![]() フランス アルコール度数市場 2021-2026FRANCE ALCOHOLIC SPIRITS MARKET 2021-2026 市場展望 フランスの蒸留酒市場は、2021年から2026年の予測期間において、売上高で3.20%、数量で-0.25%のCAGRを描くと予測されます。 COVID-19パンデミックの発生によるバー、ナイトクラブ、その他のオントレー... もっと見る
サマリー市場展望フランスの蒸留酒市場は、2021年から2026年の予測期間において、売上高で3.20%、数量で-0.25%のCAGRを描くと予測されます。 COVID-19パンデミックの発生によるバー、ナイトクラブ、その他のオントレードの飲酒施設の閉鎖は、観光に影響を与える旅行制限とともに、2020年の蒸留酒のオントレード販売に壊滅的な影響を及ぼした。パンデミックの後遺症として、人々の収入や経済全体が混乱し、単価の安い地酒の重要性が高まったことで、売上が増加しました。 そのため、すべてのスピリッツがオン・トレード、オフ・トレードともに落ち込みが激しくなっていますが、特にホワイト・ラムは減少しています。一方、中低価格帯のウォッカは他より好調であった。これは、消費者が時間のあるときに、家庭でカクテルを作るのに、比較的入手しやすく、調理も簡単だったからである。 パンデミックの悪影響は2020年以降も続いており、戸締まりや社会的距離の取り方、渡航制限がいつまで続くかによって、その先も1~2年は続くと予想される。しかし、明るい材料としては、最近のトレンドに同調して、ダークラムや特にジャパニーズウイスキーがオフトレードチャネルでプラス成長を示すと予想される。一方、オン・トレード・チャネルでは、イングリッシュ・ジンが最も力強い成長を遂げると予想されます。 競争の見通し アルコール度数市場における競合他社は、Bacardi & Co Ltd, Diageo Plc, Pernod Ricard Groupe, La Martiniquaise SVS, Brown Forman Corp, William Grant & Sons Ltd.等です。 目次MARKET OUTLOOKFrance’s market for alcoholic spirits is projected to depict a CAGR of 3.20% and -0.25%, by revenue and volume, respectively, over the forecasting duration of 2021-2026. The closure of bars, nightclubs, and other on-trade drinking establishments owing to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with travel restrictions impacting tourism, had a devastating effect on the on-trade sales of spirits in 2020. As an after-effect of the pandemic, consequent disruption in people’s income & the overall economy, and the rise in importance of value for money local alcoholic drinks with very cheap unit prices witnessed increased sales. Therefore, while all spirits are suffering steeper declines in both on- and off-trade channels, particularly white rum. Whereas, low- to mid-priced vodka fared better than others. This is because they were comparatively more accessible and easier to prepare for cocktails at home, when consumers had more time. The negative impacts of the pandemic have continued over 2020, and are expected to continue a year or two beyond, depending on how long the lockdowns, social distancing practices, and travel restrictions last. However, on the bright side, and keeping in sync with recent trends, dark rum and particularly Japanese whiskey are expected to exhibit positive growth in the off-trade channel. Meanwhile, English gin is set to witness the strongest growth in the on-trade channel. COMPETITIVE OUTLOOK The competitors in the alcoholic spirits market include Bacardi & Co Ltd, Diageo Plc, Pernod Ricard Groupe, La Martiniquaise SVS, Brown Forman Corp, and William Grant & Sons Ltd.
SummaryMARKET OUTLOOK Table of ContentsMARKET OUTLOOKFrance’s market for alcoholic spirits is projected to depict a CAGR of 3.20% and -0.25%, by revenue and volume, respectively, over the forecasting duration of 2021-2026. The closure of bars, nightclubs, and other on-trade drinking establishments owing to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with travel restrictions impacting tourism, had a devastating effect on the on-trade sales of spirits in 2020. As an after-effect of the pandemic, consequent disruption in people’s income & the overall economy, and the rise in importance of value for money local alcoholic drinks with very cheap unit prices witnessed increased sales. Therefore, while all spirits are suffering steeper declines in both on- and off-trade channels, particularly white rum. Whereas, low- to mid-priced vodka fared better than others. This is because they were comparatively more accessible and easier to prepare for cocktails at home, when consumers had more time. The negative impacts of the pandemic have continued over 2020, and are expected to continue a year or two beyond, depending on how long the lockdowns, social distancing practices, and travel restrictions last. However, on the bright side, and keeping in sync with recent trends, dark rum and particularly Japanese whiskey are expected to exhibit positive growth in the off-trade channel. Meanwhile, English gin is set to witness the strongest growth in the on-trade channel. COMPETITIVE OUTLOOK The competitors in the alcoholic spirits market include Bacardi & Co Ltd, Diageo Plc, Pernod Ricard Groupe, La Martiniquaise SVS, Brown Forman Corp, and William Grant & Sons Ltd.
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