
アイスクリーム市場の世界レポート:国別・企業別分析 2025-2033

アイスクリーム市場の世界レポート:国別・企業別分析 2025-2033

Ice Cream Market Global Report: Country and Company Analysis 2025-2033

世界のアイスクリーム市場規模 アイスクリーム市場は、2024年の800億3,000万米ドルから2033年には1,256億2,000万米ドルに達すると予測され、2025年から2033年までの年平均成長率は5.14%である。可処分所得の増... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2025年1月1日 US$2,990
お問合わせください 23 英語





















国際的なキャンドル市場では、パラフィン・ワックスが圧倒的な強さを誇っている。 チューブとレンガは、価値と長時間の余暇を求める購買層に対応し、共有体験のトレンドに合致している。また、桶はフレーバーやミックスインのバリエーションが豊富で、一度の購入で様々な味を楽しむことができる。冷凍保存が可能なため、家庭での利用にも便利で、リピート購入が促進される。さらに、パッケージは効果的なブランディングとマーケティング戦略を可能にし、店頭での製品の認知度を高める。チューブやレンガの人気は、柔軟性、多様な選択肢、自分のペースでアイスクリームを楽しめる利便性を求める消費者の嗜好を反映している。





















商品 - 4つの視点からの市場構成:

カテゴリー - 2つの視点からの市場構成

タイプ別 - 3つの視点からの市場区分:

フレーバー - 4つの視点からの市場細分化:

流通チャネル - 4つの視点からの市場細分化:

国別 - アイスクリーム産業25カ国の市場内訳:
1.1 米国
1.2 カナダ
2.1 フランス
2.2 ドイツ
2.3 イタリア
2.4 スペイン
2.5 イギリス
2.6 ベルギー
2.7 オランダ
2.8 トルコ
3.1 中国
3.2 日本
3.3 インド
3.4 韓国
3.5 タイ
3.6 マレーシア
3.7 インドネシア
3.8 オーストラリア
3.9 ニュージーランド
4.1 ブラジル
4.2 メキシコ
4.3 アルゼンチン
5.1 サウジアラビア
5.2 アラブ首長国連邦
5.3 南アフリカ

- 概要
- 最近の動向
- 収益分析





明治株式会社、General Mills Inc.Ltd.、General Mills Inc.、Yili Group、Unilever Group、Mondelez International、Nestle S.A.、Bright Dairy & Food Co.Ltd.、Danone S.A.などがアイスクリーム市場で著名である。









4.1 成長促進要因
4.2 課題


6.1 商品別
6.2 カテゴリー別
6.3 タイプ別
6.4 香料別
6.5 流通チャネル別
6.6 国別

7.1 スティック/バー
7.2 コーン&カップ
7.3 桶・レンガ
7.4 その他

8.1 乳製品ベース
8.2 非乳製品ベース

9.1 インパルス
9.2 持ち帰り
9.3 職人技

10.1 チョコレート
10.2 バニラ
10.3 フルーツ
10.4 その他

11.1 スーパーマーケット、ハイパーマーケット
11.2 コンビニエンスストア
11.3 専門店
11.4 オンライン販売チャネル

12.1 北米

12.1.1 アメリカ合衆国
12.1.2 カナダ

12.2 ヨーロッパ

12.2.1 フランス
12.2.2 ドイツ
12.2.3 イタリア
12.2.4 スペイン
12.2.5 イギリス
12.2.6 ベルギー
12.2.7 オランダ
12.2.8 トルコ

12.3 アジア太平洋

12.3.1 中国
12.3.2 日本
12.3.3 インド
12.3.4 韓国
12.3.5 タイ
12.3.6 マレーシア
12.3.7 インドネシア
12.3.8 オーストラリア
12.3.9 ニュージーランド

12.4 ラテンアメリカ

12.4.1 ブラジル
12.4.2 メキシコ
12.4.3 アルゼンチン

12.5 中東・アフリカ

12.5.1 サウジアラビア
12.5.2 アラブ首長国連邦
12.5.3 南アフリカ

13 ポーターのファイブフォース分析
13.1 買い手の交渉力
13.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
13.3 ライバルの度合い
13.4 新規参入の脅威
13.5 代替品の脅威

14 SWOT分析
14.1 強み
14.2 弱点
14.3 機会
14.4 脅威

15 主要企業分析
15.1 株式会社明治

15.1.1 概要
15.1.2 最近の開発
15.1.3 収益分析

15.2 ゼネラル・ミルズ

15.2.1 概要
15.2.2 最近の開発
15.2.3 収益分析

15.3 易利集団

15.3.1 概要
15.3.2 最近の発展
15.3.3 収益分析

15.4 ユニリーバグループ

15.4.1 概要
15.4.2 最近の開発
15.4.3 収益分析

15.5 モンデリーズ・インターナショナル

15.5.1 概要
15.5.2 最近の開発
15.5.3 収益分析

15.6 ネスレSA

15.6.1 概要
15.6.2 最近の開発
15.6.3 収益分析

15.7 Bright Dairy & Food Co.Ltd.

15.7.1 概要
15.7.2 最近の発展
15.7.3 収益分析

15.8 ダノンS.A.

15.8.1 概要
15.8.2 最近の開発
15.8.3 収益分析





Global Ice Cream Market Size

Ice Cream Market is expected to reach US$ 125.62 billion in 2033 from US$ 80.03 billion in 2024, with a CAGR of 5.14% from 2025 to 2033. Rising disposable incomes, increased customer demand for high-end and inventive flavors, health-conscious trends like dairy-free and low-sugar alternatives, and the growing acceptance of online shopping and delivery services, particularly in cities, are the main factors propelling the ice cream market's expansion.

Ice Cream Industry Overview

A common frozen treat, ice cream is created by combining dairy ingredients such milk and cream with stabilizers, flavors, and sweeteners. It has a light, silky feel because it is churned to incorporate air after freezing. To accommodate varying dietary requirements and taste preferences, variations include gelato, sorbet, and frozen yogurt. Around the world, people love ice cream in a wide range of flavors, from classic chocolate and vanilla to unusual combinations.

Rising disposable incomes, shifting consumer tastes, and an increasing desire for premium and distinctive flavors are all contributing factors to the worldwide ice cream market's constant expansion. With health-conscious consumers looking for low-fat, low-sugar, and dairy-free choices, innovation is crucial. Market dynamics are also influenced by seasonal trends, with warmer months seeing more demand. Established companies like Unilever and Nestlé are major players in the market, but artisanal and local manufacturers are increasingly becoming more well-known. Delivery services and internet sales also help the business grow, especially in cities.

Growth Drivers for the Ice Cream Market

Seasonal and Interim Products

Ice cream sales are significantly influenced by limited-edition and seasonal products. Holidays and seasonal themes are used by manufacturers to launch unique flavors and promotions. Fruity and refreshing flavors, for example, are more prevalent in the summer, while decadent and celebratory ones are more prevalent in the winter. This tactic boosts sales all year long by building consumer anticipation and promoting repeat business.

Shifting Customer Preferences

The ice cream market is significantly influenced by consumer tastes. Customers are looking for ice cream options with less sugar, fat, and calories as they grow more health conscious. Healthy substitutes including dairy-free, low-fat, and low-sugar ice creams are becoming more and more popular as a result of this trend. In response, producers are introducing novel components like plant-based milk and natural sweeteners to appeal to a wider range of consumers and broaden their product lines.

Novel Tastes and Selections

In order to satisfy consumer demands for novel and intriguing flavors, the ice cream industry is always changing. Adventuresome palates are drawn to novel and unusual flavor combinations, which are becoming more and more popular. The variety of product choices is enhanced by unusual inclusions and textures, such as fruit swirls, cookie dough bits, or even surprising savory components. This tendency keeps customers interested and encourages brand loyalty, which propels market expansion.

Challenges in the Ice Cream Market

Seasonality and Short Shelf Life Will Affect Performance

As a frozen dairy product, ice cream will eventually go bad (typically within two to three months), but improper storage can cause it to go bad in as little as a few days. A product kept in a stale storage environment will typically grow germs and a bad odor. Additionally, it may detect volatile flavors that have been absorbed from the storage environment, such paint and ammonia. Therefore, it is anticipated that the product's high storage costs will impede market expansion. Additionally, the product's demand often peaks in the summer, but market participants may observe a steep decline in demand during the winter and monsoon seasons, which could further impede market expansion.

Health Concerns

As consumers grow more health-conscious and look for alternatives to conventional high-sugar, high-fat goods, health issues present a big barrier in the ice cream sector. A move toward healthy lifestyles is reflected in the rising demand for low-fat, low-sugar, and dairy-free alternatives. Because of this, ice cream companies are spending more on healthier recipes, such those that use plant-based ingredients or natural sweeteners, which may raise production costs. Further pressing manufacturers to innovate and provide products that meet consumer health expectations while preserving taste and quality is the increased regulatory scrutiny brought on by growing awareness of obesity and related health issues.

Tubs and bricks dominate the ice cream market due to their versatility and suitability for at-home consumption.

Paraffin wax is the dominant force in the international candle market, holding sway because of its Tubs and bricks cater to purchasers seeking value and extended leisure, aligning with the trend of shared experiences. Tubs also accommodate a wider variety of flavors and mix-ins, offering variety in a single purchase. Their freezer-friendly storage makes them convenient for households, promoting repeat purchases. Additionally, the packaging allows effective branding and marketing strategies, enhancing product visibility on store shelves. The popularity of tubs and bricks reflects a consumer preference for flexibility, diverse options, and the convenience of enjoying ice cream at their own pace.

The segment with the biggest market share for ice cream is dairy-based.

The traditional appeal, rich and creamy texture, and substantial familiarity of ice cream to customers globally may be attributed to the dominance of the dairy-based category in the worldwide ice cream market. Dairy ice creams, generally made with milk and cream, provide a comforting and extravagant experience that resonates with a broad target market. Also, the versatile nature of dairy ingredients permits a vast range of flavor profiles and innovations, attracting clients searching for traditional and novel alternatives. Despite the rise of non-dairy options, conventional dairy ice cream's inherent recognition and sensory satisfaction maintain their stronghold, making them a preferred desire for plenty of customers globally.

Impulse ice cream leads the global market due to its convenience and appeal for immediate consumption

Positioned strategically in retail areas, these single-serve treats capitalize on customers' spontaneous cravings, prompting impulse purchases. The grab-and-go nature of impulse ice creams aligns with contemporary, fast-paced life, making them popular amongst on-the-go consumers. Also, the impulse class often functions in quite a few flavors and novelty items, enhancing its beauty. The strategic placement close to checkout counters and in excessive-traffic areas further boosts income, contributing to the overall prominence of impulse-type ice creams in the international market.

Vanilla ice cream's popularity stems from its timeless, universally loved flavor.

Serving as a bendy base, vanilla enhances various toppings and blend-ins, making it a canvas for personalisation. Its subtle sweetness appeals to a wide consumer base and people with numerous taste options. Moreover, vanilla serves as a complementary flavor in countless dessert combos. With its familiarity and great recognition, vanilla transcends cultural obstacles, making it a secure desire for manufacturers searching for huge market reputation. The enduring attraction of vanilla within the ice cream marketplace presentations it’s potential to face a conventional, comforting choice for consumers across the globe.

Specialty shops have gained dominance in the ice cream market due to their focused, immersive consumer experience.

The specialty expertise establishments provide a curated choice of brilliant, artisanal ice creams, often with specific flavors and top-class elements, catering to discerning buyers seeking an additional indulgent and personalized treat. The environment and expertly crafted offerings create a memorable and a fun ecosystem, enhancing consumer loyalty. Also, specialty stores regularly embody creativity and experimentation, introducing innovative flavors and serving patterns that set them apart from industrially produced alternatives. This emphasis on excellent range and a greater appropriate purchaser establish specialty stores as a dominant pressure inside the evolving ice cream market.

Ice Cream Market Overview by Regions

The demand for ice cream is rising globally, with North America and Europe leading the way thanks to well-known brands and inventiveness. Urbanization and shifting consumer tastes are driving the Asia-Pacific region's rapid expansion. Emerging markets are growing as well.

United States Ice Cream Market

Due to the high demand for both conventional and high-end products, the US ice cream market is among the biggest in the world. Low-fat, low-sugar, and plant-based ice creams are among the healthier options that consumers are favoring more. Sales are boosted by seasonal patterns, particularly in the summer, as well as a growing demand for artisanal goods and unusual flavors. Despite the dominance of large corporations like Unilever and Nestlé, smaller, regional brands are becoming more well-known. Online sales and delivery services are also expanding in the market. Convenient tubs and single-serve alternatives are examples of innovative packaging that helps the market grow.

Alec's Ice Cream, a California-based company, announced in April 2024 the release of nine new premium flavors that were painstakingly created using A2/A2 dairy and sustainably produced regenerative organic components. Every taste offers opulent delight and is free of gluten. The company's selection will now include 14 tastes after these new additions are made accessible in the United States. The whole variety of tastes will be available at a few Whole Foods Market locations and many independent retailers.

Germany Ice Cream Market

The market for ice cream in Germany is expanding gradually due to consumer demand for both conventional and novel flavors. Low-sugar, dairy-free, and organic alternatives are becoming more popular due to health-conscious tendencies. Sales are boosted by seasonal demand, especially during the summer and vacations. Premium and artisanal ice creams are also becoming more popular on the market. The market is dominated by well-known international brands and regional manufacturers, and it is also expanding due to the rising use of online shopping and delivery services, particularly in cities.

Japan Ice Cream Market

The market for ice cream in Japan is growing due to a high demand for distinctive tastes and cutting-edge goods. Along with international favorites, Japanese consumers are looking for new and high-quality options, such as matcha, red beans, and other traditional Japanese ingredients. Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) reports that between 2011 and 2020, Japanese consumers' spending on ice cream increased by 135%.

Growing demand in dairy-free, low-sugar, and low-fat ice cream is another example of the emergence of health-conscious trends. Sales are impacted by seasonal variations, with summertime seeing the highest consumption. The market is very competitive, with a wide range of products offered by both local artists and well-known companies. Further market expansion is also being driven by the growing significance of convenience store offerings and internet sales.

UAE Ice Cream Market

The UAE's diversified and varied population, which has a strong taste for high-end, decadent goods, is driving the market's rapid growth. Urbanization, rising disposable incomes, and hot weather all contribute to rising demand, particularly in the summer. Additionally, consumers are looking for healthier options, such as organic, low-sugar, and dairy-free ice creams. With a large variety of flavors offered by both local and international suppliers, the market is quite competitive. Furthermore, delivery services and internet sales are growing in popularity in the area.

Products – Market breakup in 4 viewpoints:
1. Sticks/Bars
2. Cones & Cups
3. Tubs & Bricks
4. Others

Category – Market breakup in 2 viewpoints:
1. Dairy Based
2. Non-Dairy Based

Type – Market breakup in 3 viewpoints:
1. Impulse
2. Take home
3. Artisanal

Flavor – Market breakup in 4 viewpoints:
1. Chocolate
2. Vanilla
3. Fruit
4. Others

Distribution Channel – Market breakup in 4 viewpoints:
1. Supermarkets and hypermarkets
2. Convenience Stores
3. Specialty Stores
4. Online Sales Channel

Countries – Market breakup in 25 Country Ice Cream Industry viewpoints:
1. North America
1.1 United States
1.2 Canada
2. Europe
2.1 France
2.2 Germany
2.3 Italy
2.4 Spain
2.5 United Kingdom
2.6 Belgium
2.7 Netherland
2.8 Turkey
3. Asia Pacific
3.1 China
3.2 Japan
3.3 India
3.4 South Korea
3.5 Thailand
3.6 Malaysia
3.7 Indonesia
3.8 Australia
3.9 New Zealand
4. Latin America
4.1 Brazil
4.2 Mexico
4.3 Argentina
5. Middle East & Africa
5.1 Saudi Arabia
5.2 UAE
5.3 South Africa

All the Key players have been covered from 3 Viewpoints:
• Overview
• Recent Developments
• Revenue Analysis

Company Analysis:
1. Meiji CO. Ltd
2. General Mills Inc.
3. Yili Group
4. Unilever Group
5. Mondelez International
6. Nestle S.A.
7. Bright Dairy & Food Co. Ltd
8. Danone S.A.

Key Questions Answered in Report:

1. How big is the Ice Cream industry?
The global ice cream market size was valued at US$ 80.03 billion in 2024 and is expected to reach US$ 125.62 billion in 2033.

2. What is the Ice Cream growth rate?
The global ice cream market is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.14% from 2025 to 2033.

3. Who are the key players in Ice Cream industry?
Meiji CO. Ltd, General Mills Inc, Yili Group, Unilever Group, Mondelez International, Nestle S.A., Bright Dairy & Food Co. Ltd, Danone S.A. are prominent in the Ice Cream Market.

4. What are the factors driving the Ice Cream industry?
Key growth drivers of the ice cream market include rising disposable incomes, increasing consumer demand for premium and innovative flavors, health-conscious trends like low-sugar and dairy-free options, and the growing popularity of online sales and delivery services, especially in urban areas.

5. Which Region held the largest market share in the Ice Cream industry?
North America is expected to hold the largest market share in the industry.

6. What segments are covered in the Ice Cream market report?
Products, Category, type, Flavor, Distribution Channel and Countries segment are covered in this report.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics
4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Ice Cream Market

6. Market Share
6.1 By Product
6.2 By Category
6.3 By Type
6.4 By Flavours
6.5 By Distribution Channel
6.6 By Countries

7. Product
7.1 Sticks/Bars
7.2 Cones & Cups
7.3 Tubs & Bricks
7.4 Others

8. Category
8.1 Dairy Based
8.2 Non-Dairy Based

9. Type
9.1 Impulse
9.2 Take home
9.3 Artisanal

10. Flavours
10.1 Chocolate
10.2 Vanilla
10.3 Fruit
10.4 Others

11. Distribution Channel
11.1 Supermarkets and Hypermarkets
11.2 Convenience Stores
11.3 Specialty Stores
11.4 Online Sales Channel

12. Countries
12.1 North America

12.1.1 United States
12.1.2 Canada

12.2 Europe

12.2.1 France
12.2.2 Germany
12.2.3 Italy
12.2.4 Spain
12.2.5 United Kingdom
12.2.6 Belgium
12.2.7 Netherland
12.2.8 Turkey

12.3 Asia Pacific

12.3.1 China
12.3.2 Japan
12.3.3 India
12.3.4 South Korea
12.3.5 Thailand
12.3.6 Malaysia
12.3.7 Indonesia
12.3.8 Australia
12.3.9 New Zealand

12.4 Latin America

12.4.1 Brazil
12.4.2 Mexico
12.4.3 Argentina

12.5 Middle East & Africa

12.5.1 Saudi Arabia
12.5.2 UAE
12.5.3 South Africa

13 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
13.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
13.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
13.3 Degree of Rivalry
13.4 Threat of New Entrants
13.5 Threat of Substitutes

14 SWOT Analysis
14.1 Strength
14.2 Weakness
14.3 Opportunity
14.4 Threat

15 Key Players Analysis
15.1 Meiji co ltd.

15.1.1 Overview
15.1.2 Recent Development
15.1.3 Revenue Analysis

15.2 General Mills

15.2.1 Overview
15.2.2 Recent Development
15.2.3 Revenue Analysis

15.3 Yili Group

15.3.1 Overview
15.3.2 Recent Development
15.3.3 Revenue Analysis

15.4 Unilever Group

15.4.1 Overview
15.4.2 Recent Development
15.4.3 Revenue Analysis

15.5 Mondelez International, Inc.

15.5.1 Overview
15.5.2 Recent Development
15.5.3 Revenue Analysis

15.6 Nestlé SA

15.6.1 Overview
15.6.2 Recent Development
15.6.3 Revenue Analysis

15.7 Bright Dairy & Food Co. Ltd.

15.7.1 Overview
15.7.2 Recent Development
15.7.3 Revenue Analysis

15.8 Danone S.A.

15.8.1 Overview
15.8.2 Recent Development
15.8.3 Revenue Analysis





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2025/01/31 10:26

155.43 円

161.86 円

195.69 円
