![]() インスタント飲料用プレミックスの世界市場の洞察と2028年までの予測Global Instant Beverage Premix Market Insights and Forecast to 2028 インスタント飲料用プレミックス市場では、ココア、食用酸、ビタミン、野菜エキス、フルーツパウダー、芳香剤などを配合したプレミックスが、パウダー、ペースト、グラニュールの形で販売されています。さらに、... もっと見る
サマリーインスタント飲料用プレミックス市場では、ココア、食用酸、ビタミン、野菜エキス、フルーツパウダー、芳香剤などを配合したプレミックスが、パウダー、ペースト、グラニュールの形で販売されています。さらに、これらのインスタント飲料用プレミックスは、通常、水や牛乳と混ぜて使用されます。インスタント飲料プレミックスの主な利点は、脳の機能性を高め、新陳代謝を活発にし、健康的な水分補給を行うことです。これらの利点により、インスタント飲料用プレミックスの採用率が高まっています。市場分析と洞察。インスタント飲料用プレミックスの世界市場 COVID-19のパンデミックにより、インスタントビバレッジプレミックスの世界市場規模は2022年に4億6940万米ドルと推定され、2028年には5億5720万米ドルに再調整されると予測されています(検討期間中のCAGRは2.9%)。この健康危機による経済的変化を十分に考慮し、2021年にインスタント飲料プレミックスの世界市場の%を占めていたパウダーは、ポストCOVID-19の期間に改訂された%CAGRで成長し、2028年には100万米ドルになると予測されています。一方、インスタントコーヒーのセグメントは、この予測期間中、%のCAGRで変化しています。 インスタント飲料用プレミックス市場は、健康上の利点と使いやすさに関連した製品の認知度が高まっていることから、大きな成長が見込まれています。製品の革新とデザインの差別化は、市場の成長を促進する重要な要因の一つです。インスタントコーヒーの消費率が高いことから、企業の消費者からの需要が高まっており、製品の普及を後押ししています。クイックサービスレストランは、インスタント飲料を購入する新しいトレンドになると予想され、業界の拡大を促進しています。低品質な製品の存在と、原材料の承認にかかる長いダウンタイムが、業界の成長を妨げる可能性があります。しかし、市場に参入する主要企業の数が増加していることから、市場成長の見通しは明るい。ペースの速い生活と多忙なライフスタイルにより、消費者が素早く飲料を作ることができるため、インスタント飲料用プレミックスの需要が大幅に増加しています。インスタントプレミックスの持ち運びの利便性が、業界の成長を後押しする。インスタントティー、コーヒー、ミルクなどのトレンドが高まっていることが、製品需要を後押ししています。新製品の発売は、製品ポートフォリオを多様化する機会となり、市場の成長を促進すると予想されます。 世界のインスタント飲料用プレミックスの範囲とセグメント インスタント飲料用プレミックスの市場は、タイプ別、用途別に分類されています。世界のインスタントビバレッジプレミックス市場のプレーヤー、ステークホルダー、その他の参加者は、本レポートを強力なリソースとして活用することで、優位に立つことができるでしょう。セグメント分析では、2017年から2028年の期間におけるタイプ別、アプリケーション別の売上高、収益、予測に焦点を当てています。 タイプ別セグメント 粉末(パウダー ペースト 顆粒 アプリケーション別 インスタントコーヒー インスタントティー インスタントミルク インスタント健康飲料 スープ その他 会社別 ザ・リパブリック・オブ・ティー(米国) キューリグ・グリーンマウンテン (米国) 伊藤園 (日本) ペプシコ・インク(米国) 味の素ゼネラルフーヅ (日本) サントリービバレッジアンドフード株式会社 (日本) Monster Beverage Co ( 米国 ) 地域別 北アメリカ 米国 カナダ ヨーロッパ ドイツ フランス イギリス イタリア ロシア アジアパシフィック 中国 日本 韓国 インド オーストラリア 台湾 インドネシア タイ マレーシア フィリピン ベトナム ラテンアメリカ メキシコ ブラジル アルゼンチン 中近東・アフリカ トルコ サウジアラビア U.A.E. 目次1 Study Coverage1.1 Instant Beverage Premix Product Introduction 1.2 Market by Type 1.2.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Market Size Growth Rate by Type, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 1.2.2 Powder 1.2.3 Paste 1.2.4 Granules 1.3 Market by Application 1.3.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Market Size Growth Rate by Application, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 1.3.2 Instant Coffee 1.3.3 Instant Tea 1.3.4 Instant Milk 1.3.5 Instant Health Drinks 1.3.6 Soups 1.3.7 Others 1.4 Study Objectives 1.5 Years Considered 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028 2.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028 2.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 2.4 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Region 2.4.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Region (2017-2022) 2.4.2 Global Sales Instant Beverage Premix by Region (2023-2028) 2.5 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Region 2.5.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Region (2017-2022) 2.5.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Region (2023-2028) 2.6 North America 2.7 Europe 2.8 Asia-Pacific 2.9 Latin America 2.10 Middle East & Africa 3 Competition by Manufacturers 3.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Manufacturers 3.1.1 Global Top Instant Beverage Premix Manufacturers by Sales (2017-2022) 3.1.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 3.1.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Largest Manufacturers of Instant Beverage Premix in 2021 3.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Manufacturers 3.2.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 3.2.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 3.2.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Instant Beverage Premix Revenue in 2021 3.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales Price by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 3.4 Analysis of Competitive Landscape 3.4.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 3.4.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 3.4.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Manufacturers Geographical Distribution 3.5 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Market Size by Type 4.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Type 4.1.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Historical Sales by Type (2017-2022) 4.1.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Forecasted Sales by Type (2023-2028) 4.1.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 4.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Type 4.2.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Historical Revenue by Type (2017-2022) 4.2.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Forecasted Revenue by Type (2023-2028) 4.2.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 4.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Price by Type 4.3.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Price by Type (2017-2022) 4.3.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Price Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 5 Market Size by Application 5.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Application 5.1.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Historical Sales by Application (2017-2022) 5.1.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Forecasted Sales by Application (2023-2028) 5.1.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 5.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Application 5.2.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Historical Revenue by Application (2017-2022) 5.2.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Forecasted Revenue by Application (2023-2028) 5.2.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 5.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Price by Application 5.3.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Price by Application (2017-2022) 5.3.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 6 North America 6.1 North America Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Type 6.1.1 North America Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Type (2017-2028) 6.1.2 North America Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 6.2 North America Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Application 6.2.1 North America Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Application (2017-2028) 6.2.2 North America Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 6.3 North America Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Country 6.3.1 North America Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Country (2017-2028) 6.3.2 North America Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 6.3.3 U.S. 6.3.4 Canada 7 Europe 7.1 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Type 7.1.1 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Type (2017-2028) 7.1.2 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 7.2 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Application 7.2.1 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Application (2017-2028) 7.2.2 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 7.3 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Country 7.3.1 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Country (2017-2028) 7.3.2 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 7.3.3 Germany 7.3.4 France 7.3.5 U.K. 7.3.6 Italy 7.3.7 Russia 8 Asia Pacific 8.1 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Type 8.1.1 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Type (2017-2028) 8.1.2 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 8.2 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Application 8.2.1 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Application (2017-2028) 8.2.2 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 8.3 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Region 8.3.1 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Region (2017-2028) 8.3.2 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Region (2017-2028) 8.3.3 China 8.3.4 Japan 8.3.5 South Korea 8.3.6 India 8.3.7 Australia 8.3.8 Taiwan 8.3.9 Indonesia 8.3.10 Thailand 8.3.11 Malaysia 8.3.12 Philippines 9 Latin America 9.1 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Type 9.1.1 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Type (2017-2028) 9.1.2 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 9.2 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Application 9.2.1 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Application (2017-2028) 9.2.2 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 9.3 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Country 9.3.1 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Country (2017-2028) 9.3.2 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 9.3.3 Mexico 9.3.4 Brazil 9.3.5 Argentina 10 Middle East and Africa 10.1 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Type 10.1.1 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Type (2017-2028) 10.1.2 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 10.2 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Application 10.2.1 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Application (2017-2028) 10.2.2 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 10.3 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Country 10.3.1 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Country (2017-2028) 10.3.2 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 10.3.3 Turkey 10.3.4 Saudi Arabia 11 Company Profiles 11.1 The Republic of Tea (US) 11.1.1 The Republic of Tea (US) Corporation Information 11.1.2 The Republic of Tea (US) Overview 11.1.3 The Republic of Tea (US) Instant Beverage Premix Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 11.1.4 The Republic of Tea (US) Instant Beverage Premix Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 11.1.5 The Republic of Tea (US) Recent Developments 11.2 Keurig Green Mountain ( US) 11.2.1 Keurig Green Mountain ( US) Corporation Information 11.2.2 Keurig Green Mountain ( US) Overview 11.2.3 Keurig Green Mountain ( US) Instant Beverage Premix Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 11.2.4 Keurig Green Mountain ( US) Instant Beverage Premix Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 11.2.5 Keurig Green Mountain ( US) Recent Developments 11.3 Ito En (Japan) 11.3.1 Ito En (Japan) Corporation Information 11.3.2 Ito En (Japan) Overview 11.3.3 Ito En (Japan) Instant Beverage Premix Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 11.3.4 Ito En (Japan) Instant Beverage Premix Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 11.3.5 Ito En (Japan) Recent Developments 11.4 PepsiCo Inc ( US) 11.4.1 PepsiCo Inc ( US) Corporation Information 11.4.2 PepsiCo Inc ( US) Overview 11.4.3 PepsiCo Inc ( US) Instant Beverage Premix Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 11.4.4 PepsiCo Inc ( US) Instant Beverage Premix Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 11.4.5 PepsiCo Inc ( US) Recent Developments 11.5 Ajinomoto General Foods Inc (Japan) 11.5.1 Ajinomoto General Foods Inc (Japan) Corporation Information 11.5.2 Ajinomoto General Foods Inc (Japan) Overview 11.5.3 Ajinomoto General Foods Inc (Japan) Instant Beverage Premix Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 11.5.4 Ajinomoto General Foods Inc (Japan) Instant Beverage Premix Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 11.5.5 Ajinomoto General Foods Inc (Japan) Recent Developments 11.6 Suntory Beverage and Food Limited (Japan) 11.6.1 Suntory Beverage and Food Limited (Japan) Corporation Information 11.6.2 Suntory Beverage and Food Limited (Japan) Overview 11.6.3 Suntory Beverage and Food Limited (Japan) Instant Beverage Premix Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 11.6.4 Suntory Beverage and Food Limited (Japan) Instant Beverage Premix Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 11.6.5 Suntory Beverage and Food Limited (Japan) Recent Developments 11.7 Monster Beverage Co ( US) 11.7.1 Monster Beverage Co ( US) Corporation Information 11.7.2 Monster Beverage Co ( US) Overview 11.7.3 Monster Beverage Co ( US) Instant Beverage Premix Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 11.7.4 Monster Beverage Co ( US) Instant Beverage Premix Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 11.7.5 Monster Beverage Co ( US) Recent Developments 12 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 12.1 Instant Beverage Premix Industry Chain Analysis 12.2 Instant Beverage Premix Key Raw Materials 12.2.1 Key Raw Materials 12.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 12.3 Instant Beverage Premix Production Mode & Process 12.4 Instant Beverage Premix Sales and Marketing 12.4.1 Instant Beverage Premix Sales Channels 12.4.2 Instant Beverage Premix Distributors 12.5 Instant Beverage Premix Customers 13 Market Drivers, Opportunities, Challenges and Risks Factors Analysis 13.1 Instant Beverage Premix Industry Trends 13.2 Instant Beverage Premix Market Drivers 13.3 Instant Beverage Premix Market Challenges 13.4 Instant Beverage Premix Market Restraints 14 Key Findings in The Global Instant Beverage Premix Study 15 Appendix 15.1 Research Methodology 15.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 15.1.2 Data Source 15.2 Author Details 15.3 Disclaimer
SummaryIn the Instant beverage premix market, the premixes are available in the form of powder, paste, and granules, which contain cocoa, edible acids, vitamins, vegetable extracts, fruit powders, and aromatizing agents. Moreover, these instant beverage premixes are generally mixed with water or milk. Some of the major benefits of instant beverage premixes are, they enhance brain functionality, boosts metabolism, and provides healthy hydration. These benefits of drinks prepared by instant beverage premixes have increased their adoption rate. Table of Contents1 Study Coverage1.1 Instant Beverage Premix Product Introduction 1.2 Market by Type 1.2.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Market Size Growth Rate by Type, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 1.2.2 Powder 1.2.3 Paste 1.2.4 Granules 1.3 Market by Application 1.3.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Market Size Growth Rate by Application, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 1.3.2 Instant Coffee 1.3.3 Instant Tea 1.3.4 Instant Milk 1.3.5 Instant Health Drinks 1.3.6 Soups 1.3.7 Others 1.4 Study Objectives 1.5 Years Considered 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028 2.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028 2.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 2.4 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Region 2.4.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Region (2017-2022) 2.4.2 Global Sales Instant Beverage Premix by Region (2023-2028) 2.5 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Region 2.5.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Region (2017-2022) 2.5.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Region (2023-2028) 2.6 North America 2.7 Europe 2.8 Asia-Pacific 2.9 Latin America 2.10 Middle East & Africa 3 Competition by Manufacturers 3.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Manufacturers 3.1.1 Global Top Instant Beverage Premix Manufacturers by Sales (2017-2022) 3.1.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 3.1.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Largest Manufacturers of Instant Beverage Premix in 2021 3.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Manufacturers 3.2.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 3.2.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 3.2.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Instant Beverage Premix Revenue in 2021 3.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales Price by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 3.4 Analysis of Competitive Landscape 3.4.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 3.4.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 3.4.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Manufacturers Geographical Distribution 3.5 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Market Size by Type 4.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Type 4.1.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Historical Sales by Type (2017-2022) 4.1.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Forecasted Sales by Type (2023-2028) 4.1.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 4.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Type 4.2.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Historical Revenue by Type (2017-2022) 4.2.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Forecasted Revenue by Type (2023-2028) 4.2.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 4.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Price by Type 4.3.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Price by Type (2017-2022) 4.3.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Price Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 5 Market Size by Application 5.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Application 5.1.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Historical Sales by Application (2017-2022) 5.1.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Forecasted Sales by Application (2023-2028) 5.1.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Sales Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 5.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Application 5.2.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Historical Revenue by Application (2017-2022) 5.2.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Forecasted Revenue by Application (2023-2028) 5.2.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 5.3 Global Instant Beverage Premix Price by Application 5.3.1 Global Instant Beverage Premix Price by Application (2017-2022) 5.3.2 Global Instant Beverage Premix Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 6 North America 6.1 North America Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Type 6.1.1 North America Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Type (2017-2028) 6.1.2 North America Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 6.2 North America Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Application 6.2.1 North America Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Application (2017-2028) 6.2.2 North America Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 6.3 North America Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Country 6.3.1 North America Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Country (2017-2028) 6.3.2 North America Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 6.3.3 U.S. 6.3.4 Canada 7 Europe 7.1 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Type 7.1.1 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Type (2017-2028) 7.1.2 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 7.2 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Application 7.2.1 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Application (2017-2028) 7.2.2 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 7.3 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Country 7.3.1 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Country (2017-2028) 7.3.2 Europe Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 7.3.3 Germany 7.3.4 France 7.3.5 U.K. 7.3.6 Italy 7.3.7 Russia 8 Asia Pacific 8.1 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Type 8.1.1 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Type (2017-2028) 8.1.2 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 8.2 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Application 8.2.1 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Application (2017-2028) 8.2.2 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 8.3 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Region 8.3.1 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Region (2017-2028) 8.3.2 Asia Pacific Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Region (2017-2028) 8.3.3 China 8.3.4 Japan 8.3.5 South Korea 8.3.6 India 8.3.7 Australia 8.3.8 Taiwan 8.3.9 Indonesia 8.3.10 Thailand 8.3.11 Malaysia 8.3.12 Philippines 9 Latin America 9.1 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Type 9.1.1 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Type (2017-2028) 9.1.2 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 9.2 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Application 9.2.1 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Application (2017-2028) 9.2.2 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 9.3 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Country 9.3.1 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Country (2017-2028) 9.3.2 Latin America Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 9.3.3 Mexico 9.3.4 Brazil 9.3.5 Argentina 10 Middle East and Africa 10.1 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Type 10.1.1 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Type (2017-2028) 10.1.2 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 10.2 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Application 10.2.1 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Application (2017-2028) 10.2.2 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 10.3 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Market Size by Country 10.3.1 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Sales by Country (2017-2028) 10.3.2 Middle East and Africa Instant Beverage Premix Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 10.3.3 Turkey 10.3.4 Saudi Arabia 11 Company Profiles 11.1 The Republic of Tea (US) 11.1.1 The Republic of Tea (US) Corporation Information 11.1.2 The Republic of Tea (US) Overview 11.1.3 The Republic of Tea (US) Instant Beverage Premix Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 11.1.4 The Republic of Tea (US) Instant Beverage Premix Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 11.1.5 The Republic of Tea (US) Recent Developments 11.2 Keurig Green Mountain ( US) 11.2.1 Keurig Green Mountain ( US) Corporation Information 11.2.2 Keurig Green Mountain ( US) Overview 11.2.3 Keurig Green Mountain ( US) Instant Beverage Premix Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 11.2.4 Keurig Green Mountain ( US) Instant Beverage Premix Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 11.2.5 Keurig Green Mountain ( US) Recent Developments 11.3 Ito En (Japan) 11.3.1 Ito En (Japan) Corporation Information 11.3.2 Ito En (Japan) Overview 11.3.3 Ito En (Japan) Instant Beverage Premix Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 11.3.4 Ito En (Japan) Instant Beverage Premix Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 11.3.5 Ito En (Japan) Recent Developments 11.4 PepsiCo Inc ( US) 11.4.1 PepsiCo Inc ( US) Corporation Information 11.4.2 PepsiCo Inc ( US) Overview 11.4.3 PepsiCo Inc ( US) Instant Beverage Premix Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 11.4.4 PepsiCo Inc ( US) Instant Beverage Premix Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 11.4.5 PepsiCo Inc ( US) Recent Developments 11.5 Ajinomoto General Foods Inc (Japan) 11.5.1 Ajinomoto General Foods Inc (Japan) Corporation Information 11.5.2 Ajinomoto General Foods Inc (Japan) Overview 11.5.3 Ajinomoto General Foods Inc (Japan) Instant Beverage Premix Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 11.5.4 Ajinomoto General Foods Inc (Japan) Instant Beverage Premix Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 11.5.5 Ajinomoto General Foods Inc (Japan) Recent Developments 11.6 Suntory Beverage and Food Limited (Japan) 11.6.1 Suntory Beverage and Food Limited (Japan) Corporation Information 11.6.2 Suntory Beverage and Food Limited (Japan) Overview 11.6.3 Suntory Beverage and Food Limited (Japan) Instant Beverage Premix Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 11.6.4 Suntory Beverage and Food Limited (Japan) Instant Beverage Premix Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 11.6.5 Suntory Beverage and Food Limited (Japan) Recent Developments 11.7 Monster Beverage Co ( US) 11.7.1 Monster Beverage Co ( US) Corporation Information 11.7.2 Monster Beverage Co ( US) Overview 11.7.3 Monster Beverage Co ( US) Instant Beverage Premix Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 11.7.4 Monster Beverage Co ( US) Instant Beverage Premix Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 11.7.5 Monster Beverage Co ( US) Recent Developments 12 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 12.1 Instant Beverage Premix Industry Chain Analysis 12.2 Instant Beverage Premix Key Raw Materials 12.2.1 Key Raw Materials 12.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 12.3 Instant Beverage Premix Production Mode & Process 12.4 Instant Beverage Premix Sales and Marketing 12.4.1 Instant Beverage Premix Sales Channels 12.4.2 Instant Beverage Premix Distributors 12.5 Instant Beverage Premix Customers 13 Market Drivers, Opportunities, Challenges and Risks Factors Analysis 13.1 Instant Beverage Premix Industry Trends 13.2 Instant Beverage Premix Market Drivers 13.3 Instant Beverage Premix Market Challenges 13.4 Instant Beverage Premix Market Restraints 14 Key Findings in The Global Instant Beverage Premix Study 15 Appendix 15.1 Research Methodology 15.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 15.1.2 Data Source 15.2 Author Details 15.3 Disclaimer
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