北米(NAFTA)ベーカリー・シリアル市場:市場概要、競合分析、予測、2016-2025年North America (NAFTA) Bakery and Cereals - Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast, 2016-2025 北米(NAFTA)ベーカリー・シリアル市場:市場概要、競合分析、予測、2016-2025年 概要 NAFTAベーカリー&シリアル業界プロファイルでは、市場シェア、市場規模(2016-20年の金額と数量、2025年までの予測... もっと見る
サマリー北米(NAFTA)ベーカリー・シリアル市場:市場概要、競合分析、予測、2016-2025年概要 NAFTAベーカリー&シリアル業界プロファイルでは、市場シェア、市場規模(2016-20年の金額と数量、2025年までの予測)など、定性的および定量的なトップライン要約情報を提供します。また、主要な財務指標や市場内の競争圧力の分析など、主要企業に関する記述も含まれています。 主なハイライト - 北米自由貿易協定(NAFTA)は、北米の国々(米国、カナダ、メキシコ)間の貿易協定である。NAFTA諸国内のベーカリー&シリアル産業の2020年の総市場価値は154,977.3百万ドルであり、メキシコは2016年から20年にかけてCAGR4.4%と最も急速に成長しています。 - ベーカリー&シリアル業界内では、米国がNAFTA圏の中でトップであり、2020年の市場売上は124,699.8百万ドルである。次いで、メキシコが191億8420万ドル、カナダが110億9340万ドルとなっています。 - NAFTA圏のベーカリー&シリアル業界は、米国が2025年に1,523億530万ドルで首位に立ち、メキシコとカナダがそれぞれ232億8200万ドル、134億5550万ドルの見込みでこれに続くと予想される。 対象範囲 - NAFTAベーカリー&シリアル市場の規模、成長率、主要セグメント、主要企業を特定することで、初歩的な調査にかかる時間を短縮できます。 - ファイブフォース分析により、NAFTAベーカリー&シリアル市場の競争力および魅力度を判断します。 - 主要企業のプロフィールから、ベーカリー&シリアル市場の主要企業のNAFTAでの事業と財務実績の詳細がわかります。 - NAFTAベーカリー&シリアル市場の今後の成長見込みを、5年間の金額および数量予測によって理解することで、プレゼンテーションやピッチに重みを持たせることができます。 - 米国、カナダ、メキシコのデータを比較し、それぞれの国について個別の章を設けています。 購入の理由 - 2020年のNAFTAベーカリー&シリアル市場の金額規模は? - 2025年のNAFTAベーカリー&シリアル市場はどのような規模になるのか? - NAFTAのベーカリー&シリアル市場の競争力に影響を与える要因は何か? - 過去5年間の市場の推移は? - NAFTAベーカリー&シリアル市場の上位競合は? 目次Table of Contents1 Introduction 1.1. What is this report about? 1.2. Who is the target reader? 1.3. How to use this report 1.4. Definitions 2 NAFTA Bakery & Cereals 2.1. Industry Outlook 3 Bakery & Cereals in Canada 3.1. Market Overview 3.2. Market Data 3.3. Market Segmentation 3.4. Market outlook 3.5. Five forces analysis 4 Macroeconomic Indicators 4.1. Country data 5 Bakery & Cereals in Mexico 5.1. Market Overview 5.2. Market Data 5.3. Market Segmentation 5.4. Market outlook 5.5. Five forces analysis 6 Macroeconomic Indicators 6.1. Country data 7 Bakery & Cereals in The United States 7.1. Market Overview 7.2. Market Data 7.3. Market Segmentation 7.4. Market outlook 7.5. Five forces analysis 8 Macroeconomic Indicators 8.1. Country data 9 Company Profiles 10 Appendix 10.1. Methodology 10.2. About MarketLine List of Tables Table 1: NAFTA countries bakery & cereals industry, revenue ($m), 2016-25 Table 2: NAFTA countries bakery & cereals industry, revenue ($m), 2016-20 Table 3: NAFTA countries bakery & cereals industry forecast, revenue ($m), 2020-25 Table 4: Canada bakery & cereals market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 5: Canada bakery & cereals market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 6: Canada bakery & cereals market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 7: Canada bakery & cereals market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 8: Canada bakery & cereals market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 9: Canada bakery & cereals market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 10: Canada bakery & cereals market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 11: Canada bakery & cereals market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 12: Canada size of population (million), 2016-20 Table 13: Canada gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 14: Canada gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 15: Canada inflation, 2016-20 Table 16: Canada consumer price index (absolute), 2016-20 Table 17: Canada exchange rate, 2016-20 Table 18: Mexico bakery & cereals market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 19: Mexico bakery & cereals market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 20: Mexico bakery & cereals market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 21: Mexico bakery & cereals market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 22: Mexico bakery & cereals market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 23: Mexico bakery & cereals market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 24: Mexico bakery & cereals market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 25: Mexico bakery & cereals market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 26: Mexico size of population (million), 2016-20 Table 27: Mexico gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 28: Mexico gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 29: Mexico inflation, 2016-20 Table 30: Mexico consumer price index (absolute), 2016-20 Table 31: Mexico exchange rate, 2016-20 Table 32: United States bakery & cereals market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 33: United States bakery & cereals market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 34: United States bakery & cereals market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 35: United States bakery & cereals market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 36: United States bakery & cereals market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 37: United States bakery & cereals market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 38: United States bakery & cereals market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 39: United States bakery & cereals market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 40: United States size of population (million), 2016-20 Table 41: United States gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 42: United States gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 43: United States inflation, 2016-20 Table 44: United States consumer price index (absolute), 2016-20 Table 45: United States exchange rate, 2016-20 Table 46: Grupo Bimbo S.A. de C.V.: key facts Table 47: Grupo Bimbo S.A. de C.V.: Annual Financial Ratios Table 48: Grupo Bimbo S.A. de C.V.: Key Employees Table 49: PepsiCo Inc: key facts Table 50: PepsiCo Inc: Annual Financial Ratios Table 51: PepsiCo Inc: Key Employees Table 52: PepsiCo Inc: Key Employees Continued Table 53: PepsiCo Inc: Key Employees Continued Table 54: Cereal Partners Worldwide S.A.: key facts Table 55: General Mills Inc: key facts Table 56: General Mills Inc: Annual Financial Ratios Table 57: General Mills Inc: Key Employees Table 58: Kellogg Co: key facts Table 59: Kellogg Co: Annual Financial Ratios Table 60: Kellogg Co: Key Employees List of Figures Figure 1: NAFTA countries bakery & cereals industry, revenue ($m), 2016-25 Figure 2: NAFTA countries bakery & cereals industry, revenue ($m), 2016-20 Figure 3: NAFTA countries bakery & cereals industry forecast, revenue ($m), 2020-25 Figure 4: Canada bakery & cereals market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 5: Canada bakery & cereals market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 6: Canada bakery & cereals market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 7: Canada bakery & cereals market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 8: Canada bakery & cereals market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 9: Canada bakery & cereals market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 10: Canada bakery & cereals market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 11: Canada bakery & cereals market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 12: Forces driving competition in the bakery & cereals market in Canada, 2020 Figure 13: Drivers of buyer power in the bakery & cereals market in Canada, 2020 Figure 14: Drivers of supplier power in the bakery & cereals market in Canada, 2020 Figure 15: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the bakery & cereals market in Canada, 2020 Figure 16: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the bakery & cereals market in Canada, 2020 Figure 17: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the bakery & cereals market in Canada, 2020 Figure 18: Mexico bakery & cereals market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 19: Mexico bakery & cereals market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 20: Mexico bakery & cereals market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 21: Mexico bakery & cereals market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 22: Mexico bakery & cereals market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 23: Mexico bakery & cereals market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 24: Mexico bakery & cereals market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 25: Mexico bakery & cereals market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 26: Forces driving competition in the bakery & cereals market in Mexico, 2020 Figure 27: Drivers of buyer power in the bakery & cereals market in Mexico, 2020 Figure 28: Drivers of supplier power in the bakery & cereals market in Mexico, 2020 Figure 29: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the bakery & cereals market in Mexico, 2020 Figure 30: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the bakery & cereals market in Mexico, 2020 Figure 31: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the bakery & cereals market in Mexico, 2020 Figure 32: United States bakery & cereals market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 33: United States bakery & cereals market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 34: United States bakery & cereals market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 35: United States bakery & cereals market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 36: United States bakery & cereals market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 37: United States bakery & cereals market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 38: United States bakery & cereals market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 39: United States bakery & cereals market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 40: Forces driving competition in the bakery & cereals market in the United States, 2020 Figure 41: Drivers of buyer power in the bakery & cereals market in the United States, 2020 Figure 42: Drivers of supplier power in the bakery & cereals market in the United States, 2020 Figure 43: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the bakery & cereals market in the United States, 2020 Figure 44: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the bakery & cereals market in the United States, 2020 Figure 45: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the bakery & cereals market in the United States, 2020
SummaryNorth America (NAFTA) Bakery and Cereals - Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast, 2016-2025 Table of ContentsTable of Contents1 Introduction 1.1. What is this report about? 1.2. Who is the target reader? 1.3. How to use this report 1.4. Definitions 2 NAFTA Bakery & Cereals 2.1. Industry Outlook 3 Bakery & Cereals in Canada 3.1. Market Overview 3.2. Market Data 3.3. Market Segmentation 3.4. Market outlook 3.5. Five forces analysis 4 Macroeconomic Indicators 4.1. Country data 5 Bakery & Cereals in Mexico 5.1. Market Overview 5.2. Market Data 5.3. Market Segmentation 5.4. Market outlook 5.5. Five forces analysis 6 Macroeconomic Indicators 6.1. Country data 7 Bakery & Cereals in The United States 7.1. Market Overview 7.2. Market Data 7.3. Market Segmentation 7.4. Market outlook 7.5. Five forces analysis 8 Macroeconomic Indicators 8.1. Country data 9 Company Profiles 10 Appendix 10.1. Methodology 10.2. About MarketLine List of Tables Table 1: NAFTA countries bakery & cereals industry, revenue ($m), 2016-25 Table 2: NAFTA countries bakery & cereals industry, revenue ($m), 2016-20 Table 3: NAFTA countries bakery & cereals industry forecast, revenue ($m), 2020-25 Table 4: Canada bakery & cereals market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 5: Canada bakery & cereals market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 6: Canada bakery & cereals market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 7: Canada bakery & cereals market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 8: Canada bakery & cereals market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 9: Canada bakery & cereals market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 10: Canada bakery & cereals market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 11: Canada bakery & cereals market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 12: Canada size of population (million), 2016-20 Table 13: Canada gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 14: Canada gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 15: Canada inflation, 2016-20 Table 16: Canada consumer price index (absolute), 2016-20 Table 17: Canada exchange rate, 2016-20 Table 18: Mexico bakery & cereals market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 19: Mexico bakery & cereals market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 20: Mexico bakery & cereals market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 21: Mexico bakery & cereals market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 22: Mexico bakery & cereals market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 23: Mexico bakery & cereals market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 24: Mexico bakery & cereals market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 25: Mexico bakery & cereals market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 26: Mexico size of population (million), 2016-20 Table 27: Mexico gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 28: Mexico gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 29: Mexico inflation, 2016-20 Table 30: Mexico consumer price index (absolute), 2016-20 Table 31: Mexico exchange rate, 2016-20 Table 32: United States bakery & cereals market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 33: United States bakery & cereals market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 34: United States bakery & cereals market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 35: United States bakery & cereals market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 36: United States bakery & cereals market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 37: United States bakery & cereals market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 38: United States bakery & cereals market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 39: United States bakery & cereals market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 40: United States size of population (million), 2016-20 Table 41: United States gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 42: United States gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 43: United States inflation, 2016-20 Table 44: United States consumer price index (absolute), 2016-20 Table 45: United States exchange rate, 2016-20 Table 46: Grupo Bimbo S.A. de C.V.: key facts Table 47: Grupo Bimbo S.A. de C.V.: Annual Financial Ratios Table 48: Grupo Bimbo S.A. de C.V.: Key Employees Table 49: PepsiCo Inc: key facts Table 50: PepsiCo Inc: Annual Financial Ratios Table 51: PepsiCo Inc: Key Employees Table 52: PepsiCo Inc: Key Employees Continued Table 53: PepsiCo Inc: Key Employees Continued Table 54: Cereal Partners Worldwide S.A.: key facts Table 55: General Mills Inc: key facts Table 56: General Mills Inc: Annual Financial Ratios Table 57: General Mills Inc: Key Employees Table 58: Kellogg Co: key facts Table 59: Kellogg Co: Annual Financial Ratios Table 60: Kellogg Co: Key Employees List of Figures Figure 1: NAFTA countries bakery & cereals industry, revenue ($m), 2016-25 Figure 2: NAFTA countries bakery & cereals industry, revenue ($m), 2016-20 Figure 3: NAFTA countries bakery & cereals industry forecast, revenue ($m), 2020-25 Figure 4: Canada bakery & cereals market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 5: Canada bakery & cereals market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 6: Canada bakery & cereals market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 7: Canada bakery & cereals market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 8: Canada bakery & cereals market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 9: Canada bakery & cereals market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 10: Canada bakery & cereals market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 11: Canada bakery & cereals market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 12: Forces driving competition in the bakery & cereals market in Canada, 2020 Figure 13: Drivers of buyer power in the bakery & cereals market in Canada, 2020 Figure 14: Drivers of supplier power in the bakery & cereals market in Canada, 2020 Figure 15: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the bakery & cereals market in Canada, 2020 Figure 16: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the bakery & cereals market in Canada, 2020 Figure 17: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the bakery & cereals market in Canada, 2020 Figure 18: Mexico bakery & cereals market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 19: Mexico bakery & cereals market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 20: Mexico bakery & cereals market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 21: Mexico bakery & cereals market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 22: Mexico bakery & cereals market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 23: Mexico bakery & cereals market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 24: Mexico bakery & cereals market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 25: Mexico bakery & cereals market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 26: Forces driving competition in the bakery & cereals market in Mexico, 2020 Figure 27: Drivers of buyer power in the bakery & cereals market in Mexico, 2020 Figure 28: Drivers of supplier power in the bakery & cereals market in Mexico, 2020 Figure 29: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the bakery & cereals market in Mexico, 2020 Figure 30: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the bakery & cereals market in Mexico, 2020 Figure 31: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the bakery & cereals market in Mexico, 2020 Figure 32: United States bakery & cereals market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 33: United States bakery & cereals market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 34: United States bakery & cereals market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 35: United States bakery & cereals market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 36: United States bakery & cereals market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 37: United States bakery & cereals market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 38: United States bakery & cereals market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 39: United States bakery & cereals market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 40: Forces driving competition in the bakery & cereals market in the United States, 2020 Figure 41: Drivers of buyer power in the bakery & cereals market in the United States, 2020 Figure 42: Drivers of supplier power in the bakery & cereals market in the United States, 2020 Figure 43: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the bakery & cereals market in the United States, 2020 Figure 44: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the bakery & cereals market in the United States, 2020 Figure 45: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the bakery & cereals market in the United States, 2020
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