![]() テックに強いホテルチェーンの世界市場規模調査、価格レベル別(高級、高級、中級、エコノミー)、客室数別(小、中、大、メガ)、用途別(都市、空港、リゾート、その他)、技術別(非接触チェックイン、温度管理、デジタル対話型ディスプレイ、ロボットラゲージコンシェルジュ)、地域予測 2022-2028Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Size study, By Price Level ( Luxury, Upscale, Midscale, Economy), By Room Capacity (Small, Medium, Large, Mega), By Application (Urban, Airport, Resorts, Other Applications), By Technology (Contactless Check-in, Temperature Control, Digitally Interactive Displays, Robotic Luggage Concierge), and Regional Forecasts 2022-2028 世界のTech Savvy Hotel Chains市場は、2021年に約XX百万米ドルと評価され、予測期間2022-2028年にはXX %以上の健全な成長率で成長すると予測されています。Tech Savvy Hotel Chainsは、ホテル体験の従来のタッチ... もっと見る
サマリー世界のTech Savvy Hotel Chains市場は、2021年に約XX百万米ドルと評価され、予測期間2022-2028年にはXX %以上の健全な成長率で成長すると予測されています。Tech Savvy Hotel Chainsは、ホテル体験の従来のタッチストーンを排除したホテル施設と定義することができます。テックサビーホテルは、インターネットに接続されたデバイス、ブロックチェーン技術、ロボット技術など、さまざまな技術を活用しています。テクノロジーに精通したホテルは、宿泊客の自動荷物預かり、アプリとRFIDリストバンドを使ったチェックイン、ドアのロックとロック解除など、いくつかの利点と設備を提供します。ホスピタリティ分野におけるデジタル化の進展、ホスピタリティ産業におけるモノのインターネット(IoT)支出の増加、主要な市場プレイヤーの戦略的イニシアティブは、世界市場の需要を加速させる要因となっています。例えば、Statistaによると、2020年の世界のスマートホスピタリティ分野は60億米ドルと評価され、この金額は2027年までに249億8000万米ドルに成長し、22.6%の年間平均成長率(CAGR)を目撃すると予測されています。さらに、主要な市場プレーヤーは、Tech Savvy Hotelsへの傾斜の高まりを活用するために、市場の拡大や新しい技術の進歩などの戦略的イニシアチブに取り組んでいます。例えば、2019年10月、オランダのアムステルダムを拠点とするテックサビーホテルチェーンCityHubは、デンマークのコペンハーゲンに新しいチェーンを立ち上げました。この新しい施設は、CityHubにとってオランダ国外初の施設となり、これまでのCityHubの施設としては最大規模となる。さらに、2022年5月、米国ニューヨークを拠点とするNoMo SoHo Hotelは、NFT Staysと名付けられたブロックチェーン技術に基づくキュレーションNFTを開始しました。この特別にキュレーションされたNFTは、NoMo SoHoでの3泊から6泊の宿泊とパッケージ化されています。また、新興国での観光部門の成長、急速な都市化&一人当たりの旅行支出の増加は、予測期間中の市場需要の触媒として作用すると予想されます。しかし、初期投資額が高く、定期的なメンテナンスとアップグレードが必要なため、2022-2028年の予測期間における市場成長の妨げになると考えられます。Tech Savvy Hotel Chainsの世界市場調査において考慮された主要地域は、アジア太平洋、北米、ヨーロッパ、中南米、およびその他の地域です。北米は、さまざまな産業でデジタル化が進み、有力な市場関係者が存在することから、市場シェアの面で世界の主要地域となっています。一方、アジア太平洋地域は、予測期間2022-2028年にかけて大きな成長率を示すと予測されています。同地域では、観光産業の盛んな成長や5G、IoT技術の普及が進んでいるなどの要因が、アジア太平洋地域における世界のTech Savvy Hotel Chains市場に有利な成長見通しをもたらすと考えられます。 本レポートに含まれる主な市場プレイヤーは以下の通りです: Wシンガポール ホテル シルケン プエルタ アメリカ ザ・ヨテル・ニューヨーク・シティ エクレストン・スクエア・ピムリコ 鵬亨スペースカプセルホテル ブローアップホール5050 シティハブ カメハグランド ホテルゼッタ ヘンナ ホテル 本調査の目的は、近年における様々なセグメント&国の市場規模を定義し、今後8年間の値を予測することである。本レポートは、調査対象地域や国ごとに、業界の質的・量的な側面を取り入れるよう設計されています。さらに、市場の将来的な成長を規定する推進要因や課題など、重要な側面に関する詳細な情報も提供しています。さらに、本レポートでは、主要企業の競争環境と製品提供の詳細な分析とともに、関係者が投資するためのミクロ市場での利用可能な機会も組み込んでいます。市場の詳細なセグメントとサブセグメントを以下に説明する: 価格帯別 高級 高級 ミッドスケール エコノミー 部屋数別 スモール 中型 大 メガ 用途別 都市部 空港 リゾート地 その他の用途 技術別 非接触型チェックイン 温度管理 デジタル・インタラクティブ・ディスプレイ ロボットラゲッジコンシェルジュ 地域別 北アメリカ 米国 カナダ 欧州 英国 ドイツ フランス スペイン イタリア ROE アジア・パシフィック 中国 インド 日本 オーストラリア 韓国 ロアパック ラテンアメリカ ブラジル メキシコ その他の地域 さらに、本調査で考慮した年は以下の通りです: 過去年 - 2018年、2019年、2020年 基準年 - 2021年 予測期間 - 2022年~2028年 市場調査における世界のテックサビーホテルチェーン市場のターゲットオーディエンス 主要コンサルティング会社・アドバイザー 大企業、中堅企業、中小企業 ベンチャーキャピタル 付加価値再販業者(VAR) サードパーティナレッジプロバイダー 投資銀行家 投資家 目次Chapter 1. Executive Summary1.1. Market Snapshot 1.2. Global & Segmental Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.1. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Region, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.2. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Price Level, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.3. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Room Capacity, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.4. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Application, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.5. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Technology, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.3. Key Trends 1.4. Estimation Methodology 1.5. Research Assumption Chapter 2. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Definition and Scope 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Market Definition & Scope 2.2.1. Scope of the Study 2.2.2. Industry Evolution 2.3. Years Considered for the Study 2.4. Currency Conversion Rates Chapter 3. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Dynamics 3.1. Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Impact Analysis (2020-2028) 3.1.1. Market Drivers Growing digitization in hospitality sector. Increasing Internet of Things (IoT) spending in hospitality industry. Strategic initiatives from leading market players. 3.1.2. Market Challenges High initial capital requirement. Periodic maintenance & upgradation requirement. 3.1.3. Market Opportunities Growing tourism sector in emerging economies. Rapid urbanization & increasing per capita travel spending. Chapter 4. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Industry Analysis 4.1. Porter’s 5 Force Model 4.1.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 4.1.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers 4.1.3. Threat of New Entrants 4.1.4. Threat of Substitutes 4.1.5. Competitive Rivalry 4.1.6. Futuristic Approach to Porter’s 5 Force Model (2018-2028) 4.2. PEST Analysis 4.2.1. Political 4.2.2. Economical 4.2.3. Social 4.2.4. Technological 4.3. Investment Adoption Model 4.4. Analyst Recommendation & Conclusion 4.5. Top investment opportunity 4.6. Top winning strategies Chapter 5. Risk Assessment: COVID-19 Impact 5.1.1. Assessment of the overall impact of COVID-19 on the industry 5.1.2. Pre COVID-19 and post COVID-19 Market scenario Chapter 6. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Price Level 6.1. Market Snapshot 6.2. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market by Price Level, Performance - Potential Analysis 6.3. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Estimates & Forecasts by Price Level 2018-2028 (USD Million) 6.4. Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, Sub Segment Analysis 6.4.1. Luxury 6.4.2. Upscale 6.4.3. Midscale 6.4.4. Economy Chapter 7. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Room Capacity 7.1. Market Snapshot 7.2. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market by Room Capacity, Performance - Potential Analysis 7.3. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Estimates & Forecasts by Room Capacity 2018-2028 (USD Million) 7.4. Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, Sub Segment Analysis 7.4.1. Small 7.4.2. Medium 7.4.3. Large 7.4.4. Mega Chapter 8. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Application 8.1. Market Snapshot 8.2. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market by Application, Performance - Potential Analysis 8.3. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Estimates & Forecasts by Application 2018-2028 (USD Million) 8.4. Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, Sub Segment Analysis 8.4.1. Urban 8.4.2. Airport 8.4.3. Resorts 8.4.4. Other Applications Chapter 9. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Technology 9.1. Market Snapshot 9.2. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market by Technology, Performance - Potential Analysis 9.3. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Estimates & Forecasts by Technology 2018-2028 (USD Million) 9.4. Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, Sub Segment Analysis 9.4.1. Contactless Check-in 9.4.2. Temperature Control 9.4.3. Digitally Interactive Displays 9.4.4. Robotic Luggage Concierge Chapter 10. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, Regional Analysis 10.1. Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, Regional Market Snapshot 10.2. North America Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.2.1. U.S. Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Price Level estimates & forecasts, 2018-2028 Room Capacity estimates & forecasts, 2018-2028 Application estimates & forecasts, 2018-2028 Technology estimates & forecasts, 2018-2028 10.2.2. Canada Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.3. Europe Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Snapshot 10.3.1. U.K. Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.3.2. Germany Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.3.3. France Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.3.4. Spain Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.3.5. Italy Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.3.6. Rest of Europe Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.4. Asia-Pacific Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Snapshot 10.4.1. China Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.4.2. India Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.4.3. Japan Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.4.4. Australia Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.4.5. South Korea Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.4.6. Rest of Asia Pacific Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.5. Latin America Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Snapshot 10.5.1. Brazil Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.5.2. Mexico Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.6. Rest of The World Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Chapter 11. Competitive Intelligence 11.1. Top Market Strategies 11.2. Company Profiles 11.2.1. W Singapore Key Information Overview Financial (Subject to Data Availability) Product Summary Recent Developments 11.2.2. The Hotel Silken Puerta América 11.2.3. The Yotel New York City 11.2.4. Eccleston Square Pimlico 11.2.5. Pengheng Space Capsules Hotel 11.2.6. Blow Up Hall 5050 11.2.7. City Hub 11.2.8. Kameha Grand 11.2.9. Hotel Zetta 11.2.10. Henn Na Hotel Chapter 12. Research Process 12.1. Research Process 12.1.1. Data Mining 12.1.2. Analysis 12.1.3. Market Estimation 12.1.4. Validation 12.1.5. Publishing 12.2. Research Attributes 12.3. Research Assumption
SummaryGlobal Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market is valued approximately USD XX million in 2021 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than XX % over the forecast period 2022-2028. The Tech Savvy Hotel Chains can be defined as hotel properties that eliminates the traditional touchstones of the hotel experience. Tech savvy hotels make use of different technologies such as internet-connected devices, blockchain technology and robotics technology among others. Tech savvy hotels offers several advantages and facilities such as automated luggage storage for guests, app & RFID wristbands-based check-in, locking & unlocking of doors among others. The growing digitization in hospitality sector and increasing Internet of Things (IoT) spending in hospitality industry as well as strategic initiatives from leading market players are factors that are accelerating the global market demand. For instance, according to Statista – in 2020, the worldwide smart hospitality sector was valued at USD 6 billion, and this amount is projected to grow to USD 24.98 billion by 2027, witnessing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.6 percent. Furthermore, leading market players are working towards strategic initiatives such as market expansion, and new technological advancements to leverage the increasing inclination towards Tech Savvy Hotels. For instance, in October 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands based tech savvy hotel chain CityHub launched its new chain in Copenhagen, Denmark. This new facility would be CityHub’s first property outside The Netherlands and would be the biggest CityHub property so far. Moreover, in May 2022, New York, USA based NoMo SoHo Hotel launched a blockchain technology based curated NFT named NFT Stays. These specially curated NFTs, packaged with three- to six-night stays at NoMo SoHo. Also, growing tourism sector in emerging economies and rapid urbanization & increasing per capita travel spending are anticipated to act as a catalyzing factor for the market demand during the forecast period. However, a high initial capital requirement and periodic maintenance & upgradation requirement impede the growth of the market over the forecast period of 2022-2028. Table of ContentsChapter 1. Executive Summary1.1. Market Snapshot 1.2. Global & Segmental Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.1. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Region, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.2. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Price Level, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.3. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Room Capacity, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.4. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Application, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.2.5. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Technology, 2020-2028 (USD Million) 1.3. Key Trends 1.4. Estimation Methodology 1.5. Research Assumption Chapter 2. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Definition and Scope 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Market Definition & Scope 2.2.1. Scope of the Study 2.2.2. Industry Evolution 2.3. Years Considered for the Study 2.4. Currency Conversion Rates Chapter 3. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Dynamics 3.1. Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Impact Analysis (2020-2028) 3.1.1. Market Drivers Growing digitization in hospitality sector. Increasing Internet of Things (IoT) spending in hospitality industry. Strategic initiatives from leading market players. 3.1.2. Market Challenges High initial capital requirement. Periodic maintenance & upgradation requirement. 3.1.3. Market Opportunities Growing tourism sector in emerging economies. Rapid urbanization & increasing per capita travel spending. Chapter 4. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Industry Analysis 4.1. Porter’s 5 Force Model 4.1.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 4.1.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers 4.1.3. Threat of New Entrants 4.1.4. Threat of Substitutes 4.1.5. Competitive Rivalry 4.1.6. Futuristic Approach to Porter’s 5 Force Model (2018-2028) 4.2. PEST Analysis 4.2.1. Political 4.2.2. Economical 4.2.3. Social 4.2.4. Technological 4.3. Investment Adoption Model 4.4. Analyst Recommendation & Conclusion 4.5. Top investment opportunity 4.6. Top winning strategies Chapter 5. Risk Assessment: COVID-19 Impact 5.1.1. Assessment of the overall impact of COVID-19 on the industry 5.1.2. Pre COVID-19 and post COVID-19 Market scenario Chapter 6. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Price Level 6.1. Market Snapshot 6.2. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market by Price Level, Performance - Potential Analysis 6.3. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Estimates & Forecasts by Price Level 2018-2028 (USD Million) 6.4. Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, Sub Segment Analysis 6.4.1. Luxury 6.4.2. Upscale 6.4.3. Midscale 6.4.4. Economy Chapter 7. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Room Capacity 7.1. Market Snapshot 7.2. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market by Room Capacity, Performance - Potential Analysis 7.3. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Estimates & Forecasts by Room Capacity 2018-2028 (USD Million) 7.4. Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, Sub Segment Analysis 7.4.1. Small 7.4.2. Medium 7.4.3. Large 7.4.4. Mega Chapter 8. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Application 8.1. Market Snapshot 8.2. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market by Application, Performance - Potential Analysis 8.3. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Estimates & Forecasts by Application 2018-2028 (USD Million) 8.4. Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, Sub Segment Analysis 8.4.1. Urban 8.4.2. Airport 8.4.3. Resorts 8.4.4. Other Applications Chapter 9. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, by Technology 9.1. Market Snapshot 9.2. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market by Technology, Performance - Potential Analysis 9.3. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Estimates & Forecasts by Technology 2018-2028 (USD Million) 9.4. Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, Sub Segment Analysis 9.4.1. Contactless Check-in 9.4.2. Temperature Control 9.4.3. Digitally Interactive Displays 9.4.4. Robotic Luggage Concierge Chapter 10. Global Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, Regional Analysis 10.1. Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market, Regional Market Snapshot 10.2. North America Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.2.1. U.S. Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Price Level estimates & forecasts, 2018-2028 Room Capacity estimates & forecasts, 2018-2028 Application estimates & forecasts, 2018-2028 Technology estimates & forecasts, 2018-2028 10.2.2. Canada Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.3. Europe Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Snapshot 10.3.1. U.K. Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.3.2. Germany Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.3.3. France Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.3.4. Spain Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.3.5. Italy Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.3.6. Rest of Europe Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.4. Asia-Pacific Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Snapshot 10.4.1. China Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.4.2. India Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.4.3. Japan Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.4.4. Australia Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.4.5. South Korea Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.4.6. Rest of Asia Pacific Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.5. Latin America Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Snapshot 10.5.1. Brazil Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.5.2. Mexico Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market 10.6. Rest of The World Tech Savvy Hotel Chains Market Chapter 11. Competitive Intelligence 11.1. Top Market Strategies 11.2. Company Profiles 11.2.1. W Singapore Key Information Overview Financial (Subject to Data Availability) Product Summary Recent Developments 11.2.2. The Hotel Silken Puerta América 11.2.3. The Yotel New York City 11.2.4. Eccleston Square Pimlico 11.2.5. Pengheng Space Capsules Hotel 11.2.6. Blow Up Hall 5050 11.2.7. City Hub 11.2.8. Kameha Grand 11.2.9. Hotel Zetta 11.2.10. Henn Na Hotel Chapter 12. Research Process 12.1. Research Process 12.1.1. Data Mining 12.1.2. Analysis 12.1.3. Market Estimation 12.1.4. Validation 12.1.5. Publishing 12.2. Research Attributes 12.3. Research Assumption
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