産業用プラグ・ソケットの世界市場ファクトブック(2022年版)-製品タイプ別、IP等級、電圧等級、アンペア等級、最終使用産業別、地域別、国別の世界市場レビュー(2018-2028年版)Global Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market Factbook (2022 Edition) - World Market Review By Product Type, IP Rating, Voltage Rating, Ampere Rating, By End-Use Industry, By Region, By Country (2018-2028) エグゼクティブサマリー Azoth Analyticsのリサーチファクトブック(4地域と20ヶ国の包括的分析)によると、産業用プラグとソケットの世界市場は2023年から2028年の間にCAGR6.5%に代表される著しい成長を見せ... もっと見る
サマリーエグゼクティブサマリーAzoth Analyticsのリサーチファクトブック(4地域と20ヶ国の包括的分析)によると、産業用プラグとソケットの世界市場は2023年から2028年の間にCAGR6.5%に代表される著しい成長を見せると予測されています。2021年の産業用プラグとソケットの世界市場は2680.21万米ドルと評価され、APAC地域が地域別市場シェアをリードしています。 産業用プラグとソケットの世界市場は、都市部と農村部における工業化の急増と、生産施設における高品質な電気製品の需要増が原動力となっています。 さらに、アジア、西ヨーロッパ、北米などの地域で電気自動車の普及率が高まっていることを背景に、運輸・自動車分野からの模範的な需要が需要の大部分を支えています。最先端の充電ステーションに対するニーズの高まりが、この分野における産業用プラグおよびソケットの需要を促進しています。 製品タイプ別では、産業用プラグが主要シェアを占めており、最終用途の垂直方向で使用量が増加していることが推進要因となっています。 また、世界のさまざまな地域で工業化が進んでいることも、産業用プラグとソケットの販売量を増加させる新たな要因となっています。 APAC地域は、調査期間中、市場全体の50%以上を占めると予想されます。インドと中国が予測期間中の市場成長をリードすると予想されます。工業化と都市化がこの地域の成長を支える重要な要因となっています。 主要な影響であるパンデミックはかなり沈静化しましたが、輸送の制限、購入コストの増加、Covid-19の悪影響を受けた国における製造能力の低下などにより、世界的な供給の課題が残っています。 報告書の範囲 - このレポートでは、産業用プラグとソケットの市場を金額(百万米ドル)別に分析しています。 - 産業用プラグとソケットの市場を数量(百万個)別に分析したレポートです。 - このレポートは産業用プラグとソケット市場を製品タイプ別(産業用プラグ、産業用ソケット)に分析しています。 - このレポートは産業用プラグとソケット市場をIP等級別(IP 44/45、IP 66/67)に分析しています。 - このレポートは産業用プラグとソケット市場を定格電圧別(24〜42V、42〜110V、110〜230V、230〜400V、400V以上)に分析しています。 - このレポートでは、産業用プラグとソケットの市場を最終使用産業別(発電と配電、化学、食品と飲料、石油とガス、自動車と輸送、家電、その他の産業)に分析しています。 - 産業用プラグとソケットの世界市場を地域別(アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、MEA)に分析しています。 - 産業用プラグとソケットの世界市場は国別(アメリカ、カナダ、ブラジル、メキシコ、ドイツ、イギリス、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、ロシア、ベネルクス、中国、日本、インド、韓国、マレーシア、インドネシア、タイ、オーストラリア、ニュージーランド)でも分析されています。 - 本レポートの主要な洞察は、主要企業のシェアを通じて提示されています。また、地域別、製品タイプ別、IP等級別、アンペア等級別、最終用途産業別に市場の魅力が紹介されています。 - また、業界の主な機会、トレンド、ドライバー、課題についても分析しています。 - 競合の開発、戦略、最近の動向を追跡しています。レポートでは、Schenieder Electric、ABB、Emerson Electric、Legrand SA、Havells、TE connectivityなどの企業が分析されています。 - このレポートでは、2018年から2021年の過去期間、推定年202o、2023年から2028年の予測期間における産業用プラグとソケット市場の分析を紹介しています。 主な対象読者 - 産業用プラグおよびソケットの製造業者 - エンドユーザー(工場・製造所) - 研究開発(R&D)機関 - 政府機関・規制当局 - 投資銀行・エクイティファーム 目次1. Introduction1 Industrial Plugs and Sockets Overview 1.2 Scope of Research 2. Executive Summary 2.1 Market Dashboard 2.2 Regional Insights 2.3 Market Ecosystem Factors 3. Research Methodology 3.1 Data Collection Process 3.2 Market Trajectory Estimation 3.3 Market Size Calculation 4. Market Dynamics 4.1 Drivers 4.2 Restraints 4.3 Opportunities 4.4 Trends 4.5 Impact assessment of Market Dynamics 5. Value Chain Analysis 5.1 Raw material Suppliers 5.2 Manufacturers 5.3 Distributors 5.4 End Use Industry 6. Covid-19 Impact Assessment 6.1 Assessment of Degree of Impact of Covid-19 on Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market 6.2 Region-Wise Quarterly Covid Impact Analysis 7. Porter's Five Force Analysis 8. Macro Economic Indicator Outlook 8.1 Global, Region-wise GDP Growth 8.2 Investments in Infrastructures 8.3 Energy Consumption by Industries 8.4 Manufacturing Sector 8.5 Oil & Gas Production 9. Average Selling Price Analysis 9.1 Average Selling Price, By Region 9.2 Average Selling Price, By Product Type 10. Competitive Positioning 10.1 Companies’ Product Positioning 10.2 Market Position Matrix 10.3 Market Share Analysis 10.3.1 Schneider Electric 10.3.2 Hubbell 10.3.3 Emerson Electric 10.3.4 Amphenol Corporation 10.3.5 R Stahl 10.3.6 Legrand 10.3.7 ABB 10.3.8 Bals Electrotechnik 10.3.9 Marechal Electric Group 10.3.10 Mennekes 11. Volumetric Analysis, Million Units, 2018-2028 11.1 Global Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.1.1 Global Industrial Plugs Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.1.2 Global Industrial Sockets, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.2 Americas Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.2.1 Americas Industrial Plugs Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.2.2 Americas Industrial Sockets, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.3 Europe Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.3.1 Europe Industrial Plugs Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.3.2 Europe Industrial Sockets, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.4 Asia Pacific Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.4.1 Asia Pacific Industrial Plugs Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.4.2 Asia Pacific Industrial Sockets, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.5 Middle East and Africa Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.5.1 Middle East and Africa Industrial Plugs Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.5.2 Middle East and Africa Industrial Sockets, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 12. Global Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market Trends and Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, USD Million & CAGR 12.1 Macro Economic Factor Impact Index 12.2 Global Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market: Dashboard 12.3 Global Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2018-2021(USD Million) 12.4 Global Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2022-2028 (USD Million) 12.5 Global Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market: Summary 13. Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, By Product Type 13.1 Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, By Product Type: Snapshot 13.2 Industrial Plugs 13.3 Industrial Sockets 14. Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, By IP Rating 14.1 Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, By IP Rating: Snapshot 14.2 IP 44/45 14.3 IP 66/67 15. Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, By Voltage Rating 15.1 Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, By Voltage Rating: Snapshot 15.2 24 to 42V 15.3 42 TO 110 V 15.4 110 TO 230V 15.5 230 TO 400V 15.6 ABOVE 400V 16. Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, By Ampere Rating 16.1 Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, By Voltage Rating: Snapshot 16.2 16A 16.3 32A 16.4 63A 16.5 124A 17. Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, By End-use Industry 17.1 Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, By Voltage Rating: Snapshot 17.2 Power Generation 17.3 Chemicals 17.4 Food And Beverage 17.5 Oil & Gas 17.6 Automotive 17.7 Consumer Electronics 17.8 Other End-use Industry Verticals 18. Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, By Region 18.1 Regional Coverage of the Study 19. Americas Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market Trends and Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, USD Million & CAGR 19.1 Macro Economic Factor Impact Index 19.2 Impact analysis of market dynamics on Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market 19.3 Americas Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market: Dashboard 19.4 Americas Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2018-2021(USD Million) 19.5 Americas Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2022-2028 (USD Million) 19.6 Americas Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis: Segmentation 19.6.1 By Product Type 19.6.2. By IP Rating 19.6.3 By Voltage Rating 19.6.4 By Ampere Rating 19.6.5. By End-Use Industry Vertical 19.6.6 By Country United States Canada Brazil Mexico Rest of Americas 20. Europe Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market Trends and Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, USD Million & CAGR 20.1 Macro Economic Factor Impact Index 20.2 Impact analysis of market dynamics on Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market 20.3 Europe Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market: Dashboard 20.4 Europe Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2018-2021(USD Million) 20.5 Europe Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2022-2028 (USD Million) 20.6 Europe Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis: Segmentation 20.6.1 By Product Type 20.6.2. By IP Rating 20.6.3 By Voltage Rating 20.6.4 By Ampere Rating 20.6.5. By End-Use Industry Vertical 20.6.6 By Country Germany United Kingdom France Spain Italy Russia Benelux Rest of Europe 21. Asia Pacific Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market Trends and Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, USD Million & CAGR 21.1 Macro Economic Factor Impact Index 21.2 Impact analysis of market dynamics on Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market 21.3 Asia Pacific Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market: Dashboard 21.4 Asia Pacific Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2018-2021(USD Million) 21.5 Asia Pacific Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2022-2028 (USD Million) 21.6 Asia Pacific Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis: Segmentation 21.6.1 By Product Type 21.6.2 By IP Rating 21.6.3 By Voltage Rating 21.6.4 By Ampere Rating 21.6.5 By End-Use Industry Vertical 21.6.6 By Country China Japan South Korea India Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Australia New Zealand Rest of Asia Pacific 22. Middle East Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market Trends and Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, USD Million & CAGR 22.1 Macro Economic Factor Impact Index 22.2 Impact analysis of market dynamics on Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market 22.3 Middle East Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market: Dashboard 22.4 Middle East Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2018-2021(USD Million) 22.5 Middle East Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2022-2028 (USD Million) 22.6 Middle East Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis: Segmentation 22.6.1 By Product Type 22.6.2 By IP Rating 22.6.3 By Voltage Rating 22.6.4 By Ampere Rating 22.6.5 By End-Use Industry Vertical 22.6.6 By Country GCC Turkey Africa Rest of Middle East and Africa
SummaryExecutive Summary Table of Contents1. Introduction1 Industrial Plugs and Sockets Overview 1.2 Scope of Research 2. Executive Summary 2.1 Market Dashboard 2.2 Regional Insights 2.3 Market Ecosystem Factors 3. Research Methodology 3.1 Data Collection Process 3.2 Market Trajectory Estimation 3.3 Market Size Calculation 4. Market Dynamics 4.1 Drivers 4.2 Restraints 4.3 Opportunities 4.4 Trends 4.5 Impact assessment of Market Dynamics 5. Value Chain Analysis 5.1 Raw material Suppliers 5.2 Manufacturers 5.3 Distributors 5.4 End Use Industry 6. Covid-19 Impact Assessment 6.1 Assessment of Degree of Impact of Covid-19 on Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market 6.2 Region-Wise Quarterly Covid Impact Analysis 7. Porter's Five Force Analysis 8. Macro Economic Indicator Outlook 8.1 Global, Region-wise GDP Growth 8.2 Investments in Infrastructures 8.3 Energy Consumption by Industries 8.4 Manufacturing Sector 8.5 Oil & Gas Production 9. Average Selling Price Analysis 9.1 Average Selling Price, By Region 9.2 Average Selling Price, By Product Type 10. Competitive Positioning 10.1 Companies’ Product Positioning 10.2 Market Position Matrix 10.3 Market Share Analysis 10.3.1 Schneider Electric 10.3.2 Hubbell 10.3.3 Emerson Electric 10.3.4 Amphenol Corporation 10.3.5 R Stahl 10.3.6 Legrand 10.3.7 ABB 10.3.8 Bals Electrotechnik 10.3.9 Marechal Electric Group 10.3.10 Mennekes 11. Volumetric Analysis, Million Units, 2018-2028 11.1 Global Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.1.1 Global Industrial Plugs Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.1.2 Global Industrial Sockets, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.2 Americas Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.2.1 Americas Industrial Plugs Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.2.2 Americas Industrial Sockets, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.3 Europe Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.3.1 Europe Industrial Plugs Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.3.2 Europe Industrial Sockets, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.4 Asia Pacific Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.4.1 Asia Pacific Industrial Plugs Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.4.2 Asia Pacific Industrial Sockets, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.5 Middle East and Africa Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.5.1 Middle East and Africa Industrial Plugs Market, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 11.5.2 Middle East and Africa Industrial Sockets, 2018-2028 (Million Units), CAGR (%) 12. Global Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market Trends and Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, USD Million & CAGR 12.1 Macro Economic Factor Impact Index 12.2 Global Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market: Dashboard 12.3 Global Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2018-2021(USD Million) 12.4 Global Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2022-2028 (USD Million) 12.5 Global Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market: Summary 13. Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, By Product Type 13.1 Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, By Product Type: Snapshot 13.2 Industrial Plugs 13.3 Industrial Sockets 14. Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, By IP Rating 14.1 Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, By IP Rating: Snapshot 14.2 IP 44/45 14.3 IP 66/67 15. Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, By Voltage Rating 15.1 Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, By Voltage Rating: Snapshot 15.2 24 to 42V 15.3 42 TO 110 V 15.4 110 TO 230V 15.5 230 TO 400V 15.6 ABOVE 400V 16. Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, By Ampere Rating 16.1 Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, By Voltage Rating: Snapshot 16.2 16A 16.3 32A 16.4 63A 16.5 124A 17. Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, By End-use Industry 17.1 Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, By Voltage Rating: Snapshot 17.2 Power Generation 17.3 Chemicals 17.4 Food And Beverage 17.5 Oil & Gas 17.6 Automotive 17.7 Consumer Electronics 17.8 Other End-use Industry Verticals 18. Global Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, By Region 18.1 Regional Coverage of the Study 19. Americas Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market Trends and Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, USD Million & CAGR 19.1 Macro Economic Factor Impact Index 19.2 Impact analysis of market dynamics on Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market 19.3 Americas Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market: Dashboard 19.4 Americas Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2018-2021(USD Million) 19.5 Americas Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2022-2028 (USD Million) 19.6 Americas Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis: Segmentation 19.6.1 By Product Type 19.6.2. By IP Rating 19.6.3 By Voltage Rating 19.6.4 By Ampere Rating 19.6.5. By End-Use Industry Vertical 19.6.6 By Country United States Canada Brazil Mexico Rest of Americas 20. Europe Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market Trends and Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, USD Million & CAGR 20.1 Macro Economic Factor Impact Index 20.2 Impact analysis of market dynamics on Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market 20.3 Europe Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market: Dashboard 20.4 Europe Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2018-2021(USD Million) 20.5 Europe Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2022-2028 (USD Million) 20.6 Europe Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis: Segmentation 20.6.1 By Product Type 20.6.2. By IP Rating 20.6.3 By Voltage Rating 20.6.4 By Ampere Rating 20.6.5. By End-Use Industry Vertical 20.6.6 By Country Germany United Kingdom France Spain Italy Russia Benelux Rest of Europe 21. Asia Pacific Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market Trends and Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, USD Million & CAGR 21.1 Macro Economic Factor Impact Index 21.2 Impact analysis of market dynamics on Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market 21.3 Asia Pacific Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market: Dashboard 21.4 Asia Pacific Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2018-2021(USD Million) 21.5 Asia Pacific Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2022-2028 (USD Million) 21.6 Asia Pacific Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis: Segmentation 21.6.1 By Product Type 21.6.2 By IP Rating 21.6.3 By Voltage Rating 21.6.4 By Ampere Rating 21.6.5 By End-Use Industry Vertical 21.6.6 By Country China Japan South Korea India Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Australia New Zealand Rest of Asia Pacific 22. Middle East Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market Trends and Forecast Analysis, 2018-2028, USD Million & CAGR 22.1 Macro Economic Factor Impact Index 22.2 Impact analysis of market dynamics on Industrial Plugs and Sockets Market 22.3 Middle East Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market: Dashboard 22.4 Middle East Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2018-2021(USD Million) 22.5 Middle East Industrial Plugs & Sockets Market Size, By Value, 2022-2028 (USD Million) 22.6 Middle East Industrial Plugs And Sockets Market Trend And Forecast Analysis: Segmentation 22.6.1 By Product Type 22.6.2 By IP Rating 22.6.3 By Voltage Rating 22.6.4 By Ampere Rating 22.6.5 By End-Use Industry Vertical 22.6.6 By Country GCC Turkey Africa Rest of Middle East and Africa
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