
世界の酵母市場予測レポート:企業分析 2025-2033

世界の酵母市場予測レポート:企業分析 2025-2033

Global Yeast Market Forecast Report: Companies Analysis 2025-2033

世界の酵母市場規模 イースト市場は、2024年の65億6,000万米ドルから2033年には137億9,000万米ドルに達し、2025年から2033年までの年平均成長率は8.60%に達すると予想される。市場成長を牽引する要因としては... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2025年1月1日 US$2,990
3営業日程度 160 英語












例えば、Revyve社は2024年にシカゴで開催される次回のIFT First Expo(7月14~17日)で、植物性食肉を強化する取り組みとして、リサイクルされたビール酵母から作られた新しい卵の代用品を展示する予定である。植物性食に化学薬品を使用する必要性をなくすため、この製品は卵の結合性と乳化性を模倣した。





















形態 - 4つの視点に分解:

アプリケーション - 5つの視点に分かれています:

国別 - 18のビューポイントに分かれています:
1.1 アメリカ合衆国
1.2 カナダ
2.1 メキシコ
2.2 ブラジル
3.1 イギリス
3.2 ドイツ
3.3 フランス
3.4 イタリア
3.5 スペイン
3.6 オランダ
4.1 中国
4.2 日本
4.3 インド
4.4 韓国
4.5 オーストラリア
5.1 アラブ首長国連邦
5.2 南アフリカ

- 概要
- 最近の動向
- 収益分析

4.アソシエイテッド・ブリティッシュ・フーズ PLC(イギリス)
6.Koninklijke DSM N.V.






4.1 成長促進要因
4.2 課題


6.1 形状別
6.2 用途別
6.3 国別

7.1 ドライイースト
7.2 インスタントイースト
7.3 生イースト
7.4 その他

8.1 食品
8.2 飲料
8.3 バイオエタノール
8.4 医薬品
8.5 飼料

9.1 北米

9.1.1 アメリカ合衆国
9.1.2 カナダ

9.2 ラテンアメリカ

9.2.1 メキシコ
9.2.2 ブラジル

9.3 ヨーロッパ

9.3.1 イギリス
9.3.2 ドイツ
9.3.3 フランス
9.3.4 イタリア
9.3.5 スペイン
9.3.6 オランダ

9.4 アジア太平洋

9.4.1 中国
9.4.2 日本
9.4.3 インド
9.4.4 韓国
9.4.5 オーストラリア

9.5 中東・アフリカ

9.5.1 アラブ首長国連邦
9.5.2 南アフリカ

9.6 その他の地域

10.1 買い手の交渉力
10.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
10.3 ライバルの度合い
10.4 新規参入の脅威
10.5 代替品の脅威

11.1 強み
11.2 弱点
11.3 機会
11.4 脅威

12.1 ダン・アンド・ブラッドストリート・ホールディングス

12.1.1 概要
12.1.2 最近の開発
12.1.3 SWOT分析
12.1.4 収益

12.2 コナグラ・ブランズ社(米国)

12.2.1 概要
12.2.2 最近の開発
12.2.3 SWOT分析
12.2.4 収益

12.3 ダノンSA(フランス)、ADM(アメリカ)

12.3.1 概要
12.3.2 最近の開発
12.3.3 SWOT分析
12.3.4 収益

12.4 アソシエイテッド・ブリティッシュ・フーズ PLC(イギリス)

12.4.1 概要
12.4.2 最近の開発
12.4.3 SWOT分析
12.4.4 収益

12.5 ゼネラル・ミルズ社(アメリカ)

12.5.1 概要
12.5.2 最近の開発
12.5.3 SWOT分析
12.5.4 収益

12.6 コーニンクライクDSM N.V

12.6.1 概要
12.6.2 最近の開発
12.6.3 SWOT分析
12.6.4 収益

12.7 ケリーグループ

12.7.1 概要
12.7.2 最近の開発
12.7.3 SWOT分析
12.7.4 収益

12.8 センシエント・テクノロジーズ・コーポレーション

12.8.1 概要
12.8.2 最近の開発
12.8.3 SWOT分析
12.8.4 収益





Global Yeast Market Size

Yeast market is expected to reach US$ 13.79 billion by 2033 from US$ 6.56 billion in 2024, with a CAGR of 8.60 % from 2025 to 2033. Some of the drivers driving the market's growth include the increasing demand for bioethanol as a greener energy source, the rise in baked goods and convenience food consumption, and developments in plant-based food solutions.

Yeast Industry Overview

One of the most adaptable microorganisms, yeast is utilized in the food and beverage and pharmaceutical industries to produce their goods. Protein, B vitamins, and minerals including copper, zinc, selenium, and chromium are all abundant in it. Yeast is used in the food and beverage industry because of its ability to enhance fermentation and provide flavor, texture, aroma, and taste to food. Yeast is considered the most reliable fermenting agent available worldwide due to its excellent aiding of carbon release. It is used in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors as a food supplement and biofuel, respectively.
Yeast is used in many different food and beverage sectors and has a short shelf life. The global market is being driven by rising consumption of alcoholic beverages and baked goods. The growing desire for a healthy lifestyle and the consumption of adequate and nutrient-dense amounts of vitamins and minerals are influencing the global market. There is a great need for enrichment options because it recently attracted a sizable clientele. Furthermore, because of the broad market applications, organic and specialized markets have also seen significant user adoption.

Growth Drivers for the Yeast Market

Growing Interest in Convenience Foods and Baked Goods

A positive market outlook is provided by the rising demand for baked goods and convenient food items as a result of consumers' busier lifestyles. A variety of baked products, including bread, cakes, and pastries, require yeast to be produced. The demand for yeast is also being driven by innovations in baking products, such as gluten-free and organic choices. Additionally, customers' need for premium yeast products for their handmade bread and pastries is being bolstered by the growing popularity of home baking. The King Arthur Baking Company introduced four variations of Savory Bread Mix Kits in March 2024, which included yeast in addition to other components.

New Developments in Plant-Based Foods

Yeast extracts and their derivatives are essential for producing plant-based meat substitutes because they provide the appropriate nutritional contents, flavors, and consistencies. Food producers are being encouraged to use more yeast-based components in their goods as a result of consumers' growing preference for vegetarian, vegan, and flexitarian diets. These developments include improving the taste and nutritional content of plant-based products and creating more realistic meat alternatives. In order to provide consumers with additional options and higher-quality dairy products, yeast is also utilized in the manufacturing of substitutes like cheese and yogurt. The creation of novel yeast strains and fermentation methods to enhance the taste and practicality of plant-based foods is made possible by developments in biotechnology and food science.

For instance, Revyve will showcase a novel egg substitute made from recycled brewer's yeast in 2024 at the next IFT First Expo in Chicago (July 14–17) in an effort to enhance plant-based meat. In order to eliminate the need for chemicals in plant-based diets, the product mimicked the binding and emulsification qualities of eggs.

Growing Interest in Bioethanol

The fermentation process that turns biomass like corn, sugarcane, and other agricultural feedstocks into bioethanol depends on yeast. The market is expanding as a result of the increased focus on cleaner energy alternatives to combat climate change and lessen reliance on fossil fuels. Because of this, there is a growing demand for particular yeast strains that can efficiently turn various feedstocks into bioethanol, increasing output and lowering production costs. Biofuels are also becoming increasingly popular as a result of policies and programs that encourage the use of renewable energy sources and lower greenhouse gas emissions. The Spartec® product line and associated innovations were included into the Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits division by its subsidiaries after BASF ceded its bioenergy enzymes business to Lallemand in June 2024.

This acquisition highlights Lallemand's focus on yeast-based fermentation in the biofuels industry and expands their understanding of bioengineered yeast for ethanol generation. This calculated move demonstrates the industry's emphasis on applying cutting-edge yeast technology to boost the efficiency and productivity of bioethanol production in order to meet the expanding demand for sustainable energy solutions globally.
Challenges in the Yeast Market

Fermentation Process Costs

The manufacturing of yeast depends on the fermentation process, which entails intricate and energy-intensive steps that raise operating expenses considerably. Energy usage during fermentation necessitates a significant expenditure in heating, cooling, and maintaining ideal conditions, particularly in large-scale industrial settings. Furthermore, as demand increases, basic materials like sugars, nitrogen, and other nutrients required for yeast growth might become more expensive. Longer cycles result in increased labor and equipment expenses because fermentation is a time-consuming process. These elements have a direct effect on a company's profitability, particularly in markets with narrow profit margins. Businesses are spending money on technical advancements including automation, alternative energy sources, and more effective fermentation technologies in an effort to reduce these expenses. But attaining cost-effectiveness continues to be a significant obstacle for the sector.

Competition from Alternatives

A major threat to the traditional yeast business is the rising demand for artificial or alternative fermentation products, such as probiotics, enzymes, and cultured proteins. Products like plant-based enzymes and probiotics are becoming more and more well-liked in culinary, health, and industrial applications as consumers and industries look for more affordable, sustainable, and highly specialized alternatives. These substitutes frequently take less time and effort to generate and have specific advantages that yeast would not, including improved digestion or more effective processing in biofuels and biotechnologies. In order to preserve market share, the yeast sector is under pressure to innovate, save expenses, and enhance its products. In industries where functional alternatives are highly sought after, such as food production and biotechnology, this competition is particularly intense.

In the global yeast market, the dry yeast form is the most popular

With more extended shelf life, accessible storage, and convenient transportation, dry yeast meets modern consumer preferences for practicality and efficiency. Its intense composition guarantees consistent quality and reliable performance in diverse applications, from baking to brewing. The dry form's versatility also caters to commercial-scale manufacturing and household usage, contributing to its enormous adoption. Due to the preferred choice, the dry yeast position's cost-effectiveness, extended shelf stability, and flexibility propel its dominance in the dynamic and evolving global yeast market. Because of its vital function in food applications, yeast dominates the global market

Yeast's immense use in baking, fermenting, and improving flavors solidifies its role in the food industry. It is essential in bread, pastries, and fermented goods, contributing to their texture and flavor. The expediting demand for bakery products and the recognition of diverse cuisines internationally fuel yeast consumption. Moreover, yeast's versatility extends to savory dishes, snacks, and plant-based protein options. As purchaser options evolve, the pivotal role of yeast in enhancing food quality and diversity guarantees its prominence in the global market.

United States Yeast Market

Strong demand from a variety of industries, including food, drinks, biofuels, and medicines, is driving the yeast industry in the United States. Bread, alcoholic drinks, and fermentation-based biofuels like ethanol are all made possible by yeast. Yeast is in more demand as customers choose natural fermentation products over artificial additives due to the increased popularity of plant-based diets and clean-label goods. Furthermore, the use of yeast in pharmaceuticals, animal feed, and other industrial processes has increased due to advancements in biotechnology. Notwithstanding the prospects, the market is confronted with obstacles like volatile raw material prices, energy expenses, and competition from substitute fermentation products. Nonetheless, advancements in yeast strains, environmentally friendly production techniques, and growing consumer awareness of sustainability and health issues all contribute to the expansion of the US yeast business.

In September 2022, San Francisco-based biotech business Recombia Biosciences was bought by Lesaffre, a 170-year leader in fermentation. This action comes after a strategic alliance to improve yeast development for sustainable fermentation by utilizing Recombia's genome-editing technology. It represents Lesaffre's entry into a crucial biotech field: Synthetic Biology. Lesaffre's dedication to sustainability and innovation in the manufacturing of fermented ingredients is demonstrated by the purchase.

Germany Yeast Market

The need for food, drinks, biofuels, and pharmaceuticals is driving the yeast market in Germany, one of the major players in the European market. Yeast use is greatly influenced by the nation's thriving food and beverage sector, particularly the manufacturing of bread and beer. In keeping with the growing trend toward sustainable energy solutions, Germany is also a pioneer in the manufacturing of bioethanol, a renewable energy source derived from yeast. The demand for clean-label and plant-based products, as well as the growing number of health-conscious customers, has increased the use of yeast, especially in baked goods and fermented foods. The market is expanding as a result of technological developments in yeast production, such as strains that are tailored for particular uses. Notwithstanding these advantages, the yeast business in Germany continues to face obstacles like shifting raw material prices and complicated regulations.

India Yeast Market

The market for yeast in India is developing quickly due to rising demand for food, drinks, and biofuels. Key market drivers include the nation's expanding population, rising disposable incomes, and changing eating patterns, which include a rise in the use of alcoholic drinks, fermented foods, and baked goods. In order to produce traditional Indian cuisine like bread, fermented rice dishes, and dairy goods, yeast is essential. The demand for yeast is further driven by the expanding biofuel sector, which focuses on the manufacturing of ethanol. Furthermore, the growing baking industry in India and growing health consciousness encourage the usage of probiotics and nutritional yeast. For the yeast industry in India to continue growing, however, obstacles like inefficient supply chains, variable raw material prices, and local regulatory concerns must be resolved.

India was the 45th greatest exporter of yeast in the world in 2022, with $7.42 million in exports. In that same year, yeast ranked as India's 906th most exported product. India's top export destinations for yeast are the United States ($813k), South Korea ($686k), Philippines ($548k), Colombia ($972k), and the United Arab Emirates ($427k). Between 2021 and 2022, the Philippines ($511k), Cote d'Ivoire ($309k), and South Korea ($274k) were the export markets with the fastest growth for Yeast of India.

India became the world's 27th highest importer of yeast in 2022, bringing in $35.5 million. Yeast was the 662nd most imported product in India that year. China ($19.6M), France ($5.09M), Vietnam ($2.57M), the United States ($1.68M), and the United Kingdom ($1.13M) are the main suppliers of yeast to India. The three countries with the quickest growth rates for India's yeast imports between 2021 and 2022 were China ($739k), Vietnam ($1.66M), and France ($2.41M).
United Arab Emirates Yeast Market

The growing demand for yeast in food, beverage, and industrial applications is driving the growth of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) yeast market. The nation's consumption of processed and convenience foods, including as baked goods, dairy products, and fermented items, has increased due to its fast population growth, urbanization, and rising disposable incomes. The need for yeast in the foodservice industries is further increased by the UAE's robust hotel and tourism sectors. Furthermore, the nation's emphasis on renewable energy sources has increased demand for yeast in the manufacturing of biofuels, especially ethanol. The nutritional and probiotic yeast markets are expanding as a result of consumers' growing preference for organic and health-conscious foods. The expansion of the UAE yeast market, however, may be hampered by issues like the supply chain's dependency on imports, fluctuating raw material prices, and a competitive market environment.

Forms – breakup in 4 viewpoints:
1. Dry Yeast
2. Instant Yeast
3. Fresh Yeast
4. Others

Application – breakup in 5 viewpoints:
1. Food
2. Beverages
3. Bioethanol
4. Pharmaceuticals
5. Feed

Countries – breakup in 18 viewpoints:
1. North America
1.1 United States
1.2 Canada
2. Latin America
2.1 Mexico
2.2 Brazil
3. Europe
3.1 United Kingdom
3.2 Germany
3.3 France
3.4 Italy
3.5 Spain
3.6 Netherlands
4. Asia Pacific
4.1 China
4.2 Japan
4.3 India
4.4 South Korea
4.5 Australia
5. Middle East & Africa
5.1 United Arab Emirates
5.2 South Africa
6. Rest of the World

All the Key players have been covered from 3 Viewpoints:
• Overview
• Recent Developments
• Revenue Analysis

Companies Analysis:
1. Dun & Bradstreet Holdings
2. Conagra Brands, Inc. (US)
3. Danone SA (France), ADM (U.S)
4. Associated British Foods PLC (UK)
5. General Mills Inc. (US)
6. Koninklijke DSM N.V.
7. Kerry Group Plc.
8. Sensient Technologies Corporation.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research & Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics
4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Yeast Market

6. Market Share
6.1 By Form
6.2 By Application
6.3 By Country

7. Form
7.1 Dry Yeast
7.2 Instant Yeast
7.3 Fresh Yeast
7.4 Others

8. Application
8.1 Food
8.2 Beverages
8.3 Bioethanol
8.4 Pharmaceuticals
8.5 Feed

9. Country
9.1 North America

9.1.1 United States
9.1.2 Canada

9.2 Latin America

9.2.1 Mexico
9.2.2 Brazil

9.3 Europe

9.3.1 United Kingdom
9.3.2 Germany
9.3.3 France
9.3.4 Italy
9.3.5 Spain
9.3.6 Netherlands

9.4 Asia Pacific

9.4.1 China
9.4.2 Japan
9.4.3 India
9.4.4 South Korea
9.4.5 Australia

9.5 Middle East & Africa

9.5.1 United Arab Emirates
9.5.2 South Africa

9.6 Rest of the World

10. Porter’s Five Analysis
10.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
10.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
10.3 Degree of Rivalry
10.4 Threat of New Entrants
10.5 Threat of Substitutes

11. SWOT Analysis
11.1 Strength
11.2 Weakness
11.3 Opportunity
11.4 Threat

12. Company Analysis
12.1 Dun & Bradstreet Holdings

12.1.1 Overview
12.1.2 Recent Development
12.1.3 SWOT Analysis
12.1.4 Revenue

12.2 Conagra Brands, Inc. (US)

12.2.1 Overview
12.2.2 Recent Development
12.2.3 SWOT Analysis
12.2.4 Revenue

12.3 Danone SA (France), ADM (U.S)

12.3.1 Overview
12.3.2 Recent Development
12.3.3 SWOT Analysis
12.3.4 Revenue

12.4 Associated British Foods PLC (UK)

12.4.1 Overview
12.4.2 Recent Development
12.4.3 SWOT Analysis
12.4.4 Revenue

12.5 General Mills Inc. (US)

12.5.1 Overview
12.5.2 Recent Development
12.5.3 SWOT Analysis
12.5.4 Revenue

12.6 Koninklijke DSM N.V

12.6.1 Overview
12.6.2 Recent Development
12.6.3 SWOT Analysis
12.6.4 Revenue

12.7 Kerry Group Plc

12.7.1 Overview
12.7.2 Recent Development
12.7.3 SWOT Analysis
12.7.4 Revenue

12.8 Sensient Technologies Corporation

12.8.1 Overview
12.8.2 Recent Development
12.8.3 SWOT Analysis
12.8.4 Revenue






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2025/03/03 10:26

151.56 円

158.23 円

193.78 円
