
Mobile First POS: How mPOS is Becoming Preferred POS Platform

Mobile First POS: How mPOS is Becoming Preferred POS Platform


米国調査会社IHLグループ (IHL Group) の調査レポート 「モバイルファーストPOS:モバイルPOSはどのようにしてPOSプラットフォームの主流となったか」 は、北米のモバイルPOSの現状について述べ、様々な小売... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
IHL Group
2019年9月9日 US$3,295
通常2営業日以内 英語



米国調査会社IHLグループ (IHL Group) の調査レポート「モバイルファーストPOS:モバイルPOSはどのようにしてPOSプラットフォームの主流となったか」は、北米のモバイルPOSの現状について述べ、様々な小売り産業での導入率や出荷数と導入数の機器タイプ毎(堅牢・携帯、標準・携帯、タブレット)に記載している。市場規模、動向、2023年までの予測も掲載している。プライベートエクイティ投資家、モバイルハードウェア・ソフトウェアプロバイダ、サービスプロバイダ、メンテナンスプロバイダ、小売業者などに有益な情報を提供している。

Product Overview

  • Date of Publication  September 9, 2019
  • Geography      North America
  • Format        Electronic PDF
  • Author(s)       Lee Holman

For several years the  Mobile POS (mPOS) market has taken off, but in a somewhat bifurcated manner. While among smaller retailers, mPOS has truly been transforming, replacing traditional POS for new retailers at a rapid pace, the use of mPOS as a standard every day product in enterprise retailers was delayed due to EMV and the drive to Unified Commerce.  But in mid-2018 the Mobile POS market among the largest of retailers has hit its growth strides and this has continued through 2019 as retailers update their customer experience due to declining foot traffic.

Further, with the increase of Click and Collect and BOPIS, along with the sunset of Window 7 support, more retailers than ever are considering a Mobile First approach to their next POS installation.  This is because they wish to have a single platform across their POS and mPOS systems.

Without question, the opportunity is staggering as some retailers have seen upwards of 25% increase in sales per transaction when mobile is used.

The enterprise retailers who are deploying now have a much more mature view of the market than the early adopters.  They have the systems in place to actually benefit from MPOS and are not as concerned with the WOW factor or cool factor of the technology but rather the functionality that increases sales.

This research looks at the current state of Mobile POS n North America, the adoption rates of the various retail verticals, and the shipment and installed base details by type of device (Rugged Handheld, Non-Rugged Handheld, and Tablets). It includes market sizing, trends, and forecasts through 2023.

This study is designed for use by Private Equity Investors, Mobile POS Hardware and Software Providers, Service Providers, Maintenance Providers, Retailers and others who might have a vested interest in the North American Mobile Point-of-Sale Market.

Note, this study does not include share by vendor although it does discuss future retailer preferences. For detailed vendor share and forecasts we recommend our Mobile POS by Vendor research where we track the number of devices shipped by Apple, HP, Toshiba, Motorola, and others and our Mobile POS Software Vendor Data Service.


The study looks at the opportunity for each of the mobile devices for the following segments:

  • Food
  • Drug
  • Superstore/Warehouse Club
  • Mass Merchandisers
  • Department Stores
  • Other Specialty
  • Category Killers
  • Convenience/Gas
  • Bar Restaurant
  • Fast Food
  • Lodging
  • Ent. Casino-Cruise
  • Ent. Theme, Theaters, Sports



Is this a survey or a comprehensive market view?
It’s both, we have done multiple surveys of retailers, along with their plans, timeframes for replacing POS and merged that together with the overall sizing of the market starting from smaller retailers to the largest of retailers and hospitality establishments.

Does it include forecasts by device type?
Yes, we have a forecast by the type of device (Rugged, Tablets, Consumer devices) but we do not provide a specific forecast of models (for instance iPhone vs Android) in this study.

Does this report include vendor shipment share for Mobile POS?
Yes and No.  We share the top vendors in the report but not the sizing of each.  We have this information in our Mobile POS by Vendor Data Service, where we discuss the number of shipments by Apple, HP, Toshiba, Zebra, and others. And for software, the Mobile POS SW Data Service is available that looks at share of Square, ShopKeep, Oracle, First Data and others.

Are IHL Analysts available to present the findings to my management team or user’s group?
Sure, we do speaking engagements all the time.

Can I share this study in my company?
Yes, each of research products come with an enterprise license so it is free for anyone internal to your organization. See below for more.

Can I share this study with partners and clients?
Not in entirety unless you have negotiated a distribution license with IHL. Basically we don’t want the study going to partners and clients who should otherwise purchase a license. This is what we do for a living, and if people violate this we can no longer do the research.

Can I quote this study in my presentations and press releases?
In most cases this is fine but we ask that you run it by us first at ihl(at) Typically things shared in percentages (ie. this is 20% increase) then that is fine. Items in raw $$$ or units typically we will not allow to share. But we can work with you on this. We realize that you buy the research to use, so we can usually find a nice compromise that protects our IP and meets your needs.

Was this a survey or a paper?
A little of both. When it comes to this sort of impact study it is part art and science. We have several primary research studies behind the numbers. These are then extrapolated across segments and markets to provide overall sizing. We run this by key clients and other analysts for their insight and view as well before we release. So the cornerstone is detailed primary research data with CIOs meshed with numerous analysts with over 100 combined years of retail sizing experience to build the models.

Is more detail available beyond what is in the study?
Yes, indeed. We have an extremely detailed Retail WorldView IT Sizing model that allows us to look at over 300 technologies across every region of the world by segment. So we can customize the research output just for your needs.

Can I get access to the analysts who wrote or partnered in the study?
Yes, one of the core differentiators of IHL Research Studies is that included in part of the price is up to 1 hour with the analyst to ask follow-up questions or dig further into any assumptions. This does not extend to getting more data, just better insight into how we arrived at the data and came to the conclusions from that data.


License Options

Single User License – a lower priced license that is designed for use for a single user, not to be shared internal with other users or externally to partner, customers or other parties.

Enterprise License – a license that allows for the research to be accessed and shared internally with anyone else within the organization and wholly owned subsidiaries.

IHL Group License and Fair Use Agreement

All of IHL Group’s generally available research are electronic licenses and are limited by the license type chosen for purchase.  For Single User Licenses this means that the person buying the research is the only person to use the research.

For Enterprise Licenses, these can be shared freely within the company. We only ask that this information not be shared with partners or others outside the purchasing company without authorization from IHL Group. The license does not extend to joint ventures or other partnerships. If the relationship is not a wholly-owned subsidiary, then both parties would need a license.

Practically, this implies the following:

  1. The purchasing company can use the data and research worldwide internally as long as the international organizations are wholly owned subsidiaries of the purchasing company.
  2. The data or any research cannot be distributed in whole or in part to partners or customers without express written approval from IHL Group.
  3. The purchasing company may quote components of the data (limited use) in presentations to customers such as specific charts. This is limited to percentage components, not individual unit information. Unit data cannot be shared externally without express written approval from IHL Group. All references to the data in presentations should include credit to IHL Group for the data.
  4. The purchasing company can reference qualitative quotes in printed material with written approval from IHL Group.
  5. All requests requiring written approval should be submitted to ihl(at) and will be reviewed within one business day.

For Distributed Licenses, if applicable, the research can be shared with prospective customers and potential institutional investors.  It cannot be shared with partners or other vendors who should be purchasing their own licenses.



Table of Contents

Executive Summary


1.0 Background

2.0 Trends and Market Drivers

2.1 Trends Driving mPOS Adoption
2.2 Trends Slowing mPOS Adoption
2.3 Challenges When Deploying Mobile

3.0 Market Size and Forecasts

3.1 North American mPOS Shipments through 2022
3.2 Fixed vs True Mobile Shipments through 2022

3.3 mPOS North America Installed Base Forecast through 2022
3.4 Fixed vs True Mobile Installed Base Forecast through 2022

4.0 Retailer Purchase Plans

5.1 mPOS Purchase Timing and Intent by Segment
5.2 mPOS Purchase Timing and Intent by Size of Retailer

5.0 What We See Ahead

References and Methodology







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IHLグループ (IHL Group) は、米国テネシー州に本社をおき、世界の小売業とサービス業向けのIT技術を専門に調査しています。 もっと見る


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