![]() タイのアルコール度数市場 2021-2026THAILAND ALCOHOLIC SPIRITS MARKET 2021-2026 市場展望 Triton Market Researchの予測によると、タイのアルコール蒸留酒市場は2021年から2026年の予測期間中にCAGR1.71%(収益ベース)、CAGR0.65%(数量ベース)で急成長すると予想されています。 2019年、... もっと見る
サマリー市場展望Triton Market Researchの予測によると、タイのアルコール蒸留酒市場は2021年から2026年の予測期間中にCAGR1.71%(収益ベース)、CAGR0.65%(数量ベース)で急成長すると予想されています。 2019年、タイではクラフトスピリッツ、特にホワイトラムやイングリッシュジンの消費量が増加しました。クラフトスピリッツへの嗜好の高まりは、ラムではスリーモンキーズ、チャロンベイ、イッサン、&ラムーン・ラマイ、ジンではグランマ・ジンズ&アイアンボールといった新しい国産少量生産のスピリッツに焦点を当てた、流通業者によるバーやナイトクラブでのいくつかのイベントによって裏付けられています。 Thai Beverage PCLのブランドは、いずれも国内で長い間存在感を示している。そして、高いブランド認知度と幅広い流通に加え、同社は地元の消費者を惹きつけるために、タイの伝統的な嗜好を熟知している。また、Ruang Khao SilverやKulov Vodkaなど、製品レンジを広げ、あらゆる消費者の需要に応えるため、継続的にポートフォリオを拡大しています。Kulov Vodkaは他のブランドよりも手頃な価格であるため、飲酒適齢期の若年層の間で人気を博しています。 タイにおける蒸留酒の数量消費の大部分は、現地で生産され、主に地元の人々によって消費される、スラ・カオやミックス・スピリッツなどのその他の蒸留酒によるものです。2020年の観光客数の大幅な減少の影響は少なかったものの、アルコール販売の禁止、オン・トレードの閉鎖、再開後の社会的距離の取り方などが消費にマイナスの影響を及ぼしました。 競争力の見通し Thai Beverage PCL、Remy Cointreau Group、Regency Thai Co Ltd、Pernod Ricard Groupe、Diageo Plc、Bacardi & Co Ltdなど、数多くのプレイヤーがここのアルコール度数市場で事業を展開している。 目次MARKET OUTLOOKAccording to Triton Market Research’s prediction, the Thai market for alcoholic spirits is expected to burgeon with 1.71% CAGR (by revenue) and 0.65% CAGR (by volume) during the forecasting years of 2021-2026. In 2019, Thailand witnessed a rise in the consumption of craft spirits, particularly white rum and English gin. The growing preference for craft spirits is being supported by several events in bars and nightclubs, organized by distributors to highlight new domestically produced small-batch spirits such as Three Monkeys, Chalong Bay, Issan, & Lamoon Lamai in rum, and Grandma Jinn’s & Iron Ball in gin. All brands from Thai Beverage PCL have been present in the country for a long time. And, aside from high brand awareness and its wide distribution, the company also knows well about traditional Thai preferences to attract local consumers. It is also continually expanding its portfolio, with products like Ruang Khao Silver and Kulov Vodka, to extend its product range and meet the demands of all consumers. As Kulov Vodka is more affordable than other brands, it has gained popularity among young adults of legal drinking age. The bulk of volume consumption of spirits in Thailand comes from other spirits, such as sura khao and mixed spirits, which are produced locally and consumed mainly by locals. Although they were less hit by the significant decline in tourist arrivals in 2020, the ban on alcohol sales, on-trade closures, and social distancing measures post reopening negatively impacted their consumption. COMPETITIVE OUTLOOK Numerous players, such as Thai Beverage PCL, Remy Cointreau Group, Regency Thai Co Ltd, Pernod Ricard Groupe, Diageo Plc, and Bacardi & Co Ltd, operate in the alcoholic spirits market here.
SummaryMARKET OUTLOOK Table of ContentsMARKET OUTLOOKAccording to Triton Market Research’s prediction, the Thai market for alcoholic spirits is expected to burgeon with 1.71% CAGR (by revenue) and 0.65% CAGR (by volume) during the forecasting years of 2021-2026. In 2019, Thailand witnessed a rise in the consumption of craft spirits, particularly white rum and English gin. The growing preference for craft spirits is being supported by several events in bars and nightclubs, organized by distributors to highlight new domestically produced small-batch spirits such as Three Monkeys, Chalong Bay, Issan, & Lamoon Lamai in rum, and Grandma Jinn’s & Iron Ball in gin. All brands from Thai Beverage PCL have been present in the country for a long time. And, aside from high brand awareness and its wide distribution, the company also knows well about traditional Thai preferences to attract local consumers. It is also continually expanding its portfolio, with products like Ruang Khao Silver and Kulov Vodka, to extend its product range and meet the demands of all consumers. As Kulov Vodka is more affordable than other brands, it has gained popularity among young adults of legal drinking age. The bulk of volume consumption of spirits in Thailand comes from other spirits, such as sura khao and mixed spirits, which are produced locally and consumed mainly by locals. Although they were less hit by the significant decline in tourist arrivals in 2020, the ban on alcohol sales, on-trade closures, and social distancing measures post reopening negatively impacted their consumption. COMPETITIVE OUTLOOK Numerous players, such as Thai Beverage PCL, Remy Cointreau Group, Regency Thai Co Ltd, Pernod Ricard Groupe, Diageo Plc, and Bacardi & Co Ltd, operate in the alcoholic spirits market here.
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