統合エンドポイント管理市場規模・予測(2021年~2031年)、世界・地域シェア、動向、成長機会分析レポート対象範囲コンポーネント別(ソリューションとサービス)、展開タイプ別(クラウドベースとオンプレミス)、プラットフォーム別(デスクトップとモバイル)、組織規模別(大企業と中小企業)、エンドユーザー別(BFSI、政府と防衛、医療、ITと通信、自動車と運輸、小売、製造、その他)、地域別Unified Endpoint Management Market Size and Forecast (2021 - 2031), Global and Regional Share, Trend, and Growth Opportunity Analysis Report Coverage: By Component (Solutions and Services), Deployment Type (Cloud-Based and On-Premise), Platform (Desktop and Mobile), Organization Size (Large Enterprises and SMEs), End User (BFSI, Government and Defense, Healthcare, IT and Telecom, Automotive and Transportation, Retail, Manufacturing, and Others), and Geography 統合エンドポイント管理市場規模は、2023年に93.4億米ドルと評価され、2031年には849.1億米ドルに達すると予測されている。 統合エンドポイント管理市場は、北米、欧州、アジア太平洋(APAC)、中東・アフリカ... もっと見る
サマリー統合エンドポイント管理市場規模は、2023年に93.4億米ドルと評価され、2031年には849.1億米ドルに達すると予測されている。統合エンドポイント管理市場は、北米、欧州、アジア太平洋(APAC)、中東・アフリカ(MEA)、南米・中米の5つの主要地域に区分される。2023年の市場規模は北米が圧倒的に大きく、次いで欧州、APACの順となっている。サイバー攻撃の急増も、統合エンドポイント管理ソリューションの必要性を煽っている。例えば、IT Governance USAによると、2024年、米国では、2,741件の公表されたインシデントにおいて、6,845,908,997件の既知の記録が侵害された。2022年3月、日本のタイヤメーカーである株式会社ブリヂストンは、米国子会社がランサムウェア攻撃を受けたことを発表し、北米の工場全体で、影響を受けたコンピューター・ネットワークと生産の停止を余儀なくされた。同様に、2022年7月、エントラスト社は、社内システムからデータを盗むことに成功したランサムウェアによってネットワークが侵害されたことを確認した。さらに、2022年5月に発生したシスコの情報漏えいは、従業員のブラウザに同期された正規の従業員認証情報を活用し、ビッシング(音声フィッシング)攻撃とMFA疲労テクニックを組み合わせて標的ネットワークへのVPNアクセスを達成した。組織の内部システムからのこのようなデータ漏洩は、集中的かつ包括的なエンドポイント制御の必要性を高め、北米の統合エンドポイント管理市場を牽引している。アジア太平洋地域の統合エンドポイント管理市場は、2023年から2031年にかけて最も高い成長率を示すと予測されている。アジア太平洋地域の各国政府は、さまざまなビジネスでデジタル化を推進している。各国政府はインフラ拡張を後押しするため、デジタルトランスフォーメーション計画を実施している。デジタル・インディア、スマート・ネーション・シンガポール、マレーシアのMyDIGITALなど数多くの政府プログラムは、この地域がデジタル・リーダーになるという目標を示している。この地域のデジタルインフラへの大規模な支出は、技術系新興企業と既存市場プレイヤーの双方を惹きつけている。これらのイニシアチブは、デジタル意識、デジタルサービスとガバナンス、高速インターネット接続の強化を目的としている。しかし、このようなデジタル変革には、エンドポイントセキュリティの侵害というリスクが伴う。例えば、世界経済フォーラム(World Economic Forum)の報告書によると、アジア太平洋地域(APAC)では、2023年第1四半期に週当たりのサイバー攻撃が前年同期比で最も増加した。同地域の企業は同期間中、1組織あたり平均1,835件の攻撃に直面した。2022年5月、インド第2位の航空会社SpiceJetは、システムに対するランサムウェア攻撃に直面し、フライトの連鎖的な遅延につながった。この攻撃により、120万人以上の乗客の個人情報を含む暗号化されていないデータベースのバックアップファイルが発見された。このように、同地域ではサイバー攻撃の件数が増加しており、エンドポイントの統合管理に対するニーズは予測期間中に高まると予想される。 エンドユーザー別に見ると、統合エンドポイント管理市場は、BFSI、政府・防衛、ヘルスケア、IT・通信、自動車・運輸、小売、製造、その他に区分される。統合エンドポイント管理市場で最大のシェアを占めるのはIT・通信分野である。データ・ネットワーク・トラフィックの経時的な挙動は、大規模サービス・プロバイダーにとって動的なものである。観測や要約からパターンだけを解読できるとは限らない。ビッグデータプラットフォームから照会されたデータに対する統計的学習のモデルは、統計的なトラフィックの特性をモデル属性として使用して、トラフィックパターンの特性を分類するためにIT・通信業界で使用されている。これらのモデルの出力は、日中のトラフィック挙動における同時の異常を検出するために、最近の過去のトラフィック測定フォレンジックを実行するために使用されます。また、統合エンドポイント管理ソリューションは、企業全体に配備されたさまざまなエンドポイント・デバイスを効率的に管理できる集中型コンソールをIT管理者に提供します。効果的な統合エンドポイント管理ソリューションは、モバイルデバイス、オペレーティングシステム、オンプレミスおよびクラウドの展開モデルなど、さまざまなカテゴリーに対応している。同分野の成長に寄与する重要な要因の1つは、生産性を管理・強化するためのITサービスやソリューションへの支出が増加していることである。IT・通信業界では、複雑なITネットワーク・コンポーネントや専用サーバーが、組織全体のIT資産やアプリケーション・フローを管理している。すべてのエンドポイントを障害なく一貫して維持するため、システム管理者へのプレッシャーが高まっている。そのため、ITおよび通信企業は、これらの複雑さを克服するために統合エンドポイント管理ソリューションを採用している。 42Gears Mobility Systems Pvt Ltd、BlackBerry Ltd、Matrix42 AG、MobileIron Inc、Ivanti、Citrix Systems Inc、International Business Machines Corp、Microsoft Corp、VMware Inc、Zoho Corp Pvt Ltd、MICROLAND LIMITED、REDPALM、SCALEFUSION (PROMOBI TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD)、STEFANINI、TANGOE、Sophos Ltd.HCL Technologies Ltd; SOTI Inc; baramundi software USA, Inc; and Mitsogo Inc.などが、この市場調査で紹介されている統合エンドポイント管理市場の主要企業です。 統合エンドポイント管理市場全体の規模は、一次情報源と二次情報源の両方を用いて導き出されたものである。徹底的な二次調査は、統合エンドポイント管理市場規模に関連する質的・量的情報を得るために、社内外の情報源を用いて実施された。また、このプロセスは、すべての市場セグメントに関する市場の概要と予測を得るのに役立ちます。また、データを検証し分析的洞察を得るために、業界関係者に対して複数の一次インタビューを実施しました。このプロセスには、副社長、事業開発マネージャー、マーケットインテリジェンスマネージャー、国内営業マネージャーなどの業界専門家と、統合エンドポイント管理市場を専門とする評価専門家、調査アナリスト、主要オピニオンリーダーなどの外部コンサルタントが参加しています。 目次TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Introduction 1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance 1.2 Market Segmentation 2. Executive Summary 2.1 Key Insights 2.2 Market Attractiveness 3. Research Methodology 3.1 Secondary Research 3.2 Primary Research 3.2.1 Hypothesis formulation: 3.2.2 Macro-economic factor analysis: 3.2.3 Developing base number: 3.2.4 Data Triangulation: 3.2.5 Country level data: 4. Unified Endpoint Management Market Landscape 4.1 Overview 4.2 PEST Analysis 4.3 Ecosystem Analysis 4.3.1 Technology Developers 4.3.2 Solution Providers 4.3.3 System Integrators 4.3.4 End Users 4.3.5 List of Vendors in the Value Chain 5. Unified Endpoint Management Market – Key Market Dynamics 5.1 Unified Endpoint Management Market – Key Market Dynamics 5.2 Market Drivers 5.2.1 Surge in BYOD Policies and Work From Home Practices 5.2.2 Rise of Endpoint Attacks 5.2.3 Increase in Demand for Endpoints Across Organizations 5.2.4 Standardization of Data Protection Rules 5.3 Market Restraints 5.3.1 High Initial and Associated Cost 5.4 Market Opportunities 5.4.1 Integration With AI and Machine Learning 5.4.2 Wide Application Scope across SMEs 5.5 Future Trends 5.5.1 Zero-Touch Deployment 5.5.2 Increase in Adoption of Cloud-Based Solutions Across Enterprises 5.6 Impact of Drivers and Restraints: 6. Unified Endpoint Management Market – Global Market Analysis 6.1 Unified Endpoint Management Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2021–2031 6.2 Unified Endpoint Management Market Forecast Analysis 7. Unified Endpoint Management Market Analysis – by Component 7.1 Solutions 7.1.1 Overview 7.1.2 Solutions: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 7.2 Services 7.2.1 Overview 7.2.2 Services: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 8. Unified Endpoint Management Market Analysis – by Deployment Type 8.1 Cloud Based 8.1.1 Overview 8.1.2 Cloud Based: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 8.2 On-Premise 8.2.1 Overview 8.2.2 On-Premise: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 9. Unified Endpoint Management Market Analysis – by Platform 9.1 Desktop 9.1.1 Overview 9.1.2 Desktop: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 9.2 Mobile 9.2.1 Overview 9.2.2 Mobile: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 10. Unified Endpoint Management Market Analysis – by Organization Size 10.1 Large Enterprises 10.1.1 Overview 10.1.2 Large Enterprises: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 10.2 SMEs 10.2.1 Overview 10.2.2 SMEs: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 11. Unified Endpoint Management Market Analysis – by End User 11.1 BFSI 11.1.1 Overview 11.1.2 BFSI: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 11.2 Government and Defense 11.2.1 Overview 11.2.2 Government and Defense: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 11.3 Healthcare 11.3.1 Overview 11.3.2 Healthcare: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 11.4 IT and Telecom 11.4.1 Overview 11.4.2 IT and Telecom: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 11.5 Automotive and Transportation 11.5.1 Overview 11.5.2 Automotive and Transportation: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 11.6 Retail 11.6.1 Overview 11.6.2 Retail: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 11.7 Manufacturing 11.7.1 Overview 11.7.2 Manufacturing: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 11.8 Others 11.8.1 Overview 11.8.2 Others: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 12. Unified Endpoint Management Market – Geographical Analysis 12.1 Overview 12.2 North America 12.2.1 North America Unified Endpoint Management Market Overview 12.2.2 North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 12.2.3 North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Component 12.2.4 North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Deployment Type 12.2.5 North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Platform 12.2.6 North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Organization Size 12.2.7 North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by End User 12.2.8 North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country United States: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) United States: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component United States: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type United States: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform United States: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size United States: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Canada: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Canada: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Canada: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Canada: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Canada: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Canada: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Mexico: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Mexico: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Mexico: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Mexico: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Mexico: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Mexico: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User 12.3 Europe 12.3.1 Europe Unified Endpoint Management Market Overview 12.3.2 Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 12.3.3 Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Component 12.3.4 Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Deployment Type 12.3.5 Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Platform 12.3.6 Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Organization Size 12.3.7 Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by End User 12.3.8 Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country Germany: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Germany: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Germany: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Germany: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Germany: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Germany: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User United Kingdom: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) United Kingdom: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component United Kingdom: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type United Kingdom: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform United Kingdom: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size United Kingdom: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User France: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) France: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component France: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type France: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform France: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size France: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Italy: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Italy: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Italy: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Italy: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Italy: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Italy: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Russia: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Russia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Russia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Russia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Russia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Russia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Rest of Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Rest of Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Rest of Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Rest of Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Rest of Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Rest of Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User 12.4 Asia Pacific 12.4.1 Asia Pacific Unified Endpoint Management Market Overview 12.4.2 Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 12.4.3 Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Component 12.4.4 Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Deployment Type 12.4.5 Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Platform 12.4.6 Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Organization Size 12.4.7 Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by End User 12.4.8 Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country China: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) China: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component China: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type China: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform China: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size China: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Japan: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Japan: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Japan: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Japan: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Japan: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Japan: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User South Korea: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) South Korea: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component South Korea: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type South Korea: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform South Korea: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size South Korea: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User India: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) India: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component India: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type India: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform India: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size India: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Australia: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Australia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Australia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Australia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Australia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Australia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Rest of APAC: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Rest of APAC: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Rest of APAC: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Rest of APAC: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Rest of APAC: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Rest of APAC: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User 12.5 Middle East and Africa 12.5.1 Middle East and Africa Unified Endpoint Management Market Overview 12.5.2 Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 12.5.3 Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Component 12.5.4 Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Deployment Type 12.5.5 Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Platform 12.5.6 Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Organization Size 12.5.7 Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by End User 12.5.8 Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country Saudi Arabia: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Saudi Arabia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Saudi Arabia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Saudi Arabia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Saudi Arabia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Saudi Arabia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User United Arab Emirates: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) United Arab Emirates: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component United Arab Emirates: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type United Arab Emirates: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform United Arab Emirates: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size United Arab Emirates: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User South Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) South Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component South Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type South Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform South Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size South Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Rest of Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Rest of Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Rest of Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Rest of Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Rest of Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Rest of Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User 12.6 South and Central America 12.6.1 South and Central America Unified Endpoint Management Market Overview 12.6.2 South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 12.6.3 South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Component 12.6.4 South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Deployment Type 12.6.5 South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Platform 12.6.6 South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Organization Size 12.6.7 South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by End User 12.6.8 South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country Brazil: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Brazil: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Brazil: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Brazil: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Brazil: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Brazil: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Argentina: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Argentina: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Argentina: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Argentina: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Argentina: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Argentina: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Rest of South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Rest of South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Rest of South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Rest of South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Rest of South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Rest of South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User 13. Competitive Landscape 13.1 Heat Map Analysis by Key Players 13.2 Company Positioning & Concentration 14. Industry Landscape 14.1 Overview 14.2 Market Initiative 14.3 New Product Development 15. Company Profiles 15.1 BlackBerry Ltd 15.1.1 Key Facts 15.1.2 Business Description 15.1.3 Products and Services 15.1.4 Financial Overview 15.1.5 SWOT Analysis 15.1.6 Key Developments 15.2 HCL Technologies Ltd 15.2.1 Key Facts 15.2.2 Business Description 15.2.3 Products and Services 15.2.4 Financial Overview 15.2.5 SWOT Analysis 15.2.6 Key Developments 15.3 Mitsogo Inc 15.3.1 Key Facts 15.3.2 Business Description 15.3.3 Products and Services 15.3.4 Financial Overview 15.3.5 SWOT Analysis 15.3.6 Key Developments 15.4 Sophos Ltd. 15.4.1 Key Facts 15.4.2 Business Description 15.4.3 Products and Services 15.4.4 Financial Overview 15.4.5 SWOT Analysis 15.4.6 Key Developments 15.5 SOTI Inc. 15.5.1 Key Facts 15.5.2 Business Description 15.5.3 Products and Services 15.5.4 Financial Overview 15.5.5 SWOT Analysis 15.5.6 Key Developments 15.6 REDPALM 15.6.1 Key Facts 15.6.2 Business Description 15.6.3 Products and Services 15.6.4 Financial Overview 15.6.5 SWOT Analysis 15.6.6 Key Developments 15.7 SCALEFUSION (PROMOBI TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD) 15.7.1 Key Facts 15.7.2 Business Description 15.7.3 Products and Services 15.7.4 Financial Overview 15.7.5 SWOT Analysis 15.7.6 Key Developments 15.8 STEFANINI 15.8.1 Key Facts 15.8.2 Business Description 15.8.3 Products and Services 15.8.4 Financial Overview 15.8.5 SWOT Analysis 15.8.6 Key Developments 15.9 TANGOE 15.9.1 Key Facts 15.9.2 Business Description 15.9.3 Products and Services 15.9.4 Financial Overview 15.9.5 SWOT Analysis 15.9.6 Key Developments 15.10 Zoho Corp Pvt Ltd 15.10.1 Key Facts 15.10.2 Business Description 15.10.3 Products and Services 15.10.4 Financial Overview 15.10.5 SWOT Analysis 15.10.6 Key Developments 15.11 Matrix42 AG 15.11.1 Key Facts 15.11.2 Business Description 15.11.3 Products and Services 15.11.4 Financial Overview 15.11.5 SWOT Analysis 15.11.6 Key Developments 15.12 Ivanti 15.12.1 Key Facts 15.12.2 Business Description 15.12.3 Products and Services 15.12.4 Financial Overview 15.12.5 SWOT Analysis 15.12.6 Key Developments 15.13 Citrix Systems Inc 15.13.1 Key Facts 15.13.2 Business Description 15.13.3 Products and Services 15.13.4 Financial Overview 15.13.5 SWOT Analysis 15.13.6 Key Developments 15.14 International Business Machines Corp 15.14.1 Key Facts 15.14.2 Business Description 15.14.3 Products and Services 15.14.4 Financial Overview 15.14.5 SWOT Analysis 15.14.6 Key Developments 15.15 Microsoft Corp 15.15.1 Key Facts 15.15.2 Business Description 15.15.3 Products and Services 15.15.4 Financial Overview 15.15.5 SWOT Analysis 15.15.6 Key Developments 15.16 MICROLAND LIMITED 15.16.1 Key Facts 15.16.2 Business Description 15.16.3 Products and Services 15.16.4 Financial Overview 15.16.5 SWOT Analysis 15.16.6 Key Developments 15.17 Baramundi software USA, Inc. 15.17.1 Key Facts 15.17.2 Business Description 15.17.3 Products and Services 15.17.4 Financial Overview 15.17.5 SWOT Analysis 15.17.6 Key Developments 15.18 Open Text Corp 15.18.1 Key Facts 15.18.2 Business Description 15.18.3 Products and Services 15.18.4 Financial Overview 15.18.5 SWOT Analysis 15.18.6 Key Developments 16. Appendix 16.1 Word Index 16.2 About The Insight Partners
SummaryThe unified endpoint management market size was valued at US$ 9.34 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach US$ 84.91 billion by 2031; it is estimated to record a CAGR of 31.8% from 2023 to 2031. Table of ContentsTABLE OF CONTENTS1. Introduction 1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance 1.2 Market Segmentation 2. Executive Summary 2.1 Key Insights 2.2 Market Attractiveness 3. Research Methodology 3.1 Secondary Research 3.2 Primary Research 3.2.1 Hypothesis formulation: 3.2.2 Macro-economic factor analysis: 3.2.3 Developing base number: 3.2.4 Data Triangulation: 3.2.5 Country level data: 4. Unified Endpoint Management Market Landscape 4.1 Overview 4.2 PEST Analysis 4.3 Ecosystem Analysis 4.3.1 Technology Developers 4.3.2 Solution Providers 4.3.3 System Integrators 4.3.4 End Users 4.3.5 List of Vendors in the Value Chain 5. Unified Endpoint Management Market – Key Market Dynamics 5.1 Unified Endpoint Management Market – Key Market Dynamics 5.2 Market Drivers 5.2.1 Surge in BYOD Policies and Work From Home Practices 5.2.2 Rise of Endpoint Attacks 5.2.3 Increase in Demand for Endpoints Across Organizations 5.2.4 Standardization of Data Protection Rules 5.3 Market Restraints 5.3.1 High Initial and Associated Cost 5.4 Market Opportunities 5.4.1 Integration With AI and Machine Learning 5.4.2 Wide Application Scope across SMEs 5.5 Future Trends 5.5.1 Zero-Touch Deployment 5.5.2 Increase in Adoption of Cloud-Based Solutions Across Enterprises 5.6 Impact of Drivers and Restraints: 6. Unified Endpoint Management Market – Global Market Analysis 6.1 Unified Endpoint Management Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2021–2031 6.2 Unified Endpoint Management Market Forecast Analysis 7. Unified Endpoint Management Market Analysis – by Component 7.1 Solutions 7.1.1 Overview 7.1.2 Solutions: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 7.2 Services 7.2.1 Overview 7.2.2 Services: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 8. Unified Endpoint Management Market Analysis – by Deployment Type 8.1 Cloud Based 8.1.1 Overview 8.1.2 Cloud Based: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 8.2 On-Premise 8.2.1 Overview 8.2.2 On-Premise: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 9. Unified Endpoint Management Market Analysis – by Platform 9.1 Desktop 9.1.1 Overview 9.1.2 Desktop: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 9.2 Mobile 9.2.1 Overview 9.2.2 Mobile: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 10. Unified Endpoint Management Market Analysis – by Organization Size 10.1 Large Enterprises 10.1.1 Overview 10.1.2 Large Enterprises: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 10.2 SMEs 10.2.1 Overview 10.2.2 SMEs: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 11. Unified Endpoint Management Market Analysis – by End User 11.1 BFSI 11.1.1 Overview 11.1.2 BFSI: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 11.2 Government and Defense 11.2.1 Overview 11.2.2 Government and Defense: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 11.3 Healthcare 11.3.1 Overview 11.3.2 Healthcare: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 11.4 IT and Telecom 11.4.1 Overview 11.4.2 IT and Telecom: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 11.5 Automotive and Transportation 11.5.1 Overview 11.5.2 Automotive and Transportation: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 11.6 Retail 11.6.1 Overview 11.6.2 Retail: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 11.7 Manufacturing 11.7.1 Overview 11.7.2 Manufacturing: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 11.8 Others 11.8.1 Overview 11.8.2 Others: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 12. Unified Endpoint Management Market – Geographical Analysis 12.1 Overview 12.2 North America 12.2.1 North America Unified Endpoint Management Market Overview 12.2.2 North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 12.2.3 North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Component 12.2.4 North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Deployment Type 12.2.5 North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Platform 12.2.6 North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Organization Size 12.2.7 North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by End User 12.2.8 North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country North America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country United States: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) United States: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component United States: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type United States: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform United States: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size United States: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Canada: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Canada: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Canada: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Canada: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Canada: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Canada: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Mexico: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Mexico: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Mexico: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Mexico: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Mexico: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Mexico: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User 12.3 Europe 12.3.1 Europe Unified Endpoint Management Market Overview 12.3.2 Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 12.3.3 Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Component 12.3.4 Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Deployment Type 12.3.5 Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Platform 12.3.6 Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Organization Size 12.3.7 Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by End User 12.3.8 Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country Germany: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Germany: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Germany: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Germany: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Germany: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Germany: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User United Kingdom: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) United Kingdom: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component United Kingdom: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type United Kingdom: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform United Kingdom: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size United Kingdom: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User France: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) France: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component France: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type France: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform France: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size France: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Italy: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Italy: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Italy: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Italy: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Italy: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Italy: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Russia: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Russia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Russia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Russia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Russia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Russia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Rest of Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Rest of Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Rest of Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Rest of Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Rest of Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Rest of Europe: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User 12.4 Asia Pacific 12.4.1 Asia Pacific Unified Endpoint Management Market Overview 12.4.2 Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 12.4.3 Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Component 12.4.4 Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Deployment Type 12.4.5 Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Platform 12.4.6 Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Organization Size 12.4.7 Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by End User 12.4.8 Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country Asia Pacific: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country China: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) China: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component China: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type China: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform China: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size China: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Japan: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Japan: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Japan: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Japan: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Japan: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Japan: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User South Korea: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) South Korea: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component South Korea: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type South Korea: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform South Korea: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size South Korea: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User India: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) India: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component India: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type India: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform India: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size India: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Australia: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Australia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Australia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Australia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Australia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Australia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Rest of APAC: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Rest of APAC: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Rest of APAC: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Rest of APAC: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Rest of APAC: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Rest of APAC: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User 12.5 Middle East and Africa 12.5.1 Middle East and Africa Unified Endpoint Management Market Overview 12.5.2 Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 12.5.3 Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Component 12.5.4 Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Deployment Type 12.5.5 Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Platform 12.5.6 Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Organization Size 12.5.7 Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by End User 12.5.8 Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country Saudi Arabia: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Saudi Arabia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Saudi Arabia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Saudi Arabia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Saudi Arabia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Saudi Arabia: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User United Arab Emirates: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) United Arab Emirates: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component United Arab Emirates: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type United Arab Emirates: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform United Arab Emirates: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size United Arab Emirates: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User South Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) South Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component South Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type South Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform South Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size South Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Rest of Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Rest of Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Rest of Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Rest of Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Rest of Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Rest of Middle East and Africa: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User 12.6 South and Central America 12.6.1 South and Central America Unified Endpoint Management Market Overview 12.6.2 South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) 12.6.3 South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Component 12.6.4 South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Deployment Type 12.6.5 South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Platform 12.6.6 South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Organization Size 12.6.7 South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by End User 12.6.8 South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country Brazil: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Brazil: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Brazil: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Brazil: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Brazil: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Brazil: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Argentina: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Argentina: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Argentina: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Argentina: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Argentina: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Argentina: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User Rest of South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Rest of South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Component Rest of South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Rest of South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Platform Rest of South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Rest of South and Central America: Unified Endpoint Management Market Breakdown, by End User 13. Competitive Landscape 13.1 Heat Map Analysis by Key Players 13.2 Company Positioning & Concentration 14. Industry Landscape 14.1 Overview 14.2 Market Initiative 14.3 New Product Development 15. Company Profiles 15.1 BlackBerry Ltd 15.1.1 Key Facts 15.1.2 Business Description 15.1.3 Products and Services 15.1.4 Financial Overview 15.1.5 SWOT Analysis 15.1.6 Key Developments 15.2 HCL Technologies Ltd 15.2.1 Key Facts 15.2.2 Business Description 15.2.3 Products and Services 15.2.4 Financial Overview 15.2.5 SWOT Analysis 15.2.6 Key Developments 15.3 Mitsogo Inc 15.3.1 Key Facts 15.3.2 Business Description 15.3.3 Products and Services 15.3.4 Financial Overview 15.3.5 SWOT Analysis 15.3.6 Key Developments 15.4 Sophos Ltd. 15.4.1 Key Facts 15.4.2 Business Description 15.4.3 Products and Services 15.4.4 Financial Overview 15.4.5 SWOT Analysis 15.4.6 Key Developments 15.5 SOTI Inc. 15.5.1 Key Facts 15.5.2 Business Description 15.5.3 Products and Services 15.5.4 Financial Overview 15.5.5 SWOT Analysis 15.5.6 Key Developments 15.6 REDPALM 15.6.1 Key Facts 15.6.2 Business Description 15.6.3 Products and Services 15.6.4 Financial Overview 15.6.5 SWOT Analysis 15.6.6 Key Developments 15.7 SCALEFUSION (PROMOBI TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD) 15.7.1 Key Facts 15.7.2 Business Description 15.7.3 Products and Services 15.7.4 Financial Overview 15.7.5 SWOT Analysis 15.7.6 Key Developments 15.8 STEFANINI 15.8.1 Key Facts 15.8.2 Business Description 15.8.3 Products and Services 15.8.4 Financial Overview 15.8.5 SWOT Analysis 15.8.6 Key Developments 15.9 TANGOE 15.9.1 Key Facts 15.9.2 Business Description 15.9.3 Products and Services 15.9.4 Financial Overview 15.9.5 SWOT Analysis 15.9.6 Key Developments 15.10 Zoho Corp Pvt Ltd 15.10.1 Key Facts 15.10.2 Business Description 15.10.3 Products and Services 15.10.4 Financial Overview 15.10.5 SWOT Analysis 15.10.6 Key Developments 15.11 Matrix42 AG 15.11.1 Key Facts 15.11.2 Business Description 15.11.3 Products and Services 15.11.4 Financial Overview 15.11.5 SWOT Analysis 15.11.6 Key Developments 15.12 Ivanti 15.12.1 Key Facts 15.12.2 Business Description 15.12.3 Products and Services 15.12.4 Financial Overview 15.12.5 SWOT Analysis 15.12.6 Key Developments 15.13 Citrix Systems Inc 15.13.1 Key Facts 15.13.2 Business Description 15.13.3 Products and Services 15.13.4 Financial Overview 15.13.5 SWOT Analysis 15.13.6 Key Developments 15.14 International Business Machines Corp 15.14.1 Key Facts 15.14.2 Business Description 15.14.3 Products and Services 15.14.4 Financial Overview 15.14.5 SWOT Analysis 15.14.6 Key Developments 15.15 Microsoft Corp 15.15.1 Key Facts 15.15.2 Business Description 15.15.3 Products and Services 15.15.4 Financial Overview 15.15.5 SWOT Analysis 15.15.6 Key Developments 15.16 MICROLAND LIMITED 15.16.1 Key Facts 15.16.2 Business Description 15.16.3 Products and Services 15.16.4 Financial Overview 15.16.5 SWOT Analysis 15.16.6 Key Developments 15.17 Baramundi software USA, Inc. 15.17.1 Key Facts 15.17.2 Business Description 15.17.3 Products and Services 15.17.4 Financial Overview 15.17.5 SWOT Analysis 15.17.6 Key Developments 15.18 Open Text Corp 15.18.1 Key Facts 15.18.2 Business Description 15.18.3 Products and Services 15.18.4 Financial Overview 15.18.5 SWOT Analysis 15.18.6 Key Developments 16. Appendix 16.1 Word Index 16.2 About The Insight Partners
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