冷凍ワッフルの世界市場 2022-2026Global Frozen Waffles Market 2022-2026 冷凍ワッフルの世界市場 2022-2026 年 Technavioは冷凍ワッフル市場を監視しており、2022年から2026年の間に3億2600万ドル、予測期間中に5.47%のCAGRで進展することが見込まれています。当レポートでは、冷凍ワ... もっと見る
サマリー冷凍ワッフルの世界市場 2022-2026 年Technavioは冷凍ワッフル市場を監視しており、2022年から2026年の間に3億2600万ドル、予測期間中に5.47%のCAGRで進展することが見込まれています。当レポートでは、冷凍ワッフル市場の全体分析、市場規模・予測、トレンド、成長促進要因、課題、約25のベンダーを網羅したベンダー分析などをお届けします。 現在の世界市場のシナリオ、最新動向とドライバー、市場全体の環境について最新の分析を提供しています。市場は、小売業界の拡大、冷凍ワッフルの健康効果、都市化の進展、消費者のライフスタイルの変化が原動力となっています。 冷凍ワッフル市場の分析には、製品セグメントと地理的展望が含まれます。 Technavioの冷凍ワッフル市場は、以下のようにセグメント化されています。 製品別 - 伝統的な - 健康・ウェルネス 地理的景観別 - 北アメリカ - 欧州 - APAC - 南米 - 中近東・アフリカ 本調査では、今後数年間の冷凍ワッフル市場の成長を促進する主な理由の1つとして、オーガニック製品へのシフトを挙げています。また、クリーンラベリングやプライベートブランド製品の台頭、新発売は、市場の大きな需要につながるでしょう。 Technavio社は、複数の情報源からのデータを調査、合成、要約し、主要パラメータの分析によって、市場の詳細な姿を提示します。当レポートでは、冷凍ワッフル市場の以下の分野をカバーしています。 - 冷凍ワッフル市場のサイジング - 冷凍ワッフル市場の予測 - 冷凍ワッフル市場の産業分析 Technavioの強力なベンダー分析は、お客様が市場での地位を向上できるように設計されており、これに沿って本レポートでは、Amazon.com Inc.、AVIETA SA、B Boys LLC、Conagra Brands Inc.を含むいくつかの主要冷凍ワッフル市場ベンダーについて詳細な分析を提供しています。Deligout sprl、DELY Wafels sprl、Dr. Schar AG Spa、Garden Lites、General Mills Inc、Julians Recipe LLC、Kellogg Co.、Make Each Day Delicious LLC、Natures Path Foods、Planetary Foods Pvt. Ltd., Sovos Brands Inc、The Hain Celestial Group Inc、US Waffle Company Inc、Vans International Foods Inc.を含む主要な冷凍ワッフル市場のベンダーについて詳細な分析を行います。また、冷凍ワッフル市場の分析レポートには、今後の動向と市場成長に影響を与える課題に関する情報も含まれています。これは、企業が今後訪れるすべての成長機会を戦略的に活用するのに役立つものです。 本調査は、業界の主要参加者からのインプットを含む一次情報および二次情報の客観的な組み合わせを使用して実施しました。本レポートには、主要ベンダーの分析に加え、包括的な市場およびベンダーランドスケープが含まれています。本レポートの詳細については、https://www.technavio.com/report/frozen-waffles-market-industry-analysis をご覧ください。 Technavioは、利益、価格、競争、プロモーションなどの主要パラメータの分析により、複数のソースからのデータの研究、合成、総括の方法により、市場の詳細な姿を提示します。また、業界の主要なインフルエンサーを特定することにより、市場の様々な側面を提示します。提示されるデータは包括的で信頼性が高く、一次および二次にわたる広範な調査の結果である。Technavioの市場調査レポートは、正確な市場成長を予測するために、完全な競争環境と、定性的および定量的調査を用いた詳細なベンダー選定方法と分析を提供します。 目次• 1 Executive Summaryo 1.1 Market overview o Exhibit 01: Executive Summary - Chart on Market Overview o Exhibit 02: Executive Summary - Data Table on Market Overview o Exhibit 03: Executive Summary - Chart on Global Market Characteristics o Exhibit 04: Executive Summary - Chart on Market By Geographical Landscape o Exhibit 05: Executive Summary - Chart on Market Segmentation by Product o Exhibit 06: Executive Summary - Chart on Incremental Growth o Exhibit 07: Executive Summary - Data Table on Incremental Growth o Exhibit 08: Executive Summary - Chart on Vendor Market Positioning • 2 Market Landscape o 2.1 Market ecosystem o Exhibit 09: Parent market o Exhibit 10: Market Characteristics • 3 Market Sizing o 3.1 Market definition o Exhibit 11: Offerings of vendors included in the market definition o 3.2 Market segment analysis o Exhibit 12: Market segments o 3.3 Market size 2021 o 3.4 Market outlook: Forecast for 2021-2026 o Exhibit 13: Chart on Global - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 14: Data Table on Global - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 15: Chart on Global Market: Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 16: Data Table on Global Market: Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) • 4 Five Forces Analysis o 4.1 Five forces summary o Exhibit 17: Five forces analysis - Comparison between2021 and 2026 o 4.2 Bargaining power of buyers o Exhibit 18: Chart on Bargaining power of buyers - Impact of key factors 2021 and 2026 o 4.3 Bargaining power of suppliers o Exhibit 19: Bargaining power of suppliers - Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 o 4.4 Threat of new entrants o Exhibit 20: Threat of new entrants - Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 o 4.5 Threat of substitutes o Exhibit 21: Threat of substitutes - Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 o 4.6 Threat of rivalry o Exhibit 22: Threat of rivalry - Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 o 4.7 Market condition o Exhibit 23: Chart on Market condition - Five forces 2021 and 2026 • 5 Market Segmentation by Product o 5.1 Market segments o Exhibit 24: Chart on Product - Market share 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 25: Data Table on Product - Market share 2021-2026 (%) o 5.2 Comparison by Product o Exhibit 26: Chart on Comparison by Product o Exhibit 27: Data Table on Comparison by Product o 5.3 Traditional - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 28: Chart on Traditional - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 29: Data Table on Traditional - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 30: Chart on Traditional - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 31: Data Table on Traditional - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 5.4 Health and wellness - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 32: Chart on Health and wellness - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 33: Data Table on Health and wellness - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 34: Chart on Health and wellness - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 35: Data Table on Health and wellness - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 5.5 Market opportunity by Product o Exhibit 36: Market opportunity by Product ($ million) • 6 Customer Landscape o 6.1 Customer landscape overview o Exhibit 37: Analysis of price sensitivity, lifecycle, customer purchase basket, adoption rates, and purchase criteria • 7 Geographic Landscape o 7.1 Geographic segmentation o Exhibit 38: Chart on Market share By Geographical Landscape 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 39: Data Table on Market share By Geographical Landscape 2021-2026 (%) o 7.2 Geographic comparison o Exhibit 40: Chart on Geographic comparison o Exhibit 41: Data Table on Geographic comparison o 7.3 North America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 42: Chart on North America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 43: Data Table on North America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 44: Chart on North America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 45: Data Table on North America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.4 Europe - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 46: Chart on Europe - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 47: Data Table on Europe - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 48: Chart on Europe - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 49: Data Table on Europe - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.5 APAC - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 50: Chart on APAC - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 51: Data Table on APAC - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 52: Chart on APAC - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 53: Data Table on APAC - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.6 South America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 54: Chart on South America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 55: Data Table on South America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 56: Chart on South America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 57: Data Table on South America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.7 Middle East and Africa - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 58: Chart on Middle East and Africa - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 59: Data Table on Middle East and Africa - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 60: Chart on Middle East and Africa - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 61: Data Table on Middle East and Africa - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.8 US - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 62: Chart on US - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 63: Data Table on US - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 64: Chart on US - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 65: Data Table on US - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.9 UK - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 66: Chart on UK - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 67: Data Table on UK - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 68: Chart on UK - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 69: Data Table on UK - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.10 China - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 70: Chart on China - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 71: Data Table on China - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 72: Chart on China - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 73: Data Table on China - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.11 Germany - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 74: Chart on Germany - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 75: Data Table on Germany - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 76: Chart on Germany - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 77: Data Table on Germany - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.12 Japan - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 78: Chart on Japan - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 79: Data Table on Japan - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 80: Chart on Japan - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 81: Data Table on Japan - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.13 Market opportunity By Geographical Landscape o Exhibit 82: Market opportunity By Geographical Landscape ($ million) • 8 Drivers, Challenges, and Trends o 8.1 Market drivers o 8.2 Market challenges o 8.3 Impact of drivers and challenges o Exhibit 83: Impact of drivers and challenges in 2021 and 2026 o 8.4 Market trends • 9 Vendor Landscape o 9.1 Overview o 9.2 Vendor landscape o Exhibit 84: Overview on Criticality of inputs and Factors of differentiation o 9.3 Landscape disruption o Exhibit 85: Overview on factors of disruption o 9.4 Industry risks o Exhibit 86: Impact of key risks on business • 10 Vendor Analysis o 10.1 Vendors covered o Exhibit 87: Vendors covered o 10.2 Market positioning of vendors o Exhibit 88: Matrix on vendor position and classification o 10.3 Conagra Brands Inc. o Exhibit 89: Conagra Brands Inc. - Overview o Exhibit 90: Conagra Brands Inc. - Business segments o Exhibit 91: Conagra Brands Inc. - Key news o Exhibit 92: Conagra Brands Inc. - Key offerings o Exhibit 93: Conagra Brands Inc. - Segment focus o 10.4 Deligout sprl o Exhibit 94: Deligout sprl - Overview o Exhibit 95: Deligout sprl - Business segments o Exhibit 96: Deligout sprl - Key offerings o Exhibit 97: Deligout sprl - Segment focus o 10.5 Dr. Schar AG Spa o Exhibit 98: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Overview o Exhibit 99: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Business segments o Exhibit 100: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Key news o Exhibit 101: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Key offerings o Exhibit 102: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Segment focus o 10.6 Garden Lites o Exhibit 103: Garden Lites - Overview o Exhibit 104: Garden Lites - Business segments o Exhibit 105: Garden Lites - Key offerings o Exhibit 106: Garden Lites - Segment focus o 10.7 General Mills Inc. o Exhibit 107: General Mills Inc. - Overview o Exhibit 108: General Mills Inc. - Business segments o Exhibit 109: General Mills Inc. - Key news o Exhibit 110: General Mills Inc. - Key offerings o Exhibit 111: General Mills Inc. - Segment focus o 10.8 Kellogg Co. o Exhibit 112: Kellogg Co. - Overview o Exhibit 113: Kellogg Co. - Business segments o Exhibit 114: Kellogg Co. - Key news o Exhibit 115: Kellogg Co. - Key offerings o Exhibit 116: Kellogg Co. - Segment focus o 10.9 Natures Path Foods o Exhibit 117: Natures Path Foods - Overview o Exhibit 118: Natures Path Foods - Business segments o Exhibit 119: Natures Path Foods - Key offerings o Exhibit 120: Natures Path Foods - Segment focus o 10.10 Sovos Brands Inc. o Exhibit 121: Sovos Brands Inc. - Overview o Exhibit 122: Sovos Brands Inc. - Business segments o Exhibit 123: Sovos Brands Inc. - Key news o Exhibit 124: Sovos Brands Inc. - Key offerings o Exhibit 125: Sovos Brands Inc. - Segment focus o 10.11 The Hain Celestial Group Inc. o Exhibit 126: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Overview o Exhibit 127: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Business segments o Exhibit 128: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Key news o Exhibit 129: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Key offerings o Exhibit 130: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Segment focus o 10.12 Vans International Foods Inc. o Exhibit 131: Vans International Foods Inc. - Overview o Exhibit 132: Vans International Foods Inc. - Business segments o Exhibit 133: Vans International Foods Inc. - Key offerings o Exhibit 134: Vans International Foods Inc. - Segment focus • 11 Appendix o 11.1 Scope of the report o 11.2 Inclusions and exclusions checklist o Exhibit 135: Inclusions checklist o Exhibit 136: Exclusions checklist o 11.3 Currency conversion rates for US$ o Exhibit 137: Currency conversion rates for US$ o 11.4 Research methodology o Exhibit 138: Research methodology o Exhibit 139: Validation techniques employed for market sizing o Exhibit 140: Information sources o 11.5 List of abbreviations o Exhibit 141: List of abbreviations o food allergy among consumers: There is an increase in the number of people suffering from food allergies globally. Food allergy is caused when the immune system reacts to the ingestion of certain foods. Ingredients of packaged foods and meats that can create allergic reactions in some people include (but are not limited to) milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish (e.g., crab, lobster, and shrimp), tree nuts (e.g., almonds, walnuts, and pecan), peanuts, wheat, and soybeans. Even consumption of small amounts of food allergens can trigger signs and symptoms such as digestive problems, hives, and swollen airways. In some people, a food allergy can cause severe symptoms, or even a life-threatening reaction is, known as anaphylaxis. For example, in the US, nearly 3% of the adult population suffers from shellfish allergy. Exhibits Exhibits1: Executive Summary - Chart on Market Overview Exhibits2: Executive Summary - Data Table on Market Overview Exhibits3: Executive Summary - Chart on Global Market Characteristics Exhibits4: Executive Summary - Chart on Market By Geographical Landscape Exhibits5: Executive Summary - Chart on Market Segmentation by Product Exhibits6: Executive Summary - Chart on Incremental Growth Exhibits7: Executive Summary - Data Table on Incremental Growth Exhibits8: Executive Summary - Chart on Vendor Market Positioning Exhibits9: Parent market Exhibits10: Market Characteristics Exhibits11: Offerings of vendors included in the market definition Exhibits12: Market segments Exhibits13: Chart on Global - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits14: Data Table on Global - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits15: Chart on Global Market: Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits16: Data Table on Global Market: Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits17: Five forces analysis - Comparison between2021 and 2026 Exhibits18: Chart on Bargaining power of buyers - Impact of key factors 2021 and 2026 Exhibits19: Bargaining power of suppliers - Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 Exhibits20: Threat of new entrants - Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 Exhibits21: Threat of substitutes - Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 Exhibits22: Threat of rivalry - Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 Exhibits23: Chart on Market condition - Five forces 2021 and 2026 Exhibits24: Chart on Product - Market share 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits25: Data Table on Product - Market share 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits26: Chart on Comparison by Product Exhibits27: Data Table on Comparison by Product Exhibits28: Chart on Traditional - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits29: Data Table on Traditional - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits30: Chart on Traditional - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits31: Data Table on Traditional - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits32: Chart on Health and wellness - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits33: Data Table on Health and wellness - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits34: Chart on Health and wellness - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits35: Data Table on Health and wellness - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits36: Market opportunity by Product ($ million) Exhibits37: Analysis of price sensitivity, lifecycle, customer purchase basket, adoption rates, and purchase criteria Exhibits38: Chart on Market share By Geographical Landscape 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits39: Data Table on Market share By Geographical Landscape 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits40: Chart on Geographic comparison Exhibits41: Data Table on Geographic comparison Exhibits42: Chart on North America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits43: Data Table on North America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits44: Chart on North America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits45: Data Table on North America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits46: Chart on Europe - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits47: Data Table on Europe - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits48: Chart on Europe - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits49: Data Table on Europe - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits50: Chart on APAC - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits51: Data Table on APAC - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits52: Chart on APAC - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits53: Data Table on APAC - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits54: Chart on South America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits55: Data Table on South America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits56: Chart on South America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits57: Data Table on South America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits58: Chart on Middle East and Africa - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits59: Data Table on Middle East and Africa - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits60: Chart on Middle East and Africa - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits61: Data Table on Middle East and Africa - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits62: Chart on US - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits63: Data Table on US - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits64: Chart on US - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits65: Data Table on US - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits66: Chart on UK - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits67: Data Table on UK - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits68: Chart on UK - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits69: Data Table on UK - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits70: Chart on China - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits71: Data Table on China - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits72: Chart on China - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits73: Data Table on China - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits74: Chart on Germany - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits75: Data Table on Germany - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits76: Chart on Germany - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits77: Data Table on Germany - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits78: Chart on Japan - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits79: Data Table on Japan - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits80: Chart on Japan - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits81: Data Table on Japan - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits82: Market opportunity By Geographical Landscape ($ million) Exhibits83: Impact of drivers and challenges in 2021 and 2026 Exhibits84: Overview on Criticality of inputs and Factors of differentiation Exhibits85: Overview on factors of disruption Exhibits86: Impact of key risks on business Exhibits87: Vendors covered Exhibits88: Matrix on vendor position and classification Exhibits89: Conagra Brands Inc. - Overview Exhibits90: Conagra Brands Inc. - Business segments Exhibits91: Conagra Brands Inc. - Key news Exhibits92: Conagra Brands Inc. - Key offerings Exhibits93: Conagra Brands Inc. - Segment focus Exhibits94: Deligout sprl - Overview Exhibits95: Deligout sprl - Business segments Exhibits96: Deligout sprl - Key offerings Exhibits97: Deligout sprl - Segment focus Exhibits98: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Overview Exhibits99: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Business segments Exhibits100: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Key news Exhibits101: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Key offerings Exhibits102: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Segment focus Exhibits103: Garden Lites - Overview Exhibits104: Garden Lites - Business segments Exhibits105: Garden Lites - Key offerings Exhibits106: Garden Lites - Segment focus Exhibits107: General Mills Inc. - Overview Exhibits108: General Mills Inc. - Business segments Exhibits109: General Mills Inc. - Key news Exhibits110: General Mills Inc. - Key offerings Exhibits111: General Mills Inc. - Segment focus Exhibits112: Kellogg Co. - Overview Exhibits113: Kellogg Co. - Business segments Exhibits114: Kellogg Co. - Key news Exhibits115: Kellogg Co. - Key offerings Exhibits116: Kellogg Co. - Segment focus Exhibits117: Natures Path Foods - Overview Exhibits118: Natures Path Foods - Business segments Exhibits119: Natures Path Foods - Key offerings Exhibits120: Natures Path Foods - Segment focus Exhibits121: Sovos Brands Inc. - Overview Exhibits122: Sovos Brands Inc. - Business segments Exhibits123: Sovos Brands Inc. - Key news Exhibits124: Sovos Brands Inc. - Key offerings Exhibits125: Sovos Brands Inc. - Segment focus Exhibits126: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Overview Exhibits127: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Business segments Exhibits128: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Key news Exhibits129: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Key offerings Exhibits130: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Segment focus Exhibits131: Vans International Foods Inc. - Overview Exhibits132: Vans International Foods Inc. - Business segments Exhibits133: Vans International Foods Inc. - Key offerings Exhibits134: Vans International Foods Inc. - Segment focus Exhibits135: Inclusions checklist Exhibits136: Exclusions checklist Exhibits137: Currency conversion rates for US$ Exhibits138: Research methodology Exhibits139: Validation techniques employed for market sizing Exhibits140: Information sources Exhibits141: List of abbreviations
SummaryGlobal Frozen Waffles Market 2022-2026 Table of Contents• 1 Executive Summaryo 1.1 Market overview o Exhibit 01: Executive Summary - Chart on Market Overview o Exhibit 02: Executive Summary - Data Table on Market Overview o Exhibit 03: Executive Summary - Chart on Global Market Characteristics o Exhibit 04: Executive Summary - Chart on Market By Geographical Landscape o Exhibit 05: Executive Summary - Chart on Market Segmentation by Product o Exhibit 06: Executive Summary - Chart on Incremental Growth o Exhibit 07: Executive Summary - Data Table on Incremental Growth o Exhibit 08: Executive Summary - Chart on Vendor Market Positioning • 2 Market Landscape o 2.1 Market ecosystem o Exhibit 09: Parent market o Exhibit 10: Market Characteristics • 3 Market Sizing o 3.1 Market definition o Exhibit 11: Offerings of vendors included in the market definition o 3.2 Market segment analysis o Exhibit 12: Market segments o 3.3 Market size 2021 o 3.4 Market outlook: Forecast for 2021-2026 o Exhibit 13: Chart on Global - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 14: Data Table on Global - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 15: Chart on Global Market: Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 16: Data Table on Global Market: Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) • 4 Five Forces Analysis o 4.1 Five forces summary o Exhibit 17: Five forces analysis - Comparison between2021 and 2026 o 4.2 Bargaining power of buyers o Exhibit 18: Chart on Bargaining power of buyers - Impact of key factors 2021 and 2026 o 4.3 Bargaining power of suppliers o Exhibit 19: Bargaining power of suppliers - Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 o 4.4 Threat of new entrants o Exhibit 20: Threat of new entrants - Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 o 4.5 Threat of substitutes o Exhibit 21: Threat of substitutes - Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 o 4.6 Threat of rivalry o Exhibit 22: Threat of rivalry - Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 o 4.7 Market condition o Exhibit 23: Chart on Market condition - Five forces 2021 and 2026 • 5 Market Segmentation by Product o 5.1 Market segments o Exhibit 24: Chart on Product - Market share 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 25: Data Table on Product - Market share 2021-2026 (%) o 5.2 Comparison by Product o Exhibit 26: Chart on Comparison by Product o Exhibit 27: Data Table on Comparison by Product o 5.3 Traditional - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 28: Chart on Traditional - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 29: Data Table on Traditional - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 30: Chart on Traditional - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 31: Data Table on Traditional - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 5.4 Health and wellness - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 32: Chart on Health and wellness - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 33: Data Table on Health and wellness - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 34: Chart on Health and wellness - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 35: Data Table on Health and wellness - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 5.5 Market opportunity by Product o Exhibit 36: Market opportunity by Product ($ million) • 6 Customer Landscape o 6.1 Customer landscape overview o Exhibit 37: Analysis of price sensitivity, lifecycle, customer purchase basket, adoption rates, and purchase criteria • 7 Geographic Landscape o 7.1 Geographic segmentation o Exhibit 38: Chart on Market share By Geographical Landscape 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 39: Data Table on Market share By Geographical Landscape 2021-2026 (%) o 7.2 Geographic comparison o Exhibit 40: Chart on Geographic comparison o Exhibit 41: Data Table on Geographic comparison o 7.3 North America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 42: Chart on North America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 43: Data Table on North America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 44: Chart on North America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 45: Data Table on North America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.4 Europe - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 46: Chart on Europe - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 47: Data Table on Europe - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 48: Chart on Europe - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 49: Data Table on Europe - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.5 APAC - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 50: Chart on APAC - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 51: Data Table on APAC - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 52: Chart on APAC - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 53: Data Table on APAC - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.6 South America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 54: Chart on South America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 55: Data Table on South America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 56: Chart on South America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 57: Data Table on South America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.7 Middle East and Africa - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 58: Chart on Middle East and Africa - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 59: Data Table on Middle East and Africa - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 60: Chart on Middle East and Africa - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 61: Data Table on Middle East and Africa - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.8 US - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 62: Chart on US - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 63: Data Table on US - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 64: Chart on US - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 65: Data Table on US - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.9 UK - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 66: Chart on UK - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 67: Data Table on UK - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 68: Chart on UK - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 69: Data Table on UK - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.10 China - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 70: Chart on China - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 71: Data Table on China - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 72: Chart on China - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 73: Data Table on China - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.11 Germany - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 74: Chart on Germany - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 75: Data Table on Germany - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 76: Chart on Germany - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 77: Data Table on Germany - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.12 Japan - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 o Exhibit 78: Chart on Japan - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 79: Data Table on Japan - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) o Exhibit 80: Chart on Japan - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o Exhibit 81: Data Table on Japan - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) o 7.13 Market opportunity By Geographical Landscape o Exhibit 82: Market opportunity By Geographical Landscape ($ million) • 8 Drivers, Challenges, and Trends o 8.1 Market drivers o 8.2 Market challenges o 8.3 Impact of drivers and challenges o Exhibit 83: Impact of drivers and challenges in 2021 and 2026 o 8.4 Market trends • 9 Vendor Landscape o 9.1 Overview o 9.2 Vendor landscape o Exhibit 84: Overview on Criticality of inputs and Factors of differentiation o 9.3 Landscape disruption o Exhibit 85: Overview on factors of disruption o 9.4 Industry risks o Exhibit 86: Impact of key risks on business • 10 Vendor Analysis o 10.1 Vendors covered o Exhibit 87: Vendors covered o 10.2 Market positioning of vendors o Exhibit 88: Matrix on vendor position and classification o 10.3 Conagra Brands Inc. o Exhibit 89: Conagra Brands Inc. - Overview o Exhibit 90: Conagra Brands Inc. - Business segments o Exhibit 91: Conagra Brands Inc. - Key news o Exhibit 92: Conagra Brands Inc. - Key offerings o Exhibit 93: Conagra Brands Inc. - Segment focus o 10.4 Deligout sprl o Exhibit 94: Deligout sprl - Overview o Exhibit 95: Deligout sprl - Business segments o Exhibit 96: Deligout sprl - Key offerings o Exhibit 97: Deligout sprl - Segment focus o 10.5 Dr. Schar AG Spa o Exhibit 98: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Overview o Exhibit 99: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Business segments o Exhibit 100: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Key news o Exhibit 101: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Key offerings o Exhibit 102: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Segment focus o 10.6 Garden Lites o Exhibit 103: Garden Lites - Overview o Exhibit 104: Garden Lites - Business segments o Exhibit 105: Garden Lites - Key offerings o Exhibit 106: Garden Lites - Segment focus o 10.7 General Mills Inc. o Exhibit 107: General Mills Inc. - Overview o Exhibit 108: General Mills Inc. - Business segments o Exhibit 109: General Mills Inc. - Key news o Exhibit 110: General Mills Inc. - Key offerings o Exhibit 111: General Mills Inc. - Segment focus o 10.8 Kellogg Co. o Exhibit 112: Kellogg Co. - Overview o Exhibit 113: Kellogg Co. - Business segments o Exhibit 114: Kellogg Co. - Key news o Exhibit 115: Kellogg Co. - Key offerings o Exhibit 116: Kellogg Co. - Segment focus o 10.9 Natures Path Foods o Exhibit 117: Natures Path Foods - Overview o Exhibit 118: Natures Path Foods - Business segments o Exhibit 119: Natures Path Foods - Key offerings o Exhibit 120: Natures Path Foods - Segment focus o 10.10 Sovos Brands Inc. o Exhibit 121: Sovos Brands Inc. - Overview o Exhibit 122: Sovos Brands Inc. - Business segments o Exhibit 123: Sovos Brands Inc. - Key news o Exhibit 124: Sovos Brands Inc. - Key offerings o Exhibit 125: Sovos Brands Inc. - Segment focus o 10.11 The Hain Celestial Group Inc. o Exhibit 126: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Overview o Exhibit 127: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Business segments o Exhibit 128: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Key news o Exhibit 129: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Key offerings o Exhibit 130: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Segment focus o 10.12 Vans International Foods Inc. o Exhibit 131: Vans International Foods Inc. - Overview o Exhibit 132: Vans International Foods Inc. - Business segments o Exhibit 133: Vans International Foods Inc. - Key offerings o Exhibit 134: Vans International Foods Inc. - Segment focus • 11 Appendix o 11.1 Scope of the report o 11.2 Inclusions and exclusions checklist o Exhibit 135: Inclusions checklist o Exhibit 136: Exclusions checklist o 11.3 Currency conversion rates for US$ o Exhibit 137: Currency conversion rates for US$ o 11.4 Research methodology o Exhibit 138: Research methodology o Exhibit 139: Validation techniques employed for market sizing o Exhibit 140: Information sources o 11.5 List of abbreviations o Exhibit 141: List of abbreviations o food allergy among consumers: There is an increase in the number of people suffering from food allergies globally. Food allergy is caused when the immune system reacts to the ingestion of certain foods. Ingredients of packaged foods and meats that can create allergic reactions in some people include (but are not limited to) milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish (e.g., crab, lobster, and shrimp), tree nuts (e.g., almonds, walnuts, and pecan), peanuts, wheat, and soybeans. Even consumption of small amounts of food allergens can trigger signs and symptoms such as digestive problems, hives, and swollen airways. In some people, a food allergy can cause severe symptoms, or even a life-threatening reaction is, known as anaphylaxis. For example, in the US, nearly 3% of the adult population suffers from shellfish allergy. Exhibits Exhibits1: Executive Summary - Chart on Market Overview Exhibits2: Executive Summary - Data Table on Market Overview Exhibits3: Executive Summary - Chart on Global Market Characteristics Exhibits4: Executive Summary - Chart on Market By Geographical Landscape Exhibits5: Executive Summary - Chart on Market Segmentation by Product Exhibits6: Executive Summary - Chart on Incremental Growth Exhibits7: Executive Summary - Data Table on Incremental Growth Exhibits8: Executive Summary - Chart on Vendor Market Positioning Exhibits9: Parent market Exhibits10: Market Characteristics Exhibits11: Offerings of vendors included in the market definition Exhibits12: Market segments Exhibits13: Chart on Global - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits14: Data Table on Global - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits15: Chart on Global Market: Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits16: Data Table on Global Market: Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits17: Five forces analysis - Comparison between2021 and 2026 Exhibits18: Chart on Bargaining power of buyers - Impact of key factors 2021 and 2026 Exhibits19: Bargaining power of suppliers - Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 Exhibits20: Threat of new entrants - Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 Exhibits21: Threat of substitutes - Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 Exhibits22: Threat of rivalry - Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 Exhibits23: Chart on Market condition - Five forces 2021 and 2026 Exhibits24: Chart on Product - Market share 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits25: Data Table on Product - Market share 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits26: Chart on Comparison by Product Exhibits27: Data Table on Comparison by Product Exhibits28: Chart on Traditional - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits29: Data Table on Traditional - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits30: Chart on Traditional - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits31: Data Table on Traditional - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits32: Chart on Health and wellness - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits33: Data Table on Health and wellness - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits34: Chart on Health and wellness - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits35: Data Table on Health and wellness - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits36: Market opportunity by Product ($ million) Exhibits37: Analysis of price sensitivity, lifecycle, customer purchase basket, adoption rates, and purchase criteria Exhibits38: Chart on Market share By Geographical Landscape 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits39: Data Table on Market share By Geographical Landscape 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits40: Chart on Geographic comparison Exhibits41: Data Table on Geographic comparison Exhibits42: Chart on North America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits43: Data Table on North America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits44: Chart on North America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits45: Data Table on North America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits46: Chart on Europe - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits47: Data Table on Europe - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits48: Chart on Europe - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits49: Data Table on Europe - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits50: Chart on APAC - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits51: Data Table on APAC - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits52: Chart on APAC - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits53: Data Table on APAC - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits54: Chart on South America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits55: Data Table on South America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits56: Chart on South America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits57: Data Table on South America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits58: Chart on Middle East and Africa - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits59: Data Table on Middle East and Africa - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits60: Chart on Middle East and Africa - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits61: Data Table on Middle East and Africa - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits62: Chart on US - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits63: Data Table on US - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits64: Chart on US - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits65: Data Table on US - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits66: Chart on UK - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits67: Data Table on UK - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits68: Chart on UK - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits69: Data Table on UK - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits70: Chart on China - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits71: Data Table on China - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits72: Chart on China - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits73: Data Table on China - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits74: Chart on Germany - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits75: Data Table on Germany - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits76: Chart on Germany - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits77: Data Table on Germany - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits78: Chart on Japan - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits79: Data Table on Japan - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibits80: Chart on Japan - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits81: Data Table on Japan - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibits82: Market opportunity By Geographical Landscape ($ million) Exhibits83: Impact of drivers and challenges in 2021 and 2026 Exhibits84: Overview on Criticality of inputs and Factors of differentiation Exhibits85: Overview on factors of disruption Exhibits86: Impact of key risks on business Exhibits87: Vendors covered Exhibits88: Matrix on vendor position and classification Exhibits89: Conagra Brands Inc. - Overview Exhibits90: Conagra Brands Inc. - Business segments Exhibits91: Conagra Brands Inc. - Key news Exhibits92: Conagra Brands Inc. - Key offerings Exhibits93: Conagra Brands Inc. - Segment focus Exhibits94: Deligout sprl - Overview Exhibits95: Deligout sprl - Business segments Exhibits96: Deligout sprl - Key offerings Exhibits97: Deligout sprl - Segment focus Exhibits98: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Overview Exhibits99: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Business segments Exhibits100: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Key news Exhibits101: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Key offerings Exhibits102: Dr. Schar AG Spa - Segment focus Exhibits103: Garden Lites - Overview Exhibits104: Garden Lites - Business segments Exhibits105: Garden Lites - Key offerings Exhibits106: Garden Lites - Segment focus Exhibits107: General Mills Inc. - Overview Exhibits108: General Mills Inc. - Business segments Exhibits109: General Mills Inc. - Key news Exhibits110: General Mills Inc. - Key offerings Exhibits111: General Mills Inc. - Segment focus Exhibits112: Kellogg Co. - Overview Exhibits113: Kellogg Co. - Business segments Exhibits114: Kellogg Co. - Key news Exhibits115: Kellogg Co. - Key offerings Exhibits116: Kellogg Co. - Segment focus Exhibits117: Natures Path Foods - Overview Exhibits118: Natures Path Foods - Business segments Exhibits119: Natures Path Foods - Key offerings Exhibits120: Natures Path Foods - Segment focus Exhibits121: Sovos Brands Inc. - Overview Exhibits122: Sovos Brands Inc. - Business segments Exhibits123: Sovos Brands Inc. - Key news Exhibits124: Sovos Brands Inc. - Key offerings Exhibits125: Sovos Brands Inc. - Segment focus Exhibits126: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Overview Exhibits127: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Business segments Exhibits128: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Key news Exhibits129: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Key offerings Exhibits130: The Hain Celestial Group Inc. - Segment focus Exhibits131: Vans International Foods Inc. - Overview Exhibits132: Vans International Foods Inc. - Business segments Exhibits133: Vans International Foods Inc. - Key offerings Exhibits134: Vans International Foods Inc. - Segment focus Exhibits135: Inclusions checklist Exhibits136: Exclusions checklist Exhibits137: Currency conversion rates for US$ Exhibits138: Research methodology Exhibits139: Validation techniques employed for market sizing Exhibits140: Information sources Exhibits141: List of abbreviations
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