![]() 日本のアルコール度数市場 2021-2026JAPAN ALCOHOLIC SPIRITS MARKET 2021-2026 市場展望 日本のアルコール蒸留酒市場は、2021年から2026年の予測期間において、売上高で2.00%、数量で-0.45%のCAGRを示すと予測されます。 国内のほとんどのアルコール飲料の場合と同様に、2020年には政府の... もっと見る
サマリー市場展望日本のアルコール蒸留酒市場は、2021年から2026年の予測期間において、売上高で2.00%、数量で-0.45%のCAGRを示すと予測されます。 国内のほとんどのアルコール飲料の場合と同様に、2020年には政府の非常事態宣言により、外食店舗の閉鎖が広まり、蒸留酒のオントレード販売は大きな打撃を受けました。特に、オントレード販売への依存度が高いジンやラムなどのホワイトスピリッツは、フードサービス店舗の閉鎖で大きな打撃を受けました。 これらの蒸留酒は、飲酒適齢期の若者に人気があるため、2020年後半にはバーやレストランが再開され、より強く回復すると予想されていました。しかし、規制緩和によりこれらの店舗が再開され始めても、来客数は大幅に減少しており、多くの消費者が社会的距離を懸念している。 日本市場における蒸留酒は、焼酎が中高年層に人気があり、圧倒的なシェアを誇っています。ウイスキーは、パンデミックという難題にもかかわらず、オフトレードの売上がやや好調で、健全な成長を続けています。さらに、2021年には東京オリンピックがオントレードの売上を一時的に押し上げる要因となりました。 競争力の見通し アルコール度数市場における競合企業は、宝ホールディングス株式会社、サントリーホールディングス株式会社、三和酒類株式会社、オエノンホールディングス株式会社、株式会社キリシマ、アサヒグループホールディングス株式会社である。 目次MARKET OUTLOOKThe market for alcoholic spirits in Japan is projected to showcase a CAGR of 2.00% and -0.45%, by revenue and volume, respectively, in the forecasting period of 2021-2026. As with the case of most alcoholic drinks in the country, the on-trade sales of spirits were hard hit in 2020, with the government’s declaration of a state of emergency, which resulted in the widespread closure of foodservice outlets. White spirits such as gin and rum, which have a stronger reliance on on-trade sales, were particularly hard hit by the closure of foodservice outlets. Some of these spirits are more popular among youngsters of legal drinking age, and as such, were expected to rebound more strongly in the second half of 2020, with bars and restaurants reopening. However, even as these outlets began to reopen with the ease in restrictions, the visitor numbers have been significantly lower, with many consumers being concerned about social distancing. Shochu/soju is the dominant category within spirits in the Japanese market, due to its popularity among older and middle-aged consumers. Whiskies have fared slightly better with off-trade sales, continuing to enjoy healthy growth, in spite of the challenges presented by the pandemic. Additionally, the Tokyo Olympics provided a temporary boost to on-trade sales in 2021. COMPETITIVE OUTLOOK The competitive players in the alcoholic spirits market are Takara Holdings Inc, Suntory Holdings Ltd, Sanwa Shurui Co Ltd, Oenon Holdings Inc, Kirishima Corp, and Asahi Group Holdings Ltd.
SummaryMARKET OUTLOOK Table of ContentsMARKET OUTLOOKThe market for alcoholic spirits in Japan is projected to showcase a CAGR of 2.00% and -0.45%, by revenue and volume, respectively, in the forecasting period of 2021-2026. As with the case of most alcoholic drinks in the country, the on-trade sales of spirits were hard hit in 2020, with the government’s declaration of a state of emergency, which resulted in the widespread closure of foodservice outlets. White spirits such as gin and rum, which have a stronger reliance on on-trade sales, were particularly hard hit by the closure of foodservice outlets. Some of these spirits are more popular among youngsters of legal drinking age, and as such, were expected to rebound more strongly in the second half of 2020, with bars and restaurants reopening. However, even as these outlets began to reopen with the ease in restrictions, the visitor numbers have been significantly lower, with many consumers being concerned about social distancing. Shochu/soju is the dominant category within spirits in the Japanese market, due to its popularity among older and middle-aged consumers. Whiskies have fared slightly better with off-trade sales, continuing to enjoy healthy growth, in spite of the challenges presented by the pandemic. Additionally, the Tokyo Olympics provided a temporary boost to on-trade sales in 2021. COMPETITIVE OUTLOOK The competitive players in the alcoholic spirits market are Takara Holdings Inc, Suntory Holdings Ltd, Sanwa Shurui Co Ltd, Oenon Holdings Inc, Kirishima Corp, and Asahi Group Holdings Ltd.
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