![]() ロシアのアルコール度数市場 2021-2026RUSSIA ALCOHOLIC SPIRITS MARKET 2021-2026 市場展望 ロシアのアルコール蒸留酒市場は、2021年から2026年までの推定期間において、CAGR2.43%(売上高)、0.98%(数量)で上昇する見込みである。 2019年のウォッカの販売において、人口動態の不利な変化... もっと見る
サマリー市場展望ロシアのアルコール蒸留酒市場は、2021年から2026年までの推定期間において、CAGR2.43%(売上高)、0.98%(数量)で上昇する見込みである。 2019年のウォッカの販売において、人口動態の不利な変化と好ましくない消費者習慣に直面し、国内の大手蒸留酒メーカーは、業界で存在感を保つためにポートフォリオの多様化を余儀なくされました。ベルーガ・グループは、スピリッツのポートフォリオをより多様化することで好結果が得られる可能性にいち早く気付いたウォッカ・ブランドのひとつです。そのため、ブランドイメージの向上と世界的に有名な企業との提携に多額の投資を始めました。 ブランデー、コニャック、ウイスキーは、2019年に絶対量ベースで最も好調なカテゴリーでした。より高級とされるスピリッツカテゴリーに関心を示すロシア人が増えた。日本のウイスキー、テキーラ(およびメスカル)、イギリスのジン、ダークラム、シングルモルトスコッチウイスキーは、2020年中にCOVID-19の大流行で最も大きな打撃を受けた。これは、COVID-19に触発された経済不安が広がった結果、消費者がこれらの製品への高額な支出を正当化できなくなったためである。 競争展望 アルコール蒸留酒市場の上位主要プレーヤーは、Tatspirtprom OaO、Russian Standard Corp、Global Spirits Amg-77 Holding Co、Beluga Group PaO、Bashspirt OaO、Alkogolnaya Sibirskaya Gruppa OoOなどである。 目次MARKET OUTLOOKThe market for alcoholic spirits in Russia is set to rise with a CAGR of 2.43% (revenue) and 0.98% (volume) in the estimated period from 2021 to 2026. Faced with the adverse shifts in demographic trends and unfavorable consumer habits for the sales of vodka in 2019, the country’s leading spirits distillers were compelled to diversify their portfolios to remain relevant in the industry. Beluga Group was among the first vodka brands to realize the potential for a more diversified portfolio for spirits in order to yield positive results. It therefore began investing heavily in improving its brand image and entering into partnerships with globally known names. Brandy, cognac, and whiskies were the best performing categories in absolute volume terms in 2019. More Russians are now showing interest in spirit categories that are considered more upmarket. Japanese whisky, tequila (and mezcal), English gin, dark rum, and single malt Scotch whisky were the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020. This was due to consumers being unable to justify high spending on these products as a result of the widespread COVID-19-inspired economic uncertainty. COMPETITIVE OUTLOOK The top key players in the alcoholic spirits market are Tatspirtprom OaO, Russian Standard Corp, Global Spirits Amg-77 Holding Co, Beluga Group PaO, Bashspirt OaO, and Alkogolnaya Sibirskaya Gruppa OoO.
SummaryMARKET OUTLOOK Table of ContentsMARKET OUTLOOKThe market for alcoholic spirits in Russia is set to rise with a CAGR of 2.43% (revenue) and 0.98% (volume) in the estimated period from 2021 to 2026. Faced with the adverse shifts in demographic trends and unfavorable consumer habits for the sales of vodka in 2019, the country’s leading spirits distillers were compelled to diversify their portfolios to remain relevant in the industry. Beluga Group was among the first vodka brands to realize the potential for a more diversified portfolio for spirits in order to yield positive results. It therefore began investing heavily in improving its brand image and entering into partnerships with globally known names. Brandy, cognac, and whiskies were the best performing categories in absolute volume terms in 2019. More Russians are now showing interest in spirit categories that are considered more upmarket. Japanese whisky, tequila (and mezcal), English gin, dark rum, and single malt Scotch whisky were the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020. This was due to consumers being unable to justify high spending on these products as a result of the widespread COVID-19-inspired economic uncertainty. COMPETITIVE OUTLOOK The top key players in the alcoholic spirits market are Tatspirtprom OaO, Russian Standard Corp, Global Spirits Amg-77 Holding Co, Beluga Group PaO, Bashspirt OaO, and Alkogolnaya Sibirskaya Gruppa OoO.
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