CCTV IPカメラモジュールの市場(タイプ:固定焦点とオートフォーカス、アプリケーション:バレットカメラ、ドームカメラ、PTZカメラ、タレットカメラ、魚眼カメラ、その他) - 世界の産業分析、サイズ、シェア、成長、トレンド、予測、2023-2031年CCTV IP Camera Modules Market (Type: Fixed Focus and Auto Focus; Application: Bullet Cameras, Dome Cameras, PTZ Cameras, Turret Cameras, Fisheye Cameras, and Others) - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2023-2031 CCTV IPカメラモジュール市場 - レポートのスコープ TMRの調査レポート「世界のCCTV IPカメラモジュール市場」は、2023年から2031年までの予測期間における市場の指標について貴重な洞察を得るために、過去だけ... もっと見る
サマリーCCTV IPカメラモジュール市場 - レポートのスコープTMRの調査レポート「世界のCCTV IPカメラモジュール市場」は、2023年から2031年までの予測期間における市場の指標について貴重な洞察を得るために、過去だけでなく現在の成長動向と機会も調査しています。本レポートでは、2023年を基準年、2031年を予測年として、2017年から2031年までの期間における世界のCCTV IPカメラモジュール市場の収益を提供します。また、2023年から2031年までの世界のCCTV IPカメラモジュール市場の複合年間成長率(CAGR %)を掲載しています。 本レポートは、広範な調査を経て作成されました。一次調査では、アナリストが主要オピニオンリーダー、業界リーダー、オピニオンメーカーへのインタビューを実施し、調査作業の大部分を行った。二次調査では、主要企業の製品資料、年次報告書、プレスリリース、関連文書などを参照し、CCTV IPカメラモジュール市場を把握しました。 また、インターネット上の情報源、政府機関の統計データ、ウェブサイト、業界団体なども二次調査の対象とした。アナリストは、トップダウンアプローチとボトムアップアプローチを組み合わせて、世界のCCTV IPカメラモジュール市場のさまざまな属性を調査しました。 本レポートには、調査範囲に含まれる様々なセグメントの成長動向のスナップショットとともに、詳細なエグゼクティブサマリーが含まれています。さらに、本レポートは、世界のCCTV IPカメラモジュール市場における競争ダイナミクスの変化に光を当てています。これらは、既存の市場関係者だけでなく、世界のCCTV IPカメラモジュール市場への参入に関心のある企業にとっても、貴重なツールとなります。 本レポートは、世界のCCTV IPカメラモジュール市場の競争環境について掘り下げています。世界のCCTV IPカメラモジュール市場で活動する主要企業が特定され、それぞれの企業が様々な属性でプロファイリングされています。会社概要、財務状況、最近の動向、SWOTは、本レポートで紹介されている世界のCCTV IPカメラモジュール市場のプレーヤーの属性です。 世界のCCTV IPカメラモジュール市場レポートで回答された主要な質問 - 予測期間中、全地域におけるCCTV IPカメラモジュールの売上/収益はどの程度か? - 世界のCCTV IPカメラモジュール市場におけるビジネスチャンスは何か? - 市場における主な推進要因、阻害要因、機会、脅威は何か? - 予測期間中、最も速いCAGRで拡大する地域市場はどこか? - 2031年に世界で最も高い収益を上げると予測されるセグメントは? - 予測期間中に最も高いCAGRで拡大すると予測されるセグメントはどこか? - 世界市場で事業展開している各社の市場ポジションは? CCTV IPカメラモジュール市場 - 調査目的と調査アプローチ CCTV IPカメラモジュールの世界市場に関する包括的なレポートは、まず概要から始まり、次に調査範囲と目的について説明しています。本調査の背景となる目的、市場で活動する主要ベンダーや流通業者、製品の承認に関する規制シナリオについて詳しく解説しています。 読みやすさを考慮し、本レポートは章立てでまとめられ、各セクションはより小さなものに分割されています。本レポートは、グラフと表が適切に配置された包括的なコレクションで構成されています。主要セグメントの実績値と予測値を図式化し、読者に視覚的に訴えかけています。また、過去と予測期間終了時の主要セグメントの市場シェアを比較することも可能です。 本レポートでは、世界のCCTV IPカメラモジュール市場を製品、エンドユーザー、地域の観点から分析しています。各基準の主要セグメントを詳細に調査し、2031年末時点の各セグメントごとの市場シェアを掲載しています。このような貴重な洞察により、市場関係者は、世界のCCTV IPカメラモジュール市場への投資について、情報に基づいたビジネス上の意思決定を行うことができます。 目次1. Preface1.1. Market Introduction 1.2. Market and Segments Definition 1.3. Market Taxonomy 1.4. Research Methodology 1.5. Assumption and Acronyms 2. Executive Summary 2.1. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Overview 2.2. Regional Outline 2.3. Industry Outline 2.4. Market Dynamics Snapshot 2.5. Competition Blueprint 3. Market Dynamics 3.1. Macro-economic Factors 3.2. Drivers 3.3. Restraints 3.4. Opportunities 3.5. Key Trends 3.6. Regulatory Framework 4. Associated Industry and Key Indicator Assessment 4.1. Parent Industry Overview – Global Camera Industry Overview 4.2. Supply Chain Analysis 4.3. Pricing Analysis 4.4. Technology Roadmap 4.5. Industry SWOT Analysis 4.6. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 4.7. COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Analysis 5. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis, by Component 5.1. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Component, 2017–2031 5.1.1. Lenses 5.1.2. IR Filters 5.1.3. Image Sensors CMOS CCD 5.1.4. Voice Coil Motors (VCMs) 5.1.5. Digital Signal Processors 5.1.6. Others 5.2. Market Attractiveness Analysis, by Component 6. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis, by Type 6.1. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 6.1.1. Fixed Focus 6.1.2. Auto Focus 6.2. Market Attractiveness Analysis, by Type 7. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis, by Resolution 7.1. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 7.1.1. Less than 2 MP 7.1.2. 2 MP - 5 MP 7.1.3. 6 MP - 10 MP 7.1.4. 11 MP - 16 MP 7.1.5. 17 MP - 20 MP 7.1.6. Above 20 MP 7.2. Market Attractiveness Analysis, by Resolution 8. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis, by Application 8.1. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Application, 2017–2031 8.1.1. Dome Cameras 8.1.2. Bullet Cameras 8.1.3. Turret Cameras 8.1.4. Fisheye Cameras 8.1.5. PTZ Cameras 8.1.6. Others 8.2. Market Attractiveness Analysis, by Application 9. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis, by End-use 9.1. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 9.1.1. Residential 9.1.2. Commercial 9.1.3. Industrial 9.2. Market Attractiveness Analysis, by End-use 10. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis and Forecast, by Region 10.1. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Region, 2017–2031 10.1.1. North America 10.1.2. Europe 10.1.3. Asia Pacific 10.1.4. Middle East & Africa 10.1.5. South America 10.2. Market Attractiveness Analysis, by Region 11. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis 11.1. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 11.1.1. Fixed Focus 11.1.2. Auto Focus 11.2. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 11.2.1. Less than 2 MP 11.2.2. 2 MP - 5 MP 11.2.3. 6 MP - 10 MP 11.2.4. 11 MP - 16 MP 11.2.5. 17 MP - 20 MP 11.2.6. Above 20 MP 11.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 11.3.1. Residential 11.3.2. Commercial 11.3.3. Industrial 11.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Region, 2017–2031 11.4.1. North America 11.4.2. Europe 11.4.3. Asia Pacific 11.4.4. Middle East & Africa 11.4.5. South America 12. North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis and Forecast 12.1. Market Snapshot 12.2. Drivers and Restraints: Impact Analysis 12.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Component, 2017–2031 12.3.1. Lenses 12.3.2. IR Filters 12.3.3. Image Sensors CMOS CCD 12.3.4. Voice Coil Motors (VCMs) 12.3.5. Digital Signal Processors 12.3.6. Others 12.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 12.4.1. Fixed Focus 12.4.2. Auto Focus 12.5. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 12.5.1. Less than 2 MP 12.5.2. 2 MP - 5 MP 12.5.3. 6 MP - 10 MP 12.5.4. 11 MP - 16 MP 12.5.5. 17 MP - 20 MP 12.5.6. Above 20 MP 12.6. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Application, 2017–2031 12.6.1. Dome Cameras 12.6.2. Bullet Cameras 12.6.3. Turret Cameras 12.6.4. Fisheye Cameras 12.6.5. PTZ Cameras 12.6.6. Others 12.7. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 12.7.1. Residential 12.7.2. Commercial 12.7.3. Industrial 12.8. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Country and Sub-region, 2017–2031 12.8.1. U.S. 12.8.2. Canada 12.8.3. Rest of North America 12.9. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis 12.9.1. Technology Overview 12.9.2. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 Fixed Focus Auto Focus 12.9.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 Less than 2 MP 2 MP - 5 MP 6 MP - 10 MP 11 MP - 16 MP 17 MP - 20 MP Above 20 MP 12.9.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 Residential Commercial Industrial 12.10. Market Attractiveness Analysis 12.10.1. By Component 12.10.2. By Type 12.10.3. By Resolution 12.10.4. By Application 12.10.5. By End-use 12.10.6. By Country/Sub-region 13. Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis and Forecast 13.1. Market Snapshot 13.2. Drivers and Restraints: Impact Analysis 13.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Component, 2017–2031 13.3.1. Lenses 13.3.2. IR Filters 13.3.3. Image Sensors CMOS CCD 13.3.4. Voice Coil Motors (VCMs) 13.3.5. Digital Signal Processors 13.3.6. Others 13.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 13.4.1. Fixed Focus 13.4.2. Auto Focus 13.5. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 13.5.1. Less than 2 MP 13.5.2. 2 MP - 5 MP 13.5.3. 6 MP - 10 MP 13.5.4. 11 MP - 16 MP 13.5.5. 17 MP - 20 MP 13.5.6. Above 20 MP 13.6. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Application, 2017–2031 13.6.1. Dome Cameras 13.6.2. Bullet Cameras 13.6.3. Turret Cameras 13.6.4. Fisheye Cameras 13.6.5. PTZ Cameras 13.6.6. Others 13.7. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 13.7.1. Residential 13.7.2. Commercial 13.7.3. Industrial 13.8. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Country and Sub-region, 2017–2031 13.8.1. The U.K. 13.8.2. Germany 13.8.3. France 13.8.4. Rest of Europe 13.9. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis 13.9.1. Technology Overview 13.9.2. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 Fixed Focus Auto Focus 13.9.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 Less than 2 MP 2 MP - 5 MP 6 MP - 10 MP 11 MP - 16 MP 17 MP - 20 MP Above 20 MP 13.9.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 Residential Commercial Industrial 13.10. Market Attractiveness Analysis 13.10.1. By Component 13.10.2. By Type 13.10.3. By Resolution 13.10.4. By Application 13.10.5. By End-use 13.10.6. By Country/Sub-region 14. Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis and Forecast 14.1. Market Snapshot 14.2. Drivers and Restraints: Impact Analysis 14.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Component, 2017–2031 14.3.1. Lenses 14.3.2. IR Filters 14.3.3. Image Sensors CMOS CCD 14.3.4. Voice Coil Motors (VCMs) 14.3.5. Digital Signal Processors 14.3.6. Others 14.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 14.4.1. Fixed Focus 14.4.2. Auto Focus 14.5. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 14.5.1. Less than 2 MP 14.5.2. 2 MP - 5 MP 14.5.3. 6 MP - 10 MP 14.5.4. 11 MP - 16 MP 14.5.5. 17 MP - 20 MP 14.5.6. Above 20 MP 14.6. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Application, 2017–2031 14.6.1. Dome Cameras 14.6.2. Bullet Cameras 14.6.3. Turret Cameras 14.6.4. Fisheye Cameras 14.6.5. PTZ Cameras 14.6.6. Others 14.7. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 14.7.1. Residential 14.7.2. Commercial 14.7.3. Industrial 14.8. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Country and Sub-region, 2017–2031 14.8.1. China 14.8.2. Japan 14.8.3. India 14.8.4. South Korea 14.8.5. Rest of Asia Pacific 14.9. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis 14.9.1. Technology Overview 14.9.2. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 Fixed Focus Auto Focus 14.9.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 Less than 2 MP 2 MP - 5 MP 6 MP - 10 MP 11 MP - 16 MP 17 MP - 20 MP Above 20 MP 14.9.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 Residential Commercial Industrial 14.10. Market Attractiveness Analysis 14.10.1. By Component 14.10.2. By Type 14.10.3. By Resolution 14.10.4. By Application 14.10.5. By End-use 14.10.6. By Country/Sub-region 15. Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis and Forecast 15.1. Market Snapshot 15.2. Drivers and Restraints: Impact Analysis 15.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Component, 2017–2031 15.3.1. Lenses 15.3.2. IR Filters 15.3.3. Image Sensors CMOS CCD 15.3.4. Voice Coil Motors (VCMs) 15.3.5. Digital Signal Processors 15.3.6. Others 15.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 15.4.1. Fixed Focus 15.4.2. Auto Focus 15.5. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 15.5.1. Less than 2 MP 15.5.2. 2 MP - 5 MP 15.5.3. 6 MP - 10 MP 15.5.4. 11 MP - 16 MP 15.5.5. 17 MP - 20 MP 15.5.6. Above 20 MP 15.6. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Application, 2017–2031 15.6.1. Dome Cameras 15.6.2. Bullet Cameras 15.6.3. Turret Cameras 15.6.4. Fisheye Cameras 15.6.5. PTZ Cameras 15.6.6. Others 15.7. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 15.7.1. Residential 15.7.2. Commercial 15.7.3. Industrial 15.8. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Country and Sub-region, 2017–2031 15.8.1. GCC 15.8.2. South Africa 15.8.3. Rest of Middle East & Africa 15.9. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis 15.9.1. Technology Overview 15.9.2. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 Fixed Focus Auto Focus 15.9.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 Less than 2 MP 2 MP - 5 MP 6 MP - 10 MP 11 MP - 16 MP 17 MP - 20 MP Above 20 MP 15.9.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 Residential Commercial Industrial 15.10. Market Attractiveness Analysis 15.10.1. By Component 15.10.2. By Type 15.10.3. By Resolution 15.10.4. By Application 15.10.5. By End-use 15.10.6. By Country/Sub-region 16. South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis and Forecast 16.1. Market Snapshot 16.2. Drivers and Restraints: Impact Analysis 16.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Component, 2017–2031 16.3.1. Lenses 16.3.2. IR Filters 16.3.3. Image Sensors CMOS CCD 16.3.4. Voice Coil Motors (VCMs) 16.3.5. Digital Signal Processors 16.3.6. Others 16.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 16.4.1. Fixed Focus 16.4.2. Auto Focus 16.5. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 16.5.1. Less than 2 MP 16.5.2. 2 MP - 5 MP 16.5.3. 6 MP - 10 MP 16.5.4. 11 MP - 16 MP 16.5.5. 17 MP - 20 MP 16.5.6. Above 20 MP 16.6. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Application, 2017–2031 16.6.1. Dome Cameras 16.6.2. Bullet Cameras 16.6.3. Turret Cameras 16.6.4. Fisheye Cameras 16.6.5. PTZ Cameras 16.6.6. Others 16.7. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 16.7.1. Residential 16.7.2. Commercial 16.7.3. Industrial 16.8. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Country and Sub-region, 2017–2031 16.8.1. Brazil 16.8.2. Rest of South America 16.9. Market Attractiveness Analysis 16.9.1. By Component 16.9.2. By Type 16.9.3. By Resolution 16.9.4. By End-use 16.9.5. By Country/Sub-region 17. Competition Assessment 17.1. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Competition Matrix - a Dashboard View 17.1.1. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Company Share Analysis, by Value (2022) 17.1.2. Technological Differentiator 18. Company Profiles - CCTV IP Camera Modules Manufacturers/Suppliers 18.1. Hangzhou Xiongmai Technology Co.,Ltd. (XM) 18.1.1. Overview 18.1.2. Product Portfolio 18.1.3. Sales Footprint 18.1.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.1.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.1.6. Key Financials 18.2. Hangzhou View Sheen Technology Co., Ltd. 18.2.1. Overview 18.2.2. Product Portfolio 18.2.3. Sales Footprint 18.2.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.2.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.2.6. Key Financials 18.3. iENSO inc. 18.3.1. Overview 18.3.2. Product Portfolio 18.3.3. Sales Footprint 18.3.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.3.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.3.6. Key Financials 18.4. Ispycam Solution 18.4.1. Overview 18.4.2. Product Portfolio 18.4.3. Sales Footprint 18.4.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.4.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.4.6. Key Financials 18.5. LG Innotek 18.5.1. Overview 18.5.2. Product Portfolio 18.5.3. Sales Footprint 18.5.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.5.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.5.6. Key Financials 18.6. Microsemi 18.6.1. Overview 18.6.2. Product Portfolio 18.6.3. Sales Footprint 18.6.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.6.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.6.6. Key Financials 18.7. OMNIVISION 18.7.1. Overview 18.7.2. Product Portfolio 18.7.3. Sales Footprint 18.7.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.7.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.7.6. Key Financials 18.8. Pacidal Corporation Ltd. 18.8.1. Overview 18.8.2. Product Portfolio 18.8.3. Sales Footprint 18.8.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.8.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.8.6. Key Financials 18.9. PARANTEK Inc. 18.9.1. Overview 18.9.2. Product Portfolio 18.9.3. Sales Footprint 18.9.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.9.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.9.6. Key Financials 18.10. Rhonda Software 18.10.1. Overview 18.10.2. Product Portfolio 18.10.3. Sales Footprint 18.10.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.10.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.10.6. Key Financials 18.11. Samsung Electro-Mechanics 18.11.1. Overview 18.11.2. Product Portfolio 18.11.3. Sales Footprint 18.11.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.11.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.11.6. Key Financials 18.12. Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC 18.12.1. Overview 18.12.2. Product Portfolio 18.12.3. Sales Footprint 18.12.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.12.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.12.6. Key Financials 18.13. ShenZhen CK Vision Technology Co., Ltd. 18.13.1. Overview 18.13.2. Product Portfolio 18.13.3. Sales Footprint 18.13.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.13.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.13.6. Key Financials 18.14. Shenzhen Enster Electronics Co., Ltd. 18.14.1. Overview 18.14.2. Product Portfolio 18.14.3. Sales Footprint 18.14.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.14.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.14.6. Key Financials 18.15. Sony Group Corporation 18.15.1. Overview 18.15.2. Product Portfolio 18.15.3. Sales Footprint 18.15.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.15.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.15.6. Key Financials 18.16. Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Co., Ltd. 18.16.1. Overview 18.16.2. Product Portfolio 18.16.3. Sales Footprint 18.16.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.16.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.16.6. Key Financials 18.17. Teknique Limited 18.17.1. Overview 18.17.2. Product Portfolio 18.17.3. Sales Footprint 18.17.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.17.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.17.6. Key Financials 18.18. Teledyne FLIR LLC 18.18.1. Overview 18.18.2. Product Portfolio 18.18.3. Sales Footprint 18.18.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.18.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.18.6. Key Financials 18.19. Xonz 18.19.1. Overview 18.19.2. Product Portfolio 18.19.3. Sales Footprint 18.19.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.19.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.19.6. Key Financials 19. Company Profiles – CCTV IP Camera Manufacturers/Suppliers 19.1. Avonic 19.1.1. Overview 19.1.2. Product Portfolio 19.1.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.1.4. Key Financials 19.2. Axis Communications AB. 19.2.1. Overview 19.2.2. Product Portfolio 19.2.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.2.4. Key Financials 19.3. Bosch Security Systems 19.3.1. Overview 19.3.2. Product Portfolio 19.3.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.3.4. Key Financials 19.4. Canon 19.4.1. Overview 19.4.2. Product Portfolio 19.4.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.4.4. Key Financials 19.5. CP Plus International 19.5.1. Overview 19.5.2. Product Portfolio 19.5.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.5.4. Key Financials 19.6. Dahua Technology Co., Ltd 19.6.1. Overview 19.6.2. Product Portfolio 19.6.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.6.4. Key Financials 19.7. Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (Hikvision) 19.7.1. Overview 19.7.2. Product Portfolio 19.7.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.7.4. Key Financials 19.8. Honeywell International Inc. 19.8.1. Overview 19.8.2. Product Portfolio 19.8.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.8.4. Key Financials 19.9. Nikon 19.9.1. Overview 19.9.2. Product Portfolio 19.9.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.9.4. Key Financials 19.10. Panasonic Connect Co,.Ltd. 19.10.1. Overview 19.10.2. Product Portfolio 19.10.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.10.4. Key Financials 19.11. Pelco 19.11.1. Overview 19.11.2. Product Portfolio 19.11.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.11.4. Key Financials 19.12. Teledyne Lumenera 19.12.1. Overview 19.12.2. Product Portfolio 19.12.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.12.4. Key Financials 20. Recommendation 20.1. Opportunity Assessment 20.1.1. By Component 20.1.2. By Type 20.1.3. By Resolution 20.1.4. By Application 20.1.5. By End-use 20.1.6. By Region 図表リストList of TablesTable 1: Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 2: Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 3: Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Type, 2017‒2031 Table 4: Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017‒2031 Table 5: Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Application, 2017‒2033 Table 6: Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by End-use, 2017‒2033 Table 7: Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 8: Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 9: North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 10: North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 11: North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Type, 2017‒2031 Table 12: North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017‒2031 Table 13: North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by End-use, 2017‒2033 Table 14: North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Application, 2017‒2033 Table 15: North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 16: North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 17: Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 18: Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 19: Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Type, 2017‒2031 Table 20: Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017‒2031 Table 21: Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by End-use, 2017‒2033 Table 22: Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Application, 2017‒2033 Table 23: Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 24: Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 25: Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 26: Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 27: Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Type, 2017‒2031 Table 28: Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017‒2031 Table 29: Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by End-use, 2017‒2033 Table 30: Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Application, 2017‒2033 Table 31: Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 32: Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 33: Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 34: Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 35: Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Type, 2017‒2031 Table 36: Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017‒2031 Table 37: Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by End-use, 2017‒2033 Table 38: Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Application, 2017‒2033 Table 39: Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 40: Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 41: South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 42: South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 43: South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Type, 2017‒2031 Table 44: South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017‒2031 Table 45: South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by End-use, 2017‒2033 Table 46: South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Application, 2017‒2033 Table 47: South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 48: South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031
SummaryCCTV IP Camera Modules Market – Scope of Report Table of Contents1. Preface1.1. Market Introduction 1.2. Market and Segments Definition 1.3. Market Taxonomy 1.4. Research Methodology 1.5. Assumption and Acronyms 2. Executive Summary 2.1. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Overview 2.2. Regional Outline 2.3. Industry Outline 2.4. Market Dynamics Snapshot 2.5. Competition Blueprint 3. Market Dynamics 3.1. Macro-economic Factors 3.2. Drivers 3.3. Restraints 3.4. Opportunities 3.5. Key Trends 3.6. Regulatory Framework 4. Associated Industry and Key Indicator Assessment 4.1. Parent Industry Overview – Global Camera Industry Overview 4.2. Supply Chain Analysis 4.3. Pricing Analysis 4.4. Technology Roadmap 4.5. Industry SWOT Analysis 4.6. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 4.7. COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Analysis 5. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis, by Component 5.1. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Component, 2017–2031 5.1.1. Lenses 5.1.2. IR Filters 5.1.3. Image Sensors CMOS CCD 5.1.4. Voice Coil Motors (VCMs) 5.1.5. Digital Signal Processors 5.1.6. Others 5.2. Market Attractiveness Analysis, by Component 6. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis, by Type 6.1. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 6.1.1. Fixed Focus 6.1.2. Auto Focus 6.2. Market Attractiveness Analysis, by Type 7. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis, by Resolution 7.1. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 7.1.1. Less than 2 MP 7.1.2. 2 MP - 5 MP 7.1.3. 6 MP - 10 MP 7.1.4. 11 MP - 16 MP 7.1.5. 17 MP - 20 MP 7.1.6. Above 20 MP 7.2. Market Attractiveness Analysis, by Resolution 8. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis, by Application 8.1. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Application, 2017–2031 8.1.1. Dome Cameras 8.1.2. Bullet Cameras 8.1.3. Turret Cameras 8.1.4. Fisheye Cameras 8.1.5. PTZ Cameras 8.1.6. Others 8.2. Market Attractiveness Analysis, by Application 9. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis, by End-use 9.1. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 9.1.1. Residential 9.1.2. Commercial 9.1.3. Industrial 9.2. Market Attractiveness Analysis, by End-use 10. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis and Forecast, by Region 10.1. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Region, 2017–2031 10.1.1. North America 10.1.2. Europe 10.1.3. Asia Pacific 10.1.4. Middle East & Africa 10.1.5. South America 10.2. Market Attractiveness Analysis, by Region 11. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis 11.1. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 11.1.1. Fixed Focus 11.1.2. Auto Focus 11.2. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 11.2.1. Less than 2 MP 11.2.2. 2 MP - 5 MP 11.2.3. 6 MP - 10 MP 11.2.4. 11 MP - 16 MP 11.2.5. 17 MP - 20 MP 11.2.6. Above 20 MP 11.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 11.3.1. Residential 11.3.2. Commercial 11.3.3. Industrial 11.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Region, 2017–2031 11.4.1. North America 11.4.2. Europe 11.4.3. Asia Pacific 11.4.4. Middle East & Africa 11.4.5. South America 12. North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis and Forecast 12.1. Market Snapshot 12.2. Drivers and Restraints: Impact Analysis 12.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Component, 2017–2031 12.3.1. Lenses 12.3.2. IR Filters 12.3.3. Image Sensors CMOS CCD 12.3.4. Voice Coil Motors (VCMs) 12.3.5. Digital Signal Processors 12.3.6. Others 12.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 12.4.1. Fixed Focus 12.4.2. Auto Focus 12.5. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 12.5.1. Less than 2 MP 12.5.2. 2 MP - 5 MP 12.5.3. 6 MP - 10 MP 12.5.4. 11 MP - 16 MP 12.5.5. 17 MP - 20 MP 12.5.6. Above 20 MP 12.6. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Application, 2017–2031 12.6.1. Dome Cameras 12.6.2. Bullet Cameras 12.6.3. Turret Cameras 12.6.4. Fisheye Cameras 12.6.5. PTZ Cameras 12.6.6. Others 12.7. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 12.7.1. Residential 12.7.2. Commercial 12.7.3. Industrial 12.8. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Country and Sub-region, 2017–2031 12.8.1. U.S. 12.8.2. Canada 12.8.3. Rest of North America 12.9. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis 12.9.1. Technology Overview 12.9.2. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 Fixed Focus Auto Focus 12.9.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 Less than 2 MP 2 MP - 5 MP 6 MP - 10 MP 11 MP - 16 MP 17 MP - 20 MP Above 20 MP 12.9.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 Residential Commercial Industrial 12.10. Market Attractiveness Analysis 12.10.1. By Component 12.10.2. By Type 12.10.3. By Resolution 12.10.4. By Application 12.10.5. By End-use 12.10.6. By Country/Sub-region 13. Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis and Forecast 13.1. Market Snapshot 13.2. Drivers and Restraints: Impact Analysis 13.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Component, 2017–2031 13.3.1. Lenses 13.3.2. IR Filters 13.3.3. Image Sensors CMOS CCD 13.3.4. Voice Coil Motors (VCMs) 13.3.5. Digital Signal Processors 13.3.6. Others 13.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 13.4.1. Fixed Focus 13.4.2. Auto Focus 13.5. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 13.5.1. Less than 2 MP 13.5.2. 2 MP - 5 MP 13.5.3. 6 MP - 10 MP 13.5.4. 11 MP - 16 MP 13.5.5. 17 MP - 20 MP 13.5.6. Above 20 MP 13.6. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Application, 2017–2031 13.6.1. Dome Cameras 13.6.2. Bullet Cameras 13.6.3. Turret Cameras 13.6.4. Fisheye Cameras 13.6.5. PTZ Cameras 13.6.6. Others 13.7. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 13.7.1. Residential 13.7.2. Commercial 13.7.3. Industrial 13.8. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Country and Sub-region, 2017–2031 13.8.1. The U.K. 13.8.2. Germany 13.8.3. France 13.8.4. Rest of Europe 13.9. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis 13.9.1. Technology Overview 13.9.2. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 Fixed Focus Auto Focus 13.9.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 Less than 2 MP 2 MP - 5 MP 6 MP - 10 MP 11 MP - 16 MP 17 MP - 20 MP Above 20 MP 13.9.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 Residential Commercial Industrial 13.10. Market Attractiveness Analysis 13.10.1. By Component 13.10.2. By Type 13.10.3. By Resolution 13.10.4. By Application 13.10.5. By End-use 13.10.6. By Country/Sub-region 14. Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis and Forecast 14.1. Market Snapshot 14.2. Drivers and Restraints: Impact Analysis 14.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Component, 2017–2031 14.3.1. Lenses 14.3.2. IR Filters 14.3.3. Image Sensors CMOS CCD 14.3.4. Voice Coil Motors (VCMs) 14.3.5. Digital Signal Processors 14.3.6. Others 14.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 14.4.1. Fixed Focus 14.4.2. Auto Focus 14.5. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 14.5.1. Less than 2 MP 14.5.2. 2 MP - 5 MP 14.5.3. 6 MP - 10 MP 14.5.4. 11 MP - 16 MP 14.5.5. 17 MP - 20 MP 14.5.6. Above 20 MP 14.6. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Application, 2017–2031 14.6.1. Dome Cameras 14.6.2. Bullet Cameras 14.6.3. Turret Cameras 14.6.4. Fisheye Cameras 14.6.5. PTZ Cameras 14.6.6. Others 14.7. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 14.7.1. Residential 14.7.2. Commercial 14.7.3. Industrial 14.8. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Country and Sub-region, 2017–2031 14.8.1. China 14.8.2. Japan 14.8.3. India 14.8.4. South Korea 14.8.5. Rest of Asia Pacific 14.9. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis 14.9.1. Technology Overview 14.9.2. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 Fixed Focus Auto Focus 14.9.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 Less than 2 MP 2 MP - 5 MP 6 MP - 10 MP 11 MP - 16 MP 17 MP - 20 MP Above 20 MP 14.9.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 Residential Commercial Industrial 14.10. Market Attractiveness Analysis 14.10.1. By Component 14.10.2. By Type 14.10.3. By Resolution 14.10.4. By Application 14.10.5. By End-use 14.10.6. By Country/Sub-region 15. Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis and Forecast 15.1. Market Snapshot 15.2. Drivers and Restraints: Impact Analysis 15.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Component, 2017–2031 15.3.1. Lenses 15.3.2. IR Filters 15.3.3. Image Sensors CMOS CCD 15.3.4. Voice Coil Motors (VCMs) 15.3.5. Digital Signal Processors 15.3.6. Others 15.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 15.4.1. Fixed Focus 15.4.2. Auto Focus 15.5. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 15.5.1. Less than 2 MP 15.5.2. 2 MP - 5 MP 15.5.3. 6 MP - 10 MP 15.5.4. 11 MP - 16 MP 15.5.5. 17 MP - 20 MP 15.5.6. Above 20 MP 15.6. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Application, 2017–2031 15.6.1. Dome Cameras 15.6.2. Bullet Cameras 15.6.3. Turret Cameras 15.6.4. Fisheye Cameras 15.6.5. PTZ Cameras 15.6.6. Others 15.7. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 15.7.1. Residential 15.7.2. Commercial 15.7.3. Industrial 15.8. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Country and Sub-region, 2017–2031 15.8.1. GCC 15.8.2. South Africa 15.8.3. Rest of Middle East & Africa 15.9. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis 15.9.1. Technology Overview 15.9.2. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 Fixed Focus Auto Focus 15.9.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 Less than 2 MP 2 MP - 5 MP 6 MP - 10 MP 11 MP - 16 MP 17 MP - 20 MP Above 20 MP 15.9.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 Residential Commercial Industrial 15.10. Market Attractiveness Analysis 15.10.1. By Component 15.10.2. By Type 15.10.3. By Resolution 15.10.4. By Application 15.10.5. By End-use 15.10.6. By Country/Sub-region 16. South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Analysis and Forecast 16.1. Market Snapshot 16.2. Drivers and Restraints: Impact Analysis 16.3. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Component, 2017–2031 16.3.1. Lenses 16.3.2. IR Filters 16.3.3. Image Sensors CMOS CCD 16.3.4. Voice Coil Motors (VCMs) 16.3.5. Digital Signal Processors 16.3.6. Others 16.4. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Type, 2017–2031 16.4.1. Fixed Focus 16.4.2. Auto Focus 16.5. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017–2031 16.5.1. Less than 2 MP 16.5.2. 2 MP - 5 MP 16.5.3. 6 MP - 10 MP 16.5.4. 11 MP - 16 MP 16.5.5. 17 MP - 20 MP 16.5.6. Above 20 MP 16.6. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by Application, 2017–2031 16.6.1. Dome Cameras 16.6.2. Bullet Cameras 16.6.3. Turret Cameras 16.6.4. Fisheye Cameras 16.6.5. PTZ Cameras 16.6.6. Others 16.7. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis & Forecast, by End-use, 2017–2031 16.7.1. Residential 16.7.2. Commercial 16.7.3. Industrial 16.8. CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Size (US$ Mn) and Volume (Million Units) Analysis & Forecast, by Country and Sub-region, 2017–2031 16.8.1. Brazil 16.8.2. Rest of South America 16.9. Market Attractiveness Analysis 16.9.1. By Component 16.9.2. By Type 16.9.3. By Resolution 16.9.4. By End-use 16.9.5. By Country/Sub-region 17. Competition Assessment 17.1. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Competition Matrix - a Dashboard View 17.1.1. Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Company Share Analysis, by Value (2022) 17.1.2. Technological Differentiator 18. Company Profiles - CCTV IP Camera Modules Manufacturers/Suppliers 18.1. Hangzhou Xiongmai Technology Co.,Ltd. (XM) 18.1.1. Overview 18.1.2. Product Portfolio 18.1.3. Sales Footprint 18.1.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.1.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.1.6. Key Financials 18.2. Hangzhou View Sheen Technology Co., Ltd. 18.2.1. Overview 18.2.2. Product Portfolio 18.2.3. Sales Footprint 18.2.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.2.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.2.6. Key Financials 18.3. iENSO inc. 18.3.1. Overview 18.3.2. Product Portfolio 18.3.3. Sales Footprint 18.3.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.3.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.3.6. Key Financials 18.4. Ispycam Solution 18.4.1. Overview 18.4.2. Product Portfolio 18.4.3. Sales Footprint 18.4.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.4.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.4.6. Key Financials 18.5. LG Innotek 18.5.1. Overview 18.5.2. Product Portfolio 18.5.3. Sales Footprint 18.5.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.5.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.5.6. Key Financials 18.6. Microsemi 18.6.1. Overview 18.6.2. Product Portfolio 18.6.3. Sales Footprint 18.6.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.6.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.6.6. Key Financials 18.7. OMNIVISION 18.7.1. Overview 18.7.2. Product Portfolio 18.7.3. Sales Footprint 18.7.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.7.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.7.6. Key Financials 18.8. Pacidal Corporation Ltd. 18.8.1. Overview 18.8.2. Product Portfolio 18.8.3. Sales Footprint 18.8.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.8.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.8.6. Key Financials 18.9. PARANTEK Inc. 18.9.1. Overview 18.9.2. Product Portfolio 18.9.3. Sales Footprint 18.9.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.9.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.9.6. Key Financials 18.10. Rhonda Software 18.10.1. Overview 18.10.2. Product Portfolio 18.10.3. Sales Footprint 18.10.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.10.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.10.6. Key Financials 18.11. Samsung Electro-Mechanics 18.11.1. Overview 18.11.2. Product Portfolio 18.11.3. Sales Footprint 18.11.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.11.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.11.6. Key Financials 18.12. Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC 18.12.1. Overview 18.12.2. Product Portfolio 18.12.3. Sales Footprint 18.12.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.12.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.12.6. Key Financials 18.13. ShenZhen CK Vision Technology Co., Ltd. 18.13.1. Overview 18.13.2. Product Portfolio 18.13.3. Sales Footprint 18.13.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.13.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.13.6. Key Financials 18.14. Shenzhen Enster Electronics Co., Ltd. 18.14.1. Overview 18.14.2. Product Portfolio 18.14.3. Sales Footprint 18.14.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.14.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.14.6. Key Financials 18.15. Sony Group Corporation 18.15.1. Overview 18.15.2. Product Portfolio 18.15.3. Sales Footprint 18.15.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.15.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.15.6. Key Financials 18.16. Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Co., Ltd. 18.16.1. Overview 18.16.2. Product Portfolio 18.16.3. Sales Footprint 18.16.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.16.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.16.6. Key Financials 18.17. Teknique Limited 18.17.1. Overview 18.17.2. Product Portfolio 18.17.3. Sales Footprint 18.17.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.17.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.17.6. Key Financials 18.18. Teledyne FLIR LLC 18.18.1. Overview 18.18.2. Product Portfolio 18.18.3. Sales Footprint 18.18.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.18.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.18.6. Key Financials 18.19. Xonz 18.19.1. Overview 18.19.2. Product Portfolio 18.19.3. Sales Footprint 18.19.4. Key Subsidiaries or Distributors 18.19.5. Strategy and Recent Developments 18.19.6. Key Financials 19. Company Profiles – CCTV IP Camera Manufacturers/Suppliers 19.1. Avonic 19.1.1. Overview 19.1.2. Product Portfolio 19.1.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.1.4. Key Financials 19.2. Axis Communications AB. 19.2.1. Overview 19.2.2. Product Portfolio 19.2.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.2.4. Key Financials 19.3. Bosch Security Systems 19.3.1. Overview 19.3.2. Product Portfolio 19.3.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.3.4. Key Financials 19.4. Canon 19.4.1. Overview 19.4.2. Product Portfolio 19.4.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.4.4. Key Financials 19.5. CP Plus International 19.5.1. Overview 19.5.2. Product Portfolio 19.5.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.5.4. Key Financials 19.6. Dahua Technology Co., Ltd 19.6.1. Overview 19.6.2. Product Portfolio 19.6.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.6.4. Key Financials 19.7. Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (Hikvision) 19.7.1. Overview 19.7.2. Product Portfolio 19.7.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.7.4. Key Financials 19.8. Honeywell International Inc. 19.8.1. Overview 19.8.2. Product Portfolio 19.8.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.8.4. Key Financials 19.9. Nikon 19.9.1. Overview 19.9.2. Product Portfolio 19.9.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.9.4. Key Financials 19.10. Panasonic Connect Co,.Ltd. 19.10.1. Overview 19.10.2. Product Portfolio 19.10.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.10.4. Key Financials 19.11. Pelco 19.11.1. Overview 19.11.2. Product Portfolio 19.11.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.11.4. Key Financials 19.12. Teledyne Lumenera 19.12.1. Overview 19.12.2. Product Portfolio 19.12.3. Strategy and Recent Developments 19.12.4. Key Financials 20. Recommendation 20.1. Opportunity Assessment 20.1.1. By Component 20.1.2. By Type 20.1.3. By Resolution 20.1.4. By Application 20.1.5. By End-use 20.1.6. By Region List of Tables/GraphsList of TablesTable 1: Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 2: Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 3: Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Type, 2017‒2031 Table 4: Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017‒2031 Table 5: Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Application, 2017‒2033 Table 6: Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by End-use, 2017‒2033 Table 7: Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 8: Global CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 9: North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 10: North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 11: North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Type, 2017‒2031 Table 12: North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017‒2031 Table 13: North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by End-use, 2017‒2033 Table 14: North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Application, 2017‒2033 Table 15: North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 16: North America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 17: Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 18: Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 19: Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Type, 2017‒2031 Table 20: Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017‒2031 Table 21: Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by End-use, 2017‒2033 Table 22: Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Application, 2017‒2033 Table 23: Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 24: Europe CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 25: Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 26: Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 27: Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Type, 2017‒2031 Table 28: Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017‒2031 Table 29: Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by End-use, 2017‒2033 Table 30: Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Application, 2017‒2033 Table 31: Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 32: Asia Pacific CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 33: Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 34: Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 35: Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Type, 2017‒2031 Table 36: Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017‒2031 Table 37: Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by End-use, 2017‒2033 Table 38: Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Application, 2017‒2033 Table 39: Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 40: Middle East & Africa CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 41: South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 42: South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Component, 2017‒2031 Table 43: South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Type, 2017‒2031 Table 44: South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Resolution, 2017‒2031 Table 45: South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by End-use, 2017‒2033 Table 46: South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Application, 2017‒2033 Table 47: South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Value (US$ Mn) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031 Table 48: South America CCTV IP Camera Modules Market Volume (Million Units) & Forecast, by Region, 2017‒2031
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