
グラフデータベース市場:モデルタイプ別(RDF、LPG、ハイパーグラフ)、提供形態別(ソリューション、サービス)、分析タイプ別(コミュニティ分析、接続性分析、中心性分析、パス分析)、業種別、地域別 - 2028年までの世界予測

グラフデータベース市場:モデルタイプ別(RDF、LPG、ハイパーグラフ)、提供形態別(ソリューション、サービス)、分析タイプ別(コミュニティ分析、接続性分析、中心性分析、パス分析)、業種別、地域別 - 2028年までの世界予測

Graph Database Market by Model Type (RDF, LPG, Hypergraph), Offering (Solutions, Services), Analysis Type (Community Analysis, Connectivity Analysis, Centrality Analysis, Path Analysis), Vertical, and Region - Global Forecast to 2028

グラフデータベースの世界市場規模は、2023年の29億米ドルから2028年には73億米ドルに成長し、予測期間中の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は20.2%に達する。グラフ・データベースは、言語学、化学、ソーシャル・ネット... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 図表数 言語
2023年8月30日 US$4,950
通常2営業日以内 279 313 英語




グラフデータベースの世界市場規模は、2023年の29億米ドルから2028年には73億米ドルに成長し、予測期間中の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は20.2%に達する。グラフ・データベースは、言語学、化学、ソーシャル・ネットワークに応用されている。例えば、技術の統合により、ユーザーは人と組織の関係を示すことができる。同市場で事業を展開する企業は、複数の業界における特定のグラフ・データベース・アプリケーションを説明するために、いくつかのユースケースを打ち出している。そのひとつが、Ravelin Technology社が開発したグラフ・データベース技術を使った不正検知だ。Ravelin社はグラフ・データベースを可視化し、疑わしいノードを特定する。同社は独自のグラフ・データベース・ソリューションを開発し、任意のデータセットについて完全なグラフを1桁マイクロ秒で生成する。
 企業別:ティアⅠ:35%、ティアⅡ:45%、ティアⅢ:20
 役職別Cレベルエグゼクティブ:35%、Dレベル:25%、マネージャー:40
 地域別北米:30%、欧州:30%、APAC:25%、MEA:10%、中南米:5
本レポートでは、グラフデータベースソリューションとサービスを提供する主要プレイヤーを調査しています。グラフデータベースの世界市場における主要ベンダーのプロファイルを掲載しています。グラフデータベースの世界市場における主要ベンダーには、Oracle Corporation(米国)、IBM Corporation(米国)、Amazon Web Services, Inc.(米国)、DataStax(米国)、Ontotext(ブルガリア)、Stardog Union(米国)、Hewlett Packard Enterprise(米国)、ArangoDB(米国)、Blazegraph(米国)、Microsoft Corporation(米国)、SAP SE(ドイツ)、Teradata Corporation(米国)、Openlink Software(米国)、TIBCO Software, Inc.(米国)、Neo4j社(米国)、GraphBase社(オーストラリア)、Cambridge Semantics社(米国)、TigerGraph社(米国)、Objectivity社(米国)、Bitnine Co.(米国)、Franz Inc.(米国)、Redis Labs(米国)、Graph Story(米国)、Dgraph Labs(米国)、Eccenca(ドイツ)、Fluree(米国)。
- 主要推進要因の分析

- 製品開発/イノベーション:グラフデータベース市場における今後の技術、研究開発活動、新製品・新サービスの発表に関する詳細な洞察。

- 市場開発:有利な市場に関する包括的な情報 - 当レポートでは、さまざまな地域のグラフデータベース市場を分析しています。

- 市場の多様化:新製品&サービス、未開拓の地域、最近の開発、グラフデータベース市場戦略への投資に関する網羅的な情報。また、関係者がグラフデータベース市場の鼓動を理解するのに役立ち、主要な市場促進要因、阻害要因、課題、および機会に関する情報を提供します。

- 競争力の評価:グラフデータベース市場におけるマイクロソフト(米国)、SAP(ドイツ)、IBM(米国)などの主要企業の市場シェア、成長戦略、サービス内容を詳細に評価。





The global graph database market size to grow from USD 2.9 billion in 2023 to USD 7.3 billion by 2028, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 20.2% during the forecast period. Graph databases find their applications in linguistics, chemistry, and social networks. For instance, the integration of technology enables the user to demonstrate the relationship between people and their organizations. Companies operating in the market have come up with several use cases to describe specific graph database applications in multiple industry verticals. One such instance is fraud detection using the graph database technology developed by Ravelin Technology. Ravelin visualizes graph databases to identify suspicious nodes. The company has developed its own proprietary graph database solution to generate a full graph for any given data set in single-digit microseconds.
The cloud segment to have the largest CAGR during the forecast period
By deployment mode, the graph database market has been segmented into on-premises and cloud. The CAGR of the cloud deployment mode is estimated to be the largest during the forecast period. The cloud-based deployment helps businesses more efficiently process and report data findings, enhance collaboration, and enable decision-makers to get faster access to business intelligence leading to its higher adoption in the graph database market.
The native graph database segment to have the largest CAGR during the forecast period
Native graph database is a specialized database management system designed to efficiently store, manage, and query graph-structured data, where entities (nodes) are connected by relationships (edges). Unlike traditional relational databases, native graph databases are optimized for traversing complex relationships and performing graph-oriented queries. They enable the representation of real-world connections in a more intuitive and natural manner, making them particularly well-suited for use cases like social networks, recommendation systems, fraud detection, and knowledge graphs.
The healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and life sciences segment to have the largest CAGR during the forecast period
Graph databases offer significant advantages to the healthcare, pharmaceutical, and life sciences sectors due to their ability to model and query complex relationships within data. Graph databases can help researchers identify potential drug targets by analyzing the interactions between proteins, genes, and pathways. Relationships between proteins and diseases can be modeled, aiding in the validation of therapeutic targets.
Among regions, APAC to hold higher CAGR during the forecast period
APAC is expected to grow at a good pace during the forecast period. Opportunities for smaller graph database vendors to introduce graph database solutions for numerous sectors have also increased. All these factors are responsible for the expeditious growth of the graph database market in the region. Companies operating in APAC continue to focus on improving customer services to drive market competitiveness and revenue growth. China, Japan,India, and ANZ have displayed ample growth opportunities in the graph database market.
Breakdown of primaries
In-depth interviews were conducted with Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), innovation and technology directors, system integrators, and executives from various key organizations operating in the graph database market.
 By Company: Tier I: 35%, Tier II: 45%, and Tier III: 20%
 By Designation: C-Level Executives: 35%, D-Level Executives: 25%, and Managers: 40%
 By Region: North America: 30%, Europe: 30%, APAC: 25%, MEA: 10%, Latin America: 5%
The report includes the study of key players offering graph database solutions and services. It profiles major vendors in the global graph database market. The major vendors in the global graph database market include Oracle Corporation (US), IBM Corporation (US), Amazon Web Services, Inc. (US), DataStax (US), Ontotext (Bulgaria), Stardog Union (US), Hewlett Packard Enterprise (US), ArangoDB (US), Blazegraph (US), Microsoft Corporation (US), SAP SE (Germany), Teradata Corporation (US), Openlink Software (US), TIBCO Software, Inc. (US), Neo4j, Inc. (US), GraphBase (Australia), Cambridge Semantics (US), TigerGraph, Inc. (US), Objectivity Inc. (US), Bitnine Co, Ltd. (US), Franz Inc. (US), Redis Labs (US), Graph Story (US), Dgraph Labs (US), Eccenca (Germany), and Fluree (US).
Research Coverage
The market study covers the graph database market across segments. It aims at estimating the market size and the growth potential of this market across different segments, such as components, type, deployment mode, organization size, application, vertical, and region. It includes an in-depth competitive analysis of the key players in the market, along with their company profiles, key observations related to product and business offerings, recent developments, and key market strategies.
Key Benefits of Buying the Report
The report would provide the market leaders/new entrants in this market with information on the closest approximations of the revenue numbers for the overall market for graph database and its subsegments. It would help stakeholders understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights better to position their business and plan suitable go-to-market strategies. It also helps stakeholders understand the pulse of the market and provides them with information on key market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities.
The report provides insights on the following pointers:
• Analysis of key drivers
(Need to incorporate real-time big data mining with result visualization, Growing demand for solutions to process low-latency queries, and Adoption of AI-based graph database tools and services), restraints (Shortfall of standardization and programming ease), opportunities (Lack of technical expertise), and challenges (Enterprise data unification and rapid proliferation of knowledge graphs, Semantic knowledgeable graphs for addressing complex scientific research,Emergence of open knowledge networks) influencing the growth of the graph database market.

• Product Development/Innovation: Detailed insights on upcoming technologies, research & development activities, and new product & service launches in the graph database market.

• Market Development: Comprehensive information about lucrative markets – the report analyses the graph database market across varied regions

• Market Diversification: Exhaustive information about new products & services, untapped geographies, recent developments, and investments in graph database market strategies; the report also helps stakeholders understand the pulse of the graph database market and provides them with information on key market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities

• Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of market shares, growth strategies, and service offerings of leading players such as Microsoft (US), SAP (Germany),and IBM (US) among others in the graph database market.






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