
鉱業の電動化:車両、発電、転用 2022-2042年

鉱業の電動化:車両、発電、転用 2022-2042年

Mining Electrification: Vehicles, Generation, Repurposing 2022-2042

IDTechExレポート「Mining Electrification:2022-2042」は、これらのあまりカバーされていない側面を20年先まで見通すことで、実際に何が起こっているのかを知ることができるユニークなレポートです。商業ベー... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 価格 納期 ページ数 言語
2021年8月2日 お問い合わせください
お問合わせください 310 英語




IDTechExレポート「Mining Electrification:2022-2042」は、これらのあまりカバーされていない側面を20年先まで見通すことで、実際に何が起こっているのかを知ることができるユニークなレポートです。商業ベースで310ページに及ぶ分析により、多くの驚きと市場のギャップが明らかになっています。


  • 2022-2042年の鉱山用電気自動車のタイプ別台数、コスト、市場価値は?
  • 50社以上のサプライヤーと鉱山の電動化活動を批判的に評価?
  • イニシアチブ、新しいオプション、技術進歩のロードマップ 2022年~2042年?
  • 電動化を進めている他の産業とのベストプラクティスのベンチマーク?
  • バッテリー、ハイブリッド、燃料電池の新しい選択肢:サイズ、耐久性、有用性?
  • 太陽電池は電力を倍増し、新しい風力発電はデッドタイムを減らす:いつ、どのように?
  • 自動車や発電機の自律性は電動化と密接な関係があるのか?
  • 鉱山サプライヤーのバリューチェーンを統合する余地はあるか?
  • 鉱山以外でも車両の標準化の余地はあるのか?



1. 要約と結論
1.1. 本レポートの目的と範囲
1.2. 主要な結論のまとめ
1.3. 採掘電気化の推進要因と利点
1.4. 採掘企業幹部の見解
1.5. IDTechEx mines of the future infogram
1.6.6.Types of mine emerging
1.6.1. Deep mines, block caving and sea floor
1.6.2. Open pit (露天) all-electric mine of the future
1.6.3. Electric land and air deep pit vehicles charging from zero emission microgrids
1.7. Making and storing the electricity
1.9. 業界の動向:ゼロエミッション車と発電
1.10. いくつかの地域の動向
1.11. 業界の技術的なダイナミクス
1.12. 採掘の設備投資の動向
1.13. 市場予測 電気鉱山車の台数k 2022年~2042年
1.14.市場予測 単価 $k 鉱山用電気自動車 2022-2042
1.15. 市場予測 鉱山用電気自動車 2022-2042 - 市場価値 $10億
1.16. ディーゼルからの移行
1.16.1. When mining BEVs have lower up-front price than diesel 2022-2042
1.16.3. プライスパリティ/サイズトレンドの証拠
1.17. 実際の鉱山電化と潜在的な鉱山電化における優れた例
1.18. 鉱山車市場の見通し
1.19. Adoption timeline for mining electrification 2022-2032
1.20. Adoption timeline for mining electrification 2032-2042
1.21. 特許分析
2. はじめに
2.1. 今日の採鉱
2.2. 採鉱の基本
2.3. 採鉱はより困難
2.4. より多くの採鉱が必要
2.5. 脅威、インセンティブ、採鉱企業幹部の見解
2.6.電気自動車 EVと非電気自動車の比較
2.7. ディーゼルとバッテリーのコスト比較
2.8. 建設と鉱山の両方で使用される車両
2.9. 中間段階としてのハイブリッド
2.10. 鉱山車両のタイプ別のパワートレインの傾向
2.11. 車両の簡素化
2.11.1. ディーゼル鉱山車両の部品を電動で90%削減:自動車と同じ
2.12. 公害対策
2.12.1. モバイル機器からの二酸化炭素排出量
2.12.2. 純電動機器のエミッションプッシュ
2.13. 主要機器メーカー。CAM報道の11例
2.14. Dana Oerlikon
2.15. Here come mines electrified then unmanned
2.15.1. Overview
2.15.2. Goldcorp Chapleau unmanned electric mine 2020
2.16. Sustainable mining
2.17. Future of quarrying
2.19. タイプ別・成熟度別の鉱山用EVメーカー 2020
2.20. 鉱山別に稼働中のEV:例
2.21. 鉱山用EVの例
2.22. 例:ロード・ホール・ダンプ LHD
3.1. 概要
3.2. エネルギー貯蔵の分類
3.3. 現在、鉱山の定置用エネルギー貯蔵は電池が主流
3.4. 電池を使わない定置用エネルギー貯蔵の一次結論 2022-2042年:全体像
3.5.Primary conclusions for stationary storage without batteries 2022-2042: technology
3.6. Growing energy storage market
3.7. Addressing the issues - technology evolution
3.8. 鉱業を含むバッテリーレス市場全体を支配する技術は何か
3.9. 重力貯蔵
3.9.1. Energy Vault
3.9.2. Gravitricity - piston-based energy storage
3.9.3. Mountain Gravity Energy Storage (MGES)
3.9.4. Underground - U-PHES Gravity Power and Heindl
3.10. Compressed air CAES storage
3.10.1. Principles and issues
3.10.2. Example of employing former mines
3.10.3. Drawbacks of CAES
3.10.4. Diabatic Compressed Energy Storage (D-CAES)
3.10.5. Adiabatic - Compressed Air Energy Storage (A-CAES)
3.10.6. Isothermal - Compressed Air Energy Storage (I-CAES)
3.10.7. CAES技術の主なプレーヤー
3.10.8. 2027年までのCAESプレーヤーとプロジェクト
3.11. 液化空気エネルギー貯蔵
3.11.1. 概要
3.11.2. LAES企業とプロジェクト
3.11.3. LAESアナリスト分析
3.12. ラウンドアップ。
3.13. エネルギー貯蔵デバイスの比較
3.14. バッテリーなしの定置型エネルギー貯蔵 MWh 2041
3.15. 鉱山を発電機として再利用
4.1. オフグリッド・ゼロエミッションのCAM電化への進展
4.2. 電気を作る
4.3. 自家発電したゼロエミッション電力を利用した採掘
4.4. ゼロエミッション・マイクログリッド:太陽光、水力、風力の再発明
4.5. 太陽光以外の新しい選択肢:移設可能で、断続性がはるかに少ない
4.6. 開放型の「タイドストリーム」電力の選択肢は、風力発電の選択肢を模倣している
4.7. オフグリッド技術の選択肢の比較
4.8. 新しい発電技術のkVA比較
4.9.Airborne Wind Energy developers
4.10. Open sea wave power technologies
4.11. Green hydrogen from Renewables
4.12. Photovoltaics
4.12.1. Rio Tinto solar mine
4.12.2. What is fitted on satellites appears on mining microgrids and vehicles later
4.12.3. Solar bodywork
4.12.4. Solar gensets
4.12.5. Envision Solar社の輸送可能なソーラーは太陽を追跡する
4.12.6. 炭鉱や砂利採取場用のフロートソーラー
4.12.7. 典型的なソーラー+バッテリーのマイクログリッドの構造
4.12.8. ソーラー対ディーゼルのコスト分析
5. 鉱業電気自動車の評価: 23社
5.1. Artisan Vehicle Systems (Sandvik)
5.2. BYD
5.4. Deere & Co
5.5. Energetique Mining Vehicles
5.6. Epiroc
5.7. ETF Mining
5.8. GE Mining
5.9. Hitachi
5.10. Kiruna
5.11. Komatsu including Joy Global, Le Tourneau
5.12. Liebherr Group
5.13. LuiGong
5.14. Maclean Engineering
5.15. Medatech
5.16. Miller Technology
5.17. Normet
5.18. OJSC Belaz
5.19. Partisan Motors
5.20. RDH Scharf
5.21. Sandvik
5.22. Sany
5.23. Volvo Group
6. 自律型および遠隔操作の鉱山車両が動作中
6.1. 概要
6.2. Challenges
6.3. Built Robotics
6.4. Mine rescue Gemini Scout
6.5. Mine Inspection AZO Robotics
6.6. Mine Monitor Julius
6.7. Underwater UNEXMiN
6.8. Drilling rig Epiroc Simba W6-C
6.9. Giant dump truck Komatsu
6.10. 採石場 Volvo
6.11. GMG mining robot guidelines
7. 電気自動車の採掘技術の実現
7.1. 採掘用EVのための7つの主要なEV実現技術
7.2. Overview of electrics in mining vehicles
7.3. Traction motors
7.3.1. 概要
7.3.2. Operating principles for EV use
7.3.3. CAM用途のEVにおける電気モーターの選択
7.3.4. 例。Le Tourneau など
7.3.5. モーター位置の選択
7.3.6. Saminco
7.3.7. Siemens
7.3.8. モーターの動向。Protean Electric, Lightyear, YASA
7.3.9. Ziehl-Abegg のトラック用インホイールドライブなど
7.3.10. Possible long term trend of motortechnology
7.4. Batteries and supercapacitors
7.4.1. 概要
7.4.2. Battery requirements for CAM electric vehicles
7.4.3. Example:将来の W/kg vs Wh/kg 2020-2030
7.4.5. エネルギー密度 2020-2030
7.4.6. リチウムイオン電池の欠点
7.4.7. リチウムイオン電池のコスト予測(工業用) $/kWh)
7.4.8. バッテリーパック
7.4.9. BYD
7.4.10. Akasol
7.4.11. Lithium Storage GmbH
7.4.12. Battery Packs - Saminco





  1. 要約と結論
  2. はじめに
  3. コストの代わりに終末期所得につながる鉱山電化
  4. エネルギー非依存ゼロエミッション鉱山電力の新しいツールキット
  5. 鉱業電気自動車の評価: 23社
IDTechEx report, "Mining Electrification: Vehicles, Generation, Repurposing 2022-2042" is unique in looking at these poorly-covered aspects for 20 years ahead so you can see what is really happening. The commercially-oriented 310-page analysis reveals many surprises and gaps in the market.
Electrification is inevitable, driven by cost, regulations, health, reputation and ever-tougher location and nature of remaining reserves. The unmanned mine has arrived and, to be optimal, it can only be electric. The report explains why faster adoption is possible, giving competitive advantage. Learn how mines often have stronger market drivers and options for electrification than other industries. For example, with emerging technologies described, pit sides, flooded pits, salt caverns, spare mineshafts, mountain quarries and the ocean above sea-floor mining can store or generate required electricity. Sometimes more, creating extra income.
Solar and wind power with energy independence is the mining trend but that means increased energy storage from hours to seasonal. See how mines will incorporate gravity storage, floating solar, caverns for compressed air storage all becoming electricity when needed. The report covers these and other mine-friendly options, with cited examples of excellence. Indeed, mines can transition to full repurposing when they are exhausted - to energy storage and production. Much of the cost of making-good becomes profit from these and other forms of repurposing covered.
The report answers these and other key questions:
Financial benefits of electrification being under-estimated, leading to wrong decisions?
  • Number, cost and market value of mining electric vehicles by type 2022-2042?
  • Critical appraisal of electrification activities of over 50 suppliers and mines?
  • Roadmap of initiatives, new options and technology progress 2022-2042?
  • Benchmarking best practice against other industries that are electrifying?
  • New battery vs hybrid vs fuel cell options: size, endurance, usefulness?
  • Solar doubles power, new wind power has less dead time: how, when?
  • Autonomy of vehicles and generation intimately linked to electrics?
  • Scope for consolidation of the mining supplier value chain?
  • Scope for vehicle standardisation even beyond mines?
Uniquely, it looks in detail at the next twenty years because many pivotal advances will occur after ten years that need to influence planning and viability calculations now. Think 6G in mines, diesel demise, fuel-cell end-game or doubling the electricity in mining vehicle batteries. Later change of course to incorporate such opportunities is expensive and sometimes even impossible with autonomy linked to electrics and in deep mining.
Sufficient in itself for those with limited time, the Executive Summary and Conclusions takes 47 pages to give the current and future mining situation with interpretation by PhD level, multilingual IDTechEx analysts worldwide. See new transition options - diesel to electric and how mines themselves can profitably transition to other functions well before end-of-life. Examples presented include acting as renewable power sources, grid storage without batteries, low-cost microgrids for chemical production and communities. New data includes industry opinions, patents, technology choices by year, best practice. Forecasts and detailed roadmap uniquely span 2022-2042.
The 42 page Introduction explains the mining mix, capex, valuation and other trends. Then see the choice of electric vehicle powertrains, microgrid architectures, threats to grid supply and escape routes. Learn how leading vehicle suppliers span the commonalities of the construction, agriculture, mining CAM sector. Here are examples of best practice in mining and its electrification with choices and technology maturity plus the emissions task ahead.
Chapter 3, "Mine electrification leading to end-of-life income instead of cost" takes 62 pages to explain options, most of which have never-before appeared in mining reports but represent important future contributions to profit and green credentials. We explain why batteries sit awkwardly in the provision of electricity to mine facilities but new battery-less storage options will excite. See battery-less storage leveraging mine infrastructure both during operation and after mine repurposing. Here are gravity storage in different forms relevant to everything from sea-floor mining to mountain quarries, deep mines and open pit. Here is delayed electricity from compressed or liquid air with the lesser place of supercapacitors and flywheels and how mines can serve in the global storage business quantified here.
Chapter 4, "New toolkit for energy-independent, zero-emission mine power", in 24 pages, explains mining power needs and current solutions. This is set against the full breadth of zero-emission generation options - solar, wind and water. Mining by use of self-produced zero-emission electricity is presented with examples and microgrid architecture explained. Here are new chemistries and formats for solar, wind and water power beating diesel on cost over future years. Diagrams and graphs make it clear.
Chapter 5. "Mining electric vehicle appraisal: 23 manufacturers" covers all sizes of vehicle and critical appraisal of suppliers from across the world. Emphasis is on battery electric vehicles because of their importance but coverage includes hybrids and fuel-cell, a special form of hybrid. It needs 69 pages because latest models, successes and intentions are included.
Chapter 6. "Autonomous and remotely operated mining vehicles in action" is there because electrics gives one tenth of the response time and is intimately compatible with autonomy technology. It takes only 14 pages to introduce everything from robotic giant trucks to remotely-operated underwater inspection robots in mines. IDTechEx has drill-down reports on vehicle autonomy giving technology and predictions in great detail.
Chapter 7 presents 29 pages on "Enabling technologies for mining electric vehicles". Motors, batteries and more are explained with future trends predicted. IDTechEx has deep-dive reports on all these topics.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1.1. Purpose and scope of this report
1.2. Primary conclusions in summary
1.3. Drivers and benefits of mining electrification
1.4. Views of mining executives
1.5. IDTechEx mines of the future infogram
1.6. Types of mine emerging
1.6.1. Deep mines, block caving and sea floor
1.6.2. Open pit (open cast) all-electric mine of the future
1.6.3. Electric land and air deep pit vehicles charging from zero emission microgrids
1.7. Making and storing the electricity
1.8. Repurposing with electricity
1.9. Industry trends: zero-emission vehicles and power generation
1.10. Some regional trends
1.11. Industry technical dynamics
1.12. Mining capex trends
1.13. Market forecasts number k electric mining vehicles 2022-2042
1.14. Market forecasts unit price $k mining electric land vehicles 2022-2042
1.15. Market forecasts mining electric land vehicles 2022-2042 - market value $ billion
1.16. Transition from diesel
1.16.1. When mining BEVs have lower up-front price than diesel 2022-2042
1.16.2. Facilitating transition
1.16.3. Evidence of the price parity/ size trend
1.17. Examples of excellence in actual and potential mine electrification
1.18. Mining vehicle market outlook
1.19. Adoption timeline for mining electrification 2022-2032
1.20. Adoption timeline for mining electrification 2032-2042
1.21. Patent analysis
2.1. Mining today
2.2. Mining basics
2.3. Mining gets more challenging
2.4. More mining needed
2.5. Threats, incentives, views of mining executives
2.6. Electric vehicles EV vs non-electric vehicles
2.7. Diesel vs battery-electric cost
2.8. Vehicles used in both construction and mining
2.9. Hybrids as interim stage
2.10. Powertrain trends by type of mining vehicle
2.11. Vehicle simplification
2.11.1. Reduce diesel mining vehicle parts by 90% with electrics: same as with cars
2.12. Pollution control
2.12.1. Carbon dioxide emissions from mobile machinery
2.12.2. Emission push for pure electric equipment
2.13. Major equipment manufacturers: 11 examples of CAM coverage
2.14. Dana Oerlikon
2.15. Here come mines electrified then unmanned
2.15.1. Overview
2.15.2. Goldcorp Chapleau unmanned electric mine 2020
2.16. Sustainable mining
2.17. Future of quarrying
2.18. Future of underground mining
2.19. Mining EV manufacturers by type and maturity 2020
2.20. EVs in operation by mine: examples
2.21. Examples of EVs for mines
2.22. Examples: load haul dump LHD
3.1. Overview
3.2. Energy storage classification
3.3. Batteries currently dominate mine stationary energy storage
3.4. Primary conclusions for stationary storage without batteries 2022-2042: big picture
3.5. Primary conclusions for stationary storage without batteries 2022-2042: technology
3.6. Growing energy storage market
3.7. Addressing the issues - technology evolution
3.8. Which technology will dominate the overall battery-less market including mining?
3.9. Gravity storage
3.9.1. Energy Vault
3.9.2. Gravitricity - piston-based energy storage
3.9.3. Mountain Gravity Energy Storage (MGES)
3.9.4. Underground - U-PHES Gravity Power and Heindl
3.10. Compressed air CAES storage
3.10.1. Principles and issues
3.10.2. Example of employing former mines
3.10.3. Drawbacks of CAES
3.10.4. Diabatic Compressed Energy Storage (D-CAES)
3.10.5. Adiabatic - Compressed Air Energy Storage (A-CAES)
3.10.6. Isothermal - Compressed Air Energy Storage (I-CAES)
3.10.7. Main players in CAES technologies
3.10.8. CAES players and projects to 2027
3.11. Liquid Air Energy Storage
3.11.1. Overview
3.11.2. LAES Companies and Projects
3.11.3. LAES Analyst analysis
3.12. Roundup: Different properties for different applications
3.13. Comparison of energy storage devices
3.14. Stationary energy storage without batteries MWh 2041
3.15. Repurposing mines as electricity generators
4.1. Progress to CAM electrics with off-grid zero emission
4.2. Making the electricity
4.3. Mining by use of self-produced zero-emission electricity
4.4. Zero emission microgrids: solar, water, wind reinvented
4.5. New options beyond solar: relocatable, much less intermittent
4.6. Open tide "tide stream" power options mimic wind power options
4.7. Comparison of off-grid technology options
4.8. New power generating technology kVA comparison
4.9. Airborne Wind Energy developers
4.10. Open sea wave power technologies
4.11. Green hydrogen from renewables
4.12. Photovoltaics
4.12.1. Rio Tinto solar mine
4.12.2. What is fitted on satellites appears on mining microgrids and vehicles later
4.12.3. Solar bodywork
4.12.4. Solar gensets
4.12.5. Envision Solar transportable solar tracks the sun
4.12.6. Floatovoltaics for coal mining and gravel pits
4.12.7. Anatomy of a typical solar + battery microgrid
4.12.8. Solar vs diesel cost analysis
5.1. Artisan Vehicle Systems (Sandvik)
5.2. BYD
5.3. Caterpillar
5.4. Deere & Co
5.5. Energetique Mining Vehicles
5.6. Epiroc
5.7. ETF Mining
5.8. GE Mining
5.9. Hitachi
5.10. Kiruna
5.11. Komatsu including Joy Global, Le Tourneau
5.12. Liebherr Group
5.13. LuiGong
5.14. Maclean Engineering
5.15. Medatech
5.16. Miller Technology
5.17. Normet
5.18. OJSC Belaz
5.19. Partisan Motors
5.20. RDH Scharf
5.21. Sandvik
5.22. Sany
5.23. Volvo Group
6.1. Overview
6.2. Challenges
6.3. Built Robotics
6.4. Mine rescue Gemini Scout
6.5. Mine inspection AZO Robotics
6.6. Mine monitor Julius
6.7. Underwater UNEXMiN
6.8. Drilling rig Epiroc Simba W6-C
6.9. Giant dump trucks Komatsu
6.10. Quarries Volvo
6.11. GMG mining robot guidelines
7.1. Seven key EV enabling technologies for mining EVs
7.2. Overview of electrics in mining vehicles
7.3. Traction motors
7.3.1. Overview
7.3.2. Operating principles for EV use
7.3.3. Electric motor choices in EVs for CAM applications
7.3.4. Example: Le Tourneau and others
7.3.5. Choices of motor position
7.3.6. Saminco
7.3.7. Siemens
7.3.8. Motor trends: Protean Electric, Lightyear, YASA
7.3.9. Ziehl-Abegg in-wheel drive for trucks etc.
7.3.10. Possible long term trend of motor technology
7.4. Batteries and supercapacitors
7.4.1. Overview
7.4.2. Battery requirements for CAM electric vehicles
7.4.3. Example: JCB excavators
7.4.4. Future W/kg vs Wh/kg 2020-2030
7.4.5. Energy density 2020-2030
7.4.6. Disadvantages of Li-ion batteries
7.4.7. Forecast of Li-ion battery cost (industrial) $/kWh)
7.4.8. Battery packs
7.4.9. BYD
7.4.10. Akasol
7.4.11. Lithium Storage GmbH
7.4.12. Battery Packs - Saminco






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