
企業向けネットワーキング市場:ネットワーク機器別(ルータ、スイッチ、ファイアウォール、アクセスポイント)、技術別(SDN、SD-WAN、SASE、インテントベースネットワーキング)、ネットワーク別(支店、リモート、キャンパス、データセンター)、接続別(有線、無線) - 2029年までの世界予測

企業向けネットワーキング市場:ネットワーク機器別(ルータ、スイッチ、ファイアウォール、アクセスポイント)、技術別(SDN、SD-WAN、SASE、インテントベースネットワーキング)、ネットワーク別(支店、リモート、キャンパス、データセンター)、接続別(有線、無線) - 2029年までの世界予測

Enterprise Networking Market by Networking Devices (Routers, Switches, Firewalls, Access Points), Technology (SDN, SD-WAN, SASE, Intent-Based Networking), Network (Branch, Remote, Campus, Datacenter), Connection (Wired, Wireless) - Global Forecast to 2029

エンタープライズネットワーキング市場は、2024年には1,158億米ドル、2029年には1,752億米ドルになると推定され、年間平均成長率(CAGR)は8.6%である。このエンタープライズネットワーキング市場の成長は、クラ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 図表数 言語
2024年9月4日 US$4,950
通常2営業日以内 368 626 英語




エンタープライズネットワーキング市場は、2024年には1,158億米ドル、2029年には1,752億米ドルになると推定され、年間平均成長率(CAGR)は8.6%である。このエンタープライズネットワーキング市場の成長は、クラウドサービス需要の増加、効率的なデータ管理ニーズの高まり、ネットワーク管理タスクを自動化するためのAI/MLソリューションの採用、ネットワーク仮想化のトレンドの高まりなど、いくつかの顕著な要因によるところが大きい。これらの要因は、エンタープライズネットワーキングソリューションの幅広い採用を促進しただけでなく、より効率的なリソース利用と企業インフラの簡素化された管理を可能にしている。さらに、IoTデバイスの採用拡大、デジタルトランスフォーメーションの推進、サイバーセキュリティへの懸念の高まりといった要因も、この成長を後押ししている。ネットワーク自動化、ネットワーク仮想化、SASEなどのネットワークセキュリティソリューションなど、さまざまなエンタープライズネットワーキングソフトウェアが、ITインフラに求められる自動化、効率性、セキュリティ、柔軟性などの主要なニーズに対応することで、エンタープライズネットワーキング市場の成長をさらに促進している。さらに、SD-WAN と SASE ソリューションの統合が市場の成長を後押ししている。企業が SD-WAN だけに重点を置くのではなく、ネットワークセキュリティの他のすべての側面を単一のソリューションの展開で十分に対処できるような、より統合されたアプローチへとシフトしているからだ。これらの要因により、エンタープライズネットワーキングソリューションの需要が急増し、エンタープライズネットワーキングソリューションとサービスの成長に大きな勢いが生まれている。



- 企業タイプ別ティア1:35%、ティア2:45%、ティア3:20
- 役職別Cレベル35%、Dレベル25%、その他40
- 地域別北米:30%、欧州:30%、アジア太平洋地域:25%、中東・アフリカ:10%、中南米:5
エンタープライズネットワーキング市場の主要プレーヤーには、シスコシステムズ(米国)、ブロードコム(米国)、ヒューレット・パッカード・エンタープライズ(米国)、ジュニパーネットワークス(米国)、エクストリームネットワークス(米国)、ファーウェイ(中国)、フォーティネット(米国)、クラウドフレア(米国)、アルカテル・ルーセント・エンタープライズ(フランス)、アリスタ・ネットワークス(米国)、リバーベッドテクノロジー(米国)、チェック・ポイント・ソフトウェア・テクノロジーズ(イスラエル)、ソーラーウィンズ・コーポレーション(中国)、SolarWinds Corporation(中国)、Arista Networks(米国)、Riverbed Technology(米国)が含まれる。(イスラエル)、SolarWinds Corporation(米国)、F5 Networks(米国)、Palo Alto Networks(米国)、Pica8(米国)、Versa Networks(米国)、Aryaka Networks Inc.(イスラエル)、Cambium Networks(米国)、Megaport(オーストラリア)、flexiWAN(イスラエル)、Peplink(米国)、Lavelle Networks(インド)、Bigleaf Networks(米国)。これらの企業は、エンタープライズネットワーキング市場の足跡を拡大するために、パートナーシップ、契約、提携、新製品の発表、機能強化、買収など、さまざまな成長戦略を採用している。

この調査レポートは、さまざまなセグメントにわたるエンタープライズネットワーキング市場規模を調査しています。この調査は、オファリング、エンドユーザー、ネットワーク、展開モード、接続タイプ、技術、地域など、さまざまなセグメントにわたる市場規模と成長の可能性を推定することを目的としています。オファリングは、ネットワーキング・デバイス、ネットワーキング・ソフトウェア、サービスに細分化される。オファリングセグメントはさらに、ネットワーク機器(ルーター、スイッチ、アクセスポイント、ゲートウェイ、ファイアウォール、その他ネットワーク機器[サーバー、ロードバランサー])、ネットワークソフトウェア(ネットワーク管理&モニタリング、ネットワークセキュリティ、ネットワーク仮想化、ネットワーク自動化、その他ネットワークソフトウェア[ネットワーク分析、コラボレーションツール])、サービスに分類される。サービス分野には、プロフェッショナルサービスとマネージドサービスが含まれる。プロフェッショナルサービス分野は、さらにコンサルティング、デプロイメント&インテグレーション、サポート&メンテナンスに区分される。企業向けネットワーキング市場で調査対象となるエンドユーザーには、サービスプロバイダーと企業が含まれ、企業はさらにBFSI、IT&ITeS、製造、ヘルスケア&ライフサイエンス、小売&eコマース、運輸&物流、政府、メディア&エンターテインメント、教育、その他企業(エネルギー&公益事業、旅行&ホスピタリティ)に区分される。ネットワーク別では、支店ネットワーク、リモートネットワーク、キャンパスネットワーク、データセンターネットワークに分類される。さらに、接続タイプに基づいて、市場は有線と無線に分類される。技術に基づくと、市場はSoftware-Defined Networking(SDN)、Network Function Virtualization(NFV)、Software-Defined Wide Area Network(SD-WAN)、Secure Access Service Edge(SASE)、Wi-Fi、Intent-based Networking(IBN)、その他の技術(Cloud Networking、AI Networking、And Edge Computing)に分類される。エンタープライズネットワーキング市場の地域分析は、北米、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、中東&アフリカ、ラテンアメリカをカバーしています。この調査には、主要市場プレイヤーの詳細な競合分析、企業プロフィール、製品および事業提供、最近の開発、市場戦略に関連する主な見解が含まれています。

3.市場開発:有利な市場に関する包括的な情報 - 当レポートでは、さまざまな地域のエンタープライズネットワーキング市場を分析しています。
5.競合評価:大手企業シスコシステムズ(米国)、ブロードコム(米国)、ヒューレット・パッカード・エンタープライズ(米国)、ジュニパーネットワークス(米国)、ファーウェイ(中国)、クラウドフレア(米国)、アリスタネットワークス(米国)、アルカテル・ルーセント・エンタープライズ(フランス)、Extreme Networks, Inc.(米国)、Riverbed Technology(米国)、Check Point Software Technologies(イスラエル)、SolarWinds(米国)、Fortinet(米国)、Palo Alto Networks(米国)、Pica8(米国)、Versa Networks(米国)、Aryaka Networks Inc、(米国)、F5 Networks(米国)、flexiWAN(イスラエル)、Peplink(米国)、Lavelle Networks(インド)、A10 Networks(米国)、Cato Networks(イスラエル)、Cambium Networks(米国)、Megaport(オーストラリア)、Bigleaf Networks(米国)。



1 はじめに 441.1 調査目的 441.2 市場の定義 441.3 調査範囲 451.3.1 市場の区分 451.3.2 対象となるものと除外されるもの 461.4 考慮した年数 461.5 考慮した通貨 461.6 調査対象者5 考慮した通貨 471.6 利害関係者 472 調査方法 482.1 調査データ 482.1.1 二次データ 492.1.2 一次データ 492.1.2.1 専門家への一次インタビュー 492.1.2.2 一次プロファイルの内訳 502.1.2.3 業界専門家による主な洞察 502.2 市場規模の推定 502.2.1 トップダウンアプローチ 512.2.2 ボトムアップアプローチ 522.2.3 エンタープライズネットワーキング市場の推定:需要側分析 532.3 データ三角測量 542.4 リスク評価 552.5 調査の前提条件 562.6 制限 563 エグゼクティブサマリー 574 プレミアムインサイト 594.594.1 エンタープライズネットワーキング市場における主要企業のビジネスチャンス 594.2 エンタープライズネットワーキング市場:提供サービス別 594.3 エンタープライズネットワーキング市場:サービス別 604.4 エンタープライズネットワーキング市場:プロフェッショナルサービス別 604.5 エンタープライズネットワーキング市場:ネットワークデバイス別 604.6 エンタープライズネットワーキング市場:ネットワーク別 614.7 エンタープライズネットワーキング市場:展開モード別 614.614.8 エンタープライズネットワーキング市場:接続タイプ別 614.9 エンタープライズネットワーキング市場:企業別 624.10 北米:エンタープライズネットワーキング市場:上位3つのネットワーキング・ソフトウェア・ エンドユーザー 625 市場概要と業界動向 635.1 はじめに1 はじめに 635.2 市場動向 635.2.1.1 推進要因 645.2.1.1 高度なサイバーセキュリティ対策への注目の高まり 645.2.1.2 クラウドコンピューティングへの移行 645.2.1.1 クラウドコンピューティングへの移行2.645.2.1.2 クラウドベースのサービスへのシフトの高まり 645.2.1.3 ネットワーク管理タスクを自動化するAI/MLソリューションの採用 645.2.2 制約要因 655.2.2.1 初期投資の高さ 655.2.2.2 WANリンクの高コスト管理 655.2.3 可能性 655.2.3.1 ゼロトラストセキュリティアーキテクチャの実装 655.2.3.2 エッジコンピューティングの成長 655.2.3.3 量子安全ネットワークの導入 665.2.4 チャレンジ 665.2.4.1 複雑なネットワーク環境 665.2.4.2 規制とコンプライアンスの問題 665.3 エンタープライズ・ネットワーキングの略史 675.4 サプライチェーン分析 685.5 エコシステム 695.6 ケーススタディ分析 715.6.1 民間医療企業Recoletas SaludがジュニパーのAIネイティブネットワーキングプラットフォームを使用して患者体験を向上 715.6.725.6.3 メキシコのセナセは、ファーウェイの高品質10gbpsスマートパワーキャンパス・ソリューションを使って、俊敏で大容量 のネットワークを構築した。7.1 音声、画像、その他のデータの受信、変換、伝送、再生のための機械に関連する関税 735.7.2 規制機関、政府機関、その他の組織 745.7.2.1 北米 755. 米国 755. カナダ 755.7.2.2 欧州 765. 英国 765. ドイツ 76 アジア太平洋 765. 韓国 765. 中国 765. 日本 765. インド 775.7.2.4 中東・アフリカ 775. UAE 775. KSA 775.7.2.5 中南米 775. ブラジル 775. メキシコ 775.8 技術分析 775.8.1 主要技術 775.8.1.1 仮想化 775.8.1.2 クラウドコンピューティング 785.8.2 隣接技術 785.8.2.1 人工知能(AI)/機械学習(ML) 785.8.2.2 5Gと次世代ネットワーク 785.8.2.3 モノのインターネット(IoT) 785.8.2.4 エッジコンピューティング 785.8.785.8.3.1 仮想プライベートネットワーク(VPN) 785.8.3.2 データ分析 795.9 特許分析 795.9.1 主要特許一覧 805.10 価格分析 815.10.815.10.1 主要企業の平均販売価格動向(ハードウェアアプライアンス別) 815.10.2 指標価格分析(ネットワークソフトウェア別) 825.11 顧客のビジネスに影響を与えるトレンド/破壊 835.12 主要会議とイベント(2024~2025年) 835.13 ポーターの5つの力分析 845.13.1 新規参入企業の脅威 855.13.2 代替品の脅威 855.13.3 買い手の交渉力 865.13.4 サプライヤーの交渉力 865.13.5 競争競争の激しさ 865.14 主要ステークホルダーと購入基準 865.14.1 購入プロセスにおける主要ステークホルダー 865.14.1.1 購入基準 87 5.15 エンタープライズネットワーキング市場の技術ロードマップ 885.15.1 短期ロードマップ(2023~2025年) 885.15.2 中期ロードマップ(2026~2028年) 885.15.3 長期ロードマップ(2029~2030年) 885.16 企業ネットワーク市場におけるベストプラクティス 885.16.1 ネットワークの計画 885.16.2 ネットワークの設計 885.16.3 専門家による設置と継続的監視 895.16.4 セキュリティの統合 895.16.5 運用と管理 895.16.6 規制への対応 895.16.7 スキルの開発とトレーニング 895.17 現在のビジネスモデルと新たなビジネスモデル 895.17.1 サービスとしてのネットワーク(NAS) 895.17.2 ゼロトラストのセキュリティモデル 895.17.3 エッジコンピューティングの統合 905.17.4 AI主導の自律型ネットワーク 905.17.5 ハイブリッド/マルチクラウドネットワーキング 905.18 エンタープライズネットワーキング市場:ツール、フレームワーク、技法 905.19 HSコード分析:音声、画像、その他のデータの受信、変換、送信、再生のための機械(851762) 915.19.1 音声、画像、その他のデータの受信、変換、伝送、再 生のための機械の輸出シナリオ(851762) 915.19.2 音声、画像、その他のデータの受信、変換、伝送、再 生のための機械の輸入シナリオ(851762) 915.20 投資と資金調達のシナリオ 925.935.21.1 AI/ジェネレーティブAIがエンタープライズネットワーキングに与える影響 935.21.2 エンタープライズネットワーキングにおけるジェネレーティブAIのユースケース 935.22 SD-WANとSASEの統合がエンタープライズネットワーキング市場に与える影響 946 エンタープライズネットワーキング市場:オファリング別 966.1 はじめに 976.1.1 オファリング:976.2 ネットワーク機器 986.2.1 ルーター 1006.2.1.1 最適な経路を発見し、データトラフィックのルーティングを容易にする 1006.2.2 スイッチ 1016.2.2.1 ネットワーク内のデバイスの接続性とデータパケットの転送を容易にする 1016.2.2.2 スイッチのタイプ別分類 986.2.1 ルーター 1016.2.2.1 スイッチのタイプ別分類2.1026. 固定スイッチ 1026. 管理型スイッチ 1036. 非管理型スイッチ 1046. PoE(Power Over Ethernet)スイッチ 1056. モジュール型スイッチ 1066. 速度別スイッチ 1076. >1 GBPS~>1 GBPS<=10 GBPS 1076. >10 GBPSから<=40 GBPS 1086. >40 GBPS から<=100 GBPS 1096. >100GBPSから<=400 GBPS 1106. 400 GBPS and Above 1106.2.3 ACCESS POINTS 1116.2.3.1 Need to maintain internet speed in wireless network for reliable connectivity 1116.2.4 GATEWAYS 1126.2.4.1 To enable smooth communication between different network environments 1126.2.5 FIREWALLS 1136.2.5.1 To establish barrier between trusted and untrusted networks and filter data traffic 1136.2.6 OTHER NETWORKING DEVICES 1146.3 NETWORKING SOFTWARE 1156.3.1 NETWORK MANAGEMENT & MONITORING 1176.3.1.1 Getting visibility into health and performance of networking devices 1176.3.2 NETWORK SECURITY 1176.3.2.1 Need to monitor and protect enterprise network from security risks 1176.3.3 NETWORK VIRTUALIZATION 1186.3.3.1 Need to decouple network services from underlying hardware 1186.3.4 NETWORK AUTOMATION 1196.3.4.1 To automate planning, deployment, operations, and optimization of networks and their services 1196.3.5 OTHER NETWORKING SOFTWARE 1206.4 SERVICES 1216.4.1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1236.4.1.1 Providing organizations with valuable insights, technical expertise, and best practices to ensure successful planning, implementation, and optimization of network 1236.4.1.2 Consulting 1256.4.1.3 Deployment & Integration 1266.4.1.4 Support & Maintenance 1266.4.2 MANAGED SERVICES 1276.4.2.1 To ensure networks are continuously monitored for performance issues, security vulnerabilities, and operational efficiency 1277 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY NETWORK 1297.1 INTRODUCTION 1307.1.1 NETWORK: ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET DRIVERS 1307.2 CAMPUS NETWORK 1317.2.1 NEED FOR HIGH-CAPACITY, RELIABLE NETWORKING SOLUTIONS TO SUPPORT LARGE-SCALE DATA AND COMMUNICATION DEMAND ACROSS ENTERPRISE CAMPUSES TO DRIVE MARKET 1317.3 DATA CENTER NETWORK 1327.3.1 ADOPTION OF ADVANCED DATA CENTER NETWORKING SOLUTIONS TO SUPPORT CLOUD COMPUTING, BIG DATA, AND VIRTUALIZATION TO PROPEL MARKET GROWTH 1327.4 BRANCH NETWORK 1337.4.1 ACCELERATED GROWTH FUELED BY NEED FOR SECURE AND SCALABLE NETWORKING SOLUTIONS TO EFFICIENTLY CONNECT AND MANAGE DISPERSED ENTERPRISE BRANCHES TO FOSTER GROWTH 1337.5 REMOTE NETWORK 1347.5.1 INCREASED RELIANCE ON REMOTE NETWORKS DRIVEN BY WIDESPREAD ADOPTION OF SOLUTIONS THAT ENSURE SECURE AND DEPENDABLE CONNECTIVITY FOR DISTRIBUTED WORKFORCE 1348 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY DEPLOYMENT MODE 1368.1 INTRODUCTION 1378.1.1 DEPLOYMENT MODE: ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET DRIVERS 1378.2 DIY 1388.2.1 ORGANIZATIONS SEEKING CUSTOMIZABLE NETWORKING SOLUTIONS THAT ALLOW GREATER CONTROL AND FLEXIBILITY OVER INFRASTRUCTURE DEPLOYMENT WILL FOSTER GROWTH 1388.3 MANAGED SD-WAN (TELCO OR MSP) 1398.3.1 MARKET EXPANSION DRIVEN BY DEMAND FOR MANAGED SERVICES THAT OFFER OPTIMIZED, SECURE, AND SCALABLE NETWORK CONNECTIVITY 1398.4 SD-WAN AS A SERVICE (CLOUD-BASED) 1408.4.1 GROWTH DRIVEN BY SHIFT TOWARD CLOUD-BASED NETWORKING SOLUTIONS THAT PROVIDE FLEXIBLE, SCALABLE, AND EASY-TO-MANAGE CONNECTIVITY 1409 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY CONNECTION TYPE 1429.1 INTRODUCTION 1439.1.1 CONNECTION TYPE: ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET DRIVERS 1439.2 WIRED 1449.2.1 ONGOING NEED FOR STABLE AND HIGH-SPEED WIRED CONNECTIONS CRITICAL FOR SUPPORTING ENTERPRISE-LEVEL APPLICATIONS AND DATA-INTENSIVE OPERATIONS TO DRIVE MARKET 1449.3 WIRELESS 1459.3.1 INCREASED ADOPTION OF WIRELESS NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES THAT OFFER MOBILITY, EASE OF DEPLOYMENT, AND SUPPORT FOR MODERN, FLEXIBLE WORK ENVIRONMENTS TO PROPEL MARKET 14510 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY END USER 14710.1 INTRODUCTION 14810.1.1 END USER: ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET DRIVERS 14810.2 SERVICE PROVIDERS 14910.2.1 SERVICE PROVIDER: ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET DRIVERS 15010.2.2 CLOUD SERVICE PROVIDERS 15010.2.2.1 Rising demand for scalable and high-performance networking solutions as cloud service providers seek to enhance data management and application hosting capabilities 15010.2.3 TELECOM SERVICE PROVIDERS 15110.2.3.1 Market expansion driven by heightened need for high-capacity, secure, and reliable networking solutions that support growing scale and complexity of telecom services 15110.3 ENTERPRISES 15210.3.1 IT & ITES 15410.3.1.1 Growth driven by increasing demand for networking solutions that support global collaboration, cloud integration, and remote work capabilities across IT and ITeS sectors 15410.3.1.2 IT & ITeS: Enterprise networking use cases 15510. Global collaboration 15510. Cloud computing integration 15510. Remote work solutions 15510. Data center management 15510.3.2 BFSI 15610.3.2.1 Growth driven by adoption of secure and high-speed networking solutions designed to enhance online banking, fraud prevention, and compliance with industry regulations 15610.3.2.2 BFSI: Enterprise networking use cases 15610. Secure online banking 15610. Fraud detection and prevention 15610. Regulatory compliance 15610. Branch connectivity 15610.3.3 HEALTHCARE & LIFE SCIENCES 15710.3.3.1 Expansion driven by adoption of networking technologies that enable telemedicine, secure health records management, and real-time IoT-enabled patient monitoring 15710.3.3.2 Healthcare & Life Sciences: Enterprise networking use cases 15810. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) integration 15810. Medical device connectivity 15810. Secure patient data management 15810. Telemedicine services 15810. Clinical research and data analysis 158 10.3.4 MANUFACTURING 15910.3.4.1 Growth driven by adoption of networking solutions that enable smart factory automation, integration of Industrial IoT (IIoT), and predictive maintenance strategies 15910.3.4.2 Manufacturing: Enterprise networking use cases 15910. Real-time production monitoring 15910. Supply chain management 15910. Predictive maintenance 15910. Integrated Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) 16010.3.5 TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS 16010.3.5.1 Rising need for networking solutions that enhance real-time tracking, fleet management, and automation in logistics operations 16010.3.5.2 Transportation & Logistics: Enterprise networking use cases 16110. Real-time fleet tracking 16110. Fleet management 16110. Supply chain visibility 16110. Autonomous vehicle operations 16110. Warehouse automation 16110.3.6 EDUCATION 16210.3.6.1 Growing demand for comprehensive networking solutions that support campus-wide connectivity, virtual learning, and secure online assessments 16210.3.6.2 Education: Enterprise networking use cases 16210. Campus-wide Wi-Fi networks 16210. Virtual classrooms 16210. Learning Management System (LMS) 16210. Online exams and assessments 16210. Research collaboration 16310.3.7 RETAIL & E-COMMERCE 16310.3.7.1 Increasing need for integrated networking solutions that enhance omnichannel customer experiences, real-time inventory tracking, and secure online transactions 16310.3.7.2 Retail & E-commerce: Enterprise networking use cases 16410. Omnichannel customer experience 16410. Inventory management 16410. Point-of-Sale (POS) systems 16410. Customer analytics and personalization 16410. E-commerce platform management 16410.3.8 GOVERNMENT 16510.3.8.1 Adoption of networking solutions for smart city development, secure government communications, and provision of e-government services 16510.3.8.2 Government: Enterprise networking use cases 16510. Smart city initiatives 16510. Secure communication networks 16510. E-government services 16510. Disaster response and management 16610. Defense and national security 16610.3.9 MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT 16610.3.9.1 Adoption of advanced networking technologies that facilitate content distribution, live streaming, and cloud-based media production 16610.3.9.2 Media & Entertainment: Enterprise networking use cases 16710. Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) 16710. Live streaming 16710. Post-production collaboration 16710. Digital Rights Management (DRM) 16710. Cloud-based media production 16710.3.10 OTHER ENTERPRISES 16810.3.10.1 Other enterprises: Enterprise networking use cases 16810. Smart grid management 16810. Guest Wi-Fi and connectivity 16810. Remote monitoring 16811 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY 17011.1 SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING (SDN) 17011.2 NETWORK FUNCTION VIRTUALIZATION (NFV) 17011.3 SOFTWARE-DEFINED WIDE AREA NETWORK (SD-WAN) 17011.4 SECURE ACCESS SERVICE EDGE (SASE) 17111.5 WI-FI 17111.6 INTENT-BASED NETWORKING (IBN) 17111.7 OTHER TECHNOLOGIES 17112 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY REGION 17312.1 INTRODUCTION 17412.2 NORTH AMERICA 17512.2.1 NORTH AMERICA: MACROECONOMIC OUTLOOK 17512.2.2 US 18512.2.2.1 Rising prevalence of AI advancements, automation, and next-gen network technologies to drive market 18512.2.3 CANADA 19212.2.3.1 Increasing investments by vendors in network infrastructure to offer optimized access to cloud solutions to propel market 19212.3 EUROPE 20012.3.1 EUROPE: MACROECONOMIC OUTLOOK 20112.3.2 UK 21012.3.2.1 Stringent telecom regulations support adoption of enterprise networking solutions in UK 210 12.3.3 GERMANY 21712.3.3.1 Strong focus on Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing and need for advanced networking solutions to foster market growth 21712.3.4 FRANCE 21812.3.4.1 Presence of various telecom operators and regulatory bodies supporting enterprise networking solutions to contribute to market growth 21812.3.5 ITALY 21812.3.5.1 Need to adhere to data protection laws to accelerate market growth in Italy 21812.3.6 SPAIN 21812.3.6.1 Rising investments in AI and cloud-based solutions to migrate mission-critical workloads to enhance market growth 21812.3.7 NORDICS 21912.3.7.1 Presence of major vendors to fuel demand for enterprise networking solutions 21912.3.8 REST OF EUROPE 21912.4 ASIA PACIFIC 21912.4.1 ASIA PACIFIC: MACROECONOMIC OUTLOOK 22012.4.2 CHINA 22912.4.2.1 Significant investments by major players and need for rapid development and adoption of new technologies to foster market growth 22912.4.3 JAPAN 23712.4.3.1 Increasing adoption of advanced technologies and integration with AI and automation to contribute to market growth 23712.4.4 INDIA 23712.4.4.1 Growing focus on cloud and network connectivity powered by AI technology to drive adoption of enterprise networking solutions 23712.4.5 AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND 23812.4.5.1 Stricter data protection regulations to influence development of secure enterprise networking solutions 23812.4.6 SOUTH KOREA 23812.4.6.1 Heavy investments by businesses and governments toward digital transformation to propel market 23812.4.7 SOUTHEAST ASIA 23812.4.7.1 Accelerated adoption of remote work models to fuel demand for enterprise networking solutions 23812.4.8 REST OF ASIA PACIFIC 23812.5 MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA 23912.5.1 MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA: MACROECONOMIC OUTLOOK 23912.5.2 MIDDLE EAST 24812.5.2.1 Economic diversification efforts by governments driving growth of enterprise networking market 24812.5.2.2 UAE 25612. Need to support infrastructure development and automate security for virtualized data centers to propel market 25612.5.2.3 KSA 25712. Need for digital transformation under Vision 2030 to propel enterprise networking market 25712.5.2.4 Kuwait 26412. Modernization and digital infrastructure improvements to boost enterprise networking market growth 26412.5.2.5 Bahrain 26512. Need for cloud-first policies and government-driven digitalization to drive growth 26512.5.2.6 Rest of Middle East 26512.5.3 AFRICA 26512.5.3.1 Need for reliable connectivity solutions in underserved areas to accelerates growth of enterprise networking market 26512.6 LATIN AMERICA 26612.6.1 LATIN AMERICA: MACROECONOMIC OUTLOOK 26612.6.2 BRAZIL 27512.6.2.1 Ongoing investments in telecom infrastructure and modernization projects to boost adoption of enterprise networking solutions 27512.6.3 MEXICO 28312.6.3.1 Need for improved connectivity and government infrastructure investments to support enterprise networking market 28312.6.4 REST OF LATIN AMERICA 28313 COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE 28413.1 INTRODUCTION 28413.2 KEY PLAYER STRATEGIES/RIGHT TO WIN 28413.3 REVENUE ANALYSIS 28513.4 MARKET SHARE ANALYSIS 28613.4.1 MARKET RANKING ANALYSIS 28913.5 COMPANY EVALUATION MATRIX: KEY PLAYERS, 2023 28913.5.1 STARS 28913.5.2 EMERGING LEADERS 28913.5.3 PERVASIVE PLAYERS 29013.5.4 PARTICIPANTS 29013.5.5 COMPANY FOOTPRINT: KEY PLAYERS, 2023 29113.5.5.1 Company footprint 29113.5.5.2 Offering footprint 29113.5.5.3 End user footprint 29213.5.5.4 Regional footprint 29313.6 COMPANY EVALUATION MATRIX: STARTUPS/SMES, 2023 29313.6.1 PROGRESSIVE COMPANIES 29313.6.2 RESPONSIVE COMPANIES 29313.6.3 DYNAMIC COMPANIES 29413.6.4 STARTING BLOCKS 29413.6.5 COMPETITIVE BENCHMARKING: STARTUPS/SMES, 2023 29513.6.5.1 Key startups/SMEs 29513.6.5.2 Competitive benchmarking of key startups/SMEs 29613.7 COMPANY VALUATION AND FINANCIAL METRICS OF KEY ENTERPRISE NETWORKING PROVIDERS 29713.8 BRAND/PRODUCT COMPARISON 29813.9 COMPETITIVE SCENARIO AND TRENDS 29813.9.1 PRODUCT LAUNCHES AND ENHANCEMENTS 29813.9.2 DEALS 30014 COMPANY PROFILES 30114.1 KEY PLAYERS 30114.1.1 CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. 30114.1.1.1 Business overview 30114.1.1.2 Products/Solutions/Services offered 30214.1.1.3 Recent developments 30414. Product Launches 30414. Deals 30414.1.1.4 MnM view 30514. Right to win 30514. Strategic choices 30514. Weaknesses and competitive threats 30514.1.2 HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE (HPE) 30614.1.2.1 Business overview 30614.1.2.2 Products/Solutions/Services offered 30714.1.2.3 Recent developments 30914.1.2.4 MnM view 31014. Right to win 31014. Strategic choices 31014. Weaknesses and competitive threats 31014.1.3 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. 31114.1.3.1 Business overview 31114.1.3.2 Products/Solutions/Services offered 31214.1.3.3 Recent developments 31314. Product Launches 31314.1.3.4 MnM view 31414. Right to win 31414. Strategic choices 31414. Weaknesses and competitive threats 314 14.1.4 JUNIPER NETWORKS 31514.1.4.1 Business overview 31514.1.4.2 Products/Solutions/Services offered 31614.1.4.3 Recent developments 31714.1.4.4 MnM view 31914. Right to win 31914. Strategic choices 31914. Weaknesses and competitive threats 31914.1.5 BROADCOM 32014.1.5.1 Business overview 32014.1.5.2 Products/Solutions/Services offered 32114.1.5.3 Recent developments 32214.1.5.4 MnM view 32314. Right to win 32314. Strategic choices 32314. Weaknesses and competitive threats 32314.1.6 FORTINET 32414.1.6.1 Business overview 32414.1.6.2 Products/Solutions/Services offered 32514.1.6.3 Recent developments 32614.1.6.4 MnM view 32714. Right to win 32714. Strategic choices 32714. Weaknesses and competitive threats 32714.1.7 ARISTA NETWORKS, INC. 32814.1.7.1 Business overview 32814.1.7.2 Products/Solutions/Services offered 32914.1.8 EXTREME NETWORKS, INC. 33114.1.8.1 Business overview 33114.1.8.2 Products/Solutions/Services offered 33214.1.8.3 Recent developments 33314.1.9 CLOUDFLARE 33414.1.9.1 Business overview 33414.1.9.2 Products/Solutions/Services offered 33514.1.9.3 Recent developments 33614.1.10 CHECK POINT SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES 33714.1.11 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY 33814.1.12 SOLARWINDS 33914.1.13 PALO ALTO NETWORKS 34014.1.14 F5 NETWORKS 34114.1.15 ALCATEL-LUCENT ENTERPRISES 342 14.2 STARTUPS/SMES 34314.2.1 PICA8 34314.2.2 VERSA NETWORKS 34414.2.3 ARYAKA NETWORKS 34514.2.4 A10 NETWORKS 34514.2.5 CATO NETWORKS 34614.2.6 FLEXIWAN 34614.2.7 LAVELLE NETWORKS 34714.2.8 BIGLEAF NETWORKS 34714.2.9 CAMBIUM NETWORKS 34814.2.10 MEGAPORT 34814.2.11 PEPLINK 34915 ADJACENT/RELATED MARKETS 35015.1 INTRODUCTION 35015.2 SD-WAN MARKET 35015.2.1 MARKET DEFINITION 35015.2.2 MARKET OVERVIEW 35015.2.3 SD-WAN MARKET, BY OFFERING 35015.2.4 SD-WAN MARKET, BY DEPLOYMENT MODE 35215.2.5 SD-WAN MARKET, BY ORGANIZATION SIZE 35215.2.6 SD-WAN MARKET, BY END USER 35315.2.7 SD-WAN MARKET, BY REGION 35415.3 SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING (SDN) MARKET 35515.3.1 MARKET DEFINITION 35515.3.2 MARKET OVERVIEW 35515.3.3 SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING MARKET, BY OFFERING 35515.3.4 SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING MARKET, BY SDN TYPE 35615.3.5 SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING MARKET, BY END USER 35715.3.6 SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING MARKET, BY APPLICATION 35715.3.7 SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING MARKET, BY VERTICAL 35815.3.8 SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING MARKET, BY REGION 35916 APPENDIX 36116.1 DISCUSSION GUIDE 36116.2 KNOWLEDGESTORE: MARKETSANDMARKETS’ SUBSCRIPTION PORTAL 36416.3 CUSTOMIZATION OPTIONS 36616.4 RELATED REPORTS 36616.5 AUTHOR DETAILS 367





The Enterprise Networking Market was estimated to be USD 115.8 billion in 2024 to USD 175.2 billion by 2029 at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 8.6%. This market growth of the enterprise networking market is majorly due to some prominent factors such as increased demand of cloud services, growing needs of efficient data management, adoption of AI/ML solutions to automate network management tasks, and the rising trend of network virtualization. These factors have not only fueled the wider adoption of the enterprise networking solutions but also have enabled more efficient resource utilization and simplified management of the enterprise infrastructures. Additionally, this growth is also driven by factors such as growing adoption of IoT devices, the push for digital transformation, as well as the rising cybersecurity concerns. Various enterprise networking software such as network automation, network virtualization network security solutions such as SASE, and others further foster the growth of the enterprise networking market by addressing the key needs such as automation, efficiency, security, and flexibility required in the IT infrastructures. Furthermore, the integration of SD-WAN and SASE solutions has boosted the growth of the market, as enterprises are shifting their focus from only SD-WAN towards a more converged approach, such that all other aspects of the network security are well addressed with deployment of a single solution. These factors have caused a surge in the demand of Enterprise Networking solutions and have created a significant momentum for the growth of the Enterprise Networking solutions and services.
“The service providers segment is expected to have largest market size during the forecast period.” In the end users, the service-based segment, which includes cloud service providers and telecom service providers, is expected to grow the most in the enterprise networking market since enterprises are becoming increasingly dependent on outsourced IT and networking solutions. Cloud service providers are highly sought after as enterprises shift toward cloud-based infrastructures for scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency. Greater adoption of SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS further fuels this segment's growth. On the other hand, the roll-out of 5G networking enables advanced networking solutions required data-traffic levels to accommodate these technologies and other future developments like IoT and edge computing on which the operators are placing much focus. The nonstop evolution in digital services, coupled with the requirements for secure and high-performance networking, places service-based as a key growth driver of the enterprise networking market.
“The data center network segment will witness the highest growth during the forecast period.” The fast growth of the data center network segment in the enterprise networking, can be mainly attributed to the demand for solutions in cloud computing, big data analytics, and storage. Furthermore, the migration of enterprise workload to cloud-based infrastructure is a key demand driver for data center networks hosting superior robustness and performance. The growth in digital services, e-commerce, and streaming platforms, all tending toward high performance, is calling for hyperscale data centers. Further, increasing efficiency and scalability of data center networks are driven by virtualization, SDN, and NFV, which become necessary for managing ever-increasing volumes of data and workloads. In the long run, data center networks are going to be core enablers of enterprise networking.
“Asia Pacific's highest growth rate during the forecast period.”
The Asia Pacific region is witnessing an increasing adoption of digital technologies by the developing economies in the region. Countries in the region are undergoing through several digital transformation initiatives as the businesses and service providers are constantly seeking the scalable and flexible solutions in order support their growth strategies. The region is also undergoing through rapid urbanization and has high internet penetration, along with the rapidly growing investments in the telecom and cloud computing sectors. These factors contribute to the growth of the Asia-Pacific region over the forecasted period. Moreover, the countries in the regions are backed by strong government initiatives and rapid infrastructure development that also majorly contribute to the overall growth of the region. Additionally, the region is also witnessing a rise in the number of SMEs, which thereby indicates the higher adoption of sophisticated enterprise networking solutions and therefore leading to high adoption of cloud-based services. Owing to these factors, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to register the highest growth during the forecast period.

Breakdown of primaries

The study contains insights from various industry experts, from solution vendors to Tier 1 companies. The break-up of the primaries is as follows:

• By Company Type: Tier 1 – 35%, Tier 2 – 45%, and Tier 3 – 20%
• By Designation: C-level –35%, D-level – 25%, and Others – 40%
• By Region: North America – 30%, Europe – 30%, Asia Pacific – 25%, Middle East & Africa – 10%, and Latin America- 5%.
The major players in the Enterprise Networking market include Cisco Systems (US), Broadcom (US), Hewlett Packard Enterprise (US), Juniper Networks (US), Extreme Networks, Inc. (US), Huawei (China), Fortinet (US), Cloudflare, Inc. (US), Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (France), Arista Networks (US), Riverbed Technology (US), Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. (Israel), SolarWinds Corporation (US), F5 Networks (US), Palo Alto Networks (US), Pica8 (US), Versa Networks (US), Aryaka Networks Inc. (US), A10 Networks, Inc. (US), Cato Networks Ltd. (Israel), Cambium Networks (US), Megaport (Australia), flexiWAN (Israel), Peplink (US), Lavelle Networks (India), and Bigleaf Networks (US). These players have adopted various growth strategies, such as partnerships, agreements and collaborations, new product launches, enhancements, and acquisitions to expand their Enterprise Networking market footprint.

Research Coverage
The market study covers the Enterprise Networking market size across different segments. It aims at estimating the market size and the growth potential across different segments, including offerings, end user, network, deployment mode, connection type, technology, and region. The offerings are sub-segmented into networking devices, networking software, and services. The offerings segment is further categorized into Networking devices (Routers, Switches, Access Points, Gateways, Firewalls, and Other Networking Devices [servers, and load balancers]), networking software (Network Management & Monitoring, Network Security, Network Virtualization, Network Automation, and Other Networking Software [network analytics and collaboration tools]), and services. The services segment covers professional and managed services. The professional service segment has been further segmented into consulting, deployment & integration, and support & maintenance. The end-users studied under the Enterprise Networking market include service providers and enterprises, where enterprises are further segmented into BFSI, IT & ITeS, Manufacturing, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Retail & eCommerce, Transportation & Logistics, Government, Media & Entertainment, Education, and Other Enterprises (Energy & Utilities and Travel & Hospitality). Based on network the market is categorized into Branch network, remote network, campus network, and data center network. Further, based on the connection type, market is categorized into wired and wireless. Based on technology the market has been categorized into Software-Defined Networking (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV), Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN), Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), Wi-Fi, Intent-based Networking (IBN), and Other Technologies (Cloud Networking, AI Networking, And Edge Computing). The regional analysis of the Enterprise Networking market covers North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East & Africa, and Latin America. The study includes an in-depth competitive analysis of the leading market players, their company profiles, key observations related to product and business offerings, recent developments, and market strategies.
Key Benefits of Buying the Report
The report will help the market leaders/new entrants with information on the closest approximations of the global Enterprise Networking market’s revenue numbers and subsegments. This report will help stakeholders understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights to position their businesses better and plan suitable go-to-market strategies. Moreover, the report will provide insights for stakeholders to understand the market’s pulse and provide them with information on key market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities.
The report provides insights on the following pointers:

1. Analysis of key drivers (increasing focus on advanced cybersecurity measures, growing shift toward cloud-based services, adoption of AI/ML solutions to automate network management tasks), restraints (high initial investments and managing the costs of WAN links), opportunities (implementation of zero trust security architecture, growth in edge computing, introduction of quantum-safe networks), and challenges (complex network environments, regulatory and compliance issues) influencing the growth of the Enterprise Networking market.
2. Product Development/Innovation: Detailed insights on upcoming technologies, research & development activities, and new product & service launches in the Enterprise Networking market.
3. Market Development: Comprehensive information about lucrative markets – the report analyses the Enterprise Networking market across various regions.
4. Market Diversification: Exhaustive information about new products & services, untapped geographies, recent developments, and investments in the Enterprise Networking market.
5. Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of market shares, growth strategies and service offerings of leading players Cisco Systems (US), Broadcom (US), Hewlett Packard Enterprise (US), Juniper Networks (US), Huawei (China), Cloudflare(US), Arista Networks (US), Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (France), Extreme Networks, Inc. (US), Riverbed Technology (US), Check Point Software Technologies (Israel), SolarWinds (US), Fortinet (US), Palo Alto Networks (US), Pica8 (US), Versa Networks (US), Aryaka Networks Inc., (US), F5 Networks (US), flexiWAN (Israel), Peplink (US), Lavelle Networks (India), A10 Networks (US), Cato Networks (Israel), Cambium Networks (US), Megaport (Australia), and Bigleaf Networks (US).


Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION 44 1.1 STUDY OBJECTIVES 44 1.2 MARKET DEFINITION 44 1.3 STUDY SCOPE 45 1.3.1 MARKET SEGMENTATION 45 1.3.2 INCLUSIONS & EXCLUSIONS 46 1.4 YEARS CONSIDERED 46 1.5 CURRENCY CONSIDERED 47 1.6 STAKEHOLDERS 47 2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 48 2.1 RESEARCH DATA 48 2.1.1 SECONDARY DATA 49 2.1.2 PRIMARY DATA 49 Primary interviews with experts 49 Breakdown of primary profiles 50 Key insights from industry experts 50 2.2 MARKET SIZE ESTIMATION 50 2.2.1 TOP-DOWN APPROACH 51 2.2.2 BOTTOM-UP APPROACH 52 2.2.3 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET ESTIMATION: DEMAND-SIDE ANALYSIS 53 2.3 DATA TRIANGULATION 54 2.4 RISK ASSESSMENT 55 2.5 RESEARCH ASSUMPTIONS 56 2.6 LIMITATIONS 56 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 57 4 PREMIUM INSIGHTS 59 4.1 OPPORTUNITIES FOR KEY PLAYERS IN ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET 59 4.2 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY OFFERING 59 4.3 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY SERVICE 60 4.4 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 60 4.5 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY NETWORKING DEVICE 60 4.6 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY NETWORK 61 4.7 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY DEPLOYMENT MODE 61 4.8 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY CONNECTION TYPE 61 4.9 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY ENTERPRISE 62 4.10 NORTH AMERICA: ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET: TOP THREE NETWORKING SOFTWARE AND END USERS 62 5 MARKET OVERVIEW AND INDUSTRY TRENDS 63 5.1 INTRODUCTION 63 5.2 MARKET DYNAMICS 63 5.2.1 DRIVERS 64 Increasing focus on advanced cybersecurity measures 64 Growing shift toward cloud-based services 64 Adoption of AI/ML solutions to automate network management tasks 64 5.2.2 RESTRAINTS 65 High initial investments 65 Managing high costs of WAN links 65 5.2.3 OPPORTUNITIES 65 Implementation of zero trust security architecture 65 Growth in edge computing 65 Introduction of quantum-safe networks 66 5.2.4 CHALLENGES 66 Complex network environments 66 Regulatory and compliance issues 66 5.3 BRIEF HISTORY OF ENTERPRISE NETWORKING 67 5.4 SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYSIS 68 5.5 ECOSYSTEM 69 5.6 CASE STUDY ANALYSIS 71 5.6.1 PRIVATE HEALTHCARE FIRM RECOLETAS SALUD USED JUNIPER AI-NATIVE NETWORKING PLATFORM TO ENHANCE PATIENT EXPERIENCE 71 5.6.2 CB&S BANK, WITH PENCHANT FOR M&A, USED FORTINET SECURITY FABRIC TO SIMPLIFY NETWORKING AND SECURITY 72 5.6.3 MEXICO'S CENACE BUILT AGILE, HIGH-CAPACITY NETWORK USING HUAWEI'S HIGH-QUALITY 10 GBPS SMART POWER CAMPUS SOLUTION 72 5.6.4 EXTREME NETWORKS POWERED SANTA CASA’S ADVANCED HEALTHCARE SERVICES 73 5.7 TARIFF AND REGULATORY LANDSCAPE 73 5.7.1 TARIFF RELATED TO MACHINES FOR RECEPTION, CONVERSION, AND TRANSMISSION OR REGENERATION OF VOICE, IMAGES, OR OTHER DATA 73 5.7.2 REGULATORY BODIES, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS 74 North America 75 US 75 Canada 75 Europe 76 UK 76 Germany 76 Asia Pacific 76 South Korea 76 China 76 Japan 76 India 77 Middle East & Africa 77 UAE 77 KSA 77 Latin America 77 Brazil 77 Mexico 77 5.8 TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS 77 5.8.1 KEY TECHNOLOGIES 77 Virtualization 77 Cloud Computing 78 5.8.2 ADJACENT TECHNOLOGIES 78 Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) 78 5G and Next-generation Networks 78 Internet of Things (IoT) 78 Edge Computing 78 5.8.3 COMPLEMENTARY TECHNOLOGIES 78 Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 78 Data Analytics 79 5.9 PATENT ANALYSIS 79 5.9.1 LIST OF MAJOR PATENTS 80 5.10 PRICING ANALYSIS 81 5.10.1 AVERAGE SELLING PRICE TREND OF KEY PLAYERS, BY HARDWARE APPLIANCE 81 5.10.2 INDICATIVE PRICING ANALYSIS, BY NETWORKING SOFTWARE 82 5.11 TRENDS/DISRUPTIONS IMPACTING CUSTOMER BUSINESS 83 5.12 KEY CONFERENCES AND EVENTS, 2024–2025 83 5.13 PORTER’S FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS 84 5.13.1 THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS 85 5.13.2 THREAT OF SUBSTITUTES 85 5.13.3 BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERS 86 5.13.4 BARGAINING POWER OF SUPPLIERS 86 5.13.5 INTENSITY OF COMPETITIVE RIVALRY 86 5.14 KEY STAKEHOLDERS AND BUYING CRITERIA 86 5.14.1 KEY STAKEHOLDERS IN BUYING PROCESS 86 Buying criteria 87   5.15 TECHNOLOGY ROADMAP FOR ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET 88 5.15.1 SHORT-TERM ROADMAP (2023–2025) 88 5.15.2 MID-TERM ROADMAP (2026–2028) 88 5.15.3 LONG-TERM ROADMAP (2029–2030) 88 5.16 BEST PRACTICES IN ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET 88 5.16.1 NETWORK PLANNING 88 5.16.2 NETWORK DESIGNING 88 5.16.3 PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION AND CONTINUOUS MONITORING 89 5.16.4 SECURITY INTEGRATION 89 5.16.5 OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT 89 5.16.6 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE 89 5.16.7 SKILL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING 89 5.17 CURRENT AND EMERGING BUSINESS MODELS 89 5.17.1 NETWORK AS A SERVICE (NAAS) 89 5.17.2 ZERO-TRUST SECURITY MODELS 89 5.17.3 EDGE COMPUTING INTEGRATION 90 5.17.4 AI-DRIVEN AUTONOMOUS NETWORKS 90 5.17.5 HYBRID AND MULTI-CLOUD NETWORKING 90 5.18 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET: TOOLS, FRAMEWORKS, AND TECHNIQUES 90 5.19 HS CODE ANALYSIS: MACHINES FOR RECEPTION, CONVERSION, AND TRANSMISSION OR REGENERATION OF VOICE, IMAGES, OR OTHER DATA (851762) 91 5.19.1 EXPORT SCENARIO OF MACHINES FOR RECEPTION, CONVERSION, AND TRANSMISSION OR REGENERATION OF VOICE, IMAGES, OR OTHER DATA (851762) 91 5.19.2 IMPORT SCENARIO OF MACHINES FOR RECEPTION, CONVERSION, AND TRANSMISSION OR REGENERATION OF VOICE, IMAGES, OR OTHER DATA (851762) 91 5.20 INVESTMENT AND FUNDING SCENARIO 92 5.21 IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)/GENERATIVE AI ON ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET 93 5.21.1 IMPACT OF AI/GENERATIVE AI ON ENTERPRISE NETWORKING 93 5.21.2 USE CASES OF GENERATIVE AI IN ENTERPRISE NETWORKING 93 5.22 IMPACT OF INTEGRATION OF SD-WAN AND SASE ON ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET 94 6 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY OFFERING 96 6.1 INTRODUCTION 97 6.1.1 OFFERING: ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET DRIVERS 97 6.2 NETWORKING DEVICES 98 6.2.1 ROUTERS 100 To discover optimal path and ease routing of data traffic 100 6.2.2 SWITCHES 101 To ease connectivity of devices within network and data packet forwarding 101 Switches by Type 102 Fixed Switches 102 Managed Switches 103 Unmanaged Switches 104 Power Over Ethernet (POE) Switches 105 Modular Switches 106 Switches by Speed 107 >1 GBPS to <=10 GBPS 107 >10 GBPS to <=40 GBPS 108 > 40 GBPS to <=100 GBPS 109 >100 GBPS to <=400 GBPS 110 400 GBPS and Above 110 6.2.3 ACCESS POINTS 111 Need to maintain internet speed in wireless network for reliable connectivity 111 6.2.4 GATEWAYS 112 To enable smooth communication between different network environments 112 6.2.5 FIREWALLS 113 To establish barrier between trusted and untrusted networks and filter data traffic 113 6.2.6 OTHER NETWORKING DEVICES 114 6.3 NETWORKING SOFTWARE 115 6.3.1 NETWORK MANAGEMENT & MONITORING 117 Getting visibility into health and performance of networking devices 117 6.3.2 NETWORK SECURITY 117 Need to monitor and protect enterprise network from security risks 117 6.3.3 NETWORK VIRTUALIZATION 118 Need to decouple network services from underlying hardware 118 6.3.4 NETWORK AUTOMATION 119 To automate planning, deployment, operations, and optimization of networks and their services 119 6.3.5 OTHER NETWORKING SOFTWARE 120 6.4 SERVICES 121 6.4.1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 123 Providing organizations with valuable insights, technical expertise, and best practices to ensure successful planning, implementation, and optimization of network 123 Consulting 125 Deployment & Integration 126 Support & Maintenance 126 6.4.2 MANAGED SERVICES 127 To ensure networks are continuously monitored for performance issues, security vulnerabilities, and operational efficiency 127 7 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY NETWORK 129 7.1 INTRODUCTION 130 7.1.1 NETWORK: ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET DRIVERS 130 7.2 CAMPUS NETWORK 131 7.2.1 NEED FOR HIGH-CAPACITY, RELIABLE NETWORKING SOLUTIONS TO SUPPORT LARGE-SCALE DATA AND COMMUNICATION DEMAND ACROSS ENTERPRISE CAMPUSES TO DRIVE MARKET 131 7.3 DATA CENTER NETWORK 132 7.3.1 ADOPTION OF ADVANCED DATA CENTER NETWORKING SOLUTIONS TO SUPPORT CLOUD COMPUTING, BIG DATA, AND VIRTUALIZATION TO PROPEL MARKET GROWTH 132 7.4 BRANCH NETWORK 133 7.4.1 ACCELERATED GROWTH FUELED BY NEED FOR SECURE AND SCALABLE NETWORKING SOLUTIONS TO EFFICIENTLY CONNECT AND MANAGE DISPERSED ENTERPRISE BRANCHES TO FOSTER GROWTH 133 7.5 REMOTE NETWORK 134 7.5.1 INCREASED RELIANCE ON REMOTE NETWORKS DRIVEN BY WIDESPREAD ADOPTION OF SOLUTIONS THAT ENSURE SECURE AND DEPENDABLE CONNECTIVITY FOR DISTRIBUTED WORKFORCE 134 8 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY DEPLOYMENT MODE 136 8.1 INTRODUCTION 137 8.1.1 DEPLOYMENT MODE: ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET DRIVERS 137 8.2 DIY 138 8.2.1 ORGANIZATIONS SEEKING CUSTOMIZABLE NETWORKING SOLUTIONS THAT ALLOW GREATER CONTROL AND FLEXIBILITY OVER INFRASTRUCTURE DEPLOYMENT WILL FOSTER GROWTH 138 8.3 MANAGED SD-WAN (TELCO OR MSP) 139 8.3.1 MARKET EXPANSION DRIVEN BY DEMAND FOR MANAGED SERVICES THAT OFFER OPTIMIZED, SECURE, AND SCALABLE NETWORK CONNECTIVITY 139 8.4 SD-WAN AS A SERVICE (CLOUD-BASED) 140 8.4.1 GROWTH DRIVEN BY SHIFT TOWARD CLOUD-BASED NETWORKING SOLUTIONS THAT PROVIDE FLEXIBLE, SCALABLE, AND EASY-TO-MANAGE CONNECTIVITY 140 9 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY CONNECTION TYPE 142 9.1 INTRODUCTION 143 9.1.1 CONNECTION TYPE: ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET DRIVERS 143 9.2 WIRED 144 9.2.1 ONGOING NEED FOR STABLE AND HIGH-SPEED WIRED CONNECTIONS CRITICAL FOR SUPPORTING ENTERPRISE-LEVEL APPLICATIONS AND DATA-INTENSIVE OPERATIONS TO DRIVE MARKET 144 9.3 WIRELESS 145 9.3.1 INCREASED ADOPTION OF WIRELESS NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES THAT OFFER MOBILITY, EASE OF DEPLOYMENT, AND SUPPORT FOR MODERN, FLEXIBLE WORK ENVIRONMENTS TO PROPEL MARKET 145 10 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY END USER 147 10.1 INTRODUCTION 148 10.1.1 END USER: ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET DRIVERS 148 10.2 SERVICE PROVIDERS 149 10.2.1 SERVICE PROVIDER: ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET DRIVERS 150 10.2.2 CLOUD SERVICE PROVIDERS 150 Rising demand for scalable and high-performance networking solutions as cloud service providers seek to enhance data management and application hosting capabilities 150 10.2.3 TELECOM SERVICE PROVIDERS 151 Market expansion driven by heightened need for high-capacity, secure, and reliable networking solutions that support growing scale and complexity of telecom services 151 10.3 ENTERPRISES 152 10.3.1 IT & ITES 154 Growth driven by increasing demand for networking solutions that support global collaboration, cloud integration, and remote work capabilities across IT and ITeS sectors 154 IT & ITeS: Enterprise networking use cases 155 Global collaboration 155 Cloud computing integration 155 Remote work solutions 155 Data center management 155 10.3.2 BFSI 156 Growth driven by adoption of secure and high-speed networking solutions designed to enhance online banking, fraud prevention, and compliance with industry regulations 156 BFSI: Enterprise networking use cases 156 Secure online banking 156 Fraud detection and prevention 156 Regulatory compliance 156 Branch connectivity 156 10.3.3 HEALTHCARE & LIFE SCIENCES 157 Expansion driven by adoption of networking technologies that enable telemedicine, secure health records management, and real-time IoT-enabled patient monitoring 157 Healthcare & Life Sciences: Enterprise networking use cases 158 Electronic Health Records (EHRs) integration 158 Medical device connectivity 158 Secure patient data management 158 Telemedicine services 158 Clinical research and data analysis 158   10.3.4 MANUFACTURING 159 Growth driven by adoption of networking solutions that enable smart factory automation, integration of Industrial IoT (IIoT), and predictive maintenance strategies 159 Manufacturing: Enterprise networking use cases 159 Real-time production monitoring 159 Supply chain management 159 Predictive maintenance 159 Integrated Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) 160 10.3.5 TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS 160 Rising need for networking solutions that enhance real-time tracking, fleet management, and automation in logistics operations 160 Transportation & Logistics: Enterprise networking use cases 161 Real-time fleet tracking 161 Fleet management 161 Supply chain visibility 161 Autonomous vehicle operations 161 Warehouse automation 161 10.3.6 EDUCATION 162 Growing demand for comprehensive networking solutions that support campus-wide connectivity, virtual learning, and secure online assessments 162 Education: Enterprise networking use cases 162 Campus-wide Wi-Fi networks 162 Virtual classrooms 162 Learning Management System (LMS) 162 Online exams and assessments 162 Research collaboration 163 10.3.7 RETAIL & E-COMMERCE 163 Increasing need for integrated networking solutions that enhance omnichannel customer experiences, real-time inventory tracking, and secure online transactions 163 Retail & E-commerce: Enterprise networking use cases 164 Omnichannel customer experience 164 Inventory management 164 Point-of-Sale (POS) systems 164 Customer analytics and personalization 164 E-commerce platform management 164 10.3.8 GOVERNMENT 165 Adoption of networking solutions for smart city development, secure government communications, and provision of e-government services 165 Government: Enterprise networking use cases 165 Smart city initiatives 165 Secure communication networks 165 E-government services 165 Disaster response and management 166 Defense and national security 166 10.3.9 MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT 166 Adoption of advanced networking technologies that facilitate content distribution, live streaming, and cloud-based media production 166 Media & Entertainment: Enterprise networking use cases 167 Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) 167 Live streaming 167 Post-production collaboration 167 Digital Rights Management (DRM) 167 Cloud-based media production 167 10.3.10 OTHER ENTERPRISES 168 Other enterprises: Enterprise networking use cases 168 Smart grid management 168 Guest Wi-Fi and connectivity 168 Remote monitoring 168 11 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY TECHNOLOGY 170 11.1 SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING (SDN) 170 11.2 NETWORK FUNCTION VIRTUALIZATION (NFV) 170 11.3 SOFTWARE-DEFINED WIDE AREA NETWORK (SD-WAN) 170 11.4 SECURE ACCESS SERVICE EDGE (SASE) 171 11.5 WI-FI 171 11.6 INTENT-BASED NETWORKING (IBN) 171 11.7 OTHER TECHNOLOGIES 171 12 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING MARKET, BY REGION 173 12.1 INTRODUCTION 174 12.2 NORTH AMERICA 175 12.2.1 NORTH AMERICA: MACROECONOMIC OUTLOOK 175 12.2.2 US 185 Rising prevalence of AI advancements, automation, and next-gen network technologies to drive market 185 12.2.3 CANADA 192 Increasing investments by vendors in network infrastructure to offer optimized access to cloud solutions to propel market 192 12.3 EUROPE 200 12.3.1 EUROPE: MACROECONOMIC OUTLOOK 201 12.3.2 UK 210 Stringent telecom regulations support adoption of enterprise networking solutions in UK 210   12.3.3 GERMANY 217 Strong focus on Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing and need for advanced networking solutions to foster market growth 217 12.3.4 FRANCE 218 Presence of various telecom operators and regulatory bodies supporting enterprise networking solutions to contribute to market growth 218 12.3.5 ITALY 218 Need to adhere to data protection laws to accelerate market growth in Italy 218 12.3.6 SPAIN 218 Rising investments in AI and cloud-based solutions to migrate mission-critical workloads to enhance market growth 218 12.3.7 NORDICS 219 Presence of major vendors to fuel demand for enterprise networking solutions 219 12.3.8 REST OF EUROPE 219 12.4 ASIA PACIFIC 219 12.4.1 ASIA PACIFIC: MACROECONOMIC OUTLOOK 220 12.4.2 CHINA 229 Significant investments by major players and need for rapid development and adoption of new technologies to foster market growth 229 12.4.3 JAPAN 237 Increasing adoption of advanced technologies and integration with AI and automation to contribute to market growth 237 12.4.4 INDIA 237 Growing focus on cloud and network connectivity powered by AI technology to drive adoption of enterprise networking solutions 237 12.4.5 AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND 238 Stricter data protection regulations to influence development of secure enterprise networking solutions 238 12.4.6 SOUTH KOREA 238 Heavy investments by businesses and governments toward digital transformation to propel market 238 12.4.7 SOUTHEAST ASIA 238 Accelerated adoption of remote work models to fuel demand for enterprise networking solutions 238 12.4.8 REST OF ASIA PACIFIC 238 12.5 MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA 239 12.5.1 MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA: MACROECONOMIC OUTLOOK 239 12.5.2 MIDDLE EAST 248 Economic diversification efforts by governments driving growth of enterprise networking market 248 UAE 256 Need to support infrastructure development and automate security for virtualized data centers to propel market 256 KSA 257 Need for digital transformation under Vision 2030 to propel enterprise networking market 257 Kuwait 264 Modernization and digital infrastructure improvements to boost enterprise networking market growth 264 Bahrain 265 Need for cloud-first policies and government-driven digitalization to drive growth 265 Rest of Middle East 265 12.5.3 AFRICA 265 Need for reliable connectivity solutions in underserved areas to accelerates growth of enterprise networking market 265 12.6 LATIN AMERICA 266 12.6.1 LATIN AMERICA: MACROECONOMIC OUTLOOK 266 12.6.2 BRAZIL 275 Ongoing investments in telecom infrastructure and modernization projects to boost adoption of enterprise networking solutions 275 12.6.3 MEXICO 283 Need for improved connectivity and government infrastructure investments to support enterprise networking market 283 12.6.4 REST OF LATIN AMERICA 283 13 COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE 284 13.1 INTRODUCTION 284 13.2 KEY PLAYER STRATEGIES/RIGHT TO WIN 284 13.3 REVENUE ANALYSIS 285 13.4 MARKET SHARE ANALYSIS 286 13.4.1 MARKET RANKING ANALYSIS 289 13.5 COMPANY EVALUATION MATRIX: KEY PLAYERS, 2023 289 13.5.1 STARS 289 13.5.2 EMERGING LEADERS 289 13.5.3 PERVASIVE PLAYERS 290 13.5.4 PARTICIPANTS 290 13.5.5 COMPANY FOOTPRINT: KEY PLAYERS, 2023 291 Company footprint 291 Offering footprint 291 End user footprint 292 Regional footprint 293 13.6 COMPANY EVALUATION MATRIX: STARTUPS/SMES, 2023 293 13.6.1 PROGRESSIVE COMPANIES 293 13.6.2 RESPONSIVE COMPANIES 293 13.6.3 DYNAMIC COMPANIES 294 13.6.4 STARTING BLOCKS 294 13.6.5 COMPETITIVE BENCHMARKING: STARTUPS/SMES, 2023 295 Key startups/SMEs 295 Competitive benchmarking of key startups/SMEs 296 13.7 COMPANY VALUATION AND FINANCIAL METRICS OF KEY ENTERPRISE NETWORKING PROVIDERS 297 13.8 BRAND/PRODUCT COMPARISON 298 13.9 COMPETITIVE SCENARIO AND TRENDS 298 13.9.1 PRODUCT LAUNCHES AND ENHANCEMENTS 298 13.9.2 DEALS 300 14 COMPANY PROFILES 301 14.1 KEY PLAYERS 301 14.1.1 CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. 301 Business overview 301 Products/Solutions/Services offered 302 Recent developments 304 Product Launches 304 Deals 304 MnM view 305 Right to win 305 Strategic choices 305 Weaknesses and competitive threats 305 14.1.2 HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE (HPE) 306 Business overview 306 Products/Solutions/Services offered 307 Recent developments 309 MnM view 310 Right to win 310 Strategic choices 310 Weaknesses and competitive threats 310 14.1.3 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. 311 Business overview 311 Products/Solutions/Services offered 312 Recent developments 313 Product Launches 313 MnM view 314 Right to win 314 Strategic choices 314 Weaknesses and competitive threats 314   14.1.4 JUNIPER NETWORKS 315 Business overview 315 Products/Solutions/Services offered 316 Recent developments 317 MnM view 319 Right to win 319 Strategic choices 319 Weaknesses and competitive threats 319 14.1.5 BROADCOM 320 Business overview 320 Products/Solutions/Services offered 321 Recent developments 322 MnM view 323 Right to win 323 Strategic choices 323 Weaknesses and competitive threats 323 14.1.6 FORTINET 324 Business overview 324 Products/Solutions/Services offered 325 Recent developments 326 MnM view 327 Right to win 327 Strategic choices 327 Weaknesses and competitive threats 327 14.1.7 ARISTA NETWORKS, INC. 328 Business overview 328 Products/Solutions/Services offered 329 14.1.8 EXTREME NETWORKS, INC. 331 Business overview 331 Products/Solutions/Services offered 332 Recent developments 333 14.1.9 CLOUDFLARE 334 Business overview 334 Products/Solutions/Services offered 335 Recent developments 336 14.1.10 CHECK POINT SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES 337 14.1.11 RIVERBED TECHNOLOGY 338 14.1.12 SOLARWINDS 339 14.1.13 PALO ALTO NETWORKS 340 14.1.14 F5 NETWORKS 341 14.1.15 ALCATEL-LUCENT ENTERPRISES 342   14.2 STARTUPS/SMES 343 14.2.1 PICA8 343 14.2.2 VERSA NETWORKS 344 14.2.3 ARYAKA NETWORKS 345 14.2.4 A10 NETWORKS 345 14.2.5 CATO NETWORKS 346 14.2.6 FLEXIWAN 346 14.2.7 LAVELLE NETWORKS 347 14.2.8 BIGLEAF NETWORKS 347 14.2.9 CAMBIUM NETWORKS 348 14.2.10 MEGAPORT 348 14.2.11 PEPLINK 349 15 ADJACENT/RELATED MARKETS 350 15.1 INTRODUCTION 350 15.2 SD-WAN MARKET 350 15.2.1 MARKET DEFINITION 350 15.2.2 MARKET OVERVIEW 350 15.2.3 SD-WAN MARKET, BY OFFERING 350 15.2.4 SD-WAN MARKET, BY DEPLOYMENT MODE 352 15.2.5 SD-WAN MARKET, BY ORGANIZATION SIZE 352 15.2.6 SD-WAN MARKET, BY END USER 353 15.2.7 SD-WAN MARKET, BY REGION 354 15.3 SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING (SDN) MARKET 355 15.3.1 MARKET DEFINITION 355 15.3.2 MARKET OVERVIEW 355 15.3.3 SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING MARKET, BY OFFERING 355 15.3.4 SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING MARKET, BY SDN TYPE 356 15.3.5 SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING MARKET, BY END USER 357 15.3.6 SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING MARKET, BY APPLICATION 357 15.3.7 SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING MARKET, BY VERTICAL 358 15.3.8 SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING MARKET, BY REGION 359 16 APPENDIX 361 16.1 DISCUSSION GUIDE 361 16.2 KNOWLEDGESTORE: MARKETSANDMARKETS’ SUBSCRIPTION PORTAL 364 16.3 CUSTOMIZATION OPTIONS 366 16.4 RELATED REPORTS 366 16.5 AUTHOR DETAILS 367






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