インドネシアの美容とパーソナルケアBeauty and Personal Care in Indonesia インドネシアの美容・パーソナルケアは、2023年には数量ベースでも金額ベースでもプラス成長を記録した。パンデミック(世界的大流行)から脱却した同国では、消費者が外出する時間が増えたため、日課としてカラ... もっと見る
サマリーインドネシアの美容・パーソナルケアは、2023年には数量ベースでも金額ベースでもプラス成長を記録した。パンデミック(世界的大流行)から脱却した同国では、消費者が外出する時間が増えたため、日課としてカラー化粧品やヘアケア製品などを使用する機会が増えた。また、同国の中間層人口の拡大も、売上を牽引する重要な要因であった。Euromonitor Internationalの調査レポート「インドネシアの美容とパーソナルケア」は、国レベルの市場規模と形状に関する包括的なガイドを提供しています。2019年から2023年までの最新の小売販売データを提供し、成長を促進する分野を特定することができます。2028年までの予測は市場がどのように変化するかを示しています。 対象製品ベビー&子供用製品, バス&シャワー, カラー化粧品, デオドラント, 脱毛剤, 皮膚化粧品 ビューティ&パーソナルケア, フレグランス, ヘアケア, マスビューティ&パーソナルケア, メンズグルーミング, オーラルケア, 電動歯ブラシを除くオーラルケア, プレミアムビューティ&パーソナルケア, プレステージビューティ&パーソナルケア, スキンケア, サンケア. データ範囲:市場規模(過去と予測)、企業シェア、ブランドシェア、流通データ。 このレポートを購入する理由 * ビューティ&パーソナルケア市場の詳細な把握; * 成長分野を特定し、変化を促す要因を特定する; * 競争環境、市場の主要プレーヤー、主要ブランドを理解する; * 5年間の予測を用いて、市場がどのように発展するかを評価する。 ユーロモニター・インターナショナルは、市場調査レポート、ビジネス参考書、オンライン情報システムの出版において40年以上の経験を有しています。ロンドン、シカゴ、シンガポール、上海、ヴィリニュス、ドバイ、ケープタウン、サンティアゴ、シドニー、東京、バンガロールにオフィスを構え、世界中に800人以上のアナリストのネットワークを持つユーロモニター・インターナショナルは、情報に基づいた戦略立案を支援する信頼性の高い情報資源を開発する独自の能力を有しています。 目次Beauty and Personal Care in IndonesiaEuromonitor International August 2024 List Of Contents And Tables BEAUTY AND PERSONAL CARE IN INDONESIA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Beauty and personal care in 2023: The big picture 2023 key trends Competitive landscape Retailing developments What next for beauty and personal care? MARKET DATA Table 1 Sales of Beauty and Personal Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 2 Sales of Beauty and Personal Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 3 GBO Company Shares of Beauty and Personal Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 4 NBO Company Shares of Beauty and Personal Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 5 LBN Brand Shares of Beauty and Personal Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 6 Penetration of Private Label in Beauty and Personal Care by Category: % Value 2018-2023 Table 7 Distribution of Beauty and Personal Care by Format: % Value 2018-2023 Table 8 Distribution of Beauty and Personal Care by Format and Category: % Value 2023 Table 9 Forecast Sales of Beauty and Personal Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 10 Forecast Sales of Beauty and Personal Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 DISCLAIMER SOURCES Summary 1 Research Sources MASS BEAUTY AND PERSONAL CARE IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Mass products see positive growth, thanks to beneficial demographic trends and developments in the consumer behaviour Body care products gain importance within mass personal care category Israel-Hamas war impacts beauty and personal care landscape in Indonesia, with local companies benefiting from a growing presence PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Healthy growth expected, with South Korean beauty products remaining popular Israel-Hamas war will likely continue to have an impact on the competitive landscape, while Beiersdorf expands its production facility Conscious beauty trend will gain traction, although science-backed claims will remain important CATEGORY DATA Table 90 Sales of Mass Beauty and Personal Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 91 Sales of Mass Beauty and Personal Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 92 NBO Company Shares of Mass Beauty and Personal Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 93 LBN Brand Shares of Mass Beauty and Personal Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 94 Forecast Sales of Mass Beauty and Personal Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 95 Forecast Sales of Mass Beauty and Personal Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 PREMIUM BEAUTY AND PERSONAL CARE IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Modest growth in 2023, as price-sensitive middle-income consumers switch to cheaper alternatives “Skinvestors” look to slow down the ageing process Multinational brands drive sales PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Premiumisation will continue apace within skin care Growing threat of more affordable, local brands, but premium skin care will remain immune to this trend Increasing focus on digital platforms, as players seek to enhance visibility CATEGORY DATA Table 11 Sales of Premium Beauty and Personal Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 12 Sales of Premium Beauty and Personal Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 13 NBO Company Shares of Premium Beauty and Personal Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 14 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Beauty and Personal Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 15 Forecast Sales of Premium Beauty and Personal Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 16 Forecast Sales of Premium Beauty and Personal Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 BABY AND CHILD-SPECIFIC PRODUCTS IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Healthy performance in 2023, despite further decline in national birth rate, with innovation driving growth in baby wipes Organic and natural-based ingredients garner greater attention, as they are perceived as being safer choices Manufacturers seek to build trust through online channels PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Healthy outlook for baby and child-specific products Education will play a key role in expanding sales Organic/natural based ingredients will be increasingly popular, as manufacturers look to follow environmentally sustainable processes CATEGORY DATA Table 17 Sales of Baby and Child-specific Products by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 18 Sales of Baby and Child-specific Products by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 19 Sales of Baby and Child-specific Products by Premium vs Mass: % Value 2018-2023 Table 20 NBO Company Shares of Baby and Child-specific Products: % Value 2019-2023 Table 21 LBN Brand Shares of Baby and Child-specific Products: % Value 2020-2023 Table 22 LBN Brand Shares of Baby and Child-specific Skin Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 23 LBN Brand Shares of Baby and Child-specific Sun Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 24 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Baby and Child-specific Products: % Value 2020-2023 Table 25 Forecast Sales of Baby and Child-specific Products by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 26 Forecast Sales of Baby and Child-specific Products by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 Table 27 Forecast Sales of Baby and Child-specific Products by Premium vs Mass: % Value 2023-2028 BATH AND SHOWER IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS New product development plays important role in driving sales, particularly in terms of natural ingredients and lightening and brightening properties Impending excise tax on plastic packaging is likely to have huge impact on bath and shower category Lifebuoy seeks to maintain a positive brand image through social responsibility endeavours, while Johnson’s Baby switches talc formula, following series of lawsuits PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Opportunity for whitening bath and shower products as players make use of innovative ingredients Bath and shower will benefit from greater focus on body care Local companies have potential to expand their presence by embracing halal green philosophy CATEGORY DATA Table 28 Sales of Bath and Shower by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 29 Sales of Bath and Shower by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 30 Sales of Bath and Shower by Premium vs Mass: % Value 2018-2023 Table 31 NBO Company Shares of Bath and Shower: % Value 2019-2023 Table 32 LBN Brand Shares of Bath and Shower: % Value 2020-2023 Table 33 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Bath and Shower: % Value 2020-2023 Table 34 Forecast Sales of Bath and Shower by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 35 Forecast Sales of Bath and Shower by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 Table 36 Forecast Sales of Bath and Shower by Premium vs Mass: % Value 2023-2028 COLOUR COSMETICS IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Healthy growth in 2023, with lip products seeing a high level of innovation Social media plays an increasingly important role in players’ marketing strategies, as embodied by Hebe Beauty Cheap Chinese brands flood the category PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Healthy outlook for colour cosmetics in the forecast period, with young consumers expected to shape the direction of the market Chinese brands will continue to make waves, while players will also create more hybrid products, which provide skin care benefits Sustainability to continue to grow in importance and scope in colour cosmetics CATEGORY DATA Table 37 Sales of Colour Cosmetics by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 38 Sales of Colour Cosmetics by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 39 NBO Company Shares of Colour Cosmetics: % Value 2019-2023 Table 40 LBN Brand Shares of Colour Cosmetics: % Value 2020-2023 Table 41 LBN Brand Shares of Eye Make-up: % Value 2020-2023 Table 42 LBN Brand Shares of Facial Make-up: % Value 2020-2023 Table 43 LBN Brand Shares of Lip Products: % Value 2020-2023 Table 44 LBN Brand Shares of Nail Products: % Value 2020-2023 Table 45 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Colour Cosmetics: % Value 2020-2023 Table 46 Forecast Sales of Colour Cosmetics by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 47 Forecast Sales of Colour Cosmetics by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 DEODORANTS IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Disappointing performance in 2023, alongside consumer concerns about skin discoloration Increasing demand for natural deodorants, as well as new formats Unilever sees decline in sales in face of anti-Israel boycotts PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Healthy outlook expected, thanks to development of new formats Rising demand for more natural and safer options Players will pursue new market segments, with Nivea introducing a new addition to its Hijab line deodorants CATEGORY DATA Table 96 Sales of Deodorants by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 97 Sales of Deodorants by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 98 Sales of Deodorants by Premium vs Mass: % Value 2018-2023 Table 99 NBO Company Shares of Deodorants: % Value 2019-2023 Table 100 LBN Brand Shares of Deodorants: % Value 2020-2023 Table 101 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Deodorants: % Value 2020-2023 Table 102 Forecast Sales of Deodorants by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 103 Forecast Sales of Deodorants by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 Table 104 Forecast Sales of Deodorants by Premium Vs Mass: % Value 2023-2028 DEPILATORIES IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Hair removal treatments by skin care clinics hinder performance of depilatories Procter & Gambel retains prominence in women’s razors and blades PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Healthy outlook expected, as price sensitive consumers seek out cheaper hair removal methods, albeit from low base CATEGORY DATA Table 48 Sales of Depilatories by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 49 Sales of Depilatories by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 50 Sales of Women's Razors and Blades by Type: % Value Breakdown 2019-2023 Table 51 NBO Company Shares of Depilatories: % Value 2019-2023 Table 52 LBN Brand Shares of Depilatories: % Value 2020-2023 Table 53 Forecast Sales of Depilatories by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 54 Forecast Sales of Depilatories by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 FRAGRANCES IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Fragrances face competition from more affordable alternatives Market sees increasing fragmentation E-commerce helps local brands to gain the attention of the public PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Local fragrances to gain traction, but international brands continue to appeal to higher-end consumers Collaboration with popular local celebrities will be common marketing strategy The Body Shop launches new fragrances based on natural ingredients during Fragrance Festival CATEGORY DATA Table 55 Sales of Fragrances by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 56 Sales of Fragrances by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 57 NBO Company Shares of Fragrances: % Value 2019-2023 Table 58 LBN Brand Shares of Fragrances: % Value 2020-2023 Table 59 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Men's Fragrances: % Value 2020-2023 Table 60 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Women's Fragrances: % Value 2020-2023 Table 61 Forecast Sales of Fragrances by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 62 Forecast Sales of Fragrances by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 HAIR CARE IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Products targeting specific hair care problems help drive sales Impending excise tax on plastic packaging is likely to have huge impact on hair care category, especially standard shampoo E-commerce leverages price advantages to gain traction PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Standard shampoos to drive the performance of hair care Players will target specific hair care issues, with hair loss being a key focus Players enhance shampoo formulas to cater to hijab users CATEGORY DATA Table 105 Sales of Hair Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 106 Sales of Hair Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 107 Sales of Hair Care by Premium vs Mass: % Value 2018-2023 Table 108 NBO Company Shares of Hair Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 109 NBO Company Shares of Salon Professional Hair Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 110 LBN Brand Shares of Hair Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 111 LBN Brand Shares of Colourants: % Value 2020-2023 Table 112 LBN Brand Shares of Salon Professional Hair Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 113 LBN Brand Shares of Styling Agents: % Value 2020-2023 Table 114 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Hair Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 115 Forecast Sales of Hair Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 116 Forecast Sales of Hair Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 Table 117 Forecast Sales of Hair Care by Premium vs Mass: % Value 2023-2028 MEN'S GROOMING IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Rising awareness of men’s grooming products underpins strong performance Popular men’s grooming products tend to target specific problems International players come under pressure from smaller brands PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Men’s grooming has strong growth potential in Indonesia Local brands will increasingly penetrate the category Halal men’s skin care products emerge, with Kahf leading the way CATEGORY DATA Table 63 Sales of Men’s Grooming by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 64 Sales of Men’s Grooming by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 65 Sales of Men's Razors and Blades by Type: % Value Breakdown 2020-2023 Table 66 Sales of Men's Skin Care by Type: % Value Breakdown 2020-2023 Table 67 NBO Company Shares of Men’s Grooming: % Value 2019-2023 Table 68 LBN Brand Shares of Men’s Grooming: % Value 2020-2023 Table 69 LBN Brand Shares of Men's Razors and Blades: % Value 2020-2023 Table 70 Forecast Sales of Men’s Grooming by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 71 Forecast Sales of Men’s Grooming by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 ORAL CARE IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Modest growth in 2023, as consumers cut back on non-essential expenditure The younger generations are fuelling the growth of the category Israel-Hamas war begins to impact competitive landscape PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Healthy outlook for oral care as consumers move towards health prevention to maintain wellbeing and save money Environmentally-friendly products will be highly sought after by consumers Bricks-and-mortar retail channels will continue to dominate distribution of oral care CATEGORY DATA Table 118 Sales of Oral Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 119 Sales of Oral Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 120 Sales of Toothbrushes by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 121 Sales of Toothbrushes by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 122 Sales of Toothpaste by Type: % Value Breakdown 2019-2023 Table 123 NBO Company Shares of Oral Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 124 LBN Brand Shares of Oral Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 125 LBN Brand Shares of Mouthwashes/Dental Rinses: % Value 2020-2023 Table 126 LBN Brand Shares of Toothpaste: % Value 2020-2023 Table 127 Forecast Sales of Oral Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 128 Forecast Sales of Oral Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 Table 129 Forecast Sales of Toothbrushes by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 130 Forecast Sales of Toothbrushes by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 SKIN CARE IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Younger generations play a major role in the healthy performance of skin care Products with active ingredients continue to be highly sought after by consumers Local brands gain traction PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Facial care set to continue to drive category performance Continued preference for whitening facial products, as well as those targeting skin conditions, such as acne Forecast period will see greater support for local products CATEGORY DATA Table 72 Sales of Skin Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 73 Sales of Skin Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 74 NBO Company Shares of Skin Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 75 LBN Brand Shares of Skin Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 76 LBN Brand Shares of Basic Moisturisers: % Value 2020-2023 Table 77 LBN Brand Shares of Anti-agers: % Value 2020-2023 Table 78 LBN Brand Shares of Firming Body Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 79 LBN Brand Shares of General Purpose Body Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 80 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Skin Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 81 Forecast Sales of Skin Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 82 Forecast Sales of Skin Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 SUN CARE IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Growing levels of health awareness enhance the performance of sun care “Less is more” trend enhances the performance of sun care Mass brands are key contributors to retail sales PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Expansion of the product offer and higher consumer awareness underpin healthy growth New formats, such as sprays and sticks, provide consumers with a higher level of comfort and convenience Players develop invisible sunscreens CATEGORY DATA Table 83 Sales of Sun Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 84 Sales of Sun Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 85 NBO Company Shares of Sun Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 86 LBN Brand Shares of Sun Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 87 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Adult Sun Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 88 Forecast Sales of Sun Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 89 Forecast Sales of Sun Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028
SummaryBeauty and personal care in Indonesia registered positive growth in both volume and current value terms in 2023,. As the country emerged from the pandemic, consumers spent more time outside the home, which meant that they were more likely to use products such as colour cosmetics and hair care products as part of their daily routines. The country’s expanding middle class population was also a key determinant in driving sales, as well as the younger consumers, who tend to be most receptive to tryi... Table of ContentsBeauty and Personal Care in IndonesiaEuromonitor International August 2024 List Of Contents And Tables BEAUTY AND PERSONAL CARE IN INDONESIA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Beauty and personal care in 2023: The big picture 2023 key trends Competitive landscape Retailing developments What next for beauty and personal care? MARKET DATA Table 1 Sales of Beauty and Personal Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 2 Sales of Beauty and Personal Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 3 GBO Company Shares of Beauty and Personal Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 4 NBO Company Shares of Beauty and Personal Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 5 LBN Brand Shares of Beauty and Personal Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 6 Penetration of Private Label in Beauty and Personal Care by Category: % Value 2018-2023 Table 7 Distribution of Beauty and Personal Care by Format: % Value 2018-2023 Table 8 Distribution of Beauty and Personal Care by Format and Category: % Value 2023 Table 9 Forecast Sales of Beauty and Personal Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 10 Forecast Sales of Beauty and Personal Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 DISCLAIMER SOURCES Summary 1 Research Sources MASS BEAUTY AND PERSONAL CARE IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Mass products see positive growth, thanks to beneficial demographic trends and developments in the consumer behaviour Body care products gain importance within mass personal care category Israel-Hamas war impacts beauty and personal care landscape in Indonesia, with local companies benefiting from a growing presence PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Healthy growth expected, with South Korean beauty products remaining popular Israel-Hamas war will likely continue to have an impact on the competitive landscape, while Beiersdorf expands its production facility Conscious beauty trend will gain traction, although science-backed claims will remain important CATEGORY DATA Table 90 Sales of Mass Beauty and Personal Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 91 Sales of Mass Beauty and Personal Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 92 NBO Company Shares of Mass Beauty and Personal Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 93 LBN Brand Shares of Mass Beauty and Personal Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 94 Forecast Sales of Mass Beauty and Personal Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 95 Forecast Sales of Mass Beauty and Personal Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 PREMIUM BEAUTY AND PERSONAL CARE IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Modest growth in 2023, as price-sensitive middle-income consumers switch to cheaper alternatives “Skinvestors” look to slow down the ageing process Multinational brands drive sales PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Premiumisation will continue apace within skin care Growing threat of more affordable, local brands, but premium skin care will remain immune to this trend Increasing focus on digital platforms, as players seek to enhance visibility CATEGORY DATA Table 11 Sales of Premium Beauty and Personal Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 12 Sales of Premium Beauty and Personal Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 13 NBO Company Shares of Premium Beauty and Personal Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 14 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Beauty and Personal Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 15 Forecast Sales of Premium Beauty and Personal Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 16 Forecast Sales of Premium Beauty and Personal Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 BABY AND CHILD-SPECIFIC PRODUCTS IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Healthy performance in 2023, despite further decline in national birth rate, with innovation driving growth in baby wipes Organic and natural-based ingredients garner greater attention, as they are perceived as being safer choices Manufacturers seek to build trust through online channels PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Healthy outlook for baby and child-specific products Education will play a key role in expanding sales Organic/natural based ingredients will be increasingly popular, as manufacturers look to follow environmentally sustainable processes CATEGORY DATA Table 17 Sales of Baby and Child-specific Products by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 18 Sales of Baby and Child-specific Products by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 19 Sales of Baby and Child-specific Products by Premium vs Mass: % Value 2018-2023 Table 20 NBO Company Shares of Baby and Child-specific Products: % Value 2019-2023 Table 21 LBN Brand Shares of Baby and Child-specific Products: % Value 2020-2023 Table 22 LBN Brand Shares of Baby and Child-specific Skin Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 23 LBN Brand Shares of Baby and Child-specific Sun Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 24 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Baby and Child-specific Products: % Value 2020-2023 Table 25 Forecast Sales of Baby and Child-specific Products by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 26 Forecast Sales of Baby and Child-specific Products by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 Table 27 Forecast Sales of Baby and Child-specific Products by Premium vs Mass: % Value 2023-2028 BATH AND SHOWER IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS New product development plays important role in driving sales, particularly in terms of natural ingredients and lightening and brightening properties Impending excise tax on plastic packaging is likely to have huge impact on bath and shower category Lifebuoy seeks to maintain a positive brand image through social responsibility endeavours, while Johnson’s Baby switches talc formula, following series of lawsuits PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Opportunity for whitening bath and shower products as players make use of innovative ingredients Bath and shower will benefit from greater focus on body care Local companies have potential to expand their presence by embracing halal green philosophy CATEGORY DATA Table 28 Sales of Bath and Shower by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 29 Sales of Bath and Shower by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 30 Sales of Bath and Shower by Premium vs Mass: % Value 2018-2023 Table 31 NBO Company Shares of Bath and Shower: % Value 2019-2023 Table 32 LBN Brand Shares of Bath and Shower: % Value 2020-2023 Table 33 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Bath and Shower: % Value 2020-2023 Table 34 Forecast Sales of Bath and Shower by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 35 Forecast Sales of Bath and Shower by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 Table 36 Forecast Sales of Bath and Shower by Premium vs Mass: % Value 2023-2028 COLOUR COSMETICS IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Healthy growth in 2023, with lip products seeing a high level of innovation Social media plays an increasingly important role in players’ marketing strategies, as embodied by Hebe Beauty Cheap Chinese brands flood the category PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Healthy outlook for colour cosmetics in the forecast period, with young consumers expected to shape the direction of the market Chinese brands will continue to make waves, while players will also create more hybrid products, which provide skin care benefits Sustainability to continue to grow in importance and scope in colour cosmetics CATEGORY DATA Table 37 Sales of Colour Cosmetics by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 38 Sales of Colour Cosmetics by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 39 NBO Company Shares of Colour Cosmetics: % Value 2019-2023 Table 40 LBN Brand Shares of Colour Cosmetics: % Value 2020-2023 Table 41 LBN Brand Shares of Eye Make-up: % Value 2020-2023 Table 42 LBN Brand Shares of Facial Make-up: % Value 2020-2023 Table 43 LBN Brand Shares of Lip Products: % Value 2020-2023 Table 44 LBN Brand Shares of Nail Products: % Value 2020-2023 Table 45 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Colour Cosmetics: % Value 2020-2023 Table 46 Forecast Sales of Colour Cosmetics by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 47 Forecast Sales of Colour Cosmetics by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 DEODORANTS IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Disappointing performance in 2023, alongside consumer concerns about skin discoloration Increasing demand for natural deodorants, as well as new formats Unilever sees decline in sales in face of anti-Israel boycotts PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Healthy outlook expected, thanks to development of new formats Rising demand for more natural and safer options Players will pursue new market segments, with Nivea introducing a new addition to its Hijab line deodorants CATEGORY DATA Table 96 Sales of Deodorants by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 97 Sales of Deodorants by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 98 Sales of Deodorants by Premium vs Mass: % Value 2018-2023 Table 99 NBO Company Shares of Deodorants: % Value 2019-2023 Table 100 LBN Brand Shares of Deodorants: % Value 2020-2023 Table 101 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Deodorants: % Value 2020-2023 Table 102 Forecast Sales of Deodorants by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 103 Forecast Sales of Deodorants by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 Table 104 Forecast Sales of Deodorants by Premium Vs Mass: % Value 2023-2028 DEPILATORIES IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Hair removal treatments by skin care clinics hinder performance of depilatories Procter & Gambel retains prominence in women’s razors and blades PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Healthy outlook expected, as price sensitive consumers seek out cheaper hair removal methods, albeit from low base CATEGORY DATA Table 48 Sales of Depilatories by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 49 Sales of Depilatories by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 50 Sales of Women's Razors and Blades by Type: % Value Breakdown 2019-2023 Table 51 NBO Company Shares of Depilatories: % Value 2019-2023 Table 52 LBN Brand Shares of Depilatories: % Value 2020-2023 Table 53 Forecast Sales of Depilatories by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 54 Forecast Sales of Depilatories by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 FRAGRANCES IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Fragrances face competition from more affordable alternatives Market sees increasing fragmentation E-commerce helps local brands to gain the attention of the public PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Local fragrances to gain traction, but international brands continue to appeal to higher-end consumers Collaboration with popular local celebrities will be common marketing strategy The Body Shop launches new fragrances based on natural ingredients during Fragrance Festival CATEGORY DATA Table 55 Sales of Fragrances by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 56 Sales of Fragrances by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 57 NBO Company Shares of Fragrances: % Value 2019-2023 Table 58 LBN Brand Shares of Fragrances: % Value 2020-2023 Table 59 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Men's Fragrances: % Value 2020-2023 Table 60 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Women's Fragrances: % Value 2020-2023 Table 61 Forecast Sales of Fragrances by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 62 Forecast Sales of Fragrances by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 HAIR CARE IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Products targeting specific hair care problems help drive sales Impending excise tax on plastic packaging is likely to have huge impact on hair care category, especially standard shampoo E-commerce leverages price advantages to gain traction PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Standard shampoos to drive the performance of hair care Players will target specific hair care issues, with hair loss being a key focus Players enhance shampoo formulas to cater to hijab users CATEGORY DATA Table 105 Sales of Hair Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 106 Sales of Hair Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 107 Sales of Hair Care by Premium vs Mass: % Value 2018-2023 Table 108 NBO Company Shares of Hair Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 109 NBO Company Shares of Salon Professional Hair Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 110 LBN Brand Shares of Hair Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 111 LBN Brand Shares of Colourants: % Value 2020-2023 Table 112 LBN Brand Shares of Salon Professional Hair Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 113 LBN Brand Shares of Styling Agents: % Value 2020-2023 Table 114 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Hair Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 115 Forecast Sales of Hair Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 116 Forecast Sales of Hair Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 Table 117 Forecast Sales of Hair Care by Premium vs Mass: % Value 2023-2028 MEN'S GROOMING IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Rising awareness of men’s grooming products underpins strong performance Popular men’s grooming products tend to target specific problems International players come under pressure from smaller brands PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Men’s grooming has strong growth potential in Indonesia Local brands will increasingly penetrate the category Halal men’s skin care products emerge, with Kahf leading the way CATEGORY DATA Table 63 Sales of Men’s Grooming by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 64 Sales of Men’s Grooming by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 65 Sales of Men's Razors and Blades by Type: % Value Breakdown 2020-2023 Table 66 Sales of Men's Skin Care by Type: % Value Breakdown 2020-2023 Table 67 NBO Company Shares of Men’s Grooming: % Value 2019-2023 Table 68 LBN Brand Shares of Men’s Grooming: % Value 2020-2023 Table 69 LBN Brand Shares of Men's Razors and Blades: % Value 2020-2023 Table 70 Forecast Sales of Men’s Grooming by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 71 Forecast Sales of Men’s Grooming by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 ORAL CARE IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Modest growth in 2023, as consumers cut back on non-essential expenditure The younger generations are fuelling the growth of the category Israel-Hamas war begins to impact competitive landscape PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Healthy outlook for oral care as consumers move towards health prevention to maintain wellbeing and save money Environmentally-friendly products will be highly sought after by consumers Bricks-and-mortar retail channels will continue to dominate distribution of oral care CATEGORY DATA Table 118 Sales of Oral Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 119 Sales of Oral Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 120 Sales of Toothbrushes by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 121 Sales of Toothbrushes by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 122 Sales of Toothpaste by Type: % Value Breakdown 2019-2023 Table 123 NBO Company Shares of Oral Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 124 LBN Brand Shares of Oral Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 125 LBN Brand Shares of Mouthwashes/Dental Rinses: % Value 2020-2023 Table 126 LBN Brand Shares of Toothpaste: % Value 2020-2023 Table 127 Forecast Sales of Oral Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 128 Forecast Sales of Oral Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 Table 129 Forecast Sales of Toothbrushes by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 130 Forecast Sales of Toothbrushes by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 SKIN CARE IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Younger generations play a major role in the healthy performance of skin care Products with active ingredients continue to be highly sought after by consumers Local brands gain traction PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Facial care set to continue to drive category performance Continued preference for whitening facial products, as well as those targeting skin conditions, such as acne Forecast period will see greater support for local products CATEGORY DATA Table 72 Sales of Skin Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 73 Sales of Skin Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 74 NBO Company Shares of Skin Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 75 LBN Brand Shares of Skin Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 76 LBN Brand Shares of Basic Moisturisers: % Value 2020-2023 Table 77 LBN Brand Shares of Anti-agers: % Value 2020-2023 Table 78 LBN Brand Shares of Firming Body Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 79 LBN Brand Shares of General Purpose Body Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 80 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Skin Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 81 Forecast Sales of Skin Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 82 Forecast Sales of Skin Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028 SUN CARE IN INDONESIA KEY DATA FINDINGS 2023 DEVELOPMENTS Growing levels of health awareness enhance the performance of sun care “Less is more” trend enhances the performance of sun care Mass brands are key contributors to retail sales PROSPECTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Expansion of the product offer and higher consumer awareness underpin healthy growth New formats, such as sprays and sticks, provide consumers with a higher level of comfort and convenience Players develop invisible sunscreens CATEGORY DATA Table 83 Sales of Sun Care by Category: Value 2018-2023 Table 84 Sales of Sun Care by Category: % Value Growth 2018-2023 Table 85 NBO Company Shares of Sun Care: % Value 2019-2023 Table 86 LBN Brand Shares of Sun Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 87 LBN Brand Shares of Premium Adult Sun Care: % Value 2020-2023 Table 88 Forecast Sales of Sun Care by Category: Value 2023-2028 Table 89 Forecast Sales of Sun Care by Category: % Value Growth 2023-2028
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よくあるご質問Euromonitor International社はどのような調査会社ですか?Euromonitor International(ユーロモニターインターナショナル)は年17,000以上の市場調査レポートを発行しています。あらゆる国や産業のトレンド、消費者動向を分析し、詳細カテゴ... もっと見る 調査レポートの納品までの日数はどの程度ですか?在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。