
欧州ヘルスケア・アナリティクス市場 - 成長、トレンド、COVID-19インパクト、および予測(2021年~2026年

欧州ヘルスケア・アナリティクス市場 - 成長、トレンド、COVID-19インパクト、および予測(2021年~2026年

Europe Healthcare Analytics Market - Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2021 - 2026)

欧州のヘルスケア・アナリティクス市場は、予測期間中に19%のCAGRを記録すると予測されています。 COVID-19は、ヘルスケア・アナリティクス市場に若干のプラスの影響を与えていますが、これは主に、製薬会社や... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Mordor Intelligence
2021年8月1日 US$3,750
3営業日以内 120 英語







これとは別に、膨大な量のデータを生成するコネクテッドデバイスの使用が大幅に増加することが予想されます。この生データを分析することで、企業の意思決定をより適切に行うことができます。European Telecommunications Network Operators(ETNO)によると、2019年のEUにおけるヘルスケア分野のIoTアクティブ接続数は279万で、2025年には1,034万に達すると予想されています。このような成長は、業界に関するデータ主導の洞察を得るためのデータ分析とツールの需要をさらに強めます。


さらに、Covid-19の発生に伴い、様々な病院やヘルスケア企業が、業務の一環としてアナリティクスを導入することに注力しています。患者と医師は、遠隔医療やその他のデジタルツールを利用して治療を行うことを急速に進めています。Tech Nation's Data Commonsによると、英国には10億米ドル規模のビジネスになる可能性のあるヘルステック新興企業が100社以上あり、英国政府は高成長企業向けの5億英ポンドの投資ファンドを含む12.5億英ポンドのファンドを提供することを発表しています。




臨床データアナリティクスは、リアルタイムの医療データヘルス(by eHealth)を予測分析によって活用し、データの洞察、意思決定、結果の予測を行い、潜在的な臨床合併症への早期介入を可能にしてコストを削減するための不可欠なツールとなることが確実視されています。クリニカル・データ・アナリティクスは、医療機関のデータ分析を支援し、フィー・フォア・サービスによる報酬からバリュー・ベースの購買、アカウンタブル・ケア組織、バリュー・ベースの保険設計(VBID)への移行を開始します。

予測分析を導入して患者の診断を改善することは、顧客コストの削減と顧客満足度の向上につながります。Society of Actuariesが2019年に行った調査によると、ヘルスケア企業の間で予測データ分析を行った結果、コストが39%削減され、患者満足度が42%向上しました。

イタリアの病院は、ほとんどの場合、独自のComputerized Physician Order Entry(CPOE)、Electronic Medical Record(EMR)、Radio-frequency Identification(RFID)のトラック&トレースプラットフォームが完全に稼働しています。ロンバルディア州の病院情報システムとEMRは、イタリア政府が提供する最大の投資の一つです。

さらに、ミラノ工科大学の「Digital Innovation in Healthcare Observatory」の研究者は、イタリアにおけるデジタルヘルスケアの進化を年々モニタリングしています。2019年には、イタリアで政府の医療をデジタルでサポートするために使用された経済的資源を定量化し、総費用は13.9億ユーロに達しました。これは、ヘルスケアアナリティクス市場に大きく貢献しています。

さらに、支出のかなりの部分が患者のケアに関連しており、診断と分析はそのプロセスを最適化するために提供されます。2018年のMedTech Europe社の調査によると、欧州における医療費の約76.6%は入院・外来患者のケアに関連しています。




欧州のヘルスケアアナリティクス市場は、IBM Corporation、Oracle Corporation、McKesson Europe AG、Cerner Corporation、Optum, Inc.などの大手企業が独占しています。これらの大手企業は、市場で大きなシェアを持ち、海外での顧客基盤の拡大に注力しています。これらの企業は、市場シェアを拡大し、収益性を高めるために、戦略的な共同イニシアチブを活用しています。しかし、技術の進歩や製品の革新により、中堅・中小企業は、新規契約の獲得や新規市場の開拓により、市場での存在感を高めています。


- Excel形式の市場推定(ME)シート
- 3ヶ月間のアナリスト・サポート



1 はじめに
1.1 調査対象および市場の定義
1.2 調査の範囲

2 調査方法

3 エグゼクティブサマリー

4 市場に関する考察
4.1 市場の概要
4.2 業界の魅力 - ポーターのファイブフォース分析
4.2.1 サプライヤーのバーゲニングパワー
4.2.2 バイヤーのバーゲニング・パワー
4.2.3 新規参入者の脅威
4.2.4 競合他社の脅威
4.2.5 競合他社との競争の激しさ

5 市場力学
5.1 市場ドライバー
5.1.1 医療費の削減と緊急時の対応の予測
5.1.2 エビデンスに基づく活動の活発化とボリュームベースからバリューベースのコミッショニングへの移行
5.2 市場の阻害要因
5.2.1 患者データのプライバシーとインテグリティの維持

6 市場区分
6.1 テクノロジータイプ別
6.1.1 プレディクティブ・アナリティクス
6.1.2 プリスクリプティブ・アナリティクス
6.1.3 ディスクリティブ・アナリティクス
6.2 アプリケーション別
6.2.1 臨床データ分析
6.2.2 財務データ分析
6.2.3 運用/管理データ分析
6.3 製品別
6.3.1 ハードウェア
6.3.2 ソフトウェア
6.3.3 サービス
6.4 提供形態別
6.4.1 オンプレミスモデル
6.4.2 クラウド型モデル
6.5 エンドユーザー別
6.5.1 医療機関
6.5.2 製薬会社
6.5.3 バイオテクノロジー企業
6.5.4 学術機関
6.6 国別
6.6.1 ドイツ
6.6.2 イギリス
6.6.3 フランス

6.6.4 イタリア
6.6.5 スペイン
6.6.6 その他のヨーロッパ諸国

7 競争力のある情報
7.1 企業プロフィール
7.1.1 IBM Corporation
7.1.2 米国オラクル社
7.1.3 Cerner Corporation
7.1.4 McKesson Europe AG
7.1.5 Optum Inc.
7.1.6 3M社
7.1.7 HPヨーロッパBV
7.1.8 デジタル・リージョニング・システムズ社
7.1.9 QVIA Inc.
7.1.10 Datawizard SRL
7.1.11 SAS Institute Inc.





The Europe Healthcare Analytics Market is projected to register a CAGR of 19% over the forecast period.

The COVID–19 has a slightly positive impact on the healthcare analytics market, which has been majorly attributed to the current focus of the pharmaceutical and biotech companies on developing a therapeutic drug or vaccine for COVID–19. Some companies are also conducting clinical trials for their specific drug components. Analytics, which plays a major role in clinical trials and dealing with the huge database, is found to be useful in the current situation of the COVID – 19 global outbreak.

With the increasing data records in the healthcare sector, the adoption of advanced analytics is increasing to provide data-driven insights at a faster rate, which are the primary factors driving the studied market. Reduced cost of care and prediction of possible emergency services drive the market. With digitized healthcare records, patient patterns and histories can be identified more efficiently. Predictive analytics can isolate patients that may be at risk of crises from chronic health problems, giving physicians an opportunity to provide corrective plans that decrease emergency visits, thus, further reducing the overall cost of resources. With the advent of digital devices such as IoT and applications that are increasingly becoming part of the healthcare system in Europe, various government initiatives to support and incentivize the use of technological solutions in healthcare further boost the demand for data analytics. For instance, in November 2019, Digital Supply Law was proposed in the federal parliament in Germany, which enables doctors to prescribe apps to their patients, which can be reimbursed by German statutory health insurance.

Apart from this, the use of connected devices that generate huge amounts of data is expected to increase significantly; this raw data can be analyzed to make better enterprise decisions. According to European Telecommunications Network Operators(ETNO), the number of IoT active connections in healthcare in the EU during 2019 stood at 2.79 million and expected to reach 10.34 million by 2025. Such growth further strengthens the demand for data analytics and tools to gain data-driven insights into the industry.

Moreover, a surge in the adoption of e-health services in European Union in recent years is also expected to boost the growth of the studied market. According to a study by the European Commission in 2018, about 96% of the doctors in the region used electronic health records. Countries such as Estonia, Denmark, Finland, Spain, Sweden, and the UK are amongst the highest adopters of e-health, and it is routinely used among doctors in these countries. Over 80% of the doctors in the region are using e-health functionalities such as problem list/diagnoses (86%), lab test results (86%), basic medical parameters (85%), medical history (84%), symptoms (81%), clinical notes (80%), ordered tests (80%). Such data can be used by the institutes to analyze further and optimize their operations to reduce redundant activities.

Further, with the outbreak of Covid-19 various hospitals and healthcare enterprises are increasing their focus on the adoption of analytics as part of their operations. Patients and doctors are rapidly adopting telemedicine and other digital tools to deliver care. According to Tech Nation’s Data Commons, the United Kingdom has more than 100 healthtech startups with the potential to become USD 1 billion business, and the UK government announced to provide a fund of GBP 1.25 billion, which includes a GBP 500 million investment fund for high-growth companies.

Key Market Trends

Clinical Data Analytics to Witness Significant Growth Over the Forecast Period

A growing number of healthcare institutes and enterprises are looking to adopt clinical analytics as part of their operations to offer preventive care by effectively monitoring patient data and individual attention to increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of their services.

Clinical data analytics is assured to become an essential tool that makes use of real-time medical data health (by eHealth) through predictive analytics to generate insights into data, make decisions, predict outcomes, and decrease costs by enabling early interventions for potential clinical complications. Clinical data analytics is helping healthcare providers in analyzing their data and initiating a shift from fee-for-service reimbursements to value-based purchasing, accountable care organizations, and value-based insurance design (VBID).

The adoption of predictive analytics in better diagnosing the patient results in reducing the customer cost and increasing customer satisfaction. According to a study by the Society of Actuaries in 2019, predictive data analytics amongst healthcare enterprises resulted in a 39% reduced cost and a 42% increase in patient satisfaction.

Hospitals in Italy mostly have their own Computerized physician order entry(CPOE), electronic medical record(EMR), and Radio-frequency identification(RFID) track & trace platform fully operating in the country. The hospital information systems and EMRs in the Lombardy region is one of the largest investment provided by the government in Italy.

Further, researchers of the Politecnico Di Milano's Digital Innovation in Healthcare Observatory monitors the evolution of digital healthcare in Italy year over year. In 2019, they quantified the economic resources used in Italy to build digital support to government healthcare, with around total expense summing up to EUR 1.39 billion. This provides a significant contribution to the healthcare analytics market.

Moreover, a significant share of expenditure is related to patient care, and diagnosis and analytics offer to optimize the process. According to a study by MedTech Europe in 2018, about 76.6% of the healthcare expenditure in Europe is related to inpatient and outpatient care.

The increasing adoption of digital patient records as electronic medical records in the region is seeing a surge that helps organizations offer better care and analysis of patients' various conditions. Thus, various patients of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic illness patient's data can be better analyzed.

Clinical data analytics is currently part of the Covid-19 response, where both healthcare organizations and government are using patient data to tackle and enable themselves in a better handling crisis. For example, the UK government uses patient data to analyze the situation by feeding the data to machine learning and AI algorithms to strengthen government databases and assist ministers and officials in countering the pandemic.

Competitive Landscape

The European healthcare analytics market is dominated by a few major players like IBM Corporation, Oracle Corporation​, McKesson Europe AG, Cerner Corporation, and Optum, Inc. These major players, with a prominent share in the market, are focusing on expanding their customer base across foreign countries. These companies are leveraging strategic collaborative initiatives to increase their market share and increase their profitability. However, with technological advancements and product innovations, mid-size to smaller companies are increasing their market presence by securing new contracts and by tapping new markets

Reasons to Purchase this report:

- The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
- 3 months of analyst support


Table of Contents

1.1 Study Deliverables and Market Definition
1.2 Scope of the Study



4.1 Market Overview
4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
4.2.4 Threat of Substitute
4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

5.1 Market Drivers
5.1.1 Reduced Cost of Care and Prediction of Possible Emergency Services​
5.1.2 Increasing Evidence-based Activities and Shift from Volume- to Value-based Commissioning
5.2 Market Restraints
5.2.1 Maintaining the Privacy and Integrity of Patient Data​

6.1 By Technology Type
6.1.1 Predictive Analytics
6.1.2 Prescriptive Analytics
6.1.3 Descriptive Analytics
6.2 By Application
6.2.1 Clinical Data Analytics​
6.2.2 Financial Data Analytics​
6.2.3 Operational/Administrative Data Analytics​
6.3 By Product
6.3.1 Hardware
6.3.2 Software
6.3.3 Service
6.4 By Mode of Delivery
6.4.1 On-premise Model
6.4.2 Cloud-based Model
6.5 By End User
6.5.1 Healthcare Provider
6.5.2 Pharmaceutical Industry
6.5.3 Biotechnology Industry
6.5.4 Academic Organization
6.6 By Country
6.6.1 Germany
6.6.2 United Kingdom​
6.6.3 France​

6.6.4 Italy
6.6.5 Spain
6.6.6 Rest of Europe​

7.1 Company Profiles
7.1.1 IBM Corporation​
7.1.2 Oracle Corporation
7.1.3 Cerner Corporation​
7.1.4 McKesson Europe AG​
7.1.5 Optum Inc.​
7.1.6 3M Company​
7.1.7 HP Europe BV​
7.1.8 Digital Reasoning Systems Inc.
7.1.9 QVIA Inc.​
7.1.10 Datawizard SRL​
7.1.11 SAS Institute Inc.​






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