより、今後数年間は電動ATVやUTVの需要に変化が生じると考えられます。LEV市場は、主にTextron Inc.(米国)、Polaris Inc.(米国)、John Deere(米国)、ヤマハ発動機株式会社(以下、ヤマハ発動機)、日本電気株式会社(以下、日本電気)のようなプレーヤーによって占められています。Ltd.(日本)、Club Car Inc.(日本)、Club Car Inc.(米国)、BMW AG(ドイツ)です。LEV市場のe-ATV/UTV分野の上位キープレイヤーは、Polaris Inc.(米国)、豊田自動織機(日本)、John Deere(米国)、Textron Inc.(米国)である。LEV市場のe-Bike分野におけるトップキープレーヤーは、Accell Group NV(オランダ)、Merida Industry Co.Ltd.(台湾)、Giant Manufacturing Co.(台湾)、Giant Manufacturing Co.Ltd.(台湾)、Giant Manufacturing Co.(台湾)、ヤマハ発動機(日本)である。LEV市場のeスクーター/モーターサイクル分野における上位主要プレイヤーは、Yadea Grup Holding Ltd.(中国)、Niu International(中国)、Yamaha Motor Company(日本)です。(中国)、Niu International(中国)、Zhejiang Luyuan Electric Vehicles Co.Ltd.(中国)、Hero Electric(インド)、Jiangsu Xinri E-Vehicle(中国)です。LEV市場の近隣型電気自動車セグメントにおける上位主要プレイヤーは、Textron Inc.(米国)、Yamaha Motor Co.Ltd.(日本)、The Toro Company(中国)です。(日本)、The Toro Company(米国)、John Deere(米国)です。LEV市場の電子芝刈り機分野におけるトップキープレーヤーは、John Deere(米国)、Honda Motor Co.Ltd.(日本)、The Toro Company(米国)、John Deere(米国)です。(日本)、The Toro Company(米国)、株式会社やまびこ(日本)、Husqvarna(オーストリア)です。LEV市場の小型電気産業車両セグメントにおける上位主要プレーヤーは、BYD(中国)、Yutong(中国)、AB Volvo(スウェーデン)である。これらのプレイヤーは、LEVエコシステムの提供に向けて取り組んできた。彼らは、LEV技術を開発し、顧客にクラス最高の製品を提供するためにパートナーシップを開始しました。

石油製品の価格上昇が、個人・業務用軽電気自動車市場を牽引する主要因となっています。電気自動車は機械式に比べ、可動部品の数が少ないため摩擦や摩耗が少なく、故障が少ないため、通常の使用では耐久性と効率性に優れています。生涯所有コストや総所有コスト(TCO)は、IC エンジン搭載車よりも低下すると予測され、e-ATV/UTV、近隣用電気自動車、e-bike、e-scooters、e-motorcycle といった個人・商業用 LEV や、e-lawn mower など特殊車両の需要がさらに増加することが予想されます。例えば、英国の電動ATV/UTVメーカーであるエコチャージャー社は、拡大する需要を取り込むため、欧州での販売店数を増やす意向です。このことは、環境への配慮や規則遵守、あるいは維持費や使用料の削減のために、消費者がe-ATV/UTVの増加を求めていることを示唆しています。このことは、予測期間中、個人、商業、レクリエーションの各セグメントにおけるLEV市場の収益を増大させるだろう。
「e-bike、e-scooter、e-motorcycle の販売拡大が LEV 市場の牽引役となる。
スクーターとバイクは、ステップスルーフレームとユーザーの足のためのプラットフォームを備えた操作しやすい二輪車です。これらの二輪車は、手頃な価格で、軽量で、通勤にも便利です。一方、二輪車はスクーター/モペットに比べ、重く、速く、大きいのが特徴です。要件に応じて、これらの二輪車にはさまざまな車体デザインとフレームがあります。スクーターとモーターサイクルの電動タイプは、バッテリーに蓄えられた電気を動力源としています。電子システムは、摩擦や摩耗が少ないため壊れる頻度が少なく、機械式モデルよりも耐久性に優れています。その結果、電動二輪車は燃料を使用する自動車に比べて長持ちし、環境負荷も軽減されます。メーカーは、現在の電動二輪車よりも航続距離の長い二輪車を開発することが期待されています。2021年5月、ヤデアグループホールディングス株式会社は、世界最高水準の航続距離延長システム「TTFAR 8」を搭載したeスクーター「ヤデアチャンピオン2.0」シリーズを発売しました。また、2022年3月には、沖縄オートテックが16インチ合金ホイールを採用し、航続距離160kmを実現した電動スクーター「Okinawa okhi90」を発売しています。


- 企業タイプ別ティア1:67%、ティア2:9%、OEM:24
- 役職別CXO:33%、マネージャー:52%、エグゼクティブ:15
- 地域別北米:25%、欧州:34%、アジア太平洋:41
LEV市場は、主にTextron Inc.、Polaris Inc.、John Deere、ヤマハ発動機株式会社、Club Car Inc.、BMW AGなどのプレーヤーによって占められています。LEV市場のe-ATV/UTVセグメントにおける上位主要プレイヤーは、Polaris Inc.、Toyota Industries、John Deere、Textron Inc.である。LEV市場のe-Bike分野における上位キープレイヤーは、Accell Group NV(オランダ)、Merida Industry Co.Ltd.(台湾)、Giant Manufacturing Co.(台湾)、Giant Manufacturing Co.Ltd.(台湾)、Giant Manufacturing Co.(台湾)、ヤマハ発動機(日本)である。LEV市場のeスクーター/モーターサイクル分野における上位主要プレイヤーは、Yadea Grup Holding Ltd.(中国)、Niu International(中国)、Yamaha Motor Company(日本)です。(中国)、Niu International(中国)、Zhejiang Luyuan Electric Vehicles Co.Ltd.(中国)、Hero Electric(インド)、Jiangsu Xinri E-Vehicle(中国)です。LEV市場の近隣型電気自動車セグメントにおける上位主要プレイヤーは、Textron Inc.(米国)、Yamaha Motor Co.Ltd.(日本)、The Toro Company(中国)です。(日本)、The Toro Company(米国)、John Deere(米国)です。LEVの芝刈り機分野では、John Deere(米国)、本田技研工業株式会社(日本)、株式会社日立製作所(日本)が主要なプレーヤーである。Ltd.(日本)、The Toro Company(日本)です。(日本)、The Toro Company(米国)、株式会社やまびこ(日本)、Husqvarna(オーストリア)です。LEV市場の小型電気産業車両セグメントにおける上位主要プレーヤーは、BYD(中国)、Yutong(中国)、AB Volvo(スウェーデン)である。これらのプレイヤーは、LEVエコシステムの提供に向けて取り組んできた。彼らは、LEV技術を開発し、顧客にクラス最高の製品を提供するためにパートナーシップを開始しました。

- 本レポートは、LEVとLEVコンポーネントのエコシステム全体とそのサブセグメントに関する収益数の最も近い近似値に関する情報を提供し、この市場の市場リーダー/新規参入者を支援します。
- 本レポートは、利害関係者が競争環境を理解し、より良いビジネスの位置づけと適切な市場参入戦略を計画するためのより多くの洞察を得るのに役立ちます。
- また、本レポートは、利害関係者が市場の脈動を理解し、主要な市場促進要因、阻害要因、課題、機会に関する情報を提供するのに役立つものと思われます。





The light electric vehicle market is projected to grow from USD 78.5 billion in 2022 to USD 122.7 billion by 2027, registering a CAGR of 9.4%. E-ATV/UTVs, e-bike, e-scooter, e-motorcycle, neighbourhood electric vehicle, e-lawn mower (robotic e-lawn mower and manual e-lawn mower), electric industrial vehicle, autonomous forklifts, delivery robots, and automated guided vehicles were mapped as part of this research. The growth of battery and motor technology and government efforts to reduce emissions in urban areas has increased the demand for LEVs vehicles over the years. With the rapid setup of charging stations worldwide, demand for LEVs such as , e-bike, e-scooter, e-motorcycle, and neighbourhood electric vehicle (golf cart/others) has also increased. Technological breakthroughs in EV batteries and other EV technologies have made it possible to have high-power engines in electric ATVs and UTVs for off-roading (comparable to their ICE counterparts). This will create a shift in demand for electric ATVs and UTVs in the coming years. The LEV market is primarily dominated by players like Textron Inc. (US), Polaris Inc. (US), John Deere (US), Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd. (Japan), Club Car Inc. (US), and BMW AG (Germany). The top key players in the e-ATV/UTV segment of the LEV market are Polaris Inc. (US), Toyota Industries (Japan), John Deere (US), and Textron Inc. (US). The top key players in the e-Bike segment of the LEV market are Accell Group NV (Netherlands), Merida Industry Co. Ltd. (Taiwan), Giant Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Taiwan), and Yamaha Motor Company (Japan). The top key players in the e-scooter/motorcycle segment of the LEV market are Yadea Grup Holding Ltd. (China), Niu International (China), Zhejiang Luyuan Electric Vehicles Co. Ltd. (China), Hero Electric (India), and Jiangsu Xinri E-Vehicle (China). The top key players in the neighborhood electric vehicles segment of the LEV market are Textron Inc. (US), Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd. (Japan), The Toro Company (US), and John Deere (US). The top key players in the e-lawn mowers segment of the LEV market are John Deere (US), Honda Motor Co. Ltd. (Japan), The Toro Company (US), Yamabiko Corporation (Japan), and Husqvarna (Austria). The top key players in the light electric industrial vehicles segment of the LEV market are BYD (China), Yutong (China), and AB Volvo (Sweden). These players have worked on providing offerings for the LEV ecosystem. They have initiated partnerships to develop their LEV technology and offer best-in-class products to their customers.

“Personal and commercial LEVs to be the largest segment in market during the forecast period”
The increasing price of petroleum products is the primary factor driving the Light electric vehicle market for personal and commercial use. Electrical systems are more durable and efficient in regular use than mechanical models because they break less often due to a lesser number of moving parts, and hence less friction and wear. The lifetime ownership cost or total cost of ownership (TCO) is projected to decrease compared to a vehicle with an IC engine contributing to a further increase in demand for LEVs for personal and commercial use like e-ATVs/UTVs, neighborhood electric vehicles, e-bikes, e-scooters, and e-motorcycles and some special purpose vehicles like e-lawn mowers. For instance, to tap into the growing demand, Ecocharger, the UK manufacturer of all-electric ATVs and UTVs Ecocharger intends to increase the number of its dealerships in Europe. This suggests that either out of concern for the environment or to comply with rules or to reduce maintenance and usage costs, consumers are asking for more e-ATVs/UTVs. This, in turn, will augment revenues for the LEV market in the personal, commercial and recreational segments during the forecast period.
The number of warehouses per nation is rising as a result of the expanding demand to support the hub and spoke model in e-commerce, automotive component manufacturing, consumer products, and electronics sectors. Over the next five years, the warehouse and fulfilment sector is anticipated to increase by double digits, driving up demand for electric utility vehicles. The US ranks second among the top 10 e-commerce nations, with penetration increasing from roughly 10% of all retail sales in 2019 to approximately 15% in 2020. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there will be 19,194 warehouses in the US in 2020, up from 15,255 in 2011. By 2027, it is expected that worldwide online e-commerce sales will have doubled, adding almost 28,500 new warehouses to the stock. The European e-commerce market has grown by 24% from 2020-2021 according to the European e-commerce report 2022 and the Asia pacific e-commerce market registered a growth of 20% from 2020 to 2021 according to the insider intelligence report of 2022. The increased number of warehouses will likely lead to heightened demand for industrial LEVs attributed to their low maintenance and usage costs, dependability, and better load-carrying and handling capabilities. Most businesses provide electric forklifts, pallet trucks, tow tractors, and other vehicles for various end-use sectors. Due to their compliance with Tier 4 emission standards and lack of in-plant emissions, industrial LEVs are typically preferred by end users. Players are producing eco-friendlier industrial vehicles by manufacturing them in eco-friendly factories.
Two-wheeled vehicles use electric motors to attain motion. The electricity is stored in a rechargeable battery, which drives the electric motors. These vehicles are zero-emission electric motor-driven vehicles. The operating speed and top speed of electric two-wheelers are based on battery technology.
Scooters and bikes are easy-to-operate two-wheelers with a step-through frame and a platform for the user’s feet. These two-wheelers are affordable, lightweight, and easy to commute. On the other hand, motorcycles are heavier, faster, and bigger than scooters/mopeds. Depending on the requirement, these two-wheelers have different body designs and frames. The electric versions of scooters and motorcycles are powered by electricity stored in their batteries. Electronic systems are more resistant than mechanical models because they break less often due to less friction and less wear. As a result, electric two-wheelers last longer and reduce the environmental impact compared to fuel-powered vehicles. Manufacturers are expected to develop two-wheelers with a higher range than the current breed of electric two-wheelers. In May 2021, Yadea Group Holdings Ltd. launched the Yadea Champion 2.0 series of e-scooters equipped with the world-leading TTFAR 8 extended-range system. In March 2022, Okinawa Autotech also launched an electric scooter, Okinawa okhi90, which features 16-inch alloy wheels and a range of 160 km.

“Asia Pacific to lead LEV market in coming years by value”
Asia Pacific was the largest market for LEVs and accounted for approximately 59% of the market in 2021 by value, owing to the large-scale sale of LEVs wherein China was the largest and India was the fastest growing market. The market is supported by local and national incentives like the drafted law of India in July 2022 wherein all the fleet operators should have a 100% electric vehicle fleet, and innovative business models built around LEVs like delivery and transportation services, vehicle renting/leasing for personal, commercial, and industrial uses, and others. The demand is equally increasing for B2B & B2C segments, with final consumers asking for different products which are Technologically advanced, light in weight, removable, and easily changeable. This is expected to drive competitive pricing in the market. The market in Asia Pacific is estimated to be the largest and is estimated to demonstrate healthy growth in the future years.
Key drivers over the forecast period for personal mobility use are government subsidies and incentives, low maintenance and running costs, rapidly developing infrastructure around LEVs. For commercial and industrial use, the main drivers are zero/strict emission norms, benefits from government in terms of tax saving, subsidies, easy availability of renewable energy, and vehicle tracking & automation capabilities. Inflation and supply chain disruption due to the Ukraine and Russia War may affect the LEV market on a short term but a speedy recovery and increasing demand post this is expected.
Since, most of the LEV components manufacturing is done in the Asia Pacific region, many disruptive and constructive trends in the LEV components segments like swap stations for batteries with companies like NIO having the largest battery swap station in China as of May 2022 and entering the European market according to company’s website, mid motor with chain drive, and other methods are seen to develop which are expected to drive the market demand even higher.

In-depth interviews were conducted with CEOs, marketing directors, other innovation and technology directors, and executives from various key organizations operating in this market.
• By Company Type: Tier I – 67%, Tier II– 9%, and OEMs – 24%
• By Designation: CXOs – 33%, Managers – 52%, Executives – 15%
• By Region: North America – 25%, Europe – 34%, Asia Pacific – 41%
The LEV market is primarily dominated by players like Textron Inc., Polaris Inc., John Deere, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd., Club Car Inc., and BMW AG. The top key players in the e-ATV/UTV segment of the LEV market are Polaris Inc., Toyota Industries, John Deere, and Textron Inc. The top key players in the e-Bike segment of the LEV market are Accell Group NV (Netherlands), Merida Industry Co. Ltd. (Taiwan), Giant Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Taiwan), and Yamaha Motor Company (Japan). The top key players in the e-scooter/motorcycle segment of the LEV market are Yadea Grup Holding Ltd. (China), Niu International (China), Zhejiang Luyuan Electric Vehicles Co. Ltd. (China), Hero Electric (India), and Jiangsu Xinri E-Vehicle (China). The top key players in the neighborhood electric vehicles segment of the LEV market are Textron Inc. (US), Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd. (Japan), The Toro Company (US), and John Deere (US).. The top key players in the e-lawn mowers segment of the LEV market are John Deere (US), Honda Motor Co. Ltd. (Japan), The Toro Company (US), Yamabiko Corporation (Japan), and Husqvarna (Austria). The top key players in the light electric industrial vehicles segment of the LEV market are BYD (China), Yutong (China), and AB Volvo (Sweden). These players have worked on providing offerings for the LEV ecosystem. They have initiated partnerships to develop their LEV technology and offer best-in-class products to their customers.
Research Coverage:
The report covers the LEV market based on vehicle category, application, power output, component type, Vehicle Type, and region (North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific). It covers the competitive landscape and company profiles of the major players in the LEV ecosystem.
The study also includes an in-depth competitive analysis of the key market players, their company profiles, key observations related to product and business offerings, recent developments, and key market strategies.

Key Benefits of Buying the Report:
• This report will help market leaders/new entrants in this market with information on the closest approximations of revenue numbers for the overall LEV and LEV components ecosystem and its subsegments.
• This report will help stakeholders understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights to better position their businesses and plan suitable go-to-market strategies.
• This report will also help stakeholders understand the market’s pulse and provide information on key market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities.






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