大豆油の世界市場レポート:消費国別(米国、中国、アルゼンチン、バングラデシュ、その他)、生産国別(ブラジル、欧州連合、インド、メキシコ、その他)、輸入国別、輸出国別、用途別(食品、非食品)、企業分析 2024-2032年予測
Global Soybean Oil Market Report Forecast By Consuming Countries (United States, China, Argentina, Bangladesh, Others), Producing Countries (Brazil, European Union, India, Mexico, Others), Importing Countries, Exporting Countries, Application (Food, Non-Food), Company Analysis 2024-2032
大豆油市場は、2023年の810億4,000万米ドルから、2032年には2,065億米ドルになると予測される。2024年から2032年の年間平均成長率は10.95%である。食用油の市場拡大は、需要の増加傾向、... もっと見る
サマリー 大豆油の世界市場規模
大豆油は、大豆(Glycine max)の種子から得られる食用油である。大豆油は、世界の4つの主な調理法のうち3つに使用され、淡白な味と手頃な価格が評価されている。大豆油は、大豆を分解・加熱処理し、溶剤または機械式圧搾機で油を抽出する。油の抽出後、精製、漂白、脱臭の方法が採用され、品質を高め、油の安定性を高める。
大豆油は、世界中の産業で人類の利益のために様々な形で使用されている。食品産業では、加工食品の原料として、また炒め物や茹で物などの調理に広く使用されているほか、焼き菓子、サラダドレッシング、マーガリンなどの調製にも加えられている。大豆油は工業分野でも非常に有用である。 軽工業や自動車産業では、大規模に大豆油が使用されている。あらゆる産業は油を必要とするが、大豆油はその要求を完全に満たしている。大豆油は、石油製品の代替燃料となるバイオディーゼル合成の重要な原料である。大豆油の製造用途は、プラスチック、潤滑油、その他の化学製品である。大豆油にはエモリエント作用があるため、化粧品やスキンケア製品、シャンプー、石鹸などに配合されている。また、医薬品の製造にも使われ、油溶性医薬品の溶剤として使用される。大豆油はその入手しやすさ、手頃な価格、有用性から、世界市場や商業において重要な製品であり、植物油に対する世界的な需要の高まりを受けて、大豆油の生産と消費は増加傾向にある。
バイオ燃料は再生可能なエネルギー源であり、世界中で大きな注目を集めている。現在、アメリカ、ブラジル、ヨーロッパのいくつかの州では、バイオディーゼルの混合が義務付けられており、大豆油の需要が高まっている。二酸化炭素の排出を削減し、化石燃料の使用を減らすことを望む国が増えるにつれ、この傾向は続くと予想される。汎用性、低コスト、大豆油へのアクセスを含む有利な特性により、バイオ燃料製造業者も大豆油原料を市場に統合しており、市場の成長にプラスとなっている。2022年5月、グッドイヤー・タイヤ・アンド・ラバー・カンパニー(Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Company)は、最も有名な都市交通用タイヤ「メトロ・マイラー(Metro Miler)」の製造に使用している石油ベースのコンポーネントの一部を、バイオベースの大豆油ポリマーで代用した。このステップは、2040年までに石油由来のオイルを完全に置き換えるためのものである。
大豆油業界の主要企業は、Archer Daniels Midland Company、Wilmar International Limited、AAK AB、Bunge Global SA、Cargill, Incorporated、Du Pont、Unilever PLC、Associated British Foodsである。
2023年3月 - Bunge LimitedとCorteva Agriscienceによると、動物飼料市場、特に養殖、養豚、養鶏飼料向けに、より栄養価の高い大豆ミールの生産が大きく進展している。
2022年5月 - 飼料、燃料、食品業界における油糧種子の需要増に対応するため、カーギルはヘイティとカラザズビル近郊のミズーリ州ペミスコット郡に大豆加工工場を新設する計画を発表した。
2021年5月 - 再生可能ディーゼルの製造を含む、食品、飼料、産業、バイオ燃料セクターの顧客からの急増する需要に対応するため、アーチャー・ダニエルズ・ミッドランド社は、ノースダコタ州初の大豆専用の破砕工場と精製工場の建設計画を発表。
消費国 - 8つの視点からの市場分析:
生産国 - 8つの観点からの数量内訳:
輸入国 - 10の観点からの数量内訳:
輸出国 - 7つの視点での数量内訳:
アプリケーション - 2つの視点からの市場分割:
- 事業概要
- キーパーソン
- 最近の展開と戦略
- 財務インサイト
4.Bunge Global SA
目次 1.はじめに
4.1 成長促進要因
4.2 課題
6.1 消費国
6.2 用途
7.1 消費国
7.2 生産国
7.3 輸入国
7.4 輸出国
8.1 米国
8.1.1 市場
8.1.2 数量
8.2 中国
8.2.1 市場
8.2.2 数量
8.3 インド
8.3.1 市場
8.3.2 数量
8.4 欧州連合
8.4.1 市場
8.4.2 数量
8.5 アルゼンチン
8.5.1 市場
8.5.2 数量
8.6 メキシコ
8.6.1 市場
8.6.2 数量
8.7 バングラデシュ
8.7.1 市場
8.7.2 数量
8.8 その他
8.8.1 市場
8.8.2 数量
9.生産国 数量
9.1 中国
9.2 米国
9.3 ブラジル
9.4 アルゼンチン
9.5 欧州連合
9.6 インド
9.7 メキシコ
9.8 その他
10.輸入国 数量
10.1 インド
10.2 バングラデシュ
10.3 ペルー
10.4 モロッコ
10.5 欧州連合
10.6 アルジェリア
10.7 中国
10.8 イラン
10.9 韓国
10.10 コロンビア
11.輸出国 数量
11.1 アルゼンチン
11.2 ブラジル
11.3 欧州連合
11.4 ロシア
11.5 パラグアイ
11.6 ボリビア
11.7 トルコ
12.1 食品
12.2 非食品
13.1 買い手の交渉力
13.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
13.3 ライバルの度合い
13.4 新規参入の脅威
13.5 代替品の脅威
14.1 強み
14.2 弱点
14.3 機会
14.4 脅威
15.1 アーチャー・ダニエルズ・ミッドランド社
15.1.1 概要
15.1.2 主要人物
15.1.3 最近の発展
15.1.4 財務洞察
15.2 ウィルマー・インターナショナル・リミテッド
15.2.1 概要
15.2.2 主要人物
15.2.3 最近の発展
15.2.4 財務洞察
15.3 AAK AB
15.3.1 概要
15.3.2 主要人物
15.3.3 最近の発展
15.3.4 財務的洞察
15.4 Bunge Global SA
15.4.1 概要
15.4.2 主要人物
15.4.3 最近の発展
15.4.4 財務洞察
15.5 カーギル社
15.5.1 概要
15.5.2 主要人物
15.5.3 最近の発展
15.5.4 財務洞察
15.6 デュポン
15.6.1 概要
15.6.2 主要人物
15.6.3 最近の発展
15.6.4 財務洞察
15.7 ユニリーバPLC
15.7.1 概要
15.7.2 主要人物
15.7.3 最近の発展
15.7.4 財務洞察
15.8 アソシエイテッド・ブリティッシュ・フーズ
15.8.1 概要
15.8.2 主要人物
15.8.3 最近の発展
15.8.4 財務洞察
Summary Global Soybean Oil Market Size
The Soybean Oil Market are expected to be worth US$ 206 .50 billion by 2032, up from US$ 81.04 billion in 2023. This anticipated growth will be a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 10.95 Between 2024 and 2032. Market pushes for edible oil are a result of an upward trend in demand, the use in numerous industries, and general global consciousness on health and anointing.
Global Soybean Oil Industry Outlooks
Soybean oil is an edible oil obtained from the seeds of the soybean plant or Glycine max. It is used in three out of the four main food preparation methods in the world and is lauded for it bland taste and moderate price. The oil is thereby made by treating the soybeans through cracking and heating and then using a solvent or mechanical press to extract the oil. Subsequent to the extraction of the oil, refining, bleaching and deodorizing methods are employed in order to enhance the quality and to increase the stability of the oil.
Soybean oil is used in many ways for the benefit of humanity in industries all over the world. It is used widely in the food industry as an ingredient for processing foods, in the preparation of cooked food through frying and boiling among others, as well as added in preparing baked products, salad dressings, margarine and many others. Soybean oil has immense utility in the industrial field too Light and vehicle industries use soybean oil in a large scale Every industry requires oil and soybean oil fulfills that requirement completely. It is an important ingredient in the synthesis of biodiesel which provides a fuel substitute for petroleum products. Manufacturing application of Soybean oil gives plastics, lubricants, and other chemical products. Because of its emollient nature, soybean oil is incorporated into cosmetic and personnel care products, shampoos and soaps among other products. Also, it is used in the production of medicine where it is used as solvent for oil soluble drugs. Because of its availability, affordability and utility, soybean oil is a vital product in the global market and commerce hence; producing and consumption of the product is on the rise due to the ever-rising global demand for vegetable oil.
Driving Forces of the Soybean Oil Market
Growing Demand for Biofuels:
Biofuel is a renewable source of energy that has gained much attention across the world and one major ingredient used in the production of the biofuel is the soybean oil. Nowadays, such states as the USA, Brazil, several states of Europe require blending of biodiesel that increases the demand for the identified product – soybean oil. This trend is expected to remain as more countries desire to cut carbon emission and decrease the use of fossil fuels. Due to the favorable characteristics that include versatility, low cost and access to soybean oil, biofuel producers also integrate the soybean oil feedstock to the market thus an added advantage to the growth of the market. May 2022, Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Company has substituted some of the petroleum-based components which it uses to manufacture some of its most famous Metro Miler city transit tyres using a bio-based soybean oil polymer. The step is a successional to supplant petroleum-derived oils entirely by the year 2040.
Expanding Food Processing Industry:
The significant growth of the food processing sector across the globe is one of the biggest catalysts anticipating the soybean oil market. With change in lifestyle, and population density rising through urbanization, more and more processed foods and convenience foods are being consumed and soybean oil is used in most processed foods. It can be used for frying, baking, producing salad dressings and sauces; it does not splatter when heated, is not susceptible to polymerization, and has a relatively long shelf life. Also, expanding fast-food industry in developing nations is driving demand for soybean oil as well as the need for healthier cooking oils is increasing. Due to the compatibility of the oil in various food products and cheaper to other vegetable oils, the food industry will keep on using it and hence steady market growth.
Health and Nutritional Trends:
Soybean oil market is affected by trends in consumer awareness about health and nutrition and the shift to healthier products. Soybean oil is partially hydrogenated and it has been on the controversy of its health effects and those of the industrialized healthier versions. An example is the high-oleic soybean oil with better stability and improved fatty-acid balance which is highly desirable in today’s society as far as food healthiness is concerned, and more to that, it has no trans-fat. First of all, the extremely rich content of polyunsaturated fats that include omega three fatty acids is compliant to trade recommendations. Moreover, the shifting trend of enhanced consumption of the plant-based diets also enhances the market for soybean oil indirectly because with more demand for soybean for protein the oil will be produced more. These food safety and health improvement-oriented factors redesign products sold and stimulate product development in soybean oil market.
Asia Pacific Soybean Oil Market
Currently, the Asia Pacific Soybean Oil Market is on an upward gradient due to the following factors, higher population growth rates and an increasing level of disposable income affects the increased demand for processed foods and cooking-oils in the region. Soybean oil is consumed and imported enormously by china and to some extent by India. Market rises over the steady growth of the food processing in the countries like Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand etc. At the same time, there is an increasing demand for vegetable oils due to their improving health profile for soybean oil in some markets. Ongoing discussions include integration of BMD’s soy option with CLS and plans by BMD, the world’s largest palm oil exchange, to launch a soy oil futures contract in March 2024 in order to arbitrage between soy and palm oil.
Bio fuel segment especially in the Indonesia and Malaysia lift the market growth as the government has set their policies to enhance the utilization of renewable fuels. However, it is facing challenges such as fluctuation in the market prices occasioned by volatility of Soybean production: Competition from other vegetable oils such as palm oil.
Global Soybean Oil Company Analysis
The key players in the soybean oil industry are Archer Daniels Midland Company, Wilmar International Limited, AAK AB, Bunge Global SA, Cargill, Incorporated, DuPont, Unilever PLC, and Associated British Foods.
Global Soybean Oil Company News
March 2023 - According to Bunge Limited and Corteva Agriscience, significant progress has been made in producing more nutrient-dense soybean meals for the animal feed market, specifically for aqua, swine, and poultry feed. May 2022 - In order to address the growing demand for oilseeds in the feed, fuel, and food industries both locally and worldwide, Cargill announced plans to build a new soybean processing factory in Pemiscot County, Missouri, near Hayti and Caruthersville. May 2021 - In order to meet the rapidly increasing demand from customers in the food, feed, industrial, and biofuel sectors—including those who manufacture renewable diesel—Archer Daniels Midland Company announced plans to construct North Dakota's first-ever specialized soybean crushing plant and refinery. April 2021 - The announcement of a joint venture between ADM and Marathon Petrolium Corp to generate soybean oil was made in response to the growing demand for sustainable diesel fuel.
Consuming Countries – Market breakup in 8 viewpoints:
1. United States 2. China 3. India 4. European Union 5. Argentina 6. Mexico 7. Bangladesh 8. Others
Producing Countries – Volume breakup in 8 viewpoints:
1. China 2. United States 3. Brazil 4. Argentina 5. European Union 6. India 7. Mexico 8. Others
Importing Countries – Volume breakup in 10 viewpoints:
1. India 2. Bangladesh 3. Peru 4. Morocco 5. European Union 6. Algeria 7. China 8. Iran 9. South Korea 10. Colombia
Exporting Countries – Volume breakup in 7 viewpoints:
1. Argentina 2. Brazil 3. European Union 4. Russia 5. Paraguay 6. Bolivia 7. Turkey
Application – Market breakup in 2 viewpoints:
1. Food 2. Non-Food
All the key players have been covered from 4 Viewpoints:
• Business Overview • Key Persons • Recent Development & Strategies • Financial Insights
Key Players Analysis:
1. Archer Daniels Midland Company 2. Wilmar International Limited 3. AAK AB 4. Bunge Global SA 5. Cargill, Incorporated 6. DuPont 7. Unilever PLC 8. Associated British Foods
Table of Contents 1. Introduction
2. Research Methodology
3. Executive Summary
4. Market Dynamics
4.1 Growth Drivers 4.2 Challenges
5. Global Soybean Oil Market
6. Market Share Analysis
6.1 Consuming Countries 6.2 Application
7. Volume Share Analysis
7.1 Consuming Countries 7.2 Producing Countries 7.3 Importing Countries 7.4 Exporting Countries
8. Consuming Countries
8.1 United States
8.1.1 Market 8.1.2 Volume
8.2 China
8.2.1 Market 8.2.2 Volume
8.3 India
8.3.1 Market 8.3.2 Volume
8.4 European Union
8.4.1 Market 8.4.2 Volume
8.5 Argentina
8.5.1 Market 8.5.2 Volume
8.6 Mexico
8.6.1 Market 8.6.2 Volume
8.7 Bangladesh
8.7.1 Market 8.7.2 Volume
8.8 Others
8.8.1 Market 8.8.2 Volume
9. Producing Countries Volume
9.1 China 9.2 United States 9.3 Brazil 9.4 Argentina 9.5 European Union 9.6 India 9.7 Mexico 9.8 Others
10. Importing Countries Volume
10.1 India 10.2 Bangladesh 10.3 Peru 10.4 Morocco 10.5 European Union 10.6 Algeria 10.7 China 10.8 Iran 10.9 South Korea 10.10 Colombia
11. Exporting Countries Volume
11.1 Argentina 11.2 Brazil 11.3 European Union 11.4 Russia 11.5 Paraguay 11.6 Bolivia 11.7 Turkey
12. Application
12.1 Food 12.2 Non-Food
13. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
13.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers 13.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 13.3 Degree of Rivalry 13.4 Threat of New Entrants 13.5 Threat of Substitutes
14. SWOT Analysis
14.1 Strength 14.2 Weakness 14.3 Opportunity 14.4 Threat
15. Key Players Analysis
15.1 Archer Daniels Midland Company
15.1.1 Overview 15.1.2 Key Persons 15.1.3 Recent Development 15.1.4 Financial Insight
15.2 Wilmar International Limited
15.2.1 Overview 15.2.2 Key Persons 15.2.3 Recent Development 15.2.4 Financial Insight
15.3 AAK AB
15.3.1 Overview 15.3.2 Key Persons 15.3.3 Recent Development 15.3.4 Financial Insight
15.4 Bunge Global SA
15.4.1 Overview 15.4.2 Key Persons 15.4.3 Recent Development 15.4.4 Financial Insight
15.5 Cargill, Incorporated
15.5.1 Overview 15.5.2 Key Persons 15.5.3 Recent Development 15.5.4 Financial Insight
15.6 DuPont
15.6.1 Overview 15.6.2 Key Persons 15.6.3 Recent Development 15.6.4 Financial Insight
15.7 Unilever PLC
15.7.1 Overview 15.7.2 Key Persons 15.7.3 Recent Development 15.7.4 Financial Insight
15.8 Associated British Foods
15.8.1 Overview 15.8.2 Key Persons 15.8.3 Recent Development 15.8.4 Financial Insight
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