


Adult Vaccine Market Global Forecast Report by Disease wise (Influenza, Cervical Cancer (HPV), Zoster (Shingles), MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine), Pneumococcal, Meningococcal, Hepatitis, Tdap, Travel and Miscellaneous, Varicella) Countries and Company Analysis, 2024-2032

成人用ワクチン市場分析 世界の成人用ワクチン市場は、2023年には205.9億米ドルと評価され、2024年から2032年までの年平均成長率は6.36%で、2032年には358.7億米ドルに達すると予測されている。人間の寿命はか... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2024年8月1日 US$2,790
3営業日程度 200 英語



















成人用ワクチン市場 企業概要



2022年8月、WHO予防接種専門家戦略諮問グループ(SAGE)によると、ファイザー・バイオンテックCOVID-19 mRNAワクチンは安全で有効である。

Disease Wise - 10の視点からの市場細分化:

4.MMR (麻疹、おたふくかぜ、風疹ワクチン)

国別 - 21の視点からの市場分析:


o アメリカ合衆国
o カナダ


o イギリス
o ドイツ
o フランス
o ロシア
o イタリア
o スペイン
o スイス


o インド
o 中国
o 日本
o オーストラリア
o 韓国


o ブラジル
o メキシコ
o アルゼンチン


o サウジアラビア
o アラブ首長国連邦
o 南アフリカ



- 概要
- キーパーソン
- 最近の動向と戦略
- 過去1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品発売
- 売上高


1.グラクソ・スミスクライン plc.







4.1 成長ドライバー
4.2 課題


5.1 市場
5.2 人


6.1 成人用ワクチン市場シェア
6.2 国別成人ワクチン市場シェア
6.3 成人ワクチン接種人口シェア


7.1 インフルエンザ
7.2 子宮頸がん(HPV)
7.3 帯状疱疹
7.4 MMR(はしか、おたふくかぜ、風疹ワクチン)
7.5 肺炎球菌
7.6 髄膜炎菌
7.7 肝炎
7.8 TdaP
7.9 旅行およびその他
7.10 水痘


8.1 インフルエンザ
8.2 子宮頸がん(HPV)
8.3 帯状疱疹
8.4 MMR
8.5 肺炎球菌
8.6 髄膜炎菌
8.7 肝炎
8.8 TdaP
8.9 水痘


9.1 北米

9.1.1 アメリカ
9.1.2 カナダ

9.2 ヨーロッパ

9.2.1 イギリス
9.2.2 ドイツ
9.2.3 フランス
9.2.4 ロシア
9.2.5 イタリア
9.2.6 スペイン
9.2.7 スイス

9.3 アジア太平洋

9.3.1 インド
9.3.2 中国
9.3.3 日本
9.3.4 オーストラリア
9.3.5 韓国

9.4 ラテン・アフリカ

9.4.1 メキシコ
9.4.2 ブラジル
9.4.3 アルゼンチン

9.5 中東・アフリカ

9.5.1 サウジアラビア
9.5.2 UAE
9.5.3 南アフリカ

9.6 その他の地域


10.1 買い手の交渉力
10.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
10.3 競争の程度
10.4 新規参入の脅威
10.5 代替品の脅威


11.1 長所
11.2 弱点
11.3 機会
11.4 脅威



13.1 品質と安全性の基準作りとその達成
13.2 ワクチンの資金調達


14.1 GSK ワクチン製品パイプライン
14.2 AstraZeneca plc ワクチン製品パイプライン
14.3 サノフィ ワクチン製品パイプライン
14.4 ファイザー・ワクチン製品パイプライン


15.1 グラクソ・スミスクライン社のワクチン売上高

15.1.1 概要
15.1.2 キーパーソン
15.1.3 最近の動向と戦略
15.1.4 最近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと上市製品
15.1.5 収益

15.2 アストラゼネカ社ワクチン売上高

15.2.1 概要
15.2.2 キーパーソン
15.2.3 最近の動向と戦略
15.2.4 過去1年間の製品ポートフォリオと上市製品
15.2.5 収益

15.3 サノフィ・パスツールのワクチン売上高

15.3.1 概要
15.3.2 キーパーソン
15.3.3 最近の動向と戦略
15.3.4 過去1年間の製品ポートフォリオと上市製品
15.3.5 収益

15.4 ファイザー社のワクチン売上高

15.4.1 概要
15.4.2 キーパーソン
15.4.3 最近の動向と戦略
15.4.4 過去1年間の製品ポートフォリオと上市製品
15.4.5 収益

15.5 CSLリミテッドの売上高

15.5.1 概要
15.5.2 キーパーソン
15.5.3 最近の動向と戦略
15.5.4 最近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと上市製品
15.5.5 収益





Adult Vaccine Market Analysis

The global adult vaccine market was valued at US$ 20. 59 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach US$ 35.87 billion by 2032 with the compound annual growth rate of 6.36% from 2024 to 2032. The human life span is stretching now than ever before, therefore making adult vaccination a critical measure in controlling spread of infectious diseases. A shift in the demography of a population and awareness to preventive measures of health have raised the frequency of adult immunization.

What is an Adult Vaccine?

Adult vaccines are vaccines which are specifically developed for those above the age of 18 years for the purpose of preventing invasive infections. While some of the vaccines are administered during childhood ones are administered to adults depending on their age, life style, health status, travel, and occupation. Such vaccines are used in the prevention of Influenza, pneumonia, hepatitis, shingles, and soon. The first vaccines are those which every individual need for one or another reason, for keeping the immunity raised, such as the tetanus booster, meanwhile there are vaccines which protect the population against new kinds of threats. Because immunity may decline after some time, adult immunization is important in establishing long steady and strong health, especially in the elderly or persons with underlying chronic diseases that give a severe disease. Annual, vaccines could have prevented the deaths of many adults in different parts of the world and greatly affected the world’s healthcare systems financially. Vaccine-preventable respiratory diseases like influenza and pneumococcal disease cost the global community more that 23 million years of life due to premature mortality.

Global Use and Significance

Adult vaccines have been widely utilized in the global community owing to increased consciousness of vaccine preventable diseases, increasing population of the aging persons and improvement on public health measures. High levels of vaccination are witnessed among developed nations in North America and Europe; healthcare is well developed and immunizations supported by government. But there is a shift towards advocate for improved uptake of adult vaccines in the emerging markets where knowledge and availability of vaccines are relatively low. Adult immunizations’ goal is to improve the health outcomes of people around the world through vaccine-preventable diseases among adults Ergo they are part of herd immunity, hence curtailing diseases transmission among people curtailing the burden on the health systems.

Growth Factors in the Adult Vaccine Industry

Increasing Awareness of Preventive Healthcare

Increased population of the seniors across the globe is a key driver to the growth of the adult vaccine market. People in their old age become more vulnerable to infections and several other complications due to the deterioration of the immune system. Use of specific vaccines such as the ‘adult’ vaccines including those meant for respiratory conditions for instance, flu as well as pneumonia has been on the rise among geriatric patients. The global increase of chronic diseases like, heart disease diabetes, respiratory diseases make it desirable for the vulnerable groups to be vaccinated. One of the main market drivers is the continually increasing number of people of aging population worldwide and the need for comprehensive programs of adult immunization and special vaccines.

Aging Population and Chronic Disease Prevalence

The rising global population of older adults is a significant growth factor for the adult vaccine market. As people age, their immune systems weaken, making them more susceptible to infectious diseases and complications. Vaccines tailored to adults, especially those targeting respiratory illnesses like flu and pneumonia, are increasingly in demand among the elderly. The prevalence of global chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory disorders heightens the need for vaccination in these vulnerable groups. As the aging population expands worldwide, the demand for effective adult immunization programs and tailored vaccines is expected to fuel industry growth.

Government Support: A Pillar of the Adult Vaccine Market

The most important factors affecting the adult vaccines market include government policies /immunization programs. Most of the countries are either administrating or planning to continue a national immunization program that incorporates adult vaccines, especially in the developing countries where the population aging rate is rapidly rising. Ones the vaccines are available in the market there are some incentives provided by public health organizations and government in way of subsidies and awareness and also through free or low-cost vaccination to increase coverage rates. Other organizations such as the WHO and the CDC also help in recommending and encouraging adult vaccines. They collectively provide a substantial boost to the market growth by making it easier and inviting more and more people to take adult vaccinations.

Asia Pacific: A Key Player in the Adult Vaccine Market

They are demonstrated to be part of the Asia Pacific region that has solidified as a promising market for the adult vaccines, with several countries intensifying their efforts towards healthcare security, and diversification of industry. It has been characterized by an explosive growth of the market. The country called the ‘pharmacy of the world’ was sending out COVID-19 vaccines to other countries up to May 2022 distributing more than the 60 percent of the global demand for vaccines. They have, both domestic and foreign, triggered a production increase. South Korea and Singapore alone have secured more than $3 billion in the past two years explicitly for vaccines, their research and manufacturing plants.

Global COVID-19 vaccine availability and distribution in 2022 showed that nations are significant to one another in terms of vaccine availability. Australia that has been striving to enhance domestic capacities for production imported over 70 million doses. On the other hand, capitalizing on their manufacturing prowess, India and China supplied 900 million and 750 million doses mainly to Africans and Latin Americas. For example, in the case of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement, the dynamism in trade in biotech products including vaccines has also been realized. Given that the governments in Asia Pacific countries and the private players have made such investment in the preventive vaccines, the trends show a rosy picture for the preventive vaccines market in the near future.

Adult Vaccine Market Company Overview

The global adult vaccine market features prominent players such as GlaxoSmithKline, plc., AstraZeneca plc, Sanofi Pasteur, Pfizer, Inc., and CSL Limited. These industry leaders actively develop and distribute vaccines for the adult population globally.

Adult Vaccine Market News

In April 2024, Merck's Phase 3 trial STRIDE-10 results were released at the 34th ESCMID Global in Barcelona, Spain. The trial evaluated Merck's adult-specific 21-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccination, V116, compared to PPSV23 in people 50 and older who had not received a pneumococcal vaccination before.
In August 2022, Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is safe and effective, according to the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE).

Disease Wise – Market breakup in 10 viewpoints:

1. Influenza
2. Cervical Cancer (HPV)
3. Zoster (Shingles)
4. MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine)
5. Pneumococcal
6. Meningococcal
7. Hepatitis
8. TdaP
9. Travel and Miscellaneous
10. Varicella

Country – Market breakup in 21 viewpoints:

North America

o United States
o Canada


o United Kingdom
o Germany
o France
o Russia
o Italy
o Spain
o Switzerland

Asia Pacific

o India
o China
o Japan
o Australia
o South Korea

Latin America

o Brazil
o Mexico
o Argentina

Middle East & Africa

o Saudi Arabia
o United Arab Emirates
o South Africa

Rest of the World

All the Key players have been covered from 5 Viewpoints:

• Overviews
• Key Person
• Recent Developments & Strategies
• Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
• Revenue

Company Analysis:

1. GlaxoSmithKline, plc.
2. AstraZeneca plc
3. Sanofi Pasteur
4. Pfizer, Inc.
5. CSL Limited


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Driver
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Adult Vaccines Market

5.1 Market
5.2 Volume (people)

6. Market & Numbers Share Analysis

6.1 Adult Vaccine Market Share
6.2 By Country Adult Vaccine Market Share
6.3 Adult Vaccinated Population Share

7. Disease wise – Adult Vaccines Market

7.1 Influenza
7.2 Cervical Cancer (HPV)
7.3 Zoster (Shingles)
7.4 MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine)
7.5 Pneumococcal
7.6 Meningococcal
7.7 Hepatitis
7.8 TdaP
7.9 Travel and Miscellaneous
7.10 Varicella

8. Disease wise – Numbers of Vaccinated Adults

8.1 Influenza
8.2 Cervical Cancer (HPV)
8.3 Zoster (Shingles)
8.4 MMR
8.5 Pneumococcal
8.6 Meningococcal
8.7 Hepatitis
8.8 TdaP
8.9 Varicella

9. By Country

9.1 North America

9.1.1 United States
9.1.2 Canada

9.2 Europe

9.2.1 United Kingdom
9.2.2 Germany
9.2.3 France
9.2.4 Russia
9.2.5 Italy
9.2.6 Spain
9.2.7 Switzerland

9.3 Asia-Pacific

9.3.1 India
9.3.2 China
9.3.3 Japan
9.3.4 Australia
9.3.5 South Korea

9.4 Latin Africa

9.4.1 Mexico
9.4.2 Brazil
9.4.3 Argentina

9.5 Middle East and Africa

9.5.1 Saudi Arabia
9.5.2 UAE
9.5.3 South Africa

9.6 Rest of the World

10. Porter’s Five Forces

10.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
10.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
10.3 Degree of Competition
10.4 Threat of New Entrants
10.5 Threat of Substitutes

11. SWOT Analysis

11.1 Strengths
11.2 Weaknesses
11.3 Opportunities
11.4 Threats

12. Mergers and Acquisitions in the Vaccine Industry

13. Vaccines and Regulator’s Interventions

13.1 Making and Meeting Standards of Quality and Safety
13.2 Vaccine Funding

14. Vaccines – Products and Pipeline

14.1 GSK Vaccine Product Pipeline
14.2 AstraZeneca plc Vaccine Product Pipeline
14.3 Sanofi Vaccine Product Pipeline
14.4 Pfizer Vaccine Product Pipeline

15. Vaccines Key Players Analysis

15.1 GlaxoSmithKline, plc.’s Vaccines Sales

15.1.1 Overviews
15.1.2 Key Person
15.1.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
15.1.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
15.1.5 Revenue

15.2 AstraZeneca plc Vaccines Sales

15.2.1 Overviews
15.2.2 Key Person
15.2.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
15.2.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
15.2.5 Revenue

15.3 Sanofi Pasteur’s Vaccines Sales

15.3.1 Overviews
15.3.2 Key Person
15.3.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
15.3.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
15.3.5 Revenue

15.4 Pfizer, Inc.’s Vaccines Sales

15.4.1 Overviews
15.4.2 Key Person
15.4.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
15.4.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
15.4.5 Revenue

15.5 CSL Limited sales

15.5.1 Overviews
15.5.2 Key Person
15.5.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
15.5.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
15.5.5 Revenue






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2025/03/28 10:27

152.11 円

164.53 円

199.66 円
