![]() フォトニックデザインオートメーションの市場規模と予測(2020年~2030年)、世界と地域シェア、動向、成長機会分析レポートカバレッジ:コンポーネント別(ソリューションとサービス)、展開別(オンプレミスとクラウド)、組織規模別(中小企業と大企業)、用途別(学術研究と産業研究&製造)Photonic Design Automation Market Size and Forecasts (2020 - 2030), Global and Regional Share, Trends, and Growth Opportunity Analysis Report Coverage: By Component (Solution and Service), Deployment (On-Premise and Cloud), Organization Size (SMEs and Large Enterprises), and Application (Academic Research and Industrial Research & Manufacturing) フォトニックデザインオートメーション市場規模は、2022年に13.9億米ドルと評価され、2030年には39.0億米ドルに達すると予測されている。 フォトニクス設計自動化(EDA)ツールへのフォトニクスの統合は、フォ... もっと見る
サマリーフォトニックデザインオートメーション市場規模は、2022年に13.9億米ドルと評価され、2030年には39.0億米ドルに達すると予測されている。フォトニクス設計自動化(EDA)ツールへのフォトニクスの統合は、フォトニクス設計自動化市場の重要なトレンドである。既存のEDAベンダーは、新興のフォトニクス設計自動化市場の可能性を認識し、既存のツールにフォトニクスに特化した機能や性能を組み込んでいる。この統合により、設計者はフォトニクスコンポーネントをシームレスに設計に取り入れることができ、設計プロセスを効率化し、フォトニクスデバイスの性能と機能を最適化することができます。フォトニクスをEDAツールに統合することで、設計者は使い慣れた設計環境とワークフローを活用することができ、専用のフォトニクス設計ツールに伴う学習曲線が短縮されます。また、フォトニクスをEDAツールに統合することで、エレクトロニクスとフォトニクスの融合が促進され、エレクトロニクスとフォトニクスの融合回路の開発が可能になります。この融合は、シリコンフォトニクスなどの技術の進歩にとって極めて重要であり、フォトニクスとIC設計の間でツール、プロセス、シミュレーションモデルを共有することで、フォトニクス設計自動化市場の発展が加速される。全体として、EDAツールへのフォトニクスの統合は、フォトニクスの重要性の高まりと、フォトニクス分野における効率的な設計プロセスと最適化技術の必要性に対する業界の認識を反映している。これにより、設計者はフォトニクスの潜在能力を活用し、エレクトロニクス設計にシームレスに組み込むことができる。 コンパクトなモデリングおよびシミュレーションツールの進歩は、フォトニクス設計自動化市場に大きな影響を与えると予想される。これらのツールは、エレクトロニクスとフォトニクスの融合において重要な役割を果たし、より迅速で効率的な設計プロセスを可能にする。コンパクトモデリングとは、複雑なフォトニクスデバイスの挙動を正確に示す簡略化された数学モデルの開発を指す。これらのモデルにより、設計者は高価で時間のかかるデバイスレベルのシミュレーションを行うことなく、フォトニックコンポーネントのシミュレーションと性能解析を行うことができます。コンパクトなモデリングを設計自動化ツールに組み込むことで、設計者は設計プロセスを合理化し、統合された電子-光回路の性能を最適化することができます。これらのツールは、電子-光協調設計から完全集積回路の開発への移行を容易にし、設計者が高性能と高効率を達成することを可能にします。このような利点は、より高度なアプリケーションを可能にし、フォトニックデザインオートメーション市場の成長を促進する。 コンパクトなモデリングツールとシミュレーションツールをフォトニック設計自動化のワークフローに統合することで、設計者はさまざまな設計オプションを検討し、さまざまなパラメータの影響を評価し、情報に基づいた意思決定を行うことができる。これにより、設計の繰り返しが迅速化され、市場投入までの時間が短縮され、全体的な設計品質が向上する。フォトニクス設計自動化市場のプレーヤーが提供するコンパクトなモデリングおよびシミュレーションツールの重要性は、産業界と学界の両方によって認識されている。既存の電子設計自動化ベンダーは、自社の既存ツールにフォトニクスに特化した機能や性能を組み込んでおり、設計者はフォトニクスコンポーネントをシームレスに設計に組み込むことができます。 フォトニクス設計自動化市場のソリューション分野には、フォトニクス集積回路(PIC)やその他のフォトニクスデバイスの設計、シミュレーション、検証を容易にするさまざまなソフトウェアやツールが含まれる。これらのソリューションは、フォトニクス業界特有の課題やニーズに対応するために構築されています。フォトニック・デザイン・オートメーション(PDA)ツールは、シミュレーション、モデリング、解析のための高度な機能を設計者に提供することで、フォトニック・デバイスの開発と機能強化を促進するのに役立ちます。これらのツールにより、設計者は複雑なフォトニック回路の効率的な作成と検証、性能の最適化、効率的な製造プロセスの確保が可能になります。設計者がフォトニック回路を作成、レイアウトできるソフトウェアツールには、導波路、変調器、検出器、フィルタなどのコンポーネントがあります。これらのツールは、設計プロセスを合理化するために、ユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェースと高度な設計機能を提供することが多い。フォトニクス設計自動化市場の成長は、通信、データセンター、ヘルスケア、センシング、イメージングなど、さまざまな用途でフォトニクスデバイスの需要が高まっていることが背景にある。フォトニクス産業が進化と拡大を続ける中、効率的で信頼性の高い設計ツールの必要性がますます高まっている。 フォトニクス設計自動化市場の学術研究分野とは、フォトニクス設計や関連サービスに関連した研究開発活動を行う大学、研究機関、学術専門家の関与を指す。このセグメントは、フォトニクス分野を発展させ、設計手法、アルゴリズム、ツールの技術革新を推進する上で重要な役割を果たしている。学術機関や研究機関は、新しいコンセプトやアルゴリズム、技術を探求するために研究開発活動に積極的に取り組んでいる。そのため、フォトニクス設計自動化市場のプレーヤーが提供するさまざまなソリューションを利用している。このようなソリューションを活用することで、フォトニックコンポーネント、システム、集積回路の設計における課題や限界に対処する革新的なソリューションの開発に注力している。この研究は、この分野の発展に貢献し、業界の実務者に貴重な洞察を提供します。学術研究者はしばしば、知識を共有し、アイデアを交換し、共同研究プロジェクトで協力するために、産業界の専門家、他の学術機関、研究コンソーシアムと協力しています。このような共同研究は、学際的なアプローチを促進し、フォトニックデザインオートメーションにおける多様な視点の統合を可能にします。学術研究分野は、フォトニクス業界におけるコラボレーションと知識の共有を促進する上で重要な役割を果たしている。例えば、テキサス大学デザインオートメーション研究所(UTDA)は、オプティクス/フォトニクス、エレクトロニクス、フォトニクスデザインオートメーション市場の新興技術向けのデザインオートメーションアルゴリズム、方法論、ツールの研究開発に注力している。 産業研究および製造企業は、フォトニクス業界に特化した設計自動化ツールを開発し、活用しています。これらのツールにより、設計者はレイアウト生成、シミュレーション、検証、最適化など、設計プロセスのさまざまな段階を自動化できる。これらのツールを活用することで、企業は設計サイクルを加速し、設計品質を向上させ、フォトニクス製品の市場投入までの時間を短縮することができる。産業研究・製造部門では、フォトニックデバイスの製造プロセスの最適化に注力しています。これには、高度な製造技術、プロセス制御手法、歩留まり向上戦略の開発が含まれる。製造効率や歩留まりを改善することで、企業は高品質なフォトニックコンポーネントやシステムをコスト効率よく製造することができる。フォトニックデザインオートメーション市場のプレーヤーは、しばしばフォトニックメーカーと協業し、製品の強化や販売促進を行っている。例えば、2022年3月、Cadence Design Systemsは、ハイパースケールコンピューティング、5G通信、航空宇宙システムなどのシリコンフォトニクスIC開発を加速するためにGlobalFoundriesと協業した。このようなコラボレーションは、このような製品に関する認知度を大いに高め、フォトニックデザインオートメーション市場の成長も促進する。 世界のフォトニックデザインオートメーション市場は、コンポーネント、展開、組織規模、用途に基づいて区分される。コンポーネントに基づいて、フォトニックデザインオートメーション市場はソリューションとサービスに分けられる。展開では、フォトニックデザインオートメーション市場はオンプレミスとクラウドに二分される。組織規模別では、フォトニックデザインオートメーション市場は中小企業と大企業に二分される。用途別では、フォトニックデザインオートメーション市場は学術研究と産業研究&製造に分けられる。地域別では、フォトニックデザインオートメーション市場は北米、欧州、アジア太平洋(APAC)、その他の地域(RoW)に区分される。AIM Photonics Inc社、Ansys Inc社、Cadence Design Systems Inc社、LioniX International BV社、Luceda Photonics社、Optiwave Systems Inc社、Siemens AG社、Synopsys Inc社、SystemLab Inc社、VPlphotonics GmbH社がフォトニックデザインオートメーション市場の著名なプレイヤーである。 目次TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Introduction 1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance 1.2 Market Segmentation 2. Executive Summary 2.1 Key Insights 2.2 Market Attractiveness 3. Research Methodology 3.1 Coverage 3.2 Secondary Research 3.3 Primary Research 4. Photonic Design Automation Market Landscape 4.1 Overview 4.2 PEST Analysis 4.3 Ecosystem Analysis 4.3.1 List of Vendors in the Value Chain: 5. Photonic Design Automation Market - Key Market Dynamics 5.1 Photonic Design Automation Market - Key Market Dynamics 5.2 Market Drivers 5.2.1 Growing Demand for Automation 5.2.2 Increasing Need for Efficiency and Accuracy 5.3 Market Restraints 5.3.1 Lack of Awareness Regarding Benefits and Capabilities of Photonic Design Automation 5.4 Market Opportunities 5.4.1 Advancements in Photonic Devices 5.4.2 Emphasis on High Performance and Environmentally Sustainable Solutions 5.5 Future Trends 5.5.1 Integration of Photonics in Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Tools 5.5.2 Advancements in Compact Modelling and Simulation Tools 5.6 Impact of Drivers and Restraints: 6. Photonic Design Automation Market - Global Market Analysis 6.1 Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2022 – 2030 6.2 Photonic Design Automation Market Forecast and Analysis 7. Photonic Design Automation Market Analysis - Component 7.1 Solution 7.1.1 Overview 7.1.2 Solution Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 7.2 Service 7.2.1 Overview 7.2.2 Service Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 8. Photonic Design Automation Market Analysis - Deployment 8.1 On-Premise 8.1.1 Overview 8.1.2 On-Premise Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 8.2 Cloud 8.2.1 Overview 8.2.2 Cloud Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9. Photonic Design Automation Market Analysis - Organization Size 9.1 SMEs 9.1.1 Overview 9.1.2 SMEs Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9.2 Large Enterprises 9.2.1 Overview 9.2.2 Large Enterprises Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 10. Photonic Design Automation Market Analysis - Application 10.1 Academic Research 10.1.1 Overview 10.1.2 Academic Research Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 10.2 Industrial Research & Manufacturing 10.2.1 Overview 10.2.2 Industrial Research & Manufacturing Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 11. Photonic Design Automation Market - Geographical Analysis 11.1 Overview 11.2 North America 11.2.1 North America Photonic Design Automation Market Overview 11.2.2 North America Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) 11.2.3 North America Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Component North America Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Component 11.2.4 North America Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Deployment North America Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Deployment 11.2.5 North America Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Organization Size North America Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Organization Size 11.2.6 North America Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Application North America Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Application 11.2.7 North America Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country North America Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country US Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) US Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component US Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment US Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size US Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application Canada Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Canada Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component Canada Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment Canada Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Canada Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application 11.3 Europe 11.3.1 Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Overview 11.3.2 Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) 11.3.3 Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Component Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Component 11.3.4 Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Deployment Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Deployment 11.3.5 Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Organization Size Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Organization Size 11.3.6 Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Application Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Application 11.3.7 Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country Germany Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Germany Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component Germany Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment Germany Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Germany Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application France Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) France Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component France Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment France Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size France Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application UK Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) UK Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component UK Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment UK Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size UK Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application Russia Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Russia Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component Russia Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment Russia Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Russia Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application Switzerland Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Switzerland Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component Switzerland Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment Switzerland Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Switzerland Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application Rest of Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Rest of Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component Rest of Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment Rest of Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Rest of Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application 11.4 APAC 11.4.1 APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Overview 11.4.2 APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) 11.4.3 APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Component APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Component 11.4.4 APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Deployment APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Deployment 11.4.5 APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Organization Size APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Organization Size 11.4.6 APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Application APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Application 11.4.7 APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country China Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) China Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component China Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment China Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size China Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application Japan Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Japan Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component Japan Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment Japan Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Japan Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application South Korea Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) South Korea Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component South Korea Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment South Korea Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size South Korea Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application Taiwan Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Taiwan Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component Taiwan Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment Taiwan Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Taiwan Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application Rest of APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Rest of APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component Rest of APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment Rest of APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Rest of APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application 11.5 Rest of the World (RoW) 11.5.1 RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Overview 11.5.2 RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) 11.5.3 RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Component RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Component 11.5.4 RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Deployment RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Deployment 11.5.5 RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Organization Size RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Organization Size 11.5.6 RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Application RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Application 11.5.7 RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Region RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Region MEA Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) MEA Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component MEA Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment MEA Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size MEA Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application SAM Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) SAM Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component SAM Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment SAM Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size SAM Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application 12. Photonic Design Automation Market – Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic 12.1 Pre & Post Covid-19 Impact 13. Competitive Landscape 13.1 Heat Map Analysis By Key Players 13.2 Company Positioning & Concentration 14. Industry Landscape 14.1 Overview 14.2 Market Initiative 14.2 New Product Development 14.3 Merger and Acquisition 15. Company Profiles 15.1 Ansys Inc 15.1.1 Key Facts 15.1.2 Business Description 15.1.3 Products and Services 15.1.4 Financial Overview 15.1.5 SWOT Analysis 15.1.6 Key Developments 15.2 LioniX International BV 15.2.1 Key Facts 15.2.2 Business Description 15.2.3 Products and Services 15.2.4 Financial Overview 15.2.5 SWOT Analysis 15.2.6 Key Developments 15.3 VPlphotonics GmbH 15.3.1 Key Facts 15.3.2 Business Description 15.3.3 Products and Services 15.3.4 Financial Overview 15.3.5 SWOT Analysis 15.3.6 Key Developments 15.4 Optiwave Systems Inc 15.4.1 Key Facts 15.4.2 Business Description 15.4.3 Products and Services 15.4.4 Financial Overview 15.4.5 SWOT Analysis 15.4.6 Key Developments 15.5 Luceda Photonics 15.5.1 Key Facts 15.5.2 Business Description 15.5.3 Products and Services 15.5.4 Financial Overview 15.5.5 SWOT Analysis 15.5.6 Key Developments 15.6 Cadence Design Systems Inc 15.6.1 Key Facts 15.6.2 Business Description 15.6.3 Products and Services 15.6.4 Financial Overview 15.6.5 SWOT Analysis 15.6.6 Key Developments 15.7 Siemens AG 15.7.1 Key Facts 15.7.2 Business Description 15.7.3 Products and Services 15.7.4 Financial Overview 15.7.5 SWOT Analysis 15.7.6 Key Developments 15.8 Synopsys Inc 15.8.1 Key Facts 15.8.2 Business Description 15.8.3 Products and Services 15.8.4 Financial Overview 15.8.5 SWOT Analysis 15.8.6 Key Developments 15.9 AIM Photonics Inc 15.9.1 Key Facts 15.9.2 Business Description 15.9.3 Products and Services 15.9.4 Financial Overview 15.9.5 SWOT Analysis 15.9.6 Key Developments 15.10 SystemLab Inc 15.10.1 Key Facts 15.10.2 Business Description 15.10.3 Products and Services 15.10.4 Financial Overview 15.10.5 SWOT Analysis 15.10.6 Key Developments 16. Appendix 16.1 Word Index
SummaryThe Photonic design automation market size was valued at US$ 1.39 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach US$ 3.90 billion by 2030; it is estimated to record a CAGR of 13.8% from 2022 to 2030. Table of ContentsTABLE OF CONTENTS1. Introduction 1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance 1.2 Market Segmentation 2. Executive Summary 2.1 Key Insights 2.2 Market Attractiveness 3. Research Methodology 3.1 Coverage 3.2 Secondary Research 3.3 Primary Research 4. Photonic Design Automation Market Landscape 4.1 Overview 4.2 PEST Analysis 4.3 Ecosystem Analysis 4.3.1 List of Vendors in the Value Chain: 5. Photonic Design Automation Market - Key Market Dynamics 5.1 Photonic Design Automation Market - Key Market Dynamics 5.2 Market Drivers 5.2.1 Growing Demand for Automation 5.2.2 Increasing Need for Efficiency and Accuracy 5.3 Market Restraints 5.3.1 Lack of Awareness Regarding Benefits and Capabilities of Photonic Design Automation 5.4 Market Opportunities 5.4.1 Advancements in Photonic Devices 5.4.2 Emphasis on High Performance and Environmentally Sustainable Solutions 5.5 Future Trends 5.5.1 Integration of Photonics in Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Tools 5.5.2 Advancements in Compact Modelling and Simulation Tools 5.6 Impact of Drivers and Restraints: 6. Photonic Design Automation Market - Global Market Analysis 6.1 Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2022 – 2030 6.2 Photonic Design Automation Market Forecast and Analysis 7. Photonic Design Automation Market Analysis - Component 7.1 Solution 7.1.1 Overview 7.1.2 Solution Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 7.2 Service 7.2.1 Overview 7.2.2 Service Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 8. Photonic Design Automation Market Analysis - Deployment 8.1 On-Premise 8.1.1 Overview 8.1.2 On-Premise Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 8.2 Cloud 8.2.1 Overview 8.2.2 Cloud Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9. Photonic Design Automation Market Analysis - Organization Size 9.1 SMEs 9.1.1 Overview 9.1.2 SMEs Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 9.2 Large Enterprises 9.2.1 Overview 9.2.2 Large Enterprises Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 10. Photonic Design Automation Market Analysis - Application 10.1 Academic Research 10.1.1 Overview 10.1.2 Academic Research Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 10.2 Industrial Research & Manufacturing 10.2.1 Overview 10.2.2 Industrial Research & Manufacturing Market, Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) 11. Photonic Design Automation Market - Geographical Analysis 11.1 Overview 11.2 North America 11.2.1 North America Photonic Design Automation Market Overview 11.2.2 North America Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) 11.2.3 North America Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Component North America Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Component 11.2.4 North America Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Deployment North America Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Deployment 11.2.5 North America Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Organization Size North America Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Organization Size 11.2.6 North America Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Application North America Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Application 11.2.7 North America Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country North America Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country US Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) US Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component US Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment US Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size US Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application Canada Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Canada Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component Canada Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment Canada Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Canada Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application 11.3 Europe 11.3.1 Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Overview 11.3.2 Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) 11.3.3 Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Component Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Component 11.3.4 Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Deployment Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Deployment 11.3.5 Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Organization Size Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Organization Size 11.3.6 Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Application Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Application 11.3.7 Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country Germany Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Germany Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component Germany Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment Germany Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Germany Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application France Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) France Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component France Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment France Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size France Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application UK Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) UK Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component UK Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment UK Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size UK Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application Russia Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Russia Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component Russia Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment Russia Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Russia Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application Switzerland Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Switzerland Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component Switzerland Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment Switzerland Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Switzerland Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application Rest of Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Rest of Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component Rest of Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment Rest of Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Rest of Europe Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application 11.4 APAC 11.4.1 APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Overview 11.4.2 APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) 11.4.3 APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Component APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Component 11.4.4 APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Deployment APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Deployment 11.4.5 APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Organization Size APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Organization Size 11.4.6 APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Application APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Application 11.4.7 APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Country China Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) China Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component China Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment China Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size China Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application Japan Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Japan Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component Japan Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment Japan Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Japan Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application South Korea Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) South Korea Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component South Korea Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment South Korea Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size South Korea Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application Taiwan Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Taiwan Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component Taiwan Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment Taiwan Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Taiwan Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application Rest of APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) Rest of APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component Rest of APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment Rest of APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size Rest of APAC Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application 11.5 Rest of the World (RoW) 11.5.1 RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Overview 11.5.2 RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) 11.5.3 RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Component RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Component 11.5.4 RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Deployment RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Deployment 11.5.5 RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Organization Size RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Organization Size 11.5.6 RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown by Application RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Application 11.5.7 RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Region RoW Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts and Analysis - By Region MEA Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) MEA Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component MEA Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment MEA Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size MEA Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application SAM Photonic Design Automation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2030 (US$ Mn) SAM Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Component SAM Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Deployment SAM Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Organization Size SAM Photonic Design Automation Market Breakdown, by Application 12. Photonic Design Automation Market – Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic 12.1 Pre & Post Covid-19 Impact 13. Competitive Landscape 13.1 Heat Map Analysis By Key Players 13.2 Company Positioning & Concentration 14. Industry Landscape 14.1 Overview 14.2 Market Initiative 14.2 New Product Development 14.3 Merger and Acquisition 15. Company Profiles 15.1 Ansys Inc 15.1.1 Key Facts 15.1.2 Business Description 15.1.3 Products and Services 15.1.4 Financial Overview 15.1.5 SWOT Analysis 15.1.6 Key Developments 15.2 LioniX International BV 15.2.1 Key Facts 15.2.2 Business Description 15.2.3 Products and Services 15.2.4 Financial Overview 15.2.5 SWOT Analysis 15.2.6 Key Developments 15.3 VPlphotonics GmbH 15.3.1 Key Facts 15.3.2 Business Description 15.3.3 Products and Services 15.3.4 Financial Overview 15.3.5 SWOT Analysis 15.3.6 Key Developments 15.4 Optiwave Systems Inc 15.4.1 Key Facts 15.4.2 Business Description 15.4.3 Products and Services 15.4.4 Financial Overview 15.4.5 SWOT Analysis 15.4.6 Key Developments 15.5 Luceda Photonics 15.5.1 Key Facts 15.5.2 Business Description 15.5.3 Products and Services 15.5.4 Financial Overview 15.5.5 SWOT Analysis 15.5.6 Key Developments 15.6 Cadence Design Systems Inc 15.6.1 Key Facts 15.6.2 Business Description 15.6.3 Products and Services 15.6.4 Financial Overview 15.6.5 SWOT Analysis 15.6.6 Key Developments 15.7 Siemens AG 15.7.1 Key Facts 15.7.2 Business Description 15.7.3 Products and Services 15.7.4 Financial Overview 15.7.5 SWOT Analysis 15.7.6 Key Developments 15.8 Synopsys Inc 15.8.1 Key Facts 15.8.2 Business Description 15.8.3 Products and Services 15.8.4 Financial Overview 15.8.5 SWOT Analysis 15.8.6 Key Developments 15.9 AIM Photonics Inc 15.9.1 Key Facts 15.9.2 Business Description 15.9.3 Products and Services 15.9.4 Financial Overview 15.9.5 SWOT Analysis 15.9.6 Key Developments 15.10 SystemLab Inc 15.10.1 Key Facts 15.10.2 Business Description 15.10.3 Products and Services 15.10.4 Financial Overview 15.10.5 SWOT Analysis 15.10.6 Key Developments 16. Appendix 16.1 Word Index
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