
自律走行車市場, 市場規模, 世界予測2024-2030, 産業動向, シェア, 成長, 洞察, インフレの影響, 企業分析

Autonomous Vehicles Market, Size, Global Forecast 2024-2030, Industry Trends, Share, Growth, Insight, Impact of Inflation, Company Analysis

世界の自律走行車市場規模は、2030年までに約2,003億1,000万米ドルに達すると予測されている。運転手のいない自動車が効率的に人々を目的地まで送り届けるという夢は、消費者の想像力をかきたて、近年何十億ドル... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2023年11月1日 US$2,490
240 英語





自律走行車の世界市場は2023年から2030年にかけてCAGR 19.50%を記録すると予測される



電気自動車やハイブリッド車を支援する政府の取り組みは、今後数年間、自律走行車市場を推進すると予想される。さまざまな大手企業が、新技術の助けを借りて自律走行車の利用体験を高めることに取り組んでいる。例えば、2019年には、大手自動車会社のフォルクスワーゲンがフォードとの提携を発表し、A.I.ベンダーのArgo AIに投資した。この提携は欧州と米国で自律走行車技術を導入することを目的としており、同社は自律走行または自動運転サービスの開発と強化のために2023年までに40億米ドル以上を投資することを決定した。これとは別に、自律走行車のコストが高いこと、セキュリティと安全性への関心が高まっていること、発展途上国では自動走行車をサポートする適切なインフラがないことが、市場の成長を制限している。世界の自律走行車市場は2023年に575.6億米ドルと評価された。


自律走行車の世界市場は、走行レベル別にL1、L2、L3、L4、L5に区分される。レベル3は最も急成長しているセグメントであり、時折人間が介入する自律走行が可能な車両に対する需要が急増していることを示している。このシフトは、高度な自動運転技術に向けた急速な進化を強調するものであり、消費者と自動車業界に価値を約束するものである。現在、基本的なADASが普及しており、SAEレベル4の自律走行に向けた進化が目前に迫っている。AD機能に対する消費者の関心は、数十億ドルの収益を生み出す可能性があり、レベル2+の車両の部品コストは1,500~2,000米ドル、ADASとADは2035年までに乗用車市場に3,000億~4,000億米ドル以上貢献する可能性があるとRenub Researchは分析している。














地域別では、自律走行車の世界市場は北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、中南米、中東・アフリカに分かれる。アジア太平洋地域の自律走行車(AV)市場は、供給活動の需要増加により大きく成長している。過去10年間、中国は中国の消費者に電気自動車に対する多額の補助金を提供し、内燃自動車のナンバープレート数を制限することで、極めて重要な役割を果たしてきた。Made for China 2025」イニシアティブは、EV新興企業やモビリティ技術の進歩をさらに支援してきた。





Renub Researchの調査レポート「自律走行車の世界市場:走行レベル別(L1、L2、L3、L4、L5)、ハードウェア別(パッシブコンポーネント、組み込みモデム、超音波センサ、オドメトリセンサ、その他エレクトロニクス&アーキテクチャ、アクチュエータ、HMIハードウェア、マッピングハードウェア、組み込み制御ハードウェア、V2Xハードウェア、カメラ、レーダー&ライダー)、ソフトウェア別(HMIソフトウェア、データセキュリティソフトウェア、マッピングソフトウェア、ソフトウェア(HMIソフトウェア、データセキュリティソフトウェア、マッピングソフトウェア、V2Xソフトウェア)、車両タイプ別(乗用車、商用車)、用途別(民間、防衛、輸送・物流、建設)、推進力別(バッテリー電気自動車、燃料電池電気自動車、ハイブリッド電気自動車、内燃エンジン、プラグインハイブリッド電気自動車)、地域別(欧州、北米、中東・アフリカ、アジア太平洋、中南米)、企業別(Alphabet Inc.,,Inc.、Apple Inc.、Aptiv、Baidu, Inc.、BayerischeMotorenWerke AG (BMW)、Mercedes-Benz Group AG、DidiChuxing Technology Co.、Ford Motor Company、General Motors)」は、世界の自律走行車産業の詳細かつ包括的な洞察を提供します。

運転レベル - 5つの視点からの市場分解:


ハードウェア - 13の視点からの市場構成:


ソフトウェア - 5つの視点からの市場分析


車両タイプ - 2つの視点からの市場ブレークアップ:


アプリケーション - 4つの視点からの市場細分化:


推進力 - 5つの視点からの市場細分化:


地域別 - 5つの視点からの市場細分化:



- 概要
- 最近の動向
- 収益





1. Introduction

2. Research & Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Driving Factors
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

6. Market Share – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

6.1 By Level of Driving
6.2 Hardware vs. Software
6.3 By Technology – Hardware Components
6.4 By Technology – Software Components
6.5 By Vehicle Type
6.6 By Application
6.7 By Propulsion
6.8 By Region

7. Level of Driving – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

7.1 L1
7.2 L2
7.3 L3
7.4 L4
7.5 L5

8. Technology – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

8.1 Hardware Components
8.2 Software Components

9. Hardware Components – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

9.1 Passive Components
9.2 Embedded Modem
9.3 Ultrasonic Sensors
9.4 Odometry Sensors
9.5 Other Electronics & Architecture
9.6 Actuators
9.7 HMI Hardware
9.8 Mapping Hardware
9.9 Embedded Controls Hardware
9.10 V2X Hardware
9.11 Cameras
9.12 Radar
9.13 Lidar

10. Software Components – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

10.1 HMI Software
10.2 Data Security Software
10.3 Mapping Software
10.4 Embedded Controls Software
10.5 V2X Software

11. Vehicle Type – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

11.1 Passenger Vehicle
11.2 Commercial Vehicle

12. Application – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

12.1 Civil
12.2 Defense
12.3 Transportation & Logistics
12.4 Construction

13. Propulsion – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

13.1 Battery Electric Vehicle
13.2 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
13.3 Hybrid Electric Vehicle
13.4 Internal Combustion Engine
13.5 Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

14. Region – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

14.1 North America
14.2 Europe
14.3 Asia Pacific
14.4 Latin America
14.5 Middle East and Africa

15. Porter’s Five Forces – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

15.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
15.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
15.3 Degree of Competition
15.4 Threat of New Entrants
15.5 Threat of Substitutes

16. SWOT Analysis – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

16.1.1 Strength
16.1.2 Weakness
16.1.3 Opportunity
16.1.4 Threat

17. Company Analysis

17.1 Alphabet Inc.

17.1.1 Overview
17.1.2 Recent Development
17.1.3 Revenue Analysis

17.2, Inc.

17.2.1 Overview
17.2.2 Recent Development
17.2.3 Revenue Analysis

17.3 Apple Inc.

17.3.1 Overview
17.3.2 Recent Development
17.3.3 Revenue Analysis

17.4 Aptiv

17.4.1 Overview
17.4.2 Recent Development
17.4.3 Revenue Analysis

17.5 Baidu, Inc.

17.5.1 Overview
17.5.2 Recent Development
17.5.3 Revenue Analysis

17.6 BayerischeMotorenWerke AG (BMW)

17.6.1 Overview
17.6.2 Recent Development
17.6.3 Revenue Analysis

17.7 Mercedes-Benz Group AG

17.7.1 Overview
17.7.2 Recent Development
17.7.3 Revenue Analysis

17.8 DidiChuxing Technology Co.

17.8.1 Overview
17.8.2 Recent Development
17.8.3 Revenue Analysis

17.9 Ford Motor Company

17.9.1 Overview
17.9.2 Recent Development
17.9.3 Revenue Analysis

17.10 General Motors

17.10.1 Overview
17.10.2 Recent Development
17.10.3 Revenue Analysis



Table-01: Global – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Level of Driving (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-02: Global – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Level of Driving (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-03: Global – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Hardware vs. Software (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-04: Global – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Hardware vs. Software (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-05: Global – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Hardware Components (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-06: Global – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Hardware Components (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-07: Global – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Software Components (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-08: Global – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Software Components (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-09: Global – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Vehicle Type (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-10: Global – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Vehicle Type (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-11: Global – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Application (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-12: Global – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Application (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-13: Global – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Propulsion (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-14: Global – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Propulsion (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-15: Global – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-16: Global – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2024 – 2030





Global autonomous vehicle market size is projected to reach around US$ 200.31 Billion by 2030. The dream of seeing fleets of driverless cars efficiently delivering people to their destinations has captured consumers' imaginations and fuelled billions of dollars in investment in recent years. A driverless vehicle, also known as an autonomous vehicle, is a vehicle that can operate without the assistance of a human. It can perform required functions by sensing and responding to external conditions and surroundings using superior and built-in programs. Most self-driving systems create and maintain an internal map of their surroundings based on various sensors, such as RADAR. The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) defines 6 levels of driving automation ranging from level 0 (fully manual) to level 5 (entirely independent).

United States Department of Transportation presents, many automobile manufacturers, such as Ford, Volvo, and Tesla, they have made dives and boundaries with self-driving technology, and many newer cars have come up with many autonomous systems. Furthermore, these vehicles have several advantages over conventional vehicles, including improved safety, limited use of fuel, and reduced traffic congestion & emissions by consuming less gas & battery capacity, which results in less pollution. These factors are advantageous to make it environment friendly. Further, rising technological advancement and diversity in the automotive industry have introduced autonomous cars. Autonomous vehicles are a breakthrough technology in the automotive industry after the introduction of electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles.

Global Autonomous Vehicles Market is projected to register a CAGR of 19.50% from 2023 to 2030

Road accidents are on the rise, with over one million people losing their lives annually, as the Association for Safe International Road Travel (ASIRT) reported. Human error is the primary cause, stemming from uncertainties on the road, like misjudged head-on collisions. Machine or component failures, such as brake malfunctions or axle breakages, also contribute to accidents. To combat these issues, governments worldwide are bolstering road safety regulations.

Autonomous vehicles present a promising solution, with advanced technology like navigation, lane management, and anti-collision systems, all linked to a central processing unit. Automotive World Ltd. predicts that by 2050, there will be over 2 billion cars globally, potentially leading to increased traffic congestion. However, autonomous vehicles can help alleviate this concern by communicating with other cars and offering efficient, congestion-free travel, especially in the growing sharing economy.

Government initiatives to support electric and hybrid cars are expected to propel the market for autonomous vehicles in the coming years. Various leading players are working towards enhancing the experience of using autonomous vehicles with the help of new technologies. For instance, in 2019, the leading automobile company Volkswagen announced its collaboration with Ford to invest in A.I. vendor Argo AI. The partnership aimed to introduce autonomous vehicle technology in Europe and the U.S. The company decided to invest more than 4 billion USD through 2023 to develop and enhance its autonomous or self-driving services. Apart from this, the high cost of autonomous vehicles, rising concern for security & safety, and lack of proper infrastructure to support automated vehicles in developing countries restrict the market growth. The global autonomous vehicle market was valued at US$ 57.56 Billion in 2023.

Level 3 is experiencing the most rapid growth within the global autonomous vehicle market

By Level of Driving, Global Autonomous Vehicle Market is segmented into L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5. Level 3 is the fastest-growing segment, indicating surging demand for vehicles capable of autonomous operation with occasional human intervention. This shift underscores the rapid evolution towards advanced self-driving technology, promising value for consumers and the automotive industry. Basic ADAS is currently prevalent, with advancements towards SAE Level 4 autonomy on the horizon. Consumer interest in AD features may generate billions in revenue, with Level 2+ vehicles costing US$ 1,500 to US$ 2,000 in components and the potential for ADAS and AD to contribute over US$ 300-400 Billion to the passenger car market by 2035, as per Renub Research analysis.

Hardware sector holds the most extensive global autonomous Vehicle Industry Market Share

By Hardware vs. Software, Global Autonomous Vehicle Market is segmented into Hardware and Software. In the expansive landscape of the global autonomous vehicle industry, the hardware sector emerges as the dominant force, capturing the largest market share. This sector encompasses the vital components and systems that form the backbone of autonomous vehicles, including sensors, cameras, lidar technology, computing units, and other essential hardware components. These cutting-edge technologies serve as the eyes and brains of self-driving vehicles, enabling them to perceive their surroundings, process data, and make split-second decisions. The hardware sector supremacy underscores its critical role in advancing the autonomous vehicle revolution, driving innovation, and ensuring the safe and efficient operation of these ground-breaking vehicles on roads.

Lidar Hardware and V2X Software are set to dominate the global autonomous vehicle industry in the coming years

By Technology, the Global Autonomous Vehicle Market is subdivided into Hardware (Passive Components, Embedded Modem, Ultrasonic Sensors, Odometry Sensors, Other Electronics and architecture, Actuators, HMI Hardware, Mapping Hardware, Embedded Controls Hardware, V2X Hardware, Cameras, Radar and Lidar) and Software (HMI Software, Data Security Software, Mapping Software, Embedded Controls Software and V2X Software). Lidar technology is poised to assert its dominance in the global autonomous vehicle industry in the foreseeable future. Its significance lies in its ability to provide precise and real-time 3D mapping and object detection, which is essential for safe and efficient autonomous driving. As this technology continues to advance and integrate into more self-driving systems, it is anticipated to be a cornerstone in enabling vehicles to navigate, perceive, and respond to their surroundings, ultimately reshaping the landscape of the autonomous vehicle industry.

V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) software is surging ahead in the dynamic realm of autonomous vehicles, marking the most rapid growth. V2X technology facilitates seamless communication between vehicles and their surrounding infrastructure, enhancing safety and traffic efficiency. With an increasing focus on connected transportation solutions, V2X software enables vehicles to exchange data with traffic signals, pedestrians, and other vehicles. This burgeoning sector reflects the industry drive towards comprehensive connectivity and advanced autonomous capabilities.

Passenger Vehicles command the largest market share within the Global Autonomous Vehicle Industry

By Vehicle Type, the Global Autonomous Vehicle Market is classified into Passenger Vehicles and Commercial Vehicle. In the expansive landscape of the global autonomous vehicle industry, passenger vehicles assert their dominance by claiming the largest market share. This commanding presence stems from the increasing adoption of autonomous driving technology in everyday commuting and personal transportation. The allure of enhanced safety, convenience, and reduced congestion drives the demand for self-driving passenger vehicles. This market prominence underscores the transformative impact of autonomous technology on our daily lives, as it reshapes the way we envision and interact with transportation, ultimately paving the way for a future where autonomous passenger vehicles are ubiquitous on our roads.

Defence sector holds the most significant market share of global autonomous vehicle industry

By Application, the Global Autonomous Vehicle Market is split into Civil, Defence, Transportation logistics, and Construction. The defence sector stands out with its commanding presence within the expansive global autonomous vehicle industry, capturing the largest market share. This prominence is driven by the increased adoption of autonomous technology in defence applications, from crewless aerial vehicles (UAVs) to ground-based autonomous systems. The defence industry leverages these innovations to enhance surveillance, reconnaissance, and logistics operations. As autonomous vehicles become integral to modern military and defence strategies, this sector's market dominance underscores the transformative role of autonomous technology in enhancing national security and expanding the boundaries of what is possible in defence applications.

Battery-electric vehicle market is poised to surge within the global autonomous vehicle industry

Propulsion subdivides the Global Autonomous Vehicle Market into Battery Electric Vehicle, Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles, Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Internal Combustion Engine, and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle. The battery-electric vehicle (BEV) market is on the cusp of a significant surge in the ever-evolving global autonomous vehicle industry.

BEVs, powered by electric batteries, have gained considerable traction as a sustainable and eco-friendly option for autonomous transportation. Their integration with autonomous systems reflects a growing emphasis on reducing carbon emissions and promoting clean mobility. As governments worldwide enact policies to promote electric and autonomous vehicles, the BEV sector is well-positioned to flourish. This surge aligns with environmental goals and marks a pivotal moment in reshaping the future of transportation, where electrification and autonomy converge for a more sustainable and efficient mode of mobility.

Asia Pacific Autonomous Vehicle Industry rapidly advances with cutting-edge technology and Innovative Solutions

By Region, the Global Autonomous Vehicle Market is broken up into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa. The Asia Pacific Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Market has grown substantially due to the increasing demand for supply activities. Over the past decade, China has played a pivotal role by offering significant subsidies to Chinese consumers for electric vehicles and restricting the number of license plates available for internal combustion cars. The "Made for China 2025" initiative has further supported EV startups and mobility technology advancements.

Consequently, China has not only emerged as the most significant global market for electric vehicles but also as the leading producer. While US companies excel in road-testing autonomous vehicles, Asian municipalities actively sponsor research efforts in autonomy. Shanghai, for instance, is the first city in China to test autonomous vehicles, boasting the National Intelligent Connected Vehicle (Shanghai) Pilot Zone with approximately 25 miles of dedicated autonomous vehicle testing roads.

Singapore hosts prominent institutions specializing in connected autonomous vehicle research and encourages self-driving technology start-ups, even as private automobile sales have been restricted since 2018. Meanwhile, the Japanese government is preparing to establish dedicated and priority lanes for level 4 autonomous driving in Hitachi, Ibaraki prefecture, marking Japan's first public road introduction of such lanes for autonomous vehicles.

Key Player

The prominent players in the autonomous vehicle market include Alphabet Inc.,, Inc., Apple Inc., Aptiv, Baidu, Inc., BayerischeMotorenWerke AG (BMW), Mercedes-Benz Group AG, DidiChuxing Technology Co., Ford Motor Company and General Motors.

Renub Research report titled "Autonomous Vehicles Market Global Forecast by Level of Driving (L1, L2, L3, L4, L5), Hardware (Passive Components, Embedded Modem, Ultrasonic Sensors, Odometry Sensors, Other Electronics & Architecture, Actuators, HMI Hardware, Mapping Hardware, Embedded Controls Hardware, V2X Hardware, Cameras, Radar &Lidar), Software (HMI Software, Data Security Software, Mapping Software, Embedded Controls Software &V2X Software), By Vehicle Type (Passenger Vehicle and Commercial Vehicle), By Application (Civil, Defense, Transportation & Logistics, Construction), By Propulsion (Battery Electric Vehicle, Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles, Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Internal Combustion Engine, Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle), Regions (Europe, North America, Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin America), Companies (Alphabet Inc.,, Inc., Apple Inc., Aptiv, Baidu, Inc., BayerischeMotorenWerke AG (BMW), Mercedes-Benz Group AG, DidiChuxing Technology Co., Ford Motor Company and General Motors)" provides a detailed and comprehensive insight of the Global Autonomous Vehicles Industry.

Level of Driving – Market breakup from 5 viewpoints:

1. L1
2. L2
3. L3
4. L4
5. L5

Hardware – Market breakup from 13 viewpoints:

1. Passive Components
2. Embedded Modem
3. Ultrasonic Sensors
4. Odometry Sensors
5. Other Electronics & Architecture
6. Actuators
7. HMI Hardware
8. Mapping Hardware
9. Embedded Controls Hardware
10. V2X Hardware
11. Cameras
12. Radar
13. Lidar

Software – Market breakup from 5 viewpoints:

1. HMI Software
2. Data Security Software
3. Mapping Software
4. Embedded Controls Software
5. V2X Software

Vehicle Type – Market breakup from 2 viewpoints:

1. Passenger Vehicle
2. Commercial Vehicle

Application – Market breakup from 4 viewpoints:

1. Civil
2. Defense
3. Transportation & Logistics
4. Construction

Propulsion – Market breakup from 5 viewpoints:

1. Battery Electric Vehicle
2. Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
3. Hybrid Electric Vehicle
4. Internal Combustion Engine
5. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

Region – Market breakup from 5 viewpoints:

1. North America
2. Europe
3. Middle East and Africa
4. Asia Pacific
5. South America

All companies have been covered from 3 viewpoints:

• Overview
• Recent Developments
• Revenue

Company Analysis:

1. Alphabet Inc.
2., Inc.
3. Apple Inc.
4. Aptiv
5. Baidu, Inc.
6. BayerischeMotorenWerke AG (BMW)
7. Mercedes-Benz Group AG
8. DidiChuxing Technology Co.
9. Ford Motor Company
10. General Motors


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research & Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Driving Factors
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

6. Market Share – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

6.1 By Level of Driving
6.2 Hardware vs. Software
6.3 By Technology – Hardware Components
6.4 By Technology – Software Components
6.5 By Vehicle Type
6.6 By Application
6.7 By Propulsion
6.8 By Region

7. Level of Driving – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

7.1 L1
7.2 L2
7.3 L3
7.4 L4
7.5 L5

8. Technology – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

8.1 Hardware Components
8.2 Software Components

9. Hardware Components – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

9.1 Passive Components
9.2 Embedded Modem
9.3 Ultrasonic Sensors
9.4 Odometry Sensors
9.5 Other Electronics & Architecture
9.6 Actuators
9.7 HMI Hardware
9.8 Mapping Hardware
9.9 Embedded Controls Hardware
9.10 V2X Hardware
9.11 Cameras
9.12 Radar
9.13 Lidar

10. Software Components – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

10.1 HMI Software
10.2 Data Security Software
10.3 Mapping Software
10.4 Embedded Controls Software
10.5 V2X Software

11. Vehicle Type – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

11.1 Passenger Vehicle
11.2 Commercial Vehicle

12. Application – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

12.1 Civil
12.2 Defense
12.3 Transportation & Logistics
12.4 Construction

13. Propulsion – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

13.1 Battery Electric Vehicle
13.2 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
13.3 Hybrid Electric Vehicle
13.4 Internal Combustion Engine
13.5 Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

14. Region – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

14.1 North America
14.2 Europe
14.3 Asia Pacific
14.4 Latin America
14.5 Middle East and Africa

15. Porter’s Five Forces – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

15.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
15.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
15.3 Degree of Competition
15.4 Threat of New Entrants
15.5 Threat of Substitutes

16. SWOT Analysis – Global Autonomous Vehicles Market

16.1.1 Strength
16.1.2 Weakness
16.1.3 Opportunity
16.1.4 Threat

17. Company Analysis

17.1 Alphabet Inc.

17.1.1 Overview
17.1.2 Recent Development
17.1.3 Revenue Analysis

17.2, Inc.

17.2.1 Overview
17.2.2 Recent Development
17.2.3 Revenue Analysis

17.3 Apple Inc.

17.3.1 Overview
17.3.2 Recent Development
17.3.3 Revenue Analysis

17.4 Aptiv

17.4.1 Overview
17.4.2 Recent Development
17.4.3 Revenue Analysis

17.5 Baidu, Inc.

17.5.1 Overview
17.5.2 Recent Development
17.5.3 Revenue Analysis

17.6 BayerischeMotorenWerke AG (BMW)

17.6.1 Overview
17.6.2 Recent Development
17.6.3 Revenue Analysis

17.7 Mercedes-Benz Group AG

17.7.1 Overview
17.7.2 Recent Development
17.7.3 Revenue Analysis

17.8 DidiChuxing Technology Co.

17.8.1 Overview
17.8.2 Recent Development
17.8.3 Revenue Analysis

17.9 Ford Motor Company

17.9.1 Overview
17.9.2 Recent Development
17.9.3 Revenue Analysis

17.10 General Motors

17.10.1 Overview
17.10.2 Recent Development
17.10.3 Revenue Analysis


List of Tables/Graphs

Table-01: Global – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Level of Driving (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-02: Global – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Level of Driving (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-03: Global – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Hardware vs. Software (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-04: Global – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Hardware vs. Software (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-05: Global – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Hardware Components (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-06: Global – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Hardware Components (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-07: Global – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Software Components (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-08: Global – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Software Components (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-09: Global – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Vehicle Type (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-10: Global – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Vehicle Type (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-11: Global – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Application (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-12: Global – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Application (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-13: Global – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Propulsion (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-14: Global – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Propulsion (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-15: Global – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-16: Global – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Countries (Percent), 2024 – 2030





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Renub Research社はどのような調査会社ですか?

Renubリサーチ (Renub Research)は、インドに本社を置く調査会社です。通信や医薬市場について、市場動向や技術はもちろん、企業レポートや医療観光(メディカルツーリズム)など、幅広い関連... もっと見る


在庫のあるものは速納となりますが、平均的には 3-4日と見て下さい。


5) 調査会社からお客様へ納品されます。最近は、pdfにてのメール納品が大半です。










2024/12/19 10:26

155.94 円

162.31 円

199.02 円
