Plug-in EV (PEV) sales in the US increased 80% from 2017 to 2018. In 2019, the market is expected to continue strong growth. Navigant Research anticipates more than 430,000 PEV sales in the US in 2019. This sales growth is propelled by continuous improvements to vehicle and charging technology such as battery innovations and increased charging speeds. However, PEV growth is not equally distributed across the country but rather largely centered in urban areas and states with PEV purchase or zero emission vehicle (ZEV) incentives. These pockets indicate that policy and economics play a large role in the adoption of PEVs.
Challenges to PEV adoption include consumer awareness and knowledge, charging infrastructure, and vehicle body style availability. Via an annual consumer survey, Navigant Research has identified several knowledge and awareness gaps creating barriers to PEV adoption, including a misunderstanding of PEV operating and purchase economics. Educating those outside of the early adoption category will improve perceptions of PEVs and decrease the amount of misinformation in the market. Scaling the availability of charging infrastructure and the types of PEVs available to consumers will also aid in market growth.
This report analyzes Navigant Research’s 2018 general population EV consumer profile survey that assessed consumer vehicle preferences, perceptions and knowledge of PEVs, attitudes of current PEV owners, and potential barriers to PEV adoption. The survey collected more than 2,300 respondents and identified more than 100 PEV owners. Navigant Research also identified consumers that are likely to adopt a PEV as their next vehicle purchase.